Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Codename::Muii, the Mother of Monsters . . . [Event]


Oct 28, 2012
Yomi allowed herself to eye Sanyu as he entered the room. She wasn’t sure who was allowing everyone in this room to have input on this interrogation, but she was glad that Sanyu felt he could contribute. She stood up straighter as she listened to his ideas before slowly making her way to his side, picking up the file notes to thumb through as she did. Just then someone else burst into the interrogation room. Where was all the security?! It was getting so lax to the point that this became familiar in a funny yet depressing way. It reminded her of something that was too recent for her to comment on and yet still very present in her mind. Beyond all that, there were too many people in this room for this to be effective.

As the other person entered the room the screens immediately went blank, audio was down, and all you could hear was the silence. Shaking her head in slight annoyance, Yomi placed a gentle hand on Sanyu for reassurance, and inhaled deeply. It was obvious that this Muii didn’t like the optics of seeing those surrounding her even if she, so long as she held a bit of logical thought, knew she was surrounded by enemies. She was being held captive, even if at her own will, and there was no way that she didn’t know that there were people stationed around where she was being held. What was more, is that the way she appeared to look into the room as more people gathered, lent weight to Yomi’s idea. The woman had a thought about suppressing her chakra to see if that had an effect, but, things were becoming a bit unsettling for her to ponder on it longer.

The tension immediately heightened in the darkness as people scrambled to get everything back up and running. For all they knew, everyone in the room with Queen Muii could have been silently slaughtered in the brief instance of lost contact. Would it be easier to be on the offensive if Muii had done that? Yomi thought so.

Maru offered up a thought that unnerved Yomi. You couldn’t just offer up your Sennin to someone who had caused all this destruction. She cut an eye to him and spoke to him directly.

Citizenship would require a meeting with the Raikage, not Lady Yuii.” Yomi would know. “I hope we are not the type of village who would let known murderers of Cloud children in to request meetings with our Sennin and we acquiesce.” Her tone was even with a mild tinge of annoyance.

We’re on the defensive, as Muii is here by choice. It would be wise not to antagonizing her by crowding her space.” Yomi said, again to no one in particular. By the time the audio and cameras were back up they had missed half of the conversation. So, whatever was said, they would never know. Muii didn’t seem like the type to repeat herself twice, without consequence, so she hoped they wouldn’t risk it. The girl who finished her candy bar had abruptly straightened up in her seat when a new man had entered the room and addressed him as Kaji.

Yomi didn’t know who knew what in this room besides Sanyu (and Maru, though she’s not aware that its him). Sanyu knew who she really was, because, family was privy to that sort of information. It was not mentioned in Ayumu’s office, nor was it expressed to her by her husband that Kaji knew her to be alive, let alone Umashi. It really baffled her that Umashi was ANBU and was not figured out yet. By power of deduction, Kaji had to be ANBU Sennin right? Her Sennin was Kahako, Yuii was Main Branch Sennin, as she learned today, and Yomi knew that Kaji was a Sennin, so he must be ANBU. Leaf did have branchless Sennin, so perhaps she was jumping the gun a bit, but, for now her mind was made up about what he was. Although the Med-Chief didn’t agree with the secret keeping bit, she understood and went along with it, but, as Umashi’s friend, how would Kaji feel knowing that he was not dead and working for him?

More pressing things were happening besides her own personal drama now as a man had practically fallen over from who knows what. Yomi made a beeline straight for Hajime to assess the situation, helping him up if he would accept it.

“Are you alright?” Yomi asked, looking over him intently wondering if it was something caused by the disturbance that just occurred or something completely unrelated. “Please, have a seat if you need it.” Aya, the girl with the candy bar, was in the only available seat. Hopefully she would offer it up.

After she was done seeing to Hajime, Yomi absentmindedly fiddled with her ring. “My questions remain the same for Muii at this time, though, who is the “They” she is referring to? And, if you all are intent on continuing to provoke her, tell her you’ve captured her children and leave it up to her to decide if they live or not.” Yomi would “die” for every last one of her kids. If she and Muii were similar in only that way, perhaps Muii would be more inclined to give them more info. Or she would lose her shit, and slaughter them all. Either way it would garner a reaction.


Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
There are five senses traditionally known to all human beings...
A pair of emerald eyes scanned the darkening room (vision).
Eardrums numbing, refusing to beat as the busy corridor turned totally silent (audition).
Your tongue holds the taste of stale coffee permeating your jowls (gustation).
Flaring nostrils take in the scent of a novice who has vomited on a dashboard worth more than their year’s salary (olfaction).
The feeling of the shoulder of your subordinate tensing as you held your hand on him at that moment (somatosensation). You can feel the fear in him like a real presence.
There are many more senses, all innate but essential to master in the shinobi’s line of work if you intend to survive. In this instant, the robbery of one’s perception of both sight and sound culminated in the form of your balance and feeling of belonging in a space (equilibrioception). A shinobi must learn to fight through both silence and darkness, a devastating pair capable of taking down even the most learned fighters.

Kaji Okada was anchored when the barrage to the senses shook that room. He pinched the shoulder of that seated Anbu, holding him fast while receding into a mantra that removed him from the unbalancing effect. “Don't be the leaf that floats on the river, be the stone that supports the stream.”

He focused his attention on his heels and toes, feeling the ground firmly through the thin soles of his boots, taking a firm stance like the stone which refused the pulling current. A leader must not falter, or so he decided as he unhanded Jo and placed the former hand over his opposite wrist. He pumped chakra into the free hand and formed a single hand seal, resulting in the conjuring of a single mote of flame which brightened the darkness with a soft green hue. Kaji had become a lantern in the dark, though that only lasted for a moment as the brief darkness lifted and sound resumed.

“Playback” Kaji demanded, confirming his suspicions when the operative managing the video feed explained that nothing was recorded in the blackout. But then a mate with a finger pointing called out the appearance of another unwanted intruder into the room.
“Another bonehead to make things more interesting” muttered Kaji, bleeding sarcasm. “This is just what we need, nothing says confidence and competence like filling the room with ninja during a so-called interview. That idiot is going back to the academy once this is over.”
But Kaji would not devote much time to his frustrations with such a frail instance still at hand. The interrogation had to be completed, and from there some serious calls would have to be made. The Commander’s only intention was to see this Muii creature detained someplace secure enough to hold it, even if that meant making room in the bowels of the dungeons deep below the mountain. It would take one good as hell story from the monster, or a convincing counter by the Raikage to change his mind. A sudden request for orders from Aya brought Kaji back to the reigns, and he said “we stay the course and occupy the creature with questioning until we’ve gained everything we can learn. In the meantime, let’s get headset links established with this room, and a squad prepared for detainment once the creature is tired of the back and forth. My instincts tell me its just a matter of time until she tries to break out of there.”


Oct 23, 2012
Everything seemed to be going well, though the initial surprise at the woman entering the room had taken everyone off guard the ANBU were able to calm the situation and use it to their advantage. This is why Sanyu couldn't be ANBU, he would have panicked and probably made the entire situation worse. However, he felt that the questions weren't quite going anywhere. He intensely watched the screen, trying to gauge the woman's inner thoughts, one thing he felt he was good at was reading people, but he was failing. Muii was an enigma, and while his life has been pretty cut and dry up until two years ago, this village never ceases to amaze him with its strangeness.

As Sanyu allowed himself to think this, everything went dark. Not only did the room turn black, but it was almost like his senses had completely failed him. He became strangely unaware of the movements of other people within close proximity of him, it was as if he was cast off to an infinite void. Sanyu wasn't afraid of the dark, merely what lied in it, and this darkness only reminded him of his time being alone, never really fitting in. And just as quickly as the darkness started did it return back to light. Sanyu searched the faces of everyone in the room, and clearly it hadn't just been him.

A large scale genjutsu? No. Sanyu was a master at all known jutsu and there was a few that could emulate what had happened, but definitely not at such a large scale. He overheard one of the ANBU, who Sanyu assumed was leading this operation, ask for a playback, and there was none. Genjutsu cannot affect technology. Was this Muii's doing? If it wasn't it was one hell of a coincidence. He turned when he heard Yomi speaking, helping a man back to his feet. Sanyu immediately took his other arm, though he only had basic medical talents he was able do some minor first aid, but Yomi had much more to offer.

"Don't worry about a seat, I got it." Instead of waiting for the girl to get up, though he was sure she would, Sanyu reached into his pocket. A seed, he always keeps a few in his pockets when there wasn't much wood or plants nearby to manipulate. He threw it on the ground and forced his chakra into it, causing it to grow into an unnatural size, the stem winding up to form a solid base and a giant sunflower opening up. "Sit here."

Sanyu allowed himself to allow Yomi to do what she does best and turned his attention back to the situation with Muii, and in that time apparently another person joined the fray. This was making everything much harder, and he was beginning to like this, but he doubt ANBU would do another one of these with how the guests are just barging in. "I hate to say it, but I don't think we're going to get anything from Muii if we keep having people just waltz in there. But if we can get more questions in, I'd ask if she's the mother of all monsters... is there a father?"



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Who are the "they" that she speaks about, and if there is a Mother, who is the Father. While we would love to provide an audience with Lady Yuii-sama, we can't just let anybody waltz in to meet her. There's a protocol for such things you know."

As Jo spoke, he looked to those still willing to speak in the room. Whatever was going on, obviously they were still ready to defend Kumogakure tooth and nail . . . they just weren't the warm and fuzzy type about it. If they were going to get anywhere in all of this, trust was most certainly absolutely necessary. Just who was this newcomer and who was Muii. At least everyone could agree on the important bits.

Io wasn't exactly the most fearless guy. There were a number of things that he certainly had a problem with and looked to avoid. His mom if he didn't call once a week, his wife if he forgot to pick up her favorite brand of pickles, and most especially his two year old daughter when she did that funky thing with her eyes like her mother did. Of course there were surely the usual suspects like things that went bump in the night or a bad batch of chitterlings but normally he wasn't afraid of other ANBU trying to upstage him on his beat. Perhaps he was more sensitive to the emotional spectrum of things but there was something about this new ANBU that didn't sit right with him. Visibly ignoring Nozomi's question, he repeated back Jo's words to Muii.

"If you're the Mother of Monsters than who is the Father of Monsters? Is he part the "they" that you spoke of? You have to admit, it seems a bit odd to just allow a random woman who helped to trash a farmhouse in to meet a Sennin. Why Yuii, why not the Raikage? He's the one who makes the rules around here."

Looking to the man who had appeared, Muii seemed to think long and hard before answering. With a look in her eyes of the purest form of inquisitiveness, she rubbed once more at her belly and shook her head defiantly. Moving her hands in a circular motion while still on her midsection, a bluish chakra seal of some kind was drawn in the space just beyond her. Small and excited in motion, it began to expand from that of the size of her fist into that of the size of a somewhat large book. three dimensional like a box, housed behind wards of some sort were two large avian like eggs.

Nearly pulsating, when Muii stopped rubbing her belly, the shockingly colorful eggs seemed to tilt towards her. Though she hadn't spoken yet, the truth was unmistakable.

"They are my future . . . our future, and unlike me, they will go on to be a great King and Queen for their people. They will have what it takes to bring peace to both worlds, both Kingdoms. I only wish for them to be safe until such a time should come for them. Yuii would understand. She owes her kin that much. She is after all, the infamous Daughter of Mon-"

Cutting her off, the man in the mask silenced the room with but a single word.


Silence, you fiendish harlot of the damned!"

Shocked, Muii stopped rubbing her belly and like a light switch the strange box with eggs in it disappeared. Moving to stand, she was interrupted further when the glass like chakra barrier around her seemed to instantly fracture, and then shatter inward towards Muii. Brandishing a white hot glowing blade crackling with chakra, the masked intruder rushed towards her. Quick on the draw, Io leaped from his seat in an attempt to stop the man but was bound in place by a stream of white chakra originating from the ceiling lights.


OOC: The unnamed man plays his hand and is manipulating the light in the room much like a Nara might with shadows.

DM rolls below.
Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Today at 1:35 PM
Io three chances to slow down the masked man
/r 3d3
SidekickBOTToday at 1:36 PM
@Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。): 3d3 = (1+3+1) = 5

Room A: Io (NPC), Muii (NPC), Nozomi and "Lightman" notes are below.
-Room A is officially an "RP" Battle Zone.

- Nozomi being the only other person in the room, can either choose to protect Muii, unbind Io or disarm the man. Whatever is chose, it will be based on the following roll type.
1=Fail, 2=Partial, 3=Success based off of three rolls much like Io.

- Access to Room B via headset communications is considered normal.

Room B: Jo (NPC) , Hajime, Ryuichi, Ikko, Tetsu (Restroom Break), Kaji, Yomi, Maru, Sanyu, Aya , Jikan and Daigo notes are below.
-Room B is still on delay but not by much. Whatever the outcome of Nozomi's actions, they will get enough time to at least see the attack and intercept the masked man before he ultimately gets away.

Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Today at 1:52 PM
/r 7d7
SidekickBOTToday at 1:52 PM
@Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。): 7d7 = (5+3+3+2+2+6+4) = 25
Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Today at 1:53 PM
#2 is ANBU so he would wait for further orders.
#3 has the headstart.

- Maru has the head start and can RP feeling off or getting a clue of some sort that will enable him to make it to Room A in enough time to . . . be there. He can choose to stay put or follow his hunch, etc. If he follows it, he will get three rolls towards the following.

1=Make things worse, 2=Just in the nick of time, 3=Heroic intuition

- How much do you trust your allies when it counts?

- Please post via OOC Note if you're [Staying Put] or [Running to help]

EDIT: Made a second roll due to IC consideration of Jikan.

Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Today at 1:02 PM
Doing a further roll between Jikan and Maru
1=JI, 2=Ma
/r 3d2
/r 3d2
SidekickBOTToday at 1:02 PM
@Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。): 3d2 = (2+2+1) = 5

- Maru is still the person to get the tip off.

- Anything that Nozomi says or does will occur -BEFORE- Room B can get word to Room A, due to the delay.

- DM or PM me any questions or concerns. I do make edits and the like for IC considerations that I may have missed or simply didn't consider.

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Nozomi listened to the speakers, speaking. Her questions fell upon deaf ears by the Mother of Monsters as well as the ANBU in attendance. Both were starting to annoy her to no end. It was then that Muii showed a pair of eggs after rubbing her belly. The thought of being a mother one day had crossed her mind, but the knowledge of never being able to become a mother racked her mind. She felt sympathy for the eggs and wanted to see the promise that was made by Muii to be fulfilled. However, the implementation of the new, masked stranger, into the room complicated things a bit. She tightened the grip upon the StarBringer Sword as the red eye started to twitch and look around, release roar after roar into any monster's (within proximity's) minds. The blade seemed agitated and the tension in the little room didn't help.

It was at this time that the masked man made his move. With a single word and an insult, the man started to manipulate the lights in the room. The ANBU, Io, made his attempt to stop the man only to be bound. The masked figure was hell-bent on attacking Lady Muii. Attacking the masked figure could end up causing her to be bound as well, so attacking him would be fruitless. Unbinding Io would also leave her way out of line to help Muii. It doesn't seem to be doing any damage to the man, so her definite bet was to protect the prisoner. Not only from a working standpoint, but a personal standpoint caused her to leap out in front of the man, attempting to deflect him away from Muii. She stood directly in front of the Mother of Monsters, having her back turned to her and raised the StarBringer Sword up to meet his.

"If you know any protective jutsu, Lady Muii, it's time for you to use them right now," she said. It was during this time that Nozomi flipped through some handseals and performed the 'Funhouse' jutsu around the masked man. His ability to manipulate light was quite obvious and what better way to deflect light than with a mirror. After performing the jutsu, hit or miss, she moved back towards Lady Muii for a moment, placing a hand upon her. "Do you know of a way to free that other man?" she asked about the one frozen like a statue, bound by the lights. "If you do, i suggest helping out. He will protect you from this mad-man."

[Sorry for the late response]
MFT -- WC: 422

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Now that everything seemed on the up and up, it seemed that everything was going pretty much smoothly now that the weird attack on their senses was over with the whole interview with the monster lady. A lot of it was cut off due to the technology issues so he tried as best as he could to get a understanding as to what was going on around here, while his Kensei spirit watched the screens the really mean looking man wanted to establish headsets and a detainment team when the monster lady decided to not answer any more questions. Maru decided to walts over to get closer to the entrance of the room so he could probably be apart of the detainment squad. He wanted to meet the monster face to face anyway, so it'll be nice if he was in charge of taking her off to possibly meet the cute blue haired sennin. He watched the screen, still wondering who the hell was this dude who was and also he was wondering why the monster lady was rubbing her stomach which meant two things.

One: She is hungry but she kinda turned down food but maybe she wanted some fresh blood.

Two: The lady was pregnant which would be messed up considering they are treating a non violent monster as a criminal.

Still, Maru couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen. The mean looking guy told them that no other bonehead should go in but he couldn't shake this feeling that this intruder got in. And was about to do something. His Kensei spirit payed attention to the screen, Muii was in mid sentence before she was cut off by a mysterious masked man who was telling the creature to silence! That was when Maru swung into action then started shoving people out of his way to get to the door as quickly as possible right after Sanyu said that they probably won't get anything out of the lady if they keep waltzing into the room.‘Wait Maru Mittens already got the-’ too late. Maru was already forming a perfect Rasengan in his hand, holding out the spiraling sphere of chakra in front of him to make the guards move out of his way and to break down the door to Room A!


Did Maru make it on time? Did he make things worse? Did he go into the room too little too late?



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
DM OOC: Rolls below. Instead of editing your post, please just do a new post.
Maru's ended on a good but funny note and we need to preserve that epicness!
Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Today at 2:47 PM
Nozomi attempting to help out Muii +1 to rolls for RPly using mirrors against a "Light" using enemy.

1=Fail, 2=Partial, 3=Success based off of three rolls
/r 3d3
SidekickBOTToday at 2:47 PM
@Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。): 3d3 = (3+3+1) = 7
Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Today at 2:47 PM
Success in protecting Muii

Maru attempting to rush to the aid of Room A
1=Make things worse, 2=Just in the nick of time, 3=Heroic intuition
/r 3d3
SidekickBOTToday at 2:49 PM
@Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。): 3d3 = (3+3+2) = 8
Yamamoto Musashi_〆(。。)Today at 2:49 PM
Heroic Intuition !

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Maru made his way like a wrecking ball into the room as she placed the 'Mother of All Monsters' behind her, deflecting the blows with her blade. "Took you long enough!" she said as she kept Muii behind her, holding an arm out to keep herself between the blue-haired monster and the man trying to kill her. "What do you want with her? She is under Kumogakure's protection, so state your reasons before we put you in a cage!" she shouted at the light-beam toting man. She reached out and firmly wrapped her hand around Muii's and tugged at her. She tried to pull Muii along while keeping the hostage behind her. She circled around the masked creep for a moment while turning to look back towards Maru. "Keep him busy, will you?" she asked as she inched further and further out towards the exit of this holding cell.

Her main goal is to get the two of them to the other room. Communication with that room had been cut-off and she would be much safer in a larger concentration of shinobi. She was using a weapon that wasn't exactly in her comfort zone, so she had to compensate for this by getting her somewhere safe. She tugged gently before turning to Muii for a moment and gave a smile to her. "You are under our care, we will protect you, alright?" she asked as she pulled her along, attempting to circle around the hooded figure while Maru kept him busy. She needed time to escape and hopefully Maru will be the one to provide them with enough time. "I'll be back with some back-up," she stated before dipping out of the holding cell with the woman in-tow -- her destination was Room B.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

The door exploded and a chunk of the wall exploded from the destructive orb of chakra. The dented door metallic door flew across the room, dusted kicked up into the air, and a bits of the wall scattered throughout the floor. Maru entered the rushed into Room A then pointed at the masked man who was trying to kill the aqua haired critter lady. “Sorry guys *cough* *cough* but I'm breaking up this meeting.” He struggled to say due to the coughing fit he was having from choking on dust from him barging in like a wrecking ball. After composing himself a bit the maskless rogue dusted off some rubble from his kimono then saluted the woman who probably didn't recognize him since he wasn't wearing his mask. “Gotcha! Keep him busy.” He said, trying to sound serious before turning his attention the masked dude who was trying to kill the poor critter woman. The rogue closed one of his eyes, then focused the chakra from the pit of his stomach to his eye to activate his sharingan to attempt to hammer into the masked man's mind with a genjutsu that causes the target's body to harden like stone similar to the actual Earth Style Petrification just. But unlike actually Petrification this genjustu does not grant a person armor but freezes them like stone. While petrified, they are capable of still thinking and seeing their surroundings, they just can't move or do anything other than that. If his genjustu was successful, hopefully this would allow the professionals around him to interrogate the guy further and if he moved well he would have a Gate Of Emna waiting to grab the man to restrain him.

The rogue one looked back, then raised his hand. “My bad about the door, I kinda panicked.” He explained, this would probably be coming out of his money but he was on time to save the life of the critter lady, so he doubted that anyone would be too mad at another bonehead breaking into the room because it was necessary. Still the he did wonder why the guy lashed out at the critter woman, I wasn't like she was saying anything wrong and because of this guy they probably won't be getting anything out of the critter lady. What a shame.

[Trying to Restrain Masked Dude With Petrification B Rank Kenetic Genjustu]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

The man hit the ground with a thump as Maru busted into the room and apprehended him, allowing Kaori to escape with Muii in tow. Ten out of ten judges would have agreed that Maru was definitely much deserving of heroic honors but that didn't change the fact that the man didn't go down without a fight. Squirming despite being bound, the man lashed out at the only face that he could find, Maru.

"You'd defend that evil wench! She'll be the death of us all! She's bearing the seed of the damned!"

Bucking and frothing at the mouth, it was only the sound of a blaring siren that seemed to quiet him long enough for the former bound Io to get free and then quickly quiet him with a swift blow to the back of the head. Rubbing at the back of his own neck, he looked around confused as he bent down to handcuff the would be religious assassins. With an inquisitive look about his face, he quickly finished the task and stood up to look at Maru.

"Uhhhh . . . that ain't good. The only reason that sirens would be going off here is if there was a threat to the village itself and all hands were needed on deck."

As if on cue, the entirety of the room shook as if something big had landed far above them. Looking concerned, Io looked to Maru and pointed towards the hole in the wall that he'd made.

"You're definitely paying for that later but it's probably best if you go see what's happening. I'll finish up things here!"

As if you prove his point, he kicked at the would be assassin at his feet. Maru had done good work for now, but the hardest part had still yet to come.


~This is {Static} . . . requesting back up at the Dragon Tooth Pass! We need every available man and woman up here! We can't allow this thing to . . . {Static}~

Running with Muii in tow, Nozomi's headset would light up with activity as shinobi started pouring out from everywhere around her in reaction to the blaring sirens and the red emergency lights swirling above them. Something was definitely wrong and yet Nozomi already had enough on her plate. It was thanks to her training for situations like this that kept her from being knocked over when the foundation of the Underprison shook with whatever was happening far above them, but nothing could have prepared her for the sight of the woman that turned to face her as she rounded a corner toward the medical facility within the ANBU area.

"Come with me if you wish to live"

Without waiting for so much as an acknowledgement by the kunoichi, the woman put a hand on Muii's shoulder and teleported before Nozomo's eyes in a burst of blue feathers leaving the young woman completely and utterly surrounded by utter chaos and pandemonium. So much for being the hero that Kumogakure deserved! No "Hi", "Bye" or "Smell ya later!" concerning her services. Peculiarly enough, the woman had looked very much like Lady Yuii as well. Was she working with Muii or were there other forces at work? When another seismic disturbance shook the facility again, the decision for Nozomi and everybody else was made. The only way to find answers was to run headlong into danger.


Scrambling to pull up whatever communications that they could, the shinobi within the room found that there were far too many reports coming in and too many alarms going off. With every second spent trying to piece together what was happening, another seismic shake up would knock down the coms for another operative trying to simply do their job. Not one to be caught standing around when the world was going to pot, Jo attempted to do his best to make sure that those under his command remained calm and diligent in their efforts but he was quickly losing control and they were not any closer to getting the answers that they so desperately needed. Finally one particularly resolute shinobi managed to break through the chaos enough to get a full enough report. Turning around to face Jo and then the ANBU Sennin, Kaji, he first called to their attention before finally getting up from his station and quickly walking over to them.

"Uhhh, Sir . . . I . . . ummm, I don't know how to say this but there's a report of a dragon approaching Kumogakure and efforts to stop it have proven futile."

His face twisted in an expression between sheer disbelief and total confusion, Jo looked to Kaji and shook his head.

"Sir, I think it's best if you go check out what's happening above us. I'll take care of things here."

As if Kaji needed a further reminder of things, the room shook once more and door to the room burst open as shinobi could be seen scrambling around in the scene beyond. The mystery concerning Muii would have to wait until some other time to be resolved it seemed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~

OOC: Event #2 concluded! Sorry for the wait, a major family emergency killed my vibe with things and threw my RPing waaaaaay off balance.

~ Kaji and everybody in Room B made aware of the events of Did it make a sound? [Side Event]

***All credit for art given to the creators of said art***


~Rank up points~
-Hajime = +3
-Otani Ryuichi = +3
-Kanagawa Nozomi = +4 points (For RPing Excellence in the topic)
-Okada Kaji = = +3
-Yomi = +3
-Maru = +4 points (For RPing Excellence in the topic)
-Sanyu = +3
-Tsuyoshi Aya = +3
-Daigo = +3
-Kaguya Jikan = +3

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
NOZOMI escaped with Muii in tow. Maru made a grand entrance and it didn't fail to exceed her expectations. As the man died, she made a one-liner back towards him "Not for you to decide!" she shouted out as she rushed Muii to a safer location. Nozomi quickly stopped when she heard there were problems at the Dragon Tooth Pass. "Dragon Tooth Pass? What is it? Something the King brought, isn't it?" she asked, turning her eyes towards Muii for a brief moment, as if trying to fish answers out of the woman. It might have been fruitless considering her not having answered many of her questions anyway. Sheathing her blade, she turned her eyes towards the influx of shinobi pouring into the area. Something is definitely going down within the village.

There was a violent shake coming from above, causing Nozomi to wrap her arm around Muii to keep her stable. After the shaking became more constant, she moved her hand back down to Muii's and tugged her along, continuing their retreat to somewhere safer. She turned the corner only to stop suddenly upon seeing an empty-eyed and winged woman. Just a single glance had her commit what she saw to memory. Without a single word, Muii and the angelic woman vanished. Nozomi grit her teeth and queued up her headset. "A woman with a Byakugan and angel-wings took the prisoner," she said. She didn't have the time to explain the fact that she mentioned a 'woman with angel-wings'. Now that Muii was gone, whether she liked it or not, she turned to return to where she turned in her weapons to collect her stash of weapons; all except the Gatekeeper.

After re-arming herself, she made her way out of the compound and took a detour to get a certain specific weapon. One that was made to combat horrifying creatures and one that can turn the tides of this battle.

[Topic Left -- Can't wait for the finale and thanks for the event, Umashi]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
