Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Just some Ramen

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
A girl who looks like royalty but armed for battle walked into Ichiraku ramen's shop. Her name is Kaguya Mitsuha. It's been quite some time since she had met up with Keniwa, Aria, and Ishi. But either way, it seems that they are not needed for right now. She let out a sigh as she waited for Ichiraku to come her way to get her order. Not a lot has happened really. She is just merely waiting for something to happen that would require her attention. Otherwise, she would train, eat, sleep, repeat.

Other than that, her psyche has also been doing alright. She hasn't had any episodes regarding a certain masked person. She usually tries not to think about it since it could result in a pain forming in the back of her head where a scar had mysteriously appeared at. Taking a manga out of her bag, she would ignore the guys, the other patrons of the shop, gawking at her. Reading it, she would look up only when she sees Ichiraku come up to her asking for what she would like to have. " I'll have the beef steak ramen with a side of sushi please." Ichiraku would nod and go back to the kitchen to make her order. The young Kaguya would flip through her manga rather fast. It was new, yes, a limited and early edition, but the girl was so engrossed by her manga that she didn't even realize that she had already finished reading it before her food even came to her.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
DA WEEKEND BAEBAY!! Okay, maybe not technically the weekend but for the working man, two off days back to back equals effective weekend. So I clean up and head to the streets straight on the prowl you know. Since it's street, it's simple. Got the red tank-top wife-beater with the urban black and blue camo on my cargo shorts, blending in with the civie's NA MEAN! The foot gear? Not too flashy, but name brand none-the-less. Suna Shella's, imports with red on a black base over black ankle socks. No one is out here doing it like your boy. Cologne? Never too strong with a light sweet scent of mixed berries. Makes the common woman have to lean in to get a hint of what they smell. That one's all me baby, Miss Me Not. Trademarked and all but haven't pushed business in a long time due to work-induced depression.

Anyhow, so I shop a little bit, mostly meal prep trays and candles this time. I needed to get my fung shway... fong showiieee, maaan ya'llknowwhatI'mtrynasayquitplayin'! My groove my mojo, yeah that, gotta it my house house right. But I stop for a little bite, nothing major right, just a spring roll. A little shorty comes through and sets herself down with a book. I look around and it seems I ain't the only one to notice. Those who know me, know this. I might not always land my shots, but I always take them. And in this case, I'll be the first. So I carefully reseat myself to her left. I look straight ahead for about three seconds and said, "You know, I used to read those too a while. They didn't have much,... substance at the time. Is it any different now?" Simple questions and convo's lead the way first. Did I have something else on my mind? No doubt. But the location doesn't have the air of super directness that night clubs have. So I take it civil like for now. If she responds, I'll turn my ear to her. Until then, I keep it nice and causal and my sunglasses straight forward.
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
An average day for Keniwa, which was a beautiful thing all things considered. A new sibling, his squad finally coming to fruition…. And Arias disappearance all had really taken a toll on his energy. The last time he had attempted a meal in the Red Oak District chaos incarnate took place, food left and right and the worst thing possible. He made someone who had just met bleed at the mouth, each interaction with them being somewhat embarrassing from then on. However today was a new day and with no Otami in sight he could what stress free through the street, knowing that for sure there would be absolutely zero high jinks that would take place.

As his stomach rumbled it was as if his head instinctively glanced around gazing in awe at anything that he could potentially devour, his etiquette never was the cleanest, unless in front of his family or someone who he wouldn’t be caught alive making a fool of himself in front of. Fact of the matter was that he needed food. An one all to familiar aroma guided him towards the destination where he needed to be, doning his signature red scarf coupled with his mostly black shinobi attire, buckles and belts galore he would sit himself down on one of the stools. His hunger keeping his mind locked on one thing and one thing, only this momentarily nulled his other senses for a brief period of time. The hustle and bustle of the street quickly kicked back in to gear, as he slightly shook his head just to briefly recenter himself. Although in the midst of this for a second it was as if he witnessed a familiar face.

One… which was familiar in an almost tragic kind of way, right behind Otami she was likely the 2nd person which he couldn’t have bared to run in to. Not on a day like this, however it was already too late to run. He was sat on the right side of Mitsuha, and on cue a singular sweat sped down his face, darting towards the floor with a tiny dripping sound. There was no backing down and whilst she looked absorbed enough in her manga he was going to try again at reconciling with her, in a more… suited way for the peer he was dealing with. Unlike his previous failed attempts usually at his own fault there was no more time for embarrassments. Yes! Now was going to be the moment.

Almost as if time slowed down, he would move his hand on to the table gently caressing it with his finger tips, a somewhat brave smile forming across his face coupled with a slightly awkward grin that Mitsuha had most definitely seen before. “M-mitsuha, sorry I never saw you before.” There was hesitation in his voice but as he went on it took a more serious tone. “Aria is gone, it’s been a while since we’ve heard anything about her. And we have no clue what has happened. I’m not sure if we’ll get a replacement for our squad…” looked down at his palm on the table there would be no tears, yet if Mitsuha focused closely his eyes would appear a bit more watery than normal.

“Shinobis are meant to be tough, and I know you didn’t know her that well… but she was one of my best friends. I think she would have wanted us to get to know each other.” He hadn’t planned for the conversation to sway this way, yet it was one of the things that pressed on his mind, and it practically pried his way in to his attempt at speaking.
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Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
'Must protect, Must Protect, Must Protect.' A tall figure clad in a sleeveless purple jacket with a hood hiding their features in shadow, trudged through the Red Oak District swaying ever so slowly as if they were exhausted while a pair of hidden blue eyes kept a single minded focus on Keniwa as he walked ahead of them. Bare feet moved silently over the cobblestone streets and the boy seemed completely unaware of his stalker as he stepped into a Ramen stand with his follower moving in behind him, Sitting not to far away as the boy found someone he knew and sat next to them the figure kept a silent vigil over the pair. The two sat too far away for the figure to hear what they were saying so instead she looked around the stand as she sat at the far end of the long table and just enjoyed the smells of the place since she had no money of her own to buy anything yet not that the girl had minded as she once again looked over at Keniwa before looking down at her own hands clenched in front of her as they rested on the table.

It hadn't been too long ago since she had been rescued and brought to the leaf, Infact it still didn't real to the girl as she flexed her tanned fingers trying to spot any blood that could still be covering them as her breathing began to hitch but with a quick shake of her head she quickly regained control of herself as she refocused on why she was there. Turning her head again the figure this time looked at her brothers dining companion, Lovely purple eyes with long flowing platinum blond hair framed by pale features made the girl grit her teeth as she felt a small pang of jealously as this girl oozed more feminine qualities than she herself did not have as she was very tall and heavily packed with muscle making her seem much older than she actually was.

As she was contemplating her circumstance she noticed the bowing of Keni's head causing her to become concerned as she stood up and paced over to Keni before gently placing a hand on the centre of the boys back in encouragement. Again the mantra returned to Ayeka's mind as she stared at Keni
'Must protect, Must Protect, Must Protect.'

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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The food finally came, but so did all the attention. It seemed that amongst the group of boys ogling at her, one is taking their chance. Just about anyone talking to her made her want to grit her teeth, but she listened as she ate her ramen. Finally, she said, "You should try and pick up reading manga again. There's some good fight scenes." She would then continue eating her ramen until someone sat to her right as well. Turning to look, she felt an instant hate coming from herself to see the boy sitting next to her. Keni. The one that had put on a show of their fight and embarrassed her in front of the whole Village. Who kept trying to push her out of her comfort zone that eventually made her snap.

But unlike the other times, she noticed something in his eyes. He looked... different. She let him speak his mind. So it seems Aria is gone. And he wants to try and fix whatever is between the two of them. With a sigh, she thought about it. But she did feel another presence come up. You know how when you are listening to white noise, and then someone walks up behind you? It's exactly that. Bones started to move outside of her body, almost like a porcupine, but they moved slowly and not all the way out, giving everyone ample time to move out of the way. "I don't like people crowding around me." She said plainly, eating her ramen. "But okay Keniwa. You obviously know a little about me. I'm not a people person and I like manga." She would say, then wait for his reply, quietly eating her ramen.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Hmm, okay okay, cool cool. So maybe, just maybe the book wasn't a deterrent for the kind of brave guy who can only approach nice girl, or the prop of recon kunoichi. Maybe. But still the response was a bit flat so I attempt to take the topic a little deeper. "The action can be nice and all but, sometimes the writer gets so caught up in building a world of wonder that, the writer loses their connection to..." What?!... Okay so I peek over from looking straight and some goofy lummick fool comes up and starts talking to the chick,... while I'm talking,.. I like I'm not even here. So I let'em know while still facing forward... *More than Pev'ed* "Oh, no, go right on ahead and cut me the f#@^ off like we weren't just having a conversation." Shooot I ain't shy when I'm pissed and I don't care who knows who, manners matter alright. I kept my cool, save the sarcasm. But who knows, might be important. So I listen along too. Come to find out, no one was actually actively dying 'cause 'Aria is gone' is past tense, the village wasn't ablaze, my mama ain't having a stroke,... although she might if she knew about ALL the things I did and do,... but yeeeeeah none of that at all. So in the end, NO, it wasn't important enough to come on up in my conversation and act like there isn't a whole certified ninja,... sitting right here.

Rude people often find rude people. Everyone has it in them, and I don't mind letting mine out to play too. So the minute he gets done,... "HAHAaaaa, oh sh&#, you're a bold one. Hew! Man I wish I had the balls." *Mocking brute voice* "I know I just lost a teammate, but don't let my incompetence stop you from joining me." *end mocking* "Shoot. That would be the end of my job right there. 'Hey, I know I just severed the wrong leg, but please trust me with your heart transplant." Apparently the chick I was talking to, Mitsuha as the guy said, started growing stuff out of her sayin' we were crowding her. And I had get up to move away.

SEE!!! *throws up hands in surrender* I swear man. *Sigh* Her mood was killed. And mine too at that. Ain't no way I'm touching a chick with... ?bones? Is that really bones?! EWWWW WHAT?! I mean yeah seeing bones ain't the problem. I'm a medic ninja, it's what I do. But, growing them out, like EVERYWHERE?!... NAW nu uh. Now I've made bad gambles and done some kinky things here and there but, even my kink-factor levels have their limits. I take my steps back to leave the place, but as I do. "YOOO WHAT?! NAW I'm good. What the heck lady! Princess Porcupine over here. Yeah Mister Smooth *beats fist to chest twice then points to other guy*, that's all you homie. Imagine that morning after when you roll away, and feel something poke YOU in the back?! You got it. I know I bumped in to a few chairs and table along the way as I leave.

So I walk out and away from the place and stop to take a breather. Your boy stills gotta work to control his temper man but I be tryin' so hard. People keep telling me to take meds but uh,... news flash... I'M A DOC TOO! I can manage, and it's best to try and manage without them as best you can before starting a dependency lifestyle. I'm already battling one thing as it is... okay let's say more than one for all those out there counting up transgression. So I pace a bit and attempt to shake myself free of the anger and stress for about two minutes before I grab my shopping bag and head out to finish the day on a better note.

[Attempting to Leave Topic unless stopped. Statements and action may be interrupted you all see fit.]
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank

Without even getting a chance to respond to Mitsuha some random bloke who in Keniwa’s mind could even potentially put his father to shame in terms of toxic masculinity instantly began to berate him. With almost no clue to what the guy was on about he was almost stunned listening to his gripe with the young chūnin. Whilst he had felt Ayeka’s gentle hand, despite her being covered in a hefty disguise, there was no time to even get a word in to her either. He wasn’t shocked at the fact that he was being shouted at, it was mainly just that he couldn’t believe someone could be so immature about being cut off in a conversation, that he didn’t even realise was taking place!

“Erhm well my ba-“ his apology being cut short as the strange man began to mock his own somewhat heartfelt speech to his fellow teammate. Moments earlier he was just full of confusion and shock but it would be a lie to say his blood did not begin to boil as the deranged guy went on, his palm which once rested calmly on the table for only a few seconds quickly twisting in to a fist, a subtle amount of orange chakra forming around it as he continued to listen. Mitsuha’s reaction was one that he mostly expected judging all of their recent events so in an act of respect of her comfort zone he moved up from the stool to stare down the guy who ruined the peaceful day in which everyone should have enjoyed, his shouting and poor imitations attracting attention with the citizens of leaf who wanted to have a nice day out. Now being forced to listen to this guys poor attempt at drafting any sense of sympathy.

Whilst anxious, like Mitsuha he didn’t do well with people watching him, unless in a fight of some sort, however depending on the next few sentences thrown out this situation could quickly spiral down horribly. That was not the alternative that he wanted, his own social anxiety felt like it was eating him alive with all the eyes on him, and he could only imagine how much worse it must be for Mitsuha and Ayeka. Insults of him alone wouldn’t push him to go crazy however, much worse had been said and it was not worth getting in to a fight over. So just with a look of distain and disgust smeared across his face he shook his head solemnly before preparing to go back to the stall. But no, the guy couldn’t just leave it there could he.

"YOOO WHAT?! NAW I'm good. What the heck lady! Princess Porcupine over here. Yeah Mister Smooth, that's all you homie. Imagine that morning after when you roll away, and feel something poke YOU in the back?! You got it.”

A spike of chakra resonated from his fist as his rock like skin began to protrude slightly outwards from his right fists knuckles, hardening ever more, as he turned away he’d lay it all on the table. “How dare you, you small minded imbecile. Not only do you interject in things you have no idea about, find a way to be a bully and create a scene, ruining other people’s meals and days out. But you make fun of something someone was born with? Their own bloodline? Porcupine?! If Mitsuha is a porcupine you are the mealworm that she eats for breakfast. I can not believe someone like you exists in leaf so openly and free, I do not know you not at all and I do not believe I ever will want to. Treating a shinobi as an object, morning after?! Are you insane?! I suggest you apologise immediately to not only Mitsuha but Aria as well. Your blatant rudeness and lack of demeanour will not go unpunished. I dare you to turn tail and run. But know, however far you try run. However deep you may swim. And however high you might fly. I will find you.” His voice was brimming with anger and malice, gritting his teeth just in sheer anger it was one of the only ways that he could physically express the amount of destruction he wished to cause without breaking something or someone. This was a clear threat as he smashed each of his fists together in front of him, a large glint sound resonating throughout the area, as small sparks flew left and right. He made sure to be a good metre or two from Ayeka and Mitsuha, so that they would not be dragged in to this mess. Mentally or physically this would definitely become one hell of a fight.

[OOC: Stopping Basutas leave of topic]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Ayeka eyes snapped to the girl next to her brother as bones began to slowly exude from her skin causing Ayeka to stumble back in surprise as she began to shake in fear at the bizarre sight, as she had never seen such an ability before. Sadly Ayeka wasn't able to respond to the girls words about crowding her as a large muscular man started yelling about a lot of things Ayeka didn't really have context for but were obviously intended to mock and belittle her brother. As the man turned to leave Ayeka stepped forward fully intending to defend her family member even if she wasn't very good with being direct with people, but Keniwa had been the one to save her from her imprisonment within the Yakuza, a debt she couldn't easily repay so she was more than willing to try her best to protect her love ones. However she was stopped in her tracks as Keni clenched his fist and stepped away from his booth where he then began to not only berate the.....Bastard.. but also began to square up with him. At this point Ayeka's head began to pound with the force of a drum within her skull as she began to fill sick to her stomach causing her to stagger back and slam her hand down on a nearby table fracturing the wood with the force as she sank slowly down to a knee as the air around Keni began to slowly get heavier.

'Such a pleasant amount of negative energy Onii-chan.' Mocking words arose deep within the recess of Ayeka's mind as the tattoo beneath her jacket seemed to pulse for a moment with chakra as the sealing matrix within powered down causing the girls eyes to dilate for a moment as the feelings she had been forced to experience to keep her tame slowly faded away and was instead filled with something else. As Keni smashed his fists together in preparation for what was to come he would notice a vapour beginning to rise from his arms and then soon after the rest of his body. At first he may assume it was chakra but would notice that it didn't have the same presence as the vapour began to drift over his shoulders and towards Ayeka standing a bit behind him as she rose to her feet. Slowly Ayeka shed her jacket revealing her face for the first time since coming to the village which was now contorted into a bloodthirsty grin as her eyes darted between each person as if sizing everyone up in the room equally as a target. Dropping the jacket to the ground leaving her in nothing but a tank top that showed off extremely defined muscles that would give Basuta a run for his money Ayeka began to go through a series of stretches. The vapour from Keni had now began to swirl around Ayeka as two horns began to grow out from under her hair before the vapour flowed into them causing them to glow with a dark purple energy as Ayeka began to giggle to herself in an almost unhinged manner as she gave her body a good shake and then began to step forward. "Good morning Onii-chan! Oh what a great day to be awoken with so much scorn in the air, So who are we killing today then?" Ayeka gave a cute wink to her question as she stepped next to Keni and slung an arm over his shoulder.


New Member
Nov 25, 2021
OOC Rank
… So much had occured. Or maybe not as much as he thought, but… these were tough times.

Aria’s departure and MIA status had thrown Take’s heart into a very deep pit, and anyone who personally knew the swordsman would’ve assumed that this was his breaking point. That he’d finally snap to never return back to his usual self ever again… but life just kept moving on, and he was left yearning to catch up to her again. To see for himself exactly what Aria truly wanted… and if he would ever have a part in it. A favorite person… but not a partner.

He merely came to the conclusion that she might’ve never had… any romantic feelings. Not just for him, but in general. It drove him so mad – did he happen to fall for the wrong person? Were his feelings that skewered and out of loop? Was his romantic, beating heart just a joke to her?

Usually, such painful events and moments of grief had a certain rhythm in how the victim would react – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and at last – acceptance. Take denied the fact that Aria left him and the village that easily. He denied that he didn’t mean more to her… but as time went on, the obvious became clear to him, and he almost did the unthinkable in a fit of rage. But there was no bargaining to be made… not when Aria was so gone.

Right now, he was in a state of depression. Just as darn always.

… But life had to continue. Upon returning to his bedroom, he found the manga that Mitsuha had lent to him long ago. It was about time for him to give it back to her, lest she grew uneasy in her attempts to remind him herself.

But upon finding her at Ichiraku’s, he also found a scene. He, himself, looked nothing different from many other days – a purple, checkered haori, black hakama pants, a katana on his hip, another on his back, a smaller blade above the first, and what looked like flame tattoos coiling around his face. His eyes widened with anxiety at the scene unfurling – an angered Keniwa stepping up to another powerful shinobi, Mitsuha’s skin protruding thin needles of bone, and a demon giggling madly by Keni’s side.

While holding Mitsuha’s old manga in his hand, he didn’t know what to do, so… he stood still. Simply let the scene play out, then hand the manga back… then leave. That was his initial plan.

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
... She can never have peace can she? She's come to tolerate Keniwa only sometimes, but who the hell is this guy thinks he is calling her a porcupine? But to her surprise, Keniwa came to her defense. She turned around, a little shocked, and then shook her head to remind herself of the situation they're in. She sighed and waited for Keni to stop talking. "Congratulations Keni. You are now not the person I hate most in Leaf." She would pause before saying once more, "Might I remind everyone here that we are Leaf ninja. And we should act accordingly. There are civilians around that could get hurt and the high chance of property damage. That being said, I'm not going to let it slide being called Porcupine."

She turned to Basuta, her eyes glaring right to him. "If you truly have a problem with us, then we can settle this at Kitsune Park."


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Weeeeellllllll, your boy really did it now! Apparently, I'M the one who is the 'awful' person. Wait wait, let me poke my lip out real quick. *pokes out lip with a sad face* So the dude comes charging at me at an angry brute talking that good talk right?! So we gets outside and he starts in but calling me an imbecile. DANG! I haven't heard that word in a long time, that's some old-timer sh#* right there. Yeah I throw my hands up like I'm just shocked and appalled with said look on my face right. *sarcastically shocked with quick inhale* "Who?! Me?!" Then he processed to tally up the charges on me. Injecting myself in sh*%... because I 'interrupted' HIS conversation. I put up my finger to interject a point, "But,... ohmybadgoahead" but put he was on a roll so I put it down quick you know a go through the nodding with mock submission. So I'm a bully too huh?! For clarity to all you guys out there,... He ruins my approach game entirely,... I "use my words" as some professional tell people,... I walk away,... and he's chasing ME down beating his knuckles,... but that's MY bad,... 'cause I'M the bully,... YEP! That checks out to me.

But it REALLY seems that I went "way too to far" with roasting Princess Porcupine and mentioning this Aria person,... whoooo I neither know nor care about. AND and andand is not even !here!, so really in my defense, any mention of him or her really shouldn't even be that big of a deal anyway 'cause it's not like I'm hurt her feeling right? Still, I put up that thinking man's pose to let him lecture me, and at least pretend that any of these matters, even if I'm not hiding the fact that I'm pretending to do so. But I couldn't help myself when he starts up on the mealworm. *murmured in low tone to self*"I've got a worm she can meal on." YOO I swear it was reflex bro. Like, the innuendos man, just no filter man. Ya'll got me that one man, I can't say nothing to that. My bad. He goes on to say something ACTUALLY important, but I'll hit on that a bit later.

So as he continues on, I start to agree with some of his assessments of me while still in my thinking-man's pose. When rhetoricallyyyyy, mayyyyyybe that is a word, asked about me viewing shinobi as tools, I shrug and give a quick, "Um hm." When asked if I was in insane, *murmured*"Well I mean..." but he would likely keep it going, leading up to a demand for and apology. He mentions Princess Porcupine and Aria. As he goes on with this threat, two things catch my attention. First would be a little boy with a comic boy in hands. He seems worried but, being the Fan Favorite and Model Citizen that I am, I flash him a smile and a thumbs up to reassure him that the real life superhero had everything under control. Buuut the second thing was,... well this superhero's weakness gets the better of me for a moment 'cause some random chick comes up doing something like a strip-tease or somethin', making me tilt my head like "UMM,.." *murmured to self* "... yeah go ahead and drop it low for your boy one time." But then... she grew dark and sprouts horns from her head. MAAAAANNNNNN, fu@#,... really man?! Always something! Always a catch! I don't know guys, maybe I'm going to have to expand my palate a bit or something because something has GOT to give here. I mean,... *sigh* I guess I already hook up with Akimichis and Inuzukas sometimes so pig-girls and dog-girls are already on the menu. Times are changing I suppose.

So Princess Porcupine goes to say something as Kraggy-Finger Crabs finishes up. And, nothing to really say about the safety of the peoples I mean she right I guess but I was only half listen because the horny lady in front of me said something to note too. I tells Princess Porcupine, "I'd love to take you up on that date at the park, but just one second." Then back to address the three that just, seem to have it out of me today. *speaks with hand motions*"Okay okay, guys I sorry. So there seems likeeeee there is a wee bit of a misunderstanding here. So. To the Princess,... I didn't call you a porcupine,... I called you PRINCESS Porcupine whichwhichwhich makes you no ordinary porcupine but indeed ROYALTY *rolls the R and performs a dramatic curtsy* I mean I wouldn't dare compare you to the common ref raf. Why THE Princess Porcupina, she may BONE, whom, she wishes. Why, if I wanted to insult you...." I go to present the new comer with the horns,... "Like this lovely horny lady right here,...with an all natural pedicure untainted by human hands. Now if I DARED to insult her, and I would do no such thing, I might call her a simple,... 'cow', or even 'that bovine bi#&%', but NO! I present to you all 'Queen Heifaa'(heifer). And to thine Queen I submit unto thee a donation for thy footgear." *performs a dramatic bow* And with that I lay 5 yen at her feet and tell her, "Go wild with it sweetheart." then step back to move in front of King Crab.

Then I goes to ring leader, the joy of mocking seeping fast from me I like was leaking or something na mean. Just drained I mean, acting takes work, you know. So the rest was mostly causal, "Fearless Leader,... The one that lacketh lotion for his dry a$$ hands,... King Crab,... Ruler of the Barnyard Brigade it seems. I admit it,... I,... am,... quite fly, for a white guy. I don't do well with swimmin' though. But you don't see me running either,... Know why that is? Hmm? Maybe because I'm man enough to admit how wrong I am, and I got one more apology,... for Airea,... Aire,... whatever. SO let me call her up right now." So I pulls out a Headset and play with the dial without turning it on. Bro I was on autopilot right now soooo, all I remember doing was staring a hole in him. "Now what channel should I turn it to, Leaf Lost and Found,... the ER,... the orphanage,... the mortuary,... one of those staticy channels with the white noise? F^%k it, lets hell-mary it. and see what happens." *Make a clicking noise with his tongue and paces like he is on the phone* "Aria come in? Aria? UH yeah, heeeyyy surprise surprise! How are ya?... Yeah it's your boy here, standing in front of a Kyou-Neo-Geo-dude. YEAH Yeah, that's the one. Well,... he wanted me to apologize to you 'cause I said somethings out of pocket you know... Uh huh.... Why?... 'Cause well you know,... it's my day off,... One of the few days I get to get bi#^%es you know,... spit game, have the ladies caress my face with a lightning quickness, get to wear their perfume which oddly enough tends to smell more like whatever drink their holding, let them talk dirty to me with synonyms common to 'dirtbag',... and who knows,... maybe I actually get lucky that night with a new chick you know,... Buuuuut Mr. Crabs here,... he's... -FU&%ING IT ALL UP!-(Squealed at a extremely high pitch while throwing a flailing tantrum amid a short hop) *back to normal* My bad. Even so,... I vent,... I leave,... but here we are about to throw down in the streets. But you know how it is right? Whatever status you get, along with a bloodline factor thing, things get to your head and puff it the f@*k up. And before you know it, you find self making bad choices that just might be leading your new crew to... well you Aria.... Ohhh I'm sorry my bad, too soon I know... Uh huh,.. Oh, you gotta go... Oh really? That's too bad but it was a pleasure talking though hon... Okay,... I'll tell him what you said. Uh huh,... Okay, bye bye sweetie."

When the "convo" with "Aria" ended, I toss the headset over my shoulder. Where it lands,...*shrugs* "Huh, whatdoyaknow, a nice girl after all. She's got a message for you,... you have two decisions you could make. You can make a wise choice. You can write me off as the low-life, lunatic, jackass you swear I am. You can set sail off into the sunset with the knowledge and pride that you spared an insignificant insect as well as the innocents around us all the drama like the princess said. Perhaps you wanna curse my name and the 'existence' I shouldn't have, have at it. Or you ain't even gotta say sh#$. Maybe sit in yo feelin' for what, a day, maybe three at the most but have an interesting story to tell,... with,... your team,... intact. Or,... you can make the supposed "honorable" decision as instructed by your pride and privilege handed to you by your blood and authority figures, and try your hands at introducing my face to the dirt. Throw yourself and your crew against a virtually unknown situation, against a guy who ain't moving despite standing in "Jump City." Sure, I just might be easy pickin' and you might could curb-stomp face until they can't even scrap me from the sidewalk. But if your wrong,... if I'm not as easy as you'd hoped homie,............... I will drag out a stand and gut you right on top of a vender stall. And anyone going for a sword, spear, ninja-star, senbon,... heck anyone scratching there hands wrong, or who decides they wants to throw up hand-signs from the sidelines tryna rep the set,... under your command,... I'll dismantle them slowly,... make you watch,... fire up a grill,... and start serving something like what, a three combo skewer special. 'Cause hey, even a mealworms gotta eat too, ya dig?
-This little mealworm peeps an oversized carcass...
he looks to the horizon, so thankful for the harvest-
So what's it gonna be homie,....... do I get to say grace?"

[Marked for Training]
[OOC: Again monologs may be interrupted as needed.]
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
A snap resonated throughout his mind, the only thing he could feel was an ever burning rage. Immediately his fight or flight instincts began to spin and turn, although the answer for him was clear. He didn’t care about anything else in the moment, there was no other feelings than pure destructive hatred, everyone else and their words were like a blur to him, fading away in to the back of the mind. The orange colour in his eyes instantly faded in to a glowing white with a tinge of orange, clenching his fists so hard blood would begin to trickle down from inside of his palm. Every bone in his body screamed to rip this disgusting creature to pieces.

There was only one figure he could see and it was this hulking disgusting mass, whatever would happen he’d destroy him no matter the cost. This was no shinobi, this was a disgusting piece of human filth, that needed disposing of, at least in his mind. Turning to look at Mitsuha bloodlust radiated from his entire body as he would mouth a few words towards her which would say “I will destroy him.” Before looking back towards the person who somehow even trumped his father in terms of complete and utter disgust.

“I don’t care how strong you are. How long you’ve trained. Your shinobi rank. This will be your last day as a shinobi one way or the other .” The ground beginning to crack and break underneath him, gritting his teeth as a scorching orange chakra resonated around him lighting his path towards his target. He knew exactly what he was about to do. His skin hardened ever more, spiking and protruding forwards as if begging to slice and cripple the one before them. Despite his blinding rage there was one thing that he knew he’d forever have that the one before him wouldn’t. Friends to help him through all his trials in life.

“Ayeka, it’s time.”

[Calling Bmod]
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Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
You have found a battle mod!

Good morning/afternoon/evening towards you all! I'll be your battle moderator for this battle. If you happen to have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them. You can contact me either through NC or through Discord. Yet please keep in mind with my work I can react at odd times and varied in time.​

  • Send, in a PM on NC, not discord, your actions, and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.
    • When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.
    • Do NOT just link your dojo, your profile or anything. I really want that information in my DM box.
  • Rolls are in Discord -> Bmod-rolling. This is an open channel for you all to see.
  • UBR rules do apply: meaning you have 48 hours to post and send actions.
Please be clear on your actions and conditionals, even when stating what you're maintaining.

For this fight as there are multiple people, you will need to specify who are your allies and who are your enemies in your opening actions.

This way I don't have to do any guesswork and you don't get upset if an item is modded the way you didn't wish.
I am human which means mistakes can happen; feel free to point these out!
Let's enjoy!​

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would grit her teeth. She has grown accustomed to having to deal with people. But this guy... There's only two words that describe him. Vile and annoying. Her bones all formed around her, this time, not as a way to ward off people, but rather forming a type of clothing all around her, almost like armor. She didn't want to start this fight here, but with Keniwa obviously at the point of no return for anger, she'll just have to assist him in taking this vile human down. She would glare down at the man who called her porcupine, princess title with it or not.

(Actions sent)
(Sorry for messing up the post order)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Hmm, go figure. Well, it seems I gotta do what I gotsta do. I bounce a bit to loosen up some. Then I lower my stance, gather my shorts up a little bit, and start rubbin' my hands together. I don't know, I guess sometimes people just wake up and choose violence I mean,... sometimes I can't think when I'm in the moment and I become like dog or a snake. Once I get my teeth in, it just feels like a must to clamp down harder when it comes to Leaf Inc zombies.

Besides, tried the nice, showmen guy, role. If I can't have Fame, I'll glad have her sister. Come to me, Infamy. "Let's get it."
(Prepping actions)

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
HP: 20700
CP: 16905 - 1.150 - 1.897 = 13.858

AP: 10
Next round AP: 10.25

Maintains: Curse-seal, Ijutsu mastery, sword trance, Fire chakra,
Status: Cursed
HP: 35720 - 1.043 - 1030 + 598 = 34.245
CP: 25850 - 2625 - 200 - 200 - 200 - 135 - 824 =

AP: 11
Next round AP: 10.25

Maintains: Chakra Absorb
HP: 16800
CP: 13800 - 180 - 450 - 545 = 12.625

AP: 10
Next round AP: 11

Maintains: Chakra Absorb
HP: 20300 - 5981 = 14.319
Temp HP:
CP: 15900 - 399 - 1,724 = 13.777

AP: 10
Next round AP: 11

Status: Barrage next Tai.

HP: 45000 - 613 =
CP: 30000 - 820 - 840 = 28.340

AP: 10
Next round AP: 11

Status: stealth
HP: 25850
CP: 18800 - 625 =

AP: 4
Next round AP: 4

HP: 15900
CP: 11400 - 300 =

AP: 4
Next round AP: 4


What happened?
Mitsuha does a hidden action.
Mitsuha does a hidden action.
Mitsuha does a hidden action.
Mitsuha does a hidden action.
Mitsuha does a hidden action.

0 seconds Mitsuha Equips Exoskeleton Ranger!
0 seconds Mitsuha enters chakra style; Jashin’s Consecration.
0 seconds Keniwa Equips Sandals!
0 seconds Keniwa enters defensive technieque
0 seconds Otakemaru does... something..?
0 seconds Otakamaru enters Fire chakra style Heat caress.
0 seconds Otakamaru enters Iajutsu mastery, Mugai-ryu.

0,5 seconds Mitsuha enters physical style Ballet of Bones.
[ 24 vs. 23 ] Ayeka is unaware of where Mitsuha is—Mitsuha is successful in stealth.
[ 24 vs. 22 ] Keniwa is unaware of where Mitsuha is—Mitsuha is successful in stealth.
[ 24 vs. 19 ] Otakamaru is unaware of where Mitsuha is—Mitsuha is successful in stealth.
[ 24 vs. 16 ] Basuta is unaware of where Mitsuha is—Mitsuha is successful in stealth.

0,5 seconds Ayeka Equips True Malice.

1 second Otakamaru uses the Wrath Seal on themself!

1 second Basuta ues Smoke bomb against self, Keniwa, and Mitsuha.
[ 26 vs. 15 ] Basuta found Mitsuha through Blindshot.
[ 37 vs. 21 ] Basuta and Mitsuha are partying in a smoke bomb.
[ 37 vs. 24 ] Basuta and Keniwa are partying in a smoke bomb.

1 second Basuta attempts to enter stealth.
[ 27 vs. 26 ] Mitsuha is unaware of where Basuta is—Basuta is successful in stealth.
[ 27 vs. 21 ] Keniwa is unaware of where Basuta is—Basuta is successful in stealth.

1,5 seconds Basuta does a hidden action.

2 seconds Otakemaru’s something was a curse seal activation!

2.25 seconds Ayeka uses Chakra Absorption.

3.25 seconds Keniwa uses Contract Summon. I choose you Nom!

3.25 seconds Otakamaru uses Sword Trance on themself.

3.5 seconds Basuta uses a Ninjutsu.

4.25 seconds Keniwa opens up gates 6 and 7.

4.25 seconds Mitsuha uses Contract Summon! Crush comes to their side.

4,25 seconds Ayeka uses Gravitational pull against Basuta! Randomized blindshot.
1. Keniwa
2. Mitsuha
3. Basuta
Ayeka rolled a 1.
[ 12 vs. 29 ] Ayeka missed.

5.5 seconds Otakamaru uses Azure Dragon Fang against Basuta. Randomized blindshot.
1. Keniwa
2. Mitsuha
3. Basuta
Rolled 3.
[ 22 vs. 37 ] Miss

5.5 seconds Otakamaru uses quickdraw to Sheathe Seiryūga, Draw Kagetsu-Shokuin. Cast Crescent Arc at Basuta
1. Keniwa
2. Mitsuha
3. Basuta
Rolled 1
[ 12 vs. 20 ] Miss

5.5 seconds Otakamaru uses Ancestral Weapon on self.

5.5 seconds Basuta uses a ninjutsu.

6 seconds Mitsuha uses Barrage on self.

6 seconds Basuta does a hidden action.

5,84 seconds Keniwa uses Chakra Absorption on self.

6,29 seconds Keniwa enters Pfyiscal style Kyoujouran Zaiken.

6.50 seconds Ayeka uses Concealed Steps on self.

6.50 seconds Ayeka attempts to enter stealth.
[ 24 vs. 27 ] Basuta Aware.
[ 24 vs. 17 ] Keni's unware.
[ 24 vs. 21 ] Otakamaru Unaware.
[ 24 vs. 13 ] Mitsuha unaware.

6,74 seconds Keniwa enters Gate 5.

7.75 seconds Otakamaru uses Higuma against Basuta. Randomized blindshot.
1. Keniwa
2. Mitsuha
3. Basuta
Rolled 1.
[ 20 vs. 40 ] Miss
[ 29 vs. 37 ] Miss
[ 38 vs. 23 ] Crit Hits! 1.043dmg.
[ 27 vs. 39 ] Miss

8 seconds Crush uses Coagulation against Mitsuha, bleed level 0.

8.75 seconds Mitsuha uses a Terra Firma Shot against Basuta! Randomized blindshot.
1. Keniwa
2. Basuta
Rolled 1.
[ 17 vs. 29 ] Miss

8,88 seconds Nom uses Kill Driver against Basuta.
[ 40 vs. 40 ] Tie 50% dmg. 88 dmg
[ 26 vs. 40 ] Miss
[ 30 vs. 24 ] Hits 175
[ 24 vs. 38 ] Miss
[ 26 vs. 36 ] Miss
[ 28 vs. 36 ] Miss
[ 31 vs. 28 ] hits 175
[ 40 vs. 43 ] Miss
[ 32 vs. 38 ] Miss
[ 38 vs. 33 ] Hits 175
Basuta used up a special action.

9,24 seconds Keniwa Uses Fist of Virtue against Basuta. Randomized blindshot.
1. Mitsuha
2. Basuta
Rolled 1.
[ 38 vs. 25 ] Hits 5981dmg.
Mitsu's traps trigger!
[ 31 vs. 38 ] Miss, keni dodged the trap.
[ 29 vs. 36 ] Miss, Keni dodged the trap.

You guys really angered the dice gods or something…

Blind Shots = If Blind shot check -> jutsu attack rolls

Keep in mind, I am human, if you notice anything or have questions don’t feel bothered to send me a DM.
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Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
“Ayeka, it’s time.”

As soon as those words left Keni's lips bloodlust filled the air as a dark red miasma began to leak out of Ayeka's body seeming to settle over her as a second skin causing waves of materialised malice to swirl around her form casting her body in shadows as she stepped away from her brother uncaring if he had just gotten blasted by all her negatives feelings. Ayeka herself exhalated in her own feeling of rage, abandonment and sadness to empower herself as her madness flowed to the front of her mind causing her horns to begin glowing with a noxious purple energy.

Smoke exploded into existence within the stand a moment later blinding everyone as Ayeka leapt back ad reached out with her chakra in order to grab the muscular ninja before he could slip away but the forces of gravity just caused the smoke to swirl around in the air as it failed to latch on to anything as Keni, Mits and Take disappeared into the smoke as Basuta vanished from her senses. Feeling exposed out in the open Ayeka took a deep breath before walking toward the restaurant her step pattern alternating causing an effect much like an auditory hallucination as her form blurred and vanished from view as the Oni attempted to hide herself from view in order to surprise the older ninja when he reappeared.

[Smoll post sorry for poor quality]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
HP: 20700 - 676 + 621 = 20.695
CP: 13.858 - 676 - 480 - 2100 - 545 - 680 = 9.377

AP: 10
Next round AP: 10.25

Maintains: Curse-seal, Ijutsu mastery, sword trance, Fire chakra,
Status: Cursed
HP: 34.245 - 58 =34.187 34187
CP: 21.666 -

AP: 11
Next round AP: 11

Status: Defensive stance all the way.
HP: 16800 - 336
CP: 12.625 - 90 - 680 - 385 - 420 = 11.350

AP: 10
Next round AP: 11

Maintains: Chakra Absorb
HP: 14.319 + 609 = 14.928 + 3.824 = 18.752
Temp HP: 125
CP: 13.777 - 562 = 13.215

AP: 10
Next round AP: 11


HP: 44.387 -−901−901−901−135−135−135 = 36803
CP: 28.340 - 450 = 27890

AP: 11
Next round AP: 11

Status: Defensive stance all the way. Bleeding Rank 1, poisoned.
HP: 25850
CP: 18.175

AP: 4
Next round AP: 4

Status: Chilling
HP: 15900
CP: 11100 - 2030 = 9.070

AP: 4
Next round AP: 4


What happened?
Maintains payments;
Otakamaru 676hp Wrath Seal,
Otakamaru CP has decreased! -4 modifier.
Ayeka; 90cp

passive gains;
Otakamaru 1.108 cp gain, 621 hp gain
Ayeka 504 hp
Basuta 1350 hp 900 cp.
Keniwa 1071 hp
Mitsuha 609 hp

0 seconds Keniwa wasn't in time to send actions. Moved to defensive mode and dropped all maintains.
0 seconds Basuta wasn't in time to send actions. Moved to defensive mode and dropped all maintains.
0 seconds Mitsuha uses a Basic strike against Keniwa.
[ 36 vs. 36 ] 50% dmg.
0 seconds Otakamaru's Viral Affliction goes off;
1. Ayeka
2. Basuta
3. Mitsuha
4. Keniwa.
You Rolled; 1 & 4
[ 31 vs. 24 ] Hits Ayeka
[ 29 vs. 37 ] Miss Keniwa.

0 seconds Otakamaru poisons his blade.

1 second Smoke bomb leaves the area. Basuta in stealth.

1,59 seconds Otakamaru uses a Temporized slash against Basuta! Blindshot due to Stealth.
[ 22 vs. 20 ] Basuta no longer in stealth.
Rolling for jutsu.
[ ?? vs. ?? ] Miss.

1,82 seconds Ayeka uses Chakra Extension on self.

2,05 seconds Mitsuha uses Flourish of the Larch on self.

2,51 seconds Mitsuha changes dances now dance the of the willow.

2,73 seconds Ayeka uses Onikawa on self.

3,64 seconds Ayeka uses Tremour sense.
she is aware of everyone.

4,09 Otakamaru uses Tsubame Gaeshi against Basuta.
[ 27 vs. 33 ] Miss

5,01 seconds Mitsuha is using a Voltaic shot with Barrage against Basuta.
[ 38 vs. 42 ] Miss
[ 41 vs. 39 ] Hits 901hp dmg 135 hp dmg agument. 90cp dmg
[ 35 vs. 29 ] Hits 901hp dmg 135 hp dmg agument. 90cp dmg
[40 vs. 30 ] Hits 901hp dmg 135 hp dmg agument. 90cp dmg
Roll for bleed chance; 99% Failed.

5,68 seconds Ayeka uses Anabolic frenzy on self.

6,13 seconds Otakamaru uses Metamorph

7,27 seconds Ayeka uses Step-in-Flash against Basuta.
[ 23 vs. 31 ] Miss

7,51 seconds Mitsuha uses a Flurry shot against Basuta.
[ 35 vs. 31 ] Hits 327 dmg 34,5 cp dmg. (378hp dmg with augments)
[ 34 vs. 29 ] Hits 327 dmg 34,5 cp dmg. (378hp dmg with augments)
[ 38 vs. 40 ] Hits 327 dmg 34,5 cp dmg. (378hp dmg with augments)
[ 41 vs. 30 ] Crit hits, 424 dmg. 42 cp dmg. Bleeding Rank 1. ( 466hp dmg with augments)
[ 38 vs. 37 ] Partial hit 75% 258 dmg
[ 30 vs. 37 ] miss
[ 26 vs. 39 ] Miss
[ 28 vs. 31 ] Miss
[ 31 vs. 33 ] Miss
[ 31 vs. 29 ] Hits 327 dmg (378hp dmg with augments)
Roll for bleed chance; 72% failed.
Total damage. 2236hp dmg. 180cp dmg.

7,5 seconds Crush uses Angelic Blessing on Mitsuha.
[Auto succeed] + 3.824 hp

8,17 Otakamaru uses Steel weaving against Basuta.
36 vs. 41 Miss
31 vs. 40 Miss
23 vs. 40 Miss
23 vs. 40 Miss
21 vs. 25 Miss

8,86 seconds Ayeka uses dragon assault against Basuta.
18 vs. 29 Miss
25 vs. 33 Miss
25 vs. 34 Miss
32 vs. 27 Hits.
Keep in mind, I am human, if you notice anything or have questions don’t feel bothered to send me a DM.
ps; f you mitsu quq
pss;; And you too Hon!! Dx All the rolls quq
pssss;; you 3... you 3 had to give me more rolls... ò.< I will remember this!!

Before anyone comes at me;; I told you guys the UBR rules apply, 48 hours is what we run with.

Fixed heal gain from Crush.
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Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
His rage had swallowed him whole his machinery taking a twist on his body as it began to steam and howl as black smoke radiated from his back, a molten colour splashing all across his chakra network as the wires connected to each of his fists and the entirety of his body instinctually began to heat and move creating a large amount of energy. Slamming his fist on to the ground after creating several handseal motions Nom would fly out in to the fight ready and always eager for a good brawl, unaffected by any sort of smoke or blindness he used his nose to sniff out his prey and attack accordingly with breakneck speed.

Blinded by pure hatred he swung in the smoke, moving on its own he wasn’t in control anymore, like muscle memory though he replicated a move in which he had used in a past fight against his dear friend. A holy blazing orange covering his rock hard fist as the smoke swallowed each of them whole. Yet it was clear that he had been reckless without taking much thought of the ones around him , the result of the punch being a sour one leaving his friend hurt. Yet this came with several prices as he narrowly avoided two traps that flew his way, from his companions destination, almost in fear of himself his molten colour flickered quickly fading away as he looked at his own bloody hand in shock. He’d let his own anger get the best of him and one of his friends had to pay for it.

Almost zoning out completely he stopped for a moment becoming one to his own mind and fear, everything was like a flurry spinning round in his head as screams and panicked quick footsteps of the ones around him echoed through his head. Yet a slash to his arm snapped him back to the reality which was taking place before him, Mitsuha’s somewhat annoyed yet clearly determined face brought him back in to the fight guns blazing, he couldn’t falter not now. Not against this level of disgust, and it was time for him to strike. Ayeka, Otakemaru and Mitsuha fought for what they believed in and he wasn’t about to fail when they needed him most.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
