Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Important Task [Tutor]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Kotarou had a warm smile on his head as he was patted. He loved getting the girl’s attention. For some reason, she was the best. And already, in his mind, Kotarou was thinking of wanting to grow up fast so he could take Siu out for dinner, and then some flowers, and then some romantic walking along the park before taking her home and maybe a sweet kiss on the cheek. Kotarou would break from his reverie as he followed Siu and Honnou towards the DJ table, watching as they figured out the device before Siu jumped into action. She was perfect, he would think as the smoke dissipated to reveal a rather different look and spunky attitude. It was enough to get everyone’s attention. Suddenly, the champaign fountain wasn’t the hottest thing in town anymore.

At that, Kotarou had a spark of an idea, as he would concentrate on his current feelings and let his chakra flow outwards. Certainly, his desire to watch Siu and be in awe of her would take hold of every guest in the vicinity. By amplifying his emotions towards them, he hoped to completely attract them all away from the what they, as a group, was currently trying to accomplish. Now, all that was left was for Siu to take command of how she would continue to mystify this crowd who had their eyes solely on her. Quite creepy, but it could just work for them.

Meanwhile, on the second floor, the other group may find themselves worked up when they would hear some footsteps along the hallway. It was Jiro, one of the bouncers that lived in that building and who was seemingly patrolling the hallway, as always. Well, to tell you the truth, he was supposed to make sure that all the rooms were empty. Non-permitted activity meant no income for the club, so he had to make sure they were gaining and not losing, otherwise his paycheque, and everyone else would suffer tremendously.

[WC: 333 + 738 = 1,071]
[Post 3]

Funai Ikko

Aug 6, 2017
"I mean...couldn't I just go with the wh...I mean with Honnou and..."

He was cut off by Eishi issuing more and more instruction, a small tinge of annoyance creeping into Ikko's expression. Too many things were happening too quickly for Ikko to properly process and, with a grimmace, he had realized things were moving a bit too quickly for him and before he had a chance to properly acclimate himself to the situation, he had been paired up with Eishi to go up and into the building. However, if this was to be framed as a real tactical operation, they were missing one crucial piece of the puzzle.

"No, we need someone outside. If this is anything like the last time Kiri sent us somewhere, then we want someone outside for support to react to whatever happens or whatever trap you walk in to. You'll want someone to rescue you once thing start exploding."

It was with that sentiment that Ikko separated from the pair of them and moved his way back outside. Ideally, they wouldn't really run in to anything in there that would require projectile popsicle support from outside, but you never knew. As soon as Ikko broke apart from the main group, he would stalk around to the alley next to the alley that smelled especially of bile and booze, not necessarily separately. Ikko nearly gagged, but he was a ninja damnit, he could keep his faculties on a little tighter than that. Metaphorically and probably literally swallowing his own vomit, Ikko hopped off the ground toward the wall of the brothel. Catching the building with the chakra coursing in his fingers and toes, clinging to the wall itself. Ikko, testing his own little adhesiveness, began crawling up the side of the building, poking his head covertly over the windows to see what exciting things were happening inside.

It was then...that he watched Suika turn herself and possibly Eishi...into a large lunch box for reasons that probably made sense to Suika and undoubtedly made sense to no one else. Ikko frowned slightly before darting out of sight once again. Getting caught was probably the worst way to provide logistical support, so for now he'd wait and bide his time for the others to take action and wait for his chance to spring into action of his own.

[391 1/5]


Nov 4, 2017
I let my teams mates do what they thought best. I couldn't complain unless we failed, regardless. I was at least feeling somewhat reassured when I noticed Suika was seemingly in the same mindset as I was upon entering the kitchen. The fact that Ikko cared to stay outside rather than come in seems particular to me, but I soon brushed it off as nothing.

Once the two of us were on the upper floor, I took the time to make sure our coast was clear of any employees before exiting the lift. Neither of us would have any real idea where the key was located unless the hooker we were looking for advertised her name. I had no clue, but I was willing to gamble if that wasn' the case, we would have no issue interrogating another one of these girls for accurate enough information.

This honestly seemed a bit over the top for getting our key. We were trained assassins, sneaking into a building, that at best, had somewhat skilled guards on hand. Either way, I was doubtful anything could really impede any of us much if we put even some trivial effort into it. Whatever, the other three are probably doing a good enough distraction job, to make our lives easier.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The team proceeded with their devised plan. Ikko decided it was best for him to keep look out, which Suika agreed was a pretty good idea. As her and Eishi made their way up the conveyor, they landed themselves on the top floor. With her ethereal genjutsu-casting ring handy, they prepared themselves to trek the hallways and find Ayame's room without being noticed. Along their path, she heard heavy footsteps. Someone was up here. Suika attempted to move herself around and away from the noise. If somehow a man or woman neared, she'd use her False Surroundings genjutsu to blend her and Eishi into the background of a wall. The kunoichi would sustain this until the coast was clear.

She then shifted her magenta eyes over at Eishi as she directed him with a hushed tone. “Eishi, according to Kotarou, Ayame's room is on this floor and was the third window we saw from the inn. If my memory serves me correctly, it should be this way. Follow me.”

She dashed silently through the hallways and to the room she calculated was the third window. She could have interrogated a random broad, but time was of the essence and they were already given directions to the room. Forming seals outside the door, she formed a Crystal Eye inside the bottom corner of the room. Suika investigated the inside before her and Eishi busted in. If the room was unoccupied, she'd motion the one-armbed shinobi to accompany her inside the room to find that key. If it was locked, she had her lockpicks ready. “Never doubt the craftiness of an ex-gypsy.” she thought sagely.

It was in her highest hopes this all went smoothly. In the back of her mind, she couldn't help but to wonder how the others were performing in their job as distractions. Hopefully, it was as going as smooth as it was for the covert duo.

[WC: 319 | Post 3/5
TWC: 951]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
It was going fairly well, for now. The group's plan was in motion. As Suika and Eishi neared the designated room, the young gypsy would display a skill befitting her. One of the underrated jutsus was the Crystal Eye, and mostly for it basic utilitarian usage that can be replicated with other jutsus that tended to revolve around awareness. However, what most would fail to see is the adaptability of the Crystal Eye to be placed in certain locations without attracting took too much attention. And with the way things were looking up for the duo, Suika's decision was right.

Kiri, who was now taking his break from the kitchen was leaning outside the inn, a cig in hand as he blew some smoke away. He let his golden eyes stare across the building as he can see trace the faint chakras that belonged to the kids. He smirked as he would observe from there what they would take as appropriate actions. Of course, he didn't forget that Ikko had preferred to stay outside for the mean time. He figured that the kids had hatched up a plan that involved finding the key from different angles. And as he stood all the way there, he could feel the invasive nature of Kotarou's emotions. He chuckled at the thought of the child's eccentric ways. He only hoped that the situation would not create too much problem for them.

Meanwhile, inside the brothel, Kotarou would walk around the entranced people, try to see in case there was anyone who wasn't affected by his power. He doubted it, but he simply wanted to make sure that there won't be another hiccup to the plan. Success relied on all their covered effort, after all. And perhaps, it was then that he noticed someone was missing. Jiro the bouncer.

That said man had stumbled upon the second room on the second floor. He was inspecting the rooms to be all well and ready for the customers in a while. And that was when he felt a movement from outside. Quickly, the tall bouncer would make for the door, turning the knob before exiting. There would only be a few seconds for Eishi and Suika to react on time. But would they be able to? As Suika's crystal eye glanced around the room, a glint of light touches what would seem to be a small metal object that was partly underneath the floor carpet.

[Wc: 408]
[Post 4]


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Okay, it wasn’t a surprise that Honnou failed miserably in handling the DJ box. He had less than zero experience and knowledge about this instrument in front of him, and he concluded that it was the same case for Siu and Kotarou… he could already see their faces full of disapproval of his little stunt, and it only made the burden on his shoulders even heavier. He couldn’t grab their attentions with this, but was it because that he was found out? Did they see the boy in him? Or were they simply too darn wasted to pay attention? Lots of thoughts and theories circulated around his head to try and justify his failure…

His eyes almost exploding, Honnou watched as Siu came to the rescue and appeared to know a thing or two about the instrument. She had gotten up and found a cardboard box beneath the DJ box filled with CD’s, and Honnou had been close to use that as a stand. When he found out the containment of that box, he sweated even more in disappointment… but also in curiosity. Just how did she know just how to operate this huge machine?! It was almost unreal to see for the Hyuuga, but she deserved her credit. Really. It was like being saved by a heroine- he could see why Kotarou had clung onto her for the most of the time that Honnou had been looking around - so to say, the amount of time that he had been conscious… seriously, a three-year old boy thinking like an adult? Honnou thought that he was special in many ways, but that was thrown out of the window today…

“… Just what kind of music-“ he was about to ask Siu when she put in a new CD from before, leaving the start-up to him. She quickly stepped off the stage and went down towards the others, while he sweated like never before. “… OK,” he mumbled, taking a new, close look at the box, “Hng… where’s the start button?” He saw a huge button saying ‘on’, though, as he asked that out to himself, so after feeling a little numb, he quickly pressed on it and switched his gaze back down at Siu who was… not exactly what he or Kotarou had expected?

WC: 915 + 384 = 1299

Post #3


Nov 3, 2017
With all eyes now on the the transformed kunoichi, both due to her suddenly unexpectedly 'hip' introduction, in addition to the subtle workings of genjutsu from Kotarou, the show was completely ready to begin. Despite the seemingly perfect conditions for her performance, Siu still did feel nervousness inside her heart. She was never one too keen on receiving such strong attention from such a large amount of people; in fact, she was never one too keen keen on receiving strong attention from even a small amount of people. The additional fact that the vast majority of this strong attention was from mature adults far older than herself, did not help relieve the situation one bit, either.
One fortunate factor, however, was that she was currently in a transformed state; Meaning that, even if she 'were' to make a mistake, or utterly fail to impress, her transformed figure would be the one humiliated, not her real self. That reassurance played a huge part in helping Siu to maintain her seemingly cool, confident, and even bold demeanor in front of the large and curious crowd.

"SuSu in the house, about to turn the place upside down!" She continued, perhaps purposely not revealing her real name, while extending and moving her arms about, performing a series of improvised 'gang signs' that very likely had no actual meaning nor representation of anything whatsoever. Then again, this was Tea Country, and the room was quite full of foreigners, including herself, therefore they very likely wouldn't have been able to tell a difference even if she'd made any legitimate gang signs anyways.

Thus, the youth went to work, stepping back and forth, side to side, in a serious of various footworks in accordance to the beat. After her little warm up, she did a few quick steps forward, before suddenly launching herself in the air to perform a low backflip. Landing on one hand, while bringing her feet to meet together with her other hand, she performed an action similar to when skateboarders do a one armed handstand. Pushing herself up off the ground again, she then landed on her back this time in order to perform a backspin.
Such a performances may have appeared to the crowd as if the youth had been training in dancing for years. However, any perceptive enough shinobi would be able to spot traits of taijutsu techniques in her movements. She'd visited the Susukino District of Cloud Village quite often, and throughout that time had many opportunities to become audience to a number of various break dancing performances on the street. Therefore, she had a general enough idea of how the style worked to mimic it.
What she was performing in reality was not necessarily break dancing per se, but moreso of a stylish display of taijutsu skills. Regardless of whatever it was, the point was to grab everyone's attention; and thus far, it seemed to be working.

[WC=488 l Post 3/5]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
As Suika focused her Crystal Eye into the room, she noticed a small glimmer under the carpet. The key! Even though her focus was on finding that key, she also kept to her wit and senses in regards to the duo's surroundings. Thanks to her extra-sensory perception, she felt the near presence of someone else. This allowed her a couple of more extra seconds to react before he reached for the door. The kunoichi motioned at Eishi to go inside the room with her – she had a plan. The two, without hesitation, would instantly slip into the room (if Eishi chooses to follow along). As soon as they would quietly close the door, she'd use her Deception genjutsu on the man and make it sound as if there was a scream for help toward the other side of the hallway. Hopefully that would detract his attention long enough for them to attain the key and get the heck out of there.

If somehow this approach didn't work, Suika would use Active Camo and have her clone draw the man away. Regardless, she was to complete her objective. Once inside Ayame's room, she approached the carpet, lifted it, and firmly grasped the item she saw. If it was the key, she'd open the window, take a quick scan, and skedaddle on out of there with Eishi. She'd close the window on her way out to avoid any suspicion. She'd stealth herself and motion at Ikko to let the others know about their completed objective. Suika would then make her way to Kiri.

If the key wasn't the item she saw, she'd search the room thoroughly until she found it. Hopefully she or Eishi would acquire it soon. All the while, she kept an ear out and readied herself for another round of illusory deception. Her actions would then follow the same scheme as above.

[WC: 314 | Post 4/5
TWC: 1265]


Nov 4, 2017
I decided to take a backseat at this point, I had got everyone to get to their assigned tasks and now I was just going to patrol the upstairs while making sure the floor was clear in case Suika ended up having problems inside. I somewhat felt this was a setup, but at this point, it didn't really matter. I just played around with metal objects while working on the task at hand, verifying that we were good on this side of the upper floor. I also kind of figured it might be better she go in alone. While I was still rather young, a small girl here might be a more unnoticeable or at least more excusable than a one-armed boy with a nasty scowl on his face.

It was around that time that I heard the cries from one of the many side rooms. At first, I expected it to be a sensual one, but instead, it sounded very young, toddler age if I was a gambling man. That revelation made me shudder a bit. What that must be like growing up knowing your mother was a prostitute and having to live with that. Made me think of an old joke. I just chuckled, hoping the kid didn't start throwing rocks at men, they could accidentally hit their own father. I wondered if that opinion was a bit hypocritical considering my own history, but I was quick enough to remember I wasn't exactly normal in either temperament or ability. In this case, it was probably a lot sadder. Either way, it was an idle line of thoughts as I walked through the halls of the upper floors, prowling. I needed to be as careful as I could be to not be seen or at least unnoticeable.

After the second round through the upper floors, I came by the room Suika was in and lightly knocked on the door in a code form to inform her that we were all clear. I had only found a couple nobody level employees and a whole lot of boobies. It appeared the upper floor wasn't very heavily guarded. I had to assume the reason was that once you're up here, you've already been vetted and checked as the only way up was through the main room. Most Johns would obviously like privacy while doing the deed after all...


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
As Jiro would open the door and leave, he would glance about, trying to spot anyone. Strangely, the hallway was empty. Perhaps it was his imagination all along. In any case, he exited the room and went on to inspect room number one before he would go down to give the people heads up that business was ready upstairs. As for Suika’s search, she would manage to find the said key partially hidden under the carpet. A cord was laced along the key, corresponding to the room they all rented in the inn.

As for what was happening in the main hall downstairs, all the people were in awe of Siu’s acrobatic dance moves. Even Kotarou was no longer feigning the sense of awe, but was truly in awe. He clapped enthusiastically, to which the rest of the people followed. It would seem as though this would allow further distraction of any noise that came from above them. Hopefully, the sooner they retrieve the key, the sooner they can all leave.

Letting out another long smoke, Kiri got called back into the inn. It would appear as though his break was over. He just hoped those kids would come back soon so they could all start traveling to the capital.

[TWC: 1,689]
[Post 5/5]


Nov 3, 2017
As the dancing performance continued, Siu was careful to examine the facial expressions and reactions of the crowd. Fortunately, everyone seemed rather enamored by the performance thus far, far more enamored than Siu would have ever expected. While this was a positive case, the kunoichi was also beginning to realize that quite some time had passed since the show had begun, and the group had made plans to retrieve the key upstairs. Having heard no word of neither success nor failure, she was beginning to worry if the group upstairs had perhaps been hindered in their task or, in the worst case scenario, caught.

The music continued to blast, and while a trained shinobi obviously wouldn't find themselves becoming too fatigued over something like a dance performance anytime soon, what Siu did find quite difficult to maintain was the spontaneity of her performance. Continually keeping her performance new and exciting wasn't an easy task; she was running out of ideas for dance moves. Every move was one less trick up her sleeve, and the kunoichi pondered how long she'd be able to keep the performance up, before being force to repeat the same dance moves multiple times and risk eventually losing the interest of the crowd. This was meant to be a short and flashy performance, she hadn't pre-planned for a long haul.

[WC=223 l Post 4/5]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Their mission was a success!

Thanks to the teams smart, willing, and valiant efforts, Suika was able to nab the key from under the carpet without getting caught. Responding to a patterned knock, she let Eishi into the room and showcased to him they key. With a nod, she motioned towards the window. It was now time for their swift escape. As they made their way outside, she'd hop from the window toa nearby post where Ikko stood. "Mission accomplished." </B><i></i>she stated assuredly. "Let's cue the others." <i></i>Once the others were alerted, she made her way back to the inn with whoever accompanied her. She would present the key to Kiri.

"Our objective to find and bring back the key was a success, Kiri-sensei."<i></i> She'd hand the small, shining object to her instructor. The whereabouts of that tiny item, thanks to Kotarou, caused so much commotion. Hopefully this was a lesson for the toddler, too. Suika then readied herself for further instruction and to prepare herself for her adventure in Tea. She wasn't really in the mood to sight-see or meet other shinobi, but she was interesting in finding some solitude in the farming district. Previous to her trip in Tea, her and Ikko faced perils and losses. It was time to rest.

<B>"Great work, guys." she'd exhort the gang of Genin. Although the first half of this day was chaos-filled, part of her treasured the experience she had today with them. The kunoichi felt a little closer to each and every person here. "And Kotarou-san..." she'd then shift her attention at the small toddler. She almost smiled. " more honest next time. That was a headache." Her words were sharp, but held no aggression. It was simple reminder, although almost threatening sounding. It was this day, too, that Suika decided she'd never babysit again. At least, that was the plan.

[WC: 311 | Post 5/5
TWC: 1576/1500]


Nov 4, 2017
This whole charade seemed rather... Anti-climatic, but maybe it was because I had come to expect things to happen from left field all the time and this was just a reflection of when everything went our way. To be fair though, we were all skilled individuals despite our ages, so maybe I should've expected a flawless victory. Whatever was all I could think as Suika finally let me into the prostitutes' room. It smelled of perfume and semen and the enhanced senses gained from simply being a shinobi was most definitely not welcomed by me at this point in time. Once she presented the key, I truly knew we were finally done as I took no explanation to simply exit this cum filled shithole as fast as humanly possible.

Upon seeing Kiri minding his own, casually cooking as we came up to him for the delivery of the key, I decided now was a good time to get some food. At first, I checked to see what everyone was cooking, but finding nothing desirable or appetizing to me, I simply grabbed some sliced meat and cheese, along with pouring myself an ale from the tap. I had no clue if someone would take offense to me helping myself, but to be perfectly honest, I didn't care. Either way, while I was never much of a picky eater, it didn't help that I was used to eating terribly unbalanced and sporadic meals from years of neglect and it had affected my sense of taste. It had been a hard habit to break, even nowadays where I had plenty of ability to eat out every meal if I so desired to waste my money, I rather living moderately. It was already a lot better than the past, so I couldn't complain. Perspective and all that jazz.

"So, whatcha all doing now that this clown fiesta is over?" I asked the group, stuffing meats and cheeses into my mouth and washing it down with the beer all the while.


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
“SuSu in the house, about to turn the place upside down!”

Honnou would remember that.

Anyway, it did appear to have caught everyone’s attention and all, so despite the exclaim that literally reformed Honnou’s eyes into perfect circles with amateur-animated contours, he did enjoy the show that he gave to them… just what kind of dance was it? He inspected her movements thoroughly and found little pattern but lots of improvising, much alike to hip-hop and, surprisingly, taijutsu combined. Hey, that was pretty clever! It would suffice for the lack of dancing experience that Honnou possessed if he invented something ala Jyuuken in dance form, if he was to ever get the idea so far.

Hmh… how were things for Ikko out there? And Suika and Eishi?

WC: 1299 + 127 = 1426



Nov 4, 2017
It appeared everyone was somewhat antsy to leave, I had to question why at first, before remembering that right about now another round of the tournament was about to get underway. Realizing that fact, I scarfed down my food and beer and grabbed my stuff from the room I was staying in and dashed out as fast as I could muster. I wanted to see what the guys n the tourney could really do now that they were out of the first round. I hated that there were so few fighters, but it meant every fight was that more important to watch.



Nov 3, 2017
As the cue came that the group's hunt had finally come to to an end, Siu nodded in acknowledgement, feeling a strong sense of relief. Good; she had already been forced to repeat quite a few of her dance moves by now. Gradually slowing the pace of her movements, the transformed kunoichi stood upright, in order to address the engrossed crowd. "It's been real, folks! You've been a wonderful crowd" She announced, "But nows about that time!" She concluded, providing a bow formal bow to her audience. Suddenly performing a backflip as she rose from her bow of departure, she quickly her hands together into a handseal while in midair, which exhausted yet another cloud of smoke upon the initiation of her jutsu. When the smoke finally cleared, all that could be seen was a hat which the young shinobi had subtlety body switched with. In the midst of the crowds distracted awe, Siu, now back in her normal form, left the establishment.

[WC=163 l Post 5/5]


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Yes! The cue had come in time given by the ending of Siu’s performance on the dance floor, in which he threw the headphones off his head and watched her disappear. His next move would be to dash out of the place before anyone revealed his identity and all that, so with a quick dash, he took Kotarou with him and escaped the place marvelously.

Back at the inn, Honnou would return holding Kotarou and, seemingly, in a bad mood. His bet with Kotarou never got executed correctly… maybe the boy had enough fun just watching Siu, just as Honnou had.

WC: 101 + 1426 = 1527


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
