Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Dynamite-eeeee-eeeeee [Contract Search]

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Makeoshimi Koho, the 3rd Princess of the 3rd King of Seven, had made her way from village to her current location. Which was the most descriptive and amusing sentence to ever be uttered since, well, ever. However, as the night drew closer the light began to fade and darkness loomed over the red Victorian dressed woman. Although she didn't particularly mind the darkness, in fact she embraced it somewhat more sleazily than most other people would. Dune after dune belittled the little witch as she braced against the sharpened minerals that bashed against her slender frame. She had to escape for the night, to rest at least, but where? Quite literally she was left in the dessert and cursed by the unnervingly strong winds. They stole her breath and deterred her movements somewhat.

Koho, adjusting her scarlet and orange bun accordingly, would stand strong against the wind; scanning the area that surrounded her for any form of shelter. However, it wasn't going to be that easy - all that remained in sight was skeletal structures from the olden days, historical battles between a monster and man. Or however the story was spun. The 3rd folded her arms, resting her eyes - those sharp blues - onto the horizon, which really offered up no hope for the predicament she was in.

Okay, perhaps there was a detail missed out from this tale, or rather several that would be instrumental in explaining how, and why, Koho had found herself here. Over 3 days ago, the 3rd was contracted by her homeland to assassinate a man, who he is doesn't really change anything, but regardless she followed up the assassination and fulfilled the request. However, the nature of her childhood indoctrination took over and loosened her grasp over her blood lust, which eventually created a situation where Koho had killed more than what was requested of her. Not only did she assassinate the man, a fairly wealthy man who lived outside of the Village with his family, but his two daughters and wife. To add insult to injury, Koho removed their tongues, eyes and ears from their bodies. The reason for this? Well, some might speculate that this act was something related to a cult, a sacrificial thing or some dribble like that.

Well, truth was that the 3rd had gotten a little bit too excited and taken things too far. She had needlessly killed, but such was a way of life for her, the nature of her childhood was so diluted and poisoned that any perceptions of what a child should be was replaced with the attitude of a killer. Anyway, Koho had escaped the premises without being detected but somewhere along the line, a group of authorities had already discovered the bodies and began to track the woman through the desert. It wasn't ideal to be running around a playground of sand in a dress too pompous for life.

It was all so troublesome, and so common, for the woman that belonged to fake royalty.

Due to all this standing, and contemplating, the woman wasn't really able to advance much further. She had given up on running, it wasn't her style to begin with, but she was really out numbered on this one. Even Koho could sense that they were around seven different chakras that were approaching. What a headache this was all becoming... And Saemon wasn't even in sight, normally he would be creeping around in the shadows while Onamuji made its appearance but this time she was really alone. The Victorian dressed woman would turn towards the inclining dune, which after a few moments, would hold seven furious looking men on its crown. "Hounds... Did any of you know the two little girls? They were quite the sassy individuals but, alas, they were sliced when I plucked their eyes from their heads!" Koho would yell, trying to beast the roar of the wind, while trying to antagonize the men.

It didn't take much for these men to charge on wards, running down the face of the dune, some toppling over themselves at the pressure of their steps. But suddenly, the ground crackled and the sands shifted and as the blackness of the ground appeared, a monstrous roar emanated from the body of noir. Koho, looking puzzled, had already armed her blackened blade, Kosodoro, but was kept unsteady by the ground continually shaking. But the ground, and whatever that caused it to part, would continually assault the surface with turbulent vibrations. Koho fell from the height of safety, well that could be debated, and into the pit of noir.

Her body, a sultry shape, floated in a large pool of crystal blues as illuminating fish swam in the water beneath her. Half of her body was submerged and the other half, her face chest etc, was left relatively dry. And while still asleep, her body floated gently over to the shore of the underground supply of water. What would happen next?



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Much like a dream, the environment around her seemed to melt away into the very definition of nothingness. Split seconds seemed to stretch on into an infinity of sorts and for the briefest of periods, there was a wonder among even the ones beyond our reality if the 'lights' would turn back on. Nevertheless, onward the woman seemed to float on as she the darkness gave way to the sights of what she might be familiar with but the sounds of which were anything but real. Adrift and without a clue as to what fate held in store for her if she proved willing, the woman soon bumped into a strangely black sandy beach to which the soft caressing waves seemed to carry her entire body onto ever so peacefully. It was the most faint of voices that could now be heard, debating as to who she was and what to do with her. Back and forth the argued, for what extent of time, one could hardly fathom but however long it truly was, there was the sensed need for urgency before an event of some sort happened.

It was at this point that one of the voices got fed up and upon a soft thud silenced the voice of the naysayer. From this the fair maiden would be nudged back to the land of the conscious by the most soothingly protective of voices. "You there, lady of the water . . . do wake up!" What she'd find if she did wake up, well that was for anybody to guess. Around her in what seemed to be an underground cavern sparkled all sorts of stars and distant galaxies, or what looked to be the case. Skies didn't occur underground and what the woman would find, much to her amazement would be the grandest display of precious stones the likes of which most mortal men would ever see. The beach void of any plant growth, all the black sand offered was the occasional sparkling gemstone or crusted seashell. Even the light around her, faint as it was, seemed to emanate from the things around her; both everywhere and nowhere in the same. Even with all of this to take in however, it would still become abundantly clear that with a voice doing everything but call her name, that something rather important was missing from the picturesque scene.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Peaceful was a word not commonly associated with Koho, but on this occasion there was an exception to be made. The red headed woman would feel the encumbering weight of nothingness sooth her body as it raddled along the water's surface. It didn't really seem like there was a reality, or a world anymore, her body felt thin as air and the world around her was as black as coal; had she died? If this was death, it was pretty impressive and ridiculously peaceful. However, the relaxation and beauty of this apparent dreamscape was to be prematurely ended with the sensation of moist grains pressing against her head. Koho's mind would fizzle from her relaxed state and into, well, reality as her body was gently placed onto the black sands.

She would take a moment to sigh, grasping the sands with her hands until she got two fistfuls of black grains. The soft waves, gentle and timid, would soon recede only to massage her feet every so often. Koho wasn't really that impressed that she had, all this time, been alive and it was her mind that had betrayed her into believing that she had fell into some other plane of existence: death, so to speak. But that would become irrelevant as voices, very faint ones at that, could be heard from a distance; the 3rd remained still as her massive dress wouldn't allow her to move, even if she wanted to. "I must be dead." She would state commonly, her eyes trying to adjust to the overwhelming darkness as her mind tried to establish what these voices were saying. However, this was not true, she was alive, and that was noted as one of those particularly faint voices got bolder and approached; announcing its presence to Koho by calling her 'lady of the water'.

Suddenly, her eyes would adjust to the darkness and tiny, florescent, stars would sparkle oh-so gently against the black backdrop. The gems were so brave to fight against the massive backdrop of noir. It was as if they were competing against each other, one complimenting the other quite fantastically. Even Koho, a horrid woman, would appreciate that beauty of such a place. Honestly, she got a little side-tracked from investigating the voice due to the sheer beauty of such tiny minerals.

"Where am I?" She would ask the hidden voice calmly. Although, she still thought that she had died so naturally she lowered her guard...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Well the fact that she asked, indicated that she truly didn't know but that in and of itself was odd. Or so the ones discussing her happening upon decided. Not wishing to startle the woman, the voiced simply asked out of sheer necessity, "From where did you last depart?" It was a simply question as it was also honest but before any sort of introductions could be made, there were just a few formalities for sanity's sake that had to be made. If the woman had fallen asleep in her bed and somehow ended up here then perhaps her bed was still floating in the water or perhaps she'd been quickly thrown overboard some ship. However, if she'd simply gotten lost, laid down to take a nap and simply lost track of time and space . . . well for that matter, they'd do their best to see her off on her way. It was only honest, it was only right. That they supposed at least for a time that talking to this woman might pass said time was their own business, but of course as the world turned there would be other things to see and do.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to any of them present, there was something the likes of which mortal eyes had never seen approaching. With the calling of man an ogler and with the force of the most dazzling of lights, a new star was soon to be born. As random as this supposed chance encounter and as random as the even newer one would be, the fact still remained that the woman was asking a question that one of the two felt was rather unnecessary all things considered. Though too there was the small issue present that perhaps the woman couldn't see nearly as well in the dark as either of the two taking full advantage of it. There were such phenomena as being too human though the admittance of that was about as human as one could get. What could be discerned in the all too strange scene though was the sound of a low rumbling of sorts that paused at somewhat regular intervals but that also ever so softly shook the sands beneath the woman's very form. The ins and outs of what it was couldn't be discerned from where they all seemed to be but whatever it was, it's reach was long encroaching.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Due to inactivity on the part of the searcher in this topic but activeness in others, this contract search will be constituted a failure. Please try again for another contract in 2 months time.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
