Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Fish for dinner [Private]

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin was likely quite confused for they were not heading in the normal residential area. For that matter they did not even leave the Toraono dojo area. Soon they arrive in the undersea. A vast subterranean cache of water purified and filtered through the desert sands, rocks and more aberrant water releasing plants along with geosynchronous water and sun crystals from the time of the One King and the First Men. This massive body of water conceals the grave of the First King a specially made warship sunken to the bottom of the massive underground sea. With the help of hunters and fishermen from villages all over the world, the waters of Undersea have been seeded with a vast variety of fish and water life specially adapted to life in a low light environment. Warmed by geothermal vents and its tides provided by the transition of the Diamond Maelstrom's electromagnetic field; Undersea is a sight to behold and a great place to fish.

Walking across the shore of the vast sea of naturally filtered water, the two of them would come across a couple of fishing rods. Hakuren grabs the both of them and tosses one of them to Shin. “I hope you know how to fish.” After giving Shin a rod, she casts out her own line into the water. “I hope you don’t mind fish for dinner.” With that statement Shin should gather that they were getting food for the meal. As they fished Hakuren would try to make some light conversation. “I assume you have delved deep into your Yamanaka heritage, however there may yet be things to learn. I know some people were surprised about how I used my abilities.” both the Anbu and the Miroku can found it extraordinary at the idea of possessing animals. They knew of the Yamanaka abilities, but never conceived one would use it in such a fashion. While Hakuren thought it was completely obvious that it was a possibility.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It had been years since he was in the Undersea, and he was not planning on returning to this area so freely. The last time he was in this area of the village was when Kohana first unleashed her fury upon the village. She was able to take full possession of Shin's body and she lashed out and actually attacked Teke-sama who was the daughter of the then Kazekage. Fortunately Kohana had no skills in controlling Shin's body nor his chakra so she was essentially a toddler throwing a tantrum. To Say he was embarrassed would be an understatement. Though it did cause for a good relationship with the Takahashi family once Shin was able to once again gain control. Regardless of the past he was now here with the Librarian named Hakuren.

The Undersea truly was beautiful today. The sweet smell of the water was a refreshing change to the arid air that he traveled through to return home. "I forgot how beautiful this place was..." His voice was soft as he spoke and it was probably obvious that he wasn't really talking to Hakuren as much as he was just stating his thoughts out loud. A smile came across his face as they approached two fishing poles. "I do, I don't know how good I will be as it has been some time, but I am sure it will come back to me."</COLOR><i></i> The young blonde would chuckle as he grabbed the rod from his new acquaintance. "I don't mind, I haven't had fish in quite some time, but I do know what will help lure them over." As he spoke Shin would make a single seal with a one hand before tapping his foot near the edge of the water. Secret Art: Floral Fields. A surge of chakra would emit from his foot that followed the floor of the underground water cavern. Within seconds plants would begin to grow and bloom to the surface of the water. Small water lilies began to pop up about ten feet out and cluster of water reeds would emerge from the water's edge. Mosses and other algae would lightly appear within the nearby waters, which would cause the insects that lived in this cavern to flutter over to the area. <COLOR color="blue">"This should help attract the bigger fish, but our lines should be able to pass through the waters still."<i></i>

"I learned all that my mother could teach me, but I know there is always more to learn. Each descendant of the Yamanaka can strengthen their skills to develop their own methods. Even I have my own stylizing of the clan's secrets. My Mind Thread Jutsu is just one of many secret techniques I was able to develop thanks to my blood."<i></i> Shin shifted his arm and sent the line out into the water. His line has a small lure on it which required constant work, rather than the traditional bobber which just sat there and waited for a bite.


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It is true that this place was quite stunning, but the sights before them is only the surface of its majesty. Hakuren was glad to here he was alright with fish, but quickly frowns at his actions. Obviously Shin was one of those that leaps before looks for he made an error. “Thanks,” Hakuren says with a sarcastic tone. It seems Shin forgot what she had showed him at the gates. Hakuren was born physically weak and to this day is quite frail. Reeling in a fish can be difficult and bigger the fish the stronger it is. “Bigger is not always better. I find smaller fish more manageable.” For a moment Hakuren feels like what she said sounds like some sort of innuendo for a man’s… Hakuren shakes her head to get such thoughts out of her mind. “What I mean to say is, it is not about the size of the fish but how you use it.” That statement was worse than the first one. Thankfully she got a tug on the line before she could dig herself any deeper.

Hakuren pull her fish out of the water with a quick yank of her pole. “As was saying the fish we’re catching is not for tonight's dinner. Trust me we have plenty of fish at home.” Grabbing the fish by the tale and holding it up for Shin to see, Hakuren continues her explanation. “This little guy is going to be… Well perhaps seeing is believing.” Hakuren has to wonder if Shin has caught onto what she was about to do yet. Hakuren holds the fish over the water and activates her Name of the Rose. Her entire body turns into pure living chakra. If Shin did not catch on by now he really needs to experiment more with his powers. “Once you catch your fish, follow me.” And with that order she caster a mind transfer jutsu and her entire body enters the fish. With Hakuren no longer there holding it, it falls back into the sea and swims away.

Hakuren’s father use to tell her back when she was young and exploring her Yamanaka powers, ‘to enter into an entity is to know an entity. Through watching through its eyes and experiencing life as it does, you will begin to understand the nature of its existence.’ The Yamanaka clan have a unique ability to expel their soul from their own body and possess another. The target may be human, animal or otherwise; it does not matter. The animals of Suna were her teachers. They taught her to hunt, to hide, to fight, to avoid and many other things. When this jutsu is combined with the Name of the Rose, the Yamanaka becomes one with the target. Suddenly the being is more than a simple camera, but now a vehicle.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Confused at the response that the librarian gave him at the shift in the ecosystem by the waterfront caused the Mednin to raise his eyebrow. He listened as she made a slightly phallic state, which he of course chuckled at. "Oh honey, if I have learned anything on my travels is that the size of the fish greatly determines how the motion of the ocean goes."<i></i> The boy laughed at his remark. As the frail woman began to reel in her fish she stated that the fish they were catching wasn't to have for dinner which was extremely confusing to him. Why were they causing pain to these small animals through fishing if not to eat them. This Hakuren was a character of great mystery to Shin, but that just made him want to get to know her even better. In an instant she went from holding up the fish to turning into pure chakra to transfer into the small aquatic creature. Shin took a step back as she fell back into the water. He had to take a second. "Wait.. wha... I never...I just... Mom never... Like when was this..."<i></i> He placed his index finger onto his forehead and tapped it. His line began to rest a little bit has he kept muttering to himself, tapping his forehead to grasp what he just witnessed. He had never seen a fully successful possession of a non-human target. This was a game changer for sure.

A pull from the water almost pulled the rod out from his hand, but quickly reacting Shin would begin reeling in the line to pull the fish to the surface. Catching a silver coloured shore dwelling fish was the next step to this dinner that he was long awaiting. Making the necessary preparations Shin would cast the Name of the Rose technique that he just recently learned to master. Transferring his mind and soul into the fish would be an odd sensation. He never not had limbs before and the sensation of water flowing through his gills caused him to smile. A single thread would extend toward the other Yamanaka to establish a link. "If you wouldn't mind this Mind Thread Jutsu will help me not lose track of you, I have never done this before and I feel like I may fall behind."<i></i> He chuckled which was weird coming from a fish.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The view they saw when they first came to the caverns of the undersea was serene and tranquil. The view they see now is quite a different sort of beauty as there were much colors and movement. One would see a place teeming with life unnatural for a land that is as barren as this country has been said to be. The undersea was both vast and deep and full of life.

Hakuren was help to see Shin impressed with her talents as she has come to be quite proud of them. However it is a little sad that even a Yamanaka like him never thought of doing such a thing as this. Perhaps there was a reason Roku was so impressed with her abilities. "You mean to tell me you never slithered as a snake." Hakuren then begins to move in a serpentine motion. "Jump as a rabbit?" She does a few bunny hops in the water. "Or soar as a bird?" Hakuren races towards the surface and flies out of the water. Hakuren drives back in doing a corkscrew. "You have no idea what you’re missing." She then perform loopty loops and barrel rolls while moving as fast as her fins could take her. It was like she was on some sort of thrill ride and she was having the time of her life. Unlike Shin to where this was all new, to Hakuren this was second nature.

“This is only the beginning my friend. Do not forget…” Hakuren swims around in a particular pattern. Then like an electric eel she shoots out a bolt of electricity. “We can still cast jutsu, which is more important than you might think.” Hakuren has learned a lot from those she has possessed, but this was not a one sided deal. “Imagine possessing an animal on a daily basis casting jutsu by molding chakra with their physical and spiritual energy. Eventually they will learn.” Hakuren has taught many of her pets the arts of the shinobi. To a true shinobi, literally anything can be used as a weapon. There are those who have said that Hakuren was quite the puppeteer, however she doesn’t use something as crude as marionettes of clay or wood. Hakuren uses living puppets, animals, with her sensory link as the strings.

“This is the path of enlightenment I have chosen. To learn from the animals of the Earth and to have them learn in turn from me.”
Hakuren and her siblings as a family of Yamanaka seek enlightenment, however the path to such a goal varies from person to person. Here each sibling took a different path. “I can guarantee you that my older siblings have skills that are equally enlightening. And believe me when I say that if you think my use of mind transfer is interesting, theirs is as well.”

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
At this point Shin very much felt like a child. He believed he was at the pinnacle of his Yamanaka skill set with his expanded Grandeur Phantom powers but he just learned that he truly knew very little. This Hakuren character was one that the Overseer needed to see often to learn her ways. Following behind her as they began to swim through the undersea world he was slowly beginning to get the hang of this new body. Muscle memory of the creature came in extremely handy when it came to the basic movements but then he saw the woman before him shift in a rather unusual pattern before releasing a lightning style ninjutsu attack. His little fish mouth dropped open. "You are truly amazing Hakuren-Sama."<i></i> His respect for this librarian was continuously growing. "I now know that I will be spending the next few months training this skill."<i></i> A chuckle came from his scaly lips.

he continued to follow her as she spoke of her own enlightenment and he could begin to understand what she meant. He would have never been able to experience this as a man, but as a fish this whole new world was astonishingly wonderful. He could easily see how a life like this was beyond that of a regular shinobi's and could definitively be described as enlightened. "I can't wait to meet them and possibly learn from them. I have spent most of my life training to understand the ways of the flora of the varying lands, but now I know that the fauna are equally worthy of study. Perhaps one day soon we could meet again and discuss in great depth what we have learned from our studies and help one another grow even further as shinobi of the same blood. I know you have already opened my eyes to a whole new world."<i></i>

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Sama was it now, Hakuren took that as flattery though not unwelcomed. “Indeed there is much to teach you my dear.” Hakuren knew of the Chikamatsu clan for it was a much more influential family than her own. To call the Taisen family a clan would be somewhat of a stretch. Hakuren was more than willing to open his eyes to new possibilities and teach him techniques he would have never imagine, but she would like something in return. Hakuren has lived a hard live being born so physically frail; she had to learn how to use her wits. Before they would come to the place Hakuren calls home, she would like to strike up a bargain. Shin has already expressed quite a bit of interest in her abilities; surely he would not object to some sort of compensation. “Now if I recall correctly, you are the Overseer of the Chikamatsu clan.” Hakuren swims around Shin like a shark circling its prey. Despite Hakuren being in the body of a smaller fish, she was the one that looks to be on the attack. "Perhaps a union of sorts is in order. Marriage would be the most proper, but as you are not the type…” Hakuren’s little pets have seen evidence that leans towards the fact that Shin was gay. “And it is unfortunate that I cannot yield offspring, thus it would not be much of a merger.” Hakuren was sterile do to her vampiric nature; it was the price of immortality as she was told. “However I do believe an arrangement could be met. Would you object to officially making Taisen a branch family?”

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would watch as the smaller fish would begin to swim around him. "I am excited to learn all that you can teach."<i></i> He said as he would begin to try and swim around with more agility, but it seemed he still needed practice as it seemed as though the librarian would be able to finish him off like a predator to prey in a moment. "I am to become the Overseer, yes. That is the reason I came home after all these years. The ceremony is within the week to become the Overseer."<i></i> The idea did intrigue him. The concept of marrying a member of the Taisen Clan would add political alignments within the village hierarchy. Though not as large as the Toraono Clan and their Byakko, Oushi-ouja, Hyou, and Aikayume branch families, the Chikamatsu would start to add on their clan's strength and may soon rival the legendary Senju Clan. Shin closed his eyes and grinned as she proposed the idea of making the clan's union official. His small fishy body would turn to her and follow the smaller fish as she swam around. "So Hakuren-sama, would you be willing to be my bride and help me lead both the Chikamatsu and Taisen Clans? With the unification of our lives and our clan's we would need to build a new estate to home many of our clansmen, but that would all be the details to hash out after the ceremony."<i></i> The man's voice was rather charming as it was soft and very smooth.

He would slow down to a stop until he would get her answer. Though fish don't have lips a smile could be seen coming from within the animal's body as Shin was glad and willing to do this. Though this woman wasn't what Shin was looking for physically in a partner, he could not deny the strength she could bring to the clan. Not only in her knowledge but by the unity of the clans and the addition of a branch family would greatly strengthen the Chikamatsu Clan for generations to come.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Perhaps her intel was wrong and Shin was not gay after all; this will work quite well in her favor. She wonders if doing this would allow her into the Inner Court, but she was not going to inquire about that quite yet. “I would be most delighted and speaking of the ceremony; My friend Akazukin has told me about the weddings back in her homeland. I would like to try it, if you are willing to do something different than the norm.” Shin might not be up to this once he hears the details. First off, in such a wedding the husband and wife must both be completely exposed to the gods so they might see truth of their union. “Now let’s go before my brother overcooks the fish.”

Hakuren would guide Shin down into the depths of the undersea. There deep beneath the waves was a sunken ship which Hakuren calls home. It was a large ship that was definitely big enough to be a house, however it is still dwarfed in comparison to the warship that sunk in even deeper waters. A tattered black flag hanging from its mast would tell one quite quickly this was not the warship of legend, but a pirate ship likely of an unlucky group that tried to steal from the undersea grave. Even if Shin were to ask if she would show him the ship of the One King, she would refuse. Those waters were cursed and she dares not tred near them.

The pirate ship appears to be in some sort of dome; a clever use of a water prison jutsu. This barrier would keep water out but let the two of them pass. Around the ship were mystical talismans of the Tsuchimako bloodline. These talisman were what was maintaining the water prison. Every so often they would be replaced with new ones. Also on the ground was a campfire with fish impaled with sticks surrounding it.

Hakuren swims towards the barrier and does a quick turn. She exits the body of the fish during this moment and lands inside the prison. The fish would then swim away almost in a panic. Hakuren was not sure if Shin could haddle such a maneuver. He was new to possessing animals after all. Once Shin was within the area she would guide him to the fire. “This is my brother Roku.” Shin would likely be confused as there was nobody there.

“Hakuren, it's about time you got a boyfriend!” The fire would speak, flickering with every word. Roku took a shamanistic approach to enlightenment. He decided that the only way to achieve his goal was through the understanding of the elements themselves. Though not blind Roku took Hakuren’s druidic measures into his own practices. As Hakuren possesses animals to learn about nature, he would possess the very elements that make this world. He did this with the use of creation jutsu which would make the element into an entity. However unlike how most cast creation jutsu, he doesn’t change the nature of the element and thus he can experience the element in its natural state of being.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"When it comes to the actual ceremony I will let you plan all of the details. I will work with the Clan's elders in preparation for the introduction of our side branch, the Taisen."<i></i> At the statement that her brother may over cook the fish Shin would chuckle and then follow his bride-to-be. Still marveled by the surrounding aquatic life Shin would do his best to keep up with Hakuren. The bottom of the Undersea had relic of the times of old. Shin had never seen such ships within the Land of Wind. He was truly impressed with what Hakuren called home.

The dome which was sealed by the charms was impressive to be hold, but the Librarians quick expulsion of her soul from the fish was quite a sight as well. Shin appeared a little hesitant approaching the barrier. Pacing back and forth like a puppy first interacting with steps of a staircase the next Overseer of the Chikamatsu Clan was borderline afraid that if he missed he wouldn't make it in. "If you can get married to someone you just met you can go through this fucking barrier."<i></i> Kohana had returned from her stroll, most likely because Shin was at a further distance than before and because of his heightened emotional response from his journey as a fish. The blue aura of the name of the rose would eject from the fish and land elegantly on the ground.

With a scoff and a quick spit on the ground the man's body would cross it's arms before speaking in a more aggressive tone. "Not quite."<i></i> If any of the Yamanakas in the vicinity would check they would realize that Shin's soul was no longer in his body, but this was Kohana instead. Her eyes would glare over to the Taisen woman who was apparently marrying her brother. "You and I need to talk, sister."<i></i> Her eyes were cold and dark, an expression rarely caught on Shin's face. Shin's soul on the other hand was now in the back seat driver position as her shadow, but due to his inexperience in this situation her couldn't manifest himself on his own accord. Essentially Shin was gone but he had to watch whatever his sister's plans were without being able to stop her.

Kohana would walk closer to the frail blind woman. "What are you up to? Why would you propose marriage to someone you just met?"<i></i>

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
“Do you really wanna know?” Hakuren would ask but she was sure Kohana would not back down and continue to insist on hearing the truth of the matter. “Very well.” Hakuren places a hand on Shin’s cheek as she channels memories into him. She would share onto him knowledge that is not spoken here. Events that her and her siblings believe are best left forgotten. They were memories of their mother, how she used her powers and the consequences they had on the family.

Hakuren has a unique talent of possessing animals, Roku has a special talent to possess the very elements, but there mother practiced a darker arts. Their mother had the habit of possessing the dead. She was what is commonly referred to as a dark sage. Such talents was not looked highly upon and scared most people. The other clans around them would pretend like they were even there. Hakuren’s mother drove the Taisen name through the mud and caused them to become ostracized by the other clans. Even after the mother’s death the other clans continue to make their life a living hell and eventually had to leave to a new home. “I wish to bring my clan back to its former glory.” “It is not fair that we were judged on the sins of the mother.” “Even if it is just a small part of what we once were.” They do not speak of their mother and thus Hakuren spoke that part to shin and Kohana telepathically. Hakuren hopes this is enough to appease the sister as it was the truth and Hakuren would be unsure what else she could tell her.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
as Hakuren would channel memories to Kohana she too would give some back, but they would be delayed until after the woman spoke. Kohana's memories poured into Hakuren's mind. Fourteen years of darkness with an intense pain that can only be experienced before death. She was trapped in this pre-death state for most of her existence, until the day that Shin arrived. Dropping from the sky of her personal hell he brought light to her torturous purgatory. For the first time she felt a sensation other than pain and it was wrath and hatred. These intense emotions overcame her and forced her to lash out at Shin as she began to realize that the only reason she had been in so much pain was because she was trapped within her brother's body. She had died but somehow her spirit did not move on and it was forever attached to her brother's. This wrath and hatred would be channeled to Hakuren, but as I said it came after the Librarian was able to speak to Kohana.

Grabbing for any garment that was close to the woman's throat Kohana pulled her close to herself after she spoke about restoring her clan. "So you wish to use us? Is that it?"<i></i> This was the moment in which her memories came pouring into Hakuren. "Are we just a stepping stone to you? You fucking bitch!"<i></i> If she had any fabric in her hand she would let go as she would push the woman back some. Of course to Roku it would just seem as though this young man was going crazy, but if he could sense souls or consciousnesses well he would realize that Shin was not in control and was actually fighting desperately to take back his body.

"Do you just expect me to let you use him like this?"<i></i> Kohana was clearly upset about this and wasn't afraid to express herself. The words that Hakuren would choose next would either calm the situation down or escalate it to a new level of confrontation.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren did not have to escalate it for Kohana did enough to be considered a threat and thing were happening around her that she might not take notice. Communication was being send between siblings as they plan their attack. Yuki was just arriving for dinner in her diving gear, which was perfect. Yuki was approaching the boat from the other side and thus Kohana would have no hint of her existence. Yuki from outside the water prison, place a hand on the dome and help support the jutsu till the time was right. Roku left the campfire and begins collecting the talismans while Hakuren was keeping Kohana occupied. If Kohana does not calm down she is going to soon be holding her breath and it’s a long way to the surface.

“No, but I do expect Shin to pay the price to the services he is requesting of me.”
Kohana seems to have came out of the blue so Hakuren was a little unsure if Kohana knew what was going on. Hakuren would try her best to catch her up to speed. “Shin wants me to teach him the ways I use my Yamanaka abilities. These are Taisen family secrets and cannot be given out lightly. To teach him these tricks require a specific cost.” Naturally Shin would have to be part of the family in order to learn family techniques. Even Kohana should be able to handle this logic. “I assume Shin is willing to pay this price to use me the same way. To use my clan’s knowledge to make his own stronger. I like to think the fact that such a deal would help us both to strengthen our respective clans, it makes the necessary cost more palatable for both parties.”

During this time Hakuren was trying to inform Kohana of the business deal that was being formed, Ai was doing her own work. Ai was a priestess to a temple of Mother Suna and she knows a spirit possession when she sees one. She handles it by casting a mind transfer on Shin, however if successful she would be careful not to draw attention to herself. Ai would travel to the suppressed region of the mind where Shin’s consciousness would reside. “Greetings you must be Shin. Looks like you have an Onryo (Vengeful spirit) problem. I assume you need help retaking your body. If you wish I can help you suppress her.”

OOC: Topic entered by following npcs: Taisen Yuki, Taisen Roku and Taisen Ai

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
((OoC: short post via mobile. I wanted to keep it going!))

As Kohana listened to Hakuren explain the situation she was completely ignorant of the events transporting around her. She was just focused on her target. She was seeing red, and she wanted to do something about it. Fortunately she started to feel the chains on her spirit pull her back as Shin began to gain strength in his ethereal form. A bead of sweat would start to form on Shin's for head as the two spirits would start to struggle as Hakuren was explaining the fact that she was planning on teaching Shin secret family techniques. As soon as she finished speaking a psionic boom would emit from the mind of the Chikamatsu Overseer.
"Kohana, Enough!"<i></i>​

The thought would echo thought this quarter of the village as the Grandeur Phantom would once again take control. His eyes would glow as the message was sent out.

Dropping to his knees directly afterwards Shin would be in a cold sweat breathing heavily. "I am so sorry Hakuren-Sama..." Shin would drop his head and place his hands on his knees as he continued to catch his breath. "There are times when she is too strong for me to control. My sincerest apologies for the offense she made to not only you, but to you family as well."<i></i>

((OoC: once she takes over every round I coin flip to see if she stays, Shin won this time))

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
In stories of old the brave prince would awaken the beautiful princess from an mystical sleep with a kiss. “Okay Shin, I believe it is time for you to awake.” Hakuren then kisses shin on the forehead. He would feel chakra flowing into him from the point of contact. When Shin drops to his knees and comes back to himself, she was rather surprised. She did the act hoping in her heart that it would work, but in her mind she thought such things only happen in fairy tales. Hakuren blushes a little and was glad she only went for the forehead. If she would have locked lips, she would have died of embarrassment.

Hakuren clears her throat as she regains her composure, “Indeed, it was quite rude of her to attack me in my own home no less. I must ask if she is going to be a problem in this arrangement?” Hakuren was ready to eat dinner with him and end things there. Hakuren would rather not have to argue with this sister every time they are together. At the gates Kohana seemed to be a warrior spirit; honorable and strong. However, this little spar made her look more like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

Ai’s soul was still within Shin occupying the suppressed regions of his mind. Though her ears were still ringing from the loud shout he did within his mind. It seems as though the boy was able to take back control without her help. Now Ai had a new person in front of her. Ai thought it sounded like a woman speaking through Shin. Ai was a little thankful that it was indeed a human spirit for yokai are often harder to deal with. “Oh poor soul, what binds you here to this world?” Ai asks Kohana since she did not see the memories revealed to Hakuren.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
letting out a sigh Shin would explain. "I am so sorry Hakuren-sama. Allow me to explain a little about my situation."<i></i> Shin would begin to explain the situation as he would take a seat on anything nearby that may resemble a chair. "When I was still in the womb I had a twin sister, Kohana. Unfortunately She passed in the womb and never had a chance of a life of her own. Somehow our energies combined upon her death and our souls fused."<i></i> By the tone of his voice it was pretty clear how much sorrow filled his heart as he began to cry Kohana's tears. The two would both become present in the consciousness as they would explain to their soon to be wife. Shin's eyes would alternate from a blue to a red haze as his body locked up from the body's overload from the two people inhabiting the same space. "As we grew older Shin's soul stayed in control. Kohana was lost. She continued to fall deeper and deeper into despair and loneliness. Once Shin was strong enough to reconnect to her she was filled with hatred towards him. Why did he get to live in the light as she faded into darkness? While he has had decades to experience life she has only had a few years. Though these years have passed their connection to one another still has yet to become stable."<i></i> His eyes would become stable on blue once again.

Dropping his head he let out a sigh. "I feel like I still owe her. I need to make things right with her but I don't know how."<i></i> He then looked over to the Librarian. "That's why I need to learn about the way of the Mind Transference. I wish to give her a body of her own so she can live the life she had always wanted without me being there to hold her back."<i></i> He once again looked down as the tears would continue to drip down his face. "I don't know how to fix this for her..."

Kohana would approach Ai in this realm of Shin's psyche. "His existence is my prison. I have been woven into his very essence."<i></i> As she spoke a false surrounding would appear around the two. A black walled room with no windows or doors would begin to materialize. Black and red tile covered the floor as a single red leather couch appeared behind Kohana where she would proceed to take a seat. A cherry wood coffee table appeared as she raised her feet to then drop them on it. The style of the furniture was very gothic and had sharp edges. Her eyes would narrow at the intruder. "Now, my question to you. How the hell did you get here?"<i></i> A long katana blade would appear in the air with the tip pointing at Ai. Kohana would grasp the hilt while still resting in the chair.


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
During the beginning of Shin’s explanation, all Hakuren could think was that she already saw a horrifying flashback not to long ago showing this to her. Hakuren actually takes a couple of steps back as Shin’s eye flickers from one color to another and back repeatedly. Fortunately it stops with blue for Hakuren was beginning to draw a kunai to protect herself. In fact she still wants to be a little cautious. She takes the kunai and slashes her wrist. A fountain of blood gushes from the wound like a river. Her bleeding was insane as no normal person would contain such an amount of blood and especially one who is anemic. The flows in the air swirling around Hakuren’s body. The blood begins to harden as if frozen and encases Hakuren in a large red sphere.
The sphere swivels and shakes as something moves violently inside. The hard shell begins to crack like an egg as the creature within bursts out of it. Hakuren no longer looks human but a dragon made of blood. Her scales were similar to the eggs; hard and smooth as ice. Though her appearance was that of a dragon it was not that intimidating. She looks strong, but she was not the giant beast one would expect from such a creature. She was about the size of an adult horse nothing more. Hakuren walks over to Shin and speaks to him telepathically. “Excuse my little show. If I’m going to have to brawl with Kohana again today, I rather be prepared.” Hakuren then swats the remains of the egg and shatters it like it was glass. “And what do you think of this plan Kohana?” Hakuren assumes Kohana could speak to her without taking over Shin if the communication was telepathic in nature. “You have already experienced how painful and unfair life can be. Do you not wish to move on from this world? I ask because your decision is important, but there is no need to give an answer right away. Sleep on the idea.”

Ai sits down in one on the black chairs around the coffee table and materializes a cup of tea in her hand. “Living beings are bound by all sorts of things. Ties decided by nature, the flow of time, these vessels we call our bodies and this self awareness that we call our heart. These are chains common to all living things.” Ai then takes a sip of her tea. “This is one of the few times I’ve seen a soul share their bounds with another.” Ai paid no heed to the sword point towards her for should she slay her Ai would simply be force out of the body. “I am Yamanaka.” She answers her as if that is all the information she needed.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Now turning to once again face his fiance she was something different all together. The transformation she took to become the large blood dragon was actually quite impressive. taking to his feet Shin would reach out to place his hand on her now large cheek. Leaning in to place his head on hers he sent the sensation of calmness to her. "There is no need to worry. She will not act out against you again. She has developed a rather protective trait over me. I don't feel her at the moment but I am sure as long as she does not feel like your intent is to cause harm to us she will keep herself calm." Now speaking he would continue. "I am to accept the Seal of the Yurei Seal and to be honest I am unsure how this will affect myself and Kohana..."<i></i> Letting go he would take a step back again. Looking around to her family Shin would address all of the Taisen that were around. "I am so sorry for the intrusion, if we may proceed to dinner I promise to try and prevent any and all further interruptions caused by my sister."<i></i> He truly hated that Kohana and Hakuren were already pitted against each other. Looking towards Hakuren's dragon form one more time he would gesture for her to come to him. "I am sorry for what she has done, but there should be no need for preparations anymore."<i></i>

Letting out a sigh Kohana would pull her blade back and plummet the tip of the bland into the ground before her as she rested her hand on it. "At this point I no longer feel as if I was to move on. Being trapped here has granted me the ability to live, though it is through the eyes of a coward."<i></i> She would shift her legs to cross them. "As a Yamanaka you must be able to sense that even our minds are no longer separate. Unfortunately upon my revival through his means we have started to become one of the same."<i></i> She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. "So, if this marriage to continue I have a few questions and I don't want to talk to that bitch of a bride."<i></i> Her glare would look deeply into her eyes. "Tell me about your clan."<i></i>

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
“Cool! we’re going to eat dinner in our transformed state. Name of the wolf!” Before Hakuren could object Yuki, Hakuren’s little sister, initiates her transformation and once it starts there is no stopping it. The sound of bones snapping out of their sockets and going back in place again emanated from Yuki’s body. Her facial structure changes into something more canine; it elongates into a muzzle. Her teeth become as sharp as razors and canines more pronounced. Her nose become a black, rubber-like, tissue at the end of the muzzle and above the lip, with a pair of nostrils leading to the nasal cavity which lie above the hard palate of the mouth. Her tongue stretches to become long enough to lick her nose. The whites of her eyes turn black and the iris of her eyes become red. Her nails turn into claws and her finger shrink in size. Skin forms between her fingers as pads form in her palm. Same with her feet but one of her digits disappears completely. Her forepaws also seem to be slightly bigger than her hind paws. Shortly afterward fur of a reddish brown color starts to grow like wildfire. After the transformation she continues to lay there and rest. Her body still hurts from the change.

After her transformation, Roku berates her, “For the love of Mother Suna, Yuki how many time have we told you? Don’t transform while in your good clothes.” It was true that Yuki’s clothes were now ripped and torn. Yuki was different than the other siblings. Yuki believed there had to be a shortcut to enlightenment. She did not want to spend years in search of it so she decided to make a pack with a demon. She bound her soul to an Okami, a wolf demon, and sacrificed her powers as a Yamanaka for what she believes is enlightenment. That little transformation she just did was her beast clone; now she was the spitting image of her Okami partner.

“Trapped? Perhaps, perhaps not.” For Hakuren, most possessions are like adding oil to water; suppressing the original inhabitants and taking dominance, however there are times she does not take full control when possessing her pet. Instead of suppressing the animal's consciousness, Hakuren sometimes sacrifice dominance and settles for a balanced control by merging her soul with the creature’s soul. “I am not too sure. You two still seem like oil and water to me.” Shin and Kohana fought for control and had there own ideas. True the to of them were connected but Ai still thinks they can be unraveled. When Hakuren does her merging of souls there is no struggle for control and sometimes it is hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. “Bitch of a bride? I thought he was to wed Hakuren, not Yuki.” If Kohana was aware of what was happening in the real world, she would understand the joke Ai was trying to make. “Now you were asking about my clan. Well let's start at the beginning. The clan was founded by Taisen KItsune who disbanded from the Crimson Rose.” Ai would be unsure if Kohana would know of such a group considering they have no affiliation with any of the major countries.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
With Hakuren not responding it came pretty apparent that she was still upset with what had just transpired. Shin would let out a sigh. Not really paying attention to the antics of the wolf child Shin would begin to walk back towards the edge of the water barrier. An instant flush of chakra would begin to raise inside of his body. "I do believe I may have over stayed my welcome. Once again I am sorry for the mishap with my sister."<i></i> Shin's body would once again turn to pure energy before he would face the wall of water. Unless stopped he would possess a fish and take his leave.

Kohana on the other hand was mid conversation with Ai. Kohana would listen to this intruder ramble on about oil, water, and someone named Yuki. I don't know what the hell you are talking about."<i></i> Her face would turn away from Ai as her brow furrowed as the woman kept talking, now about some stupid flower thing. "I hope you don't expect me to know what the fuck that is. I'm not into flowers. That'd be Shin."<i></i> If Shin did leave the area the range of connection that Ai would have to maintain would most likely be broken causing her to lose connection with Kohana.

[Topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
