Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Critical Mass [Open]

Hase Aki

New Member
Jun 28, 2017
"Got to get there, my first time was a failure, but it's important now, if I don't..."

She struggled to speak to herself out loud, as she shambled through the seemingly endless forest. She looked like she normally did, bright and vibrant even among the lush greenery, but her shoulders were slumped low, and there was a big book on her back, tied to her with strings around her chest. She braced against a tree, making a big grunt as she pushed off and continued toward where the complex should be, a piece of the tree missing. It seemed like she was getting nowhere. Had she seen this tree before? This rock? It seemed impossible to get closer, even if climbing a tree could get her bearings, they seem to always be wrong.


She whimpered, rather sadly, into the forest, only hearing it echo back to her. Her body was starting to pulsate with energy, her skin glowing ever so slightly with an untold amount of energy, so thick that it could be seen without an eye jutsu. It was finally happening, her bloodline, no her curse, had taken it's toll. She was about to quite literally explode, and take everything in a twenty mile radius with her. Her only hope, her only salvation, was the ANBU complex. The book on her back pinned it as a place that the bracelets where held, the bracelets that could regulate her energy, shut the hands down, and save not only her life, but the life of those around her. As she continued her journey inward, her body would begin to feel incredible pain as her chakra built up. She held the hand seals for the Cancel jutsu, something she had learned at school, and began to kiap.


She walked forward, using the cancel jutsu over and over. Every time she did, chakra blew out of her and curled the flora and fauna away from her, almost igniting them outright. This was a technique to almost harmlessly burn her chakra out, but with the accidental side effect of getting closer to the complex. She was making progress, she could feel it. She was slowing down the inevitable, but it was still overbuilding. She couldn't stop her chakra, she needed a miracle!

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The Garden complex is kept hidden from many prying eyes by a protective chakra barrier and moat that both seek to confuse and eject any and all threats. The only reason Kitsune knows anything about it is because of her being a med-nin. Only shinobi and personnel with high security clearances are allowed entry. As a student Yasu Yoshi was neither an official shinobi nor a person with high security clearance. Kitsune seeing this shining girl summons one of her dolls to intervene.

Large crystalline structures rise out of the ground like skyscrapers. These crystals formed a wall that blocked Yoshi’s path into The Garden Complex. “I am afraid you are entering a restricted area. I cannot allow you to proceed any further.” The voice came from a girl who stood on top of the wall. Her yellow eye glares at the trespasser. She was clad in a purple flowery outfit with an eye patch over her one eye. She would look surprising young for a shinobi, one would guess she was younger than Yoshi based of size and appearance. However this girl had a quite mature personality to her. She point an open hand to Yoshi which glowed with chakra as she prepares for a fight. “I will ask you to cease and desist this large accumulation of chakra at once.” Obviously the girl was misinterpreting the situation. From her prospective this looked like some highly destructive attack on the compound.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi seemed to have taken a wrong stroke it seemed that he had managed to come and walk across a very interesting scene, of someone who was trying to find their way inside of the ANBU complex. That was a rare find indeed these days, though Takeshi knew full well that he probably should walk away and allow Yoshi to just get on with it. There was no way she would be able to break threw and even he could see that from here. It seemed that she was trying to get threw the strongest Genjutsu the village could offer with basic moves, though annoyance flashed on his face as he walked up. His movements stealthier as he approached.

Suddenly Takeshi allowed himself to land on the ground in those few seconds as he stood up fully looming over the new comer. It seemed that he took a quick glance at the situation and knew that he stood in a good ground to be able to stop the student from making a mistake that would cost them a lot, it seemed that he had managed to get himself involved in another typical situation, though he was not wearing any gear or any uniform that identified him of the ANBU Sennin that he was. His normal clothes the Uchiha clan clothes covering his top half with the clan logo on the back, his green hair coming down in a messy state. Takeshi finally spoke to the new comer in those few seconds.

“What are you doing here then?”

Hase Aki

New Member
Jun 28, 2017

She was hit in the forehead by a rising crystal structure, sending her sprawling onto the ground, it cracking the skin open and causing her to bleed.

“I am afraid you are entering a restricted area. I cannot allow you to proceed any further.”

"H-help, need help. Touji...bracelets..." She said almost zombie like, just trying to keep herself together.

“I will ask you to cease and desist this large accumulation of chakra at once.”

"I CAN'T!" she sprawled to her feet, throwing the book off her back toward the newcomer who hadn't created a wall blocking her way. The book would have a marker in it, opened to the appropriate page that would explain this ancient artifact she would need to survive. It was her best way to communicate. If they didn't help her, she'd need to blow her way through, which might just happen anyways considering the nature of things. Her body would give out at this moment, she'd topple back to the ground and writhe in pain, waves of chakra escaping out of her body and seemingly sucking back in. It was beginning to increase in size, strength, and frequency now. Like a bomb, priming itself to explode.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Normally this would be the time Barasuishou, the doll on the wall, would exchange introductions. However it seems time was of the essence so she skips over such niceties. Seems she was not the only one to come and stop this little girl from entering the complex. Now this man looked like a shinobi and a high ranking one if she would take a guess. The eye-patched girl decides to the ground ignoring the book she had pulled out. “My creator was one of your kind.” She was a puppet, but it was unlikely Yoshi would even notice. Her creator was completely obsessed with making her art as human as physically possible. “Why don’t you expel your chakra with a controlled explosion like a normal Toujigikou?” It seem like the obvious answer to Barasuishou; if you are creating way too much chakra expel it. For a split moment a seal of some kind appears on her cheek, but it would vanish as quickly as it appeared, however its influence was still primed to take effect. “Channel your chakra into the palm of your hand and thrust the energy into me.” Yoshi would likely panic or something form her words because it sounds completely suicidal, but she did take precautions to prevent her demise. “I should be able to minimize the damage of the resulting explosion.” Barasuishou would then look towards the other shinobi present, “Unless you have a better idea. It would not be my first time exploding.” Barasuishou was of coarse referring to Atomic Core, which is a puppet jutsu that causes one’s puppet to explode.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to look at the girl for a few minutes it seems that she was unable to control her own bloodline power though right now he was because she was being absorbed by it this was something that he did not expect and something that she would need to address. Takeshi listened to the words going back and forth as he allowed himself to consider everything that was being said, it did seem the girl was trying to hold it all inside that was unacceptable even in the eyes of the Sennin as he stood there silent and dormant.

“Well it seems that someone is losing control over her own bloodline, those hands are a pain, but they are also part of you, but I will not be giving you anything that belongs to the branch until you show some maturity, suffering is just the beginning of a world of pain. What you need to do is understand what your power is and how to control it do that it does not control you. Remember that you are stronger than your bloodline not the other way around, I suggest listening to the other shinobi and trying to release some of that built up energy”

Takeshi allowed himself to frown slightly as he allowed himself to ponder for a few minutes on how to respond as he looked at the suffering of someone as he pondered using his powers for a split second but decided to keep himself away from doing anything in front of someone else as he stood silent and dormant in that split second allowing his eyes to glance down on the new comer.

“Try what she recommends it might help you in the long run, you need to learn control before you even have any chance of getting stuff from inside this place”

Hase Aki

New Member
Jun 28, 2017
“My creator was one of your kind.”

She didn't understand those words, but she didn't really need to right now as her body was being ripped apart from the inside.

“Why don’t you expel your chakra with a controlled explosion like a normal Toujigikou?”

This is what they didn't get and she couldn't get across, is that she couldn't control the power. Her DNA was different from other Toujigikou, it was more violent. Her mouths never stopped feeding, and she couldn't control them even when they were calm. They lapped chakra out of the very air, which was a nuisance when surrounded by all the nature just brimming with the stuff. Even as she tried to expel her chakra quickly using the cancel jutsu, it just absorbed out of the air. She was afraid it wouldn't end. A look of terror plastered to her face.

“Channel your chakra into the palm of your hand and thrust the energy into me. I should be able to minimize the damage of the resulting explosion. Unless you have a better idea. It would not be my first time exploding.”

“Well it seems that someone is losing control over her own bloodline, those hands are a pain, but they are also part of you, but I will not be giving you anything that belongs to the branch until you show some maturity, suffering is just the beginning of a world of pain. What you need to do is understand what your power is and how to control it do that it does not control you. Remember that you are stronger than your bloodline not the other way around, I suggest listening to the other shinobi and trying to release some of that built up energy”

That's all she needed, a second opinion. She reeled back her fist, it began to glow with a devastatingly bright aura of what can only be described as explosion chakra. She punched as hard as she could into the chest of the person in front of her, without a hesitation in the world, self preservation and auto-piloting taking over. It was hard, almost wooden, but not quite. She would channel as much of her chakra as she could through her palm and into the doll to detonate and burn her chakra. The resulting explosion would send her flying backwards and slamming against a tree. The rest of the chakra she had then detonated out of the back of her, blowing the tree over onto other trees and causing a bit of a bird uproar into the sky. Had she detonated without having a receptical to dump her energy into, it would have destroyed a chunk of the hokage faces, a chunk of ANBU headquarters, killed her and everyone there.

She lay still on the ground silent for the moment before erupting into laughter. She couldn't move, but with the chakra dispersed and her sense of dread disappearing, she quickly became the happy go lucky girl everyone in the village saw her as, or obnoxious, either one.

"The world isn't pain, it isn't suffering. The world is beautiful, and I'll join the anbu corps to prove it. I'll prove you all wrong..."

She exhausted herself, and began to snore. The hands, free floating outside of her conciousness, lapping up the dirt around her and replenishing the energy it had just spent, without her permission. If anyone took notice, they'd realize that unlike regular Toujigikou, her hand mouths where impossible to control. They only ate, which lead to over production of chakra, and eventually a detonation. They even dragged her a bit across the ground as they re-energized her body. The two who had intervened had stopped this one, but as she got older, it'd get much worse. They'll come a time when she's too powerful to stop and that's when she'll either have to be forcibly put down or exiled to blow up somewhere away from the village. Unless she can get the artifact in the ANBU vaults and put on, that calm and regulate the hands.

If the book survived it would explain this all, showing a history of how the touji who were like this were given these bracelets of origin unknown, that suppressed the hand mouths until removed and how any time one of these were made apparent, they were usually just culled to prevent needing them in the first place. It however was an ancient book, with ancient practices. Perhaps, with some work and knowledge, she could in fact learn to control the hands, with the proper guidance she could even become the strongest Toujigikou ever. What the future held for her, where in the hands of her blockers as she lay there dormant.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The girl showed no hesitation which did catch Barasuishou by surprise. Yasu did not feel any wood within Barasuishou. Being that her creator was Toujigikou, naturally the primary ingredient in her making was clay. Barasuishou fall backwards from the punch, but manages to encase herself in a crystal before exploding. This was her Iron Maiden jutsu, which is an A rank prison bind. The crystal was quite strong and would easily be able to reduce the size of the explosion. The two of them might still be sent flying backwards with a wave of powdered crystal. Yasu might get quite a lot of small cuts from this but it was surely better than the alternative. The wall Barasuishou made before protected the Garden Complex from the explosion for the most part. Barasuishou was gone; she was completely and utterly destroyed beyond repair or so it seems. Sudden a cloud of dust came quickly gathering towards the epicenter of the explosion. The dust connects to each other and slowly reforms Barasuishou. After several minutes she was back as good as new. “That was considerably stronger than I expected form a girl of her age.”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to look towards the situation that had happened between all of them as he checked out the explosion he allowed himself to sigh slightly as he rubbed his chin with his hand, pondering for a few seconds it seemed that the situation was one that would need to be addressed at some point. Takeshi allowed himself to ponder for a few seconds as he looked for the words that had been spoken, it seemed that the girl decided to try and not control her own powers that was something that would need to be addressed, Takeshi allowed himself to look at her as she lay on the floor it seemed that she was passing out with just what she had done.

Takeshi turned back over to the other person for a few seconds, it seemed that she was simply allowing herself to be reconstructed Takeshi allowed himself to shake his head, it seemed that people had become bold with their little secrets though he wondered how much pain that had caused for a few seconds. Though he shook the feeling off as he looked at the girl then back to the other person sighing to himself it seemed that he was going to have to get some answers from someone that was the real question.

“First of all, I know for a fact that she needs to get more practise with her blood line, what I am more intrigued about is what made you do the actions you did, one should have learned this control by now and especially with the blood line so that much is obvious that she still has some work that needs to be done there. You however are a complete mystery, I haven’t seen you around before, can I take your name and rank if you don’t mind?”

Takeshi had that tone about him though pleasant he still has an eye for things that interest him in that split second. Takeshi allowed himself to wait for a reply folding his arms, the girl that was having problems was not going anywhere right then, so he would rather deal with the person that still had the ability to walk before he moved on to asking her questions about her bloodline and why she did not have control over it. Takeshi tilted his head as he waited to hear what was to be said though he did want to check on the girl.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
“I would agree with you. Not even my creator had this sort of problem.” Or at least not that she has heard stories of. Looks like the old shinobi was quite curious about her. By the way he takes command, she would assume he was of high rank; perhaps jounin or branch equivalence. His outfit made it quite clear that he was of the Uchiha clan. “My designation is Barasuishou, sir. My rank is weapon: puppet class.” In other words she was not human, nor was she ever human. Tsubaki Haruna, her creator was a strange one. Barashuishou had a clay skeleton mix with metal. The metal within her skeleton came of Nanjirou blades that were grounded to powder. Haruna believes that with such metals her puppets that one day they could have their own soul. In truth there are time where Kitsune swears the puppets acted on their own accord. “With that explosion I’m sure my owner will be rushing to this site as we speak. Her name is Shikame Kitsune, mednin.” Kitsune registered changes in her physical state to her superiors a month ago, thus why the medical sennin recognizer her in the medical class. Such reports likely have made it to the anbu branch as well.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to look at the girl for a few seconds before a sigh escaped his lips, it seemed that Takeshi was once more in a situation that he would have to handle with care, as he allowed his eyes to come up he met the stare of the woman before allowing his hands to come together as he warmed them in the gentle breeze he looked down to the person before crouching by them, his hand coming out as he allowed a small smile to come to his lips. It seemed that this newcomer had potential and it wouldn’t take much to recognize that one, Takeshi allowed himself to gently try and stir the girl. He pushed her gently as it seemed that she was just low on Chakra.

“She should come around, I think someone just needs something to help with that, don’t mind me but this stuff normally works during my training sessions, I will give it a shot and see if anything happens from it. What is the worst that can be done”?

Takeshi allowed his hand to reach into his pocket, as he brought a little bag out, it was unbroken and moved in a weird motion. Though the notion that the Sennin had anything fun in that pocket was completely mistaken, instead it was smelling salts, designed by the herb makers inside of the village to wake someone up from there state instantly, there was no fun or formality with this, it was a direct way to wake a knocked-out person up. Takeshi waited for the effects to take place and wondered how quickly the girl would be roused from her sleep.

Hase Aki

New Member
Jun 28, 2017
She was regaining chakra at a slow rate, her mouth hands lapping the chakra out of the air. She dreamed of sweet gumdrops on donuts, and she chased them through hills made of caramelized soda streams. As she went to dip her head into the chocolate fountain of youth to reclaim her missing sword of destiny, a foul odor overtook her nose. She shot up out of the dream like a rocket, her hair whipping Takeshi in the face as her body reeled backward, she taking to a sneezing fit and rubbing her nose vigorously. Her vision was blurry, and it took a moment to focus as the input overload subsided. She was surrounded by cool crystals and an edge lord, as well as a pretty person. She seemed to have forgotten why she was out here. Could it have been the genjutsu surrounding the ANBU compound confusing her, or maybe she was suppressing the thoughts as a defense mechanism of what she just went through.

"Hi! I...ah...what am I doing here? Are you...perverts...." she said in an almost wiggly fashion, as if she'd never least not today. Her eyes shifted about the area, seeing large scorch marks and her book over at the feet of the pretty creature. She'd scramble for it, doing what was essentially a face dive to cover it with her body. It was her bible, her information center for what she was and the steps she could take not to hurt anyone. She could put the pieces together now. She must have came out here in a desperate attempt to rush the compound for her ancestral right, her bracelets.

"Oh...I almost exploded again huh?" it had happened once before, when her bloodline first showed. It left a pock mark on the front lawn of the school, her parents had to pay the damages, but they were glad it wasn't the shop.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It seems the young shinobi was alright for the most part and was no longer trying to enter a restricted area. Barasuishou felt that her job here was done. “I will leave this matter up to you.” Barasuishou then walks off awake from the garden complex. Eventually she come across her master.
[left topic]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren rushed in a random direction. He could hear the blood flow of someone. And they were in danger. It was dangerously low. He was glad that he caught it.
But when he got there, he was confused. Someone else had recently left the scene and there was another person present. In fact, someone that he knew very well.
"Takeshi? Um, did you do that? Is everyone alright?" Ziren spurted out his words, obviously confused on the situation as a whole. He had no idea of the area of at which they are at. He took a look at the girl, he instantly knew that her blood flow was irregular. "She might need to be looked at. By a medical ninja. Why was she like that Takeshi?"
Everything he said was a blurr with his mind racing trying to think of what is happening and why.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
It seemed that when one person left another joined, this was just what Takeshi needed he allowed himself to sigh as he looked up at the sky for a few seconds. It was clear that he had to keep this situation calm as he looked at Ziren who seemed to think that every second medical ninja where needed he shook his head and allowed to sigh to come out of his lips for a few minutes, it seemed that he would have to teach Ziren a lot more for those few seconds. Takeshi allowed himself to face Ziren and wanted to make sure that he addressed the boys worries straight away.

“No, it was not me, no she does not need a medic what she needs is someone to put a little bit of trust in here, it seems that she has been passed off a few times now and has ended up here, so we deal with it as we must Ziren that is the duty of the branch”

Takeshi turned himself back to the girl and looked at her for a few seconds, wondering if she had any information he knelt by her for a few seconds. It seemed that he was trying to be kind to her instead of just throwing himself out there and trying to make sure that she was ok first before going further he allowed himself to look at her studying her for a few minutes.

“Have you got a name, mine is Uchiha Takeshi. I am a Sennin inside of leaf, it’s a pleasure to meet you even under this situation, though I am sure you have a reason for never learning to control these abilities of yours? Or do you have a reason I would like to hear it of course if you are willing to share?”

Hase Aki

New Member
Jun 28, 2017
Another person came by, in a big huff after all the commotion, she frankly expected more people to show up considering the explosion had to have rocked the entirety of the village at least a little bit. So when he came in a fluster, she was able to calm down a bit. Though, if this person was an ANBU they should probably re-think their line of work, considering how un-stealthy and unprofessional the person was. She didn't need a medic though it was offered, what she needed was someone to listen.

“No, it was not me, no she does not need a medic what she needs is someone to put a little bit of trust in here, it seems that she has been passed off a few times now and has ended up here, so we deal with it as we must Ziren that is the duty of the branch”

"E-excuse me but I've tried to communicate a lot now, though I was in a bit of distress." she smiled nervously, holding her book tight to her chest. Her grip was beginning to relax on it, as she began to normalize in her feelings.

“Have you got a name, mine is Uchiha Takeshi. I am a Sennin inside of leaf, it’s a pleasure to meet you even under this situation, though I am sure you have a reason for never learning to control these abilities of yours? Or do you have a reason I would like to hear it of course if you are willing to share?”

Once again, she threw the book at him quite literally.

"My name is Yasu Yoshi. You can call me the supreme overlord of donuts! As you know, I share blood with the Toujigikou, a rather destructive blood to inherit. Mine is even further special in that I can't control one important aspect. The consuming of energy can't be stopped without the artifacts in that book, two bracelets meant to normalize my bloodline when worn. I can mold chakra fine, I can do the core things you would expect of my kind, but my energy never stops accumulating. It first manifested outside of the school, I pock marked the ground and that was the first time it occurred. As far as I know, I'm the only one that exists of this kind, they were systematically wiped out by our own for the destructive potential and only one pair of those where ever made, to hide the current clan heads daughters power at the time, it's all in the book. When the clan found out, they did her and her father in and a new person took over. All relatively hushed history, its the only source I could find." the research she did had taught her more about the Toujigikou than anything she'd ran across, and an unintended side effect is that she was pretty smart for her age, knowing a word like systematically at 8 was a big deal to some. If a flash back where to occur right now, she'd be seen reading books and looking up words she doesn't understand in order to research this topic.

[MFT: 528 WC]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
So she's also having troubles controlling her bloodline, Ziren thought to himself. He knows full well of th consequences of not being able to control his own bloodline.
"Don't worry. Yasu,
I also have troubles controlling my powers. And I am a Chigokai. And my clan is infamous for their sinister ways of using their blood as a means of combat. I'm still learning to control it. Heck, I may never learn to control. But think of it like this. Even with how potent my clan is, I won't let it get the best of me and do something I will regret later. I've never let it happen. Perhaps I can help you with yours too."

He knew he was still a novice when it came to this sort of thing, but he knew full well of the consequences that could happen if neither her or him learn to control their blood line powers.
Ziren then turned to Takeshi."Well if there isn't any orders you have for me, I got to go collect a blood sample from a murder scene."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked at the girl as he stood there for a few minutes, it seemed that he was trying to decide on the best course of action it was clear that he needed to make sure that the girl was ok but it seemed that Ziren was just going to talk his way threw this, he knew full well that there was a lot of work that had to be done. He looked to the girl for a few seconds before he allowed his hand to come out seeing if she would take it to stand up it seemed that the offer was there for help but that choice was down to her, Takeshi shot Ziren a look as he pondered the question.

“You are dismissed, go do what needs to be done and I will catch up with you lot at some point in the future”

Taekshi turned himself back to the person that he had recently found, it seemed that she needed wisdom and he was one that would be more than happy to give her what was needed. Though he had to think of the best way to word it as he looked over to her for a few seconds.

“These bracelets that you keep hunting about how do your even know that it is real that they even exist, lets be honest they could just be made up. I am not sure what to tell you but why do you need them so much. I want to be honest with you, and I need the same from you to me. So why have you not tried to expand yourself out and prove yourself able to control this power instead of relying on trinkets so much?”

Hase Aki

New Member
Jun 28, 2017
“You are dismissed, go do what needs to be done and I will catch up with you lot at some point in the future”

She nodded, he didn't really need to be here. A love of blood, something she slightly shared, was not a cause for concern to her as she had just exploded. It wouldn't be until later that she'd remember this and think about how he was just trying to help, and she passed him off as some annoying ninja making things about him.

“These bracelets that you keep hunting about how do your even know that it is real that they even exist, lets be honest they could just be made up. I am not sure what to tell you but why do you need them so much. I want to be honest with you, and I need the same from you to me. So why have you not tried to expand yourself out and prove yourself able to control this power instead of relying on trinkets so much?”

"I don't know they exist, I just have this one dusty book I found by the cooking books in a library to go by. A quick look at the inventory of special artifacts you have in this damned hard to reach building would confirm, considering the book also says they were locked away for safe keeping should another one arise. I need them because techniques to control the energy flow into me do not work. If you'd listen to me, you'd have heard I can do techniques..!" she said making a quick bird to fly off and blow up harmlessly in the sky. "..but I can't control the actual intake of chakra. I tried many meditation techniques, talked to a few individuals including some people at the library who mentioned special gloves so I got some and my hands just ate em. My power does control me!" she screamed the last few words in a rough struggling voice.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren looked down at the ground. He knew exactly how she felt. That's why he's disappeared from society for so long.
He looked at the girl one more time, "Don't think that you're all alone. Others are fighting their own battles.
Befriend them and take on all of your battles together."

He wasn't trying to be all philosophy. But he truly wanted to help the girl.
But then Ziren seen the look in Takeshi's eyes. And Ziren took a guess that he was in trouble... Again.
He rubbed the back of his neck and said to Takeshi, "Understood. I will report when I have identified the blood samples."
He walked away, listening as he got farther and farther away from the two blood flows.
"Well. Guess I'm in trouble." He said to himself, then sighed.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
