Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event [Closed] Spectating Sennin Games! [non-contestant chat and voting]

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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Behind the Kyōsoku House lies a large three chamber colosseum where today’s event has been scheduled! Some time has past since the end of the First Round of the Sennin Games and today the entire village has come to watch the Second and Final Round of the Sennin Games! Between the three open spaces there lies a network of rooms and passages where the spectators can easily pass through to watch each of the upcoming matches with ease. Alternatively, the spectators could remain in these chambers and watch all three events on the various televised screens.


In the chambers of the up coming matches There would be a platform in the middle of a large space surrounded by a large moat of crystal clear water. The depths of the water reach down over 100 meters and if the spectators or the contestants look closely, they would see that there was a current being generated pulling the surface downwards. Retractable wrought iron bridges extended out to the center stone platform allowing the contestants to make their way to the center arena. Each of the contestants have been instructed to prepare for the fight of their life.


In the center of the arena there would be a single man, one of the triplets who were selected to referee this event, wearing a suit of golden armor, prepared for this fight to be one of the most impactful this village had seen in some time. Pulling up the microphone and shouting out, he was ready to begin the match.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, as well as those within and outside of the traditional Gender Binary! Welcome to the Sennin Games!”

The crowd would cheer and an eruption of applause would be heard from the interior private chambers each contestant was provided to wait before their match would begin.

The man let out a grin and a hearty laugh.

“I will be your host for this legendary battle of minds, Shinpan Mittsu! Let’s give these contestants a round of applause as they join us for today’s great debate!”

As the contestants would come out they would see that in the middle of the arenas there would be two podiums with microphones waiting for the would-be-Sennin’s to stand behind as their Sudden Death Match was about to begin!

[ this area is for those not competing in the contest, as a way to show support and be involved in the competition! after each contestant has answered the rounds question, leave a +1 for whoever you think one the round and a -1 for who's idea fell flat. This will allow us to make crowd reaction posts as well as tally the popular vote for the competition. Throw these at the end of your post and let the games begin! This area is for all 3 of the contests, so vote for all answers in your posts up to the point of posting, as to provide a fair match for all involved.]

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko entered the arena eyes aglow with excitement. She ran up and took her seat watching as the future would-be Sennin took their places. She was excited she had made it to see the games final part in person.

"LETS GO SILENT!" she yelled for her friend as she sat.
[No vote yet just posting]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Oh yes, he had slipped his proverbial chains and made his way to witness the birth of greatness, or to indeed spectate on the actual abilities of these Sand-nin. Myakashi Migoya soon found himself pressed on all sides by the unwashed masses, participating in 'popular sports' or some such thing, but in this instance a battle royale for Senninship...

Oh, he knew some of the participants, but this would truly show there actual abilities. It was exciting.

Dressed simply and indistinguishable from those around him apart from his shock of white hair, he sat, brimming with expectation. A voice found its way into his mind... a very annoying voice, as he took his seat in the cheap seats.

I cant see from in here idiot.

"Shut up Mikki - Ill tell you whats happening as it goes ahead."


Migoya grinned. Let the games begin.

[OOC: Happy to not vote as Im probably biased :p Just observing!]

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The scattering of black Sunan Crows would dance and trickle over the various arenas. The occasional landing near the entrances and exits to the open air seating would cause the occasional Sunan citizen to shoo at the birds to scare them away. A rich choirs of the distant caw would be drowned out by the cheers and chatter of the spectators for today’s events.


Dressed in a tight fitting black suit with an undergarment coming up his neck and covering most of his head, Shin’s entirety was coated in black garments, with the exception of his face which rested a long beak like porcelain mask.

He had not come to the second round of the Sennin Games as Chikamatsu Shin, Sennin to Lord Raizo, no, he came to these games as The Oracle’s Plague.

Four additional bodies, all dressed identically to Plague also walked the various arenas and passages, though each of their frames varied drastically from tall and broad to small and childlike. The Overseer had a benefit to information gathering thanks to his Inner Circle and their ability to share a constant mind link with one another. This allowed Plague to essentially be in five places at once, that was of course only due to the fact that Kohana had not been very active since the conversation with Akkuma occurred.

Shin was curious to see how Akkuma would do in this stage of the Games after the events that unfolded not too long ago. For now, The Plague would simply wait and see what outcomes would come from such an event.


New Member
Jan 18, 2021
OOC Rank
The arena sprawled like a fierce runway, a glam marvel designed for the sizzling blood sports of Sunagakure. Its grandeur outshone the rest, a testament to the fiery events about to unfold. The acoustics demanded nothing less than excellence. Each echo had to harmonize with the crowd's excitement. The local’s chaos wasn't disorder but a melodic prelude to the spectacle awaiting them. Shouting and shoving, they surged into the arena, creating a nostalgic scene that stirred memories of past glam showdowns.

High above the bustling stadium, I lingered in the shadows, a radiant figure bathed in a crimson flare. Surveying the anticipation below, I relished the unique symphony of the eager audience. My crew of extras and backup instrumentalists stood ready, their presence adding layers to the impending glamorama. With a subtle nod, I'd signal the start of the games, the cue for my team to steal the spotlight.

As the events unfolded, the electricity in the air was palpable. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, and the crowd's energy was a glam rock anthem. It was a moment to seize, a canvas for the performance of a lifetime. The spotlight would soon be mine, and with it, the introduction of the amazing Big Hat Momo to Sunagakure.

“Heaven or Hell! Let’s Rock!” The rallying cry echoed, setting the stage for the extravaganza. The crowd roared in response, hungry for a spectacle. I basked in the anticipation, reveling in the role of orchestrator of this grand performance.

My crew, a mix of proficient musicians, mirrored my enthusiasm. Their eyes sparkled with the same anticipation that filled the stadium. Our job was simple. Set the mood. Set the tone. Set the stage. As the games were about to commence, the carefully choreographed chaos unfolded, each act a piece in the larger puzzle of entertainment.

No doubt, introduction of Big Hat Momo was met with a crescendo of cheers, the crowd recognizing me as the Big Hat international superstar. The crimson flare illuminated the stage, casting a dramatic glow on the spectacle. My presence was magnetic, drawing the audience into a world of larger-than-life performance.

In the midst of the unfolding glamorama, I watched with satisfaction. The synergy between the crowd, the performers, and the grandeur of the stadium created a tapestry of excitement. It was going to be the event of the century.



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Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The Plague of Sunagakure's Order of Oracles would let out a sigh as he listened to the answers being provided by all of the contestants. To think, two of them would soon be his peers.

First he would listen to Moriko +1 and his friend Uziuke +1 He chuckled slightly as their answers were essentially the same, though Morika spoke more than the ANBU Captain did on the topic, but a simple and clear No was a genuine answer as well.

Turning his attention to the debate between Sora +1 and Harupia +1 Shin's smile began to fade slightly under his mask. Again, the answers were the same. Train and hire the unfortunate. Not exactly what Shin would initially think to do, but the idea of the Satellite Academies could be interesting. He wondered if the other clans outside of the Toraono would be interested in starting something up, but for now Shin would just take the mental note and move on.

Finally it was time to watch Akkum +1 and Silent -1. Shin's lips would let out a sigh. It was clear that Akkuma understood that Sunagakure was a village who's culture was deeply rooted in tradition and honoring those before use as Silent was clearly from Kumogakure. Looking towards the future and the constat change that Kumogakure has gone through was made apparent as she spoke around the question not giving it a direct answer. Akkuma though, the Toraono have always been one of the cornerstones of Sunagakure like the Sunahoshi and Takashi. While the Chikamatsu have been around for many generations as well, their contributions still pale in comparison to the three greatest shinobi clans in the village, and for that he agreed with the father of sin.

Shin would walk towards one of the vendors as his eyes left the view of the crow's perspective. He would order an iced coffee and wait for the next round of answers.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko would remain silent through most of the events, she was deep in thought on a few matters that she had discussed with its participants. Now she was wondering how things would play out if they moved up or joined the ranks here in Suna. While some it made sense, others she began to wonder the motives of even continuing to participate. Upon hearing the answers from all she would begin to mark down some notes in her journal, an attempt to track answers and find motivation. None of them spoke in a way that made her concerned or even doubtful, after all they were up for selection for a reason. She simply wanted to keep her mind focused on what was to come.

Looking to Silent's answer on the question, a small and soft smile went on her face. Change had been something she pushed and strived for with each day. She had spoken with Shin, Raizo, Sumire, and even Silence on this. It was refreshing to see that the words and thoughts were not just said in vein once again, as the answer replicated some similarities to how she felt on the matter. Having heard Akkuma's however, the thoughts of stubborn folks and clans rushed back into her mind. There was very little that she could do to impact the mind's of those unwilling to learn fro the past, and while this situation held a lot of tradition, she wondered where the line would lay for him. Would he remain this stubborn if it came to changing the way we handled anything? or would he believe that some change may be for the better? either way the next rounds are going to leave her with a lot of unanswered questions.

Listening to Moriko and Uziuke, there was little to debate in there stances. The voting system for the roles would lead to more issues than it solved in her opinion. While she hoped that the system might change deep within her heart she couldn't truly argue with what made sense. Both of them knew the wieght and factors involved in such a stance, and she'd stand by her captain in this one. Though neither argued so she couldn't exactly lean one way or another.

Lastly Sora and Harupia were hit with a question she truly cared about. She immediately perked up and leaned in to listen. Hearing the answer from Sora actively brought a snarl to her lips. To answer such a question with something as simple as "Hire them" broke her silence.

"HIRE THEM?! As if, they've tormented us for years now. Destroyed faith in the village, and we just start paying them?!"
She snapped loudly toward the arena.

Regaining her composure, she listened to Harupia and nodded "Yes exactly, make it less likely for them to gain numbers by helping the people who feel they need to be in that line of work. Show them we aren't monsters."

[Silent +1, Uzi/Mori 0, Harupia +1]
[mft 489wc]

Sand Event

New Member
Feb 4, 2024
The ANBU spoke with the Shinpan Brothers and all who watched the events could see all begin to stress and call off the debates. It didn't seem like it was going to display any more information until the three ANBU members appeared in the viewing chambers inside near Sennin Shin.

"Lord Shin, there is a matter than needs your immediate attention."
The man with a bear mask said.

"You will need to grab a few members for a covert mission, information is limited and until your success the resources the village has cannot be sent elsewhere."
The woman with a wolf mask continued.

The three ANBU would hand the Sennin a small scroll containing any information they had at the moment.

"We will be assisting the Main Branch's Border Defense until your return."
The man with a butterfly painted mask said.

The ANBU Operatives would simply vanish, leaving Shin an S-Rank Mission that he would not be able to refuse, but the question was. How will he go about completing this task in a timely manner without setting off any alarms within the lands of Sunagakure no Sato.

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
A sigh slipped from Shin's lips, he wasn't even able to get his iced coffee before something happened. He had been a Sennin for two months now and thus far it had been a cushy gig, nothing too dramatic or demanding had been going on. Now this.

Three ANBU Operatives quickly spoke to the man before handing him a scroll that contained the following message.

Lord Raizo has not been seen for twenty four hours. There was an incident in the Diamond Expanse that required the attention of Sunagakure's strongest and we fear that Lord Raizo may have gone that way without notifying the Branches. Without any true proof, this is all speculation. You are being asked to form a platoon as quickly as you can to perform a Search and Rescue for Lord Kazekage. You have seven days before your report is due. Best of luck.

He let out a sigh. He thought quickly about who he needed to ask to assist him with this retrieval mission. They were going to be exploring the deserts and trying to track down one of the strongest men in the Land of Wind. While he knew that he had the necessary means to make sure the eleventh Kazekage would be stable and breathing, finding him was where Shin was worried his skillsets were not up to par.

A pair of burning hot phoenix wings would erupt from his back as he quickly launched out of the viewing room and to the three shinobi he throught would give this mission the highest chances of success.

[topic left]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya could basically feel his knapsack trembling with rage as the small puppet within seethed at the fact that this was a…a… VERBAL fight. A debate. A chat with tea.

So you mean to tell me they are going to talk themselves to death? BAH. I wanted blood and gore! I wanted to see a Sennin that stood on top of the corpses of their challengers, basking in the radiance of knowing they were the best! Not this SHIT! I mean… when were were in Kirigakure it was SO much better. What a bunch of pansies!

This rather crude outburst, coming from a knapsack and drifting in the minds of those around him (OOC: Mikki speaks telepathically as if he doesnt have a mouth!) caused people to look around in horror, not knowing its source. Migoya gave the bag a quick kick in an effort to silence the tsukumogami.

Linking to Mikki via his telepathic Myakashi seal, Migoya quickly responded before the puppet would expose himself. Shut it Mikki! Perhaps a nice battle will occur later - until then let's hear what they have to say.

Mikki, now focusing his thoughts towards Migoya alone, responded, his thoughts dripping with sarcasm.

Oh yes. This will be SO interesting. I totally want to know how they would solve world hunger, or how boring Kumogakure is, or how to get sand out of underpants - all the important stuff. Totally worthwhile for a ninja boss. If he had eyes he would have rolled them in disgust.

Migoya chuckled under his breath. Certainly a battle was what he had expected to see, but the whittling of minds against each other was also very interesting and telling. Settling back he absently pulled out what appeared to be dried apricots from his satchel, a strange but enticing smell wafting of the strange chips. Migoya began to tuck into them before the wailing began - some sort of music akin to the missing nin band he had managed for a short period of time. It was… interesting, not particularly to his taste, but its effects on the crowd were telling. His gaze rested for a second on the artist, before moving back to the debaters.

Moriko and Uzike… he didnt know them. Perhaps he should…

The question - should the Kazekage and Sennin be elected. Ooooooooh a good question. He listened carefully to the responses. So both said No. One had reasons. It was a logical response, but one that would not please the majority of those who had to follow the decisions of those they neither respected nor supported. Perhaps if the… removal process was easier?

Next were some people named Sora and Haripua - the names filed in his perfect mind for later reference - but for now…

Looking after the gangs… a personal interest of Migoya - the secret leader of the Jinkotsu… or at least what was left of them. Migoya leaned in close for the answers.

Hire them. Help them.

Both answers failed to see what the issue was… why were they in a gang in the first place? Those who were rejected, or denied, had to find family elsewhere. Both answers were bandaids over a gaping wound, but they would satisfy the masses. The reason you had gangs is because needs were not being met…

The next bunch were known to him… well, one of them at least. Akkuma was against someone called Silent? An ANBU? And apparently not from Suna… so anyone could become a Sennin of Sand? Pfft.

Oh his friend was a slippery one - knowing how to appease the crowd and relishing in their response. The foreigner… she clearly did not know about the Toraono and more importantly how.. Well. ‘clanist’ Suna was. You were either important or you wernt based on your last name. Migoya had found out about that when he had cleared Ash and then it was given away to someone else because he wasnt…

Where did that memory come from… along with the headache…

His head spun for a second, his plae hand dropping his apricot chips to the ground. The crowd was listening in to what appeared to be another round of responses… How long had past Migoya couldn't tell, but he raised his head.

A wry smile graced Migoya’s face as he watched a figure get surrounded by ANBU, before being given a scroll and flying away. Telling. Was that the ANBU leader or something? Hmmm. Perhaps he should find out what was going on…

Watching was fun.

[Not voting because, well, that would be silly :p]

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko would vanish as the Anbu were activated, seems her time to rest was already coming to an end. She would head out of the arena and wait for her orders.

[topic left]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
His crimson gaze had been scanning the movements of his 'ally', looking as usual for any sign of weakness just in case the demon of the desert decided to double-cross the Myakashi. A strange conversation that he could only barely make out from Akkuma's lips indicated that he was... leaving? Sand had gathered and he had disappeared, leaving his opponent somewhat bewildered, like the growing crowd.

What seemed to have been a summoning of ANBU had become far more public that Migoya thought they might have wanted, and soon the crowd started to murmur then hurry towards the exits. Something clearly was wrong, and it wasnt the fact that something was wrong that perplexed the alibino... it was that he, master of intel, had no bloody idea what it was!

In any event, when things turned sour in a village the first fingers usually pointed at the foreigners, particularly if they were the number one entry on most of the bingo books. Migoya had behaved himself and didnt mean Suna any harm, but now was time for a hasty retreat. Picking up his satchel with Mikki in tow, Migoya raised his brown hood and merged into the crowd, becoming one with the masses.

A shame. He had hoped there would have been blood, or at least popcorn.

[Topic Left]


New Member
Jan 18, 2021
OOC Rank

As that peculiar sound echoed through the stadium, a sense of foreboding washed over me. It was almost halftime, and here I was, ready for my second set, only to find the vibe had shifted drastically. The once buzzing debate had come to an abrupt halt, replaced by murmurs of confusion and the steady shuffle of feet as the audience started to trickle out. Even the debaters had bolted, leaving behind an eerie silence.

I could feel frustration bubbling up inside me as I tried to piece together what had gone down. Seriously, what could have possibly caused this mass exodus? I clenched my guitar, feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Something was going down and it was time for the crimson kunochi, the two time back to back musical award winner and stunning hottie to spring into action.

With a fierce smile and a flick of my hair, I prepared to rock Sunagakure, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

[Topic Left]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
