Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Leaf Lunar Event Opening Ceremony [Lunar Festival Opening]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Weeks had been passing by in Konoha with the hustle and bustle of people preparing for the Lunar Festival. The noises of carts coming into the gates, with pop up stalls and games of every kind trundling into the village, the Main Branch had been stretched and he wouldn’t thank them enough for the work that they had been pulling day and night to get together the man power to make sure the gates never shut, it was clear that leaf was finally finding its own way back onto its feet and this festival would give them that fresh start that was required.

Takeshi had never signed so much paper work in his life, but that was just to approve everyone and what the plans where with the festival, along with all the health and safety that came with this request. He had been having the ANBU patrolling around Konoha during the nights, unseen and on the rooftops where normally where they could be found. It seemed that they patrolled down on street level as well, more to keep the peace than to cause fear from anyone, interacting with people as well, even the other day Takeshi had caught one of them painting a mask before the stall was finished.

Main branch had found an opening that they where using to interact with everyone as well, just the other day he had wandered to the gates to find Asuka joking around with the front man to the carnival Melodias. It seemed that she was discussing the headache he was causing her, while being given a bunch of flowers, for a strange reason he almost had to contain the smile on his face as he looked towards the two of them, though the flowers seemed to be an apology to the woman for working the gates so hard, but Takeshi found that swell of pride inside of his own chest as he watched the energy between all the branches.

The night before the festival opening he had personally gone to the hospital, though it seemed with the influx of visitors the common cold was rampant the newly appointed Medical Sennin Nagisa was on top of that, rushing around in her hustle and bustle she had stopped only briefly to make a demand for more stock to be acquired for the vaccine, to which Takeshi obliged, she was driven and devoted. The medical teams had been out at the early hours of the morning each day, helping the wanders from the bars home and picking up the pieces that needed help, they had come out with the kind, gentle touch when it was needed, and he had been hearing their praise being spoken by most of the villagers.

This brought the Hokage to this point, standing inside of his office as the sun set over Konoha, once more the man looked out to the gates, knowing everything inside of this was under his protection, it was his duty and his charge and one that he would never faulter for. Hearing the door shut behind him the man that stood before him, in a white trousers and jacket with a top hat, the cane gently clicking against the floor. Turning to face the man he allowed himself a few seconds before smiling to the man.

“I take it, we are all prepared for the festival, all the stalls are manned, the lanterns and lite and we are here to celebrate this time?”

“Indeed, Lord Hokage, I have to say the three weeks have been busy, but now we should have the peak of influx during this time, I must say you have been a gracious host and for that I am thankful.”

“Not at all, my people need a reason to celebrate, and you gave us just that, I hope this proves to be profitable for your carnival.”

“I am sure it will”

“Shall we go then?”


Allowing his hands to come together he allowed the robes of the Hokage to wrap around his shoulders before slipping his hands threw the sleeves, finally he took the hat and donned it over himself, normally he would never wear the hat out but this was a public event and as such the Hokage needed to be seen in his full gear, as the two of them made there way to the roof of the mansion, he knew full well that the noise and commotion was people from all over the land coming here to enjoy the festival. The two of them walked in silence as the Hokage allowed the man to step onto the roof first.

As the two of them stepped onto the roof the Hokage allowed himself to turn to the left as he noted the attendance of the Sennin of Konoha, each of them had shown true devotion to the village during there service so far, had been proven of there efforts and work it was clear that each of them had come here dressed for the occasion.

“My Sennin, thank you for attending the opening ceremony, it is appreciated, I hope you all enjoy the festivities and I thank you for the work that has gone into making this happen over the last few weeks”

Turning the Hokage allowed them to stay in their positions, as he walked to the balcony, looking at the village he allowed himself a few moments for the crowd to come down to a silence. Takeshi felt his fingers wrapping around the bars of the railing around the roof top as he looked down to those that had come from far and wide.

“People of Konoha, Visitors from distance lands alike I welcome you to this Festival. For we are entering celebration inside of Leaf, we have been preparing for this night to begin celebrating the Lunar Festival. Enjoy the show, get involved and most of all have fun, as we see the end of a year and the start of another page in our book. Remember the past and look forward to the future.”

With that being said, the fireworks went off into the sky, lightning the night up to signal the beginning of the festival, the stalls begun shooting and trying to get people to play the games that they where running. It seemed that the opening had taken place as Takeshi allowed himself to watch the fireworks going into the sky, he allowed his eyes to fall back to the Sennin as he walked towards the stairs back down he stopped and looked to each of them.

“Look towards the future my Sennin”

[Opening Ceremony]
[OOC: Have fun and welcome to Konoha for the festival!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
