Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Codename::Muii, the Mother of Monsters . . . [Event]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

"Please state your name and . . . err . . . rank or title for the record."

It was a strange occurrence, one that immediately sent alarms off in the highest of places in Kumogakure. Initially the first response was to completely vaporize the very ground that the woman stood on. All such efforts failed. Seemingly able to control the very fundamental forces of chakra with nothing more than a wave of her fan, she quickly silenced all such opposition when she promptly held her hands up and requested to be taken into custody. Her only request . . . that she be allowed to speak to the Main Branch Sennin, Lady Yuii.

"You may call me Muii."

"I am what you would refer to as the Queen Mother of the . . . Kaibutsu."

From her mannerisms it was clear that she didn't quite agree with the term that she called the monsters, but on she continued. Stranger than even her willingness to be incarcerated was the fact that she looked exactly like very woman that she wished to speak to. Sure there were some notable things different about her, like the length of her hair which nearly seemed to touch the ground, or the fact that her eyes seemed to have a nearly inhuman glow about them. Other than those two things, with her voice, her gait, and the way in which she seemed to know just what to say and just how to react, the resemblance was uncanny. If she hadn't rode in on a gargantuan horse, lizard, chimera hybrid creature then she might have been able to just simply strolled into the village.

"While we respect that you have willingly turned yourself over to the law enforcement of Kumogakure, we cannot allow you a protected audience with the Sennin without asking you some pertinent questions."

"When can I see her?"

"As I said . . . when we get some . . . Wait, sit back down!"

With an effort as careless as a child might discard a toy, the woman stood up despite being fully within a chakra encased sealing zone specifically designed for the most godlike of shinobi threats. According to the initial reports, enough chakra was being used to manipulate the gravity within the space that she should have at least found it if not impossible, extremely difficult to move. Most humanoids would have found it quite difficult to even speak when put under a gravitational force twice that of what was normal but she didn't seem to even break a sweat. As if snapping out of a spell, she seemed to think better of her movements and instead sat back down in her chair within the space.

"I will attempt to answer your questions."

Having nearly soiled himself, the ANBU operative adjusted his collar and nodded as he too sat back down in his seat just outside of the cell. In the room surrounded by many cameras, the woman seemed unbothered, but he , despite being behind a desk that was actually under as many protective seals as could be fit into the space, seemingly wanted to be anywhere but here. Putting a hand to his hear, he muttered into the microphone that was under the mask that he wore. In a room not to far from where they were, an entire room of shinobi were inspecting her every breath, every eye twitch and ever move. Hopefully with the whole lot of them putting their brains together, they could come up with something to find a chink in her otherwise impenetrable armor.


OOC: Event starts now, which means that there is no prep round. Assume that everyone who signed up for the event is already in the topic and that this is an ANBU Sennin sanctioned situation. If they miss the first round or a round, they're counted as having stepped out the room. Bathrooms are down the hall to the right.

There is an ANBU masked liaison between the interrogator with Muii and you all. His supposed name is . . . Jo. He is in the room with you all as are other nameless NPCs. Each round is comprised of discussions with each other and them with Jo basically taking the best suggestions/questions/notes/comments and issuing them to his buddy on the other end.

Muii's picture is below.

OOC #2: Due to Maru not quite being considered a Cloudie OOCly as of this post, he will be treated as and generally regarded as under some sort of disguise or generally as "The new guy . . . ". Good enough to fool a general ID scan of some sort, but not good enough for at least somebody to question if they've seen him around or not. How good it is and how he talks his way out of any situations is up to him.

Due to Maru being in a topic with Ayumu about joining Kumo, his possible rewards will be held in a bank concerning this event and applied to his branch should he get the final seal of approval.

OOC #3: Remember, the rewards for this event will be Branch Points only. If you choose to SSM this then that's up to you. Just get it approved. Any questions, DM/PM me.

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Nozomi left all of her weapons at home, aside from the Starbringer Sword. The eye embedded into the weapon started to look around violently, as if searching for something. The blade at her hip also gave off a slight red glow and a light humming noise to coming from the moving eye. Nozomi heard a loud shriek in her ear, being the only one to hear the full-extent of the shrill scream coming from the blade. It seemed aggravated by something's presence; a sight that Nozomi had never seen before from the Starbringer Sword. She dug around in her bag of holding for a few minutes until she pulled out a clear plastic bag filled with food. Everyone, especially if they were hungry, responds positively to food. Her angle, this time around, is to play the 'good-cop' offering her food in exchange for answers. The only difficult part is asking the right questions. Having almost no previous knowledge of the woman made this task difficult; interrogating a woman with no prior knowledge made playing at her weaknesses much more difficult to do. She took a moment to think before walking into the room, holding a bag of jerky in one hand and holding the cross-guard of the Starbringer Sword with her left.

She carefully walked through the room, making absolutely no eye-contact with the woman. The blade upon her hip started to react violently upon entering the room. The black-slit eyes shot around all over the place with the shrill scream echoing in her own head. The woman could hear a muffled roar coming from the blade. Something bestial and terrifying, like other monsters, this blade started to jerk from side to side with how furiously the eye was moving around in it's limited space. Nozomi didn't know what this meant, but it wasn't something she found comforting if this blade was going berserk at the presence of this woman and of ANBU Jo. The ANBU seemed like a normal person, not having reacted to the man prior so it must have been this woman; Muii.

She placed the bag of jerky upon the table and took a seat in the chair across from the woman addressing herself as Muii. Removing her hand from the berserking blade, she reached to the bag and opened it up, pointing the open-mouth of the bag in Muii's general direction. "Have you eaten yet, Lady Muii? I know these masked people probably haven't fed you, trying to starve you out for a question, but I do come bearing gifts hoping you would be more compliant and answer a few questions for us. But please, help yourself if you are hungry," she said, removing her hat from her head to reveal her full face to Muii, placing the hat down upon the corner of the table.

"My name is Kanegawa Nozomi. It is very nice to meet you, Lady Muii," she stated, speaking to her in a respectful tone. Someone dressed the way she does usually commands respect and that is exactly what she will give her. She started to unclasp the parka that sat upon her shoulders and removed it from her body, revealing a tightly form-fitted sleeve-less turtle neck sweater. The sweater was pleated and breast armor covered her left breast, as if it was designed for a sharp-shooter. "So I see you are quite a powerful person, do you use chakra or something else?" she finally asked. She was curious about the origins of the woman's power.

WC: 585


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Oh dear . . . this wasn't supposed to happen! Looking at the woman . . . lady that waltzed in, Io started to color as he wondered what in the heck was going on. Reaching for his headset, he quickly sent a few key morse code messages to the higher ups to stop anybody else from walking into the room as well. He didn't know who this girl was but she sure as heck was going to get a thorough tongue lashing after this. He allowed his final message to be put on blast for all other operatives involved in this mission to hear. Hopefully Muii didn't understand Vulgar Kumo.

"Ποιος έστειλε τον πρωτάρη; Θα κλονίσει όλη την έρευνα!"

Looking away from the man, Muii looked at Nozomi before nodding her head. She seemed generally tickled as she slyly glanced at the ANBU operative who was especially trying to fein just how seriously he was freaking out.

"I have not eaten but I am not hungry. I appreciate the kind gesture. Chakra , mana, magic . . . no matter the name, we all receive our gifts from nature itself."

She smiled as she turned her attention to the direction of the other room. Though it was many , many yards away and through all sorts of earth and building materials, one couldn't be assumed crazy if they believed that it was as if she could quite possibly hear the others discussing her fate. Could she? Did she? The upper limits of her strength were clearly yet to be seen or fully understood.

OOC: Emergency post!
Noz entered the room when she shouldn't have but we're going for Dynamic RP's here!!!

There is about 100 yards (91.44 meters) distance between the two rooms along with a mass of corridors, walls, earth, etc.

Noz, Interrogator Io (he was upgraded to having a name after all!) and Muii are in Room A. Io and Noz are sitting outside of the glass like cage that Muii is (it's chakra but it looks like glass so it's not exactly a rock hard construct).

Everyone else is in Room B, which has video and audio of Room A . . . along with the fastest intranet speeds that Kumo has to offer.
The only "known/assumed" way to contact Room A is through Jo who has a direct headset link to Io.

Io and Jo have on mask and general ANBU gear. You cannot see their faces or identify any outwardly defining traits other than the fact that they're male.

OOC #2: Io's translated words below. Jo is assumed to have explained it for those that didn't understand.
"Ποιος έστειλε τον πρωτάρη; Θα κλονίσει όλη την έρευνα!"
"Who sent the rookie? She's going to screw up the whole investigation!"


Oct 28, 2012
Yomi missed something but with all the ruckus about she knew that she would have to catch herself up. A woman, presenting herself as Queen, requesting an audience with the good Sennin Yuii. This display intrigued the Medical Chief only because this was the first work related fiasco that she found herself a part of. Konoha was a lot of things, but, she could never accuse it of being boring. It had been a long time since she had done anything of the sort and now was the time jump head first.

Despite being on duty, Yomi wore no markers or even a simple lab coat to tell who she was. While she knew why her husband insisted on the new names, she figured she wouldn’t be bumping into anyone who would readily recognize her who wasn’t in on it anyway. Fiddling with her engagement ring she listened to the people speak in hushed tones trying to figure out what was going on and what they should be asking. While there was a lot Yomi didn’t understand about this situation, she had a least one question right now.

Standing in the corner closest to the viewing screen, the woman watched as a new person entered the room with the interrogator and Queen. For all Yomi knew, this was protocol and so she didn’t think much of it. Besides, maybe there was something else going on that the woman was unaware of. She’d roll with this...up until one of the masked ANBU explained that she wasn't even supposed to be there. Listening to Muii's response to the 'rookie's' question caused the woman to raise a brow.

Interesting... Yomi thought. A spirited tree perhaps? Maybe a puppet or an empty vessel...? Maybe things to explore later, for now the woman would keep those thoughts to herself.

Taking Muii at face value and assuming she was who she says she is was how Yomi would look at this situation for now. If she was lying about something, the Med-Chief was confident that eventually Muii would slip up and it would all unravel from there.

Yomi began in her distinct even tone to no one in particular. “My first question to the Queen would be “Why doesn’t Yuii want to see you?” A request to enter at the gates with forged documents is easy enough with the right connections. This whole vulgar display was necessary. My guess is that Queen Muii knows that Yuii would not simply talk to her. What’s more is that knowing Yuii’s title, Muii figured that this…demonstration, would force the Main Branch Sennin into action. A follow-up question would be, "What makes you so sure she's even in the village?” Yomi inhaled sharply and leaned into her corner. If this Queen Muii was as emotional as Yomi thought she was, with this irrational act, maybe the first question would get a reaction from her, if not a direct answer.

She would need a bit more information either way.

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank
In a room with only monitors and audio, delayed ever so slightly, AYa took on of the available chairs, close to the monitors, and her feet up on the desk. She had part of her anbu gear on, she assumed everyone here was going to to be anbu, but she was wrong. But it didn't matter, the only one who could tell she wasn't the main branch was probably Yuii the sennin of the branch, Kaji, and her fellow anbu. This was all top secret anyways, at least aya assumed it was.

Aya was snacking on a candy bar, watching this woman closely. She had the briefing files on her lap, she took the time to read up on what they were dealing with beforehand. She was a monster, and she wanted to speak with Yuii the main branch sennin for some reason. She had a notebook and pen on top of the files on her lap for note taking. Aya started her snapshot right away, she fully knows others had the same idea, but she was sure it would help her report. Aside from the notes. She knew the incident leading up to this, a team fought monsters, Ryu was apart of that team at the time. She knew a few of the others, but she didn't 'know' them personally.

Aya blinked as she noticed an extra person in the interrogation room, or at least the viewing room. By the panic sound the man sounded, she wasn't supposed to be there. She couldn't help but snicker, someone was gonna get in trouble.

Aya looked over to a woman who started to speak, she had never seen her around before. She didn't hesitate to start pressing questions. Aya looked at the monster. She put her feet down and sighed. This monster was insane, or something. Aya wasn't even near her and she could feel her."Why is she mimicking Yuii? I mean she's calling herself Muii, and she is taking on an appearance that closely resembles our sennin. Yuii, Muii, I don't think that is a coincidence." Aya thought out loud.

"Oh don't ask her that outright, that's just for y'all to ponder." Aya stated quickly, she wasn't sure how something like her would react to such a bold statement, the last thing Aya wanted was to die by a god-like creature because she asked a stupid question. "You should ask her what she intends on discussing with Yuii as the third question.." Aya tuned in, she noted down the behavior, including the mimicking. Aya didn't feel good about this one.

As she waited she nibbled on the candy bar, Aya thought she had time to finish before they started, and she wasn't gonna toss it. Uri, Ryu and Ji were well aware how much aya liked candy, and she usually grabbed a bar from the store whenever she had the chance. She never shared though.

[topic entered]

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
“This isn’t as bad of a scenario as it seems,” the thought on Kaji Okada’s mind as he hurried back to the observation chamber. In truth, he would have preferred to conduct matters personally, but there were protocols to obey— red tape and a sticky situation with an unpredictable entity. Before the so-called interrogation began, Kaji had slipped away, leaving capable operatives to proceed as scheduled while he made his third cup of terrible break room coffee. He wasn’t a glutton for the lasting stale aftertaste, it was merely a necessity amid those countless hours on duty since the arrival of their special guest. All of the village’s top brass were buzzing, and the ANBU were raised up from the shadows to be the cage for this beast which had strolled through Dragontooth Pass. What was poised to be an interview to all present was more of an experiment and precaution to Commander Okada. A woman who strangers said could have posed as a carbon copy of Yuii Kagetsu had an intense density to her chakra and sought an audience with her, his beloved and life-bonded partner. “No small coincidence” knew Kaji. A parlay with the village leader meant seeking out Lord Kogami— this had to be something a bit more personal.

The reasons were to be determined, but the interview was as much of an effort to gain intel as it was a kill-box scenario, packed to the teeth with the finest killers the Cloud could drum up on short notice. His maskless and mute-toned anbu uniform seemed out of place amongst all the uninitiated company. The arrangement resembled some sort of twisted tour with unknown shinobi mixing with dedicated ANBU, mask-clad and focused at terminals. They all seemed competent enough, or so Kaji errantly believed as shit was already going haywire when he returned from his respite. The sounds of nervous whispers escaped through the door as Kaji cracked it open; many of the masked operatives had gone short careers without seeing such a breach of protocol and anything close was in much less strenuous circumstances. His emerald eyes narrowed dangerously as he looked at the source of the rousing, one of the Main shinobi interrupting the interrogation completely.

“Wait” Kaji halted an obedient but quaking ANBU Operative who was in the process of demanding that the intruder come back at once. Kaji pressed his shoulder and continued saying “Let’s feel this out, see if we can make it work.”
The Commander was listening, waiting to see how an uncontrolled element would affect the already skewed experiment. It was then that another of the onlookers, this one a bronze-skinned kunoichi, reengaged the interrogation, putting it back on course from where Nozomi had derailed it.
“I like the way you think, glad to have you” Kaji encouraged the unfamiliar comrade, unaware of just how many connections he had to Yomi Kaisenami, now known as Rei Yamamoto. Instead, he had to focus on Jo, who was visibly rattled by the unplanned interruption.
“Hold steady Jo, everything is under control,” said Kaji, who hovered over Io’s shoulder and sought to calm a man who was supposed to be renowned for keeping his cool. “Try a little good cop bad cop… as the situation evolves we’ll react accordingly.”

With that handled, Kaji spun about to face the remaining Main shinobi sent down to sit in on the interview. There was no time for giving hard looks and threats, instead, he simply said “That is not how we operate down here! No one else enters that room unless I’ve thrown you in there with my bare hands.”
While Kaji was blustering, young Aya was realizing the oddity that was Muii, who did have a disturbing resemblance to his wife— at least to the others. The comment caused him to focus his gaze on Muii, perhaps humanizing her for the first time since they had placed her in the cell.
“Ha. I could tell she’s a fake from a mile away” he muttered, sneering at the doppelganger. She may have looked like Yuii, acted like her and even smelled like the same bed of lavender in spring, but the sight of this Muii creature stirred nothing in the heart of Kaji. The presence of one's true love evokes something magnetic, makes the heart palpitate, and even someone as cool as Kaji become unraveled. This heretical Muii did none of those things for him.

- Kaji Okada has entered the thread.
Mar 25, 2018
Ryu arrived in their 'Queen's path' with the name 'Ryuni', and full ANBU attire. 'She' had grown used to using either body available to them. When they usually went on missions that left their original body damaged, this was the best way to go on and continue missions while the other form recovered. Needless to say, it was a bit confusing to Ryu as to wether they should call themself a man, or a woman. At this point, he really didn't care. He was a ninja.

Regardless, over his shoulder floated a ghostly phantom who's appearance mimicked the concealed body that it haunted. Her very presence was hidden from all in the room, aside from anyone with particular talents in ghost-detecting. The ghostly figure just spent her time lingering around Ryu, and making comments like "Do you really need to use my body for basic shinobi work? At least make your enslavement flavorful.."

Of course, to avoid seeming like a lunatic Ryu never answered the ghost. Only really speaking once they noticed the Sennin himself arrive for such a mission, and the piece of chaos that started due to some main branch fool breaking protocol...

"Lord Sennin...If you wish, I could go retrieve her before any damage is done." Ryu said with his body's soft, feminine voice. For the most part, Ryu thought this was a good situation. Of course, the woman was strong enough to completely ignore any restraints placed on her, but at the same time there wasn't an exact need for them due to her compliance.

Ryuni turned to the communication nin, and glared at him with a pair of rippled Rinnegan that always gave them a menacing appearance through their mask, even when unintentional.

"My question is going to be a bit straight forward, and brash so wait for the others but....This pertains to a similar mission I was on with some of the ninja in this very room involving this woman. Ask her 'Where, and what is the man who was with you', if you could. If you're familiar with the reports, I'm fairly certain that this woman matches the criteria for the farmer's wife. " She asked, looking around the room for someone else who was on the same mission who could try and make the question sound less....crazy? Outlandish? Baseless?

Regardless, all they could do was sit back and await a command from Kaji, or an answer from the blue haired woman.


Oct 23, 2012

Sanyu wasn't exactly sure he was here, interrogations wasn't particularly his strongest asset, but on the bright side he wasn't alone, nor was he even in the room. He was surprised to his his adoptive mother here as well, which gave him a bit more comfort, but that was short-lived as he realized that this would be a chance to kind of show off, impress the woman who he knew deep down was already proud of him. He watched the proceedings with a very stern look on his face. He wasn't quite as "learneded" as these people, coming from a small town with no solid education system, but he was somewhat good at reading people.

Not long after they all got in there everyone watched, aghast, as one of the people who was supposed to be in the room just entered that room. He pointed at the screen and just looked at everyone. "She went into the room, she's not supposed to go into the room, is she!?" He could tell the ANBU man began to panic, but the other ANBU man in the room with them told everyone to roll with it. How did she get there in the first place? It wasn't guarded? Either way she was there and the interrogation couldn't really be stopped, who knows what the woman would do if she thought we were incompetent.

Everybody began to get their questions out, and everyone one of them sounded much smarter than anything Sanyu could come up with, even simple observations. The one girl, Aya though Sanyu didn't know her name, did get him thinking. Why Yuii? And if the queen is taking the appearance of Yuii it means she must have seen her once before. Oh, thats a good one! "For her to take the appearance of Yuii, she has to have seen her before, right? Did she ask for Yuii by name or position, they must have some form of history." However, such an event would have definitely been reported. Maybe the queen saw Yuii in passing, overheard a conversation she may have had. Either way, her appearance and name couldn't be a coincidence.

"Also I guess the obvious question is, why Yuii specifically. You'd think someone would try to talk to the Raikage first, right?" He wasn't particularly certain his questions were helpful, but he didn't want to feel like the dead weight in the room, but at least this was a learning experience in case he ever wanted to pursue a career in interrogations. Though, that seemed to be mostly taken care of by ANBU and that didn't seem like a branch he would enjoy, he wanted some spotlight and you can't have that if your face is behind a mask all the time.


Nov 17, 2012
Journal Log #11</I><I>: After the last mission I thought that there was very little that could surprise me, but as usual, I was wrong. The supposed Queen has arrived at our gates and turned herself in for questioning. I’ve been requested to attend and provide whatever information I can. Didn’t they watch my snapshot enough times already. I’ll show them again if need be. Maybe there was something that we missed.

Daigo returned from the restroom and vending machines while overhearing one of his fellow mempos seemingly panic in some way. Then his crimson red rinnegan eyes darted to the closest monitor. Understanding what happened and hearing his boss’s orders, he chose to sit down and wait. Being that this was his place of employment, he dressed in full anbu attire, and especially after being notified that the anbu were hosting guests. He left very little identifying factors exposed. He even wore an plain white mask with no distinguishing features. He worked very hard to reach the level of mempo and he wouldn’t risk exposure, especially with an creature in the very next room. He sat down at his assigned desk to monitor the interrogation.

Sitting back, he observed the room and the chamber quietly. Listened to every question and order given, pondered every possible outcome of which he could think. The reports on his desk were very well detailed. He didn’t even need to snapshot this situation, but he would do so anyway...just in case the cameras stopped working suddenly. Daigo would pass on his question because anything that he could think of was either too broad or too specific.

What are your intentions with the human race? Are you the leader of an small faction of creatures or are you the leader of all of them? Assuming you are the former, do you go to war with other creature factions? Is there a immediate threat to Kumogakure? We covered our tracks during our last encounter and this village is hidden so how the hell did you find it? Who revealed that information? ”, he thought. There were too many questions to ask and not enough time.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
His first actual important assignment Umashi had actually given him, when he heard that there was a self proclaimed monster that turned itself into the gates wanting to see that beautiful lady he met at the gates he honestly didn't believe it at first when they first told him about it but that was what they were dealing with. When Maru thought of monsters he usually thought big, ugly, slimy, hairy things with sharp teeth and claws so what he was about to see might make the ‘new guy’ act less cruel than he was when dealing with a ugly monster. The temporary ID that Umashi gave him was pretty convincing, it fooled the guards to get him access inside of the place. The former hokage had also told him to wear a disguise, and he was already a couple steps ahead of him on that part. Usually people would see him in a mask, cape, english looking attire for the most part that made him look like he belonged in a masquerade ball. But now he was wearing one of his fancy, formal kimono's with his hair tied in a ponytail and…. he wasn't in his mask. Now for some people, that kinda disguise wouldn't work because they usually always have their face shown but Maru literally lived in a mask and cape. One could say that the mask was his actual face since he wore it almost all the time from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep. So no one has even seen his face, not even his students… As for his Kensei spirit, she wore similar attire to match the weird traditional Japanese kimono, floating behind her wielder despite not being seen by anyone but Maru. Or so she thought she couldn't be seen.

As he was lead into room A where he saw that there were a lot of people there already that got there before him he decided to greet the group. “Yoooooo Yamaru here!” He said, waving his hands then putting his hands on his hips. He looked over at “Was sent here because there was some weird critter trying to meet Aqua, so I'm ready to see what we have what do ya got for me?”He was pretty pumped up about interrogating the critters until looked at one of the screen… The critter was not at all what Maru had expected to be, it was a beautiful blue haired lady who was being interrogated by that cute kitten woman he meet in the forest. Women… a dreaded weakness that he had. He looked over at Kawaii while the other discussed about what the monsters intentions were. “What do you think? You think that thing is dangerous.” He asked his ghostly companion, the spirit floating towards the screen to get a good look at the creature. ’ Hmmm, could be a sheep in wolf's clothing, but judging by what we already know the woman doesn't count as a mercenary or missing-nin and she was peaceful… so finding it hard to know why she even had to turn herself in.’

'Exactly what I was thinking.’ He thought. Maru didn't exactly know what the creature did or anything but if it… she was peaceful then why was she a prisoner. “Uhhh… so all what your asking is cool and all but do we really have reason to hold her?“ he asked, looking at the screen again. “I mean all she wants to do is see the Sennin, she probably wants citizenship or something... Heck might be interested in a alliance with Kumo since she's some queen Like its not like there's a huge monster village that gives out passports and whatnot. What did she do to warrant arrest?” That was probably the question that Maru really needed to know before judging the poor creature, if she was captured because she was a monster that seemed rather… extra. It's like locking up a animal because its a animal, so far he thought that the creature did nothing wrong but he did just get here so with the interview with the critter maybe that would change.

[Entered Topic]
[Ghost NPC Kawaii Entered W/Maru and is not visible for the time being.]

Kaguya Jikan

New Member
Sep 14, 2013
Jikan opened his eyes and felt it in his gut, he was late. Snapping to the standing position he quickly began wrapping himself in clothes. Today's schedule didn't include patrol so he chose to wear his black raincoat instead of his ANBU cloak. Jikan very quickly placed his boneplate on and thrust his hand away from it to pop out his ANBU Mask, dressed to kill he headed toward the ANBU Headquarters. His headset was buzzing with chatter. Panic from his lateness struck him more than listening and he only picked up keywords. "Monster, Mother, Creature"

He pondered over them as he reached Sileo Tempestas. Checking in with the receptionist, he was greeted as he was most days, "Late again..." A small sigh escaped his lips and he tapped his mask "At least I'm dressed today, what's on the docket." The receptionist filled him in on the news and his intrigue piqued. He had heard rumors of Monsters from one of the latest missions between his peers, now apparently the mother of monsters had come to make contact, or something more devious...

"We just want a little extra security in the room in case anything goes upside down." Jikan nodded and replied, "Will immediately report to the surveillance room and await further orders." The receptionist smiled and replied "Remember Protocol" Jikan replied with a half-hearted laugh. "Right! Protocol..."

Walking down the hall he made a sharp turn and found the room more than empty. Wordlessly but purposefully he slid in and leaned on the far side wall. He looked over everyone in the room, gave an unseen smile and focused on Observing everything. 'Guard duty, where it's nice and warm inside.' Removing himself for a second he went to Jo and put an arm on his shoulder, "Sidewinder reporting for extra guard detail" While he was there, he took a gander at the monitors and replaced him self on the far sided wall. He was there to Observe and Protect, Hoping he wouldn't need the latter. Inside his coat he made the seals for Snapshot and leaned back.

[OOC: Short Desc: An ANBU in a black raincoat with a bone plate attached to the left side of his head. Face covered by ANBU Mask.
WC: 347 - MFT]


Oct 28, 2012
Diplomat corp? Called into an interrogation room? Either Anbu was starting to get lax on their interrogation techniques, or the person in question was a lot more difficult to work out. Seemed that they needed people who were better with their words than their stabbing techniques. Hajime was also getting better at reading people, and the more he watched people and learned how to feel the feelings they felt? His persuasion was going to be so good he could sell a tomato based fruit salad!

Entering the room as a man over the intercom exclaimed in some kind of language. Hopefully it wasn’t anything… vulgar! Besides that Hajime couldn’t understand. He never quite learned the ancient language of Kumo, and only spoke the common tongue like most other countries. He was a little bit later to the party so he didn’t quite know what was going on to cause the language to change. Everything in the room seemed normal, just two people interrogating one blue-haired lady.

To keep focus on the operation, and not to ruin his own work here the youngish Chuunin would try to avoid contact with people, instead focusing on the screen. He knew that if anyone had any feelings to compromise the mission then he would know it inside of him. However, a closed heart would make it difficult for him to watch someone’s intentions. And one that was overly open? That would make him feel more than he really wanted.

The questions began to be asked between the group, as he listened, focusing his attention on this Muii to see what he could pick up. It wasn’t easy right now, but he figured there would be something there if the right questions were asked.

”Kagetsu are one of the top clans in the village. Influencing Yuii, head of one of the branches and a Kagetsu… would have all sorts of influence.” His voice, emotionless and stoic. He knew Yuii was the head of the branch, and he knew her last name. Easy to come to that conclusion… and this ‘Muii’ did sort of look like her.

The attaché thought a little bit about not about her intentions with Yuii, but instead her ‘children.’ The Kaibutsu were just as threatening, but why risk bringing anyone with her.

”I don’t have any questions at the moment, though calling herself the mother means that maybe some kind of question on her connection to her ‘children’ might bring something out.” He would keep his eyes fixated on the woman for any kind of feeling or expression from her.

At the moment she seemed pretty calm, but we would see once there was a good or provocative question… they just had to be careful against a woman who could defy such a prison.

Mft 463 words

Feeling: Nothing
Feelings unlocked: 0
Alignment points gained: 1 neutral[/b]

Funai Ikko

Aug 6, 2017
Ikko had no idea why he was here. Ignoring that interrogations were normally ANBU territory, which he was not, they also were typically relegated to persuasive or especially charismatic individuals...which he was not. So when Ikko was told to show up he wasn't exactly going in to things with abounding amounts of confidence, an issue that was further exacerbated when he saw just who he was expected to rub shoulders with in the room. Ignoring that, well, everyone was a far more severe looking person than he, Ikko was noticing names he heard about or read about...not names he was expecting to actually be in the same room with. Yuii was the only Sennin that Ikko had any familiarity with and she always tended to treat him closer to a loving (I.E. exasperated) mother than a "boss" or "commander." An utterly terrifying mother who forced Ikko to learn where boundaries were if he ever expected to live through the week, but a mother all the same. Ikko still had "fond" memories of their little expedition at sea where she may or may not have gotten a smidge miffed at what Ikko considered to be absolutely immaculate art that anyone with an eye for talent should have been able to appreciate, but no, Tiger Mom Yuii needed to spring to attention. Even still, that wasn't the vibe he got from anyone in this they didn't really understand what it meant for the creature to call herself a mother. That was considerably more interesting to Ikko than the physical similarities to Yuii, or why she was here, or what flavored beverage she wanted, or if she even knew what a Raikage was. Ikko knew how to skirt out of trouble with a parental figure...hopefully it'd be helpful.

"Bad probably the wrong call."

Words couldn't really do justice to how terrifying it was for Ikko to try to contradict Kaji. He didn't really know the man, especially not compared to what he knew of him and contradicting him sounded like a beyond foolish venture, and that was even before he could fully process that he was contradicting the other super scary lady in the room too. His voice was appropriately meek when he spoke as well, wading slowly and very unsteadily into waters he wasn't comfortable in...but he was committed now and he was also confident he was right. A small gulp, Ikko's eyes trailing from the ANBU Sennin to the scary lady and back again while, with every word he spoke, his tone became more and more confident.

"We don't actually have much leverage to threaten saw her just now. That barrier we have around her seems like it's more for our peace of mind than it really is deterring her escape. She got up, which she shouldn't even be able to do, stood there for a few moments, which she also shouldn't be able to do, then sat back down. She's humoring us because she wants something. I think...I think our focus should be on what she wants and feeding into letting her think she holds all the cards in this negotiation. If we try to stubbornly ram our heads down the lion's mouth we're just going to get it bitten off."

Ikko finally tore his eyes away from the two of them and, probably more confidently than he had any right now, took a few steps forward off of the wall to look square through the screen at the startling faux simile of Yuii nestled comfortably in a space that should have been as uncomfortable as possible before his eyes trailed over to Nozomi, his head tilting slightly in the process. Nozomi, immediately, jumped off in to the "good cop" of Kaji's design, and it actually got a response. It wasn't all that useful a response on the surface, but it was a cordial one that shed more insight in to what she was.

"She introduces herself as a mother and the first step to finding information you want from someone is to find what they hold most important...and then eventually apply pressure. Not necessarily a threat, or a good cop/bad cop interaction, but some kind of promise that we can give her what she wants if she does X, Y, or Z, but right now we can tell that what is important to her is her "children." The monsters. Get her talking about the monsters, get her to open up, and eventually that openness will lead us to why she's here outside of wanting a chat with The Sennin..."

Ikko's eyes shifted back to Kaji and toward the ANBU officer apparently in charge of relaying their questions and softly spoke once more:

"She hesitated before saying Kaibutsu, as if she were in pain or it was a disgusting taste in her mouth. That's...not how you'd typically talk about your children, I imagine. She either isn't fond of the name or something is threatening them. Press her on what she'd like us to call them if not Kaibutsu, if she doesn't come back with a response then figure out what is causing that pained hesitation."

Hopefully, he didn't stick his own head in the lion's mouth contradicting them, but he was still confident that if they jumped straight into aggressive and borderline threatening questions, they were going to completely close her off and they didn't have any real leverage to use fear to get her to do what they wanted, at the very least they definitely didn't have it yet. The only tool they had was withholding Yuii and if they pissed this thing off, there was a strong chance she'd stop waiting for Yuii and start trying to find Yuii, through people. Ikko wasn't fond of the projected casualties if she tried.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"What is your problem against humanity and where is the man that was with you before? Why are you called the Moth. . .-"


Clicking on his headset, Jo looked at the ANBU Sennin, and those assembled in the room as well. Looking to the nearest monitor, his mouth nearly dropped to the floor as the signal into Room A crackled with static and then went dead. One by one each monitor began to blink out as if someone grabbed a remote control and was turning the television off for the evening. Showing a measure of panic, even for a fully masked ANBU, Jo began to move from station to station looking to see if perhaps someone was hiding some sort of extra information. A cruel joke? Perhaps, but as soon as the screens were all seemingly turned off, an indescribable deafening soundlessness started to emerge in the controlled chaos.

"Somebody check th-"

Then nothing. Not a voice could be heard. Even the normal sounds, the background music of life was removed from their presence. No breathing, no internal thump of ones heart, not even the sound of swallowing. In any other setting the lack of sound would have been almost peaceful, but the thing about wanting peace and quiet was that few any any people actually wanted a total lack of sound at all. Sure, the sounds of a busy street or a crying child could be annoying but never was it considered calming to not eve hear the sound of ones own breathing. Even the most stealthy of assassins trusted that the science of physics would keep normal things normal, especially when it came to the basic fundamental senses experienced by the human mind and body. Then the lights went out and there was nothing which to anchor oneself to reality.

The sound of silence seemed to last forever, but just as quickly as it had come upon them, it ended. Like a vortex of water that had been held back and then suddenly unleashed the sudden experience of sound coming back all that once was dizzy to say the least. At least one or two in the room lost whatever meal they'd last eaten due to the onset of an unexpected attack of vertigo. The rest might have simply been strong enough to ignore the sensory onslaught by biting their tongue or steadying themselves against the nearest stable object. One by one all of the communications begin to come back on just as they'd gone off and then finally, the lights came back on, revealing that some had stumbled in the dark and embarrassingly fallen before they could catch themselves. Visibly shaken, Jo looked around frantically as he steadied himself against the chair of a certain yet named shinobi.

"Is everybody alright? Soldier, I need a full report on what happened!"

Then he looked to the nearest screen to him and pointed at it.

"Who the heck is that?"

Leaning back in his chair, Io folded his arms and leaned back as he looked at Muii and received the first set of questions.

~"What is your problem against humanity and where is the man that was with you before? Why are you called the Moth. . .-"~

Putting a finger to his headset, he tapped it just in case something was wrong with the signal. Something was wrong, and as he looked to the red light of the camera on the opposing side of the room, it blinked out and alarms in his head started going off immediately. Shifting his posture, he leaned forward and attempted to reconnect to Room B but to no avail. Perhaps the IT department was working on it, but with what he had to go off of, he assumed that the lack of normal static from his headset would soon turn back on instead of the lack of sound that he was currently experiencing.

"What are your problems with humans? Why did you monsters attack us?"

Raising an eyebrow, Muii stifled a laugh as she raised a hand to her mouth before shaking her head.

"I am human, I have no more a problem against the human race than I do with myself. We only attacked because we were first attacked. Surely you knew this already?"

Confused, Io was forced to continue on with his questions as he noticed that the light on the far camera was no longer fully off but was now blinking, indicating that a reboot was taking place. Why would IT do a system reboot now of all times? By his reckoning, there would be a delay of however long the system had been down. The cameras were always rolling, but the signal wasn't always being sent instantaneously.

"So you are human . . . ok. What about the man that was with you . . . is he also human? Who is he and why didn't he join you?"

About to answer, Muii looked to the door when suddenly a man forced himself into the room despite the clearly protesting guards. That was strike two for Io as he the door was sound proof and there was no way that human ears could have heard what was going on on the opposite side of the door. Questioning who this new guy was and who had instructed him to interrupt them, Muii began to shake her head as she looked directly at a the masked ANBU man and clutched her stomach defensively.

"You weren't supposed to be here . . . they don't like you."

Leaning up just enough to lift herself from her chair, she moved it back by such a small distance that it almost seemed inconsequential. Giving an uneasy look to Io, he stopped counting the blinking lights of the far flung camera. Just when did it go down? He'd counted nearly a hundred blinks . . . was it a minute, a minute and a half or two minutes? If coms were down then nothing that Muii had said up until this point had been transmitted fully or cleanly. Noticing her looking at him, as she spoke, he gave her his undivided attention.

"He is the King of Monsters and no, he is not human. No human can hope to be the King. The crown is simply too heavy a burden to bear for us mortals. Where his will takes him and where he chooses to reside is not something that I have any control over."

Nothing . . . nothing from Room B. First the girl and now this soon to be reprimanded ANBU. Somebody had royally screwed up but Io would keep his composure.


OOC: An unnamed man entering the wrong room after Nozomi already did caused a momentary technological and sensory blackout for an ICly undisclosed amount of time. "50%" of the requested info of Muii was delivered in time from Jo to Io.

I erroneously read Jikan's post and did the rolls as if they were him. Disregard, we're going to go with it being a nameless man.

This has led to the events of the side event, "Did it make a sound?"

DM rolls below.
Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Yesterday at 10:15 AM
Codename::Muii, the Mother of Monsters . . . [Event]
Kaguya Jikan entered room A and thus spawned the [Side Event] Did it make a sound?
There will be 60 seconds of silence. The following rolls will determine how much information from Room B made it to Room A before the "sound of silence".
Best out of 11 as per the amount of PCs in Room B
/r 11d5

SidekickBOTYesterday at 10:18 AM
@Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。): 11d5 = (1+2+4+5+4+3+3+5+1+3+4) = 35

Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Yesterday at 10:18 AM
Bro that was slow
3 chances for 50% and 3 chances for 75%
Best out of 11
/r 11d2

SidekickBOTYesterday at 10:20 AM
@Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。): 11d2 = (1+1+2+2+2+2+1+1+2+1+1) = 16

Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Yesterday at 10:21 AM
50% of the information was sent

Room A: Io (NPC), Muii (NPC) and Nozomi notes are below.
-Room A only knows that for whatever reason, something caused them to loose all headset, camera, etc, access to Room B and generally anybody outside of Room A.

- Nozomi is the Wild Card.

- Access to Room B via headset communications is considered spotty at best.

Room B: Jo (NPC) , Hajime, Ryuichi, Ikko, Tetsu (? Restroom Break ?), Kaji, Yomi, Maru, Sanyu, Aya , Jikan and Daigo notes are below.
-Room B experienced a complete and total sensory and technological shut down. You couldn't hear anything, all headsets, computers, cameras and lights went dark for a certain amount of time.

- Only those in the ANBU Branch would have a knowledge of a delay in the audio-visual feed.

- Before things went dark, Jikan was -NOT- in Room A.

- Anything that Nozomi says or does will occur -BEFORE- Room B can get word to Room A, due to the delay.

- DM or PM me any questions or concerns.

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank
Aya gave Kaji a nod when he entered the room, and she took her feet off the desk. Better safe than sorry. She had finished her candy bar and tossed it in the bin since she didn't want to lose her seat. Aya looked at her notes, then she looked into the file to see if she could get more questions out of it. The only one who didn't ask a 'basic' question was Ryu, who was a woman now, or at least he was using his body that happens to be a woman. She thought it was a bit perverted of him to pick that body or use it, but it was whatever.

Aya listened to the questions while reading the file again. Soon she looked at the monitors, she assumed things were going smoothly, but her attention was brought to Jo, who was clicking on the headset, did they lose connection? Then the monitors started going out one by one. Aya stood and looked at the group of people. Was it someone in here causing this? Her notes, pen, and file dropped to the ground. She wasn't sure, but she could see panic, or at least feel the uneasiness of everyone. She looked back to the monitors, they were all out. Then nothing, literal nothing, it went silent and dark.

Aya couldn't see or hear, it was almost panic-inducing, but she closed her eyes, didn't make a difference since it was dark either way. She stood still and waited, it was no use trying to stumble around, it was best to keep calm and hold still. She felt someone push on to her, she didn't move, but she would open her eyes to see if it was over yet. Whoever pushed on to her was gone, or at least not near her. She couldn't sense anything, see, smell, hear, nothing.

It felt like hours, but finally, the lights turned back on, sound, and everything was back. Even the monitors turned back on. Aya was facing the monitors, they were the first thing she saw. A man was standing in the room now, the other room. She blinked and rubbed her eyes. She wasn't seeing things because she saw him too. "Is it an enemy?" She asked after the 'who is that man' was question was asked.

"What are your orders, Kaji-sama?" Aya stated and turned to him. She honestly felt sick, but she was a trained soon to be anbu. She knew better than to let a little dizziness affect her. She was also ready for a fight, though usually, she jumped straight to 'attack the intruders and ask questions later' type deal. Though it was the best interest to keep people alive to ask questions later.

Kaguya Jikan

New Member
Sep 14, 2013
His gaze filtered between those in the room and the monitors. When the static began hitting the monitors, Jikan dropped his right hand to the hilt of his dagger. It remained there as the silence washed over him. He tightened his grip on the hilt as the silence became sensory deprivation. Reflexively he tried to move his left arm for "cancel." What he found was that he couldn't feel his left arm, let alone be sure he was moving it. He was perplexed, but remained calm. Beyond the sense of non-sense there was an unnaturally strange presence beating. Jikan could feel it between his clenched right fist and the hilt of his dagger. There were no words to express what the presence was, only a feeling, an emotion, an idea. It was the only way he could communicate with Keri. It soothed around his calm mood, there was no need for panic or alarm. She thought even the tightened grip was a bit far.

The two sat in a timeless state of sensory deprivation and Tried to communicate, taking a chance he thought on things. 'Is it just me under or the whole room' A sense of urgency rose up in him, 'So all..'
'Is anyone under attack?' A fading blinking feeling of hesitation lead to no from Keri. 'Then we keep our post' An excited rushed feeling flood them both as they reveled in what could be said was their first real talk with each other.

He was eased by his daggers presence, making the muscle movements to relax his grip. As Abruptly as the deprivation, the sensory input smashed into him like a tidal wave and his right hand dropped from the hilt to the wall to catch himself from falling, The audio began to distort as his hearing came back, sensation was driven back into his body, The lights were brighter for a moment before fading as his gaze went to the Monitors. His vision was still blurry and he couldn't quite hear correctly. Staying his post, Jikan regained stability and let calm once again rinse over him as he steadied his breathing. He tried to shrug it off but the whole ordeal took... something from him so he leaned back into the wall and took in the scene and awaited further orders once this feeling had completely passed.

[WC 392 - MFT]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
The ANBU that was present in the room started a line of questioning with the 'Mother of All Monsters', bombarding her with questions at a rapid pace. Nozomi knew this as 'sensory overload', a method of overloading someone with questions, hoping to fish out an answer to at least one. She experienced this tactic before, causing her brain to spool up, making it difficult to keep track of all questions; essentially confusing her to answer the question that stuck in her mind the most. It was an effective tactic, but not one she would take with Mother Muii. She listened to a few of the questions that came over the television before hearing an ear-piercing squeal-turned-crackling in her headset, forcing her to remove the device from her ear and onto the table. The sound was nearly overwhelming, instantly bringing a headache along with the noise. And then there was nothing.

There was radio-silence, actual silence, and the electronics flickered off for a brief moment. None of this was good! None of this was good, at all. The thought of an invasion tickled her mind as this was a tactic that her and her company used while she was a child-soldier. Disable communications and black-out the village for a quick and unannounced entrance. Nozomi started to have a panic attack during the momentary silence, having flashbacks of this tactic being used in her youth. She tried to regulate her breathing so she wouldn't pass out due to hyperventilation. She closed her mouth and slowly breathed in through her nostrils, trying to decrease her heart-rate. The sound of the people's screams returning to her as her and the people she was forced to work for would kill innocent people; a memory she didn't wish to repeat.

Nozomi tried to stand up, stumbling to the side and knocking her chair over onto it's side, not making a single noise as this happened. Out of desperation, she formed together a few handseals before her eyes glimmered for a moment to record everything that will happen in this room once the lights came back on. She would have turned the lights on, herself, but her Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder made it difficult for her to concentrate on illuminating a light jutsu. She bit her lower lip until it drew blood to try to focus on the task at hand, not letting the Ghosts-of-Her-Past overwhelm her. She formed together a quick-set of handseals before a ball of light appeared over her head to illuminate the room. This illuminated the area roughly half-way through the darkness, allowing Io, herself, and the stranger potentially crystal-clear access to view Muii.

During this time, her shellshock started to take grip. 'Calm down, Kozue! You need to get information out of her so you can stop this invasion. Collect yourself, Kozue! You can still do good, even if you aren't the one killing people!' she thought to herself. Even if she spoke aloud, her voice would have been eaten by the darkness. A cold sweat appeared upon her forehead with her face blanching. She turned to look towards Muii for a moment before everything kicked back on. With the lights coming back on, she dispelled the photon jutsu, Illumination, and slowed her breathing down to regain her composure.

She fixed her seat, placing it up-right once more. She quickly turned to look back towards Muii; face still pale and covered in sweat. She reached for her blade and wrapped her hands around the handle, turning to look towards the unknown masked person that had entered the room. Even if her presence in the room was a wildcard anomaly, she didn't know who this masked person was. She had to keep her guard about her.

Without taking a seat in the chair, she positioned herself to be able to view both Muii and the unknown masked man. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the screen. It was then that Io returned to his line of questioning. She listened to him bombarding her with questions. Once he finished his line of question, Nozomi turned to look towards Muii, turning to face her squarely and asked, "So, Lady Muii, that was your doing too or was this the King's? If I am not mistaken, that might have been a method used for making a grand entrance. Perhaps using you as a beacon of some sorts?" she said as she placed a hand upon the table to maintain her balance.

Something about the new man's presence stuck to the back of her mind. He wasn't in the room prior to the blackout, nor did it affect his ability to make an entrance. Something about this man bothered her and she didn't trust his presence. His appearance was too convenient! Her thoughts on an invasion due to the black-out only exacerbated her paranoia of the situation. She turned her back towards Muii and held her blade out in a defensive position, as if to protect Muii. "They one of yours?" The eye upon the blade started to roll around and a faint red glow could be seen coming from the red-eye, perhaps still responding to Muii's presence; she remained ignorant of why the blade did this.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
'Well dang.’ apparently mostly everyone was trying to figure out the woman's intention versus what did the good looking woman actually did wrong to warrant a arrest. Are people really that scared of a lady as beautiful as she was, he began to wonder if this was how all the nonhuman visitors were treated before they were allowed to meet the Sennin to discuss citizenship or something. He watched the screen closely to see why would they be so intimidated by the woman, his Kensei spirit watching a screen that was closest to the roof trying to see if the Lady who called herself the Mother Of Kaibutsu would actually do something threatening until all of the suddenly the signal from the interrogation room went dead leaving them in the room with static! The sudden shift from watching the live footage to static startled Kawaii despite her being a ghost and hardly anything physical being able to harm her. Confused, Maru pointed at the screens. “Yo, get the footage back.” He said. “We missing the interview.”

Obviously things went from bad to worse as the monitors started to shut down, one by one each screen went black. The young mercenary turned his head to watch all of them blink out until everyone was trapped this dark room. Panicked, Maru's Kensei spirit floated back down to almost face level to try to explain to her wielder what was going on however the confused look on his face did disappear after he began to lose his hearing when the final screen went out. ’I don't know what's going on... but–.’ Then Maru heard nothing. Literally nothing, not even the sounds of his own breathing just dead silence. Now this kind of quiet wasn't the kind that you could hear footsteps or the small little background noises that you would hear but it was dead silent. While Kawaii tried speaking to Maru she could tell that something was wrong with her wielder when he started picking at his ear for ear wax then started to tilt his head to hit the side of his head a couple times to get whatever stuck in his ear out. Finally getting scared, Maru began to take in a long deep breath before screaming to the top of his lungs to see if anyone else could hear him. After he let out the loud yell, Kawaii jumped back in surprise then covered her ears to try to drown out at his yelling then finally getting fed up with hearing her wielder she plunged her cold ghostly fingers into her wielders throat then took out a small glowing orb of spiritual chakra around where his vocal box was.

Maru held his throat, wondering what happened at first before attempting to reach over his Kensei spirit to attempt to get that spiritual chakra back. If anyone was watching him, it would look like he was in a struggle with no one like he was in one weird mime show but missing that silly background music. The struggle with his unseen phantom would look so real and so animated some people would actually think that he was actually struggling to get something from this invisible force. Then all at once the sound came back as quickly as it was gone, the rogue holding his ears being as everything seemed pretty loud with the sudden return of the sound. Now concerned, the spirit put back Maru's voice so he would be able to speak again now that he hopefully wouldn't be yelling like a lunatic like he was so she could know what was going on. The rogue gasped sharply as if he just rose from being under water.

It took Maru a bit to recover from the whole ordeal. When the man asked if everyone was okay Maru spoke for almost everyone when he said. “Hell nah I'm not okay. What the hell just happened?” he said then someone pointed out there was a stranger on the monitor then he pointed at the individual who he didn't even know had gone in the room. “And who the hell is that?” He asked, still feeling the dizzy effects of the weird sensory shut down. One person said that the stranger was probably an enemy and he believed it was probably going to be Omni-Flashing time if they gave the order to attack the unnamed individual. Then curious he looked at the screen again, wondering if the monster Lady caused this mess."Did she do this? "


Oct 28, 2012
The questions began to be asked as the interrogation began, but of course technical issues would arise. The screen Hajime was looking at would flicker before breaking off, making him lose visual focus on the lady.

”Huh…” he would utter as his mind returned to the blank state, losing thought of what to do next. He was certain that he wasn’t meant to really look at others just in case they cause him to jeopardise his own job of understanding how she felt. He felt the Anbu brush past him as he was checking the monitors.

Hajime looked up and could see it behind the mask. This wasn’t how it was meant to go, and the Anbu was in some panic. He could feel the panic coming off of him, maybe a sweated brow or strained eyes. Would Hajime mimic these feelings? No… he could tell what the man was feeling behind all that but emulating fear was not something he could ever do.

At that point everything went silent… a dead silence that not even nature would experience. Not even the night could imagine such a dreadful silence. He would try to utter “what is going on” but nothing but vibrations travelled through to his ears. Nothing could be said.

The end of his wording, the “n” of on was suddenly audible again. It was like he was experiencing a strange bout of temporary deafness, like his ears were blocked, or that he had dipped his head in water for a long time. Either way he felt just fine. Probably just some blip in the AC or something.

The room would return to life, as Hajime looked around to check if people were still around, though a quick gaze on Aya made him begin to feel a little… queasy inside his stomach. Dizziness began to settle in a little as his head felt a little dizzy. He would quickly turn his head and put a hand to his head to try and regain composure. Look at Maru made him feel even more dizzy as the man fell to the floor from just looking at the too.

”Oof!” the man let out, feeling his head spinning, before trying to grab his way back up to a standstill, before falling back once again. He wasn’t really sure what he was feeling, but it wasn’t going to stop him trying to stand up again.

Eventually he would, before turning back to look at the screen, but it didn’t seem they had really missed much, besides an extra figure in the room. Whoever it was wasn’t really helping the situation. After all this lady was powerful, and to try and intimidate her with numbers wasn’t a good idea.

[MFT 455 words]

Feeling: Woozy and nauseous
Scores in topic:
Feelings unlocked: 2 (Woozy, nauseous)
Alignment points gained: 2 neutral, 1 cursed[/b]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
