Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Blocking the Blind Eye [CLASS]

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio sped through the ground, under walls, ignoring the many turns that it would have taken to reach the exit otherwise. The young Senju had full faith that his shelled companion would take care of the clone that he'd found. With a quick reflexive turn, Kazan blocked the incoming attack with one of the floating turtle-shell-shaped hexagons that he had summoned. Normally this would not have been enough to fully halt the attack, but the ancient wisdom that he shared with Akio when in turtle form didn't just boost the Senju, but allowed the Senju to also empower Kazan. While it stopped the scythe in its tracks, it also shattered one of the three green-glowing chakra shields that the turtle had produced, leaving him with only two that remained.

Kazan's chelonian beak curled into a churlish smile. "That was a nice counter youngling. But block this!" The tortoise shouted as the smoke that once poured from his nose and from the holes in his shell erupted into flame, glowing white-hot at its edges. Opening his mouth, a ball of smoldering plasma formed within its mouth then quickly erupted forward in a streaking Hyper Beam. When the smoke cleared, the tortoise had hoped that this would be enough to come out on top over the clone that he'd been facing.

'Nice job Kazan!' The Senju thought, smiling as he rushed through the earth. For safe measure, he continued casting a couple more instances of the Cancel jutsu on himself, ensuring that he didn't get caught up in some sort of genjutsu that would've thrown him off his path. It didn't take long before Akio was nearing the outer perimeter of the school. He knew the place like the back of his hand. And he'd specifically chosen to glide through the earth towards a section that wasn't anywhere near the actual above-ground exits, putting as many walls and corridors between them and himself as he rushed towards safe escape. After all, who needed a door when you could go straight underneath a wall?

[Kazan blocks Crimson Flash with Chakra Shield, blocking 741/730 damage]
[Kazan uses Hyper Beam]
[Akio maintains Inner Earth Reflection Lure]
[Akio uses Cancel x2]
[Akio is attempting to escape by tunneling under the final wall]

[WC: 339 .:. Post 4/5 .:. Total WC: 1624/1000]

[OOC Homework]
Akio's PL is 1450. Akio's Stat Average is 241.6̅6̅
2. Akio's Stealth is (241.6̅6̅ * .6) 145 + (300 * .4) 120 = 265
3. Akio's Stealth Secondary is +9
4. Akio's Awareness is (241.6̅6̅ * 0.5) 120.83 + (125 x 0.3) 37.5 + (300 x 0.2) 60 = 218
5. Akio's Awareness Secondary is +8
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Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
"Ok Kohara, I need you to check under all of the doors and see if any of them have a clone inside. We have to find a way out of here before Shusuke catches us! After minutes of searching, Kiri quickly realizes that Shusuke already anticipated that students would try to escape using a window in any of the numerous classrooms and barricaded the doors. He didn't want to damage any of the Academy and get into trouble, so he quickly had to discover another way out of the school. What other options did he have? Clearly Shu was more powerful when it came to Taijutsu, so if he were to overpower a clone, he would have to use his head.

Scoping the hallways as stealthily as possible, Kiri quickly discovers that one of the Shusuke clones is standing at the entrance to the Academy alone. Perhaps he could try to use Genjutsu to get around him? Quickly making a few handseals, he performs a few Genjutsu in succession. Starting off with False Surroundings to make it appear as though the hallway was empty, followed up with Deception so that his footsteps would be silent. Deaf would have been a better choice, but the sudden absence of background noise would have quickly tipped off the clone to Kiri's presence. Drawing out his Leaf Cutter Ant, just in case there was trouble, Kiriyomi would attempt to sneak past the clone.

[WC: 238 - Post 4/5 - Total WC: 1281]
[Used False Surroundings]
[Used Deception]

1. My PL is 1095, divided by 6 is 182.5 or 182.
2. (182 x .6 = 109.2) + (195 x .4 = 78) = 187
3. +8
4. (182 x .5 = 91) + (175 x .3 =52.5) + (200 x .2 = 40) = 183
5. +8
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Hishimoto Chiaso

New Member
Jun 5, 2023
Chiaso already knew how he was leaving. Some of the more bullheaded students even gave him an opening, how thoughtful of them! Chiaso would simply use the deception technique that he's mastered to erase the clone's perception of him before his approach, going to use the confusion of the combat and let Akio deal with the clone as Chiaso simply walks out. He wondered if it was just that easy... He wouldn't complain though, as he quietly made his way past the clone and Akio, Chiaso quite adept at avoiding people and erasing his presence. After all that's what he spent most of his day doing, if he wanted to not deal with people, he knew the exact places to go to stay out of sight and avoid the horrors of social interaction.

Chiaso wasn't exactly a generous soul, so while he could help the other student deal with the clone, he'd prefer to keep to himself and not end up being the main target if the clone deems Akio harder to take out, and decides to go for easier prey in the form of Chiaso. If the situation demands of course, he was prepared to substitute himself at a moments notice if his attempt at sneaking by unnoticed went awry. Though wasn't this the point of this class? Sure it's genjutsu but it's also a STEALTH class. Why were these people just running into the clones? Honestly there were times Chiaso think he's a better ninja than some of the other genin, which he finds somehow more depressing.

[False surroundings M used]
[Deception M used]

[WC: 258]
[WCT: 1062]

  1. Chiaso is PL 440, which is 73.3 when divided by 6
  2. 43.98+28=71.98
  3. +4
  4. 36.65+30+20=86.65
  5. +5

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke let out a sigh. "Why wouldn't I let you leave. Clearly you didn't come here for the class." The True Yamanaka child listened as Tsuruko continued on, even complaining about the type of Jutsu he was teaching these students and young Genin. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he was starting to get a headache again. "If it hasn't already been made clear, allow me to state it cleanly and openly. I do not care what those sad excuses of Shinobi think of me." He finally turned his gaze over his left shoulder, his Sharingan in clear view of his sister's line of site. "I am the pupil of the Fourth and Third Hokage. I don't have the time to waste on weaklings like them. Keep your sentimental bullshit to yourself. I am going to become the next Hokage until I do I'll gladly never see them again." It was at this point Shusuke left the class room and entered the hallways.

His memories and experiences of the dispersed clones would come to him in an instant which would cause him to chuckle. Was this not a stealth class? Akio-kun really said "Kazan, I choose you" huh? The serious look that was on Shusuke's face when he was in the room with his sister was now entirely gone as he walked down the hallways. He wasn't sure where Akio went but knowing that Senju boy he was already out of the academy. It would be a few minutes later that the other clones would begin to dissipate due to their duration coming to an end and having not seen Kiri-kun walk by any of them he was certain that the Aburame boy was still prolific with his Genjutsu and was able to easily leave the academy as well, actually following the concept of true stealth unlike Akio-kun. Shusuke was also surprised to not notice that Chiaso-san leave the academy grounds. Perhaps he too was a Genjutsu user. He pulled out a small roster list and memorized the name Hishimoto Chiaso. He was an interesting character to say the least.

He would begin to head out of the Academy himself, about thirty minutes after the clones had left the class room and finally dispersed. He was glad to witness his four students using their own tactics to try and escape this building as part of their assignment. Shutting the front door of the academy he grinned. "Next time, I think I will make it harder."

OoC: 1 more post then you will be at the 5 post minimum! Please reply to this linked request when placing your own Class Rewards request! Council will then look over your participation in the class, check your WC and Post Total, and either Approve or Deny your rewards!
[b]Name:[/b] Replace with your Username
[b]Reason for Request:[/b] Completion of Class
[b]Link:[/b] [url=]Blocking the Blind Eye [CLASS][/url]
[b]Rewards:[/b] 1x Training doubled by Monthly Voting Rewards to 2x Training

@Kaguya Mitsuha Feel free to double post after this reply! You need 2 posts to pass the class and you have until Wednesday Night 11:59pm NC/UTC TIme to do so! Also, take full control of what you would like my clone to do or not do, your call!

Class Rules:
  • Once I post, everyone will have 3 days, or 72 hours, to respond!
  • I will ask that each post is a minimum of 250 words.
  • I will request that no one double posts, unless you miss the cut off and are now behind one post.
  • This class will no strike system, but three days after my fifth and final post, I will be ending the class so if you have not met the 1000 words and 5 posts requirements you will fail the class.
[ P R O G R E S S ]
Hishimoto Chiaso
Kaguya Mitsuha
Senju Akio
Yamanaka Tsuruko

Yamanaka Tsuruko

New Member
Jun 8, 2023
Tsuruko winces and grits her teeth, tense under the implied threat from her brother. She'd watch him walk out, tutting once she looks down to the packed lunch. With a sigh, she steps forward to carefully disarm the little trap she set to retrieve the pouch of lullaby powder while speaking to herself. "You know, subtlety is important too. I guess it's not as impressive but... Its practical... Yeah..." She picks the pouch out, quickly looking it over as she checks to make sure it's sealed. Had he taken the bait, the poison would have caused all of the clones to disperse as he lost consciousness, the best way to deal with the situation Tsuruko thought, though him not taking it was probably for the best. He'd probably have been a lot angrier, who knows what he could have done. The relief that nothing had happened causes her to smile slightly, even giggle a little.

She tucks the pouch away within a sleeve, then wraps the packed lunch again, picking it up to wander start to wander from the room.
She stops at the door, taking a careful glance around each corner, she still slinks her way out despite the danger having actually passed as she saw little reason at trusting someone's word, especially her brother. Still, she didn't wait around, she moved quickly, hoping to catch up with her brother to make a final attempt to at least give him the packed lunch sans trap. Perhaps one day he'd appreciate the value of such a gesture...

[WC 257]
[WCT 1615]


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi can't believe his luck when he manages to slip past Shusuke's clone without being seen. He was certain that the boy would have been able to resist the Genjutsu that he cast, but he wasn't going to question his luck as he dashed outside the Academy and looked around for any of the other students that had also been in the class with him. Standing at the gates and watching the exits, he sees Chiaso walk out and tries to wave at him to get his attention so that he might be able to talk to him about the class. He keeps his eyes out for Akio as well, because the other boy was nowhere to be seen after Kiri exited the classroom. Kohara had flown through the building and yet the only sign of his Senju friend was his summon, Kazan.

Kiri was also worried about Mitsuha, because he knew how shy the girl was. He wasn't certain of the skills she possessed, and would like to get to know her better in case they went on missions together or did another class together in the future. The last he'd seen of her, she had also summoned her own contract and did some odd sort of dance that he didn't recognize. Why she would decide to dance at a time like that... well, he would really like to ask her about that once she left the school. So he would sit and wait for everyone to leave, so that he could make sure they all made it out okay.

[WC: 260 - Post 5/5 - Total WC: 1541]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha had kept really quiet to make sure that none of the clones had gotten a whiff of where she was. The young Kaguya was glad that her turtle contract, Crush, had the obnoxious personality to be loud enough to attract the attention of one of Shusuke's clones. Her silent dance allowed her to move quietly through the corridors of the Academy. It was to her surprise that she, herself, hadn't attracted the attention of any of the clones that her teacher had summoned.

She could hear Crush yelling at the top of his lungs, and she would take his loudness to quietly scout out the perimeters. The first exit that she had reached had a clone standing guard. Hiding behind a corner to not be seen, she thought things through. If there's a clone guarding this door, she can take a guess that there probably will be others guarding the other main exits. Well at least she is a ninja.

Continuing her dance, she would eventually make her way to the second floor, she would scout out the area of the nearest classroom to make sure that it was clear.

Crush was having the time of his life. "HELL YEAH!! I LIVE FOR THIS!!!" He would exclaim as the clone lashed out at him. But instead of dodging, Crush would take the hit. Afterwards, he would grab the clone while they were close to him and casted Water gun right square into the clone's chest.

(TDW: 1271)
(4/5 posts)
(Maintaining dance of the Seedling fern)
(Crush casted water gun on Shu clone)
(Edit: adding in stealth for Mitsuha)
Stats since last training 710/6=118.33 or just 118
+6 stealth
(118x0.5) 59+ (80x0.3) 24 + (150x0.2) 30= 113
+6 awareness
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The girl let out an inaudible sigh, glad that her summon, Crush, was smart enough to understand to find ways to attract the attention of Shusuke's clones and not cause too much trouble. She would die of embarrassment if she got in trouble for her contract deciding to throw a jutsu out of considerable strength and for her to get the backlash of it.

Shaking the thought away, Mitsuha would open a window and walk out of the building on the side of the wall. Once she made it to the ground, she dispelled her summons for Crush as he had distracted the clone long enough

(post 5/5)
(topic left)

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
As Akio breached the exterior of the complex, he popped out of the ground and kept going straight into the air, jumping with a fist held high. "Woohoo!! Did it! How was that Shusuke!?" He exclaimed, looking around and not seeing the Yamanaka boy at all. After all, he wasn't anywhere near any of the entrances. With a flash of his wakizashi bokken, Akio unsummoned Kazan and tossed the blade into the ground nearby, re-summoning his companion to him.

"You did awesome Kazan! Thanks for the distraction!" Akio said, beaming with a bright smile as he gave appreciation to his gruff and dignified tortoise companion. "Hmph~ Child's play for one as experienced as I. However... Well done hatchling. You fared better than I'd expected." Kazan said in reply before returning to wherever he lived when Akio hadn't summoned him. With a bright smile and a wave back towards the entrance Akio yelled out. "Thanks again Shu!!" The sunny Senju said loudly with a smile, then headed off for the rest of the training he had planned today.

[WC: 176 .:. Post 5/5 .:. Total WC: 1800/1000 .:. Topic Left]

Hishimoto Chiaso

New Member
Jun 5, 2023
Chiaso looked up at the bright sun as he walked passed the big fight. Giving a slight sigh as he looked back down and started off home. That was a waste of an afternoon. But he guesses that it was better than wasting his time with some of the absurd low rank missions he got given. He'd give a somewhat curious glance to see who else came out, noticing he wasn't the only one who made it. While he wouldn't say some of them were in the spirit of the class, at least they got out of the school? Oh well. Being flashy and showy wasn't really Chiaso's thing. He just wanted to get by to a point where he could basically do nothing and get paid. That was the dream, but that dream was currently quite far out of reach...

But if he had to admit, he didn't really care much for that. He found it pretty hard to care for most things, even his own personal success. He didn't feel like it was from deep seeded depression or anything, but he had to admit maybe there was some self loathing, if only a bit. Why couldn't he build up the motivation to do things? Why did he find everything a drag? He didn't have the answers to this, not at the moment at any rate. Maybe at some point it'll stop, but Chiaso doubted that. This was just who he was, though perhaps there was more to his malaise than it simply being how he was.

[WC: 257]
[WCT: 1319]
[Topic left]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
