Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event CLOSED: The Kyōsaku House: Dinner Party

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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
House was built in as much secrecy as constructing a mansion could be within the village. Its location, within the marked-off area dedicated to The Orders made it a little more manageable, as who could actually tell what the Journeymen were ever up to in their constant state of building. All three Orders contributed to building this house, while the mind of the Kazekage came up with the initial idea. Would there be secrets held within this house or was it merely constructed to provide an interaction between those who were entering the Sennin Games? That specific question would not be answered, at least not now. Instead, it was time to start gathering as the village now ushered in the official start to the games. From this house, participants would be approached with the very first hurdle they had to overcome: making it past the front door. Nothing would stop them or obstruct their way, nothing but their own heart. Filling out a paper was one thing, officially stepping into the first "ring" was a whole other thing. Would this simple trial be enough to eliminate any of the would-be competitors?

The Kyōsaku House appearance from outside:

Layout inside:
Immediately upon entering:
Guests, both competitors and members of the Sunan pillar organizations (Branch Leaders, Commerce Directors, Kage's Office, and the Heads of the Orders), would be greeted by members of the Toraono Clan who would be working within the house for the event. They would notice a grand staircase within the center of the first room that would branch off in two separate directions. Each would lead to the second floor but depending on which staircase was taken, it would either be the Right Path or Left Path. On either side of the stairs, would be pathways, the Right Path and the Left Path.
Right Path (1st Floor):
This would be a simple hallway that would come out to a large dining room, one that could easily seat hundreds of individuals. Tables would be circular and comfortable sit 8 individuals. At the opposite end of the entry point, there would be a grand stage and a house band playing music. There would be a space between the tables and the stage that would be left open for dancing or mingling. Lining the wall that housed the entry point into the area would be several bars for servicing drinks. At the furthest corner from the entry point, along the same walls as the bars, would be a door that the kitchen and waiting staff would use to bring out the food and bus the tables and dishes.
Left Path (1st Floor):
This would go to a large room that would have several dart boards designed to use kunai, pool tables, large leather chairs around coffee tables, and two bars. Books would line the walls, provided by the Oracles, and there would be a patio area that would be designated for smoking and/or enjoying the fresh air.
Right Path (2nd Floor):
This would lead to several rooms that would be marked with the names of the competitors. These would be their personal rooms, should they choose to use them, and would house a wide array of personal conveniences and items.
Left Path (2nd Floor):
This area would have a single visible room, marked "Meeting Room", and a door in the middle of the hallway just past it as if someone had intentionally cut down the length of the hallway by walling it off and putting a door up. This door would be locked with a sign posted "Not Yet".

The remainder of the house's floors and rooms would be locked and blocked off at this time, with Toraono personnel ensuring no one got lost or ended up where they didn't need to be.

Each competitor would have received a personalized letter requesting them to meet at this location at this exact time and moment.

They would be given the following warnings
Warning 1: Upon entering the Kyōsaku House, you are officially participating in the Sennin Games. All actions will be monitored, assessed, and scored, as part of the opening round of the Sennin Games. Penalties or infractions incurred within the Kyōsaku House could result in dismissal from the Games.
Warning 2: Failure to enter the Kyōsaku House prior to midnight will result in participants forfeiting their entry into the Games.

At this time there is no posting order, and your only initial requirement is to make a single post entering the house. You are free to mingle with one another in any of the locations, but the first post must be made in this thread entering the house. Everyone have fun!

Midnight will technically be April 15 11:00pm (23:00) site time!

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Last edited by a moderator:

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna had already ate before she got the letter that was slipped under the door into her room at the Kazekage's tower about half an hour later. Frowning, she put on her mask and read its contents. So, this house will be the start of the Sennin Games. She isn't in the games for fame or for status. No, she was in the Games because it now might be connected to her mission. What's her mission? Find out if there are any other people, who are in the Games that are working with Akkuma. Along with a ring of irony, the very demon that she has to keep an eye on until she gets word from Cloud, had also joined in on the Games.

Leaving early, the masked kunoichi would move around as much of Sand Village as she can to shake off any potential followers. Finally, she would make her way to the Kyōsaku House. As she approached the house, ever so quietly, she would notice it is big and grand, almost gives the Kazekage tower a run for its money. She was impressed, but she wouldn't get lost in fascination. Staring ahead, but still using her peripheral vision she would scan around to see if there were any chakra disturbances in the environment, something, anything on the outside that would scream, not nature chakra, ie chakra from humans or even demons, cough cough, Akkuma, cough cough.

She would remain ever so vigilant even as she walked into the house and greeted by the Toraono Clan. She would politely bow, giving them respect before scanning the area around her once more. Her footfalls were as silent as her codename as she continued to look for any type of irregularities, both that could have chakra disturbances and not. It did help that she was the first one to show up. To any that look in her direction, no she isn't looking around like a cartoon detective, but moreso just walking around, looking as if she is staring straight forward, stopping every now and then to further inspect things.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank

A knock would be heard at the front door of Kaen's estate, so graciously given to him by Lord Sousuke. Opening the door Kaen would find a messenger with a most interesting letter. It would appear that the games had officially began and all the contestants had been invited to a location even Kaen knew not of. Since the letter said that this would be the official start of the sennin games, Kaen opted to where his combat attire in the off chance of... well, you know. Letting loose his Flame Court aura the Hybrid would approach the large estate.

Exuding a fiery confidence, Kaen strutted slowly up the stairs and past the pair of Toraono clan guards. He would give them a nod and enter. Though his flames seemed violent and wild, Kaen had full control over his aura and would be sure to not catch anything on fire. That is assuming nothing deserved to be burned. With a sly grin across his face he took in the scene before him as he entered the large and exotic building.

Immediately he would pick up a familiar scent, an aura he had come to know through an expedition to the Luminous mountains. Approaching the masked kunoichi he would greet her. "Well hello, lady Silent. I'm pleased you are here, I was not aware you were participating in the games. I apologize in advance, I intend to win these games. Forgive me for what must be done in the future to secure my rightful place as Sand's Sennin." His smile grew ever wider as his cockiness shined through. Life was a game and he would be the winner, after all that's just the nature of things when you're number one.
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Still somewhat acclimating himself to the physical world again, Suigetsu found that the invitation to the Kyōsaku House for a Dinner Party was just the sort of out of place test to constitute the sort of test that he himself would have provided. No doubt there the normal brawn for brains types that expected the event to be kicked off with a lot of punches and kicks but for the ancient Suigetsu, he recognized the familiar Sunan trope of always leaving its people of their toes. For those that had lived for any stint of time, they would have known to always expect the unexpected, and so off he went. Expecting a grand entrance, even he found that he was utterly impressed at the large estate and he gave a low whistle and nodded his head out of respect, to no one in particular. Dressed in dinner appropriate clothing, the style that "Sora" wore could best be described as nomadically elegant, befitting a person who lived the bulk of their life beyond the sand dunes. Airy and light, there would be no mistaking that a person dressed in such a way was no doubt used to the harsh realities of the world and yet still could display a certain soft piety with respects toward their beliefs.

With light tones befitting a desert walker, Suigetsu more seemed to float than walk towards the entrance of the grand estate. With a room clearly marked for Sora, he set his things down, all one duffel bags worth, and then immediately made his way towards what he remembered was a room full of books. If the books were anything like the ones in the Oracle's Library, then they were the sort of manuscripts that he would devour with what time he had. Dinner was still a few hours away and yet in the back of his mind he knew that whatever trap of a test he was getting into had started from the moment that he had received the knock at his door. An Ancient of many talents, while they had presumed that Sora was young and inexperienced, what they no doubt hadn't counted on was the Ancient force contained behind the youthful exterior that was his physical shell. Sitting in the large waiting room, he skipped the drinks and darts and instead found a good history book and settled down in a comfortable chair to read it. While he was very much interested in the book itself, he was far more interested in what sort of reconnaissance he could do while he waited for more competitors to make their way into the polished, yet still dangers arena that was the Kyōsaku House.

OOC: Just as a heads up, while Sora appears to be Sora, he is in fact, Suigetsu.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
As she walked around, she would see Kaen approach her, along with Sora moving around off to the side passed a door. She would focus on Kaen and the immediate area around him to gauge how his chakra disturbs the environment. Listening to what the man had to say, she would simply wave her hand over the wooden walls to make some words appear.

That type of thinking is meaningless, actions and words are two different things. Just know, underestimating someone could be dangerous, just as much as overestimating someone or even yourself.

The words would remain there for a few seconds and then fade back into the wood as if nothing were there to being with.

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
A house? They want us at...a house?

Well, if anything put paid to the idea it was a normal evaluation in any way, it was that. So it was that Moriko found herself standing out front of a ludicrously gigantic mansion in the most secretive (legal) district of the city. Tsukiya had been with her to the entrance of the district, then said solemnly that his family didn't really believe in wishing luck as it was itself bad luck but that he knew she'd do well and had faith in her. Then he'd kissed the back of her hand and let her go on alone.

There was also no point in making up an excuse as to where she was going to her family; Moriko had made a habit out of not notifying anyone about any longer missions she might have gone on just in case she ever had to do something secretive. That was paying off now. Of course, anyone around might have known relatives of hers to tell them...

Oh well. What would they do, tell her she couldn't do it? They couldn't--wouldn't anyway. So she just...went in.

While decently tall for her age, the fact that age was fifteen probably made her still shorter than any of the competitors. She didn't precisely dress like a schoolgirl and she didn't necessarily have 'presence' either. What Moriko did have was a slightly on-edge air to her at all times, one anyone who'd been with her in the desert mission might have recognized. Like usual, seeing no reason to deviate, she was dressed in a short skirt with stockings up to her thighs and boots, the skirt in deep purple and the rest black. Her bow and quiver were slung across her shoulders overtop the white button-up blouse, sleeves going barely past her elbows and tied at the neck with a red ribbon.

Her pale blue hair and paler skin signalled her clan affiliation to anyone in the know. The ice-blue bow would cement it. 'This is a Tsurara. Expect ice.'

And...not really wrong. Anything different about this particular Tsurara was below the surface.

'All actions' they had said. 'All actions' will be monitored. Scored. Meaning there was probably some kind of task or mystery going on here that they'd have to get through. The opulence of the setting was a distraction. This was not merely a locale to stay, it was part of the event--which they'd all do best not to forget.

Genuinely, Moriko didn't know how many people were in this--nor, for that matter, how many Sennin would be selected. She didn't much care. While the rank was the main] goal, standing out in general was the overall one. And, as she'd said to herself before, even not getting chosen put her name in the ring for future placement consideration.

As long as the 'standing out' wasn't a massive screw-up.

It was interesting that they hadn't been explained what the rules were that would cause said penalties. One could assume 'don't attack the other competitors or the staff' was probably on the list. And likely 'no vandalism.' But otherwise...

She answered the greetings politely enough and made sure to remember any names or faces she was given; Tsukiya had told her before that if she wanted anything out of people later, it was the bare minimum to remember them by name.

There was something slightly off about all this, although that could've been her unfamiliarity with the setting. Tsuraras weren't exactly no-names, but nobody and nobody compared to the Toraono in Sand. The level of opulence and sheer 'money to burn' they had was unmatched--or at the very least, their use of it was. Moriko did not have servants as her family did not believe in them. The Toraono had easily enough to staff on relatively short notice a gigantic manor for a temporary event.

There was loaded, and then there was loaded. It might have supposed to be intimidating, from a certain angle--though to her it was not. There was nothing inherently sinister in it, either. Just...the set-up. It felt like something was to happen. Why else would the instructions be so vague...?

But as usual, none of that showed on her face. Moriko pretended to wander aimlessly through the halls after climbing the stairs and turning right, but it didn't take her long to hit what looked like personal rooms. Including one with her name on it. She brushed her fingers lightly over the nameplate, frowning.

A lot of trouble indeed. What if some people don't show up? They have to have the resources to be okay with just throwing them at this anyway.

That being said she didn't need it right now, so after a cursory examination and a minor debate about whether to put her bow away or not (no) she left. She didn't quite trust the feel of this place. That might have been paranoia, and it might not.

Just because it was likely against the rules to attack another competitor didn't mean someone wouldn't risk that and aim at her.

The other side of the second floor was a dead end, at least for practical purposes, so she headed back down the the first floor. Which seemed to lead to the dreaded 'socializing.'

A polite inquiry of one of the passing staff indicated that currently the main draw down the right hall, barring an upcoming meal, was the bars. Given as Moriko knew she couldn't legally drink yet (and didn't want to bother with it anyway) she went left. Since, well that had the promise of a library or at least books and reading space.

She wasn't the only one with that intent; someone else had settled down at a table with a book. Moriko paused at the entrance and mentally shrugged, then went off to the bar to see if they had non-alcoholic drinks. They did, and she plucked out a volume on logistics and settled in with her glass of thimbleberry juice to a seat near enough the patio to potentially eavesdrop on anything that might be said outside.

Not that there was anyone outside, yet. Oh well.

[Topic Entered; in The Game Room]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uzi shrugged after reading the sign. 'Not yet? Pfft.' With his hands in his pockets the boy walked away from the meeting room area. The red suit that he wore showed that this was a formal event to him. Though his carelessness always put off his formal looks. There seemed nothing else to do at the moment other than explore the site. The Sennin Games stayed on the boy's heart, but with all of the other competitors around, it'd be great to see who would climb to the top and acquire the Sennin rank. Maybe talent would be built within these very walls for the position.

Uzi found himself at the door of his personal room. Pushing it open, it looked as though whoever cleaned up the place really knew him. An ANBU Mask sit on a table with different kunai and shuriken. He saw the manga to the dragon ball episodes he always asked about. He even saw hygiene items, perfect time for a shower no? Uzi closed the door to his room, figuring he'd tidy himself up while he had the time. The clothes that were laid out for him was something he wasn't exactly used to, but he'd try it on for the event.

[ Topic Entered| Current Room: Personal Room ]


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Meet up at a house wasn't exactly what Suzaku had pictured when the idea of a contest to see who would be the next sennin for the village came to mind. He had been all but certain that there had to be some kind of... trick, or at the very least absurdity about the house at the very least, else what was the point of it all?

Maybe that was the point.

Pushing his way through the large doors to the opulent palace of a manor the young Sunahoshi found himself once more struck with the same sense of awe towards just how much people in Sunagakure possessed that he had when he'd first arrived to stay with Takahashi Sousuke. Much of his childhood had been spent in the midst of the Gloaming Court which meant spartan living by any considerably human definition and places like Sousuke's tremendous house and this looming bastion of wealth fostered an odd sort of uneasiness in Suzaku. Perhaps it just reminded himself how apart he was from the people who lived in traditionally defined human civilization or maybe it was just an inherent mistrust of change.

Still a little overwhelmed by the bizarreness of the instructions, Suzaku stumbled a bit on his way through the introductions to the house staff, trying to familiarize himself with some of the folks that would be working the house. Maybe if he got to know some of them he might find out sooner rather than later what the catch was going to end up being for the event.

There had to be a catch, right?

[Topic Entered; meeting with staff in the entryway]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
How many others had arrived already? Who was yet to arrive? Lastly who had failed to make it this far? No doubt there had been a great deal of deliberation regarding the contestants. The Sage had been surprised to find that his application hadn't been rejected. That in itself made him wonder just how many people were having a say in this competition. After all he had little doubt Raizo's initial response to learning he'd applied for the Sennin Games was a sight to behold. Then again maybe the young Kazekage had his own plans for the Sage. Thoughts for another time he'd note as he discarded them. Approaching the doors his cursed aura would announce his arrival, giving a respectful nod to his Toraono before they'd even finished swinging open his aura would have crept it's way through much of the lavish manor. Closing the doors behind him he'd turn to face the nearby staff. Giving them all a mischievous grin as performed a flourish of a bow. "I do hope you're all as excited for this as I am." with that he'd chuckle & further take in the interior of the building. His gaze resting on the young Sunahoshi heir. Who it seemed was in the middle of his own interaction with the staff. The Sage would flash Suzaku a grin, it seemed the young shinobi had already decided to start playing the game. Whatever it may be. He'd check in with the young Sunahoshi soon enough.

Moving past them he would make his way to the flights of stairs. Deciding to take the flight of stairs on the right hand side. Upon reaching the next floor he entered what he knew would be one of his more favorable rooms while staying here. For here he would find his drinks, what better way to help ease his fellow competitors into dropping their guard around him. Performing a series of one handed seals the Sage would summon a Crystal Eye. Which immediately proceeded to further explore the estate. This would allow him to get a better understanding of the layout while making himself comfortable. Until it had either sufficiently explored the main areas or until it was destroyed by another. Moving into the bar area he would take a seat & motion for the bartender with a friendly grin. While he waited the Sage wondered which of his fellow competitors would be the first to engage

[Topic entered; Edited to add the Bar Tag]


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
Kanmuri’s mental state was akin to a deep fog. There was no vision. There was no path. There was no destination. Just a fog obscuring any sense of reality or existence. He was a shell of a man right now–a dried up husk of a coconut that had already been smashed and its contents emptied. There was a distinct lack of light behind his dead eyes–just a dark abyss that would lead to the alleyway of nothingness that was his mind and soul.

Despite being surrounded by lavish lights, opulent ornaments, and decadent decorations, nothing struck the man. His face remained straight and unsurprised and his demeanor stayed colder than a naked being in the arctic ocean. Dressed in his usual all white attire, he floated and slipped by the other contestants and contenders before making his way to a corner.

Watching, waiting, and wading through time.

[Topic Entered | Just inside]

Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
He stood frozen on the outside of the large mansion.

I don't belong. I don't belong. I don't belong.
Lords... didn't that odd broken human teach you how to handle this sort of situation? How to act?
He did! He did! But that doesn't mean that I can put it into practice!!! This is just a lot of pressure. I've been slowly trying to ease my way into this village, meet people in small doses, and now I am going to jump right into a high-stress situation with some of the most prominent shinobi of the village? This was a mistake.
Why did you originally sign up for this?
I thought it would help me with my goals, but that is just so far--
Very funny, I'm not in the mood for the voice in my head right now. I am screwed. A pathetic little worm like me sitting outside of this, too terrified to move--
اذهب الى النوم

Suddenly the psychologically frozen body of Roku would become more literally frozen. His face and expression seemed blank and without emotions, his eyes seemed dim and without focus, and his entire body was in a weird stance of rigid yet relaxed. Then, without a peep, his body would begin to move towards the house. The almost robotic young man would march all the way to the door, bow, and enter the house before finally there would be a snap.

He would blink and suddenly realize something.

"WAIT!?! I'M HERE!?"

This would be the start of Okami Roku's quest as a true member of Sunagakure no Sato...

254 words
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
It didn't take a genius to figure out that more competitors were starting to trickle in as the time went on. Sizing up the competition as a few managed to find their way to the room, his eyes barely flicked above the book that he was reading as he committed more than one character to memory. While it was true that not everyone stood out in particular, there were more than enough individuals that clearly were hoping to draw attention and those that were doing the completely opposite. The fringe examples always drew eyes but history had taught Suigetsu that it was far better to sometimes aim towards the middle, and so as he turned a page, he continued to read the room just as much as he read his book. Noting a certain unnatural chill in the air, goosebumps began to appear on his skin and he looked up to notice a young woman grabbing a drink. Was it her aura or had the residents of the large home turned on a sort of cooling system?

Noting the very clearly defined bow that she was sporting, Suigetsu couldn't say that he was surprised at her clear signal to the world. A place this big with an even larger guest list, there was bound to be some idiot that risked an attempt at foul play. Suigetsu was just beginning to track the blue haired wonder's movements more, when an intensely dark and foreboding aura introduced a character that Suigetsu was sure that he'd encountered before but couldn't quite put his finger on. This one caused him to nearly let his book fall to the floor but he recovered with enough of a catch it merely looked like he was trying to figure out if he was going to move to get up but then decided against it. Perhaps it was the woman, perhaps it was the even darker figure, maybe Suigetsu was getting all of his wires crossed but between at least the two of them, someone's reputation quite physically was proceeding them.

OOC: Noting Moriko and Akkuma in the Game/Bar/Library Room.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012

Some people treated being late as a great affront, and some liked to say being late can be considered a fancy entry, a sure way to get everyone’s attention on yourself…or maybe just to try and cover up for the impending annoyance of the first group.

Even after adding his name to the list for the games, the sand users weren’t exactly out in public once he returned to his village. Part of him wanted to see how the village looked and what was going on over all this time he was gone. Maybe in part, he was still expecting the Anbu to snatch him up to prison after making the audacious move to vanish for all this time and just casually sign up for a contest that would have huge ramifications for the whole village… he never did make things easier for himself.

There were some people he wanted to visit first…his family. And there was a high chance his father would try to kill him and his mother wouldn’t stop him this time after vanishing like this, but thankfully they were as happy to see him as he was… Though his father did toss him to the ground nearly breaking some of the floors at home. He did explain as much as he could or felt needed…though he did feel he’d need to brink a bulk of what he found out to a more official position.

All things considered, he was a bit busy… but still, he ended up there, dressed in a more casual attire…assuming this was going to be more of a debrief rather than some actual contest, though really, he was ready for anything. He did see a few people at the entrance and in the hallways as he passed the door, greeting and Bowing to the Tornado clans attendees, passing by a relatively young-looking person. Some faces he didn’t really recall…which could mean they didn’t either. Which hopefully avoided some awkward conversations. Though the man with red hair and a fiery voice sounded familiar.

Going through he had managed to reach the Bar area. Perhaps a cliche but it was a solid place to talk with people in a more neutral setting…and well he’d lie if he said a drink wouldn’t help. He moved towards the bar seeing someone sitting next to it. Another not to familiar face at least not at first glance…but it was better to meet now than never. Sitting down by the bar he waved for the tenders attention after he served the previous person while asking “Well… I feel it saft to assume we will be both soon competing against each other. I hope you dint mind breaking a bit of the ice before were of to the races?” offering a friendly smile to him.

468 Words

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Much to the Sages surprise the first voice he heard from a contestant was from a shinobi he didn't recognize. Turning slightly in his seat he'd give a friendly smile in greeting to the newcomer sitting nearby. His Crystal Eye creation floating off to further inspect the other contestants & their activities as he conversed. "Of course, although I do believe the competition has already begun. Whether officially or not might be up for debate." His words were warm & playful despite the malevolent aura permeating from him. Those emerald eyes of his appraising the individual beside him with their piercing gaze. "I don't think we've had the the pleasure of officially meeting." In fact the Sage was almost certain of it, although he had seen him before he just couldn't quite place his finger on where. Hovering through the room it would pause momentarily it's gaze clearly resting upon the two other contestants within view of the area. It appeared he wasn't the only one who believed the competition had begun. There were already individuals who had moved into prime observation points. Whether that was there intention or not he wasn't sure.

But with that thought from it's Master the solitary floating eye would proceed out of the room. Hovering momentarily in the halls before proceeding into the Library section of the Estate. Halting at the entrance to see the youth from his encounter with the Kunoichi from Kumogakure & her Mysterious Assailant. Making a mental note of the youths location & to have a private moment with Sora when the right time presented itself. "You can call me Akkuma & what shall I call you my new friend?" he'd ask with a chuckle full of mischievous intent. It was then that it dawned on him, this shinobi had been there that day during the assembly. He could only hope whatever impression he'd made that day was not going to be a difficult one to overcome. While introducing himself to the friendly newcomer his creation moved from the Library to the staircase. Taking in more contestants who moved throughout the building.

It seemed one of his children had also entered the tournament, when last they met his sons mind had been fractured & broken. He wondered what kind of man he had become since then. How he had been shaped by the people of this village. Another face that he recognized, the boy from the alley the day they had lost Jintou. A brief sensation of guilt ran through his chest at the thought. They had lost him because he'd failed to see the true threat that had been before them. The Sage wondered how this youth had done since that day in the alleys. Still he knew nothing of the youth or what he knew about the Ancients & why he spoke with such certainty that day. No doubt there would be plenty of time to discover that throughout the duration of these Games.

From the staircase the floating eye would descend it's gaze now passing over the staff & remaining participants. So much potential in one space, he had a lot of socializing to do if he wanted to get to know them all. After all what better way to determine if they were a threat or not to his goals. Who would be more cohesive to work with should he succeed in acquiring a Sennin-ship. What kind of qualities did they have that had gotten them through the approval process? In fact what had gotten him through the initial process? He'd been almost certain that he'd never have even made it this far. Yet here he was, most curious what was the Kazekage up to...

OOC: Apologies on the delay!

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Coming in a little later than most of the other participants, Chikamatsu Shin, the Overseer of the Chikamatsu Clan and the Medical Chief of Reseach and Development, would walk into the house wearing a nice brown suit and orange tie with the letter he received in his hand. "Oh wow, this is beautiful. We are so excited to be here." He chuckled softly to himself as he looked around at the lavish decorations. "We gotta make sure we don't bump into a lamp and break it." He laughed. "Don't think we could afford it.

His eyes would dance around the room, so many unfamiliar faces, had he really been out of the village for this long. That was until his eyes fell on a man not to much younger than himself standing in the corner. His giddy face lit up even more. `Shin, now's not the time. We are here for a reason. Don't think you can catch up with your old pupil like nothing has happened. It's been some time since you last saw him. He may not even recognize you, hell he may resent you for leaving him and exploring the world without him after the World's Martial Arts Tournament.` Kohana's voice echoed in his mind. "You have a point, but we will catch up soon." He said aloud as he was speaking with his sister, one of the Inner Court Members of the Chikamatsu Clan and a advisor to the Overseer.

He smiled at all of the other participants before waiving to them with a jolly look on his face. "It is nice to meet all of you! We are Chikamatsu Shin and Kohana, we are excited to see what fun all of us will be getting into during these games." He raised a finger and shook it carefully. "Now don't you all worry, We are a Medical Chief for the Omni Prime so if anyone obtains any injuries playing these games we can help take care of you." His eyes stopped at a member of the Toraono family that was working the games. She was noticeable due to her bestial like features. He walked up to her and smiled kindly. "Hello, thank you for help during these games. Is it, uhm, possible to have a glass with a splash of Shōchū in hibiscus tea? I would greatly appreciate it."

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
For those who were still in the main room, and had not either ventured off to either the Grand Ball Room, The Game Room, or the Participant Quarters, they would be greeted by a member of the Journeymen Order who would hand them a strange metallic wrist accessory. The metal would look like sterling silver due to its shine, but would actually be the metal refined by the Takahashi clan themselves. Upon the item would be several engravings of runic design, a glass screen, and a small orb. Upon touching the device or even putting it on, it wouldn't react or do anything. Instead, it would be found to be a little weighty, but honestly much lighter than it appeared. If any of the Senning Games participants questioned the device and why they should put it on, they would be met with a response along the lines of:

"These devices were custom-made by the leader of the Journeymen Order, Takahashi Satoshi, at the request of Kazeakge Ryuzaki Raizo. They will serve a purpose this evening that the Kazekage will explain at a later time. Until then, failure to wear the device will result in grounds for dismissal from the competition, and any formal complaints should be taken to the Kazekage directly."

With that, there would be a polite bow, and whether the participant ultimately agreed or not, the item would be left in their possession as the Journeymen present would walk away after completing their delivery. Upon putting it on, participants will notice that they can freely remove it, but it would seem that lack of wearing it could be detrimental to their progression this round of the games.

This device was crafted by Satoshi, a young prodigy of the Takahashi clan.
It is intended to be worn on your wrist, which wrist doesn't matter.
The device will serve a purpose in tonight's event... so just wait!
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Ehhh? While not quite caught unaware, Suigetsu still found the fact that the individuals who wished him to wear a device of some sort just seemed to appear out of thin air. Without a lot of fanfare, Suigetsu wasn't sure if the request was a hoax of some sort but as the information was relayed to him, it was clear that this would be another part of the test, but many questions still remained. Why would they need to wear something, would this be some sort of tracking device? Looking at the shiny nature of it, it was obvious that this was the sort of technical gadget that Ancients like him scoffed at, but secretly envied. Of all the things that mankind had done to level the playing field, technological advances were just the sort of genius thing he both envied and in many respects, played his part in pushing forward. Continuing to eye the trinket, Suigetsu reached out to take one for himself. "So if I don't agree to be tracked, I'll be disqualified? I guess that that's not much of a decision, now is it?" Letting just a bit of his own personality through, he gave a false smile and then quickly clasped it on his right wrist. "If you're in for a yen, you're in for a win, right?" Shrugging, he shook his wrist and made sure that the device was secure. As many others began to make the same decision as him, he truly wondered if he had made a grave mistake and exposed himself for what he truly was. Time was a fickle ally but hopefully one he could call to arms if needed.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage's Crystal Eye surveyed the exchange as it descended the staircase. Taking in the items remotely, casually he would stand downing the last of his drink. "It would seem things have begun..." he would say with a chuckle to the Sunan nobleman beside him. "You may want to head downstairs, they could make there way up here. I'll leave it up to you." with those words he'd give a nod to the Sunaku & head for the doorway. Descending the staircase, however instead of making his way to the bottom where the exchange was taking place he headed to his quarters. If he was to attach some device to himself there was something he wished to do beforehand. Making his way to the quarters that had been assigned to him.

All the while that Crystal Eye hovered overhead watching the exchange below. There were many questions he had about the devices yet he doubted there would be any answers. What purpose did these things serve? Could they collect data & if so what kind was being collected? Or would this simply notify them of upcoming tasks? Perhaps display a challenger they would face? Despite what many might assume this village was incredibly capable when it came to their technical capabilities. He had on numerous occasions found himself impressed with the creations of the people within this land.

Entering the quarters he closed the door behind himself. Retrieving a variety of Summoning Scrolls from his belt & placing them upon the nearby desk. Unfurling one with a red tab of silk wrapped around it he would summon a vile filled with a red concoction. Unstopping it he would down the contents, giving a quick look of disgust as shook away the sensation the bad taste had left. It was a stabilizing formula he'd crafted he hoped it would stop any emotional slip ups from revealing his change of form just yet. He didn't want his concern at potentially being tracked or scanned to result in a transformation that could reveal what he had become. Not yet at least, the stage had not yet been appropriately set.

Corking the now empty vial he would once more store it within the Summoning Scroll. It was at this moment that someone chose to knock on his door. How curious who could that be after all he was still watching the exchange below. Dispelling the Crystal Eye he made his way to the door. His hand hovered over the handle only for the briefest of moments. Perhaps there was more then one envoy with the items? Little did he know, someone who was here specifically for him had chosen now to pay him a visit.

(OOC: Moving from this thread to the one with Yuna icly for continuance purposes to put on the device. Will come back here afterwards if needed.)

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin's brow raised slightly as no one really addressed him as he said high to everyone. "حسنا اللعنة علينا ، أليس كذلك؟" Kohana would slip out, but fortunately she spoke in Runic Terran this time expressing her dissatisfaction with the current situation. Shin placed one of his hands on the fancy arm bands and hesitated. "I you don't mind, may we have second one? Just in case we split up at some point during the games? We want to make sure we are playing fair!" If he received permission he would place one of the arm bands on himself and place the second on his other arm and smile.

Raising his left hand a secondary hand would lower down, pulling the device with it. This hand was feminine and had red nails. A smile on Shin's face would show that the device would transfer from him to Kohana when he would attempt to split the souls. "बिल्कुल सही, अब इस बहन को जीतने का समय आ गया है." He spoke aloud in Formal Runic, the language of the Oracles. This was an attempt to catch the attention of anuone else that may be in the order with him.

"Oh! Thank you." He took his drink and tasted it with a smile on his face. Looking at the member of the Toraono clan that grabbed his drink for he the young man modeled the metallic contraptions he was wearing. "Cute, right? We think we can make these work for us." he gestured slightly. Shin walked towards the young man named Sora, though Shin wasn't sure what his name was at the moment.

Extending his hand out to the participant he would smile. "My my, while we would want to claim to be surprised to see someone as young as you in these games that would be a lie. We were a pretty advanced in our medical arts by your age. We are Shin and Kohana, may we ask your name? It's a please by the way." His eyes would size up his competition and his blue eyes would flicker red for a moment as the adrenaline in his system called Kohana slightly to the surface.
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