Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Young Steppers [Force Exiting] | Mission


Mar 25, 2015
[url= said:
Admin/Councilor Approval[/url]"]Mission Name: Beyond Our League
Mission Type: Self-Modded Team Mission
Mission Rank: D-Rank
Participants: Makeinu (Team Leader For this mission), Kuromairu Riyota
Objective: Return to Soon's Haven in order to gather further information on Soragakure, and how to infiltrate/find it. To that end, they will need to go through the least savory of characters in their hunt. While Shinobi aren't expected, it's no secret that Soon's Haven houses thugs and the odd capable warrior or two in the employ of businessmen. Not to mention more strange dangers lurking in the shadows.

Notes: This is not a mission officially being commissioned by the government of Sunagakure. This is a private set of choices made by Makeinu after learning that Shouki is related to one of the Daimyos. This is a continuation of an already approved mission, forming a small series.

Continued from Shocking Revelations.

He was practically staring at himself in the mirror, at the transformation he was going through. Apparently destined to be the runt of the universe's litter from his inception, the steady growth in health and strength was unforeseen. A darker grayish color replaced the thin white and almost plastic layering of flesh he'd called skin no less than a mere week ago. The grayish blue veins that had previously spread across his epidermis diminished until the lines were barely visible upon his face. Just a day before both of his eyes were the same falteringly dim shade of scarlet, but over time the right became a deep ebony hue. Even his fingernails had changed, becoming black as shadows without the need for cosmetic alterations. Although the first signs of progress from Kuro's ritual seemed to do more than keeping him from dying, his body was undergoing a slow metamorphosis as it accepted the earthly energies into himself.

Either waking early or having not gone to sleep at all after making his way back to the Toraono Dojo, there he sat up before the sun's light even shone upon the surface world above. There was far too much at stake for peaceful rest, not when the mind could plot and plan and devise so much. Not when the cult of fear and death were always doing just that with their minds, always seeking to enslave those opposed to its blistering ideologies. The evening before he'd met with another pupil under the Toraono banner, Kuromairu Riyota and after an eventful meeting managed to recruit him for a mission they had no business taking. It was during that meeting that they inadvertently stumbled upon a girl by the name of Karasuba, obviously hiding from some stressing situation or another. It was when she, unable to control her latent abilities, shocked both Riyota and Makeinu himself that foreboding energies overflowed from within him in response. The possibility of threat triggered the activation of the cursed forces that now, or perhaps always, caused him still function.

Unable to see himself at the time, he'd have no recollection of the toothed smile that manifested through his breathing mask. Nor the blacked sclera of his left eye in the process. After leaving Riyota behind and only tailing Karasuba for a few short paces, the young boy opted for returning to the dojo and refining his next few moves. He wasn't satisfied with the fact that it was just so easy for people of such high positions of power to cause so much destruction unimpeded by a soul as they worked in the shadows. He too worked in the shadows, and saw only the light that was on the inside. It was a light he saw within Shiori, inside Sousuke, Kuro, and now inside Riyota as well. It still amounted to a small population in comparison to the world at large, but a handful of people trying for something so lost in the world was enough to keep pushing for it as well.

At dawn, he'd be standing outside the gates and on the surface. Despite his aversion to wearing the gear given to him by Kuro, it had the necessary requirements for keeping him safe from the elements of Wind Country themselves. In the subterranean expanse of Sunagakure, it was unnecessary, but with the heat, winds, and everything else it was only common sense to be prepared to the best of his ability. Wearing his tattered shroud over his hooded jacket, with a matching gi underneath left him looking as usual quite ghostly. The sun hadn't risen fully, but the dawn's cool breeze was savored in kind by the youth as he waited on his would-be companion. It was no secret that the both of them would be totally out of their leagues...

[D-Rank | 4 Hours (240 Minutes) to leave village, after Kuromairu Riyota's post.]

[We're both D-Rank, so there's no difference in time.]​

WC: 636
May 6, 2015
Riyota took a big, long overdue stretch as he yawned and walked towards the Toraono Dojo, Dawn, of course it had to be dawn. It couldn't have been just after lunchtime or something? Nope of course it had to be dawn. Riyota rubbed his eye sleepily as he continued trudging forward. It was a strange feeling he had, excitement mixed with dread. Excitement because this would be his first time out of the village. Dread because he wasn't sure why he had decided to go with Makeinu and how this could easily be a trap and he'd walked straight into it. He decided to push these thoughts aside for now. He scratched the spot where his curse seal lay, recently it had been acting up an awful lot. It was almost always itchy and occasionally even felt like it was burning, he would have to ask someone about it soon.

He cracked his neck slightly and tried to work the last bit of stiffness out of his bones, he observed the distinct lack of activity at this time. He wasn't all too surprised, who in their right mind would be up this early? He continued along, entering the dojo and looking around the massive building, searching for the person who had asked for him.

As he spotted Makeinu, he slowly walked over. His would-be teammate for this mission looked distinctly different than when they had first met, he looked...Riyota wanted to say Healthier, but that was stretching it a bit, so he just stuck with different. As he walked up to the other boy Riyota made sure his axe was still securely holstered. After which he spoke, So, what's first?

[MFT 280]


Mar 25, 2015
He was able to spot Riyota, at least some time before the other young man was able to spot him. His eyes now different from their one another, followed him while he seemed to search some of the area before finally spotting Makeinu. With a small nod, he'd glance over Riyota's weaponry before turning away and already taking his first steps towards the exit. "Soon's Haven..." He answered, short and simple. It was a place Makeinu had gone to before, but now there was a little more to his plan than sitting around and listening for information. There were times in which people had to become active in their search for the truth, or else it would never come to them. Makeinu believed, that those were the times he lived in at the present moment. It would be so easy to sit back and believe what superiors told you about what was going on, but that didn't mean you'd know the truth of it at all. Most of our elders knew nothing about the truth, only their place within the system they were born to be a part of.

"Thank you for comin' along." He said, a bit softer than he spoke most other sets of words. It was perhaps hard for him to say such things, asking for help and then showing gratitude for receiving it. Sure, he could have perhaps done this on his own but the weight of it all could just as likely have crushed him alone as well. He was just one young man, regardless of what he knew, and making that number two would be all the difference in this expedition. It would be necessary to have someone watch your back, and you theirs, in a place where you'd usually be surrounded on all sides by unfamiliar faces and plotting schemers. They weren't even Shinobi, carried no passports, and hadn't informed any adults of where they were going at all. Kuro's blood link with Makeinu would make him aware of the youth's departure, and just where he was heading though. At least someone had a way of keeping tabs on the unpredictable children.

[Topic Left, Village Left.]
May 6, 2015
Riyota shook his head and laughed slightly Eh don't mention it, I had nothing better to do today anyway He listened as the other boy explained where they were going, but still rather irritatingly, not what they were going to be doing there exactly. Riyota sighed as he followed Makeinu out of the gates of the village. So it seemed survival wasn't expected.

His first time out of the village

And he was way out of his league.

[Topic left]
[Village Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
