Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Entering the Kugutsu! (Solo/Clan Thread)

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[Topic entered with PC: Kugutusu Kumomi; NPC's:Kugutsu Forunaro, Kugutsu Asahi, Taken Hogo'sha, Taken Takei]

It was late at night as the hospital’s secondary light had kicked on hours ago. This dimmer light called for a certain tranquility in the Omni Prime Medical Facility and the normal rustle and bustle of the work day had subsided. Now all that was left was the work of the Mednin which stayed overnight. Kumomi was often able to caught working in her newly appointed office on varying designs of prosthetics and newer styles of administering Medical Jutsu. Her work with her Nano-Puppets and Micro-Puppets her helping her administer aid in ways that minimalized any form of scarring or permanent damage to her patients. The Clockwork Jutsu in which she was slowly becoming known for has also helped her with the autonomy of her work so that she could efficiently multitask when addressing patients. She was also currently studying how this jutsu could be used within prosthetics to make them more lifelike for the individual that would need their assistance. She had already created a single arm which was being inspected by the Byakko descendant named Kyuji, her sensei and senpai. She was about to wrap up a hard day when a letter was slid under her door. With a peak of curiosity the aspiring medicinal puppet master would send a chakra string over her hijab covered shoulder to attach to the letter and bring it to her hands. The gloved hands of covered girl would look to the letter seeing a seal that she was unfamiliar with, and being the knowledge seeking girl that she was she quickly opened it to begin reading. She raised an eyebrow. The Kugutsu Clan had addressed her before she could address them. Perhaps this was fate. She had recently joined the branches of the Medical Branch upon earning the rank of a fully-fledged Medical Shinobi and maybe it was time to see from she came. With a heavy sigh the girl would close shop and head home. She had a long day before her.

Kumomi would find her way to the gates of Sunagakure. She would come to speak to the shinobi that was working the gate and explain her situation and how she had received an invitation to another city in the Land of Wind known as Soragakure. She had received an invitation to meet with the rest of the Kugutsu Clan. The gatekeeper would smile and wave her on as she was allowed passage to face the desert on her way to meet her long lost clansmen. Kumomi pulled her hijab up to hide her face from the winds and meets with a local farmer. She knew him for a while back she had herded up some Dune Bugs for him to raise as a part of the Academy's curriculum. She conversed him for a little bit and was given a Dune Bug in order to travel to Soragakure quicker than by foot.

The gates of Soragakure were beautiful and the size of the city was breath taking. The young kunoichi was wearing her favoured outfit consisting of her long flowing black dress, long charcoal satin gloves, her charcoal coloured hijab, and the pack on her back that held many of her ninja tools. Her eyes were adorned with a golden shimmer and her mouth had her favourite plum colouring to them. Her cheeks were cut with a delicate layer of contour that was complimented by a healthy glow that came from her blush. The girl’s bright emerald eyes rested just below her beautifully done and well-kept brows. Overall this Kunoichi had the look that was needed to dwell within this prosperous city. She made her way into the city but before she got very much further she was approached by a man. His skin was dark like Kumomi’s and his shoulders were covered in tattoos. His hair was braided back and he wore a tank top and denim pants. Kumomi raised an eyebrow at the man before addressing him.

"Can I help you?"</COLOR><i></i> Kumomi would stop in her tracks and her chakra would surge slightly, but she was addressed rather unusually. With his hands up and a chuckle coming from his mouth the man would introduce himself to her. "No need for the violence Miss Kumomi." Now she was confused. How did this man know her. She raised her hands summoning forth two swarms of Nano-Wasps. "How do you know me?!"<i></i> She would demand as she slammed her hands together launching a spiraling vortex at the man. The blades of the puppets would appear to merge as they spun creating what seemed to be perfect drill at the man. Instinctively the man launched his body up into the air tossing a kunai into the drill of the puppets that would detonate a chakra bomb. Kumomi's spiral would dissipate and her puppets would be destroyed. She quickly turned throwing her right arm out summoning forth Micro-Moths. She made a single handseal and the hundreds of dancing moths would turn flat and launch at the man similar to that of shuriken. The newcomer quickly responded to the attack by pulling out his dagger and deflecting each attack before landing down on the ground with both hands up. "Miss Kumomi I am with the Kugutsu Clan!"<i></i> Kumomi would slowly lower her guard around the man as he would have to explain what he meant. "I am of the Taken Branch. I have been ordered to meet you here and escort you to the Clan's home."<i></i>

Kumomi and Takei, as he was named, made their way to the gate of the Kugutsu Clan, the symbol is that of the one that she saw on the letter she had received. Takei raised a hand and pulsated chakra outwards to unlock the gate before pushing it open to invite Kumomi inside. She took a deep breath before entering the gates. She didn't know what to expect but she was actually quite surprised at what she saw. She looked around the keep and she would notice many houses that had the emblem on them as well. This must be where her mother was raised. Upon taking a single step in she was stopped by an arm from Takei as a child wielding a large puppet darted in front of them. "These kids aren't very good at paying attention yet."<i></i> He would laugh before continuing on his way down the main path. Kumomi would follow close behind. There were countly puppets and marionettes being used by the children and people as if this was a natural part of their life. Children were wielding the classic humanoid marionette that almost any beginning puppeteer would first use to learn the art, but instead of learning how to fight with them they seemed to be playing a game with them. She chuckled slight at the sight. Turning to her right she would see an elderly woman wielding a few blank dolls to help her carry goods that she bought from the local markets. For one of the first times ever, Kumomi felt like she was at home.

Walking through the traditionally built buildings that were adorned with varying pastel colours Kumomi and Takei had finally made it to the meeting hall. It was the tallest building in the keep and was obviously the most important. The craftsmanship that could be seen in the creation of this building was breath taking. Blue base with a bright and clean white tiling allowed the crimson trimming stand out in the most magnificent way. Sterling tiles were resting above as marble seemed to cover the floor. Kumomi walked in slowly looking around at the tapestries and decorated vases that seemed to tell the history of the Kugutsu Clan. Some of these pieces must date back to the First Men or even predate the stories. A smile would creep on her decorated face as she felt as if there was much to learn. She turned to look back at Takei but he seemed to be gone. Now before her were three individual, two men and a woman. The woman and one of the men were adorned in beautiful robes and they seemed to hold a position of power. The third among them was covered in scars and his body was easily identified of that of a Shinobi with the Hachiashi Bloodline. Kumomi would curtsey and bow her head slightly before addressing them.

"Hello, I was summoned... My name is-"<i></i> She was caught off by the man with long black hair and a silver sheathed katana. "We know who you are Kugutsu Kumomi. We have heard much about you through the years and we are glad that you have made it." <COLOR color="red">"Yes Kumomi, I am Asahi, headmistress of the clan, and this is my husband Forunaro."<i></i> She gestured to the other man who has yet to speak. "This is Taken Hogo'sha, our guardian. I am sure you have met your guardian Takei."<i></i> Takei was Kumomi's guardian? She was slightly taken back at this discovery for she had not realized that she was that important to the clan. But before she could speak she would feel an immense sense of Chakra Pressure coming from the woman before her. Her husband and the guardian stepped back as a strong wind blasted through the large room. The woman who introduced herself as Asahi would raise her hands and slight chakra strings could be seen coming from them. "But before you can come any further you must prove your blood to me!"<i></i> As she spoke three large puppets would appear. The puppet in the center and resting behind Asahi stood at an impressive eight feet tall and had a wingspan of approximately twenty-four feet. It had the symbol for "Condor" on it's chest. The puppet to her right was about half the size of Condor but was equipped with visible sharp talons and beak, its crest said "Eagle". The final puppet actually landed on her shoulder and stood at only a single foot tall. This puppet was sleek and had the symbol for "Nighthawk" upon its chest.

Kumomi would pull out a scroll and whip it open sliding her hand across the written words and summoning forth more of her hidden army. "If you wish to test me, I will not hold back!"<i></i> An explosion of metal and wood would fill the room, summoning forth thousands upon thousands of tiny Micro-Puppets. In the ranks dwelled Nano-Mosquitos, Nano-Wasps, and Nano-Beetles. The headmistress would raise an eyebrow at the challenging kunoichi. "What are these?"<i></i> Kumomi would chuckle slightly before placing her hands into her ready positions. "I call it Art of the Micro-Puppet: Clockwork Jutsu"<i></i> Asahi would chuckle at the idea of fighting with such tiny puppets but she would engage in battle first. Eagle and Nighthawk would be the first to engage. The two birds launched at high speeds towards Kumomi but she was ready, Clasping her fist into an open palm her Mosquitos would quickly merge into one of her strongest attacks. Clockwork Jutsu: Barrel Trap. The shell would appear to the right and the left clasping together and then downwards towards the ground. As the jutsu would entrap the Eagle and Nighthawk puppets the mosquitos would now appear to be a large snail. Kumomi would smile as she pushed her hands towards Asahi. A spray of tiny blades darted towards the opponent that quickly protected herself with the wings of the Condor.

A chuckle could be heard from the headmistress. "Well done young one.."<i></i> The Condor's wings lowered revealed the woman with a scroll. She pressed a finger on it and her three puppets would disappear. The swarm of puppets would all dart towards the dress wearing girl and would take cover underneath her clothing. Kumomi would smile as had a rather unusual style of puppeteering that many would not understand. "Well done, Kumomi. Now you may go and rest for now. We will come and get you when the time is right."<i></i> She would nod and make her way to the guest room to rest before meeting with the elders.

[Kugutsu Clan Residence formed and this thread will be used for all Internal Clan Affairs.]
[Topic left with PC and NPC]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
