Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Do You Want to Hunt a Devil? [Private|Akane]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The country was finally slowly starting to come together. The people were finally starting to trust the shinobi after the new laws went into place that curb most of their freedoms that once allowed them to wander through Lightning as if gods. In the days of when there was no chakra this was more-or-less true, and 15% of the population really did have a strong arm in doing whatever the hell they wanted. Now, chakra levels were rising up everywhere and shinobi were being accosted left and right by the citizens on their normal missions. More than once bloodshed had broken out between hot-headed members of the Infantry that had been in their roles for years and people who were only just starting to understand what chakra meant. Obviously the side that had more practice with jutsu won, but after the incident where one of her Chuunin’s were gutted by the local butcher, things turned sour. Fast. The entire town was razed to the ground by other shinobi as an act of punishment and that went over as well as finding coffee grinds in your cup. Rei quickly had to shut down the entire thing, send out diplomats, and severly punish the people behind it. Two of them were in prison for life now for war crimes, and the rest were severly docked in their pay. It meant new laws had to be put into place for the protection of the average citizen. Thankfully, the problem was solved when a man within her branch out of the Special Program came to Rei of his own violition and laid down a plan for intricate laws that could protect both the military and their citizens. Now things were finally starting to calm down as far as politics went. Kitsune easily kept her position as Raikage, new people were elected into big roles that had little-to-no chakra control at all and the land itself seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. At least, until other problems that had been hiding underneath all the war started to finally pop up.

Sitting at her desk in one of the many towers that housed the big members of their government, Rei leaned back in her chair as she read over a file that appeared small in her hands. A cup of coffee was held in the other hand, a gentle sip the only sound in the room as she scanned the details of an incident near the borders of the Heartlands. Those areas were naturally dangerous for many reasons as it was, but the reports detailed something a little more sinister. Mutilated bodies, missing hearts, and something about frog people. Rei had to check the beastiary a few times to make sure no one was mistaking something for something else; but this case seemed to be absolutely unique. She looked down the roster for anyone free to investiage out of all the sub-branches within her wing of the military.
No…no…no…scared of frogs, so defo-no….hmm…
The amount of people who were normally set to go locate and kill monsters were all either really busy with other projects, doing a special joint project with the KIO to investigate a potential vampire menace in the north, or had died in the last war. Flipping through the pages of hunters she found the branch lacking.
Well damn. Guess this one needs a personal touch…” Rei spoke out loud to no one before draining her cup. She flicked a on a switch attached to a little box on her desk that gave off a gentle tone to let her know the line was connected to Central Command where she put orders through.
Yes’m?” an operator’s voice said through the little speaker on the box.
Contact a one Koga Akane and tell her to meet me at the at the little village bordering the Heartlands nearest to Kumogakure,” Rei flipped through her report quickly, “…Zupolo. The town of Zupolo. Also tell her to bring clothes she doesn’t mind getting dirty; we’ll be spelunking through a swamp.

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
The year was almost over and the brown pine needles near every wall or perimeter that littered the ground was a telling sign. The cold air that left frost on trees had turned on them. Viciously the air nibbled and gnawed at the cheeks of the orange haired teen. A stranger to the wide valleys of grassland ranges Akane dramatically shivered in her black boots. Her large spear was held tight against her chest in some foreign hope that it gave her warmth. Locals whispered and giggled as she walked through small farm villages. Everyone else only covered up in long sleeved clothes rather than a standard issue kunoichi jacket and black pants tucked into her boots.

Her teeth chattered frantically, “Can’t believe she cut me off from the family funds…” Muttering to herself. Ever since the fiasco on the train her Mother refused to give her money for anything beside what was needed for operations. Rent, food and repairs were all on her. Life had been a real drag and even worse when she received a call from her Senpai’s secretary. The lady even had the nerve to quote her Senpai. “Remember! I found you at the restaurant when you ditched me, I’ll find you again.” The quote transitions from a fun little warning to a menacing threat. With no food and no real place to run in the village the teen let out a long sigh. “When am I going to get the ‘nice life’…” She murmured to herself as she trudged up the hill toward another village. The sign read ‘Zupolo’ yet the words were smeared with a red substance.

The skies were a dull gray yet the dark clouds hung over the head of the villagers. Each one dressed in black clothing, huddled together and faintly Akane heard the sniffling and cries of the villagers. The mood changed so fast she wondered if she walked into a new country. Brown hues looked down the street of the small village not realizing she had locked eyes with a weeping old lady. Hurriedly the hunched old woman ran over to Akane in a fit. Her old hands reached out to Akane to cup her face. Stunned Akane blinked yet the woman's warm hands on her frozen cheeks kept her in place. Her old voice was shaky as tears rolled down her face. “Karin-chan! Karin-chan! Karin-...chan…” It was too much to handle. Quickly another man ran over to pull the older woman away from Akane. “I’m terribly sorry.. My grandma thinks you look a lot like… someone we lost…” His vision turned away from Akane’s and back to the floor. “Come on Grandma… We have to go.” A hand grasped his Grandmother, holding it tight as he turned her away and walked into a nearby home.

Too stunned to speak, Akane could only watch as they walked through the streets back inside. “What’s going on?” Her eyes blinked a few times to let the reality sink in. “Maybe it's why Booba-Sama called me out here? But.. where is she?” One final glance was taken at the door where the old woman and son were last seen. Continuing to walk she eventually came to the end of the small village. Passing the small gates was a small campsite with a bonfire that had been left to ash out. Without much sound she sat down on a nearby log examining the crackling ashes. “She needs to hurry up.. It’s cold and depressing out here…”

[Topic Entered]
[Grammar edits]​
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Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
We’re going to do everything we can, I promise.

The words felt hollow. It wasn’t the first time Rei had to give her condolences and a promise for vengeance. The last few weeks since The Rebellion had played roughly on her psyche. The number of civilians she had to apologize to for the loss of their loved ones was far more than she had been prepared for. Their mixed reactions showed the Sennin a rainbow of people that lived within Kumogakure, and the real tragedy of the force they lost. Even though this was just a simple hunting village that made its living off the critters in the swamp, this felt no less different to her. It may not have been her people lost this time, but the tragedy remained the same. The doctor had seen enough funerals by this point to last a lifetime.

The usually overly muscular woman stepped out into the grim light of the stormy sky, in a changed form from the last time her pupil had seen. The muscles were all gone, her hair trimmed back short once morel dyed purple as it’s natural color had once been. Over her body was the jumpsuit underneath a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and the old jacket she was akin to when on missions like these. The jacket with the double R’s on the back of it looked like it retained it’s mods to fit her larger stature as wind whipped it around; it seemed like it was left big on purpose. A gust of cold air whipped through the center of the town, moving mourning robes around enough for her to catch the disciple sticking out from the crowd like a sore thumb. She waited for Akane to move towards the old campfire the hunters had made earlier this morning before stepping off the porch of the mayor’s house. Rei shadowed her pupil until she sat down at the ashen ring before simply stepping into her peripherals shortly after. With a flop, Rei’s much smaller form still landed with a hefty thud against the log before letting out a long sigh. It wasn’t a transformation jutsu either, she had just become dense by packing in everything into a smaller form. It was a natural occurrence from using her powers ratcheted up to 100%, and according to her own sensei, this was proof of her mastery. If Akane was to touch her, it would feel like pushing against a boulder instead of a human.

By the kami I hate these kind of missions,” Rei started in after her sigh, “I always get here when the funeral is starting, then I got to take part. Say a small speech. Promise vengeance…at least three times. It’s so much easier when you can just, sneak in and sneak out, right?” Rei finished with a little knowing wink. Her protege’s escapades weren’t lost the Sennin. Part of her was furious, but another part was downright proud. Akane managed to act her entire scheme out in a manner of minutes, and laid down a path that got her out of the village without barely a person’s notice. Of course, the doctor had to cover for the girl’s uncouth break in their rules for travel and this mission was something of a little bit of a punishment. The big sister mentality in Rei couldn’t help but feel a little mischievous in knowing this mission would probably send her student home with some nightmares.

Reaching into her jacket’s overly large inner pocket she retrieved a small folder and a pack of smokes, each held in between two different fingers. The first she tossed at Akane, the folder flying through the air with frightening precision. The second she shook up to make a cigarette pop out of the little opening on the top corner. She pulled it out with her lips and simply held her thumb against the end of the cancer stick until smoke appeared. In a couple of drags the cigarette was lit and she all but tossed the pack back into her pocket before taking a deep inhale.
It had been awhile since the two met, but the 'Booba-senpai' and the woman sitting down before Akane with a last dance look in her eyes appeared to be two different people. The Rebellion had not gone well for the Sennin. Though Kumogakure had been victorious, she had lost a great deal of people precious to her, and the lost far outweighed the win. On top of that, the doctor had also been far too busy with the fallout to properly train her pupil or even spend time with her. It as always orders and the occasional hand written training suggestions. There was a twist in her gut that this was going to be the only chance she’d have to train Akane, hunting down a horror better left for those trained for it, but she was going to do what she could.

Inside the folder was a handful of notes and gathered reports. There was a creature out in the swamps that was preying on people. It was allegedly nine-feet in height. Impossibly thin, human shaped, and a mouth that grinned jagged teeth from ear to ear. Notes dictated that it was impossibly silent as well, only traceable by the odor of decaying wood and feces. Its so far killed, as of today, six villagers, four hunters, and two shinobi sent to scout the area. The latter, was why the Sennin was given a chance to remove herself from the role tied behind that damn desk. Otherwise she’d have to send the poor girl sitting near by out on her own which would have been tantamount to forced suicide. The country’s first little skirmish as a whole hadn’t gone well, and it clearly showed. Even now, as she sat on a log near the swamps smoking a cigarette, orders were being followed to the letter to restructure her own branch of the military. Rei’s mind was buzzing with at least twenty different things she had to take care of after this, despite trying to just enjoy the time with her hot-headed pupil she could get.
They call it the ‘Rot Devil’. Apparently, from time to time, strong fears shared by a collective in certain areas of the country actually manifest Youkai from their world into ours as living phobias. It’s a rare occurrence, and I’m currently in the talks with some people who can train others in our military to handle these kinds of threats…but right now, we’re all we have. There will be no back up, but hey, I’m the Sennin for a reason right? Shouldn’t need any. Figure this would be a good chance to follow up on that promise to train ya’…though really, I wish I had the time to do this in a safer environment…
The Heartlands are nothing to fuck around with kid. There are a ton of terrifying crap in there that isn’t some demon given flesh so,” she took a big drag of her cigarette before tossing it at the wet dirt to cause the ember to hiss in protest as the moist caressed the cherry to death, “keep on your toes.” Rei stood, exhaling a large cloud of smoke, hoping Akane had absorbed enough information to be as prepared as she would be.

We’ll be going towards the center, past the killzone this creature’s been hitting. My bet is that it sticks to areas people can’t normally access. Probably somewhere really dark. It’s last kill was close to 2am, so it might be a night dweller. If all goes well, we might be able to find the creep sleeping.

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Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
As time moved forward so did the dark clouds in the sky. Akane’s head tilted back, those brown hues watching carefully in a trance. From the corners of her eyes another woman walked up towards the campsite. A slender woman with dark purple hair yet their aura felt strangely familiar. Her suspicions would be laid to rest as the woman sat down on another log adjacent to Akane with a heavy thud. The voice that came after solidified her assumptions that the woman before her was her Senpai and Sennin, Rei. With a curious brow toward the sky Akane looked Rei up and down. “Is this some sort of test?” She asked but then was ignored seconds after. Whatever Booba-Senpai had been up to the last few weeks dramatically changed her. Akane’s eyes squinted. ‘There’s no way Booba-Senpai knows I tried to leave the country right?’ A hand rose to rub her chin in contemplation. Maybe she should’ve let her know she was basically felt up and nearly tortured by some baldy at the train crash.

Then her senpai flicked over a manilla folder. Fingers parted the ends of the folder to reveal documents on the supposed creature she needed to hunt. As her Sennin spoke her eyes ran across the blurry imagery of an inhuman creature in low light. What stuck out from the pictures besides the hazy blurry imagery was a piercing white smile far bigger than anything mortal could produce. A chill ran down her spine. “What the hell!? We gotta find this thing?! This doesn’t seem like ninja work!” Funny enough as she didn’t see herself as a part of the shinobi archetype anyway. Her eyes continued to read the horrifying timeline that this youkai seemed to have. Each incident claimed a large and large set of corpses. Each massacre took place in the dead of night. Rei then spoke about how these youkai manifest. Deep rooted fears that grow bigger the worse people fear them. ‘Damn, the whole town is fearful of this thing…’ Desperately she tried to downplay the severity of the monster they had to hunt.

Once more she looked over at Rei who flicked their cigarette into a wet pile. Brown hues noticed the face of confidence that Rei exuded and the equally telling sign that there was no backing out of this. Even if she had the choice there was still no good way to live the life she wanted by doing shitty odd jobs for low pay. Shinobi pay was too nice. Lazily Akane used her spear to hoist herself up. Her fingers coiled around the shaft of the spear to expertly twirl ‘Sunderer’ at her size before placing it across one shoulder. A deep sigh escaped her, “It’s been a while since I went out on a hunt. Last thing that attacked me was this big old kuma but I sent them home crying!” Reminiscing about her surprise attack she had gotten from the bear. Her tongue held back the fact she nearly died somewhere in the woods. “Try not to get in my way Booba-Senpai! You’ll end up like that bear.” Akane laughed, a foreign sound from the mood the villagers had. “But… you can lead the way first… See if the coast is clear.”

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
It didn’t take long for the duo to get into the swamps proper, maybe twenty minutes of slow travel on foot. The Heartlands were generally one massive swamp, and the forest that bordered most of it worked almost as a barrier to the creatures within. As the student and master wondered through the ‘barrier’ between the two biomes, there was an almost sudden drop in temperature. The noises of the animals that chirped and croaked at them had gone into pure silence. There was a heavy feeling in the air, as if the air itself was trying to wrap hands around the girls necks and pull them into the suddenly moist ground. On top of that sudden change was a smell in the air of the putrid sorts. Rei could all but taste it, herself, and her face scrunched up almost immediately. The Ryuu had a great sense of smell when it came to otherworldly things, apparently, and the foul smell lingering in the heavy air told her senses that pure cursed chakra was nearby.

Weapon out, Akane,” the master said softly as the hairs on the back of her neck started to raise up. Rei had expected to actually hunt the creature and teach Akane how to track the supernatural as best she could. She was no Guild Member, but her bloodline had a natural attachment to this kind of thing and could generally sense Youkai, Kami, and other oddities of the spiritual world in some form or another. This thing was close. Her foot sunk down a little more than normal and she hovered it for a second before allowing it to step down fully on reflex. The Sennin’s eyes glanced down to see a footprint twice as large as her own and a set of tracks to match. Surrounding that track was a whole bunch of other footprints that were clearly humans judging by the boot marks. Splashes of blood still stuck to the trees, coagulated into goop instead of dried from the swamps moisture. She looked around as best she could without moving but there was no immediate sign that the thing was within sight. It was here, but also not. The Sennin began to circle around the killing field, using her hands to point out silently the things she wanted her apprentice to see before asking a blind question,
Can you tell where it went?

For all intents and purposes, Rei couldn’t. Akane might have a special ability unknown to her to tell the master where the creature headed, but from the appearance of the scene it had seemingly just…vanished. While she was waiting for an answer and studying the scene that smell became stronger. Darkness seemed to slowly gather behind the master without her noticing and a long white, horribly clawed, hand began to silently slip out and reach for Rei’s back…

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Left. Right. Left… Right… Akane forced herself to trudge through the murky swap. The sound of animals… burping… then hopping away into the water freaked her out. Whatever those bumpy dark brown lumps evaded their presence and eventually the sound of their burps faded. Not just those lumpy boys but the crickets and dragonflies also began to become a rarer sight as the swamp grew dense and dark. The lack of sun and other life felt overwhelming to the point that Akane felt it hard to swallow. The dense darkness impeded her vision to see far in front of her so her eyes remained fixated on her Senpai. “Booba-Senpai… how about we leave and come back with some fire? Turn this whole place into an ash pile…” Her words hoped to convince her elder. After walking so long, turning back would have been for naught, ‘This sense of dread is killing me… there was nothing like this back home…’

That’s why a burning smell of sulfur wafted into the teens nose. The smell nearly caused her to puke from it’s pungency that latched onto all her senses.
Bleh! It smells like academy food that’s been left out in an outhouse for three hot days!” Her left hand reached up to pinch her nose and cover her mouth. Through distraught eyes she watched her Senpai stumble slightly. Akane’s gaze looked down to witness the massive inhuman footprint on the ground mixed with coagulated blood. That powerful sense of dread weighed heavier and heavier each passing second. Her chest grew tight, her ribs felt like they were being squeezed together by an ever tightening corset. That’s when she saw the horror that the villagers were petrified of.

A phantom-esqe hand, covered in lacerations reached out its pale digits towards her Booba-Senpai. Her body moved instinctively to tighten her grip on her spear. The spearpoint aimed itself directly at the ghostly hand and began to draw its power from the energy within Akane. Sparkles and twilight of a luminous yellow radiated from the spearpoint and within the blink of an eye Akane lurched forward.
Booba-Senpai! Behind you!” She cried out in hopes to get her Master to notice the danger. However, as quickly as she readied up the terrain reminded her of her movements. Thick muck weighed her boots down into the earth and the tight confines of the swamp made it difficult to swipe wide with her spear. Her teeth clenched in anger as all her momentum had been used to extend her spear to the ghostly hand. Those brown hues cough a glimpse of the horror that lurked within the swamps. The beady black eyes and the thick tangled dirty hair, perhaps light was a bad idea.\

[Actions Sent.]
[WC: 456]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Before Rei could process that her pupil was yelling at her to watch out, she felt the cold graze of the devil’s fingers. The swamp came to life in a twisted way as a sphere of horrible murky fluids enveloped her. Her first instinct was to immediately begin to unleash her bound power, and in doing so the sphere immediately began to warble and boil from within…however the Rot Devil’s powers were not so easily broken as the sphere sank into the ground to keep Rei’s heat from evaporating it. With a wide grin, the creature turned to what it thought would be the easier target…

Only to catch a spear in the face.

Akane clearly wasted no time. The innate talent that her master saw unfurled easily. It was a shame that Rei wouldn’t get to see her pupil nearly kill the monster within the first ten seconds of meeting each other, but the monster was clearly overwhelmed by the smaller girl and her Tenouzan fury. However, the creature wasn’t without tricks. The natural ick on their body coated Akane’s weapon and, though it a powerful weapon, the demonic nature of the creature’s armor managed to warp the spear’s blade if ever so slightly. This was not near enough to stop the konouchi. Another stroke tore open the devil’s chest, causing its acidic blood to spray up into the air. It ate away at the trees and foliage it fell upon, but the girl’s ability was once again too much. Understanding full well that the creature was fighting something far more powerful than the farmers it had terrorized, the being felt a prick of fear towards the girl with the spear; enough to waver its ability in holding the Sennin underground.
A sudden hand tore through the creature’s open wound from behind, holding inside of it what would appear to be some kind of core. The hand was smoking as if the acid was trying to break down a whole second layer of flesh before the hand closed shut into a fist and crushed the devil’s heart. An earsplitting screech erupted into the air as the devil’s body became a thick smoke that faded out as Rei struggled to pull herself out of waist deep mud, covered completely in foul swamp.

“There…has got…to be a better way to do that…”

[Akane defeated the Devil!]
At 0 Timing
Akane equips her weapon!
-1 Acc/+5% Damage
The Rot Devil traps Rei in a Special Water Prison!
This Prison has 5000 Hp and completely immobilizes Ryuu Rei from combat!
It sinks under the swampy earth!
Akane sense where it is at! (Stealth fails, 24 vs 28)

At 1.50 Seconds
Akane creates a Crystal Eye that reveals the swamp to her!
+1 Awareness/Visibility Mod

At 4.00 Seconds
Akane thrusts her spear with a mighty prowess!
Hits! (33 vs 16)
Deals 1980 Damage
Suppresses the Devil! (0.5 AP)
Bleeding the Devil! (Rank 1)

At 4.75 Seconds
The Devil activates Acidic Sweat chakra armor!

At 6.85 Seconds
The Devil attempts to lob a bit of acid at Akane!
She uses Body Switch!
Then Reflexively attacks with Impaling Counter!
Hits! (20 vs 17)
Deals 648 Damage
Akane’s weapon is effected by Weapon Corrosion!
Akane’s Taijutsu Attacks deals -15% less damage with 24% chance to become -20% less damage dealt instead.

At 8.00 Seconds
Akane makes multiple attacks into one!
First strike hits! (859)
Second Strike hits! (859)
Devil has -2 Accuracy to their next attack!

At 8.96
The Devil’s blood sprays in the air, causing Acid Rain!
It misses! However it is raining acid now…

At 10 Seconds
Rei finishes the extremely wounded devil!
I went ahead and canceled the next round. You pretty much just one-rounded this thing! Plus I’d hate to keep you waiting for another month to post the next round for an RP battle, however, this has helped me see a few kinks in modding a fight in this style. I need some more fine tuning to streamline a PvE process, but this helped me get some ideas!

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Akane’s scream held rage more than fear. The thrust of her spear head held not only the condensed strength of Seisei’s will but Akane’s fighting spirit. To make sure the one she thought of as friends were protected, even if that meant plunging herself into reckless situations. The ‘Fight or Flight’ instinct that manifested in her gut, after years of fighting for her life in the arena pits in her village, ignited in her to take action. The spear point targeted the eye of the beast, rupturing the socket with enough strength behind the spear to continue through its skull. A wretched shriek cried out from the Rot Devil. In a frantic trance the beast stumbled back away from Akane. Unfortunately for it the rage that enveloped her forced a constant barrage of attacks in its direction.

Those brown hues narrowed, the callouses on her palms spread wide as the grip on her Divine Sunderer grew tighter. Each thrust had the intent to kill. The spear point drove its sharp edge into the beast, again and again until it finally had enough. From a stumble, the beast's skin contracted before spewing a vile concoction of an acidic spray from its orifices. The young teen never saw it coming but had a few more tricks up her sleeve than just fancy spear techniques. The spray lurched toward her making contact with her eyes and hands. A burning pain surged through her body, an aura of fear enveloping her yet again. The devil knew it had the upper hand and with another shriek it lunged a decrepit claw at her. Suddenly the young teen vanished into a puff of smoke, only to leave the devil bewildered.

Unbeknownst to the Rot Devil, Akane used a tried and true shinobi technique that every genin picked up at the academy. Body Switch technique. Another horrific cry echoed out through the swamp. Suddenly, on its back with a spear impaled through its shoulder was Akane. From above she drove her glimmering spear into the devil. Her fear spun into rage once more as her pearly white teeth clenched tightly together in anger. The devil bucked and kicked about, anything to get the young teen off it’s back. Just as quick as she appeared she vanished from the devils shoulders, appearing in front of the flailing beast. Through the muck Akane spun her body to increase the velocity of a spinning kick. With a dynamic thud the heel of her foot connected with the beast. Uplifting it off the ground and into the distance.

Without proper planning it was a miracle that her movements worked in tandem with her Sensei’s. From out of the ground Booba-Sama rose up like a monster, driving her hand through the ribcage of the barreling devil. Through its chest was an inhuman beating heart that pulsed irregularly in her hands. Brown hues watched closely as her Sensei's barbaric strength crushed the beating heart in her palm. The wicked devil flailed once again before falling limp; laid over her Sensei until she ripped her hand back through its chest. Nonchalantly she tossed the devils corpse onto the ground.

Akane watched the body hit the ground, allowing herself to let loose that held breath. As she eased her shoulders and lowered her guard the glimmering light that surrounded her Divine Sunderer faded away. The butt end of the spear implanted itself in the ground while Akane used it to huff and puff. The stress and sudden intensity of the situation absorbed and burned not only her chakra but a ton of energy. To gather the will of Seisei and the pope’s holy dragon divinity weighed heavily on her shoulder. In which the slumped the fastest as the Divine Sunderer held most of her weight. Unable to keep her balance Akane fell backwards up against a swamp tree. Sliding down to her ass this would be the second time she ignored the cleanliness of her clothes and focused on her actual well-being. “Booba-Sensei… is… it dead?” Unaware of the distance between the two her words trailed off, her body slowly recovering from the sudden fiasco.

[Sorry for the delay.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
