Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Yotta Ryusui => Chikamatsu Kohana

Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Yotta Ryusui
Old Village/Missing: Mist/Mercenary
OCR Type: Inactivity
Last Known Where-abouts: Gates of Suna?
Old IC Rank: Mercenary

New Character Name: Chikamatsu Kohana
Preferred Username: Chikamatsu Kohana
New Village/Missing: Sunagakure
New BL/CA: Ikebana Yamanaka
New Kinjutsu: Muramasa's Disciple

Custom Class:
[u]My Brother's Blade[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (55+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
[i]High:[/i] Melee Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] Genjutsu DC, Dodge, Genjutsu Save
[i]Low:[/i] Ranged Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Med-Nin
IC Rank: Genin/MiT
Character Age: 30
Gender: Woman
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description:

Character's Mental Description:

Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History:
In the beginning there was only darkness. A world of sound and fear, clattering and scraping. An unconscious sould lingering within a vessel it did not belong to. Death had come for her once already, but something special kept her from slipping fully into the void that was the afterlife. Whispering of words from a boy so familiar kept her lingering for many years. A ghost, a Shadow, haunting the innocent child, that was until the descendent of a god took the boy under her tutelage.

The increased stress and anxiety that came with the training her host went through began to creake cracks of warmth, of hope, of light within her dank prison. She looked around and all she could see, in what was a pit of ichor and absence, was blood. A grin would stretch across her face as a realization came through her mind. She was here to do what he could not. At her, wait no... At his graduation exam, she would sit calmly and patiently for a moment to strike. She could begin to read his thought, the shared Yamanaka blood they inherited from their foreign born mother laid dormant in them both. He was fighting. He was hurting. He was dying. A wicked sneer stretched across her face for the first time in over a decade of being held prisoner. Reaching out and shattering the world she knew, she could feel her body become light. As the boy's mind sank into this blood soaked room, she found a way out.

Hitting the ground, the true ground, hard caused a sudden realization. She felt no pain. Looking around the room before her she could see the crumbling Earthen Golem the small boy summoned begin to fade away and crumble. Clenching her teeth and her fist a firm grasp landed in her palm. Looking down at the blood stained earth around her she found bare blood coated flesh being accompanied by nothing but a blade. Looking at the Byakko girl before her that was sparring against her vessel... no... that killed her vessel...

Her eyes went red. A screech echoed from her lips, the first sound she had ever made. Tears came pouring from her eyes as she struggled to her freshly formed feet. Lunging forward with the blade she apparated through the girl, her blade not even able to touch the kunoichi's skin.

This wasn't right. She was free...

She felt a connection pull at her as she attempted to run away, and as she turned to see what was pulling her back she saw the young boy, reaching out to her. "Ko...ha...nna?" The words barely slipped from his mouth. What that her? Did she have a name? She went to scream but her voice was once again silent as she saw the boy fall limp. The Byakko instructer, cladded in beautiful silver and blue armor, came to his side and began to revive him. Why was Lady Byakko focusing on the weak boy when Kohana was standing there covered in blood? Why was this boy being treated with kindness as she was being ignored? Who was this boy? Kohana dropped to her knees and began to cry. Silent screams came from her throat, not a semblance of sound to be heard. She was still trapped, she was still a prisoner, but now she could see all that she was missing out on. Her eyes hung low as she looked to the young boy. He was the problem. He was the reason why she was like this. This was his fault...

"Ki...ll... Sh-shin..."

Her first words heard by the boy named Shin. Fear grew in his eyes, and that brought a calming qualm to her heart. She would kill his soul and take over his vessel one day. That was her plan.

Years went by and the pure hatred she felt for her brother would slowly diminish, and in replace came the desire to become stronger. Shin had learned how to grant her temporary personship through his powers as a Grandeur Phantom, and during these times Kohana would track down and train with her sensei. Shin focused on the training for medical expertise as he was now working as a Medical Chief, but Kohana took on the role of protector and a true martial artist. Trading blows with their sensei day after day allowed her to slowly become a skilled swordsman, and due to her spiritual link to Shin she began to develop an innate understanding of the mind. While Shin was a "True Yamanaka", inhereting all of there genetic prowess from both lineages of their now dead parents, Kohana had to learn how to improvise. She began to mix her Persona like form into her Kenjutsu and began to develop a way to use her illusory powers to enhance her swordcraft.

While her obvious hatred for Shin would fade away, it still lingered deep in her soul, and it wasn't until their sensei vanished did she realize that she still had this in her heart. The young Overseer would begin to link his mind with others, allowing more members of the clan to become aware of Kohana's true situation and with their souls linked, she could feel their pity towards her. She hated them as well. It was not her fault she was a Shadow of a person, consuming her brothers chakra just to exist. She hadn't asked for any of this and it wasn't fair that her body died when they hadn't even been born yet. She was stronger than Shin and she knew it.

Time went by and the boy found himself carrying the title of Kazekage and she felt as though she was the main reason he was recognized into his seat of power. She was the reason he had strength, without her he was nothing. She let out a scream while in her training room within the Kazekage Tower and something unexpected happen, her hatred answered.

Clenching her blade she could feel it grow hot. It's spiritual form began to manifest itself into true demonic steel. A grin stretched across her face. While Shin may have had access to the forbidden tecniques that allowed her to exist and have a body, she began to realize that shee was her own person. Pouring every ounce of hatred she had ever held for Shin into her blade while training she could feel the blade gain weight and even when dropped it woul make an impact with the floor below her. She had manifested her illusory form into reality. After thirty long years of living in Shin's shadows she was finally strong enough to manifest herself. She would finish her training with a smug look on her face. Then the unexpected happen.

An explosion occured in a nearby room in he direction she knew Shin's office was located. Launchin herself out of the training room she began to make her way to her brother's side as she was his protector, but before she could make it in time she would suddenly feel weak. Dropped to her knees her physical form would disappear and her body would slowly begin to dissolve away. Something happened to Shin. She couldn't feel their connection anymore and the techniques he used to keep her bound to the earthly realm was gone. Her body began to burn in black haze as the world around her would begin to shift red. Tears poured from her eyes as she began to recognize the cold and void abyss in which she was born.


She tried to scream out but no words would slip from her mouth. Silently her body began to fade into the ether, but unlike before the room in which she was sinking into felt as if it had no bottom. Had Shin died? She couldn't feel him anymore. Their souls were severed and she was no longer existing on his chakra. Her limbs grew heavy and her eyes would droop. She couldn't believe what has happenening... What she truly dying here and now? Just when she felt as if she was making a breakthrough on how to finally create a body and life on her own?

"I'm sorry brother..."

Her muted words would be met by deaf surroundings as she continued to sink into the black ichor from before.

A siren could be heard and a thick wetness poured off of her now cold body. Spitting up amniotic fluids from her lungs she tried to shield her eyes from the brightness of the world around her, but her body would not move as she desired. Muffled voices coming from the various unfocused bodies around her had a sense of urgency as they opened up the tank she realized she was standing in. Their cold hands pushed and prodded her, pulling her from where she was and laying her on a cold hard steel table. A cold table? Her eyes went wide. She could feel what was beneath her. She pulled her hands towards her chest. She could feel her body moving as she breathed, and placing her hand above her heart she could feel it beating. Tears of joy welled in her eyes. Shin must not have died, but rather found a way to get her into her own body first. She began to try and look around at the faces around her, looking for her brother, but all she could see were the sad and distraught faces of Kankoshi nurses her brorhter grew in batches.

Voices began to become understood but she wish she hadn't Talk of mystery and chaos ensued. The absence of the Overseer and the Kazekage was causing the Mednin in charge of these lifeless dolls to have panic in their voices. She was beginning to understand what had happened. This wasn't Shin being kind to her, this was a failsafe. She was only given a body because her brother was gone. Laying back onto the examination table she let out a sigh. There was no way of knowing how stable this body was. For all she knew she could be dead within the year, but that wouldn't stop her.

As days went on, she began to get a feel for her body, and before she knew it she was on her feet trying to assure the Chikamatsu Clan that Wei would be dealt with as he was betraying the Clan's ideals. And though she had no proof, she swore her brother was still alive out there somewhere and that she would be the one to bring him home.
Clan Request: Chikamatsu (I am the owner so I approve)

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 145
Stamina: 135
Ninjutsu: 260
Genjutsu: 135
Taijutsu: 135
Chakra Control: 260
Power level: 1070
Old OOC Rank: B-Rank i think

Stat Cut: N/A

New Stats:
Agility: 260
Stamina: 135
Ninjutsu: 135
Genjutsu: 135
Taijutsu: 260
Chakra Control: 135
Power level: 1070
New OOC Rank: B-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps: Not dealing with them so keeping all of these
Pressurized Mist - E-Rank Mastered >
Water Gun - E-Rank Mastered >
Water Whip - D-Rank Mastered >
Aqua Fang - D-Rank Mastered >
Rinse Off - D-Rank Mastered >
Grand Waterfall - C-Rank Mastered >
Impaling Hydro Jet - C-Rank Mastered >
Water Prison - C-Rank Mastered >
Aqua Jet - C-Rank Mastered >
Torrential Vortex - B-Rank 1 >
Hydro Tidal Shockwave - B-Rank 1 >
Water Shark Bomb - B-Rank 1 >
Mystical Pond - B-Rank 1 >

Other Refunds: N/A

Name of any Contract you currently own: N/A
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: N/A
Name of Kinjutsu you own: I believe Jinchuuriki

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? No
Last edited:
Old Character Name: Yotta Ryusui
Old Village/Missing: Mist/Mercenary
OCR Type: Inactivity
Last Known Where-abouts: Gates of Suna?
Old IC Rank: Mercenary

New Character Name: Chikamatsu Kohana
Preferred Username: Chikamatsu Kohana
New Village/Missing: Sunagakure
New BL/CA: Ikebana Yamanaka
New Kinjutsu: Muramasa's Disciple

Custom Class:
[u]My Brother's Blade[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (55+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
[i]High:[/i] Melee Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] Genjutsu DC, Dodge, Genjutsu Save
[i]Low:[/i] Ranged Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Med-Nin
IC Rank: Genin/MiT
Character Age: 30
Gender: Woman
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description:

Character's Mental Description:

Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History:
In the beginning there was only darkness. A world of sound and fear, clattering and scraping. An unconscious sould lingering within a vessel it did not belong to. Death had come for her once already, but something special kept her from slipping fully into the void that was the afterlife. Whispering of words from a boy so familiar kept her lingering for many years. A ghost, a Shadow, haunting the innocent child, that was until the descendent of a god took the boy under her tutelage.

The increased stress and anxiety that came with the training her host went through began to creake cracks of warmth, of hope, of light within her dank prison. She looked around and all she could see, in what was a pit of ichor and absence, was blood. A grin would stretch across her face as a realization came through her mind. She was here to do what he could not. At her, wait no... At his graduation exam, she would sit calmly and patiently for a moment to strike. She could begin to read his thought, the shared Yamanaka blood they inherited from their foreign born mother laid dormant in them both. He was fighting. He was hurting. He was dying. A wicked sneer stretched across her face for the first time in over a decade of being held prisoner. Reaching out and shattering the world she knew, she could feel her body become light. As the boy's mind sank into this blood soaked room, she found a way out.

Hitting the ground, the true ground, hard caused a sudden realization. She felt no pain. Looking around the room before her she could see the crumbling Earthen Golem the small boy summoned begin to fade away and crumble. Clenching her teeth and her fist a firm grasp landed in her palm. Looking down at the blood stained earth around her she found bare blood coated flesh being accompanied by nothing but a blade. Looking at the Byakko girl before her that was sparring against her vessel... no... that killed her vessel...

Her eyes went red. A screech echoed from her lips, the first sound she had ever made. Tears came pouring from her eyes as she struggled to her freshly formed feet. Lunging forward with the blade she apparated through the girl, her blade not even able to touch the kunoichi's skin.

This wasn't right. She was free...

She felt a connection pull at her as she attempted to run away, and as she turned to see what was pulling her back she saw the young boy, reaching out to her. "Ko...ha...nna?" The words barely slipped from his mouth. What that her? Did she have a name? She went to scream but her voice was once again silent as she saw the boy fall limp. The Byakko instructer, cladded in beautiful silver and blue armor, came to his side and began to revive him. Why was Lady Byakko focusing on the weak boy when Kohana was standing there covered in blood? Why was this boy being treated with kindness as she was being ignored? Who was this boy? Kohana dropped to her knees and began to cry. Silent screams came from her throat, not a semblance of sound to be heard. She was still trapped, she was still a prisoner, but now she could see all that she was missing out on. Her eyes hung low as she looked to the young boy. He was the problem. He was the reason why she was like this. This was his fault...

"Ki...ll... Sh-shin..."

Her first words heard by the boy named Shin. Fear grew in his eyes, and that brought a calming qualm to her heart. She would kill his soul and take over his vessel one day. That was her plan.

Years went by and the pure hatred she felt for her brother would slowly diminish, and in replace came the desire to become stronger. Shin had learned how to grant her temporary personship through his powers as a Grandeur Phantom, and during these times Kohana would track down and train with her sensei. Shin focused on the training for medical expertise as he was now working as a Medical Chief, but Kohana took on the role of protector and a true martial artist. Trading blows with their sensei day after day allowed her to slowly become a skilled swordsman, and due to her spiritual link to Shin she began to develop an innate understanding of the mind. While Shin was a "True Yamanaka", inhereting all of there genetic prowess from both lineages of their now dead parents, Kohana had to learn how to improvise. She began to mix her Persona like form into her Kenjutsu and began to develop a way to use her illusory powers to enhance her swordcraft.

While her obvious hatred for Shin would fade away, it still lingered deep in her soul, and it wasn't until their sensei vanished did she realize that she still had this in her heart. The young Overseer would begin to link his mind with others, allowing more members of the clan to become aware of Kohana's true situation and with their souls linked, she could feel their pity towards her. She hated them as well. It was not her fault she was a Shadow of a person, consuming her brothers chakra just to exist. She hadn't asked for any of this and it wasn't fair that her body died when they hadn't even been born yet. She was stronger than Shin and she knew it.

Time went by and the boy found himself carrying the title of Kazekage and she felt as though she was the main reason he was recognized into his seat of power. She was the reason he had strength, without her he was nothing. She let out a scream while in her training room within the Kazekage Tower and something unexpected happen, her hatred answered.

Clenching her blade she could feel it grow hot. It's spiritual form began to manifest itself into true demonic steel. A grin stretched across her face. While Shin may have had access to the forbidden tecniques that allowed her to exist and have a body, she began to realize that shee was her own person. Pouring every ounce of hatred she had ever held for Shin into her blade while training she could feel the blade gain weight and even when dropped it woul make an impact with the floor below her. She had manifested her illusory form into reality. After thirty long years of living in Shin's shadows she was finally strong enough to manifest herself. She would finish her training with a smug look on her face. Then the unexpected happen.

An explosion occured in a nearby room in he direction she knew Shin's office was located. Launchin herself out of the training room she began to make her way to her brother's side as she was his protector, but before she could make it in time she would suddenly feel weak. Dropped to her knees her physical form would disappear and her body would slowly begin to dissolve away. Something happened to Shin. She couldn't feel their connection anymore and the techniques he used to keep her bound to the earthly realm was gone. Her body began to burn in black haze as the world around her would begin to shift red. Tears poured from her eyes as she began to recognize the cold and void abyss in which she was born.


She tried to scream out but no words would slip from her mouth. Silently her body began to fade into the ether, but unlike before the room in which she was sinking into felt as if it had no bottom. Had Shin died? She couldn't feel him anymore. Their souls were severed and she was no longer existing on his chakra. Her limbs grew heavy and her eyes would droop. She couldn't believe what has happenening... What she truly dying here and now? Just when she felt as if she was making a breakthrough on how to finally create a body and life on her own?

"I'm sorry brother..."

Her muted words would be met by deaf surroundings as she continued to sink into the black ichor from before.

A siren could be heard and a thick wetness poured off of her now cold body. Spitting up amniotic fluids from her lungs she tried to shield her eyes from the brightness of the world around her, but her body would not move as she desired. Muffled voices coming from the various unfocused bodies around her had a sense of urgency as they opened up the tank she realized she was standing in. Their cold hands pushed and prodded her, pulling her from where she was and laying her on a cold hard steel table. A cold table? Her eyes went wide. She could feel what was beneath her. She pulled her hands towards her chest. She could feel her body moving as she breathed, and placing her hand above her heart she could feel it beating. Tears of joy welled in her eyes. Shin must not have died, but rather found a way to get her into her own body first. She began to try and look around at the faces around her, looking for her brother, but all she could see were the sad and distraught faces of Kankoshi nurses her brorhter grew in batches.

Voices began to become understood but she wish she hadn't Talk of mystery and chaos ensued. The absence of the Overseer and the Kazekage was causing the Mednin in charge of these lifeless dolls to have panic in their voices. She was beginning to understand what had happened. This wasn't Shin being kind to her, this was a failsafe. She was only given a body because her brother was gone. Laying back onto the examination table she let out a sigh. There was no way of knowing how stable this body was. For all she knew she could be dead within the year, but that wouldn't stop her.

As days went on, she began to get a feel for her body, and before she knew it she was on her feet trying to assure the Chikamatsu Clan that Wei would be dealt with as he was betraying the Clan's ideals. And though she had no proof, she swore her brother was still alive out there somewhere and that she would be the one to bring him home.
Clan Request: Chikamatsu (I am the owner so I approve)

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 145
Stamina: 135
Ninjutsu: 260
Genjutsu: 135
Taijutsu: 135
Chakra Control: 260
Power level: 1070
Old OOC Rank: B-Rank i think

Stat Cut: N/A

New Stats:
Agility: 260
Stamina: 135
Ninjutsu: 135
Genjutsu: 135
Taijutsu: 260
Chakra Control: 135
Power level: 1070
New OOC Rank: B-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps: Not dealing with them so keeping all of these
Pressurized Mist - E-Rank Mastered >
Water Gun - E-Rank Mastered >
Water Whip - D-Rank Mastered >
Aqua Fang - D-Rank Mastered >
Rinse Off - D-Rank Mastered >
Grand Waterfall - C-Rank Mastered >
Impaling Hydro Jet - C-Rank Mastered >
Water Prison - C-Rank Mastered >
Aqua Jet - C-Rank Mastered >
Torrential Vortex - B-Rank 1 >
Hydro Tidal Shockwave - B-Rank 1 >
Water Shark Bomb - B-Rank 1 >
Mystical Pond - B-Rank 1 >

Other Refunds: N/A

Name of any Contract you currently own: N/A
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: N/A
Name of Kinjutsu you own: I believe Jinchuuriki

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? No
Taken in~

Current Ninpocho Time:
