Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Exit Finally! WE GONE!

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed to exit the village.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka yawned as she looked over at the dawn sky. Sun hadn't even come up but they had agreed to meet up early in the morning to save time. Which she found pointless.... because she didn't like waking up at those hours... or her team leader by that matter. With that she simply waited. Leaning against one of the pillars of the phoenix gate for whoever was going to grant her exit and for her "team leader to show up." Although, she had been thinking on many different ways on how to make this trip harder than it needed to be. Maybe she should.

[Topic Entered]
[Requesting Exit]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Another yawn was followed as Nao got out of the gate house. "Mornin..." he held a cigarette and a coffee.
"Please passport and reason for leaving." He asked and looked to asuka, he still held something against her. But he remained respectfull towards her. He was wondering who what or where regards her leaving... he wasnt up to date he believed these days.

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
The day had come.

She had been wondering how this would go. Truthfully, it wasn't the misson that Soku was dreaading but rather that she knew Asuka was not the type to let things go. To say things had taken a turn for the worse after her breif detainment would be an rather extreme understatement but Soku had done what she had did for the village, nothing more, nothing less. At least, that was what she kept telling herself as she tightened the straps on her vest knowing full well just how deadly and dangerous Sunagakure's sands could be adjusting her sword that rested at her side.

Well, she;d have to attack the elephant in the room sooner or later. For now perhaps, it was better to focus on the misson at hand as Soku made the familiar path to the gates, the gates which had bore so much, seen much and some people had left through to never return as the weight of Takeshi's word hung on her.

Soku tlited her head in a greeting towards Nao. "Long day?" She asked nodding to the coffee as Soku fished around for her passport. She decided that any sort of converstation and discussioun with Asuka was going to ignite a fire that probably would not very bode well so it wwas better to let wiser heads prevail perhaps before even attempting to resolve that particular conflict.

"Here you go." She handed the document over.

"Diplomatic trip to Sunagakure by order of Lord Takeshi to discuss relations between our two villages in relation to the recent attacks."

It seemed simple enough, discuss terms, have Asuka aplogize for her poorly worded anatgonistc letter to Sand but somehow, she had a feeling that things were not quite going to turn out that way or be quite that simple. No, if she knew enough about the former Fifth Hokage, work would have to be put in and while she could perhaps understand Asuka's perspective, her goal had always been the village that had protected her and upeheld her.
The sooner that Asuka understood that, perhaps the sooner they could come to a mutual understanding if at all perhaps.

[Topic Entered]
[Requesting Exit]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka looked over at Nao. Not even acknowledging Soku's presence. Rummaging through her sleeves she took out a storage seal. Pumping out chakra through it she revealed a rubber ball. Looking to the side in embarrassment she handed it to Nao. "Passport is in there." She said with a nervous giggle. "Had an idea to prank cloud shinobi at the gates but it never really happened so.... Been inside that ball ever since." She scratched the back of her head with a slight smile. "It'll throw glitter everywhere if you try to open it so wouldn't recommend it."

"Reason for leaving is a embarrassing diplomatic trip to Suna, something about apoligies and a new deal."

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing Soku regards the coffee... He would try to give a weak smile. Even offering them both one for on the road. "That it was... But you know what it is. No rest for the wicked these days... especially around the gates." He would comment and wait for both their passports. Hearing about Asuka and wanting to prank him... Part of him wanted to sigh out loud, and part of him wanted to shake his head... But he also was a little proud of the adult for telling it up front so he wasn't actually pranked. "Just so you have the fun..." He would comment and open it up, he got glitter everywhere on himself. He tried to let her smile even if a little and looked over the passports. "Seems in order." He would return them both, along with the rubber ball to Asuka.
If they wanted a coffee, he would give them in to-go cups with lids on top. "I hope you both have a safe trip, and Soku... once you return I do expect you to show up for a checkup on that heart." He commented and would let them both go right after.

[Granted exit]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka shrugged at Nao "More like to create my own fun. Thinking on using it on the Sandies but don't really think that's a good idea." Taking the ball back she giggled and stuffed it back into her Kimono sleeves. "I hope I have a safe trip as well." Giving a slight bow to the Sennin Asuka vanished from the scene without a trace. Leaving the gates and starting her Journey to finally be able to live in peace doing what she loved most. Torturing poor souls in her care... or adopting them if they were interesting enough.

[Topic Left]

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
Asuka, it appeared despite everything that had happened still held one thing dear to her heart watching as a rain of glitter decorated their exit. If the situation wasn't so dire, Soku might haave dared to even crack a smile but she was too busy thinking about the journey ahead because knowing the former Fifth Hokage, it was going to be a trip that would not be easy by any means and sure, Takeshi had put into writing what their orders were but that didn't mean it would be pain-free. Soku merely nodded her head at Nao tilting her head lightly at Nao about her heart.

"You know me too well, doc. Don't worry, that's on the top of the list when I get back."

Asuka was already goen darting off through the gates and Soku supposed she couldn't blame her. Raising a hand in farewell, she made haste to hasten through the exits not too sure of what to expect ahead siletnly breathing a prayer to whatever gods watched over them as she left the protection and the familiarity of the village before them to hasten for a new land, new people and new faces.

[Topic Left]
[Village Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
