Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open How to Examine your Dragon. [Open] [Req Nao]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Slowly a bead of sweat slowly welled up into a small bubble before beginning it slow descent across pale white skin only to eventually drip to the floor a slowly pooling puddle forming under the feet of the currently terrified Ayeka as she shivered within her seat in the waiting room of the Byoin. You see over the past few years Ayeka had suffered from a highly unstable genetic structure her own bloodline seemingly fractured due to the torture and abuse she suffered as a child which had caused multiple problems with the main issue that Ayeka's body often issued cursed chakra. However when the soul of Aria had been implanted in her body Ayeka had experienced an immense amount of mutagenic changes brought about by another soul carrying draconic chakra causing her bloodline to mutate into something new with her body soon following after as she lost all the family traits she had once possessed seeming more like an adopted child to her older brother Keniwa.

Of course these changes had caused a great toll on Ayeka's body and it has only been in the last few months her form had stabilized enough that her appearance would no longer suddenly with new draconic features though she was still unable to get rid of the horns that now adorned her head not that she minded them anymore as she had always had horns in some shape or form since she was born they were now just much larger and made door ways a hassle. However Ayeka was still required to get check ups with the Byoin to make sure she wouldn't turn into a full blown dragon or devolve into a pile of flesh and she was long due her next check up mainly because she was absolutely terrified of visiting the doctors. Which is why the currently seven foot girl was currently staring at her feet , her form shivering violently while she slowly continued dripping a puddle on to the floor as her nerves made her sweat profusely. Other patients and nurses kept a wide birth from the girl for fear she was infected by something not realising she was just being a big baby.

WC: 366
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Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
A red-haired man would walk into the waiting room, holding a clipboard and his sennin ropes on.. He would call forth the next patient's name. "Ayeka, if you please follow me..." He would sound and look at the big girl standing up, checking over the age chart... He would guide her towards the examination room. He had ensured that all of them had some color on the walls, not just white.

Nao sat down on the chair and offered her one too. "GOod morning Ayeka, Sazuki Nao is my name... Just Nao would be enough. What brings you in today?" He knew damn well what it was, but he wanted to hear it from her.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
The draconoid girl visibly flinched as Nao walked into the waiting room and called her name and debated for a moment internally if she should just play dumb and stay where she was but a mental nudge from Aria stopped Ayeka since she knew her other half would most likely force her stand and frog march her over to Nao. Standing up slowly Ayeka hesitantly walked over to Nao before following him to the examination room.

Sitting down on the offered chair Ayeka visibly shivered in fear as Nao asked her what she was here for today. Slowly down her nerves Ayeka spoke in a shaky tone. "Um er Good m..morning Sazuki-Sama, I..I...I had to c...c..come in for a check up. T...t.t.t. make sure A..Aria's soul wasn't hurting me and make s...s..sure my mutations have s..stabilised." Demurely Ayeka pointed up at her horns which had since completely changed from the tiny little nubs that Nao had seen during Ayeka's transformation to the now glorious obsidian spikes of bone that jutted proudly from her head only clothed by small red pieces of fabric that stopped people from seeing where the horns emerged from her skull. In terms of body health Ayeka was actually too bad the only concerning things was that she had grown from 6ft to 7feet tall within a year but this was mostly likely another side effect of her mutations and her skin was marked with small scales across her entire body as if her Kinjutsu was trying to take over her body and make her more draconic. Fortunately Aria soul had stabilised Ayeka's mind from her abusive past but it was a small concern on how reliant Ayeka was on Aria often switching places with her which caused further mutations as the body seemingly changed traits based on whose consciousness was in control.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He was going over the file while he had asked her about why she was visiting him... When he heard her stutter he would make a mental note about it, because the stutter could have many reasons as to why it was present. 'I wish I was still my past me... Then I probably could have made her more on ease...' He would nod that he was listening towards her and flipped to a new page.

"From what we will do... is get a completely new health panel of you, that way we can see from your old panel what will have changed. It will help us understand your body also a bit better." He would let that sink in to her and then would explain further. "This blood panel includes a collection of screenings commonly ordered at an annual physical to evaluate your general health. It measures the essentials including blood sugar, calcium, electrolytes, blood count and liver and kidney function. It may also be used to screen for health conditions, including diabetes."

"What that means is the following; You fast for 12 hours which means no food or drink, except water... before sample collection. If you’re taking a supplement containing biotin, also called vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H, or coenzyme R, which is commonly found in products promoting nail, skin, and hair health, it is recommended that you wait at least 72 hours from your last dose before sample collection..." He would wait to see if she understood all this so far.

"I find it the easiest is to stop eating after dinner, then come in early. If you wish to do so... We can scedual the bloodwork for tomorrow and go over everything else now." He would offer, this way she would not have to come in more then three times total. Since then right now it would be basic measurements, tomorrow the blood drawn, urine sample and that... Then the week after the talk about what exactly had changed.

[We can do this all skippingly to the times if you wish, or keep them as separate topics]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Ayeka blushed in embarrassment as Nao spoke about getting her bloodwork done and that she would need to fast for 12 hours which the stupid girl had unfortunately already done by accident as she had been so nervous about her appointment with Nao that she hadn't been able to eat or drink anything since the appointment has been made three days ago. Nervously Ayeka rubbed the back of her head while looking contrite as she looked down at her feet in embarrassment like she was expecting to be told off. "Um er you see I um h..h..haven't eaten for three d..d..days because I nervous about comign here." After speaking Ayeka put her hands up in a defensive motion with her palms facing the doctor. "B..b.ut I don't mind um my digestion has s...s..slowed recently and I tend to n...not need to eat m....m..more than once every t..t.t.two days." Ayeka spoke with a nervous smile on her face not realising how alarming it should be that even her digestive was taking on reptilian traits and how that could detrimental for a mammalian body that have more complex requirements than a cold blooded reptilian body would need.

"Um I don't take any s..supplements as I get s..s..sick when I do but I find I f...feel better if i raw meat so I don't think that im..important. Um could we do the test now? I er really freaked out..a.a.t the hospital." Back to looking apologetic Ayeka waited for Nao response.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
