Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Patient Fury [Tutor] [Teke]


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Jan 17, 2014
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A crescent moon hung silently above the village of Sunagakure, its pale light it casting down upon the earth in a dull, white hue. Dark, rolling clouds crawled slowly towards the silent village as the winds picked up. A chill swept across the lands, a sign that a storm was well on its way. A light flash in the distance gave hints towards nature's fury approaching Suna. It couldn't have been much later than 3 am, well past the point of anyone being awake, or waking early. The perfect time for all sorts of interesting events, such things would most definitely take place this eerie night. Kaen had already arrived, prepping the area. Plastic sheets galore, tape, bleach and a few miscellaneous things. Now all that was left was for his newly acquired apprentice to make her arrival.

A slight -tap tap tap- upon Teke's window would alert her to the presence of a shadowy wisp that was vaguely shaped like some sort of aviary creature. It's crimson eyes peered through the window as it searched for its intended target, Teke. Should she not immediately let it in, it would attempt to let out a 'caw' of sorts, but not the usual sort you might hear a crow make, instead it would be low, rumbling and disturbing as if being gurgled aloud under water. Upon being let loose inside whatever building Teke happened to be staying in it would find a place to perch momentarily. It would let loose another dreadful 'caw' before bursting into a cloud of shadowy essence. Surprising as it might have been, it was not meant to be nonsensical. If Teke was clever, just as Kaen thought her to be, she would notice the twisting and curving wisps of shadow dancing in the moonlight. Upon the floor the moonlight would cast a shadow over the strange energy spelling out a simple sentence; Bodybag - 1423 Palais. It was her moniker along with an address of some sort. Putting two and two together shouldn't have been an issue for the young Anbu apprentice. Where else would Kaen have her meet him other than the low class, bottom feeding area of the village that laid on the outskirts of Sietch Zensunna. This was the moment she would be waiting for, the chance to continue her training and perhaps have a little bit of fun along the way, depending on her definition of fun that is...

Upon arrival of said destination, Teke would find herself in front of a rather large, desolate and abandoned factory. During the collapse of the exterior area of the cavern that once basked this seedy area in darkness, this complex was near the epicenter and many of its complex and custom machinery were damaged beyond repair. This place has long sense been void of any life aside from whatever rodent creature or insects that feasted off the remains of other like minded creatures. It was dark, pitch black even, within the building. Was this the right place? There would be nothing waiting for her outside, eventually she would need to enter the decrepit, rusting factory.

Once inside, Kaen would make his presence known, attempting not to take her by surprise. He had been waiting, laying down on a nearby staircase. He wasn't wearing anything special, no Anbu attire, no mask. Just Kaen in a basic get-up, complete with black slacks, a white shirt underneath a plaid long sleeve. "Hope you got at least a little beauty sleep, Princess." He pryed himself up from the worn and rusty stair case, dusting himself off. Relations were new so he was mostly testing the waters, gauging her reactions with certain nicknames. Being a Takahashi surely must have its perks, no? But Kaen was probably wrong about the situation she was in, he knew little to nothing about her personal life. But in time, that would change. "I hope you're ready to watch the sun rise together, we have a long morning ahead of ourselves... maybe." A slight glint of moonlight would shine off of Kaen's razor sharp teeth as he smiled, a matching characteristic of himself and his new rookie. He started to make his approach down towards Teke, waiting for a response of sorts.

[Topic created/entered, awaiting Teke for the purposes of tutoring - MFT]


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
The little blonde was tucked away in her bed, fast asleep in her bedroom at the Kazekage tower when the bird came rapping, rapping at her chamber door. Teke was not a fan of being woken up when it was still dark outside, especially by a seemingly random animal harassing her window. She stared at the beast through bleary eyes before her brain started to put some ideas together, not to mention the sound that started to hit her, that was even stranger. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." She groaned, rolling out of bed onto her feet and shuffling tiredly to the window, she let out a loud yawn as she pulled the window open, letting the creature in. It came straight in and perched on the back of her desk chair where it would make some more unnatural sounds, she just stared at it very unimpressed. "Well come on then, Do what you're gonna do and then shoo yeh noisy fuckin' bird." She complained as it finally started to do whatever it was it was doing to spell out a message in the air.

Shortly after the late night visit Teke had washed herself up, got dressed in her black, trainee uniform, figuring this was as good a time as any to wear it out. She'd also grabbed some other pieces of equipment between their last meeting and this one, most namely a rather obnoxious rebreather that she was quite impressed with. Before long the little blonde was bouncing from rooftop to rooftop on her way to meet Ruin once again.

She didn't bother with the streets below, it was a good chance to practice a bit of stealth and espionage, not that there were really many people to see her even if they were looking. Upon arrival at the very decrepit factory, Teke would land on the ground in front of the door and push her way inside nonchalantly. She expected that if she wasn't meant to go in Ruin would have stopped her by now and she gave few fucks in general. As expected when she entered he was there straight away, she was curious about just what they were going to accomplish here since it was all abandoned. "I don't need beauty sleep, that'd just be unfair to everyone else anyway." She smirked and then shrugged at his statement. She was very much not a morning person and very grouchy if woken up, more than usual anyway but she wouldn't share that part with him. "I'm here as long as I'm needed. Though I would like some sort of explanation as to why here, seemed like we'd find nothing more than.... homeless cattle trying to sleep." She questioned curiously.

[MFT - 451]


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Jan 17, 2014
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"As long as you're needed? Are you saying you don't want this, want me, this Anbu life? There's the door right there, I won't stop you..." Kaen knew better, she wouldn't leave. Anbu was the best place for someone like her, or at least the general picture he got from what little interactions they've had so far. But one thing was for certain, he wasn't going to be taking any sass from this little princess, she needed to know who was calling the shots here. That being said, he can't be all that upset because you can't expect someone to just fall in line at a moments notice for a complete stranger. These were things that they both needed to work on in the future.

Kaen finished his descent down towards the most appropriately dressed Teke and would continue. "Hmm, I thought not. Let's talk n' walk, shall we?" Kaen would turn and head down an especially dark staircase. Seems this big factory had more than just a ground floor and upper level, it went down, down and further down. What the hell did they even make here that needed so many lower levels?! In any case, it would be sometime before they reached the lowest level, approximately 10 floors down. So as he suggested, he would talk and walk. "As I'm sure you're wondering why I've asked you out here so late, it's not to test your readiness or gauge how grumpy you can be when you are woken early, no. Tonight we will test the waters on something much more intimidate and resourceful. There are a number of things in this world that are as murky as mud, while a great fewer things are consistently clear as crystal. One such thing is knowledge is power, in my opinion anyways." This was near absolute in the world of shinobi; Knowledge is power and it can command obedience. A man of knowledge during his lifetime can make people obey and follow him and he is praised and venerated after his death. Remember that knowledge is a ruler and wealth is its subject. Such things as valuable Intel can change the tides of even the most ravaging wars.

Oh, seemed they reached the bottom faster than anticipated, no matter. They still had time to talk, their destination was just up ahead. A faint glowing light emanated along the outlines of a closed metal door. "So tell me, BB, sorry if you hate that, I'm just trying to think of something a little shorter for my sake. Just tell me to stop if you hate it hahaha." Perhaps BB was not quite the right abbreviation to use, it sounded like he was calling her 'baby'. Truth be told 'Body Bag' was a clever name, just not quite as quickly spoken as others. "Anyways, if you wanted to know something, how would you get that knowledge?" Kaen would pause at the metal door, it was silent within as it should have been. The light still peaking out giving them just enough visibility to see where they were standing. Kaen would await an answer before opening the door.


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Teke was happy enough to follow along with Ruin, though she felt she needed to explain her words a little, perhaps it was just because of her usual demeanor that it was taken in such a way. "I don't plan to leave after working hard to get here. I suppose I should say instead. I am happy to be here when called upon." She would adjust her mask a little, pushing it a little further up the bridge of her nose, minor adjustments to keep in mind for later.

The journey down the stairs was quite long, it didn't seem to be a mining factory but then had she really ever seen one to make that judgment? The conversation would move along and as with their last meeting she listened along earnestly, happy to learn anything and everything that was thrown her way. As they reached the bottom of the Teke immediately took note of the slight glow of light around the door, given that it was so dark it was hardly hidden but whatever they were her for lay beyond that door for sure.

Teke was a little weirded out by the nickname, namely because she'd never really had one before and this one, in particular, did sound a little like he was calling her baby, She narrowed her eyes in thought as she tried to think of a way to actually shorten her code name. "BB is a little weird, maybe just B? or Body, BB just sounds... unprofessional to others listening in?" She said with a little chuckle. Overall the young female was actually having fun with the whole ANBU thing, more than she imagined she would have. Partly because there's a lot fewer rules than with Sousuke but also because it was actually testing her talents and that was always satisfying. Ruin then posed some sort of philosophical question to her that she really did have to think about for a moment. "I mean, without any context... I've never been shy about visiting the library, books exist for a reason and are usually a good source of learning stuff. I learned a lot about fighting from them actually." She was being genuine with her answer, missing the obvious fact that he probably meant, information that someone had in their brain as opposed to something reading a book could teach her.


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Jan 17, 2014
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"Hmm, yeah you're right. That would lead into all sorts of unneeded implications. Guess we are gonna stick with B. But rest assured I'll only use it when appropriate." There are times to be relaxed and times to be on your best behavior. Such things as this, just Teke and himself, there was no need for such strict rules and formalities. Kaen was going to take this teaching thing a slightly unorthodox way. But moments like report writing or within the presence of superiors and such, the full code name would be more appropriate. Can't be letting other's know that Kaen actually kinda liked the kid and perhaps would show favor with her later on in life.

Teke gave an interesting answer as she didn't exactly strike him as much of a reader. But like the scream of a broken record, Kaen was still getting to know this little girl and in time he would possible come to terms with the reality of her history. Likewise with him, perhaps one day he will trust her enough to let her inside his twisted mind and know full well the darkest recesses of his fiery mind. "Yes, you're not wrong. Texts of all sorts can be most valuable. But I was more referring to knowledge not kept in books, scrolls or the like..." Kaen turned away from Teke and pushed open the door, it creaked with every inch it moved until coming to a loud clanging stop as it met the wall. The light flooded their eyes as they both would try to adjust to the sudden contrast from darkness to intense brightness. Once her eyes would adjust, she would see a room lined with plastic from wall to wall, ceiling to floor. In the center was a large metal pole with a rather large, fat man sitting at the base. He was bound by the feet, hands and neck all connected to the pole in the center, save his feet. "I believe you've met?" It hadn't been much longer than a week when he first invited lil Bodybag out for a bit of fun, but his face was unmistakable. Yes, it was Tii Tii...

Kaen would wait a moment to allow Teke to speak, should she choose to. Or simply let her soak it in, try to figure out why he was here. Good to know the medics did an alright job with him though. Saved his life and even seemed to let him keep on walking despite what Teke did to him back then. "Ya know... I tried to tie him to a chair at first, but the fat bastard literally broke it after just five minutes of sittin' there." Kaen gestured towards the far corner of the room where a broken chair was shattered to an irreparable state. Kaen would turn back to his apprentice once more; "So tell me, Bee, What do you know about interrogation tactics?" As yes, one of the many important skills of a trained Anbu member. Sometimes the job was more complicated than just get in, get out or hunt and assassinate. Sometimes you had to get dirty, do a little digging. While there were more human ways of extracting information, such as a specialist dedicated to memory retrieval, sometimes you had to do this shit in the field the old fashioned way. Today Teke would be learning a little somethin' somethin' about all that...


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
The nickname incident has been solved for now, but who knows what strange connotations could be discerned from it in the future. For now, however, all attention was solely on the mission at hand, listening to Ruins reaction to her answer she had realized just what answer he had been looking for, a look of realization on her face as the very real reality of what could be on the other side of that door.

As the door was pushed, the girls' golden eyes did not flinch at the sudden light, far too intrigued by what was going to be revealed to her. The first and most striking thing she noticed about the room was how prepared it was, all the plastic sheets as if there was some sort of foam party expected in the next few minutes. Kaens words rang in her ear for a moment as she now focused her attention on the hulking blob currently bound in the middle of this anti-mess zone. "Yes... I believe we have indeed met." She was grinning under her mask but that was difficult to see. "I'm going to go out on a limb and assume I need to get something out of him and there are no rules this time?" She said, loudly enough for him to hear if he was indeed able to listen.

She actually let out a laugh when she heard about and then saw the chair, a real laugh that she had too clear her throat to suppress. It was more due to the fact that Ruin had tried the chair first, Tii Tii was fucking massive and imagining the entire scenario in her head would probably keep her smiling for the next week at least. It was, however, time to get serious, Kaen had asked Teke a question that she really did wish she could answer with "nothing at all" but sadly the girl had seen her fair share of torture at the hands of the asylum. "Oh, I know some things, having experienced them myself. Sadly I don't have syringes filled with chemicals, but I can improvise. If only he was female, I could show you where the bad doctors touched me." She laughed at her own words, but Kaen would easily pick up on the now slowly rising rage in her eyes as they looked nowhere to directly at Tii Tii, in fact, he might even notice a slight tremor in her body, but it was very subtle and could be just put down to actual excitement.


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Jan 17, 2014
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"I'm going to go out on a limb and assume I need to get something out of him and there are no rules this time?" Tii Tii's eyes grew wide in fear, sweat dripping from his slimy face. Teke had already shown how capable she was within the ring where things were on even footing, he had no idea what she would do to him now that the gloves were off. Kaen would give a reassuring nod, no rules this time. Kaen noticed the slight increase in Teke's heart rate, her tale of woe was not unlike his own, aside from the sexual assault, he was fortunate to avoid that. Deep down he silently wished he could take all that bad shit away from his and her own lives, but these things are what set them above the rest, made them stronger, more capable of doing the things that needed to get done. They were of the same stock, her and he, they would find much comfort in each other's presence, one such presence that wouldn't adhere to the normal social rules that 'normal' people would prefer. Teke was truly free with Kaen, and he with her. This was the beginning of something grand.

"I'm glad, to a degree. Your strife makes you strong, Bee. With your experiences you become more adept in the ways of Anbu. Kaen strolled slowly behind the bound Tii Tii and kneeled behind him. He would peer upwards at Teke before continuing. His voice nonchalant and calm despite the squirming Tii Tii that had already pissed himself. He knew what was to come and that nobody was coming for a lowly piece of trash like him. "Tii Tii here has a location kept hidden within his mind. This location will be our next stop and time is of the essence. It won't be long till they discover that he is missing and will soon evacuate." Kaen stood back up and walked to the corner of the room, grabbing an empty bucket. With it he turned it upside down and used it as a seat. "Now I would like to see how you fair with getting it out of him. I will provide insight as I did with the fight, of course. This isn't a sink or swim scenario." Kaen turned his attention to Tii Tii for a moment. "And Tii Tii, I suppose this is sort of a test for you as well. If you tell her, I will kill you. Good luck..." Kaen crossed his arms and placed one leg atop the other as he leaned into the corner and waited for Teke to start.

[OOC MFT - Back sorta, didn't wanna leave you hanging man]


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Teke gave a small chuckle. It was true now that she really thought about it, having gone through her own little hell she had picked up life experience that would put her ahead of other trainees. Though she was still very much pissed and wanted nothing more than to see the Asylum in ruin, with everyone inside it still of course. Kaen went on to explain the instructions with a little more clarity that her simple assumptions would garner and nodded along when needed. "Seems like a simple enough task, I've quite an intimate knowledge of the human body, which some people find weird but hey, gotta know what's edible and what's not, right?" She said chuckling beneath her mask, turning now her full attention onto the blob of a man, Ruins further instructions piquing her interest.

She moved toward him slowly, head tilted as she looked at his disgusting, sweat and piss covered body. "This just won't do." She complained before a torrent of water erupted from one of her palms, effectively washing Tii Tii more than anything else. "Better, now lets review shall we, meat bag?" She was now stood arm's length away from him, her eyes narrowed into serious business mode. "I want something you have, you will die if I get it. However, I'll simply point out that you'll also perish if I don't get it and I promise from the bottom of my heart, I will make it a long, slow and agonizing death, unlike anything your feeble human mind can even comprehend." She started to move again at this point, slow, long steps around Tii TIi, letting him contemplate things over in his mind a little more before breaking the silence. "So your choices are, giving us what we want, followed by a quick, mostly painless death, or you put on your big boy pants, hold out and get to see just how far I can take you before dropping you off at the gates of hell personally." Her tone was very commanding for such a small girl, almost like a dominatrix if one were into that kind of thing. She was also quite unsure about just what Kaen would do to him, his method of killing could be just as long and painful, but it was good to have some leverage.

"So, we'll start off nice and easy, okay?" Her words would be all the warning the big man received, for now, she placed a hand on his still wet stomach and giggled. "Thirty seconds." As those words were spoken, a low current moved through her arm and into his body. She'd kept the voltage low as she didn't want to fry him to quickly, but it would cause all his muscles to contract and his nerve endings would scream for relief. All the while her eyes stared up at his face, uncaring and unwavering. Once fourty five seconds had passed, she pulled her hand away and looked up at him. "Ready to talk?" She asked calmly.

[OOC - Only saw this last night xD back on task now though!]
Jutsu Used said:
Rinse Off Used on Tii Tii
Lightning Torrent Used on Tii Tii
- Special Action: By paying .5 Ap and the maintain cost, the user may maintain this technique as a stream of electricity. This deals 30% of the damage at +2 Accuracy with -6% chance of 'electrocuting' the target(s). This may target a different target if the user wishes, or the same one. This may be done up to three times per Jutsu use.


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Jan 17, 2014
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The burst of water was surprisingly cold, at least to Tii Tii. Something to think about really, the temperature of jutsu. Fire is obviously hot, one could assume that water would be cold, right? Anyway, it was much colder than he anticipated and he gasped for air in response to the burst of frigid water in his face. But the end justified the means as the smell was -somewhat- better than before. Teke assumed a proper demeanor, confidence and superiority exuding from her stance. The fat, drenched man listened as she droned on about the consequences of either outcome, honestly it sounded like the better option was to just not say anything at all. In the end he was going to die anyways, what was the point? Might as well go out with some sort of honor and say nothing at all, if only to spite the pair of anbu before him. Kaen raised an eyebrow to the intriguing tone in the small female's voice. Had he not known any better, he would have mistaken her for someone much older and scarier, he liked it...

And now the show was officially beginning as Teke placed her small hand on the oversized stomach of Tii Tii. A small giggle escaped her, seems she was going to enjoy this. While others might have thought it incredibly unprofessional, Kaen thought it amusing. Seems mother never didn't teach her not to play with her food. Almost immediately the gluttonous blob began to shake and convulse as Teke's power surged over and through the mass of flesh. Thirty seconds came and went, seems she didn't live up to her end of the deal. Around the 45 second mark, the energy would cease as would Tii Tii's body. He gasped for air as it had been incredibly hard to breathe through the ordeal. "Ready to talk?" The bound man slowly raised his head to look Teke in the face, his brow furrowed and his eyes bloodshot. If she was quick, she would anticipate the globule of saliva that he aimed at her left eye. "No deal. Why should Tii Tii make deal with little girl if little girl can't even play nice. I am not a smart man, but I know time. I not know what to believe. You say I die, but then you lie about time. No deal!" He would take whatever rebuttal that Teke might have coming to him for the insulting spitting incident. But he felt it worth the trouble in the end.

Kaen would allow Teke to speak or dish out punishment for his insolence before chiming in himself. "Something to keep in mind for our line of work. Lying only serves to diminish your reputation. In time people learn to expect a certain amount of honor, not mercy mind you, just to keep it respectable to a degree. We might find ourselves performing some vile acts, but honesty always seems to glaze over them better if you are consistent in that aspect. If people expect you to tell lies, they are almost always more unwilling to work with you as they can't ever expect you to follow through with anything. Food for thought, please continue." Kaen sat back into the corner atop his shoddy, plastic bucket and awaited for Teke's next plan of action, hopefully with a little more truth behind it. It was confusing though, why bother being honest in these things, but he felt he explained it well enough. But she was also free to do as she pleased as this wasn't a test. "You should take page out of your daddy's book. He know more than dumb kid, ha ha ha." And there it was, that word. Wonder how Teke will take it...


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Teke barely moved her head to the side in order to avoid the glob of saliva flung at her. She simply smiled under her mask though, she was getting to him. At the same time however he and Kaen did have a point and she couldn't really argue against it, she'd simply got a little over-enthusiastic and didn't really want to stop. She took the moments of silence to try and center herself just a little bit as she listened to Ruins advice, happy to learn anything she could because after all, she was new to this business as much as she didn't act like it. "No problem, plenty of time to correct my ways." She said as her mentor had finished his teaching for the moment and turned her attention back to her victim.

"I should probably continue along the same path for now. Just remain in control as much..." Her thoughts were cut off as the large torture victim started to speak, of course, he'd stated earlier that he wasn't the smartest man and his continued insults seemed to further cement that. She took two strides back, away from the man and giggled, an unusual reaction and one probably not expected by either of the men. She then raised up her left hand and made a finger gun, pointing directly as Tii Tiis crotch, lingering for a solid ten seconds before speaking. "I'm not sure trying to get a rise out of me in this situation is a good idea, you know?" She asked, not really expecting an answer, simply because she knew he wouldn't be able to because as she finished speaking a thin but powerful jet of water shot from her finger and straight into his unprotected groin. Tekes knowledge of human anatomy had allowed her to carefully aim this shot directly as one of the man's testicles, crushing it into grey matter instantly with the sudden impact.

She would simply stand and wait, basking in his screams and the likely vomiting in between each breath. Once the noise had died down a little she would speak once again, still with her calm and domineering voice which you could easily hear the smile being talked through. "I had hoped to save these two for a little later down the line, but you still have one left, right? Just keep in mind that I can and will change that in a heartbeat." She'd hoped the very real threat would make him think twice about speaking out of turn again but then, she Wouldnt mind if he did either. She would once again use the same water jutsu as earlier to clean away any of the mess her little demonstration could have made and given Both of them a moment to react to what, in most men's case, was the ultimate evil.

[WC - 474]
Actions said:
Impaling Hydro Jet
- Jutsu Expansion Used.
- Special Action: By taking on called shot penalties, this may be used as a called shot. The chance of bleeding now also has a chance of causing called shot penalties, with a +6% bonus.
- Minor Affinity Move : Focus - Grants a Ninjutsu attack +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical Range; this move may only be used once per round.

Rinse Off


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Jan 17, 2014
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The expected result was instant and most likely satisfying for the young anbu and her twisted methods of interrogation. While Kaen would not have gone this route, he could clearly see the benefits of such a vile, unholy act. Even he himself cringed in response as he could very well guess the sheer amount of pain that Tii Tii must have been experiencing throughout this ordeal. As expected, the fat man's reaction was nearly instantaneous as he exuded vast amounts of vomit onto the floor in front of him. Between the vomiting he could barely choose between breathing, crying or screaming, it was rather pathetic really. As he finally quieted down after what seemed like more than a few minutes, he laid there silently, bleeding and crying but remained steadfast in his resolve not to speak and betray whomever Kaen was looking for. Even after the threat of undergoing the same treatment and forever losing his man-hood. Through a subtle cough, with a trace of blood spurting out from his mouth, he looked back up to Teke. "No deal..." Kaen was impressed with this man's resolve and what could only be the pain tolerance of a god, but everyone has a weakness. A breaking point, a kryptonite, that single thing that will always break a person down into putty in your hands.

Before Teke could perform another devastating blow to the man's groin, Kaen would stand up from his make shift bucket seat and walk towards the door. "Continuing with today's lesson. Sometimes things won't always go the way we want them to. Some obstacle will inevitably keep you from reaching your goals. This is why you must always have a plan B. I suspected that this problem would arise and made preparations for such an occasion. I'll be right back..." Kaen exited the room, leaving Teke alone with Tii Tii for just a few minutes. What happened while Kaen was away couldn't be helped, he didn't say to play nice or hands off, now did he?

After a few minutes of being absent, Kaen would return with another figure with a black hood over their face. The figure was small in stature, seemingly frail and spindly. Closing the door behind him, Kaen would bear witness to whatever might have happened while he was gone. Had nothing occurred, or at least nothing he could immediately notice, he would continue as normal. If Teke had done something in his absence he would raise an eyebrow before shaking his head and continuing anyways. "Next lesson, sometimes you will run into problems like this, problems that cannot be solved be physical force alone. While some might consider these kinds of things immoral, I call bullshit. We are Anbu for fuck's sake, we kill people for a living. We do what others cannot so we can assure victory at any cost. Now then..." Kaen would remove the hood to reveal a petite little girl, couldn't have been much older then 8 or 9. Her features were rather plain, nothing out of the ordinary. Her face filled with dread as her eyes met the visage of blood and gore and misery that was tied up in the center of the room. "I believe you know each other?" He spoke to Tii Tii, gesturing towards the little girl. "Yes, of course you do. Teke, I would like you to meet Nadia, Tii Tii's niece. Seems this fat man spends all his prize money on caring for and raising this little girl as her parents are too poor to do it themselves. How tragic... Anyways, I think you can see where this is going, let's see how long he lasts when another's life is on the line, shall we? Kaen would take position near the door with his arms crossed in front of him to be sure Teke's new toy couldn't escape. Did he expect Teke to take the life of a child? No, but surely there are other things she could do that wouldn't outright kill her while still getting results from Tii Tii.


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Teke was happy to revel in the silence as the fruits of her little lesson on impudence were surely felt by all red-blooded males in a mile wide vicinity. She would give a content sigh and slowly circle till she was behind the large man, not for any reason other than looking at him was kind of grating on her stomach, one thing was for sure, he was not a prime piece of meat.

Ruin had also begun to move, much to her surprise it was toward the door which meant he wasn't going to take over because she wasn't able to get results, yet. He went on to talk about violence not being the only method of getting something out of someone and she already had an idea of what was to come, though she couldn't ever be sure. Once Kaen left, however, she would begin phase two of her little pantomime. not that she was going to lie, she'd already learned that just moments ago. There were, however, things she had that he would want even before Kaens return.

She slowly moved back around to Tii Tiis front and looked up to him. "I'm going to need you to listen for just a few moments, whilst we're alone." Her voice had moved away from the cold and uncaring one she'd used so far and was a little warmer, she gave him a moment to think, but not too long, continuing to slowly circle him as she spoke. "This is very difficult for me to admit but I apologize for my overzealousness earlier. It's my first time being on this side of the interrogation and it surfaced some unpleasant memories." She would pull out a small flask from her pouch and pull her mask down a little, taking a drink of the unknown liquid. "It's up to you whether or not you trust me at this point, I wouldn't blame you either way, but I have a deal for you to mull over. If you give us what we want, I can assure you I will not let my teacher kill you and you will go free. I'm certain he'll listen since we need to be out of her fast." She came to a stop once again in front of the man and looked at him. "This is a one time only offer, so I'll let you think about it. Plus I'm curious about what else Ruin has in store for the both of us, aren't you?" Her voice had returned to its icy demeanor just in time for the door to open, but she didn't turn to look, instead just watched Tii Tiis face, to see if it was something worth his reaction.

Of course, her watching would pay off as his face did indeed turn rather dour at the sight of the young girl, which made Teke smile beneath her mask. RUin was certainly a better teacher than she could have hoped for, though the time for thanks would be much later as right now she'd found herself in possession of a little bit of leverage to speed up the big man's decision making process. She quickly moved over to the child at this point, kneeling slightly so they were eye level and she reached a hand out to stroke her head softly. "Sorry for having to make you go through something so scary. I hope he wasn't too rough with you." She spoke with a kind and soft tone that was very out of character for her, but no one here would know that, really. "See, your Uncle knows something that we need in order to protect the village and he's being very naughty and keeping it from us." She would stand up and take hold of the girl's hand without giving her a chance to react to it and started leading her toward the man. "Do you think you could ask him for us? Maybe he'll listen to his favorite little lady, hmm?" She put emphasis on her final statement, making sure Tii Tii was getting the message, she'd no intention of hurting this sweet, innocent girl if it could be helped, but she was certainly not above using the leverage available to her. "Without you, she'll be very sad, Tii Tii. I don't wish to burden her with that as I am sure you don't either." She would give the girls hand a small squeeze, to encourage her a little to speak up.


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Jan 17, 2014
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Tii Tii's ears perked up as Teke began to spin her tale of promises for the oversized man. A look of confusion washed over his otherwise pasty face as she apologized for obliterating his left testicle. For some strange reason sorry just didn't cut it for him, but he remained absent of commentary as Teke continued with her proposition. Seems the young anbu had a plan to ensure that Kaen wouldn't just end the man regardless of the outcome of tonight's little get-together. A glimmer of hope shined faintly in the back of Tii Tii's eyes as he could only wish to leave this place and these people that would do him harm. "This is a one time only offer, so I'll let you think about it. Plus I'm curious about what else Ruin has in store for the both of us, aren't you?" There wasn't much time to respond, but he tried anyways before being cut off hastily by the metal on metal creak of the door opening once again. "I don't kno--" A look of worry, horror and just plain nausea crept through the fat man's body as he instantly recognized who Kaen had brought with him. He might not have been a smart man, but he knew exactly what kind of situation he was in and things were looking grim quickly.

The gluttonous fool's eyes began to well up as Kaen introduced the young lady to Teke and her uncle, all hope seemed lost now given the circumstances that Tii Tii was in. He could only listen in fright as Teke approached little Nadia, fearing her intent was malicious in nature. Much to his relief the young anbu was quite gentle with the little girl in her interactions, thus far anyways. Teke kindly explained the situation in a non-graphic way to convey the urgency in the request. It was simple really, get uncle T to give her and Kaen the answers they want and everyone gets to go home safe and sound. That was the idea anyways, things might not go as smoothly as one could hope they might. The little girl had already begun to sniffle during Teke's talk but started full on tears had formed as she tried to respond as best she could. "I-I-I dunno how to do it. I just wanna go hom--" The little girl winced as Teke squeezed her hand tight, Tii Tii cringed as he fully knew there was literally nothing he could do to stop her aside from just telling them what they wanted. But there more things in play than the rest of the people In the room knew, things that would spell out Tii Tii's doom in the end. "J-just tell them Uncle T, it's cold and I'm scared. He said bad things would happen to momma and papa, even you if you don't say. Just say, ok?" She managed to cut through the tears to plea to her uncle. But things needed to be explained so everyone was fully aware of the situation Tii Tii was in, even if it wouldn't change the outcome.

"You need to be strong, sweet Nadia. You don't have to be afraid, these two won't hurt you." Or so the foolish man thought... He directed his eyes towards Teke, his judge, jury and executioner, so to speak. "I do not think you will hurt her, but there is something Tii Tii must say. The people you want, they will kill me and my family if I give you what you want. This is why I can't say." A compelling argument to be sure, but it would appear that he was stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. On the one hand, if he doesn't speak up he and Nadia will suffer. If he does, they will all suffer anyways. "That's all well and nice, but we still need to know, now. I suppose it comes down to whether you want to die right here and now or die later as you and your own try to escape from your employers. The choice is yours, or hers really. She untimely decides whether or not you being truthful when you tell us. And you WILL tell us, because I know what kind of man you are, you wouldn't dare let any harm befall your little princess, now would you?" Young Nadia was still crying through all this and Tii Tii could only hang his head in shame. "I cannot say..." A look of disappointment filled Kaen's eyes as he gave a nod towards Teke to continue with the process of extracting the information. Hopefully whatever she did next would finish this once and for all because time was running out.



Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Teke listened as everyone took turns having their say, Tii Tii and his niece went about as well as she would have hoped given the situation and she got to learn a little more about what Kaen had told the small girl. "We're getting somewhere at least." She said confidently, giving the girls hand a quick squeeze just to prepare her for what would inevitably come. "I've rather enjoyed being honest with you, Tii Tii so I'll give you a little more to think over, however, I will now be putting a timer on our little game since you seem to think we will simply wait around for you." With that said she would release the small girl's hand but wouldn't give her much time at all to react or move. The blonde's hand reached out, palm toward the child as a rapidly growing orb of water grew out and consumed her, she was now trapped inside of Tekes little prison.

She bore her eyes into Tii Tiis, giving a moment for him to react and protest which she was certain he would, interrupting him if he went on a little too much though. "Now, let's hope she has enough breath in her lungs to last at least a little bit shall we." She said with a tone of sarcasm, a shit-eating grin clearly hidden behind her mask. "I'll level with you, I have no idea what I need to get from you or what we're going to do with that information. But I can at least take some intelligent guesses... If I'm trying to get information about your employers, I can assume, me and him..." She nods toward Kaen, never taking her eyes off of Tii Tiis face. "Are going to be paying them a visit, what we do after that I can only hazard to guess but, and this is the important part. If they end up dead, how would they hunt you down and kill you or your family?" She asked, her head tilting to the side as she again waited for a response from someone.

She would finally move her gaze, now away from the man and toward the small girl who by this point would be struggling. "Now, to hasten your decision-making process, I shall empty what little oxygen still clings to her lungs." With that now said Teke sent a quick and visible jolt through the water prison and straight into the small child's sternum where the pain would cause her to yell out and expel all the air that remained. "She will drown in seconds. If you love her then save her. I would not think bad of a man willing to do anything in his power to save someone precious." She would wait for him to give her what she wanted before dropping the jutsu, if it ended up killing her then so be it, but she'd given him a very real and safe chance at saving her.

[WC - 496]


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Jan 17, 2014
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Love... Some may claim that it is the strongest force in the universe. That it can teach compassion, forgiveness, tolerance and peace. Simply make life worth living. But that is the bright and shining aspect of it that people are so blindly drawn to like a moth to the flame. There is a darker side to love. Love can also lead you to the path of darkness. Love can lead to heart break, which in turn leads to anger. Anger leads to hate and then to suffering. It is the universal key that binds us all. Kaen himself is no exception to this rule of life, even he has his 'Achilles heel'. But he knew this much about himself already as he already sacrificed much for that love. Which in turn meant Kaen knew just what to look for to pry the answers out of this fat mess of a man. Teke was quick and clever, seeing the opportunity for what it was. Kaen had no way of truly knowing if she was capable of taking the life of the little girl, but we would soon find out.

Tears burst out of the man as he watched his little niece become enveloped in Teke's chakra infused orb of water. Through muffled sobs Tii Tii tried to reason with his captors, despite the valuable hint Teke gave about his employers being 'dealt with'. "No no no, you can't. She's just a child, you are both people, not monsters. You won't just kill her because of me... you can't be that heartless..." It wouldn't be until Teke made it painfully clear that Nadia would indeed perish if he did not give them what they wanted, and that was all it took. Teke had broken the man, just as planned.

At last the climax had arrived. Like a raging volcano, Tii Tii finally gave in to his weakness. The sight of watching his dear Nadia suffer so was too much for him to bear, he caved. "THE HARBOR!" And there you have it... No matter the size, status or resolve, there is always a way in. He wasn't exactly specific, but it would be enough for Teke to release Nadia so that hey might continue with his answer. Just in time too, she wouldn't have lasted much longer within Teke's grasp. He would of course continue once his niece was released. Kaen would also give a nod of approval should Teke look for one before releasing the girl. Tii Tii would remain silent for a moment, most likely trying to get his bearings together after such a stressful ordeal. Nadia would slump to the floor, unconscious, but breathing. "The Harbor is a big place. You're going to have to be a little more specific." Tii Tii nodded slowly before continuing. "You can only get there by ship. There is an island, uncharted, far off the coast line. Nothing is there, just rocks, or so it seems. Underneath is what you seek. There is a man, his name is Fuyuki, he owns a fishing boat called the Shinju. He knows where it is... please, let me and Nadia go, we gave you what you want." They got what they came for, or rather what Kaen came for. He simply used this as an opportunity to further Teke's training and guide her along 'the path'. A devilish grin was smeared across Kaen's face, his razor sharp teeth sharp as ever. "After so many years... It makes sense, they can't escape if they are on an island... Those bastards..." Kaen seemed to be rambling for a moment, but quickly came to. "Oh, well... Although you did hold up your end, eventually. I withhold judgment and leave you to the devices of my apprentice. Teke, this is your decision. I will be outside waiting, do what you'd like." And with that he would exit the room, leaving Teke alone with Tii Tii and Nadia.

Kaen would be waiting outside the complex, just outside the door that Teke used to first enter the building. He wouldn't say anything about her choice, only inquiring further about the mission at hand. "Anything you need to get before we head out? We don't have a lot of time. I want you to be ready for this, time is of the essence and the danger is real. I won't lie to you Teke, you may die. But this will be a perfect opportunity to gauge your ability. Sink or swim princess." Kaen would take a moment to dig behind a dumpster, pulling out a bag, talking as he started pulling out his equipment and arming himself, ready for this impromptu mission.



Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
That was it, the straw that broke the camels back, as the last bubbles of air left the young child's lungs her large uncle became very loose-lipped much to Tekes enjoyment. She quickly dispelled her water prison jutsu and let the small child hit the ground with a dull splash as she landed in the puddle. The information would continue to come forth and it seemed to be more than enough to make Kaen happy. Whilst listening to the continuation of this conclusion she would crouch down to the small girls level, moving her body around so she was laying in the recovery position and listening to her chest to make sure no water had entered her lungs, fortunately, it seemed Tii Tii was quick enough to respond to save her that complication.

Kaen seemed in quite high spirits with the whole situation which told her she'd done a good job. It was time for them to move along however but before that, the fate of the two here would ultimately be left up to her, Kaen himself leaving the room so she could do what she needed. She would be silent for a few moments more, making sure the girl was for sure, giving Kaen only a nod of confirmation as he left the room. "She's unconscious, but it seems no damage has been done physically at the very least." With that she pushed back to her feet and moved around Tii Tiis large body, finding and untying his binds. "Second chances don't happen often." She said as he was released. "I would suggest you take your family and lay low for a short while, just in case. You'll hear from me when the deed is done." She would leave the man to do whatever he would do, probably tend to his little niece. She would simply put her back to them and walk out, heading for the entrance.

She would come to a halt next to him and shake her head slightly. "No, I do believe I am ready. I cam fully equipped since I didn't know what to expect anyway." She would chuckle however at the insinuation that she could in fact die, she was nothing if not confident in her abilities. "I won't be dying anytime soon, not because of some meatbags at the very least." She smirked, clearly eager and ready to roll out.

[Topic Finished/Left]


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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
"Perfect, that's what I like to hear. Let's move out, we need to move quickly if we want to retain the element of surprise." Kaen admired Teke's determination and headstrong attitude, she would go far so long as she never bit off more than she could chew. Quite frankly Kaen wasn't really sure what they would be running into, but a lot of things can change over nearly 15 years. There was a chance that these people weren't even the same ones from back then, at least their administration, but it was a lead he couldn't afford not to look into. He was more than capable of doing this solo, or so he thought, but bring his newly attained apprentice along should guarantee this mission's success. Hopefully Teke's decision to let Tii Tii and his niece go wouldn't come back to bite her in the ass, who can say really. Perhaps he takes the hint and gets the hell out of dodge and they never see him again. In any case, Kaen and Teke would be gone from this place and on their way towards the next goal.

[OOC Tutor completed, topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
