Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open A cheeky bowl [Open to all]

Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
With the errands over, and supplies purchased, it was time to have a little bit of relaxation before heading home. Knowing the two of them would be, again, put to work on getting back to the clan house, Keiyaku always made sure to save a bit of cash during the weekly shop to spend on himself and Morutobu. He grinned down at the pup's face as it illuminated with joy at the prospect of sinking his teeth into the finest fried beef and pork. Nothing was too good for his little bro. Heading up to the Ichiraku Ramen restaurant, Keiyaku settled himself in and looked to the owner for permission to allow Morutobu up on one of the stalls.

"He's completely clean, I swear!" Keiyaku pleaded with nervous apprehension.

"Ah, don't worry yourself about it," the kindly owner responded, giving him a welcoming smile, putting the young Inuzuka's mind at ease.

Promptly paying up, Keiyaku ordered a bowl of pork ramen for himself and a generous plate of grilled beef for the little Shiba beside him. The little dog's eyes seemed to widen as the plate was placed before him, briefly looking up at Keiyaku for permission. Keiyaku snickered a little and waved his hand, "yep, you've got that right, Moru. That's all yours."

Unsurprisingly, Morutobu wasted no time in stuffed his face into his food, showing little regard for table manners. Keiyaku began eating as well, but he at least had the ability to use chopsticks and had, at least, some sense of shame.

"Enjoy it while you can, little bro. As soon as we get back, Kiiromaru's gonna be biting at our heels while we get firewood for the boiler..."

Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu wandered the streets as he watched the hustle and bustle of the day, it had been a strange experience to go from someone that required to hide away from the normal people of the village to someone who could be out in the open, but that was just the new life that he had taken it upon himself to lead. As he found himself speaking with general shopkeepers and learning as much information as possible, it was clear that the information he had been gathering would be useful in the future.

As he continued into the streets further, he looked around as the instant smell of food came into his nose, it was clear that he had actually been hungry all day as his stomach rumbled. Giving a small sigh he looked around for a place to grab a quick meal. That is when his eyes landed on the well-known Ichiraku Ramen, it was clear that he had to grab some food and found the perfect place it seemed in order to do this, so he quickly ducked into the place.

The smell hit him like a wave, he had to admit that he did miss the food, as he walked up to the counter he noticed a young boy and a dog helping themselves to food, taking a seat a few feet from the counter, he looked towards the menu as he frowned slightly for a few moments.

"I will just take the house special please"

Pointing to the menu of the ramen bowl. He nodded towards the boy slightly to at least acknowledge he was existing before turning back to watch his food being prepared.

[MFT: 270]
[Topic Entered]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
By the time Keiyaku was halfway done with his food, Morutobu had scarfed the lot, messily licking at the plate with a kind of deranged determination in his eyes. The Inuzuka couldn't help but smirk, but had a feeling he'd soon have to fight for his own food as per usual at home. The little Shiba puppy was already getting a bit restless, his nose twitching at something. Looking up at the boy, he gave a few grunts and whimpers, to which Keiyaku gave a little sniff. The faintest floral scent hung on the air for a moment. Looking up for a moment, Keiyaku saw a black jacketed man sitting down at the far end of the counter, nodding at him briefly, and then ordering some food. Trying to mind his own business, he tried to finish off his food, but Moru had ideas of his own. Ever the curious one, he rather gracefully jumped each stool, like a frog skirting lily pads, close to the man, sniffing curiously around him. It was a few minutes or so before the boy realised what was going on.

"Morutobu, back here, now," he ordered, putting on his sternest big brother voice. When this achieving nothing, he got up, and scooped the pup into his arms, who was still struggling for freedom. The young Inuzuka could already feel a red heat of embarrassment creeping over his face, "I... am really sorry about him; he's a bit of a snoop." At this, Morutobu looked up at his master, an offended look on his face. In the end, it took ordering another round of fried beef to calm the pup down and keep him distracted. "It's a little... shameful. Father used to be ANBU, and the two of us never seem to have the discipline he expects of us. A-Anyway," he suddenly cut himself off, realising he was rambling about personal matters to a total stranger. He went and sat beside Morutobu again, keeping an eye on him, and occasionally stealing a bit of beef.

"I won't tell Kiiromaru, if you don't tell the old man," he muttered to the pup.
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu watched as the dog seemed to have a bit less control over it by the owner, as he glanced across he nodded slightly towards the boy, it seemed that this was a new member of the village, probably around the age to start the Academy, he never actually qualified from the Academy instead a missing shinobi of the village at that age, what a weird thing to consider as he watched the chief come back over and place the bowl of ramen in front of him, nodding his thanks for a few seconds before he began to eat, deciding to keep himself quiet for a few moments as he listened to the man speaking.

"Discipline comes with time, it's not something that should be expected right away, after all, I would consider it as something that we learn over time, you will get there I am sure."

Allowing the steam from the food to enter his nose, he grabbed some chopsticks and began to chow down on the food, as he had to admit he did miss the taste of this food, and right now he needed to get some grub into him, since fitting into his new role he was still trying to understand his position inside of the village, but some mindless conversation without thought was never a bad thing and not something that he was going to just turn away without considering it.

"So tell me, what is your name? And what are you doing today, from the looks of you, I would imagen you have been at the Academy, however, that being said I could be wrong?"

[MFT: 272]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku looked back up from Morutobu to the stranger, still feeling a little apprehensive of him. New, unfamiliar smells always put his back up; it was only natural instinct. As he spoke, the man did seem to have a certain air of wisdom about him. The boy watched him eat, digesting his words; it sounded like something his father would say to him as well, mostly to calm Keiyaku's frequent fits of impatience as well as those of Morutobu too. He shook himself out of his reverie long enough to hear the question, his brain seeming to jam momentarily.

"My na-? Oh, right. I'm Keiyaku. This here is Morutobu. We uh, we're just doing some jobs; Kiiromaru sends us on the shopping errands, but it gives us an excuse to sneak off and get some food," he says, briefly glancing over to Moru again, snout-deep in fried beef, tail wagging furiously, "uh, yeah, the Academy. We have classes most days; I've got one later on in fact, but I don't know what we'll be doing yet." Truth be told, the majority of what he studied felt incredibly dull; he often thought he wasn't designed for sitting quietly in a classroom, if only because he was either asleep or buzzing with nervous energy, there was very little in-between if he was honest with himself.

Looking back up at the older man, he tilts his head slightly, much like a curious puppy would.

"What about you? What do you do? Are you from around here?"

[mft: 251]

(( I am so genuinely sorry; for some reason I fully believed I'd already replied to this. Please do forgive the lateness ))
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
With no more being said, boy and dog finished the last of their food and got up, leaving the stranger to eat in peace. The two of them would depart for their clanhouse where they would rest for the remainder of the day, ideally staying out of the sun and out of trouble.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
