Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

You Have Terrible Partners Sir [Solo Mission/Bingo Book]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Ijimeru Kitanai said:


Name: Chimamire Uwa
Village Affiliation: ???
Current Status: Missing-Nin

Threat Level: s
Known Aliases: Black Mist


A very skinny, almost sickly looking beast by the name of Uwa. He stands at 6' inches, and is clearly underweight.
His eyes are black with large yellow irises, his skin milky white, and his hair and lips black as night. He is of
demonic blood, as clear from the strange markings and bone structures.

Type of Fighter:

Very fierce fire and metal Ninjutsu, as well as plenty of Taijutsu with a vicious dual claw weapon. Poor genjutsu
and defense, however.

Last Seen: 9 January
Charges: Homicide and Massacre.

Description of Charges:

Tried to enter village, after an anonymous letter with blood splatter was given to Sunagakure's gates, warning
them of a demonic man who had massacred an entire royal family in an anonymous village. Forced his way
into the village, and is hiding somewhere inside.


It had all started with a mission to take out some assassins.

Why they asked a scientist, of all people, to take out a bunch of killers was beyond Tama but he had managed to do it and only ruined a stolen get-up in the processes. During the time he spent infiltrating though the scientist heard a name being dropped that sounded crazy familiar, and now he knew why as he stood in the office where the mission board was posted. For you see, right next to it was a little black folder called the Bingo Book that had the names and faces of wanted villains that had all crossed the government, and sure enough Uwa’s name was there. The asking price for dead or alive was just enough to make Tama decide he was going to take out the man himself since his subordinates had been crazy easy to kill; surely the boss wasn’t much harder. Pulling out a pen with a chain attached to the end from its resting place the scientist scribbled his signature besides the villain’s to mark that he would be the one ending his reign of terror.

Just completely ignored that S-Rank warning label.

As per the instructions given by the head by Uwa’s friends he would reveal himself before anyone who wrote down the symbol at the end of the black market district where the security was the lightest for criminals. Of course if you knew who to talk to and who’s palms to grease a shinobi could get down there just as easily, and it was no surprise that Tama knew these people. While he most recently stepped into the role of a “good guy”, there wasn’t anything really nice to say about him except that he was insanely intelligent and determined. The scientist wasn’t much of a person for fighting either despite his extensive knowledge of ninjutsu and a whole list of forbidden techniques that required massive set ups; it just wasn’t his style. He preferred to kill an enemy through a long and torturing process via taking out pieces of their life one bit at a time before finally giving the final blow, and like any good well off genius he usually sent someone to do it for him. It was a rare thing for the inventor to actually get his hands dirty but after rooting out a plot to destroy the government officials he felt like it once again fell on his shoulders to protect his home.
He could of just handed over the information to ANBU, but then again there was that nice payout too…

Having finally finished the long walk towards the edge of the Black Market the young man stood before a system of caves that all had that look of sheer terror to them, you know what caves I’m talking about. Nothing but a dark maw full of terror waiting to leap out and rip him to shreds and for a second Tama thought twice about continuing on before finally nutting up and drawing the symbol into the ground before him. Almost instantly the man he was looking for appeared before him…followed by at least fifteen more.
A shock of fear ran through the scientist’s spine as he looked on at the group of men waiting to back up their leader as he appeared before Tama. The man with eyes reminiscent of a certain assassin breathed in deep before speaking,
Your not one of mine, despite having my men’s clothes, Ryuu Tama of Suna. I’ve been following you closely since you literally blew up my last plans and have waited oh so patiently to fill in this little hole in my plans that you left.

A true killer in nature Uwa ended his little talk by clasping his hands together and rushing through a six seal series to cause the earth around Tama to change into a metallic color and launch three fang-like blades from the ground at him. The scientist barely noticed in time to dodge backwards only to be met with the fifteen other assassins that Uwa had brought along for this little execution.
Blades, kunai, and throwing stars all pierced Tama from all angles giving him no room to dodge anything as his body was assailed with an assortment of weapons. The scientist’s body dropped to the ground in a heap of metal as the lead assassin cackled with a strange laughed that was actually quite annoying,
Okay, now seriously guys, that was way too easy. If this is the best they have to send at me we’ll be done and back home in a few weeks boys!

A roar of laughter and cheering could be heard in the Black Market for a good block away as the killers began to shuffle back into their caves…only to be met by a gigantic bolt of lightning that tore through half of the team in one strike leaving nothing but burning carcasses. Uwa stopped suddenly in his tracks and slowly turned his head back over his shoulder to look up a Tama who had a bunch of holes in his clothes but no wounds.
Oh…?” The murderer reached behind him and slipped his hands into two gauntlets that here hanging around his lower back. With a jerk of his arms they came loose and with a flick of his wrists blades sprung out from the knuckles as he took the stance known to be used with those weapons.
Yeah,” Tama said as he ripped off the useless upper clothing and focused his body into his own strange fighting stance. His hands hovered over each other causing a golden light to appear in between them and the black birth mark of his clan reveal itself on his chest.

Kill ‘em.
Divine Form.

An explosion of power erupted from both sides as the assassins all charged into a golden light when Tama placed the golden ball of focused energy against his birth mark, activating his technique to combine the two chakra coils inside of him into one. The wave of force that came from a divine elemental entering the realm of man threw back all the spares as Uwa rushed in to begin a melee assault. Using the basic taijutsu that the academy taught him Ryuu dodged the attacks and made a few light counter taps waiting patiently for him to make this mistake of becoming too impatient. Every time the assassin got into his guard and missed, the scientist would reach up and slap him. Nothing painful really, just enough to piss a man off, and after the sixteenth slap Uwa finally got pissed enough to throw the gauntlets at Tama and slap his hands together to begin seals.
It was all he was waiting for.
In tandem the scientist clasped his hands together and began to shift through a rotation of seals, fifteen in total, while Uwa worked through a seventeen piece spell. Amazingly they both stopped at once but the assassin was the first to act placing a finger to his lips and exploding a massive wave of fire at the scientist that had no escape. With his jutsu ready to activate the scientist brought his right index finger up to his face and bit the tip. He then pulled his hands apart to quickly write on his left palm a seal that would keep the jutsu held for him without requiring his concentration so that his right hand was lifted up to the rushing fire wall.
It was a high level fire technique that condensed the oxygen of the air down into an intense portion of the place until it formed a wall, then with a spark of heat it would ignite and rush forward…however because the air and fire was all formed and brought together by chakra, it could be just as easily dispelled.
Judgment of the Spell,” Tama called out activating the power of his divine form, causing a bright light to explode from his extended right palm and spear into the fire wall. With a twist of his hand the flames dissipated into nothing leaving a fire kanji on the scientist’s palm. Aiming it back at Uwa the master of chakra recast the exact same spell right back at the assassin after quoting the next step, “Verdict of the Judge.” Then as if to add insult to injury Ryuu shot his left arm forward activating the seal written on the palm to add a large wind elemental technique behind Uwa’s own firewall technique. In his last poor judgment and underestimation of Tama’s abilities the assassin fumbled through three seals and formed a metal shield before him that not only melted but also did this on Uwa. His muffled metallic screams could be heard further up than the previous cheering had been as he turned himself into a steel humanoid statue dying rather quickly from a mix of both being burned and suffocation.

With the battle over Tama released the golden aura around him and dropped down to one knee with a pant. Using the Divine Form took a lot out of him and depleted his chakra down to the bare minimum needed to stay alive. The scientist looked up at the grotesque statue and sighed trying to figure out how he was going to drag that back to the office to get his payment…

[WC = 1556]
[Topic Entered/Left]
[Mission Complete]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
