Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event CLOSED: Kyōsaku House: Left Path - First Floor "The Game Room"

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Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
Moriko dipped her head; she saw no reason not to treat serious inquiries as such. It was one reason she disliked small talk--to her, meaningful answers were preferable by far, instead of chit-chat and prattle about nothing.

('How's the weather?' Well, we live in a desert, so it's hot and dry today. Like it is just about every day. And you would notice if it was raining because it would be torrential. Are you new here?)

The other reason she disliked it is because with her, others her age (and sometimes older--just, ew) would use it to chat her up. Either segueing into asking her out, or something else in that vein. It could get tiring. At least she was old enough that people didn't feel licensed to just barge into her personal space like it was perfectly acceptable. And if anyone did, they'd be the odd ones rather than her for objecting to it.

She blinked and glanced over. Case in point, possibly--people interrupting conversations were the rude ones. And would, clearly, be dealt with summarily. Just as well; she didn't fancy starting something with another competitor in case her temper got the better of her.

"Not to put too fine a point on it," Moriko said, testing the words in her mouth; she didn't like drawing attention to her family, but, "but one reason I do that--that I've thought ahead to do that--is due to my family. We're not all ninja, but enough of us are, and I've seen the results of enough missions to know it's better to be prepared. That's thoughtful of you to say, and good advice."

It wasn't like she could get away from ice--well, Moriko supposed she could do something stupid and blindly reject her entire family and get some, oh, weighted gloves or something and specialize into fire Ninjutsu. It would be dumb of her, but something someone who wanted to wholly reject the Tsurara Clan and their focus on their bloodline traits might do.

She believed in what the Kazekage said? Hm. Most of the credit on Moriko entering, or rather accepting that the Kazekage actually believed what he was saying enough to do all this and be worth it, did go to Tsukiya. But it had, in the end, still been her choice. She had come into this with an open mind, was the point.

It had been a couple of weeks ago and she did have a bit of a scatterbrain about things like that, but it only took Moriko a moment to remember what she had put down--and that, yes, it was still applicable. Though perhaps with a little more nuance.

"It may have...enhanced my intent somewhat, actually, to make it this far," she said after a moment of considering her wording. "At the moment, I am mostly at the point in my training and development of my skills to see how much further I have to go and it is quite a lot. At the same time, I'm aware there is more to rank than strength. If I can stand out as an adept person, showing any strengths and patching up my weaknesses, that is something that I would consider worth entering for regardless of whether or not I'm the overall winner."

It was and it wasn't difficult to articulate. Once she dug at it, the words weren't actually that difficult to speak.

"So I suppose that I intend to accomplish self-improvement however I can. However it takes shape here." She gave a slight, one-shouldered shrug. "I will admit it's my family I intend to stand out from, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if you and others who read my form guessed that already. If I can be me, noticed for what I can do rather than my surname or appearance, that is all I want."

Moriko had no idea how well that one would play, truthfully, though she'd entered this whole thing with the intent to be honest. Lying was better for other things and besides, she wasn't good enough to deceive most here, probably.

She did not jump when Hekima spoke to her; anyone official here had likely access to the forms or other data on the participants. And he certainly seemed official.

"A glass of water, please, if it's not too much trouble," she said. Politely. Manners. "I can get rather dry sometimes, so thank you for the consideration."

It was better to be polite if you weren't sure of yourself, after all. Offending people takes energy both to do and to deal with the consequences of. And was counterproductive. She had at least learned that much, since being a student--don't make enemies right away.

She only glanced down briefly at her wrist; the CURO was displaying a higher number now, rather than a lower or similar. It gave her a big, feline grin that was somehow familiar--and not from a mirror.


[Current Points According to CURO: 65; Status: Smug/Proud]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
"Hmm?" His interest was captured, but he didn't buy into this guy yet. He wondered who he was, putting away his kunai as he looked to Satoshi. "Sure, who are you exactly?" Uzi asked. He wasn't sure if he'd seen this guy before, but he figured he could take some advice from another guest. "I'm Uzi, scouting this exam for talent. The Sennin title would be nice, but there are things I still don't know about Suna. Gathering the thoughts from others would be beneficial, but I'd rather the conversation stay true.

His questions could be taken that he wasn't a native of the land. He did, however, seek the unwritten secrets of the village. He felt he would have a stronger bond with the village. "Do you guys have a native language here that you speak?" It was a simple question, but he planned to have a full kumbaiya session while sitting on push pillows by the camp fire.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Hour 2 has ended with the following scoreboard:
@Kaen -5 points = 40/100
@Kanmuri -5 points = 40/100
@Mikaboshi -5 points = 40/100
@Sunaku Harupia +10 points = 55/100
@Tsurara Moriko +10 points = 65/100
@Miroku Akkuma -15 points + 10 Points = 45/100
@Uziuke 45/100
@Shingetsu Sora +10 points = 62/100
@Chigokai Yuna +10 points = 60/100
@Okami Roku -3 points = 47/100
@Chikamatsu Shin +10 = 72/100

Hour 3 has now begun; for this hour we will be splitting it into the first half-hour and the second half-hour. The first half hour will allow you to finish your conversations if you wish to join the conference room meeting, the conference room meeting will begin and take place during the second half-hour. I'm doing this to allow more time for conversations to hopefully happen, and increase the duration of what constitutes time for the same reason: the two 30-minute blocks of this hour will last for 1 week, with the hope that at least two rounds of posting happen within each.

THIS IS THE START OF THE FIRST HALF-HOUR OF HOUR 3: these 30 minutes will conclude at the end of the day October 2nd site time

Remember you must be attempting to interact with someone to forgo the -5 penalty; hour 2 will end on Monday (site time), so get your posts in!

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Tomoe - Jounin of the Main Branch

You will earn your placement by the end of the Games. Tonight is just calibration, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to 'win' the evening."

She would let out a sigh.

"I have another reason I've shown interest in you, Moriko... and it is a reason that is shameful, so I must apologize at first."

Resting her back against a railing that provided a border around the patio area, she would sigh again.

"The reality; you are the only woman of this village represented in these games. Before you, there has never been a woman to serve as a Sennin in this village since my birth and early memory of this village. There have been some in the past, even Kazekage of the Sunahoshi bloodline who were women, but the past is the past. It can feel almost as real as a fictional story you read, and I've grown tired of stories being the best of my reality. I want to see you strive for Senninship as a testament to your character and as an inspiration to the younger generations just starting to blossom in this village."

She would pause and look over, still not seeing Hekima yet.

"Mother Suna... I wish I had a drink, again--it is not like me to get sentimental over the battle of the sexes, nor do I ever wish to tokenize you as some bastion of womanhood... but if I could just be human; it does eat at you when you get older seeing all of the old men in power. But, as I am sure you already planned; you will earn your overall placement not because of you biology but because of your skill, intelligence, and your own merits..." a sly smirk would etch upon her face, "I just want to let you know that I will be rooting for you much more loudly than the other participants."

Once more she would fall out of character and chuckle at her own state of being within this moment. Tomoe of a month ago would be attempting to fight the Tomoe of this very moment.

"Now the last bit of advice, which is pertinent to tonight... but may be good in general; I'm not the only one looking for rooting interests in specific participants. Be careful how and with who you interact with tonight. There are landmines hidden under pleasant faces. The conference meeting will begin shortly, as I'm sure you've considered; take the opportunity to get those easy points."

With that she would bow to Moriko.

"Tsurara Moriko, Genin of the village, it has been a true treat to get to know you a little more tonight. If you start to encounter any issues, come find me and we can discuss what happened and your strategy for recouping."

@Tsurara Moriko was awarded +10 points


Hekima - Director of Entertainment

Heading to the bar to get some drinks.


Takahashi Satoshi - Leader of Journeymen Order

Still yelling at Roku and looking angrily at his own CURO.


Katsumi - Leader of the Rangers Order

"The name is Oda Katsumi and I am the leader of the Rangers Order."

He would pick up a Kunai and chunk it at the dartboard, hitting the bottom of the handle of Uziuke's previously thrown Kunai and knocking it further into the board, cracking it.

"And... Uchiha Uziuke... tonight I will be one of the proctors assessing participants."

His eyes would glance down at his CURO noticing that someone didn't immediately override his attempt at goading Akkuma, but seeing that someone, or someones, would eventually give him points to recoup the damage he would have attempted.


At least he had a small victory.

"Runic Terrain is the language of this village. It once was taught within the Kazekage Tower back when we were still an underground village but now the knowledge needed to learn it can be found in the Oracle's library."

He would take a step towards Uziuke, eyeballing the white-haired man.

"The participation form you filled out, I remember it... mainly because it felt like minimal effort was used, are you a minimal-effort person, Uchiha Uziuke? What are you truly hoping to gain from this competition, from becoming a Sennin?"

@Uziuke was awarded +2 points


Fukurokuju would remain posted against the wall, merely watching the ongoings within this room. A slight chuckle would escape under his mask.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The speaker system within the house would crackle as it would reactivate once more:

"This is Itsuke, Director of the Kazekage Tower, reminding all that there will be a conference room meeting starting in 30 minutes. Attendance is not mandatory, but the Kazekage has already stated the finer details concerning that matter. The Meeting Room can be found by returning to the main lobby of the Kyosaku House and taking the stairway up to the left path. Again, this meeting will begin in 30 minutes. That is all."

There would be a slight bit of static and feedback as the speakers would go silent once more.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
"Rangers Order." Uzi repeated. He thought he'd heard of it before. Maybe mentioned sometime ago during the meeting with the Kazekage. 'I believe one of Akkuma's children is part of the order.' He wasn't entirely sure. "Nice to meet you Katsumi." He said, watching the accurate shot that Ranger had thrown. It was amazing to see the talent of others. He didn't expect much from this Katsumi other than the normal chatter, but learning that Suna had a language that was native to its people was amazing. Runic Terrain he called it. "The Oracle's library?" Yet another question, drifted to his mind, but he had no idea as to what an Oracle even was. He'd have to get that information as well before leaving.

When asked about his application he gave an honest answer. "My plans for this village would not fit on the application. Rather, it's the conversation that I held with the Kazekage that led me to enter the games." Uzi would paused, placing his hands in his coat pockets. Without that talk, he'd still be unsure if he'd even applied to be a Sennin. Knowing that he gained that kind of trust is what allowed him to walk through those front doors. Turning back now wasn't an option. "I believe one shines brightest when they are put to a test that pushes them to do better. Going out and catching a fish would require minial effort. Your out all day with the task to catching a single fish. But when your neighborhood is going through a drought, going fishing now requires more than the minimum." Uzi paused, thinking of the village and it's future. "Bringing up shinobi could be a minimum effort thing, but growing your next Kage... that's something that takes planting seeds and awaiting a harvest." He knew farming wasn't easy work, but bearing bad fruit would be considered useless when your village needed it the most.

Planting seeds was currently Uzi's thing. Not only for this village, but for shinobi nations everywhere. Ninja were more than just ninja, they were the foundation of standing up for what's right. It was all about who told them what was right, and what was wrong.

The boy quieted down as an announcement was made. "If you wish, we could carry this conversation to The Meeting Room. If not, then I'll be on my way, but I'll come back to visit once the meeting is over." Uzi took his hands out of his pockets as he gestured towards the exit of the room. If Katsumi would take on his invitation, they would be headed to the meeting room, and he wouldn't be accompanied, he'd leave with a "See ya later." Exiting the room wondering what would be announced at this meeting. Something that would turn the tides, or maybe another angle to this whole... curo thing? Who knew?

[ 47 | 100pts. ]
[ Topic Left | To The Meeting Room ]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The enigmatic Dark Sage's attire was a testament to his unique style, seamlessly blending tradition with the extraordinary. Underneath an exquisite white business suit, he wore an altered still-suit, a futuristic relic that clung to his form like a second skin. The fusion of old-world charm & cutting-edge technology embodied the enigmatic nature of the man. His mere presence here was an a front to many he knew that. But it was also a symbol of the complex world they lived in. One where heroes & leaders could be chosen from unexpected places. A reflection of the reality of the world were the line between light & darkness so often blurred. Not unlike the ancient & futuristic elements of his attire.

Arriving at the threshold of the Games Room Akkuma's aura would roll out over those within. If they looked to the source they would see him standing there with a wide mischievous grin upon his face. Walking into the room his gaze would scan over those within the room. "I heard someone here is interested in having a word with me." He stood there with that devilish smirk plastered upon his face before walking over to the bar. Eyes scanning over those present, it seemed he wasn't the only contestant here from the devices attached to the wrists of some individuals. Then again he supposed some of them were judges as well. Making his way to the bar Akkuma would give a nod to any who made eye contact with him.

Reaching the bar he would flash a grin that made no efforts to hide how amused he was at the effect he'd had on some individuals so far. "Could I trouble you for some plum wine if there is any on hand? That is when you get the chance, I'd appreciate it." he said audibly with a cheeky grin before turning to survey the room once more. Akkuma had a feeling things were about to get interesting & if that was the case he needed to make sure he had a drink on the way. Those runic scars & seals, hidden beneath his attire, seemed to pulse with energy, a testament to the power he wielded. "Now who could our mischievous Oracle have been talking about?" he thought out loud with a devilish grin plastered upon his face.

There was little urgency from him despite his current score. One would be forgiven for thinking getting those +10 points on offer from the Meeting would be a priority for him. But the Sage had a feeling that if the Oracle had advised him to come here that it was at least worthwhile to have a look. After all he could hopefully make it to the Meeting before it ended, if not well there would be another. At the very least he could hopefully quench his thirst & prepare for what was to come.

Topic Entered
C.U.R.O Score: 45
(Edited to Fix Wording)

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
Moriko typically tried to win most things she was involved in, but there was no point saying that. She had no idea where she stood at the moment; Tomoe had been quite generous with points, perhaps appreciative of thoughtful answers. She didn't know what anyone else playing had received even so.

Calibration. For what, though? Future parts of this were up in the air as of yet.

Shameful? Moriko reserved judgment; she somehow doubted it were anything she would find shameful. The answer did somewhat surprise her. She ran over whom she knew of in Sand's leadership in her head for her life and found it true. That was...well. Now she really did have to try her hardest, didn't she?

It was a little of a heavy mantle, but that had never been a part of this that had bothered Moriko.

"That is...concerning," she said after a moment. "Yes, I can see why that would bother you. I hadn't even noticed the pattern myself. Simply I was there at the announcement, the person who knows me best encouraged me to try, and I determined that I wanted to and did. I don't really want young girls to feel like they can't--that is, one reason I'm the only one here being possibly because I am not particularly affected by peer pressure."

And headstrong, and uncaring for many social norms. And not always a girl, though usually. But it would explain her being the only one, if no one else felt like they fact, it did seem like there were an awful lot of boys and men with the contestant armbands on.

Well then.

Moriko had also grown up in an egalitarian clan, though she was aware not all were. No one had ever told her 'you can't do that,' because she was a girl. Generally they said that to her for many other reasons. Her male cousins were just as much instructed to be delicate flowers as her female ones were.

It was probably a coincidence, an unlucky streak, that there were no women currently in power in Sand and hadn't been for a long time. But streaks did need to be broken eventually.

If not now: if she made a good impression, whether or not she managed the spot available now, her name might still come up in the future when another was needed.

"And I intend to earn a high placement," Moriko said firmly, opting for that much. "I don't accept less of myself than my best, and even beyond. It does me good to know that there are people who will take heart if my best is enough to do well. I don't always have the easiest time reading people. So thank you. I do appreciate knowing that there is someone friendly there, after a fashion at least."

It had been...enlightening, too.

"And I have no intention of missing the meeting," she said. "I'm not even sure what will be discussed, but I don't intend to abandon caution--even if I do get tired later. Caution is a natural state of being for me, and if I have to tune that for a new setting, then I will."

She stood herself, even her own limited social skills knowing the conversation was over.

It had been a very good idea to come here, not that she would've considered not doing so.

"Thank you, Tomoe-san." She bowed back; manners were not, after all, a social thing but a thing she knew. "I have enjoyed this talk as well; it has been very informative. I will keep your advice and generous offer in mind--and if you see Hekima-san before I do, please relay my apologies that I will be attending the meeting and not present to receive a drink. Excuse me."

She dipped her head, checked her equipment, and made for the exit. Hopefully with how straightforward the layout was she wouldn't get lost on the way to the meeting room...

[Topic Left for Meeting Room]

[Current Points According to CURO: 75; Status: Smug/Proud]

Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
"Errors? What errors? What did I do! I did nothing but what the Kage asked me to do though!!!"

He was panicked and pleading his case. There hadn't been any intentional attempt to break the little device. That said, the more he looked at it and the strange things that would occasionally happen to the screen, he couldn't help but have some idea what Satoshi was talking about. In fact, there was a part of him that felt like he knew exactly, while also still being unsure at the same time, about why his own CURO was messing up. It had to be The Hunger. But if it was the hunger, then that would mean something:

Is that proof he is more than just a voice in my head... that he is something else entirely?

While that idea would start to get the leg up, he would recall his recent struggles in the Ruins. It was there that he happened to tap into a new power, a slightly different version of chakra, a chakra that was both him and felt foreign. The Hunger seemed to imply that it was still his own power, but it was hard to dismiss the weird feel of it. So could it be that weird chakra that caused his CURO to malfunction? Is that odd chakra not being controlled properly and was leaking out into his own chakra.

This caused a new round of sweat-induced stress to mount upon his forehead as he looked up at Satoshi.


The announcement would come over the loud speaker, and would offer him a reprieve, whether it was one he could or should take it would be one that he did.

"Oh, sorry, hear that? Participant here! Oh boy, sorry to cut you short, and I wish you the best of luck in figuring out what has messed up your devices... anyways, catch you around maybe!"

And with that, he would take off sprinting out of the room, all the while his mind would begin to wonder about one thing:

He made it sound like more than one person, not just me, was messing up his devices... could there be people like me here? What does 'like me' even mean...

MFT - 364 words
47/100 on CURO - CURO is THIRSTY/Nervous

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Tomoe - Jounin of the Main Branch

She would nod to Moriko as she offered her pre-planned apologies. After the girl had passed through the threshold of the patio and out of the Game Room, the Jounin would mutter:

"If he ever makes it back here..."

She would now turn her attention to the windows facing into the Game Room and would merely observe as a figure would enter the room who would most certainly demand attention.

@Tsurara Moriko was awarded +5 points


Hekima - Director of Entertainment

"An Oracle sent you this way... how dull. An interesting character like you deserves better than a stiff in a mask."

At the bar, slouched over the counter with a drink in hand, would be Hekima. His long hair would be strewn all around his face. Playfully he would pull it back as he stood up, standing roughly the same height as the Miroku.

"You could better spend your time with much more likable... stiffs... if you wanted to" he would say as he winked at the demon, "Barkeep, turns out you can cancel the water, and instead get me some of the strongest stuff you got from Soon's Haven. I will be joining my friend here at the bar for a bit."

As he waited for his drink, his attention would be squarely on Akkuma.

"Now, I might be stepping outta turn here, as I wasn't the one who asked for you, but my group does have a keen interest in you. Would you care to forgo that little conference call and chat with me for a bit? I would like to take stock in our... investment."

The left half of his front teeth would bite down on his bottom lip as he chuckled a bit to himself. The Director of Entertainment had finally found his entertainment.

@Miroku Akkuma awarded +5 points


Takahashi Satoshi - Leader of Journeymen Order

His eyes would narrow in on the boy who was pleading his case, but just soon as he stopped speaking the sharp eyes of the Journeyman would gloss over and his pupils would dialate. Just as quickly as Roku had left, Satoshi would find himself slamming headfirst into the bar.

A loud snore would follow not too long after...


Katsumi - Leader of the Rangers Order

He would listen to the departing Uziuke, but he would take his words to heart. There was still much he didn't know about the Uchiha, but if nothing else he did not come away from this first encounter with too many red flags, and what worked even better in Uziuke's favor is that his attention would immediately turn to the one who just entered; Akkuma.

His teeth would grit as he would press on his CURO a couple of times, and his eyes would remain locked on Akkuma as he would remain at the dartboard area and a distances away from the bar and the demon.

@Uziuke was awarded +5 points
@Miroku Akkuma was awarded -10 points


"Ooooooh, it seems this room is finally going to get interesting" he would say as his deep blue eyes, which could be clearly seen from behind his mask, would lock on Akkuma during his entrance and trace him on his path to the bar.

"Hekima is the first to make a move, huh? I wonder how long til the next one tries to make a run at the stray dog in our midst."

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Hour 3.5 has ended with the following scoreboard:
@Chikamatsu Shin 82/100
@Tsurara Moriko 80/100
@Chigokai Yuna 70/100
@Shingetsu Sora 67/100
@Sunaku Harupia 55/100
@Uziuke 52/100
@Okami Roku 47/100
@Miroku Akkuma 40/100
@Kaen 40/100
@Kanmuri 40/100
@Mikaboshi 40/100

Hour 3 has now begun; for this hour we will be splitting it into the first half-hour and the second half-hour. The first half hour will allow you to finish your conversations if you wish to join the conference room meeting, the conference room meeting will begin and take place during the second half-hour. I'm doing this to allow more time for conversations to hopefully happen, and increase the duration of what constitutes time for the same reason: the two 30-minute blocks of this hour will last for 1 week, with the hope that at least two rounds of posting happen within each.

THIS IS THE START OF THE SECOND HALF-HOUR OF HOUR 3: these 30 minutes will conclude at the end of the day October 11th site time

Remember you must be attempting to interact with someone to forgo the -5 penalty at the end of Hour 3!

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
An amused laugh would escape the Sages lips as those emerald eyes of his assessed the individual before him. Perhaps this had been who the Oracle had thought would be interested in talking with him. "You had my curiosity but now you've got my attention." he said before letting out a rather boisterous laugh. Before his C.U.R.O once more buzzed, showing he had yet again been docked points. The 'Tsk.' from his C.U.R.O would be audible causing the Sage to look down at the device. The miniature creature displaying his current score. However his new friends next words drew his undivided attention back to them once more.

"If I am honest..I doubt anyone here asked for me. She merely said someone here would be interested to speak with me." Giving a wink to his new companion Akkuma would continue on. "I would say that she was right." Another chuckle would escape his form. How curious, was this individual one of the reasons he had been allowed to participate in the Games? "I'd be happy to learn more about my benefactors. I wondered when or if I would ever learn who had persuaded Raizo to allow me to participate." as the Sage spoke a wide grin was plastered upon his face.

"They say my powers of persuasion are something to behold. Yet I doubt I could have compelled Raize to allow me to step foot within these walls." He gave them a respectful nod of his head. "So you clearly know who I am friend, yet I do not know who you are." It was not a position he often found himself in, especially when the individual had clearly worked him into their schemes. Oddly enough he found it refreshing, after all usually when someone took this much of an interest in him it was to hunt him. At least he might be able to use their own interests for his own. How much would they divulge here or would they wish to move elsewhere?

"What do you want to know about me that isn't already whispered among these halls?" His lips lingered in a devilish smirk before adding. "Don't worry Silent survived our conversation, you can't imagine the things that were exchanged between me & that Kumogakurian Anbu." He divulged with a gravelly laugh to assure his new 'friend' that they needn't be concerned about their inquiries. Perhaps their discussion would draw out the Legionnaire Tick that was sapping away at his points. Those emerald eyes of his would flicker to his C.U.R.O seeing a new message accompanied with the increase in points from his 'sponsor'. 'Acceptable Path, Continue.' A light chuckle of amusement would escape the Sage he would have to more closely inspect this device & the generated creature when the opportunity better presented itself in a more private setting.

While the other two contestants had exited to make their way towards the Conference Room. Akkuma would be having his own Meeting, one with his own sponsor it would seem. At least something had come from the night after all, for he had yet been unable to locate the Legionnaire Tick that was siphoning away his points. Fortunately he was more amused then anything & hoped that he boisterous attitude would serve to draw out whoever was assailing his points into a confrontation. The sooner he could deal with them draining his resources for this Event the better, no matter how he had to deal with them.

C.U.R.O Score: 40
[Edited to add the last paragraph just acknowledging Roku & Moriko's departure from the Game's Room]
Last edited:

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Tomoe - Jounin of the Main Branch

Watching from the patio.


Hekima - Director of Entertainment

He would raise his right hand up his chin. His chin would rest in his palm and his fingers would stretch out over his mouth as he listened intently to the demonic presence before him. He wouldn't divulge answers just yet, merely giving playful laughs at some of the questions Akkuma was tossing his way. When the Miroku Clan leader finally asked what he wanted from him, his fingers resting upon his face would reposition so now that most of them were curled over the front of his chin but his index finger would be stretched over his mouth. With excitement pumping throughout his body, he would excitedly bite down on his finger.

"Well, Miroku Akkuma... I am part of a group that convinced the Kazekage to allow you, and that Silent girl, to remain in this competition."

Removing his hand from his face he would take up his drink and begin to swirl the liquid around inside the cup.

"You didn't ask why we did, but really does it honestly matter? That part's the boring part. We have more curiosity about what you are capable of in this competition."

Taking a sip from his glass, he would continue.

"I am Hekima, the Director of Entertainment. My daylight projects are facilitating projects and selling the village's entertainment to the country as a whole--got a good singer, a talented musician, someone who can do incredible feats with their chakra? Those are my commodities. Do you have a parade or festival you want to throw? Those are my commodities. Could our shinobi use a little pepping up? My company will handle that. Most of my business fronts reside in the Commercial District; piano bars, performances, plays, theater, karaoke establishments, etc. etc."

He would finish off his drink and motion for the barkeep to not only bring him another but would motion for another round for Akkuma.

"Questions I have for you; it's boring but it is the question on everyone's mind when looking at someone like you: what would you do if you were made Sennin of this village?"

A delightful grin would remain on his face as he waited for Akkuma to answer, keeping his gaze transfixed on the demon.

@Miroku Akkuma awarded +10 points


Takahashi Satoshi - Leader of Journeymen Order

Asleep at the bar.


Katsumi - Leader of the Rangers Order

Glaring at Akkuma from the dart board area.


Watching Akkuma and Hekima.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Hour 3 has ended with the following scoreboard:

@Chikamatsu Shin 92/100
@Tsurara Moriko 90/100
@Chigokai Yuna (Name shows as Silent) 80/100
@Shingetsu Sora 77/100
@Sunaku Harupia 65/100
@Uziuke 62/100
@Miroku Akkuma 50/100
@Okami Roku 42/100
@Kaen 35/100
@Kanmuri 35/100
@Mikaboshi (name would show as Sunahoshi Suzaku) 35/100

THIS IS THE START OF HOUR 4: This hour will end at 12:00 UTC next Thursday (November 8th)

Remember you must be attempting to interact with someone to forgo the -5 penalty at the end of Hour 4!

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sages new companion listened intently to his words, letting out playful laughs where the Demon would have preferred to receive answers. But he would not deny them their fun or himself, as his watched their fingers positioning & the slight movements they made throughout the interaction. Excitement seemed to build within his companion & the Sage couldn't help but chuckle as they excitedly bit down on their finger. When Akkuma was informed that he was a part of a group that had convinced Raizo to allow both he & Silent to participate a myriad of questions would arise. Removing their hand from their face & picking up a drink. They gave it a swirl before continuing on, pointing out he hadn't asked why but stating that it didn't really matter. Or at least he was sure they hoped he felt that way. Going on to say they wanted to see what he was capable of in this competition before having a sip of their drink.

Those emerald eyes of his would hold them in their appraising gaze as they spoke. He very much doubted their words, at least when it came to what one might initially gleam from them. In fact he was quite sure he would find their motivations interesting. For there was only one reason he could think of that would make them want both himself & Silent participating in these Games. To impact how Raizo was perceived, after all this was meant to be a Sunan affair. Now it involved a foreign military force & an individual who's reputation was equally troubling as the company he kept. Depending on what parts of the Sennin Games were aired a great deal of trouble could be caused for the young Kazekage & his reputation as a leader. What he coudln't deduce though was what their motivation could possibly be for wanting such a thing. Let alone why Raizo would allow it? For it seemed so obvious to the Sage. 'Our young Kazekage's house is full of scorpions it seems. Perhaps he hoped I would crush a few beneath my Geta?' he wondered to himself.

For why else would he give into these demands? If he'd have wanted to deal with the Sage & still ensure his allegience with Kumogakure was maintained they could have easily come for him out of the public eye. This had the potential to be so much messier, especially with the proclivity for spotting an opportunity that the Sage had. Let alone the fact he was less alone here then any of them truly knew. When Hekima introduced themselves officially along with the various duties that fell under their purview there was admittedly some surprise from the Sage that their paths had not crossed before now. Given his own penchant for collecting talented chakra individuals & utilizing their many talents in his various establishments or enterprises. A playful smile would form upon the Sages face as Hekima trailed off with etc etc motioning for a refill & a drink for Akkuma. "I must admit I'm surprised our paths haven't crossed before now." he would say with a devilish grin, but what he really meant was he was surprised Hekima had managed to stay off his radar until now.

When Hekima asked him what he would do if he became Sennin a rough gravelly chuckle escaped the Sages form. While he very much doubted the hierachy of the village would allow such an outcome he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of their reactions if it were to actually happen. Taking the provided drink with a nod of thanks his eyes would hold Hekima in their piercing gaze. "I'd start by pushing for the public acknowledgement of the Ancient Courts & their existence. While simultaneously raising them to the status of Sunagakurian nobility as is befitting the role they have played in this country throughout the era." No doubt these words would come as a shock, but this wound between Humans & Ancients would not be mended while one was forced to remain as a lesser. It was a wound that had only ever been mended with half measures, he would push for an end to that. It would be a true Gift to his comrade Kaen & his own attempt at flushing her out of hiding. "I have fought alongside them to protect this village & I have fought against them. Not unlike many other Sunans, this unwillingness to acknowledge the truth only damages both parties." he said in a business-like manner that expressed his attitude that this was long overdue. Isolated & alone they were easy prey. The fear & superstition around their kind was made it easy to weaponize the ignorance of the masses. It was a formula for trouble just waiting to happen.

"That would just be the start though...I'd establish an intervillage squad project. An exchange program of sorts this would serve to both maintain & build upon the current ties we have. Which I think my recent efforts have proved were flimsy at best & in dire need of maintenance." An unmistakable devilish chuckle would escape his lips as he continued on. "On a side note to those that wished to subvert Sunagakure's sovereignty my appointment would be a severe warning." The Sages eyes would flash as full of devilish glee & delight. "For should the foolish urge to challenge Sunagakure rise. They need only look at the carnage that befell both Konohagakure & Kumogakure at my command." he would let the words hang in the air for no doubt they would take some time to sink in. "Konohagakure had to pay for it's intention to betray this village. After discovering that, well I needed to test Kumogakure. Ensure they too did not have any ill intentions, I'm pleased to say I believe them to be true allies of Sunagakure." he would say in a matter of fact tone. As if he hadn't just confessed to orchestrating two of the worst attacks against shinobi nations in recent history. Although in truth Kumogakure's loses paled when compared to Konohagakures. Kiko had managed to get herself brought directly before the Raikage.

That had been with purpose though. For Konohagakure had intended to establish an information gathering network within the confines of the village through a proxy. While Kumogakure was free of any treason against Sunagakure he knew firsthand that there were those within it that wanted nothing more then to see Konohagakure fall. Taking a sip from his drink the Sage would swirl it's contents enjoying the aroma. "Unfortunately or fortunately, based on your opinion of me I suppose. I don't believe things will get the chance to develope that way. Maybe someone will implement some of my policies nonetheless. No, I anticipate Lord Raizo, Silent or the Kumogakurians shall come for their pound of flesh before these Sennin Games are at an end. When that happens well...we shall just have to see what unfolds." Was that a glint of joy at the thought sparkling in his emerald eyes? What did the Sage have up his sleeve that such a thought served only to further excite him. Why wasn't he concerned about Konoha coming for their pound of flesh when word reached them? "I could elaborate further if you wish about my intended proposals for policies when it comes to Sunagakure's Prison system, the Orders, a restructuring of the Academy etc but I suspect your interest might lie on a more specific subject now." Taking a sip of his drink he would give Hekima a playful wink as gauged their reaction to everything that had just unfolded.

C.U.R.O Score: 50
C.U.R.O Mood: Observing

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Tomoe - Jounin of the Main Branch

Responding to a call on her communication device.


Hekima - Director of Entertainment

"Oh, our paths have crossed... well in a sense" he had several proxies who did his bidding, it allowed him to remain both literally and legally out of the heart of certain business decisions.

There would then be the mentions of the Ancients and acknowledging them.

"Historically they are acknowledged, for their bloody conquest of humanity until Primus~" he would playfully say as he would continue to listen. He wasn't upset or outraged by the notion. He knows that others would feel differently, but he is more pragmatic than that. "Sadly, the script has already been written on them."

There would be the mention of exchange programs, "Ah yes; Suna relies on foreign nations to maintain their military... the headline would write itself" he would tease. Again, he wasn't outwardly bothered by the notion. It just was another simple 'it is what it is' of it all to him.

He would then let out a little squeal as Akkuma began to speak more forcefully about his might and make others pay for crossing him or the village, "I do love me a forceful man..."

Finally, there would be the question of if he would even be allowed to get the chance to be a Sennin.

A large smile would etch across his face, "I know... but isn't that what makes this all so interesting? Could you be a Sennin? Could you be assassinated before the Games end? Why aren't you arrested? Will public opinion start to rally behind you? Or would it rally to oust you? That is entertainment! That is what makes this all worth doing, this life worth living, and you worth watching!"

His outburst would be loud and strong, as he would rise up from his seat as his words continued to build to the climax. Upon reaching it, he would let out a sigh and come crashing back down in his seat.

"I could use a smoke... care to join or do you need to venture around and collect more points from other examiners?"

He would ignore the request to learn about Akkuma's views on the prison system for now, but if he joined him the door would open once more. Otherwise, he understand the format of tonights game favored those who talked to more than just fixated on one.

@Miroku Akkuma awarded +10 points


Takahashi Satoshi - Leader of Journeymen Order

Woke up because of Hekima's outburst and is now looking at his CURO once more.


Katsumi - Leader of the Rangers Order

Aggressively throwing kunai into a dartboard.


Listening to a communication coming through his headset.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
((OoC: Continuing from here))

Shin would return to the game with a soft smile on his face, he wasn't quite sure where his target was but he knew he had some time to figure it out. He would make his way back towards his fraternal brother, Fukurokuju. "So it appears that I may need some advice in these games after all." He would chuckle slightly.

Shifting his own weight to lean back against the wall the young man would look towards Akkuma before continuing. "I was wishing to extend my understanding and networking while I am here. I feel confident with the Branches of Sunagakure, and while I could go and befriend the other Orders I was wishing to speak with those of the civilian districts, such as business, commerce, and possibly even education. Do you know of anyone who could help introduce me to the correct individuals here tonight?"

He grinned some, if Fukurokuju knew of the secret side mission then perhaps he would know Shin's true target.

[CURO: 92/100]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Hour 4 has ended with the following scoreboard:

@Chikamatsu Shin 92/100
@Tsurara Moriko 90/100
@Chigokai Yuna (Name shows as Silent) 80/100
@Shingetsu Sora 87/100 *this is pending*
@Sunaku Harupia 75/100
@Uziuke 62/100
@Miroku Akkuma 60/100
@Okami Roku 42/100
@Kaen 30/100
@Kanmuri 30/100
@Mikaboshi (name would show as Sunahoshi Suzaku) 30/100

THIS IS THE START OF HOUR 5: This hour will end at 12:00 UTC next Sunday (November 26th)

Remember you must be attempting to interact with someone to forgo the -5 penalty at the end of Hour 5!

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Tomoe - Jounin of the Main Branch

Responding to a call on her communication device.


Hekima - Director of Entertainment

Was still inching towards the patio for a smoke, while waiting to see if Akkuma would follow.


Takahashi Satoshi - Leader of Journeymen Order

Is yelling into a communication device while looking frustrated at his CURO.


Katsumi - Leader of the Rangers Order

Aggressively throwing kunai into a dartboard...still


As Shin approached, he would turn off his headset for the time being to listen to his visitor. While his mask was already smirking, his actual face under it would as well.

"You are in luck, within this room there is an individual that could give you access a-plenty. Hikema over there, the one flirting with Akkuma, is the most social of the bunch. If he can't answer the questions you ask, and some you might not, then he can hopefully at least give you the direction of who can. Unfortunately, some of his ilk are still absent tonight, but I believe that might change soon."

He would pause for a moment, and with his face being unreadable under the mask it would be hard to discern why he paused. Was the conversation over? Was there more? There was more.

"You know some of these socialites, the like to make a flashy show with their showing up casually, or overly, late tactic."

Chikamatsu Shin

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
In response to the Sages words Hekima noted their paths had crossed before, in a manner of speaking. Given this he wondered just when & where. Little did he know that the man meant via his proxies. In which case the Sage would have been very curious just which proxy it had been. But that was neither here nor now. A chuckle would escape the Sages lips at his new 'friends' words regarding the Ancients & their situation. When he stated that the script had been written on them already a wry smile would cross the Sages face. The Fate of things was often more malleable then fixed in his experience.

Then there was how his policies on foreign matters & intended into village co-operation. Hekima was not wrong & the Sage knew it. But he too knew all too well how Sunagkure had suffered in past years. How they had been endangered by their isolation. Even during the tournament to Tea if not for his communications with Ayumu who knew what repercussions could have fallen upon the village for the Wind Daimyo's actions. The only way to change that opinion though would be for the people to experience the benefits first hand. Although he had seen humanities unwillingness to accept change on more then one occasion. "Haha you do have me there, I can just see the headlines now." he would say in agreement as he had a sip of his drink.

Hikema let out an excited squeal when Akkuma passionately expressed his own might & how it would affect the opinions of other Nations. What the ramifications of his placement in such a position would mean to those who had opposed them. Before stating how he loved himself a forceful man. A devilish grin would flash upon his face as he bit his lower lip reflexively. Oh the things he would do to this man, maybe he could get more information out of him. If not at the very least it would hopefully provide him with some fun. For a moment he remembered where he was & resisted the urge to cross the bar to reach Hikema.

When next Hikema spoke he addressed important questions, providing some more illumination into why Hekima & his cohorts may have fought so valiantly to have him allowed into these Games. All but confirming his initial suspicions on their reasoning for doing so, yet he still didn't know what motivated them. Was it simply a desire to cast dispersion on Raizo's ability to govern? "I imagine opinion will be divided among them...especially once certain things come to light." Was he referring to his actions or was he referring to the fact he'd unlocked the gifts of a particular Sunaku sect? Well on that matter they may just have to wait. A devilish grin would flash upon his face as he watched the form of Shin walk past behind him on the reflection of the bottles before him.

The passion that spilled from Hikema as he ran through the possibilities. Well it was enough to even further evoke the passions of the demonic Sage. When asked if he cared to join Hikema after the man expressed his need for a smoke. While it would be beneficial to continue on seeking more points & was no doubt what he should do he paused. There was much to be gained from spending some time with Hekima on a more personal level. If he was lucky perhaps he could convince the man to aid in a few ways. After all he had some ideas as to how his particular talents could be used to overcome some of the challenges that may arise for the Sage. When regarding public opinion & swaying it was concerned at least.

Before he knew it Hekima was making his way to depart the area for a smoke. Akkuma would rise from his seat moving after the man. "Somehow I think your company might prove more exhilarating & beneficial then any points I might squeeze from your fellow examiners." he would say as he slapped a hand firmly across Hekima's rear. Stepping through the doors threshold to the designated area for smokers. Hearing the aggressive thud of Kunai into the dart board as they departed the room. The C.U.R.O on his wrist seemed content with his decision to follow Hekima, at least it had yet to show it's displeasure. How curious the device was & the being it had generated for them. Trust a Takahashi to craft something so brilliant that it could still draw his thoughts even when he stood so close to open temptation as he did now.

Taking out a pipe from his pocket he would pack it with his mixture of tobacco & herbs. Those emerald eyes all but undressing Hikema as he packed it's contents, with a snap of his fingers he would ignite the pipe with a low level fire technique. Extending his hand out for Hekima to use as a lighter, as the singular flame hovered over his fingertip. Inhaling a satisfying lungful of the smoke mixture he would sigh as the chemicals made their way to the receptors of his brain. Making himself comfortable on a nearby seat his eyes would not leave Hekima as he did so. "You should make yourself comfortable. I get the feeling we might be out here for awhile." his words were spoken with the unmistakable mixture of playfulness & lust that had arisen in him earlier. Would the man join him or make himself more comfortable? Either way the Sage hoped their flirtatious game had not come to an end yet.

Little did he know they were potentially about to find themselves in the company of another. Someone who the Sage had been trying to ensare with his own passions. What would happen? Perhaps even more interesting then that, how much of tonight would be broadcast across the nation. What an interesting situation he had found himself in & the night wasn't through yet.
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