Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open All Warfare is Deception 9: ‘A Girl and her Shinogami!’


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012

The Konoha Anbu sat beside a small flickering fire, his legs tucked close to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around his shins just below the kneecap. His forehead rested on his bent knees, though his Anbu mask was still in place over his face. He sat as still as death, his chest did not rise and fall with breath and the only heat in his body present due to the flickering flames beside him. On first appearances he would look just like a normal camp, a normal shinobi and a normal night under the stars of Wind Country.

But first appearances could be deceiving…

The assassin from the land of Snow resided within her wooden puppet, her soul piloting the artificial Anbu as only a human puppet could, filling the wooden chakra circulatory system implemented throughout the artificial body with her own unique chakra system. The puppets huddled appearance and lowered, concealed face disguised the fact that the puppets artificial Byakugan projected her awareness far beyond the range of most shonobi.

The small campfire itself was never intended as a source of warmth, Kiko having left behind the human requirement of warmth long ago when she had removed her soul from the body, replaced with wood and stone. No, this fire was not for warmth, this fire was a signal and on this dark, moonless night the signal would travel far.

The Shinogami of Suna would see her signal, she was sure of this. They would meet once more under the Sunan stars and plot the death of the world of the living…

But, just as all mortals waited she too would wait for the arrival of her Shinogami and the death he would bring…

Topic entered with Kiko.
Continued from here ->


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Why was he here you ask? Well quite frankly it's none of your business, thank you kindly. The fact of the matter was they he was here, at the right time and the right general vicinity. On a dark night, moonless for that matter, light travels far. One might normally think this was a good thing, but in the wilds of Wind Country you are essentially asking to be robbed, eaten or finding yourself in the human trafficking ring that so heavily permeates this country. This campfire was truly a beacon as Kaen had seen it far away from the actual location.

Normally he would have ignored it, not his business, but the growl from within told him otherwise. A pull that was so difficult to control, the hunger for souls. It seems so strange saying it outright like that, but that was just a matter of fact for him. Being a member of a old and rare species of beings, the Ancients. It wasn't difficult to distinguish what Court Kaen belonged to, he was proud of his heritage, despite how much the denizens of Wind Country despised their kind. So he would take this opportunity to have a pleasant meal. Surely if someone was dull enough to light a fire on a night like this, surely they would be easy to overtake and, well, eat.

But when he approached the camp itself and saw the lone individual sitting there unmoving he began to question his choice in coming. This... thing spelled strange. Thing was the best thing he could think of. It didn't smell human at all, it hardly smelled like anything. There was something there, but not a whole being. It was so strange, almost like 'something' was living in this body, and yet the body was not alive. Kaen had never encountered anything like this, it sent warning alarms in the back of his mind.

Curiosity now assumed control of the reason for continuing his approach, rather than hunger. What was this abnormality he stumbled upon, he needed to know. He approached slow enough to not spook whatever the hell this was, but not slow enough to make them think he was trying to sneak up on them. From a safe-ish distance he would call out to the peculiarity. "Greetings, traveler." He continued his approach having now declared his presence. Not aware of the Byakugan the other individual possessed, he assumed that they had not detected him until now. "Awfully bold of you to keep your fire so... inviting. It can be dangerous out here all alone..." Kaen would casually take in the air around him with a subtle sniff. The stranger smelled even weirder up close, like one of Sousuke's mechanical creations, but dressed up like a person. How odd...

[OOC - Topic entered]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
“You speak as if you do not know me Lord Kaen…”

A strange rattle and purr accompanied the puppets almost double tonal, androgynous voice. The words spoken were a deception, as almost all the puppeteers words were for she had never made the acquaintance of the impressive Sunan now standing so boldly before her.

But she knew him well…

The puppet slowly lifted its head, a bright red Sharingan clearly visible through the eye holes of the pristine Konohan Anbu mask. They were just for show, the puppets true machinations hidden within the hard exterior shell.

The artificial Tamoi spun rapidly around the dilated pupil, it’s focus locked on the intimidating shinobi.

The puppet maintained focus for slightly longer than comfort would normally allow but not to the point of rudeness, then the head tilted to the left in the universal indicator of curiosity.

“Though your eyes betray you more than your words… you don’t remember at all do you?”

The tone(s) of the gentle voice had now changed to a concerned tone. The puppets hand lifted slowly and indicated to the ground on the other side on the small fire, the movement revealing the joints and sockets running through the Anbu’s arm, wrist and fingers which had been previously concealed by the puppets huddled position.

“Come… sit with me Kaen of Ancient Suna… and I will show you once more the memories denied you…”

Her words all lies… but they were tempting ones.

All warfare is deception.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
His interest was piqued further as the entity spoke, their voice was unlike anything he had heard of before. It was a most peculiar sound as it seemed to unnaturally flow from their mouth. However, his interest quickly turned to a state of vigilance as the stranger uttered his name. He wasn't entirely surprised someone knew him when he knew them not, he had a reputation of sorts and his name had spread more than the average shinobi. The issue at hand was they knew his name, and he was the one that walked into their camp uninvited. This had all the feelings of a trap, he was on guard now. He had no plans to get ganked out in the middle of nowhere.

"It's because I don't, should I?" His tone had switched from the previously velvety calm voice to a now deep, grating tone that matched his now wary state. It was almost accusatory in the way it was said. Who were they to be on Kaen's radar? Granted he had know idea just how much had flown under this supposes 'radar', this individual very much deserved to be near the top of his list of who's who.

The two powerhouses locked eyes as the huddle individual looked up at him. Infamous red eyes stared into his soul as his opposing piercing blue eyes attempts to jutsu clash with the sharingan. The length of time was of no concern to him, he had stared death in the eye many a times. He didn't back down then, he wouldn't now. (Fearless) “Though your eyes betray you more than your words… you don’t remember at all do you?” The Flame Court Hybrid's eyes would narrow to thin slits as his gaze attempted to decipher the meaning behind their words. All in all he had been met with nothing but confusion since he arrived. But perhaps that was the point. "Are you playing games? Who are you, and why does this suddenly feel like it wasn't by chance that I saw your fire?!"

And then the pieces started to fall into place as the 'thing' gestured towards the opposite side of the fire. This was no human, or any seemingly living entity. At first glance it seemed like a shoddy version of some mechanical contraption that Lord Sousuke would frankenstein together. He had very little experience when it came to puppetry, and virtually none in regards to the abomination they had turned themselves into. (Human Puppet) “Come… sit with me Kaen of Ancient Suna… and I will show you once more the memories denied you…” He would look in the direction they had pointed, and then back again to them. As he did so he tried to survey the area around him, looking for the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes. But he sensed nothing.

With skepticism running through his veins he would reluctantly accept the invitation. He hadn't the faintest idea what was going to happen, or who this person was and what they could possibly want with him. Well... There's probably a few people out there that wanted him dead now that he thought about it. "Very well, you have my attention. But first..." With a subtle thud the looming figure took a seat adjacent to the strange traveler. "You have me at a disadvantage while also dishonoring yourself." Kaen would lift his head and lock eyes with the swirling sharingan. Still he was on guard, he didn't trust this puppet as far as he could throw it, which was probably pretty far. "I would have my challenger's name before you fail to kill or capture me." His harsh voice was full of pride, someday it may be his downfall. Being so sure of ones self was a flaw he had yet to overcome.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
“I am always playing games Lord Kaen… yes the beacon was meant to shine brightly my Lord, though not the bright soul I intended, still it is good to see you again.”

The beacon had in truth been lit to attract the attention of another, a soul much darker than the ball of angst she now found herself confronted with. No, the one the beacon had been lit for was no other than the benevolent Shinogami that had sent her on her mission to Konoha, Miroku Akkuma!

The large Sunan took the offered dirt seat opposite the much smaller puppet, the small dancing flames bathing the area in a constant shift between weak orange light and dominant shadow. The man continued to speak, Kiko thought on his words as he said them.

‘If you only knew your true disadvantage little lamb…’

Though her true thought's dwelt elsewhere the Anbu puppet kept up the pantomime flawlessly, maintaining its full focus on the man, still a giant even when seated, it’s head tilted once more as if in contemplative thought over the Sunan’s words.

“It pains me you do not play as you once did… do you truly not remember me Lord Kaen?”

The puppets (comparatively) small frame seemed to slump even further in an outward display of dismay, slightly more exaggerated than normal human expression but not enough to seem theatrical.

Sitting motionless for the briefest of moments before lifting its masked face, eyes still fiercely locked with the Sunan giants own blue pair. The puppet raised a finger in similarly slightly exaggerated manner, indicating an idea had formed.

It all happened so quickly, the puppet flickered forward, directly through the fire on direct collision course with the already defensive Sunan. The puppet had moved too fast to for anything to react. Despite the extreme speed of the movement, there was no impact as one would have expected, instead the puppets cold index finger was placed gently in the centre of the giants forehead.

“Let me show you!”

Chakra surged through the Sunan’s cerebral cortex, flooding his mind with memories not his own! Though the memories would be tailored somewhat from the reality of the events in Konoha, the memories shown only from the perspective outside of the Kaen meat-puppet that had ravaged Konoha, lending the appearance that the puppet had been accompanied by the Sunan rather than fully controlling the meat doppelgänger.

As Kaen would swim in the flood of new memories the puppet would speak in its quiet double tone, the words now no more than a whisper.

“Remember now?”

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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Word had made it's way to Akkuma via messenger. A fire had been lit upon the cliff tops of the Luminous Mountains. Perhaps it would be another set of campers who would be surprised to encounter such an individual as himself. But he couldn't deny the omens of tonight pointed towards this being a very eventful even. The journey would not take the Sage long. Between his network of tunnels to his chakra infused legs. Approaching the summit of the cliff his aura would enveloped two individuals. Recognizing the chakra signatures of both individuals his mind burst to life. Going through the various variables that could have resulted in this. When he casually stepping over the cliff face those emerald eyes of his scanning the scene before him.

It seemed the Fates had once more decided to test him. Perhaps they intended to see his life ended now, before his will could further corrupt the world. No, he didn't feel the animosity that preceded an attack. Could it be? Had Kaen simply stumbled upon them this night? If so there potential for success or failure to his plan might very well depend on the outcome. Then again, had his new dealer of death decide to test the capabilities of Ancients? After all even he had wondered if his countermeasures would still be effective in the event one consumed his soul. Too many questions lay before him without enough data to provide a conclusive path. There for he would have to gain more information about the situation before he determined how best to proceed.

Fortunately given the reputation he had that should be easy enough. The look upon his face was a mixture of curiosity & excitement as his gaze flicked between the two individuals. "I see the omens weren't wrong...this walk might be more entertaining then even I could have hoped." he would say with an amused smirk. Perhaps his greatest gift was being in the right place at the right time. Or wrong time depending on how one felt about his arrival in the situation. For their were few beings who were unable to resist the insightful offers made by him. Having cultivated his reputation so that an encounter such as this would seem unlikely if proposed as a premeditated act. While allowing him to appear as if he might have some insight into the situation. With an information gathering network & organization of agents at his disposal. There was not a lot that slipped through the vast net he had placed over Wind Country. Even that corrupting aura of his would seem less hostile, more akin to the sense of a predator deciding if something was a potential meal or not.

While an off putting sensation to many, for the Sage it was about as welcoming or non threatening he could seem without sealing himself to contain his corrupting presence. Withdrawing his handcrafted wooden pipe from within his black robes. Packing it full of his herbal mixture. Snapping his fingers a spark of electricity would jump from his hand to the contents of the pipe igniting it. Wordlessly he inhaled a lungful of the smoke. Closing his eyes to enjoy the sensation that rolled over him. Opening his eyes he would smile before moving to take a seat by the fire. Purposely revealing the wrist blade as he pocketed the pouch containing his mixture. Akkuma would wait to see how the tworeacted, what information he could gleam from this situation. Most importantly how to manipulate the events to better serve himself & the will he intended to enact upon the world.


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

There are a few rules to follow when transversing the badlands and the lawlessness of the wild. However, there is only one simple little rule to remember at night… put the fire out, less ye attract predators. Sheep had gathered around a bright fire that beaconed. It’s illumination stealing the gaze of all that was nocturnal. Did they not know? Have they not heard? A beast prowl these lands at night. An angelic creature with piercing red hues and raven black hair. With a slight grin, Mizu’s eyes fell upon the brightest source of light in these desolate dark. With a blade at her hip, she embarked on a detour… abandoning her initial destination. Because there was only one creature on the planet that used fire and that was humans. And humans must be eradicated. It wasn’t long before she happened on the crowd of three. Still cloaked by the blanket of darkness , her slender silhouette was revealed and her eyes seemed to reflect the light cast by the fire. A growling could be heard from this very dark before a pretty face was revealed masked by a grin filled with malevolent intent. Stepping from the shadows, revealed the fire stick pressed between her lips and her long pointy ears. She didn’t show any hesitation in her steps of approach. “You really should be careful when setting up camp… you never know when you might attract the attention of something like… me.” Her gaze would soon fall on the only familiar face of the bunch preventing the hostile action in progress. “Akuuma? It’s been sometime. I hope I’m interrupting something.” Mizu did not address the other two at the fire. For what reason would the wolf address the sheep to be slaughtered.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The puppets internally concealed byakugan had revealed the approach of the two shinobi from almost two kilometres away, the one she recognised as Akkuma, the Benevolent Shinogami of Suna himself and the very reason the puppet assassin had returned to the land of Wind. The other though was unfamiliar to the assassin, it’s general presence feeling more akin to a contract beast or an animal, regardless of its inhuman nature the creature was strong.

The puppet waited patiently like a spider awaiting her flys, leaning back through the flames, returning to its previous huddled position. The Anbu puppet body seemed completely untouched by the flames, no scorching present on the artificial body.

As the two approached close enough they each, in turn, greeted the pair already present at the small fire, though she also assumed that Kaen was still in a semi catatonic state, the flood of new memories still being processed taking his attention for the time.

The strange rattle and purr once more accompanied the puppets almost double tonal, androgynous voice, though the words still barely above a whisper this time they had the power to shape the world behind them…

“Or'azath ah'legeth.”

With the speaking of these esoteric words the world shifted rapidly up the spectrum of natural light until only the four shinobi and the small fire remained. There was no horizon, no sky, no sand, no stones, no breeze, no sound but they had not been transported to a different place, instead reality itself bent to the will of the sage of the deep waters. The world had been shattered and where once the world was now only a white void remained.

As the world had changed, so had the puppet standing before them. The Anbu completely gone, instead the trio would see the delicate features of a meticulously crafted porcelain face, white porcelain eyes staring blindly ahead.

“My Benevolent Shinogami…”

Again the words accompanied by the strange mechanical purr and double tone, though this time the voice feminine in nature, though with a hollow timbre not present before.

“…it is good to see you alive my friend.”

Kiko turned slightly to face the animal-woman, a small smile coming over her unliving features.

“And you…”

Kiko gave a small bow the the creature before turning her face back towards Akkuma.

“My lord Akkuma… I have a gift for you…”

Before the words hade finished being said a small, wet sound would be heard at the feet of Akkuma. If he would look down he would see a fresh heart, ragged tears indicated that the heart had been torn out rather than surgically removed.

“The heart of the Hokage’s sister… the heart of a Sennin of Konoha… and a start to your war my dear Shinogami…”

The porcelain puppets smile returned to a passive expression, lending a certain gravity to her next words.

“Twenty-four Konohan shinobi went to the deep waters, though the Hokage is not amongst them… and… despite the evidence before you…”

A porcelain hand gently indicated towards the sitting heart.

“…I doubt the Sennin will be disabled for long… bright souls die differently my Lord.”

The puppet began to walk towards the still huddled Kaen. Her hand dragged over the giant of a man’s shoulders as she walked past him, though her eyes never strayed from their tight focus on the demon before her.

“He does not remember his part in all this…”

Kiko tilted her head slightly, the gentle smile returning to her perfect face.

“I am ‘reminding’ him.”

The word ‘reminding’ accompanied by a quick wink, though she knew the outward gesture would be wasted on the Sage of Suna she still felt it practical to do so, if only to include the animal-woman is some yet to be revealed conspiracy. With a flash of speed Kiko now stood uncomfortably close to the Dark Sage, her cold lips only centimetres away from the demon’s ear.

“Let me show you our power…”

Her hand would slowly rise, perfect porcelain fingers folding into a fist with index finger extended. She gently placed her index finger in the centre of Akkuma’s forehead, chakra surging between them, the puppets memories once more transferred to another, though this time not tailored in any way.

“For you my Lord…”

Same link as last post for the ‘snapshot’ for you Akkuma
Used ‘world shatter’ to change the topic to ‘bright’ and ‘open’
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
The mountainous red beast of Suna now sat slouched over in a comatose like state as his mind attempted to decipher and understand the sudden flow of information. Unlike a normal Snapshot, having memories of someone else, this one was different in the sense that he was watching himself. To his mind he was actually watching himself, his subconscious registered it as the transformed puppet actually being him and not a façade. This confused his mind to such a degree that it kept him 'under' longer than usual.

Up until now his mind knew he had never gone to Fire Country, or Konaha for that matter. He had been... what had he been doing? He couldn't remember now, it felt like he was trying to remember a dream after waking in the morning. But the harder he tried to recall the truth the quicker it seemed to fade into unreality with this new vision taking the place of what truly happened. By the time he actually came to the others had arrived and the scenery had changed to a degree. It almost felt like a genjutsu with how much had changed.

The stirring of his body and the rapid blinking of his eyes indicated he was now fully conscious. Had it not been for his 'Fearless' nature he probably would have stumbled over backwards in surprise to the entire change around him. The Uchiha anbu was gone and instead three others took their place. One he knew, the others were unknown to him. Since the only person he knew was Akkuma he directed his anger towards him. Anger you ask? Well what would you do if you seemingly were to be surrounded by three trained death-bringers and one of them was known to make loose ends dissappear. What's worse is that he was now under the illusion that he had left his country without telling anyone, annihilated multitudes of Leaf shinobi while also ripping the heart from one of their Sennin.

Now this wasn't exactly unheard of, Kaen has done this sort of stuff plenty of times in the past. Granted 'most' of it took place prior to the meeting with Lord Sousuke and their 'agreement'. But Kaen still had the blood and power of the Flame Court running hot through his veins, he had impulses like any other being. It just so happened his were to fight and consume, survival of the fittest if you would. He was also known to loose his cool and completely just disregard orders in favor of his own plans and desires. Traveling to Leaf was not out of the question, especially if he was experiencing one of these episodes. What exactly had happened to cause him to make such a wild journey and commit these acts of violence? He didn't have any answers, only confusion. And thus, Akkuma would take the brunt of his frustrations.

Ignoring the other two potential threats he would zero in on the demon lord. Rising from his sitting position his flames would burst to life around him in a brilliant display of power and heat. As his temper rose so too did the heat and fierceness of his fire. "AKKUMA!" His low and rumbling bellow would probably strike fear into the hearts of most, but between a demon lord, a heartless contraption and some other being having base, animalistic characteristics they might not be that afraid.

"What the hell did you do to me?!?! Let me the fuck out of this genjutsu so I can rip your heart out just like that damn sennin!" He was of course referring the the sennin whos heart Akkuma was now in possession of. And the mentioning of being in a genjutsu was simply because he knew how the demon liked to dabble and play with the minds of others, that and the scenery and people from before were now different. In his rage it was simply the first thing he would assume. Kaen would make his approach and grab hold of Akkuma by the throat and lift him up off the ground leaving his feet hanging just barely off the surface of the ground. "I don't know what would happen if I tried to eat you, but I'm willing to find out if you don't start explaining what the hell is going on here!" To him he felt as if he was in a genjutsu of sorts, Kaen never was the best at such things, it was only natural that he would think he was in one, especially with Akkuma around. The hand around his throat was really more of a show of force, he had no plans of actually crushing his wind pipe given how he thought he was in a genjutsu. He knew nothing would actually happen if he did it inside a genjutsu. Perhaps it was for the best he thought he was caught up in an illusion, but it could also be detrimental if the Flame Court Hybrid actually acted.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Tonight it seemed the Fates truly had turned their gaze upon him. For it seemed this evening would truly be one to remember for the history books. Kaen seemed to be in an almost comatose trance state & Akkuma found himself wondering what had just transpired. Not that he would have long to think as another presence soon made itself felt. Just on the outskirts of the flickering light cast by the dancing flames stood another familiar being. One whose arrival made him sure to keep his senses alive. For he doubted her counterpart would be far from here, if he was not already here lying in wait. Part of him wondered if they would still honor the deal they had made or if they had chosen to deal with the threat he represented before it was too late.

No if that were the case he suspected his own blood would have been the first sign they had made such a decision. It was then their attention fell upon him & he realized they had been hunting. Acceptable, only due to the agreement they had. After all Wind Country was his territory, at least until he had fulfilled his goals here. The flames of the campfire danced in his emerald eyes as Kiko spoke her incantation. In that moment reality itself seemed to disintegrate before them. Replaced only by a void consisting of pure white. "You are...but I suspect it is for the best. Perhaps this will prove illuminating for you." would be his response to the question posed to him by the Kitsune. While the events unfolded he contemplated how to use each new detail to his benefit. How best to lay the foundation for what was needed.

That emerald gaze shifted to Kiko's new form, wondering just how much chaos had been caused on her journey to Fire Country. "My dearest..." his words were cut short as the wet thud of an organ was heard before him. Akkuma's gaze drifted down to the organ as he knelt down to hold it in his hand. Listening to the words of his Shadow he would encase the organ in a canopic jar engraved with various seals. Using his Corpse Preservation Jutsu, following up by storing the sealed organ in his Archive Dimension Jutsu. A technique he had created for his own clan & himself to safely store potentially incriminating or hazardous materials. Standing once more he would continue listening to the words spoken by porcelain face that was Kiko.

A slight chuckle would escape his lips at the assassins words. For the Shinigami knew all to well how stubborn some souls could be. Nonetheless his message had been sent & with his will enacted in such a manner they would have to act. "You have performed above & beyond expectations my Faceless Demon." Such aggression was not something that could simply be disregarded by the nations. Especially given the complex & costly conflicts the nations had already found themselves in over recent years. The Sages eyes widened with a delighted madness as Kiko informed him as to what she was doing to Kaen. Everything had transpired to near perfection, that which hadn't would still serve the intended purpose. In the blink of an eye she was by his side, the unnatural rattle of her voice as it whispered into his ear. Before she shared with the demon her memories of his will being enacted. Committing it all to his own memory, storing it so that he could replay the scenarios & take in every minute detail at his leisure.

Suddenly his focus was brought back to reality or the shattered version of it that they stood within. For Kaen had begun to regain his consciousness from the implantation of memories. No doubt his mind was already fracturing as it attempted to comprehend what had happened. Akkuma wondered how much of the memories would take root & how much would seem like a fevered dream. Flames enveloped the Flame Court hybrid as he stomped towards the Sage. When he clasped the demons clothing & lifted him from the ground there was no panic in his emerald orbs. For already he had formulated how he would address this matter & any suspicions Kaen might have. Instead within those eyes was a mixture of pity & maniacal delight. Flames licked at his flesh as it danced around Kaen's form, occasionally burning the Sage.

"...control your instincts." the words would come out strangled from the force of the grip, although he was in no real distress. The words themselves were meant to plant the seed for what he would further build upon. Another flicker of flame would reach out to sear his flesh & instead the Sage would burst into a murder of crows. Reforming with various clones of himself present in case his friends temper still controlled him. "Such poor thanks for my assistance in your problem." He would say in unison with his clones, hoping they would bare the brunt of any explosive outbursts the hybrid might have. Long enough for the words to further give more pause to the fiery rage of Kaen. "For too long have you buried your true nature. Denying yourself what you truly hunger for...either that or your mind is truly fractured but I doubt this to be the case." he would finish his words with a joking grin. Potentially an aggravating response but an expected one from the Sage no doubt.

"I wonder if Sousuke would have treated your kind this way if he knew the outcome that such forced restraint would result in." A rhetorical pondering voiced out loud to further solidify the argument he posed for Kaen's broken mind & memories. After all the Kazekage had surrounded himself with multiple Ancients throughout his reign. Of those he knew about there had been little in the way of peaceful separation of ties. In fact one could almost predict such a predicament might arise given past events with the Ancients. "Too many of us suffer from the prejudiced regulation & laws of humanity." This time Akkuma would walk towards Kaen attempting to place a hand upon his shoulder. "While inefficient...I believe I can strategize a way to take advantage of these events to benefit us all." That piercing emerald gaze of his would shift from Kaen to Kiko before finally coming to a stop at Mizu.

Devilish delight dancing in his gaze it rested upon her, perhaps now the Kitsune understood the gravity of what was transpiring. In this moment she would get another glimpse into the power the Sage wielded. That day in the desert when he had informed them of his vast network & part of his intentions. There had been a mutual understanding but now they would all be able to see devil in the details. Everything that was unfolding & transpiring was because he willed it so. Akkuma intended to see if the world would break under his conviction or continue on it's current cyclical path of stagnation & deterioration. Recent conflicts had given rise to new breakthrough in technologies, one that would further serve to upset the balance in the world if utilized correctly.


Apologies on the delay
Corpse Preservation Jutsu
CRPJ's Effect:
Preserves A Corpse In A Sealed Coffin
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: The senjutsu chakra requires full concentration should one attempt this in battle the result becoming stone and one back with nature gone from this world.

Name of Jutsu: Miroku Clan [Archive Dimension Jutsu]
CRPJ's Effect:
Allows Akkuma to store archived information, items such as tomes, scrolls, jars of organic material, tools, corpses {preservation technique}, other samples. Mainly a safe way of storing any archivable goods that only he can access.
Requirement: Dark Sage / Miroku Clan
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: Attempting to open the dimension in battle would fill one with so much senjutsu chakra they'd become a permanent statue as a warning for those who fooled around with senjutsu chakra.

Snapshot Shared by Kiko stored in Snapshot Slot 3:3

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Devour of Gods
As the world shattered around them, so too did the false image of Mizu. Fading like sand scattering to the wind, the image of a teen Kitsune had gone and in its place, a woman kneeling with a blade as long as her body. The golden helm would reflect the Suna sun rays as her head slowly lifts from a downed posture. Her once raven hair lined with red was now a sun soaked scarlet lined with black. Her cloak stained with blood of those she devoured would banner in the wind. The sound of steel clinked as her golden arm clutched her blade. Most mistook Mizu as a Kitsune but in truth she was a chimera capable of devouring others to improve herself. What was before them, was the product of a chimera who has fully given into her instincts. She had devoured so many and evolved so much since her meeting with Akuuma. Still, Xaiyu was no where to be seen. Could she have been devoured as well? She would raise slowly to her feet as her gaze fell upon the porcelain faced maiden whispering something to Akkuma. It would seem that Mizu was not the only apex predator present. To dispel her transformation and change the stars above wasn’t something anyone could just do. The comatose man was now conscious and hemming up her acquaintance. Mizu tilted her head in response with an internal conflict to allow this human to harm Akuuma before devouring him. All things considered, Akuuma probably deserved it but to allow a human to harm a mystical being in her presence was unprecedented. That’s when Akkuma slipped his grasp in a showy display of crows and clones. Mizu saw the act as unnecessary though she was one to play with her dinner. Mizu simply observed for now as a speech was given with clues to Akkuma’s motives. He sounded honest and virtuous though he wasn’t known by anyone in Suna to be a straight shooter. Yes, Mizu’s time in the dessert wasn’t simply spent as the scourge of mankind and a devourer. She also dedicated much of her time looking into the monster she made a deal with. The Golden Sanctuary was a damned place for things like her and Xaiyu and yet, it existed not only in his backyard but his organization and dealings extended into it. “Benefit us all? Define what you mean by us.” Mizu’s glare would fall on the hulking human and then shift to the porcelain faced woman, unsure of what she was. The big man was obviously human and as such was in utter danger each second spent in Mizu’s presence and yet he seemed important to both of the others. “Who are they?”
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Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The strange animal-like woman changed appearance as the puppet changed the world, though the actions seemed as if they were cause and effect Kiko knew she did not possess that sort of power, that seemed reserved for the Jinchuriki alone. No, the woman had changed at the same time, showing an extreme speed and awareness, the puppet was impressed.

‘Faceless Demon’ the sage had called her, a new title for the assassin from Snow. She liked the sound of it, her new war title…

Just then the giant of a man became self aware once more, Kaen’s fury directed completely towards the demon of Suna. Kiko tilted her head, her artificial eyes analysing and cataloging every movement made between them, both the restraint in the Sunan giant’s grip despite his apparent blood-rage and the calmness in Akkuma’s demeanour despite the apparent predicament he now appeared to be in. She watched them closely because she planned to kill them both one day… perhaps after the war?

“This is no Genjutsu friend-Kaen… this is the power of the Myakashi… this is the real world…”

Again the words accompanied by the now familiar though still strange mechanical purr and double tone, though this time the double tone seemed contradictory, one giving a serious inflection, the other an almost mocking tone.

Flame licked from the angry giant towards the restrained Akkuma, though when it would have met the flesh of the demon of Suna it instead met nothing but air, replaced with a flock of dark birds, then quickly followed up by a duplicating clone jutsu.

‘Basic jutsu… effective use… counter strategy formulated…’

The puppet would mentally add to the weaknesses of the demon Akkuma, her greatest ally in the war to come; the man she would one day kill… All warfare is deception. Akkuma continued to speak calmly to the giant Kaen who was still fuming with rage now the target of that rage was out of his grasp though Kiko could see his breathing slow, this was good, this she could work with.

“Be at peace in this place Friend-Kaen for this is holy ground…”

One tonal inflection a scolding tone, the other a gentle, calming inflection. This ground may or may not have been holy, Kiko had no idea, what was important was the gravity of the sentence and the implications if it was true. Would an ancient have the hubris to challenge the gods themselves? Only time would tell.

“…Listen to my Benovelent Shinogami, for you know he speaks truth…”

The double tone once more returned to unified inflection. The porcelain puppet circled around the small group, bringing herself closer to the one unknown quantity, the now gloriously adorned woman and her disproportionate blade. The Dark Sage of Suna continued his speech, the words of which the puppet hoped were not lost on the shining warrior beside her. The demon spoke of a way to turn the world to benefit their cause, the implication that the unnamed woman beside her was already privy to at least a foundation of what he had planned. The warrior questioned Akkuma when he had finished speaking, questioning his statements before turning to Kiko herself and questioning what she was, a valid question given the current company…

“I am the faceless demon; I am death; I am legion…”

The puppet gave the warrior a deep bow before standing straight once more, her unnatural face now featuring a friendly smile, eyes slightly squinted.

“…But you can call me Myakashi Kiko.”
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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
“This is no Genjutsu friend-Kaen… this is the power of the Myakashi… this is the real world…” The double tonal purr, with a tinge of mechanical influence, infiltrated his ears. The assumption of their relationship level being 'friend' was sorely mistaken. It took a great deal to even earn just his respect, let alone something as intimate as friendship. This presupposition only fueled the fires of his anger causing his fires to reach out with malicious intent towards the demon in his grasp.

"...control your instincts." And then his fist clenched fully into nothing as Akkuma dispersed into a murder of ebony birds. "Such poor thanks for my assistance in your problem." Kaen turned as a trio of demons imposed their self-righteous indignation, as if Kaen really had anything to thank this Miroku for. Moreover the seemingly deadpanned being further attempted to pacify the raging Hybrid with the notion that the four of them were standing upon holy ground; Be at peace in this place Friend-Kaen for this is holy ground…

The intensity of Kaen's flames would recede from their instability as Kaen took a deep breath, heeding the initial words of Akkuma. It was true he often lost control, to a degree, due to his bloodline heritage of the Flame Court. Still fire would remain as Kaen loosed the reigns on his aura, something Akkuma would soon address. For now he would keep his attentions focused on the demon. "For too long have you buried your true nature. Denying yourself what you truly hunger for...either that or your mind is truly fractured but I doubt this to be the case." It was as if he was truly incapable of speaking without pushing someone's buttons. Though his words rang true, the grin perturbed Kaen to no end. It was difficult to truly know how much or little the Miroku knew about any given situation, or individual. Kaen was no exception to this rule, verily he undoubtedly accumulated more information about Kaen and his life than the average Joe Ninja, something about keeping your friends close and potential enemies closer.

"I wonder if Sousuke would have treated your kind this way if he knew the outcome that such forced restraint would result in." The large, flaming Hybrid would furrow his brows as the internal conflict gave way to an internal war of the minds, war of the two opposing lives he lived. One pushed into darkness when he struct the deal with Lord Sousuke while the human nature was nurtured as best as it could be despite the overwhelming power of the Ancients striving to break free from condemnation. Not quiet Ancient, not quite human, his life was an amalgamation of self-denial, pain, and sacrifice. His only purpose in life had been to keep his sister, Kasen safe and free from persecution. It was only natural that he would say yes to Sousuke's deal. Keep your nature hidden, don't consume the denizens of Wind Country, things of this nature. And in return Sousuke would make both he and Kasen royalty under his banner. With it came stability, safety and a lifestyle one could only dream of. At the time Kaen whole heartily felt as if he had made the right choice. After all he had secured the safety and security he had always longed to give Kasen, he had done his duty of love and devotion to the only living member of his family. The only other person he truly felt connected to. But what was left? What was his purpose now? Had he truly secured these things for Kasen or had he only purchased artificial, interim peace?

…Listen to my Benovelent Shinogami, for you know he speaks truth…Celeste-blue hues shimmered in the dancing flames, carefully following Kiko as she orbited the menacing tetrad. She stalled as she grew closer to the interesting, shimmering warrior. He knew not who or what they were, only that they were an unknown, another threat that added to the already outnumbering group around him. Refocusing his attentions on Akkuma, the demon would spew more malevolent words, attempting to coax Kaen further into his master plan. "Too many of us suffer from the prejudiced regulation & laws of humanity." This time Akkuma would walk towards Kaen attempting to place a hand upon his shoulder. "While inefficient...I believe I can strategize a way to take advantage of these events to benefit us all."

Benefit us all? Define what you mean by us.” The bestial unknown was the first to speak up, with haste they inquired further into Akkuma's true meaning. Kaen was less impressed by the demon's auspicious proposal. Looking to his shoulder with abhorrence, he could feel the Sage's energy in contest with his own energy. With a wave of his hand he would push away Akkuma's hand from his shoulder, the prolonged contact made him feel uneasy, as if the blood of the Ancients screamed in abhorring disposition. Ancients and demons didn't mix well, though Kaen didn't truly know why. In agreeance with the 4th party's inquiry he too would speak out. "Speak plainly, Akkuma. What could you possibly propose that won't completely jeopardize the shinobi ecosystem... or was that your plan all along?" His eyes narrowed with suspicion towards Akkuma, suspicions clearly growing. The internal frustrations continued to war against each other, quickly bubbling to the surface once more. Irritation clearly seeping out in his speaking he sought clarification once more. "You must tell me, what events transpired that were so extreme to the point where I find myself in Fire Country, decimating Leaf ninja and simply returning home and forgetting it ever happened, until now. Speak, before I lose control of my 'instincts' once more."

The last line of questioning had been performed in a hushed tone, allowing Kiko to introduce herself to the 4th entity. Though he had not forgotten what they dared to ask. 'Who are they?' as if they were entitled to know such things. This being was not entitled to know who he was, for if they deserved to know, they would not have needed to ask . Alas, Kiko had already gone and spilled the beans, so to speak, giving him little else to do but to give them the proper information, rather than simply 'Kaen'. Turning to face the 4th entity he would take a few steps in their direction, away from Akkuma. With each step and word his flames would intensify, adding to the gravity of what they just asked.
"Though you've yet to earn the privilege of knowing who, or what I am, given the circumstances these curious events have led us to I am left with little choice to reveal who I am." A subtle boom would resound outwards as his fist made contact with his own chest, a prideful look his eyes would hint towards his nobility. "I am Shinku Kaen, member of the esteemed Flame Court of Ancients. Keeper of the Flame of Homura, Lord of Flame Court. Champion of Mother Suna, Lord of the Earth Court." Sanwhiched between Kiko and Kaen, the 4th being would find themselves at a disadvantage. "And who are you, thinking yourself bold enough to stand in the presence of greatness?" Kaen's nature was beginning to reveal itself in full force, his pride shining brightly for all to see. Perhaps he laid it on a little to thick? Surely Akkuma would find a way to break up this potential quarrel, hopefully anyway.
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Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Devour of Gods
Mizu would observe unamused by what was transpiring. Even less so when the attention of the others fell upon her. One would politely introduce herself as “I am the faceless demon; I am death; I am legion…” Such bold words and claims did not fall on deaf ears. Certainly a statement filled with confidence but Mizu was not convinced. Though, this one did not seem… human, the individuals were guilty until determined otherwise. To add to the crime of man, did this behemoth dare to show aggression in the direction of Mizu. In his steps there was pride and in his words, laced with contempt and disrespect. That was the sin of man personified. The crime of man’s atrocities fueled by their arrogance. It was the same story time and time again. It was their disease, their coding. They were a virus, a plague on all that was beautiful in this world. They were the very reason for Mizu’s existence, her creation. She was the cure for the spread of mankind. The discord longed to be corrected. Sins longed to be punished. So it was time. And so, the behemoth stood before the one who would undo him; The Judge of Man; The Devour of Man; The Accuser of Man. He attempted to look down on her but it was she who judged… and it was she who would pass judgement. Mizu would point her free hand toward the direction in which Kaen was just sitting only minutes ago. “You are nothing. Only moments ago you were slouched over there, foaming out the mouth. You are many things. prideful, stupid, and a play thing for this faceless demon and Akkuma. But great… I suppose you are a great big idiot to willfully stand before the Judge with such arrogance. I am Mizu the Accuser, Devourer of Man and the Judge of Mankind. You, Kaen of the Courts, are accused of pride, arrogance, and the Sin of man. Due to the accord between I and Akkuma, I am not to interfere with his agenda. But I suppose he can still do with you as he will even if you are in pieces.”

Revving her blade back, Mizu would dash at Kaen with murderous intent. Her blade just inches from severing his head. But then… she was back were she stood and so was Kaen. It was a genjutsu she had placed on Kaen. Only he saw what he saw and only he heard what she had to say but in reality, they had never moved from there positions ever since he stepped toward her. This was a warning shot to Kaen. A small preview of what’s to come if he showed any further aggression. A little something called Deja vu. Mizu wouldn’t respond to the others but instead continued to address Akkuma.

“This is quite the circus Akkuma. I ask again, who are they?”
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage had begun to chip away at the walls that blockaded his companions from truly comprehending the position they were in. A mischievous smile formed upon his face. Driven by their instincts Kaen & Mizu gave way to their urges. With each passing moment without intervention they stepped closer to conflict. This would only serve to benefit his argument, choosing not to answer their outbursts immediately. They demanded he elaborate on his words. Causing him to chuckle as Kaen swatted away his touch visibly repulsed by the action. Very little of the Sages demonic heritage remained & yet the sheer memory of it proved to strong for the hybrids instincts to overlook. Not unlike Mizu who's own predatory instincts had caught scent of Kaen's humanity & forsaken the primordial Ancient energy that burned within him. Two entirely different beings with overlapping similarities that would serve to benefit the Immortal Trickster.

Circling the pair was Kiko attempting to calm the situation. Although the Sage got the sense that she cared little for what may transpire between the two. Other then a simple curiosity, perhaps studying how best to slay the two should she need too. There was much he needed to reflect on in regards to his faceless demon. For they had proven to be more resourceful then he could have hoped. The initiative taken had proven to supplement his plans rather then hinder it. So often mitigating the ambition of his plans in order to maximize his chances of success. Each plan another piece in the great puzzle that was his grand scheme. If Kiko proved successful in her next objective the Sage would have another proposal for the enigma that was his legion.

Those emerald eyes of his holding the trio in his devilish gaze. "Your instincts blind you to the truth about one another, both of you are more then you appear to be. I would invite you to heed Legions words, this is Holy Ground. Think carefully about your actions here today for history will remember the events that transpired here." he'd say with a wide grin gesturing to the vast emptiness around them. Having allowed his companions enough time to further provoke each other he doubted they were properly focused upon his words. For what was to come Akkuma wanted their undivided attention. The reality around them that appeared untouched by reality would begin to darken. Until eventually all that remained was an impenetrable darkness. An absolute void of darkness that would prove impenetrable even to the light of the great descendant of Homura. It was an unnatural darkness that attempted to ensnare & enfeeble ones mind.

"Pathetic." A singular word that was laced with disdain & disappointment. "So governed by your own hubris you fail to see what is before you. Here I thought we were meant to be better then them." he knew his words would strike their mark upon his companions but these were necessary truths they needed to understand & accept. "That's the problem with most beings like us. They're too busy carrying their chins so high they fail to see the opportunity below." Another statement that preceded another sinister laugh from the shadows. "Humanities reign has gone on long enough. In their abundance they have enslaved, regulated, experimented, starved & slaughtered our kin. The Age of Humanity has been built upon the corpses of beings like us." The Sage spoke with a purposeful rhetoric. Each word carefully thought out to further guide them down the path to the necessary conclusions.

"Divided we are weak & conquerable. Unable to see those that should have been kin as anything more then intolerable competition. Turning against one another only serves to benefit humanity." These words were spoken calmer in a manner. One that held a matter of fact tone to it, clearly the Sage felt these statements were inarguable. "Which is why we shall turn them against one another. Sow distrust between the great nations. Using their suspicions of one another we will erode their bonds & watch them dissolve into chaos. By the time they discover the truth it will be too late for them to stop us." with these words the darkness would begin to recede towards its Master. Choosing his last words carefully as the shadows receded to reveal him once more. "The knowledge of what we few can achieve when united. Will serve to ignite the fear that will fuel their nightmares. Driving them to do what humanity does best, destroy that which they fear. Unknowingly their actions will only serve to drive more beings into our ranks." He would finish with a devilish smile & glint to his eyes that reflected the madness within him revealing just a taste of his true goals.

Yes they had heard him correctly. His wording implied the Sage intended to amass a force of his own while orchestrating this all. Even with all he had revealed there were undoubtedly more questions. Although the Sage had decided that he would only divulge so much of his intentions to those present for now. When stakes were this high he had learnt it paid to compartmentalize the important things. Each of them would have a part to play in what was to come. "My friends it's quite simple, all I ask for is war." With these final words he gave a theatrical flourish of his hands & mock bow. Those emerald eyes of his resting their gaze upon the trio, assessing them for any signs that might provide some insight as to how they felt about such a proclamation.



Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The puppet would back away from Kaen and the warrior, she did not wish to to appear a threat. The giant of Suna responded to the woman, his words dripping with pride and arrogance. Kiko new now why her benovelent Shinogami had chosen this particular shinobi for her to frame for the attack on Konoha that she had, in reality, undertaken single-handedly. She could see in the fierceness of Kaen’s eyes that his pride would not allow him to admit he did not have the upper hand, his arrogance not permitting him to stand down in humility should Konoha retaliate and his wrath plentiful enough for him to assume that he had indeed burnt Konoha with his consuming flames with only the suggestion of another’s memories. He was the perfect patsie, Akkuma had chosen well.

The tension in the air thickened as the giant of Suna finished ‘introducing’ himself to the bright warrior woman. Kiko circled the two, moving closer to Akkuma to observe what was about to transpire. Kiko looked at the oversized blade the warrior still held in her armored hand, the puppet wondered if she would get to see the weapon pierce flesh or if the Sunan giant had the skill to back up his demeaning words.

The giant appeared to stumble backwards subtly, though the warrior did not appear to have made any movements, with her puppet Byakugan Kiko would observe the warriors chakra system surge and as it did so the puppet observed key points in the giants brain flare with alien chakra. Genjutsu, the only logical conclusion for what had transpired between the two, though it also appeared to be released only a moment later. A wise choice.

The warrior questioned of her benovelent Shinogami once more. The repeated question and mounting aggression between their two guests diffused with force as the dark sage of Suna flexed his command over the world. Kiko did not become afraid as her bright world was consumed by tangible shadow for she had experienced her Shinogami’s darkness once before, on the day she had sworn to start this war of theirs…

Though darkness felt deeper this time, Akkuma becoming completely concealed by the enveloping darkness, Kiko had calculated for such an event, having formulated a counter strategy towards this aspect of the Sage, for one day she would give him her last gift… the Shinogami’s final death…

The puppets form shifted in the physical darkness, a strange sound would warp the air around her and the transformation would have been painful to observe if it had not been concealed by the obfuscating darkness. A short sharp click would be heard as a concealed mechanism in the heel of the new, stone puppet, struck against the still solid stone ground [Tremor Sense - Kyoujouran puppet].

The result was more than she had anticipated, the three beings present immediately illuminated amongst the gloom, the demons shadow now as much an ally to her as to the demon himself.

Then Akkuma gave what Kiko could only refer to as a sermon, the darkness receding as he spoke, returning the area once more to her bright, open world. Kiko waited patiently as her benevolent Shinogami spoke his fervent words, landing on his desire for the war on the human race.

The new puppet form moved slowly to stand beside Akkuma, her hands clasped gently in front of her. The puppet spoke once more, the familiar mechanical accompaniment now completely absent from the gentle, almost soothing feminine voice emanating from the mechanisms held within the artificial, stone body. She turned her eyes to focus on the hot tempered half ancient as she spoke.

“Do not let fearlessness lead to foolishness friend-Kaen, though you appear to be lost in your place in all this for now, somewhere in your burning soul you know that this war is inevitable…”

The puppet stepped forward gracefully, the click of her heels echoing through the ground with every step until she moved to position herself between Akkuma and his still hot tempered companions, the larger man barely obscured by her small frame as she stood in front of him. The puppet turned her head to focus on the armored warrior woman, the gigantic blade still held at ease.

“…and know that Konoha will hunt us until their final breaths for the deeds we have done… the blood that has soaked into their soil at our hands will be answered with only violence. The humans will not forgive, the humans will hunt our kind without rest, without logic and without end… a time will come when you must choose your path, stand with us and thrive against the coming hoard or stand alone and fall…but know this, whatever your choice, this world must see a new age of blood and tears before you will be free of their yolk.”

The puppet paused for a moment, letting her words ruminate within her companions minds before she continued speaking, this time addressing Akkuma directly though obviously aware the other two would clearly hear her words and extrapolate upon, each with their individual knowledge of the events leading to the point.

“I will not disappoint you my benevolent Shinogami, I will go to Kumogakure and stir their fears… like the whirlwind, this war of ours shall meet them all.”

With her final words the puppet turned on her heel and slowly began to walk away from the gathered group towards the land of Lightning, her part in this meeting complete her place was elsewhere.

This is the new puppet:

Topic left unless stopped.
Have fun when Leaf gets here :)
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
The level of beratement Mizu gave him was unlike anything he had experienced to this day, so much so that he was taken off guard. Should he laugh or kill them?! Maybe laugh while killing them? He didn't have a lot of time to really mull it over as they bolted towards him with lethal speed and precision. Taking a few steps back he prepared to take the brunt of the attack, already considering which avenues to take to dispatch his attacker. But then everything reset, like someone hit rewind. It was then that he realized that they had placed him under a genjutsu. Very sly... He didn't even notice. Perhaps there was more to this 'thing' that met his eyes. In honor of them slipping a genjutsu past him, and of course heeding the words of Akkuma, he chose not to let his 'instincts' control his actions.

Akkuma, grandiose as ever, made an argument that Kaen felt it hard to disagree with. Within the utter darkness, where even Kaen's flames could not penetrate, the demon pressed upon him how this squabbling vexed him so. His pride would not allow him to admit it out loud, but truth be told, had it been the other way around Kaen most likely would have told him how pathetic they were acting too.

Conflict rose within him as his opposing natures went to war. On one hand he knew very well how humans could be, like a toxic plague they consumed everything around them without giving a second thought to the impact on the rest of the ecosystem they supposedly shared with the other species of beings. Fear seemed to be a major motivator in their actions, fear of the unknown, fear of death, quite frankly fear of those more powerful than them. From his core he could feel the whispers of agreement, deep down he knew this all to be true. He had witnessed first hand what humans did to beings like himself, Akkuma, and whatever these other two were. Had it not been for the curiosity of humans his mother might still be alive and he and Kasen would have never gone to that institution to be mutilated and experimented on. That place still haunted him in his dreams, so much trauma, so much death.

His human nature, however, knew of the kindness that humans could bring. They were not ALL bad, some of them were actually quite agreeable to him, showing kindness and compassion that he had never known before. Sure humans were weak willed, soft minded and easy to provoke, but he wasn't sure if annihilation was the path to take. It was then that his mind seemed to cast aside these wandering thoughts in favor of his initial response. Perhaps it was the essence of Homura or the countless souls of other Ancients that flowed within the amalgamation that was Kaen, whatever it was it seemed to assume control and ascertain that what Akkuma suggested was that only course of action left to take. He had seen it so many times throughout his career as one of Suna's Anbu forces. Given the opportunity humans would take what they could, when they could, and almost always were consumed with malicious ideologies that would threaten everything else around them. No, they had to be eradicated...

Pushing aside the twisted feeling in his gut, a feeling that begged him not to go down this road, he would turn to face Akkuma and leave the animal alone. Taking a deep breath and exhaling in an exaggerative sigh his flames would recede to a dull roar indicating that he was doing as he was asked and controlling his nature, calming down in the process. "Then it is war you will have." Still he did not understand his part in all this, he still had not discovered what transpired to compel him to abandon home and assault the Hidden Leaf Village. Surely Akkuma would explain, but even that needed to be taken with a grain of salt. He was known to manipulate those around him in the past. He couldn't trust anyone present, but trust isn't what was needed here per se. Cooperation was the best he could offer in this moment. "What is it that you would have me do?" Kaen was not known to be the subservient type, but he was in over his head with this situation with Leaf. What he did certainly called for war, if not Kaen's head at the very least. They would come for him, it was only a matter of time. As much as he hated to admit it, Akkuma was probably more intelligent than he. He would need to defer to his mind moving forward.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Engulfed in darkness, Mizu did the logical thing and paced around blindly. Akkuma’s words were heard but not so much for the contents but the sound was being tracked by chimera’s heighten senses… however, she could not quite pinpoint the origin of the sound. “What a neat trick,” she thought to herself, fantasying devourer img the little trickster for this ability. At this point she was forced to listen in darkness until the blackness receded back to its origin. Slowly her vision returned to find that she wasn’t even close to where his voice traveled. Mizu would smile as Akkuma finished his speech. She her self would remain quiet dramatic affect as she looked around from Akkuma, to the hulking man, to the once porcelain now born again nun, and finally back to Akkuma. Her smile indicated something was humorous rather than a smile of confidence or arrogance. Stabbing her blade into the ground and canceling her invisibility genjutsu, causing her reveal mind persona (the image of Mizu adorn in golden armor) to fade away as the real Mizu would allow herself to be seen just to the left of it.

At this point, they would all probably have to question is this really her or just another illusion. Pointy ears twitched and long black hair flowed from her scalp as amusement retired from her face and a serious expression in its stead. Beside Mizu was another with an expression that matched, pointy animal ears, a long white mane, a scar over one of her eyes and a long black coat. Mizu would light a fire stick and place it between her lips before uttering, “You guys… sure like changing the scenery don’t you?” Xaiyu, now having been revealed would finally speak, “Okay, Akkuma… we’re listening.” The pair would hear him out as he did raise a valid point but also, because their interest seem to align.

ooc: sry for the wait
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Those emerald eyes of his gleamed with a mad delight. The pieces were all falling into place. Each one of them had a place to play in this war even if they did not understand what it was just yet. This day in particular would go down in the history books. For it was here & now that he invited the great nations to play in his game. Unfortunately for them they would be unaware of the true machination at hand. Things were going significantly better then he had hoped. Finding his companions more compliant then anticipated. But then again he knew all to well the motivations & the goals of those present. Mizu along with the now revealed Xaiyu would return to her normal form, perhaps even this was an illusion. Akkuma had anticipated the presence of Xaiyu although he had not known where the being was. For one was never far from the other. Kaen had seemed conflicted initially, but his manipulation had seemed to take root in his psyche. Most importantly was his willingness to continue participation. What other choice did he truly have? For if those murderous memories were right who would truly side aid the hybrid against the repercussions that awaited him. Surely non other then the Immortal Trickster & the company he kept. After all one had to lack a certain ethical code to keep the company of the unnatural Sage.

Kiko truly appeared ready to be the herald of his war. Her current puppet looking much-like a nun, he wondered if she had heard whispers of the cult that had spread the lands in his name. No, he was sure she'd have inquired about the rituals they practiced in their secret sermons. Perhaps he would gift her with one of the marks he'd blessed many of his kin with. Those emerald eyes would hold her in his gaze as she spoke. "I have no doubt that you will succeed in being Herald of War...I look forward to the results of your pilgrimage." he would say with a devilish grin & chuckle. Before that gaze of his would return to his three remaining companions. "Excellent, I'm glad to have you on board." he would say to Kaen with a mad glint in his eyes. "Mizu & Xaiyu have you had much success in releasing your kin from their binds of servitude? " he asked curiously wondering what potential numbers if any they had acquired. Although he knew that if they were truly close to achieving their goal they would not be humoring his proposition. For the Age of Chaos he wished to usher in would would benefit their kind but at a great cost of life. Humanity would not simply tolerate their uprising, that was why he had needed to ensure their attention was elsewhere. "These humans are going to come & attempt to assert their authority upon us..." his voice was coated in a mixture of sinister delight & contempt.

"I'd like your assistance in teaching them their place." he would say to the beastial pair before him. "Although if you'd prefer something more thrilling I have another potential task you could undertake." he would add with a smile full of mischief. "There are many of our kin who have been indoctrinated into the ideology of could go remind them of who they truly are. I'd encourage you to invite them here. To seek sanctuary while the explore their natures & discover what they are truly capable without the authoritarian restrictions of humanities regulation." he would state in a manner of fact tone. In his travels their had been many an individual who had found themselves conflicted over their natures. This in his experience was mostly due to the damaging ideologies of humanity that were often conflicted with natural natures of mythical beings such as themselves. While he allowed his words to be discussed by the two predatory beings his gaze would once more move to Kaen. "You my friend have quite the task ahead of you. Not only do you have to maintain your innocence in the face of scrutiny & severe evidence. I have hopes that the accusations that will be levied against you shall be enough to allow you a chance to prove your innocence. So long as the Sunans have trust you they will defend you. They have proven themselves loyal to a fault, even when doing so would conflict against their ideologies. Kaen you shall serve to further test Ryuzaki Raizo. Do what you must to ensure that you can become embedded within his inner circle." this request would undoubtedly prove to be quite the challenge. For while Raizo was noble with his ideals the mans own nature would be at conflict with that of Kaens. If his plans were successful Sunagakure could become their bulwark against the other nations.

Should they come to wage war against the Sunans, they would first have to overcome the dangers of the desert. This vast desert land was alive with dangers & harsh weather. For even the experienced traveler it could prove a dangerous journey. War was even harder, the logistics of transporting the supplies needed for such conflicts were costly. Should war break out it would no doubt be conducted in surgical strikes. Targeting infrastructure & population centers. After all this was the most effective & surest way of ensuring chaos coupled with a state of panic from the populace. Sunans were a stalwart people used to facing threats from outside their walls. Despite their vast differences they would unite against any foreign interlopers. Of this the Immortal Trickster had little doubt. Just as he doubted Lady Asuka would take such an assault on her own people without severe repercussions. She was far more cunning then many of the past Kage he had interacted with. Her willingness to conduct herself with the likes of the Gekido clan showed a side to her he had not anticipated from one of her station. After all their had been few Kage in his lifetime who had associated with individuals such as himself intimately. So rarely did it end happily, he wondered if she to would share the same fates as those in the past. What was to come would allow him to garner a more in depth assessment of how she would continue to act & respond as things evolved.

(Apologies on the delay, let me know if there was something I forgot to address. Is late here & I think I cleaned up most of the post. xD)


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Kaen's eyes narrowed as he caught faint hints that the sun would be rising soon. It was time to return back to Suna. He knew how to find Akkuma if he needed to update him with anything. He imagined things would begin moving quickly after this interesting meeting of the minds. His task was a most interesting endeavor, he and Lord Raizo didn't really... interact. They knew well of each other, even though Kaen was the new up-and-comer in town, receiving his Lordship not by actual lineage, like Raizo. He seemed tolerable, but something about his... I dunno, aura? just kinda rubbed him in a strange way. Kaen was not a huge history buff, so he would not be fully aware of their particular differences. "Lord Raizo eh?" A sly smile would spread across his face. Kaen was not the type to pass on a challenge, and getting in with the highborn. "I can do this. But alas, the sun beckons me home. Until next time, Lord Akkuma..." With a flirtatious flutter of flames and a bow Kaen would take his leave. He had his reservations for the other company Akkuma kept, but hell, who was he to talk...

[OOC - Leaving Topic - Timeline wise this will lead to the discovery of Leaf's letter to the Kazekage on Kaen's part]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
