Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Allow Me to Introduce Myself... [Akkuma]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012

When one really focuses on the amount of energy and effort that goes into something, they usually tend to suddenly realize the finite amount left to them. Some projects are abandoned before they are ever started because to see its completion would cost everything; for a pay off that’s not guaranteed.
Then there exists the rare few with far more time to spare. Humans and animals that have found ways to extend themselves beyond their normal means. Be it by a curse, self-experimentation, or managing to master a power that was not meant for mortals…a rare few individuals across the land had this extra time.
Then there was Tama. A man inflicted with too much time. Cursed by the Universe, a hand on power that no one should touch, and modified to be the perfect human specimen, at least to the limits of which his species could push themselves. By all context the scientist had long ago stepped away from the realm of mortals and had become something different all together. If he could find a way to manipulate the cursed laid on him to his advantage, those who had limited hours of life would no doubt revere him as a god; something he’d imagined would be nice. Yet ever like the Universe was, it continued to grind her heel deep into his spine, and stole away any opportunity he had to rise.

Tama was somewhere in his twenties at the moment. Not fully grown, standing at six feet and seven inches with silver hair that was coiled into a giant bun to keep it off his neck. His trademark lab coat was hanging off the back of a chair, his shirt unbuttoned and pulled out from khaki colored slacks. No shoes adorned his feet, and wouldn’t need to in the heat, as a drop of sweat splashed against the film of it already coating his whole body.
It was hot. Despite being really far underground where it was cooler, the machines he had built for cloning were taking up a lot of energy. So much so now, he was starting to legit fear Sand Worms noticing him.
The large Uzumoreru dungeons, all the remained of the once noble underground castle, held his equipment and had become his home while he dealt with the vexing problem of the time skips. Despite having nearly sixteen different chambers to separate the energy sources, the amount he needed to keep them running at a capacity to keep the lifeforms inside from dying was literally killing him.
If it wasn’t for the curse placed upon him by Karma, Tama would have actually died weeks ago. He had managed to develop a device that stole life force and converted it into energy that could power his technology. However, as he had learned the hard way, the amount he needed to actually turn on even one device stole away half of his life. Without realizing this, he had made the mistake of dying while in his oldest state, which almost always rotated him back to the youngest state; the mentally unstable one.
Last time that happened he had lost four weeks of work after going into a paranoid berserk mode, and destroying all of his equipment pertaining to cloning; and a few other things that ‘looked suspicious.’ It took a whole week of starving from a lack of human souls in his diet before he ‘died’, and converted back into his twenties.

Another four weeks since that incident had passed. The machine had already taken half of this form’s life force and the two pods he had - taking far less energy than the previous - were at full capacity. Yet the vital signs of the faceless bodies floating in the blue liquid were vegetative state, and the machines still produced heat that caused the second level of the dungeons to stay at a solid 43c.
Sweat dripped down from his face and splashed drops all over the checklist he was going down which smeared ink across his notes when he went to wipe the offensive water away; ruining them. In a cry of frustration he threw the clipboard at the vat before him, and in an ironic twist due to shinobi training, wedged the edge of the wooden plank into the glass.
Shit,” the scientist muttered to himself as he reached up to tap the plank. Cracks appeared all across the vat from where the wood was sticking in, and the heat-addled scientist fully realized what was happening, “Oh! Oh, no! No, no, no, no…
His hands moved all across the glass using what limited control he had over space/time to reverse the cracks, but he had started too late. Tama couldn’t rewind back to before his clipboard had ninja’d its way into the tank’s glass.
The vat exploded. Large shards of glass removed one arm while the viscous liquid doused itself all across his body, absorbed his sweat, and then chemically became unstable to a point that hit began to melt his flesh. The man didn’t even so much as get to scream before his vocal cords were but human goo.
Ryuu Tama in his mid thirties stood with his arms cross, fully dressed, and staring down at disappointment at his own puddle of corpse. With a dramatic sigh he stomped down to the other vat and killed the power, before jerking down on the latch that would dump the failed project down into the chasm below. Frustrated beyond words the scientist wiped the sweat starting to bead on his forehead down his face and sulked his way back up to the first level of the old dungeons.

Up here was an entire open space, unlike the cells below, and far cooler. Despite heat rising, the man had at least managed to find a way to vent the heat out enough to keep the upper level where he slept and studied comfortable.
Tama had also managed to clear away most of the torture devices and thrown them off the edge of the pillar the dungeon resided on. A few he kept, some out of scientific interest, others out of humor for indulging in wild kinks, if he could ever find the time; which was horribly ironic.
Kicking off his loafers and tossing his lab coat over onto a different chair, the scientist flopped into a recliner. The foot stool shot out from beneath him as he stretched out in some small comfort. His hand reached out and grabbed a glass from a side table that suddenly appeared before him with a bit of whiskey in the bottom. A smile crept to his face as he indulged in the spirit for a moment to relax his genius.

There just had to be something he was missing…was his math off?

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma stood at the entrance to what he could only assume was someone else’s secret lab. For he could not remember leaving one here, perhaps it was one of Mikaboshi’s? Or maybe it was another competitor when it came to the illicit services he provided. Whatever it was, he’d received reports of abnormal heat signatures below the surface & small seismic readings that could be explained as small explosions. Most would perhaps see these things & think hot days along with Sand Wyrm activity perhaps. But the Demon was not one to leave such things to chance & much to his joy it seemed his paranoia had paid off once again. He ran his fingers over the walls surface as he began to enter. With a few handseals Akkuma summoned a Spirit Lantern [Master Rank] & proceeded into the depths of this lair. Much to his expectations he was met with a series of traps. Unfortunately for the Demon he was not able to outmaneuver or block all of them. One in particular involved a pressure sensitive step, some vials of some unknown & unstable chemical compound launched at groin height.

His descent into the unknown structure was announced via a series of curses that were only comprehensible to those fluent in the tongue of his people. Which was basically no one except his kin & a few hunters. Finally when he arrived at what could only be described as the first of what would undoubtedly be many chambers as the stairs continued further down. Frustrated & still regenerating when the Demon found a door blocking his path he raised his hand to it. Building chakra into the palm before unleashing a kinetic burst that sent not just the door but parts of the wall it was attached to hurtling into the room before him. Striding into the room through the rubble & dust he paused to find an individual seated upon a recliner drink in hand. The last of his wounds had healed & the Demon was displeased. “Really? What the hell was that?! You’re lucky I can regenerate or I’d have brought this damned place down by now. Who the hell has a trap designed to melt someone's genitals?!” initial rant over he pulled out a small bottle of sake & down the entirety of its contents. “Also who disperses heat externally from their lab when you can use all that thermal energy to power lesser utilities? It’s just poor design really.” the Demon would say as his emerald eyes scanned the room.

He smirked at the devices that littered the room & the messy state of it. All the while formulating a profile of the being before him. Akkuma paid no attention to the fact that lower portion of his clothing had been severely damaged, leaving him without any semblance of modesty. That he blamed entirely on the trap makers poor decision making when it came to traps. Although if it had not been for his regenerative capabilities the multitudes of senbon or kunai would have certainly done the trick as well. What an odd individual Akkuma was here he was half-naked & criticizing design features of a structure he’d quite literally forced his way into. Men had surely been murdered for less. But then again it was known there was something about Akkuma. One could often not work out why or how but the Demon had a way of growing on people. Little did Akkuma know it but he had yet again found himself before another Ancient. It seemed for beings that were nearly extinct the Immortal Trickster had developed an affinity for stumbling into their paths. Whether it was the Fates toying with him he would never know. But one thing was for sure they had quickly risen to a priority when it came to beings he took seriously.

Edited to fix Speech colour

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Not quite an Ancient, but probably closer than most of his fellow Hybrids were, anyways. A being refined into the purest form of a human, with untold amounts of power that he had barely had tapped into; trapped by his own Karma. His body was incredibly human and, though he was never overly religious, Tama constantly thank the gods he could drink. Even when his form was little more than a bunch of Ancient energy locked under the flimsy shell of a human soul, he could still imbibe liquor. It was a wonderful toxin in his bloodstream that allowed his genius to unwind, his paranoia to loosen, and, dare say, even his guard to lower enough to be hospitable. After dying, slowly and then quickly, his current form/mind was tired. When he raised his eyes up to gaze upon the man’s demonic heritage, Tama really believed he had slipped drugs into his own drink on accident; again.
Casually, the man raised his whiskey back up to his lips, channel a little chakra into his lips and tongue, then slowly poured the liquid fire across his newly heightened senses. The sensation of overwhelming pain was a like a clear slap to his addled and relaxed mind. Yet there was no malice as he removed the alcohol away from his lips and finally deigned to raise his eyes above Akkuma’s waist.
Their eyes met. In a moment the scientist sized up the creature that had stumbled into his den. On a casual observance he could see that the guy had managed to set off a number of his traps rather than avoid them, meaning he wasn’t likely to be easy to kill. On a critical note, the man was clearly gifted, and had quite the pair to be standing in front of a being who was famed for his lack of humanity and proper ethics. Surely this immortal had heard of Ryuu Tama, a man that did not react well to unexpected surprises, let alone company?
A voice spoke directly behind the immortal,
Oh, I see. You are real. Have you come to die then?” the form in the chair raised a glass, as if in a toast with a smile that said, ‘man, if only you had come a little sooner.’ His image flickered a couple of times before it faded out of existence. Behind Akkuma, his presence becoming ever more sinister, was the oldest existence of Tama.
I don’t suppose you’re a man who is used to doing what others tell yah, but you really, don’t want to fuck with me right now. In the last couple of weeks I’ve learned two things. Cloning is really hard, and I’m nigh unkillable. So, out of sheer morbid curiosity, I’m going to give you a chance to explain why you’re in my super-duper secret lair, before I pry your brain from your body, encase it in Life Plasma, and then do unspeakable things with your corpse.

The mad scientist, garbed in a lab coat that looked fresh compared to the rest of his slightly beaten-up attire, was slowly backing himself towards a makeshift kitchen. His eyes never once left Akkuma as his hands began to open the fridge, grabbing at seemingly random fruit and setting them on a nearby folding table. As if his eyeballs were guns he continued to aim them the immortal as he cautiously crouched down to fish out rum and a blender from a cardboard box; presumably also full of other liquors. Before long the Hybrid had a full set of cutlery, bar utensils, and was cutting fruit. Tama threw them in the blender, adding alcohol, mix, a dash of some kind of powder, and then began to loudly blend the ingredients into a mix drink. He made extra sure to turn the blender on high during certain points in the man’s explanation that bored him, certain that Akkuma had little to say for himself that could keep Tama from killing him.
Outside of literally saying, ‘Hey, I have the solutions to both your problems,’ the Hybrid wasn’t really in the mood for other living beings. Point of fact he had a really bad itch to, just, murder something, given all of his failed experiments lately. Of course he resisted because Sousuke was a like a brother and that also meant leaving the confines of his self-induced exile. What was left of his supplies would have to do him before he was onto full starvation mode and leaving himself secret messages to make sure Teen Tama didn’t destroy everything. Again.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma raised an eyebrow with a smirk as the beings gaze lingered below his waist. Taking the time to have a drink, perhaps he thought the sight before him was some kind of hallucination. After all this scene was quite an unusual one. When there gazes met he wondered what the being before him was thinking. So far he'd done little to suggest he was going to do anything immediately. Suddenly a voice spoke from behind him, the being before him flashed a grin that said if only you'd been here earlier. He spun around on the spot as the figure faded to see what looked to be an older version of the being. "That depends how would you kill me?" he would ask with a chuckle & smirk. The demon was not afraid of Dying, it was not an experience he was unfamiliar with. Now he had control of his regeneration process he'd taken his Fate back into his own hands.

A wide grin would flash upon the Demon's face as he heard the beings words & complaints. "Where are my manners? I am Akkuma, Head of the Miroku Clan." he would say as he bowed his head in greeting to the being. Wondering if the individual he'd seen earlier was a failed attempt at cloning or a time remnant. He'd ponder the thought for a moment letting his name sink in. Rumors were abundant about the Miroku Clan & their Demonic leader. Whispers of vile experimentation & services conducted within the walls that were to monstrous to consider truth. Even worse so was the public knowledge the Demon had managed to embed himself into the Foundation of the village. Like a corruption his network had spread throughout the village over the years. Standing before Tama was a being that could almost be compared to himself as far as monstrous experimentation.

Perhaps the only difference was that Akkuma had kept the company of multiple Kage from various villages. He'd received threats from individuals that lead armies. One from a single individual even that of an Ancient or Hybrid such as Kaen gave him no pause. "First of all...kinky. Secondly if you didn't want guests perhaps you should design your lab more efficiently? I'm guessing the seismic disturbances were explosions caused by your failed cloning methods? That alone wouldn't have been enough to raise the suspicion of my Agents, but when investigated there was significant increased heat levels over the surface of this area compared to surrounding areas. Without that I'd have simply assumed it was a Sandwyrm, perhaps feasting upon something that had entered one of their tunnels." he would say in a matter of fact tone. Since the attack on the village Akkuma had been monitoring the village to the best utility his resources would allow.

"As for that cloning issue of yours I believe I may be able to provide some assistance with that. You see I have had my fair share of experience in regards to Cloning, creating Homunculi & even in the matter of altering Fates I have some experience. But by all means if you wish to fight..." chakra would begin to flow outwardly from Akkuma as he cracked his neck "..I can tell you all this as I re-attach your dismembered limbs." there was a blood thirst to his words that almost betrayed the Hunger he felt. He'd yet to have a true challenge since his change perhaps Tama would provide it for him.

[Shall We?]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Miroku. The very second that name whispered its silky letters into his ear, Tama knew exactly who he was facing. Well, he knew to an extent…eh, more like due to hearsay. The demon had quite a following.
It was rare that the scientist ever thought back to his childhood. His early twenties, the Science Wars, and the general cull of mad scientists/inventors that was its conclusion. The only reason Tama wasn’t placed in a prison cell to rot for the rest of his original natural existence was due to Mikaboshi; though to this day he remains ignorant of that fact. While the Ancient had control over the ANBU, he would often turn prying eyes off the, then serial killer, teenager that was ravaging parts of the lowest pits of Suna. Yet as his heterochromatic eyes glared down Akkuma, all he could do was think back to the agrarian days of his youth. How much had he grown since the last time he was in the presence of a fellow man of science; that also wished violence? His heart was already racing.

Well, shit,” was Tama’s only reply on how the man found him. He was absolutely ignorant of the problems going on topside. Even if he did know, there was little he could actually do right now with his current temporal curse. What good would it be to use a single attack, only to be potentially lost to the sea of time and Fate again? Then the demon actually did something the scientist wasn’t expecting and offered help…or a fight.
Didn’t force or demand it, simply replied one threat with another. The feeling of energy stirring around the room was getting his blood pumping in ways he hadn’t felt since facing down Sousuke. On the cutting board was still a knife, he could probably reach down and easily slit his own throat, and bring out the wild youth of his teen form to strike at this intruder in a winner takes all kind of situation. Tama ran an index finger down the blade’s edge, causing blood to well up on the tip for straight second without ever removing his eyes from the demon or the chakra rising off his form. Then the blood slid back inside the man as if on command and the wound sealed up.
Nope,” he said suddenly, taking his eyes off the immortal before kneeling back down to fetch a cup and pour his alcoholic concoction into, “Don’t get me wrong, though, I’d love to see how much you can take, especially considering I think you’d actually live through my youngest form long enough to, at the very least, take some notes. However…I think it’s in my best interest to try to be a little professional for once. Not every day you run into someone with your kind of resume, and sense of humor. Drink?” Tama shook the remains of his beverage, enough to fill another glass.

Adjusting his robes over his waist to be a little more modest about his current reaction to the presence of the creature in his living room, the older man strode across the dungeon floor to where he kept multiple chalk boards. Pulling out three of them, he lined them side by side with a formula on the center, and notes on either side. The formula he had for cloning looked like it had been changed so many times it was nearly broken. As far as Tama was concerned he had reached a wall, a dead-end in what his genius could conjure. Inside the formula itself, Akkuma would no doubt notice that the man’s imagination involving the structure of the chakra coil was down right revolutionary - however everything else begged attention. His gene-structure was sloppy. The basic building blocks for creating functioning organs weren’t there, as if somehow the Ryuu had managed to skip over the entire first step of cloning and went straight into genetic perfection. How could one create perfection without first knowing where to start? The older man slowly sipped on his fruity rum as he stared daggers at the chalked up numbers, letters, and archaic symbols used in Ancient rituals.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
