Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Adventures of Yong - "A nice new suit!"


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
He had a plan, a simple direction he felt he must take before returning to the lands of wind and into the embrace of the demon... And the first step, a conversation with the only Sennin a Myakashi had fought with where neither was dead at the end, and in Yong's eyes the only thing standing between Konoha and destruction, Sennin Nao. Yong wore light yellow, large rimmed glasses and a cheap grey suit, though it fit him well as if it had been made for the man wearing it. The shinobi looked blankly ahead through the dense trees as if trying to discern the forests opinion on his new suit. The forest remained quiet, only a few opinionated insects pierced the otherwise calm silence of the night.

"Hmm... Urufuebi... What do you think about my suit? Looking... Non threatening?"

A long low grumble came from somewhere deep within the body of the monstrous creature floating gently above the forest canopy over Yong. From organs not meant for human speech came a vibration of sound almost gelatinous in nature though each word pronounced perfectly and clearly.

"I, a creature of the deepest waters, beyond light and weight, beyond time, I who dwelt with the Mad Blind Goddess for an eternity, I who was king before you were meat... You wish my opinion on a SUIT!!"

The large jellyfish/lobster creature swirled out of the air and down to the ground, smashing the trees around Yong as it circled him a few times before coming to a crashing halt through the debris of the upturned trees in front on Yong who was lighting a cigarette nonchalantly in the centre of the momentary chaos.

"Well yeah?"

Yong gave his best non threatening smile to the massive monster as it closely inspected it's tiny companion, inspection lasting an uncomfortably long time before the creature grumbled it's thoughts.

"Clothes are foolish... Do as instinct dictates... Eat Nao's heart and send their soul to the Goddess for judgement... Why do you humans have to make everything so complex?"

Giving the large creature a dismissive waive of his hand Yong turned to the unnatural monster sprawling around him in the small clearing it had made for itself when landing. His tone turned sharp for a moment before asking his question again.

"I will do as I see fit Lord Urufuebi... And you failed to answer me... The suit? The suit?!"

With another deep grumble the gelatinous monster shifted somewhat uncomfortably under the momentary scolding from the Champion of the Goddess on this plain of existence.

"Hmmm.... yes... it is a good suit for not killing humans in... its fragile cloth will do little to protect your soft meat from the teeth of your enemies..."

Lifting off into the air once more, Urufuebi grumbled it's parting thoughts to Yong before departing rapidly towards the west.

"I go now to hunt... Protect yourself in my absence Champion of Dark Waters..."

"I will meet you here tomorrow, you be safe too Uru!"

Yong gave the rapidly parting creature a wave and a smile before turning in the direction of Leaf Village now only a few dozen kilometers away. With a smile and a newfound determination Yong walked through the night to his destination.

Yong had a good feeling about this!


Yong had a bad feeling about this!

Despite the late hour the great gates of Konoha were still bustling with activity but as his unmasked face entered the strong pool of light around the security checkpoint it took only moments for him to be recognised. Suddenly multiple spotlights surged to life and swinging their strong beams to focus on the grey suited Yong out amongst the quickly scattering crowd.

A lone gate guard wearing the insignia of a Jounin of Konoha seperated from the group and approached him hesitantly, his hand gripped unsteadily around the hilt of the sword at his hip, his fingers whitening in an effort to hide its trembling. It seemed this particular gate guard was familiar with the Myakashi's work.

"Halt! You are not welcome here, if you try and proceed we will be forced to stop you..."

Yong could tell by the guards shaking hands that he was by no means sure if they could stop him but Yong could also tell by the conviction in his voice that they were willing to lay down their lives for even a chance to stop the Myakashi's potential bloodshed withing the village they protected this night.

Yong paused for a moment, lifting his hands up above his head in a visual indication of surrender before moving them interlaced behind his head. He breathed out deeply before lowering himself to his knees, the dirt of the Konoha gates soiling the knees of his grey suit. His eyes focusing on the stoic though obviously frightened gate guardian standing before his now kneeling form. A subtle disarming smile came over his unshaven face as he gave the man a conspiratorial wink.

"I surrender."

The guards words were hesitant and stuttered, like the mans brain had been discombobulated by Yong's two simple words. To the shinobi's credit though he did not hesitate for long, regaining his composure enough to reach his hand not clasping the hilt of his weapon up to the side of his head, quickly depressing the function button on his headset as he broadcast to the ANBU and Sennin bandwidth a brief yet important message.

"Requesting immediate backup at the Phoenix Gates! Myakashi Yong has... Surrendered. Repeat, requesting immediate backup at the Phoenix Gates! Myakashi Yong has surrendered... What do I do?!"

[Ooc: Topic entered but not looking for entry just yet :) ]
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Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The blood of a dragon had awakened inside Nao a short while ago. This made him change drastically physically, and sometimes people did not even recognize him... Not that he was odd with that behavior of people. His once-white hairs had made a place for fierce red hairs, his eyes were heterochromia blue with almost a gold hue to them. He had lately a craving to hoard something... This resulted in something silly, which he had yet to tell his fiance about it.

As he heard the static of his headset going off, he listened to it absentmindedly. Sometimes it was just a call for a break on which he did not react at all. After all, he was just a sennin here. He tipped the back of the pen against his lips as he read over the file in front of him again. "What would the best cause of treatment... " That was when he halted the pen and looked towards his headset. "Repeat, requesting immediate backup at the Phoenix Gates! Myakashi Yong has surrendered... What do I do?!" The voice sounded almost panicked and a soft sigh went from Nao. He knew that most guards that were there now had no experience, not a single real thing. He knew it was Yong so he didn't have the worst rush in the world as if the world was ending, but still, he made some haste with it.

"Sennin Sazuki Nao, on his way." He would sound through the headset as he was trying to put his jacket on as he jumped out of the window to go over the roofs of people's houses. Once he was getting close he would land on the ground and slowly make it toward a jogging phase rather than a full-out run.

Looking at how the person was kneeling. A part of him started to wonder multiple things... Going closer he would eventually undo his jacket and lay it over the man's shoulders. "Going here in this cold... With a nice suit... Is it time to pay respects..?" He would say as he held a hand out. Nao was still known for his kind demeanor despite having changed so much. "If you attack, so be it. But please don't let it be today." He would sheepish laugh at it and offer a smoke. His headset had a red dot indicating that everything was being recorded nonetheless.

He would take Yong just beside the gate entrance so that everyone could still see them, but they would not disturb the gate duties too much. "You ain't going to be let through... But you surrendering... that makes me have to take you towards the jails in chains if worst case.. But before I even ask you to walk with me... Why?" He questioned as he lighted his own cigarette and offered the lighter to the other along with his cigarettes.

[topic entered]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
He had refused the coat with a dismissive hand and a smile, brushing his knees off unconsciously as he stood and following the Sennin without protest or hesitation. Taking the offered cigarette and placing it to his lips Yong expended a minor plasma Ninjutsu to flair it's tip into ignition. He took a small draw on the cigarette, giving the nod-salute that all smokers everywhere knew meant 'thanks for the smoke'. Nao's question was a good one for in truth Yong was not quite sure why he was there himself, perhaps it was madness or devine revelation guiding his steps, either way he was here now and neither the goddess nor his madness had steered him wrong before.

"Oh that?"

Yong pointed with the hand holding the cigarette at the place he had been kneeling when Nao had arrived on the scene.

"I would like to think of that was a moment of pure potential..."

Taking a deep draw on the cigarette the 'Kill On Sight' Missing Ninja gave the Sennin of Konoha a sly smile, exhaling the smoke slowly as he left the thought unfinished. In truth it was Nao that he had come to leaf for specifically, something about their last engagement had lingered with Yong, and Yong would say as much.

"How long has it been since... since I was last here? Time is relative I know, but you look so different friend Nao... Your countenance more resembles the fire I saw within you when last we... met..."

Taking note of the illuminated red dot on the Sennin's headset, the ex-Konohan ANBU would try choose his next words carefully.

"It is the fire I hoped I would see in more... When I warned Konoha in the past, this was the future I foresaw... not for nothing did I spill Konohan blood on Konohan soil for I knew what would come after would be so much worse... Do you not feel it? The change in the pattern... The young gods struggle and flee for shelter away from this world as the old ones break through their bondage and bathe the heavens in blood... Dragons... Demons... The Immortals quake in fear for with the return of those old ones comes the shadow of death once more to this world..."

He realised he was rambling, catching himself he pulled his train of thought back to the point he was trying to convey.

"My apologies, I was rambling... In truth I returned to speak with you, in this life, for perhaps the last time friend Nao... I am sorry... It was not for nothing... It is good to see you well..."

His eyes looked sad as the cigarette slowly moved to his mouth, letting the feeling of the smoke linger as it flooded his lungs and then his bloodstream, letting the feeling wash over him. All warfare is deception but for the first time in what felt like an eternity Yong was not a soldier in a war, no, for now he was just a man speaking with someone he had no right to count as a friend. For that he was grateful.
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Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao knew for a fact... That he would not be able to win a fight even if he started one. When the other mentioned that he looked different, Nao had to smirk a bit sheepish at those words. A memory flooded him as he looked at his hair that were falling shorter, the discolorations happening in the hair strands, and when he looked into the mirror, he saw his eye color change. For the second he spaced out he would take a drag of his cigarette before exhaling it slowly. "That... does still linger on my mind. Since it happened, every test I did on myself... All show the same results, DNA wise I am me. But there was a difference at the same time, my chakra signature changed ever so slightly. I hardly understand what is happening to me. I wonder if past me would have known..." He would mutter as he leaned back to the wooden structure in his back.

"I woke up, feeling feverish and when I stood up from my bed... I noticed feeling lighter, when I looked down, I saw a lot of hair falling. Both white, and changed into red... When I finally got to the bathroom I saw the changes happening right in front of me. I remember that my contract tried to soothe me... That eventually my fiance came to the bathroom... After that is a slgith blur... but one thing I do know. Not long after, I lost contact really with my Yokai contract and a small girl came towards me... Not missing the fact she was a legit dragon.." He would sigh and put the bud in the ground before holding it. Normally he would put it in a can but he did not wear that on him right now.

"As I was told... In the past I used to be a Temporal Strider, until I wiped myself out." He would comment and before he could tell anything else... He would just sigh. That was when he listened to Yong speaking... And after the small silence after... He would click on the headset turning it off and looking towards the sky. "I think I understand you... I am not much for gods and all that.. Sorryt for that, but what I do know. Is a small hint of advice." He would speak and since his coms were off... This was something off records. "Be careful where you thread. They named a Shinobi called Kiko towards you and I believe your companion was Migoga? Miyoya? Mijojo? The other guy..." he would brush it off as best as he could. He just remembered the freaky thing with him more than the person that was there.

He wouldn't say exactly as to what or where... But more in a riddle way for Yong to take on the road. "Attacks from years ago and newly ties to them. Are they part of the clan or are they innocent of what they did." He would comment and point towards the Kumokagure boarders would be. "Is where the answers lie." He would try to make it as odd and same time as explaining as possible... After all, he started to really see young as a friend. "Do you know anything regards of Dragons.. or those connected to them..? I am... Kinda lost as to what or who I am..." he would speak soft, as if it really did ache him. He would let a claw grow and looked it.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Listening to Nao's words with interest Yong would nod occasionally, the the slow draw on his cigarette would be interrupted to make a comment before allowing Nao to finish.
"For all the physical change friend Nao, you are you now and then. You wear a new mantle but still you offered me... your nations enemy... your coat when you thought me cold." After that Nao continued to speak, making reference to when physical change first began in him, speaking of losing contact with the Yokai contract beast and gaining the confidences of no less than one of the new beings and he had said it all as if it was a medical anomaly before turning off his recording headset. The Sennin would then spoke of being unfamiliar with gods, which would bring a smile with an ironic mirth to Yong's face, the irony being that Nao had summoned a Yokai in their last engagement like one summons a human ally and now a new dragon ally out of the mists of heaven, when it came to knowing about the gods Yong felt that Nao may metaphorically be missing the forest through the trees.
Nao's next words though were both a subtle and overt warning, a gesture with his hand in a certain direction, a hidden story in his questions, but Yong was old and he knew this world well, the message the Sennin was passing on to the Missing Ninja was received loud and clear... Information for information...
"Yes Kiko is one of ours, she one of Yamigakure's elite Kunoichi. She has full autonomy to take contracts as she sees fit... but the Myakashi Clan was aware and fully supported her contract with the Sunan Ancient... She had been contracted to break the alliance between the three great Shinobi villages... She succeeded, and this is the consequence my friend Nao. Simply cause and effect... and an effect which was by no means unanticipated." Finishing the cigarette Yong twisted the end with his well calloused fingertips to extinguish the last of the already struggling embers. Almost unconsciously he deposited the butt in a small metal container attached to his hip, built specifically for this purpose, in Yong's line of work it didn't pay to just leave little packets of DNA behind.
"Perhaps this change in you is also not unanticipated, when first I saw your bright soul my goddess whispered of your will of fire... I have a gift for you friend Nao." Reaching the same hand into a second pouch the Myakashi removed a small glass 'silver general' shogi piece and held it gently up, the piece between his fingers like a precious stone.
"The daughter of the Myakashi gave the Ancient of Suna her token and when they broke it she broke the world for them..." Letting the small piece fall from his fingers the solid glass made a puff of dust as it landed in the soil.

And then Yong was gone... In the space of a thought nothing remained to tell that the Myakashi assassin had ever been there except his knee prints in the road and the token on the ground...

[Ooc: leaving topic with 'Houdini ASP card just to be dramatic! Thanks for the topic Nao

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Dumbfounded, that was what he was when the male had poofed when his gaze was on the fallen object. "Eh-- young? He asked as he started to look around, as there was no one in and around he would grab the small shiny object. "huh... Funky." He would speak as he would study it a little.

Then, he started to figure out the puzzle pieces and made a sheepish smile. "I guess this is like summoning a contract creature... Only then a yong." He would comment and snicker to himself as if he would summon Yong as a contract creature when he broke it. He would eventually chuckle and the guardsmen started to check up on him. "Yea yea, I am fine, he was just here for a small chat then left. Don't worry, he did not go inside." He would say as he looked towards the guardsmen and joined them back in the watchhouse, he would conclude this meeting and get back to his work in the Byoin, after all... No rest for the wicked.

[thank you for the topic!!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
