Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Ferocity Liberated, A Change Realized


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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Humanity... Wherever it has made the hardest of all starts, and lifted itself out of mere brutality, it surely is a sacred spot. Love and compassion are seen as necessities but they are purely luxuries. And yet humanity cannot survive without them. Though there are beings outside this scope, these seemingly hard-bound set of rules humans are set by. These beings are bound by another set of laws. Entities comprised of prime elemental power and energy. Each of them possessed powerful dominion over their element, the most powerful of them were the Solar, Flame and Earth Courts as those were the elements in the Wind Country which were most present. There also existed lesser courts as well and while the various courts never bent knee to any one leader nor were bound to any court in servitude, none could contest the size and affluence of the Prime Courts, but I won't bore you with the history lesson.

Hues of copper and amber danced across the amalgamation's eyes as he stood upon his balcony, staring into the setting sun, at his estate so graciously gifted to him by Lord Sousuke. A. blending of these core rules, this humanity and its counterpart known as Ancients. Kaen was what you might call a Hybrid. One side of him, humanity, and in that goodwill, compassion, love, kindness, etc. The list goes on. The other something much older and commanding, dominant in nature. Incidentally this particular part of nature found it's home in the Flame Court. Oppressive heat dominated the other Courts, their only 'rule' (because all Ancients have a rule) is a love for battle. And of course the law of 'Survival of the Fittest'.

Yes, Shinku Kaen was an Ancient, in a sense. Not fully swayed to one side or another. He still had parts of his humanity left, despite the intense fusion of Ancient DNA. Constant ebb and flow of the pulling of the natures plagued Kaen since childhood, never being able to fully embrace one side or another. It was time, the hybrid thought, for a change. To finally choose a side, a path to venture down instead of continually standing at the fork in the road. Kasen, Kaen's younger sister, had been at the center of his world since they were children, a individual to protect and nurture as they grew up. But Kasen was gone now, his sole remaining link to anything humanity had to offer. What was left but ashes in the wake of a utter desolation and pain, the path Kaen had forged thus far had been treacherous and full of bad choices. It was time to make the correct choice, the only logical step forward in this wayward journey known as the legacy of Shinku Kaen, the Flame Court Hybrid. Yes, it was time to let go of the past and embrace the change, he planned on ascending to a fully fledged Flame Court Ancient. He just needed a little bit of guidance...

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Shinku Kaen?"

Shin's voice would cut through the general sound of the Residential District. He had not seen this man since he was young, and in the time since then Shin had grown exponentially.

"Jounin of Sunagakure and a member of the Ancient lineage?"

His eyes narrowed. Shin was wearing a suit of silver armor with holy blue accents.

"We need to know where your truest alliances lay, Kaen. The Ancients are archaic rivals and enemies to this state."

He would raise a hand towards the Jounin. A soft green light would emit from it.

"We have an offer for you, if you're willing to hear us out. There may be a way to kill the Ancient blood in your veins allowing you to be a true Sunan, a descendent of the First Men, without the vile connection you have to Homura and the horrorific creatures he called family."


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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
"Shinku Kaen?"

Kaen would break his gaze from the mesmerizing setting sun and lock them to the direction of the voice. Kaen would give him a once over, quickly ascertaining that this vaguely familiar individual was wearing a most peculiar gettup. Yes, the armor, even all the way down to the weapon stowed at their side belonged to a very old friend of Kaen's. Dearest Akujin, how long had it been since he's seen him? Over a decade now for sure. Though their eyes, would meet, Kaen would not respond right away.

"Jounin of Sunagakure and a member of the Ancient lineage?"

At the mention of Ancients Kaen's interest was piqued to the point of response. A most interesting way to strike up a conversation. More so considering he had only just returned from a journey where he was seeking for such things. Yes, it was true, Kaen had heard rumors that the legendary Homura, Lord of the Flame Court lived and was sitting upon his throne somewhere out there in that desert expanse. The only reason he came back was because word reached him that Lord Kazekage, Raizo, went missing, seemingly vanishing into thin air. So naturally Kaen felt that now was the time to come back. Naturally there would be a power vacuum. It amused him to watch the human race do just so, race towards their pitiful ambitions.

"Yes, I am he. And who might you be, Akujin's ward?"

Kaen would sneer at the end of that sentence. A jest, at best. But he was truly curious as to why and how this individual possessed what he did. The stranger's eyes narrowed as he stood there in a suit of silver armor with holy blue accents.

"We need to know where your truest alliances lay, Kaen. The Ancients are archaic rivals and enemies to this state."

With a raised hand, a soft emerald light would begin to shine from the raised appendage. A threat, perhaps? Kaen cared not either way, the very thought would be enough to make him scoff and roll his eyes as he turned his attention back towards the setting sun.

"Please... If you were half as smart as you look you would already know where my alliances lie, have you not checked in with my 'master' Lord Sousuke? He's the one you should be bugging instead of wasting my time."

The word master was exaggerated to the point of sarcasm. Kaen did not truly take Sousuke for a master, merely an avenue to peace and luxury, like the estate he was currently living in. Kaen would sigh and let his gaze wander off into nothing, a thousand yard stare if you will.

"My allegiance lies with my family, for what that's worth. She's been missing for years now, what is there left to ally myself with anyway."

It was true, his family, specifically his sister Kasen had been the only positive thing in his life and until recently, the reason for his existence. He was meant to watch over her and protect her. But now that she's gone what was left except loneliness.

"We have an offer for you, if you're willing to hear us out. There may be a way to kill the Ancient blood in your veins allowing you to be a true Sunan, a descendent of the First Men, without the vile connection you have to Homura and the horrorific creatures he called family."

Kaen would snap back towards the stranger, a fire in his eyes. His Ancient pride bubbled ferociously to the surface and the mere thought of killing off what made him strong. The very essence of his being, his way of life. No, he would not stand for it. Kaen would snatch the armored individual by the cuirass and lift him into the air effortlessly, his toes dangling just above the floor. He would pull him in closely towards his face, the heat literally radiating from his being, threatening to singe the very hairs of this stranger.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but I would die before I let you 'humans' degrade and demoralize my kind. If I were to kill off any part of me It would be the human side of me. It's served me soooo fucking well up to this point, pffft. No, you can take your offer and shove it up your ass."

Kaen would slowly let the person back down to the floor and would release him with an exaggerated sigh. Closing his eyes and turning away he would reply one last time.

"Leave now, I have no time for petty games. You're not worth my time."

Play nicely, Kasen would always say. He would allow this individual a last reprieve, just this one chance to say the things he was saying. If he pressed further Kaen would not stand for it. Then again, the Hybrid's back was turned. If this person abhorred Ancients as much as Kaen thought he did, now would be an opportune time to strike. Then again, where's the honor in that...

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Yes, I am he. And who might you be, Akujin's ward?"

Shin's brow tweaked. This man clearly was unaware that the pupil of Byakko Akujin was now the Kazekage of Sunagakure. A grin came to the man's face as he could see his spectral sister beginning to walk around the Ancient in a wide invisible birth.

"Please... If you were half as smart as you look you would already know where my alliances lie, have you not checked in with my 'master' Lord Sousuke? He's the one you should be bugging instead of wasting my time."

"Sousuke-sama has been out of contact for some time, So I am going to speak with you, monster."

Kohana's invisible form held tight on her blade as she entered the readied stance.

"My allegiance lies with my family, for what that's worth. She's been missing for years now, what is there left to ally myself with anyway."

"So there's more of you? That is good to know. I'll send a report to the Rangers to let them know that there is an undocumented Ancient out there with ties to Sunagakure in case she ever decides to return to the village."

"I don't know who the hell you are, but I would die before I let you 'humans' degrade and demoralize my kind. If I were to kill off any part of me It would be the human side of me. It's served me soooo fucking well up to this point, pffft. No, you can take your offer and shove it up your ass."

As Shin was lifted into the air a grin came across his face. This creature truly had no idea who he was. Allowing the Ancient being to lift him slightly Shin would retort his comments.

"Leave now, I have no time for petty games. You're not worth my time."

"My name is Chikamatsu Shin, Overseer of the Chikamatsu Clan and Kazekage of Sunagkure no Sato. But you may call me the Angel of Death."

As Shin spoke two large brilliant wings would burst from his back with a spark of flames. His Phoenix wings would easily lift him from the ground a couple of feet as the Creature began to walk away.

Appearing like a ghost in front of Kaen, standing in his path as he was walking away, would be a woman in similar armor and features. Her sword was drawn as she dashed forwards towards Kaen.

"It's about fucking time I get to see some action!"

As She lunged forward with her blade, she would begin to copy the maneuvers that her teacher trained her on. The Way of the White Tiger, the Byakko Style Kenjutsu. As the blade stabbed forward, shifting to a slashing strike it would never once pierce the skin. If contact was made illusory pain would be felt as the woman had no physical matter to her. She was a Shadow, no a Persona, of the Grandeur Phantom who served as the angellic guardian of the village.

Sparks of thunder would come crashing down all around Kaen and the world's light would grow dark. the orange hue of the desert turned a deep blue and the blonde locks of Shin turned purple. The color of the world would invert as light became dark and night became day.

"I will not allow you to escape!"

The Lingering Sparks that danced along the ground would serve the purpose to cause Kaen's body to become slowed. Shin knew that Ancients had super human feats of strength and speed, so he was using everything in his arsenal to slow the man down. In a matter of a nano second, due to Shin's Illusory Cantrips ability, there would suddenly be four additional copies of Shin soaring through the sky like a flock of burning angels.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank

"It's about fucking time I get to see some action!"

Suddenly the visage of a beautiful woman appeared before Kaen, already lunging towards Kaen, catching him off guard. He did not detect a third individual in the room so naturally he was not ready for the attack. The blade appeared to have made contact with the Ancient, but no blood was spilled. Instead searing hot pain erupted from the site of contact, causing Kaen to wince in pain. Then inversion struck true and Kaen's world was turned inside out.

"I will not allow you to escape!"

It was as if he was moving in slow motion, quadruplets soared around him as the fiery Ancient tried to move faster. So this was the new Kazekage huh? And it would appear he had a great distaste for Ancients. It would appear the bell tolled for Kaen this time around. Like the trickle of sand in an hourglass, Kaen's body moved ever so slowly. Genjutsu, he knew it right away. While he was no master in the art, he had a plethora of knowledge about it. It was a weakness of sorts for him. His body was ready, his physique battle hardened to withstand a great toll. But his mind was a different story. It was fragile and incredibly susceptible to mind games.

"You may have invaded my body and my mind, but there's one thing you can never take from me... MY PRIIIIIIDE!"

Flames erupted around Kaen in an incredible show of force. The ground beneath him cracked and buckled under the overwhelming strength of Kaen's fiery aura. Fully aware that his movements were deferred he did the only thing he could thing of and exploded with great energy and power. Letting loose a plethora of fireballs in every direction he hoped to catch a few of the Kazekage's entities. Destruction ensued all around him as he carelessly assaulted everything in site. Slowly raising his hand he clenched his fists and poured even more power into the fire that continuously spewed out of him. The fire took shape and multiple dragon headed-like flames darted to and from chasing down any target they could find.

"If I am to die, I'll be taking you with me, you wannabe Byakko. You're nothing compared to Akujin, nothing but a postulant errand boy. You think the title of Kazekage warrants you any sort of respect from me? As if! Respect is earned and appreciated by actions. If culling my bloodline is one of these actions, simply because I am what I am, then you're a bigger fool than I first took you for. You don't deserve the title of Kazekage and you disgrace the name of Akujin. Now DIE!!!"

Suddenly the air began to change and warp under the great pressure of Kaen's flames. The rose higher and higher, sucking in more and more air to feed his wrathful wildfire forming around Kaen's person. Perhaps this would ground the aviary-esk tactics. After all, this was the most he could do under the pressure of Shin's genjutsu. It was as if he was moving at half speed, so no agile tactics would work. So Kaen resorted the a more brutal and hazardous approach to his fighting.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"If I am to die, I'll be taking you with me, you wannabe Byakko. You're nothing compared to Akujin, nothing but a postulant errand boy. You think the title of Kazekage warrants you any sort of respect from me? As if! Respect is earned and appreciated by actions. If culling my bloodline is one of these actions, simply because I am what I am, then you're a bigger fool than I first took you for. You don't deserve the title of Kazekage and you disgrace the name of Akujin. Now DIE!!!"

Kohana would dart forward with a smile on her face, striding through the flames as though they had no heat.

"You're right, we can't be compared to Akujin-Sensi... but that isn't because we are lesser than."

The tip of her blade, untouched by the Hybrid's flames, would plunge forward at Kaen's heart.

"We have surpassed our master."

Shin's soaring form would climb higher and summon forth a massive wall of water from the desert's floor. Crashing and waking across the vicinity as the tides would spin and grow. A Supreme Aqua Realm would be summoned, pouring in ice cold temperatures from the Undersea beneath the surface. Shin had become a master of not just his mind and his blade, but every element bowed before his mastery. With a grin the engulfing dome would begin to fill and attempt to drown the ancient.

Kohana's quick form would pull back the blade and continue to slice and stab, and though her form could not cause physical harm the psychological aspect still caused the body to react the same. Swinging her sword through the quickly evaporating water as though it was air, it was clear that this Persona was not held to the same standards of wordily physics as the Hyrbid was.

Shin knew that with this intensity of heat he would not be able to land any physically damaging blows on the Hybrid, but he was glad that his spectral sister was able to be on the front lines bringing down his resolve as Shin continue to maintain the lingering effects of his Genjutsu, slowing the monster down even more. He had to keep pushing on. He knew of the pride and ferocity of the Flame Court from his studies with the Oracles, and this flame would not extinguish easily.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
