Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Rare Bird <Private/Request>

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
It started as a casual mid-week day for Michino. Life was starting to set itself back into order with his current plans to make a special pilgrimage slowly coming into fruition. The last time he went out of the village was on a trip to Tea country and he felt that enough crap had happened since coming back home that he deserved another trip back out. Except this time he didn't have any plans on leaving the country.
A good distance away from the village was an area of the desert known as the Godsfall where the Ancients and the First of Men clashed for the last time. It was said that around that area was all sorts of weird phenomena, sightings of the supernatural, and even the occasional bandit group would camp out there for a week or two to escape justice. Why was Michino going to such a harsh part of the great expanse that was the Wind Country? Religious reasons. Last week he found himself in a emotional storm of turmoil when his local priest gave him the idea.
It had been close to a century if not longer since any member of the Sunan religion made the trek since the path had long been lost to the sand and the area riddled with dangers. However it was still believed that a truly faithful servant of Mother Suna would be able to find the path and make it through unscathed. The first half of the week had been mostly digging through the library to find as many old maps as he could and relocate the geographical location of The Path. The second part of study the teen had been working on was more or less the proper ritual one went through while on the path. What he had dredged up so far was that the walk would take at the very least three days, provided the weather didn't turn nasty, he could only carry one canteen of water and a single pound of dried meat. There was still some work he needed to translate but he at the very least had a basic list of the things he was going to need for the three day trip around the Godsfall.

The librarian actually bid Michino farewell that day. It was eight 'o clock and, unfortunately, the library closed at that time. Much like his father before him the boy was a well known patron of the books and they often let him stay until they were ready to lock the door for the night. Hoisting his old pack full of books and scrolls a little higher up on his right shoulder he started a speedy stroll towards the Bazaar; his stomach craved street grilled meat.
An hour later he was strolling down through the streets lit up with chakra crystal lamps hanging from the roof of the late-night street shops. It was closer to the end of the night when most of the shops were closed except a select few and the weird ones in the back alleys that only opened around this time. He was absently chewing on the flavored grilled meat on a stick, scanning the stalls with his eyes in search of anything useful for the journey ahead. By the end of the next half-hour the teenager had bought himself a decent traveler's pack, a bedroll, a new canteen, and a handful of depleted chakra crystals that he used for his ninjutsu training. He had actually gotten pretty decent at fire techniques because of these things and was looking to use them for a bit of advanced training before he headed out. Unfortunately the Toraono had one of those weird protagonist luck streaks where no matter how good a day is eventually someone is going to want a piece of him.

This time it came in the form of three unemployed thugs who, honestly, just sucked at being shinobi. From time to time a few students graduate the Academy, get their Genin license, and then just sit on the starting funds they are given for the first year. Afterwards, because they didn't use the year to study an actual technique to prefect for missions, they fail most of the assignments given to them until their license is revoked. Their names are put on a list and someone from the General Branch are to keep tabs on their activity. Sadly the Gen Branch can't keep up with every last drop out and some of them are even cunning enough to find ways to get their names removed from The List. The three mid-twenty somethings stalking Michino were of the latter.
Right as Michino neared the edge of the Bazaar he looked up from some of his notes he had pulled out to read on the walk home and noticed a wall. He was pretty sure he was walking the right direction back to the Dojo, but, the most direct path back was also the most convoluted. He shrugged, turned left, and started down one of the back alleys. He didn't get very far down before he ran into a few more dead ends with only two sided exits. By the time he reached the third one the teenager was aware that someone was using Genjutsu to trick him away from the general public. He was so wrapped up in his research that he'd probably would have never figured it out had he not been the fact that this area had an especially nasty scent to it. 

The dark-skinned youth slowed down his walk until he stopped and turned to face two guys slowly walking up to him. Where once there would be near nothing but fear the boy's sky blue eyes now glared at his on comers with determination. 
"Hey," he said in an unwelcoming tone, "I don't appreciate having my head screwed with by a bunch of wannabe nukes. I suggest you scoot back to whatever hole you crawled out of, you don't want to mess with me. I'm a Toraono," and as if to punctuate his sentence he snarled a little at them showing off his unnaturally long canines. The demon blood that ran strong in his clan often gave light features of a feline to any of their blood who was gifted enough to wake it up; even then it was usually skin markings like tiger stripes. Those who were Blessed by the blood, like Kuro and Michino, showed off a few more exotic demonic features naturally. In fact, if he wanted, it wouldn't take a lot of chakra to extend his spine and grow a tail. His demonic Id had done it to his body a few times before it trapped itself in his weapon. 
However, mentioning his clan's name seemed to backfire. For a moment the teenager wondered just what kind of drugs these idiots had to be one to attack him when he remembered that his clan wasn't exactly famous with everyone in the village. The faces of the two men before him changed into a darker complexion and began to step up their walk towards the boy. Instantly Michi was reminded of his trip to Tea Country and the three dirtbags that had tried to attack him then. The look in his eyes didn't go away. He rolled his shoulder that was holding up his packs and let them slid off his arm onto the ground. The same hand dipped into his pocket and flicked out the battle razor. The edge of the blade seemed to have a wicked gleam to it and the teenager crouched down into an expert defensive stance waiting for the chance to counter the first attack. Michino hated violence to its very core, but also realized that he was absolutely lucky for these idiots to attack him instead of someone else who couldn't fend for themselves.
Bad luck for them, though, Owari quipped from the blade, gleefully.


New Member
Jul 5, 2013
The past few days had been some of the worst for Chiyo. In the aftermath of receiving word from her father after five long years of silence, the girl had spent more time walking the streets of Suna than she had in her own home. She had barely been able to bring herself to go home each night to shower and attempt to sleep, but she at least looked mostly presentable, there were still dark circles around her eyes. Despite that, her waist-length raven hair was smooth and shiny as always, hanging in a curtain down her back. She had chosen slightly more comfortable clothes than usual today, settling on a simple black dress. It was a little on the short side, but she still hadn't become accustomed to the heat this far into the desert. She missed the cool air coming off the water in Soon and the smell of salt in the air.

As her mind wandered, so did her feet. There was no purpose to her wanderings, she was just looking for a way to vent her anger. Fortunately, today her feet had led her away from her normal routes into the Grand Palais - perhaps in her numbness she had reasoned that the shadier side of the city would be more helpful. So she walked, she passed a few groups of men that had catcalled her, but she ignored them. They weren't what she was searching for.

Then she spotted them. A trio of lowlifes trailing a boy around her own age with pale hair. A wicked grin crossed the girl's face as her eyes changed - the whites of her eyes were suddenly a smokey black and she leapt onto the roof of the building beside her. Her feet soundlessly carried her closer to them as she followed the gift her father's blood had granted her. Approaching, she surveyed the scene, and her wicked grin became wider as she watched one of the thugs fall back away from the rest. The other two kept following the teenager, who was just walking into the lame genjutsu trap the guy that had fallen behind was creating. She shook her head, rolling her eyes as she walked down the edge of the roof until she was just behind the genjutsu user and dropped straight off the edge.

She landed soundlessly, but standing about six inches behind the guy with a sinister grin on her face. He turned around quickly, and the last thing he saw before blacking out was a beautiful girl with creepy eyes and a menacing grin. As he had turned, she had raised a fist to land a swift punch directly to the pressure point below his sternum. Obviously the guy had skipped taijutsu day at the academy.

Having finished off the guy that was probably pulling the strings, Chiyo moved quietly down the alley toward the pair of thugs and their quarry. As she came up behind them, she heard the kid talking. He sounded like one of those lame kids that likes to spout off their family names to make them sound cooler. Rolling her eyes for the second time at the kid, she broke into a sprint to get a running start before jumping up and aiming a kick at the thug on the right's head - the force of the kick knocked thug number one's head against that of thug number two, knocking them both unconscious. As their bodies dropped to the ground, Chiyo would use one of their shoulders to right herself mid-air and land on her feet before the boy, her dress fluttering around her hips as she flew through the air.

"Hey, kid, you looked like you could use some help." As she spoke, her eyes would begin to shift back to normal. Though her pupils were still a striking shade of gold, almost glowing against her fair skin. Laughing a little, she continued, "one of those douchebags was using second-rate genjutsu to lead you into a corner - I can't believe they tricked you! You said you were a Toraono?"

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The thugs continued to advance on the snarling teenager but began to slow down for some reason. Stopping just short of striking distance they waited. Then waited some more. One guy looked over to his friend; the friend returned the same look of confusion. Both of them turned and looked at Michino who had stopped snarling at least and simply returned the same confused look but with a nonchalant shrug thrown in.
While the three stood in a triangle of confusion the light sound of something dropping behind the goons and walking up started to echo in the silence. Michino heard it first. It was the sound of a confident walk, and it suddenly picked up speed. The teenager knew there was an oncoming attack on someone the moment he heard the sound of someone taking in that breath before jumping. His eyes turned upwards to follow the shadowy image leaping and landing a devastating kick against the side of his two enemies. The image that came into his focus suddenly turned from deadly into female and what he was looking at directly was a pair of white panties pressed firmly against toned muscle. The girl righted herself mid air on the falling failinjas and landed right in front of the now dumbstruck Toraono. 
On the list of things the teenager had that he wasn't expecting to see in his lifetime, let alone on his way back home tonight, watching a girl spin kick two guys into straight oblivion was pretty high up there.
The boy had no idea what to say. For a moment there all he could do was just stare with the razor held up in his right hand. His body said fight; his face said what just happened?

His sky blue eyes looked away and a small film of sweat broke out on his brow as his brain tried going back over the details. He had just realized that he was under genjutsu because of distractions and turned to face his pitiful would be attackers. Two rather large guys in their twenties started to advance, then move faster when he mentioned who he was...but then they stopped. Right short of a good swing they stopped. It only took him a moment to put two and two together and realized that who ever was pulling the cheap illusions wasn't part of the pack.
The girl who had just landed in front of him, who just kicked the crap out of the guys advancing, no doubt had already found the poor fool who was using the illusions. Michino's body slowly started to relax and he slowly stood back up proper. Just as he was recollecting himself and trying to remember how to talk to girls she spoke first, and his heart skipped a beat.
Holy crap she has a cute voice.
"Holy crap she has a cute voice," both the Owari and Michino thought at the same time. The teenager calmly folded his blade, hearing so many complaints as he did, and tucked the weapon back into his pocket thankful that his natural complex kept from showing how deep he was starting to blush just trying to gather himself enough to respond. For the first time since his demonic Id was trapped in the weapon did he wish they could switch places right now.
"I-I w-well," he stumbled over his words a little as his free hand scratched a spot on the back of his head that wasn't itchy at all, "y-yeah, I mean. Thanks! I probably could have, eventually I mean, taken them down but. You know...glad I didn't have to?"
He tried real hard to keep his legs from shaking a little and wondered to himself why he had this sudden massive fear of girls spark up out of nowhere. Michi wasn't a guy who had problems talkig to girls. He had been raised around strong women, as were the females of the Toraono, who had taught him the proper way to talk to a lady, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to talk straight at all. It was as if something was in his blood that was hindering his thinking process; (you know, besides hormones.) He cursed whatever that was right now.

Somewhere in Suna a man named Ryuu Tama was having a sneezing fit.


New Member
Jul 5, 2013
Chiyo grinned as she watched the boy's dumbstruck expression as he realized what had happened. She always took great pleasure in how surprised people were when they saw how small she was. Being very much on the petite side, most wouldn't expect her to pack much of a punch. Luckily, her father's blood had endowed her with the ability to see a person's circulatory system, enabling her to do many things when it came to the timing and placement of her blows. Still righting herself from her landing, she straightened her dress, noticing that part of it had folded itself over in her jump, showing a bit more thigh than would be proper. At this discovery, her cheeks flushed, completely unaware of just how much she had already revealed.

Having corrected the issue, she looked back up at him and her golden eyes watched as he stowed his small blade. It hadn't seemed like it from the rooftop, but apparently the kid had planned to fight. She raised a carefully groomed eyebrow in surprise that he seemed confident with such a small weapon. Though if he was a Toraono like he said, surely he had some skill. "No problem, I was just taking a walk and happened to see them follow you into the alley. You looked pretty into whatever you were reading, so...."

She let her voice trail away, now that she stood in front of him, she could see how the striking blue of his eyes glowed against his tan skin and just how muscular he was despite his small-ish frame. She felt her cheeks warm slightly again as she watched him struggle. Has he never spoken to a girl before? Strangely, she found the idea endearing, but she pushed those thoughts aside and stood up straighter, though she was still a good few inches shorter than the boy.

" should pay more attention if you're gonna walk around down time you might not get so lucky." She fidgeted slightly as she spoke this time, though her voice sounded more brash and her golden eyes shifted to look over his shoulder. Unfortunately, before she could stop herself she continued, "Where are you headed anyway? Maybe we're going the same way and I your back?"

She had spoken without thinking and her golden eyes grew wide for a moment as her brain came to terms with what she said. "I-...I mean, you probably wouldn't want...I'll just...go." Her cheeks flushed pink and she quickly turned on her heel and started to walk back down the alley. As she went to step over the two unconscious goons in her way, however, she stopped, her hands gripping the hem of her skirt. What the heck did I just say? What the heck am I doing!? Now I look stupid just standing here! She thought quickly, pausing just long enough to give him the chance...


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
For a moment all Michino could do was just stand there. While she was getting embarrassed by remembering what it was she wore all the teenage boy could do was remember those graceful fighting movements. That kick had been perfect. The toned muscles in her leg didn't reverberate from the attack either, as if her opponents had been hit by something else. His curiosity over that was now starting to peak and that was probably the only thing he had that could overpower the awkward fear of talking to Chiyo he was having right now.
He seemed to snap to, but she was already leaving. In a panic he tried to remember what it was she was saying while he was thinking about her leg, but it was all in snippets. Important pieces of a conversation that he needed in order to actually move on anywhere past this really, really awkward moment between two teenagers of opposite gender. He held out a hand and called out,

Pushing off a single foot he hopped the some five or six feet between where he stood and where the attackers had fallen. Watching him land was in the likeness of a cat. He had even managed to find a way to release his chakra to grab at the air so that when he landed there wasn't even a gust of air,
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to space off like that,," he closed his hand into a fist trying to think of anything to say, "I was studying! I'm planning a pilgrimage through the Gods Fall next week and I'm trying to make sure I know enough so I can come back in one piece. They say strange things are out there..."

Michino felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise up a little as he got closer to Chiyo. His eyes turned back towards the two men that had been kicked into the wall were starting to move a little and grunt the sounds of consciousness. He knew they would be angrier now that they had not only got their asses handed to them by a fifteen-year old girl, but that the teenagers had chosen to stick around their part of Suna afterwards. A plethora of ideas ran through the boy's head at that moment to try and think of something he could do that could both extend this conversation and possibly keep the girl safe at the same time. While Michi had no doubt that the raven haired beauty could handle herself he wasn't one for testing fate.
He reached down and grabbed her hand and gave it quick tug. His face had a calm mask on it save for the slight panic in his eyes as he motioned them back towards their would be muggers and then over to the alley exit where they would at least be back on the street. He would hope that they could at least get a move on before one of them stood up; of course no luck there. An angry and pained shout reached their ears,
"Hey! Fucking kids, you stay right there!"
"Hey you want to get out of here? You know, run around, see some sights, maybe not get our skulls beaten in by some drunk twenty somethings?"
His heart started racing as the hold on her hand grew tighter. A part of his brain was absolutely amazed at how soft and warm to the touch her hand felt but the adrenaline rushing into the soft pink flesh in his skull had only one word on it that mattered:

A solid sheet metal fence of sorts closed off the end of the alley Michino and Chiyo were having their teenager moment at. It was placed up there after the muggers had cornered the boy in the attempt to block of his main exit. A stray cat walked along the street for a few moments sniffing at trash and trying to decide which can had the best meal. A sudden flash of heat washed over the cat and immediately it's hackles stood on end. The metal fence bowed in and for a second a horrible gut wrenching groan filled the main street. Following it was the force and sound of an explosion as Michino came bursting through the flames Pulling Chiyo in tow by her hand. Following hot on their heels already was the two older ex-ninja who were, indeed, quite pissed off that the new bruises on their faces were placed there by a little girl.



New Member
Jul 5, 2013
The girl's eyes widened in surprise as he landed in front of her, a small smile spreading across her lips as he spoke. Her fingers uncurled from around her skirt and her tense posture released immediately. "Oh wow, yeah, I've heard stories about people who have attempted that trip..." She paused a moment, before continuing with renewed confidence. "I hope you make it back." Her smile spread wider as she said it, though her eyes flickered downward, noticing that the goons she had knocked out were starting to come around.

Gotta work on my round-house...they should have been out longer.

Just then she felt him grab her hand and her cheeks reddened again, the flush so much more obvious in her pale face. Her eyes flickered back to his to see him signaling her toward the alley just as the thugs found their feet. "Uh...yeah, we should probably get out of here," she said with a grin, as the whites of her eyes shifted almost instantly to the smoky black color he would have seen briefly before before he started running. She watched as the air around them exploded, but the force of it only pushed them forward. Briefly her mind flickered to the feeling of his hand tight around hers. His grip was strong, and his hands were a little rough - the thought brought yet another blush to her cheeks. What the heck is wrong with me?!

She shook her head quickly and glanced backwards to see where the men were. The smoke and fire were barely visible with her Eyes of the Vein activated. Her vision was tinted a desaturated crimson and somewhat blurred, but the one thing she could see clearly was the mens' circulatory system and with every heartbeat they glowed brighter. Her grin grew wider, but it only made her look a little crazed as she watched the third man join the other two in their chase before her head whipped around and she gripped Michino's hand tighter.

"This way!" she shouted as she pulled him to the right and down another few alleys. Of course the men were still on their tails, but she could see a thumping mass of crimson up ahead that told her they were coming up on the small market district that lay in the Grand Palais, with any luck they could throw them off in the small crowd. As they came closer to the market, she whipped her head back around, noticing that all the corners she had taken had made the men fall back just enough.

As she turned her head back to watch where they were running, she flashed a wild grin at Michino - this had been a much better distraction that she had anticipated when she left her little apartment this morning. The threat of death had her heart racing and her blood was filled with adrenaline, but her thoughts were finally clear of the anger she had been feeling for the past week. A wild laugh escaped her lips however as she took in his expression. He looked at her with wide eyes, clearly nervous. She squeezed his hand in what she hoped was a reassuring way just as they turned the corner and could finally see the open space that had more than enough people moving around it that they could, hopefully, camouflage themselves. Chiyo slowed a bit as they maneuvered through the concourse, her sight allowing her to slip through the spaces between bodies with ease, all the while keeping a firm hold on his hand.

[MFT | 590]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Michino felt like he might have a heart attack. In just such a few short seconds he had ruined his 'good kid' image for he had no doubt ANBU was watching him. Getting lost in the Grand Palais was one thing, running through it like he knew where he was going - while being pursued by some other lowlifes - did not look great for his current track record. It was bad enough he had to shoulder the burden of who his father was on top of the ire he got for proudly claiming his surname as Toraono. This sure as hell wasn't going to earn him any gold medals with his peers. 
Yet at the same time his heart beating with intensity wasn't because he was riding the edge of death today. For Michi, flirting with death was just starting to become a bad hobby. Ever since the incident that fractured his mind his life was thrown on a spiral of bad luck and just barely escaping the jaws of death; it was as if he wasn't supposed to exist.
No, what was getting his heart racing was the girl who was dragging him through the back streets like she owned the place. He wasn't sure if it was just the massive amount of respect he had for taking control of the situation when he panicked or if it was just the nice view; either way Chiyo had his blood racing.

When she looked back at him he was pretty sure he jumped a little. He turned his head back around to look down the street and pretend the reason he jumped was because he thought she noticed something. He did catch something that he hadn't before in her eyes. He was certain that through the hazy moments of the last two or three minute her sclera was white. Yet in that split second she looked at him and he glanced into those dark blood filled eyes with golden orbs floating in them. Like two big golden discs floating in a sea of death. He wondered what technique she was using.
In order to make up for the weakness he suffered from having so little control of his latent talent the boy took to studying. A lot of studying. It wasn't far fetched at all for him to correctly guess that she was using some kind of rare technique. This was kind of bad news because she already intrigued him. Now that he knew she had something he didn't know about the accursed feline curiosity befell him; he had to know more.

Of course, that was, if they lived out the day.

Really all they needed was to get back the Toraono Dojo and their safety was guaranteed. Even fallen from their high graces the clan of demonic cat people was one anyone would rarely mess with. The teenager looked up at the area that they were entering and his heart sank a little. Of all the areas he hated about the Grand Palasis the Black Market was probably the biggest. It was here that his father had rose to slowly close an iron grip around the gangs and become the overall king pin for a good decade. Walking around the areas where his father would haunt wasn't exactly his idea of a good day and he doubt that this made his image look any better. Yet Chiyo gripped his hand tighter as she dove into the crowds. Michi's heart leapt again and he opened his eyes wide to dive in with her.

After a moment they had mingled in with the crowd enough to stay barely hidden but the duo had some tells about them that kind of made them stick out; or at least Michino did. His white hair and style of clothing gave him away as someone from the upper streets. While trying to think of something, anything that could help their situation he caught a scent in the air. He ducked down and moved over to a side alley away from the main street He was sure that Chiyo had figured out that the trio of idiots was hot on their heels as he pulled her into the side. His mind ran wild with hundreds of scenarios but only thing that came to mind was to change his appearance. However ninjutsu was not his specialty and best he could do was change some minor features. 
"Dressed as we are we're only get so far hiding in plain sight...umm...what if I try this?"

With a quick hand he took off the vest that was his only choice of clothing for his upper body and threw it down the alley before quickly rolling his hands through the seals for the transformation jutsu. Instead on focusing his body to morph into a form made from chakra he forced the chakra to change the cells at the root of his hair and into the follicles themselves. Within a matter of seconds Michino's dyed white hair shook off the color in flakes and reverted back to it's natural raven black. It then shook again, stiffened a little, and turned into a shade of dark red. He turned and looked down at a puddle under him. The slowly setting sun showed a reflection that was still him but with red hair.

"Crap," he muttered as he looked down the street. Michino quickly moved to where his vest was on the ground and tore at it until he had strips of cloth to pull his long hair back into a ponytail. No doubt this made him look a little crazy. The wind gusted through the alley and brought a scent that told him the trio were but feet from their location. His eyes turned to look at Chiyo and he asked, trying to hide the panic in his voice,
"Got any other ideas?"


New Member
Jul 5, 2013
Chiyo's eyes were wild as he pulled her into the alley off the market. Her instincts were telling her to keep running, but they still had a ways to go before they reached anywhere that could be considered safety. She stared toward the mouth of the alley as Michino attempted to transform his features. Having never had any talent for ninjutsu, she twisted her long hair up into a bun and secured it with a small pin she pulled from the front of her hair. The men were getting closer, but not walking directly toward them as though they knew where the teenagers had disappeared to. They had, however, stopped running, so it was clear they knew the pair were definitely hiding somewhere. "They're definitely looking for us...and they're heading this way." Her voice shook just a little as she spoke, her hands clenched into fists. The goons she normally dealt with always left to tend to their wounded pride after she took them down - she had never been chased like this.

She turned her eyes back to look at Michino, her cheeks warming slightly at the sight of his bare chest. She pushed the thought aside and watched as he pulled his hair back and looked at his reflection. She could see her anxiety reflected in his face as he realized his jutsu probably wouldn't be enough to disguise them. "Ummm...let me think..." His question sent the gears in her head turning, she knew her father had drilled her on what to do in situations such as these... Unfortunately now that she was actively facing danger, she couldn't recall any of the things he had said. As she thought, she looked into his pale blue eyes, not that she was staring at him, just because that was where her focus was when she started brainstorming. She tugged lightly on her lower lip with her teeth for a moment before she finally had an idea.

No...I can't...but....

Unfortunately she didn't have the luxury of time to deliberate, she needed to make a decision. She glanced briefly toward the end of the alley before she made up her mind. She took one tentative step toward the boy, hesitating just another moment as her sclera shifted back to their normal white color. "Do you trust me?" Her voice was quieter now, but there was a strange resolve in it and she didn't give him the chance to answer. She closed her eyes briefly, then suddenly reached up, placing her hands gently on his shoulders to pull his face toward hers. At the same time she lifted herself on her toes, touching her lips to his. In an instant the energy around them would change - her strong, slender arms wrapped around his neck as she pressed herself closer to him. No girl ever imagines her first kiss will be in an alley while being chased by a trio of losers, but as first kisses go, this certainly wasn't the worst.


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Panic crossed both their faces and minds which near always resulted in the weirdest of plans. When she asked if he trusted her the only thing the demonkind's mind could race towards was the use of a combination transformation technique. The teenager started to protest to his sudden female companion when he felt her lips push into his own. Michino felt his blood pressure raise so high from the mix of events that he nearly blacked out. His body went a little limp causing his back to press against the wall while his heart raced and his mind went into sheer fuzziness. His hormones kicked into overdrive and body seemed to react on instinct as the terrified/thrilled teenager's arms raised up to Chiyo's waist. When she pushed herself in closer he could feel his arms wanting to draw her even further in as she was unbelievably warm and soft.
The three bloodthirsty idiots came stumbling by them swearing and knocking people over. One of them screamed in rage for his multiple turns of bad luck and demanded that they show themselves. Of course when you were a fool screaming for people to show themselves, especially in the Black Market, you'll eventually garnished the attention of the wrong people. One by one the three guys shouting became suspiciously silent as the market went back to its normal hustle and bustle.

In the alley just feet away from them, however, Michino could seriously care less about the world around him. Rarely was the teenager ever focused on himself and what he enjoyed; well, beyond studying. Right now, however, he had something in his arms showing him the physical side of life he had been ignoring since his mind was forced into a split. The Toraono's hands slowly started to slide up the girl's back with heart pounding, his mind lost in the pillows called her lips. That was at least until he felt a slight tapping on his face. Now, normally, it was rare that anyone could get the drop on him because he was used to having a second pair of eyes, so when he felt the touch of a gloved hand poke his face he was both suddenly annoyed from being interrupted from the 'teenage experience' at its finest and startled. He jumped a little which caused him to accidentally bump his forehead against Chiyo's. When he looked up to see who was bothering them he saw an older gentleman with a long white beard and hair. The man was dressed rather well for this side of town but had the looks of someone who knew his way around the area. His right arm was missing, it seemed, as the cloak he wore to try and hide that fact, the kid assumed, slouched a little on his right. For reasons currently unknown to the tan half-naked male the older gent before held nothing but sheer fury in his golden irises. The look and smell of anger that Michino was now able to catch with the blood slowly starting to rush out of his nethers and back into his brain caught him off guard. He returned a sneer to the person interrupting his fun. Much, much later on that night when he would regain consciousness the boy would realize how huge of a mistake this was, for that gentleman next to him was the father of the girl he was snogging.

Without mercy Uzumoreru Toushin grabbed the demonkind by his head and with that single arm managed to lift and throw the teenager down the ally six feet and against a dumpster that dented on impact. Without turning his head to look down at his daughter he simply stated,
"We're going to talk in a minute."
Pride wounded and at least one rib cracked the tainted blood youth cried out in anger as he pushed himself away from the dumpster. Some blood poured out of a new wound on his side but a mix of the anger, excitement, confusion, and fear tore the darkness out the poor boy. A black ash started to fly away from the wound as it started to close itself and dark tiger stripes began to appear against the deep tan of his skin. He panted trying to calm himself down but just as when Owari was in his head trying to kill him his demonic blood started to take control of his senses; unlike when his Id tried taking over he couldn't see as clearly. Red haze was the only color filtering through the kid's eyes when he suddenly dashed forward with battle razor drawn and ready to attack instantly. 
"One thing I have always hated about Suna over all these years..." the older man started as the demonic youth rushed him. At literally the last second that Uzu could react, razor blade an inch away from slicing his artery, his left arm struck out with such ferocity it broke Michono's attacking arm at the elbow. The crack echoed into the alley as the old man wasted no time in following up by moving inside of the teenager's instep and raised his knee to strike even harder into his grown. Instantly the teenager vomited, doubled over, and lifted off the ground a little from the force. Toushin unleashed three more attack that were half as powerful and devastating but done in the half second it would of taken for Michino to hit the ground. As the assassin's foot touched his opponent's solar plexus and sent him flying back down the ally a good ten yards the man finished his sentence,
" all the Kami damned demons."

Without another word or sound the elder man turned around back to face his daughter with a face of absolute disgust and disappointment. He was already angered beyond measure for finding his precious flower in the part of town he stained his hands and body in countless time, but to see her kissing someone of a clan so steeped in demonology managed to anger him even further. With a harsh tone and a stern left hand he gripped one of her wrists and started to pull her away. Michino laid unconscious on the ground with two broken ribs, a broken arm, some mild internal bleeding, and a lesson he wasn't going to soon forget:

You don't fuck with Uzumoreru Toushin.


New Member
Jul 5, 2013
Chiyo heard the thugs stumbling past, and the disgruntled mutters of the people they shoved their way through. She listened to one of them shouting for them to show themselves, Bloody idiots. She inwardly rolled her eyes before she became once again distracted by the boy whose arms she had found herself in. 

Maybe, if she had kept her wits about her, she might have noticed when the shouts and jeering died away suddenly. She might have even heard the familiar footsteps approaching them. Unfortunately for Michino, the girl's hormones had taken control of her senses and all she was aware of was the feel of his muscular shoulders and the way his arms wrapped around her waist like he was afraid to break her.

The next thing she knew was that the moment ended too suddenly as Michino turned to look at the last face Chiyo wanted to see at this moment. Before she could say a word, her father grabbed the boy by the head and tossed him down the alley. In a surge of rage, her face contorted, her eyes darkening in an instant, but she found that she couldn't move. She was too stunned to do anything - after five years he had the nerve to show up like this?! Her hands clenched into fists at her sides as he spoke to her. It pissed her off that he thought he could treat her like this after he abandoned her to this damn city. 

Her eyes flickered down the alley as the Toraono got up with a roar and charged at her father with that little blade he used. She wanted to shout at him to stop, but she couldn't speak, she just stood there as he was brushed away in a flurry of attacks so quick, she probably wouldn't have really known what happened if she wasn't watching his life force flicker with the force of the assassin's blows. She heard the old man's words, but they didn't truly register as the distinct sound of cracking bone overpowered her rage toward her father. Too late, she found that she had control of her legs again. Her feet started to shuffle forward as Michino doubled over, emptying his stomach contents onto the ground. She was about to run to him as he was thrown back down the alley and fell in a crumpled heap on the ground, but her father was too quick.

He turned to her and she looked up into her father's face. She wanted to scream at him, but the rage she saw in his eyes was enough to silence her in an instant. The girl had never been on the receiving end of her father's anger, so she didn't protest as his hand closed around her wrist and she was towed down the alley. She knew better than to try to break his grip, it was more likely she would break her wrist first. She took one last glance down toward the boy who had unintentionally given her some of the only happy moments she had in a while and steeled herself. She followed after her father, her eyes shifting slowly back to normal as she stared forward.

[Topic Left]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The boy didn't know exactly how long he was out only that as the light of the world started filtering through his eyelashes did he know pain. His arm had been horribly broken and only Kami knows how many ribs but even as the pain set in he realized very quickly that it should of been worse. Within moments he gathered that he was no longer laying on a street, instead, he was inside of someone's apartment; well a room of to be more specific. His eyes went over the area trying to get a hold of his surroundings when he noticed the door open. An older teenage female opened the entry to the room around the time his vision focused. Wherever he was it was still in the part of town he hated. There was a hole in the corner of the room leading down into a room from another apartment beneath him. He could only tell this by the smell of cooking food clearly coming from that part of the room. He was laying on a small cot just barely off the dirty carpet and surrounding him was all kinds of manner of trash and junk; mostly food wrappers and soda cans. Not far from his cot was a floor desk and a different girl sitting on a beanbag in front of what looked to be a television of some sort.

Neither of the females in his presence seemed to be wearing much more than really long t-shirts that still had to struggle to cover things.

Immediately Michino's heart started to race and he could feel his skin beginning to darken when the girl who walked in noticed he was awake,
"Hey Tanasti! You're street trash is alive."
"Awww," the girl in front of the tv said without moving her face to look back at the boy behind her, "I was really hoping he'd wake up before anyone else knew he was alive...plans dashed to pieces..." she said with a sigh and a shrug of her arms. Moving her left hand over she flipped on a light switch beside her television set but nothing seemed to happen. Then, slowly, the Toraono realized that there was a lot of people heading his way. As he struggled to sit up a small group of guys and gals poured themselves into the small trashed out room. Every last one of them was wearing a re-breather or gas mask of some design and all had a menacing air to them. One separated himself from the rest, wearing a suit and tie, and grabbed a folding chair that had been hidden under trash. He shook off most of the mess, turned it in reverse, and sat down with his arms folded over the back as he leered at the boy with heterochromia eyes that weren't unlike his father's - different colors though. One was red the other yellow.
"Well," the guy finally spoke, which, through his re-breather sounded extra terrifying, "You are a very, very, very lucky kid. Not a lot of the boys around here have the balls to try and make out with the daughter of Death Himself. I like you kid, you've gotta lot of kuptah."

Still very confused the dark-skinned youth attempted to move back only to find a pain shoot up through his body. The leader got a concerned look on his face and held out a hand to ask him to stop,
"Woah, hey, don't move there guy. You've got seven broken ribs, a broken arm, and I think we found few teeth. Tanasti over there watching the cartoons patched you up," the girl on the beanbag riased her arm up to flip Michino off, "and we made very sure not to let on to that prick that we're helping you. You see, we kinda got it in for that fucker, and figure you might want a fair shot at fighting him. Let me tell you now, you're never going to get it. Fighting an Uzumoreru fairly is stupid. Fighting Uzumoreru Toushin fair, is suicidal."
"Wha-, who the hell are you guys," the Toraono finally spoke up.
"Oh us? We're the Gas Light Gang, and we've got a huge bone to pick with that guy who just beat the demon out of you. But don't worry about that right now! Lay down, get some rest! Tanasti! Morphine!"
"Hey, wait, wha-OW!" the boy tried to complain as a needle slid into his arm. The girl wasn't even looking at him and he went to rip out the sharp but her thumb pushed down the plunger. The odd golden looking liquid inside the needle shot right into his veins despite the fact she just stuck it into his muscle.

"Oooh crap...other...drop out...shinobi..." The kid's world went into a blissful black again.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
