Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

You Took Something of Mine [Forced Entry]

Aburabuta Yutaka

Merchant Lord
Apr 7, 2016

Kageoni - Otogakure Grand Master - "Otokage"
After leaving the Palace of the Glorious Immortal, it had not taken long for Kageoni to assemble the small team of shinobi he'd brought with him to Wind Country. Each of them had been eager to escape the confines of the ship that had brought them over the sea from Tea Country but Kageoni had no intention of letting them lollygag for long here. They were here for a reason. He had reason to believe that Sunagakure had been involved with the kidnapping of the woman who was to be the next of his wives but more importantly his ties to the Ishii Family and the leadership of Wind Country. Kageoni had a reputation for being possessed of a dispassionate, some even said apathetic towards the world stage given the long standing policy of hiding Otogakure from the eyes of the rest of the shinobi nations, outlook but he was not without his drives.

They arrived in the dead of the night with the darkness of a new moon blanketing the sands each clad in traveling gear intended to defeat the sun's rays. The distance between Sunagakure and Soon's Haven was not great but Kageoni knew well enough to never to underestimate the Wind Country desert.

For his part, Kageoni wore nothing upon his face but each of the three shinobi with him wore a thin cloth and metal apparatus on their face which was adorned with a trio of glowing circles that served as "eyes". The mask completed the environmental gear that shielded them from the elements complete with an interface that fed water and conditioned air that it harvested from the air around them directly into their bodies. The only distinguishing features between them were their heights as the identical masks and voluminous cloaks which were each covered in some type of reflective scaled material that made it remarkably difficult to spot them at a distance in the darkness even while they moved.

"និយាយនិងធ្វើអ្វីសោះ" Commanded Kageoni to his cohorts as they approached the Toraono Dojo that served as the makeshift gates while the large wall was being constructed around the village.

Immediately as the quartet approached the village, a sentry appeared from the shadows and approached them giving the indication that they should halt their egress towards the village proper. Kageoni held out his hand to indicate that his troops should indeed halt and took a few steps forward to meet the cautious gate watcher. The terrorist attacks on the village in recent days had made them wary of strangers indeed. That was well. From what Kageoni had heard of the Sand shinobi they were far too trusting of outsiders.

"State your business." The sound of the sentry's voice was scratchy and full of static as he spoke through a voice modulator behind the mask that he wore on his face. It seemed that this particular shinobi was a member of the ANBU Corps.

"Just visiting some family in the city." Kageoni's lips curled into a friendly smile that displayed his almost too-white teeth.

"Mhm." Came the reply, clearly full of suspicion. Leaning to the side, the ANBU looked past Kageoni to the three Oto-nin that he'd brought with him and then leaned back to give Kageoni back his attention. "Stay here and I'll call it in. You'll be past the gates in no ti--"

As the sentry reached up to the side of his mask to open his headset channel, Kageoni crossed the distance between them in a heartbeat and grasped the sentry's fingers preventing him from touching the call button of his headset and whispered into his ear; "No, that won't be necessary."

"I don't think it'll be necessary to call this in." Even through the crackle of the voice modulator it was clear that the sentry's voice was dulled in cadence as though he were in a trance.

"Our visit is a surprise one. It would ruin everything if we announced ourselves, wouldn't it? Tell me you agree."

"I agree it would ruin everything."

"Good, good. I'm so glad we're on the same page. If you are asked about us you will remember us only as unremarkable laborers moving to the city for new opportunity but nothing else. Now return to your post and report nothing of our passing."

The sentry said nothing further as Kageoni released his firm hold on the seemingly young man's fingers and they dropped to his side lethargically before he turned and disappeared back to where ever the hiding place for his gate watch was. Waving to his students, Kageoni did need to look over his shoulder to know that they were silently following in his footsteps. There was no question of that.

"Okitsugu, monitor the gates for anyone who appears to match the description of Sango. Takayuki and Mina, find Shouki and inform him that I am in the city looking for him. If he refuses my instruction or if any you find the target before I give you further instructions, report to back to me immediately."

Each of the three shinobi behind him echoed a "Yes, Grand Master" before Takayuki, Okitsugu and Mina before they disappeared into the gloom of the moonless night leaving the Otokage alone to proceed into the village proper. If Sunagakure were truly behind Sango's disappearance then he would make the one responsible for her kidnapping suffer greatly before he slew them. Sand's punishment for it's involvement would come in time. For now they would take to the shadows and observe. He needed to speak with Ishii Shiro's brilliant-idiot of a son Shouki before anything else.

[Forced Entry. S-Rank. 30 Minutes]
[Village Entered and Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
