Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Leap Of Faith [Class]


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Still stationed in Kumogakure, Hon reflected on his first… and last class. Well, not last as in the last one he’d ever make, but last time… which was his first time- y-you knew what he meant.

Holding a Channeling class indoors was a bad idea. A lot of windows were smashed apart as a result, but he got off the hook in the end… except Mirō was there. Now that mentally killed him – showing such subpar skills in front of his Sennin. Regardless of how insignificant that class was to the corps known as ANBU, it was still a duty, a responsibility – and he could’ve done better. For the sake of the students, and for the sake of himself.

But… maybe he could redeem himself with this next class. He’d already made sure to register at the Academy that a class was being held in the Ancient Forest by a Jōnin named Hyūga Honnou. The class aimed at improving maneuverability, a beneficial skill when traveling, going into hiding or utilizing one’s surroundings in the heat of battle.

Hon found himself in the depths of the Ancient Forest, surrounded by tall trees, shrubbery, branches stretching out in all directions, and precipices native to these regions. It was no surprise – Kumogakure was pretty much sitting on a mountain range, although it had flattened out over the years thanks to development. These wilder areas would prove to be the ultimate parkour course, and Hon patiently awaited his students’ arrival, having granted those interested a map to his exact position.

As for appearances… well, Hon wasn’t an official teahcer at the Academy, so he wore his white Tai Chi shirt and black kempo leggings as usual. But anyone who knew him would recognize his mismatched pair of a crystal-blue left eye and a matted, lavender right eye… but most of all, that one, stark red bang of hair on the middle of his hairline.

[OOC: Planning to post again on 17-11-2023, then keep a 7-day rotation going due to the number of students present. By all means, reach out to me if shit happens.]
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Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kano was excited as all get up, her first real outdoor class. It was one thing to do something from a book, but another entirely to put what they had learned to the test. As she made her way into the woods she couldn't help how gitty she was getting. It was only natural that she be excited about her first chance to prove herself and in front of her friends too.

She saw the teacher for the class, and immediately was curious as to who the man was. He was clearly a stand out from the average person around the village and she saw his heterochromic eyes and was drawn in. She hadn't met someone else with eyes like that before, and her own mild heterochromia was nothing in comparison to this. Were they natural?

She smiled and gave a bow as she approached, "hello Sensei I look forward to the class today." She stood back up after a moment and went to put her things down. An oddly serious look washed over her as she did. She was going to prove herself, here and now. No matter what this class was going to hold she was going to nail it.

She would begin to stretch in preparation as the other students arrived. Always the early bird, that's was her role.

[Wc 219]
[Twc 219/1000]

Yuki Michiko

New Member
May 6, 2023
OOC Rank
Michiko was so excited! Class today wouldn't be held at the academy, but rather outdoors. She loved being outside, and based on the information provided, it was going to be a physical type of class rather than mental. She much preferred physical activity, because she was basically one large bundle of energy just waiting to be let loose. So she quickly gathered her bag, her few personal items, and headed out of the alley she had slept in that night. Along the way, she would try and find a discarded bottle of water to try and wet her hair to brush out the cowlicks, with little success.

"Oh, I wonder if my new friends are going to be there! It would be so nice to see them again. Maybe we could make a little challenge between all of us to see who does better in the class, and the winner gets to pick the next place we go to hang out! Of course, that would mean that I need to take on more jobs to get some money so I could spend time with them... Oh well, we'll just have to see what happens." Muttering to herself, she finds her way to the Ancient Forest, following the map that was given to her. Along the way she may or may not have tripped and fallen a few times because she was so focused on the map rather than her feet, but she quickly stood up and dusted herself off so that her new clothes wouldn't be stained already. Arriving shortly after Kino, she gives the other girl a small wave before bowing to her sensei wordlessly and begins stretching as well.

[Post 1/5 - WC: 281 - Total WC: 281]


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
OOC Rank
Time for class again.

Shinsetsu wandered into the class without a great deal of enthusiasm, looking around the forest clearing and spotting the teacher. Of course, he gave the man a respectful bow. He ended up alongside two girls that he knew vaguely; Kani, who had come to see him in the hospital when he banged himself up pretty good, and Michiko, whom he had met in the Entertainment District and seemed to be a bubbling wellspring of energy and ADHD. Setsu didn't blame her of course - it was a pretty vital survival tool, being so energetic, and it certainly livened up the atmosphere in a way he could totally vibe to. Settling in to the vibe, he looked out in front of him, letting his eyes slowly glaze over and drift out of focus.

Maybe it was a fatal flaw, or maybe some kind of underlying psychiatric condition, but he found his classes so dull, none of them really challenging him enough on an intellectual level. Yeah, hubris, that was his big problem. Of course, he wasn't enough of an ass to actually voice his complaints out loud, so he merely feigned concentration until the sweet release of the bell pounded in his ears. Still, the sweet caress of forest air, the feeling of being outside, it livened him up a little at least.

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Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Ichika didn’t really hate the idea of class, more-so the being confined in a tiny space with a group of people, so restrictive and suffocating. He wanted to learn and had to get stronger for the sake of the beautiful world he yearned for. Luckily this class was outside and seemed to be more practical. His tail wags even among a group of people he hadn’t met yet. Kiseki had told him about all the wonderful friends he had made, so maybe it would be okay to open up, even if just a little. It was hard for Ichika, the idea of getting attached again terrifies him, being uprooted from everything he’s come to know, but a true hero doesn’t back down from any challenge, Courageous in the face of all things, even if its something personal. A hero doesn't have to be alone.

He wanders through the clearing, one of the last ones, as usual. It’s honestly not his fault. He’s just easily distracted and wanders a bit. You know how dogs are, yes? Always getting into trouble. Ichika strolls past his teacher, nodding towards him as he scampers in with the rest of his classmates, boasting a warm smile that could welcome the spring despite the coming winter. He was ready to bloom.

Post: 1/5
WC: 214
TWC 214/1000

Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Oh was she excited! Finally a chance to put her skills to the test, it's almost pointless in the space of a sit down and study class, because hindering ones actions when it came to studying was... boring. Although when it came to actual outdoor training, putting jutsu to the test, that was the time to see how fruitful her training really was. The past week she had been working on a very specific art, one that some may feel if rancid or disgusting, though to her it was perfectly graceful. All this thought and practice put in to this however had made her arrive somewhat late compared to the others, being one of if not the last to appear. Although write before she made her self seen she would use one hand to cast an assortment of seals targeting one of the other children also at the meeting point. A genjutsu. Made to force them to feel dizzy and unwell in their own body, in most cases they would tend to even vomit, sometimes even spreading it to others around herself.

For a moment if one truly examined her they would see her smile deviously as she made eye contact with the long red haired girl, "Hello Sensei, apologies for my tardiness, I am very eager to learn!" Paying no mind to any of the other students especially... that icey witch, she would use her metaphorical fake halo and smile happily at Honnou.

WC: 243
TWC: 243/1000
POST: 1/5


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
First one to show up was a redhead with faintly mismatched eyes of her own. He returned a bow to her and simply responded: “Likewise.” Their exchange was brief, but he saw her swift change into a deeply focused glare, realizing that she aimed to learn as much as possible. If the number of students was kept to a minimum, maybe he could teach those present a bit more outside of the pensum-

… The next lass looked a little dusty- had she been throwing hands with someone prior to her arrival? “Easy there…” he mumbled worryingly towards her, wondering why she seemed so… familiar. It was probably nostalgia running its course through his brain again, but she did remind him of a certain Yuki brat he used to hang out with back in the da-

Why was he sounding like an oldie now? He just recently turned 18…

The third person was a guy who looked a little worn out… or maybe just tired. Or maybe a bit bored. Poor lad. Hopefully, Hon’s obstacle course wasn’t going to be too demanding of these guys, but he still hoped that it’d at least get their blood boiling. Another bow was returned to this young shinobi as well.

… Hon had the Byakugan, and yet he could’ve sworn that the next guy was a dog. Sometimes, one’s aura could be so dense that it took over another person’s perception of that person – such as looking at Kitsune-sama and only seeing the massive, dreadful outline of the warrior deity that protected her – and such was the case here, too. Hon nodded back to him, checking his watch to see if 5 minutes had passed-


Somebody’s chakra shifted, but it wasn’t any of the kids present in front of him. It came from the shrubbery and was followed with the arrival of a porcelain, surely innocent maiden who could do no wrong. “… S-Suuuure,” he replied dryly, not getting what sort of Genjutsu she cast on the students or what her purpose was, “You don’t have to cause a distraction just to hide your late arrival. Although a sly choice, it’s not necessary today, so keep… whatever you cast down a peg. Besides, you’re not that late.”

Yeah, maybe she had beef with one of the other students, and he was a current teacher, so… it was pretty much his business, too, to tackle those issues, but it wasn’t the focus of today! He didn’t know shit about them! If a teacher wanted to help their students, at least get to know them better first…

“My name is Hyūga Honnou. You can just call me Hon-sensei, if it’s easier,” he introduced himself before laying out today’s class, “I’ve put up an obstacle course from here and to the western valley of the Ancient Forest. It serves to test your ability at maneuvering through chaotic terrain.” With that said, he swiftly flicked his hand and dug 5 kunais into the ground, each right in front of each of the 5 students present. “You’ll need a kunai for some of the obstacles. Whether you run on the ground below, or leap from the branches above, always be prepared for what the world’s about to throw at you. I’ll keep a close eye on your progress.”

Hon’s own mastery of movement allowed him to ascend up a large spruce tree with ease, darting up like a blurry, human-sized bullet before being seen as crouching on one of the top branches. “I hope you remember that west is not that way,” he gave them a hint by pointing a thumb towards one direction, not disclosing what exactly that direction is – north, east, or south. Simply that the direction wasn’t west… and the Ancient Forest was huge. No apparent signs of a whole obstacle course hiding in its green and brown masses.

But Hon had given the green light for them all to advance towards this western valley, wherein a lake and a small waterfall was located.

[OOC: Obstacle Course race has begun! Hon has only given ONE hint - the direction towards west is not where he's pointing his thumb at. Whether you use a map at hand or your own memory, start going west and allow the course's surprises to unfold in front of you :D]

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani felt the rush of heat and confusion hit her face and covered her mouth immediately, she would rush herself off to a bush where the sound of wrenching could be heard. Nothing she could do to prevent this was going to work, she was immediately sick and needed to just get it out. After a moment she returned and looked around her classmates with an genuine look of disappointment. She was just so upset someone would have done this to her for no reason, prank or not it was most unwelcomed.

She then listened to the instructions of the teacher, thinking long and hard about what he was saying before leaping into action without hesitation once he was finished. She jumped to the trees and set off running from branch to branch, focusing her chakra on her feet to avoid any slips or falls. If anyone followed her path she was kindly keeping pace with the others. She may have wanted to prove herself, but she also wanted to see what her classmates were capable of. She would look occasionally around for the white haired girl, seeming the Sensei had commented about her actions. If she did want to do anything, it was make sure she beat that one girl today.

As they all scrambled west, if the others knew their cardinal directions in space around them as she did, she would call out to the classmates "How about a side bet? Last one through the course owes us all a post class meal? Especially seeming some of us lost our breakfast..." She'd make a pointed comment at the end of her statement. She felt that a little competition might just spice this class up a bit, and allow others to push themselves. Who knows maybe she'd get a free meal out of it too, which would be a serious win.

[WC 312]
[twc 531/1000]

Yuki Michiko

New Member
May 6, 2023
OOC Rank
Michiko glanced around at the other students as they all arrived, realizing that there were more than she had expected. This was good, though! She enjoyed a challenge, and would set her mind to being one of the first to complete the course today. As she was stretching, a wave of nausea rolled over her, and her stomach roiled. As the contents of her stomach worked their way back up her throat, Michiko forced herself to swallow it back down. She rarely got a chance to eat as well as she had that morning, raiding the dumpster outside of a bakery, and she wasn't going to let it all go to waste.

Turning around at the sound of a familiar voice, her heart fell to her feet. Standing there, looking pristine as always, was Sumika. Had she known the other girl was going to be in this class, she likely wouldn't have signed up. Kicking herself for not checking who else was going to be here, she reached into her pocket and tightened her hand around the small package there. She'd been holding onto it for all this time, waiting for a chance to give the gift to her friend. But after so long being ignored and avoided, she felt a sourness overtake her. Turning away from Sumi, she listened to their Sensei's instructions, and quickly pulled out her map to determine which direction was west.

Before taking off, she pulled the pouch out of her pocket and threw it over her shoulder to land at Sumika's feet. "Here. I got you new strings for your Biwa. Having said what she needed to say, Michiko took off running after Kani, keeping to the ground for now. She didn't want the other girl to see the tears streaming down her face as she ran, wiping furiously at her eyes and narrowly avoiding cutting herself with the kunai that was provided. ""You're on! I'm not going to be last, so I hope whoever is last has plenty of money. I'm going to work up an appetite and gorge myself after we finish with this course!"

[Post 2/5 - WC: 352 - Total WC: 633]


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
OOC Rank
Shinsetsu could immediately tell something was wrong, not only when he suddenly felt a wave of nausea overcome him, but also, the mysterious symptoms seemed to have taken his classmates too. No way this could be a sudden on-set psychogenic illness... he could feel in the air this was something more nefarious. Closing his eyes as the teacher began his instructions, he concentrated for a moment, and then, when he next looked upon his classmates, through the lenses of his young, underdeveloped Sharingan, he could see his classmates' chakra as a slightly disrupted aura. That was proof enough for him. Again, he closed his eyes, concentrating on his own chakra network.


As he thought the word, his whole body tensed for a moment, and then he felt the symptoms suddenly vanish. No sooner had he done this than the culprit had stepped out of hiding. He couldn't help but smirk; if there was one thing Setsu prided himself on, it was his love for Genjutsu, and he was not so prideful as to not recognise and respect a fellow well-studied practitioner. Pulling his kunai from the ground, the black-haired boy listened to the task; they had to reach the western valley. Setsu could feel his hunter senses kicking in, and all of the lessons with his dad came rushing back. The sun.... watch the sun... His eyes alighted on the sky, considering the time of day.. Rises in the East, sets in the West. Silently, he made his mind up on which way to go... but first...

"Sumika! Hey," said Setsu once the teacher had vanished into the trees, prodding Sumika on the arm to get her attention, "I just want to say good luck out there."

If she was unlucky enough to make direct eye contact with Shinsetsu, if she looked into those scarlet-red eyes, she would find herself suddenly feeling extremely punchdrunk and unsteady on her feet. To Setsu, this was kind of like a grim handshake; a slightly forceful way of recognising a fellow Genjutsu lover.

Not sticking around long enough to face the consequences, Shinsetsu jumped, vanishing into the trees in the direction, by the estimate of the sun, that he suspected was West.


Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Ichika felt a wave of nausea assault his senses. He could tell it was a genjutsu of some sort. He wasn’t an expert on the subject by any means, but was frequently the victim of them due to Kiseki. He’s built a sort of tolerance to the effects of many of the lower level ones as a result. Even so, he doesn’t want to go through the lesson retching his guts out. He channels his chakra, forming the Tora seal. Cancel. Annoying. Ichika knew it was likely the last arrival that pulled this irritating little stunt. His blood starts to slowly simmer. What the hell was her problem, anyway? Thinking she could get away with something like that with no repercussions. A vile maiden with impish horns. Cool down, Ichika. We’re here to make friends, remember? Maybe it was just a joke.

Whatever, water under the bridge. The nausea passes and the teacher steps forward to explain the lesson. A simple obstacle course through the western valley of the forest. It should be a breeze for Ichika considering his physicality is about his only strong suit. He steps forward, taking one of the kunai and scurries off west as instructed, grateful for his nomadic upbringing. A nod and a wave to the.white haired girl who arrived just after he did. “See you at the finish line!” An awkwardly bubbly gesture as he bounds through the dense underbrush, catching up with his other peers. He could hear a playful wager being made between friends and a little spark ignited in Ichika “Alright! You're on, but I'm gonna leave you all in my dust!” He sticks his tongue out, taunting the rest of the kids before breaking out into a bellowing snicker that rippled through the expansive forest.

TWC: 508/1000
Post: 2/5

Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
“You don’t have to cause a distraction just to hide your late arrival. Although a sly choice, it’s not necessary today, so keep… whatever you cast down a peg. Besides, you’re not that late.”

Sumika smiled cutesly with her arms behind her back almost as if she didn't quite take in what he said, only paying relevance to the last part of what he said. "Thank you Hon Sensei!" As he explained the rules she could only watch maniacally as her victim would puke her guts out in the nearby bush, and the look on her face as she came back, it truly meant that he had succeeded in her little experiment. Although she couldn't have wished for a better aftereffect than this, she watched as her genjutsu would spread across her peers... no they must have been inferior... it was brilliant, she saw all of them react in someway, whether it be clenching their stomachs or holding their mouth. It didn't matter, either way it was a glorious sight.

Although to her surprise... as she listened to the teacher's instructions some seemed to be casting... handsigns? It wasn't a surprise to her that her target or Michiko didn't have the skills necessary but these two... oh they intrigued her for sure. When everything seemed to be said and done she prepped herself to leave, when a sort of... game was being prepared? A deal perhaps? One that someone would be paying for all their meals... due to a certain incident. Giggling at the thought she would clench each of her hands in excitement, "Sure! My apologies to whoever is last..." Once again her words would be a stark contradiction to her soft and gentle tone, readying to pounce in to the shrubbery she was stopped by someone talking to her.

Since it was someone who peaked her interest she'd turn her head, a slight blush across her face as she was prodded. "Good.. luck? Well, I suppose good luck to you asw-" Stopped dead in her tracks as she gazed in to his scarlet eyes it would appear she was caught off guard by Shinsetsu, someone she'd written off before as being a good for nothing slacker. Stumbling she would almost trip over as she gazed towards him whilst he rushed off in to the distance, 'Oh... oh!!' It was nowhere near as sick as Miro's gut wrenching genjutsu but it sure was a refresher that she couldn't treat him like a toy, unlike the others he seemed to be competent... Casting the seals for a cancel jutsu as her mind began to work alongside her again. A vein sprouted underneath her skin upon the back of her hand, grabbing it with her other hand she glanced around only the teacher and the other red head remaining. "Shut up." She would say blankly and unhesitantly before leaping after Shinsetsu. She had a lot of feelings spewing in her brain right now but what she knew for sure, is that he wouldn't lose to him, there was no way, despite her anger... why did she blush?!

WC: 515
TWC: 758/1000
Post: 2/5


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
That Sumika girl was trouble. Chasing after Shinsetsu like that, they’d already gotten a little rivalry thing going on. Reminded him about him and Doi.

Other than that, Hon was impressed to see that the rest of the students cancel the small Genjutsu that was cast on them – although Michiko decided to jog away the urge to expel her stomach’s contents through sheer force of will, which… was sometimes a viable strategy. Toughen up, and all that shit.

Either way, as they all advanced towards west, Hon followed suit – many of them would watch him not leap from branch to branch, but actually… float? Nay, merely an optical illusion – his soles were glued to a thin, metallic Ninja Wire, allowing him to swing across the shrubbery like a damn gibbon, his hands free to cross arms as he only had to do a flip each time he shot out a new Ninja Wire from his wrist. Rinse and repeat, making it look so easy as a teaser to the final level that these kids would reach one day.

A rumbling growl traveled across the leaves. It soon revealed itself to not be a growl, but a full-blown roar – but not the kind of roar from a mountain-living bear, cougar or any other mountain-dweller of those genus. Hon heard the noise of his new friend, one eager to participate and boast its might and majesty, and why not indulge in its excitement? Time had told that his new friend was trustworthy around Hon’s friends.

“You’re up, Kokurenga!”


A shining, dark-grey wall just shot through the trees from the right side of the students’ tracks, cutting off the way a dozen meters ahead and causing debris in the form of wooden planks, piles of dirt and large droplets of water to fly up in the air, soon descending at their positions. Their first obstacle – a bunch of random debris from the air! Be vigilant and evasive, and should any of them lose their footing while high in the air, Hon would expertly pull them back up with a Ninja Wire and place them on a nearby branch to resume their race.

It wasn’t like he was aiming to kill them… he just thought that, maybe, they weren’t feeling challenged enough. Bored kids were a menace, after all – no need to be bored here and now!

Kokurenga did, however, decide to tail Kani, slithering in the air with the intent to grab her collar with the precision that Hon had taught it. However, despite holding back, few could feel confident being chased by a large, serpentine dragon with a history of such vile aggression.

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani was hoping from branch to branch then as the debris began to fall, she moved with it at an angle. Her eyes allowing her to focus as she slid through the debris rapidly falling around her, occasionally catching a scrape or two from it but nothing serious. However her cocky smile turned into a scream at seeing the massive creature chasing behind her.


She sprinted as she was absolutely terrified. she was so intent on not falling to the grasp of the dragon that was slowly catching up to her, that she had almost forgotten the entire purpose of the class, dodging obstacles. She tripped and slammed into a falling chunk of debris face first, her body tumbling past and sliding as the dragon scooped her by her collar. Her body flailed in protest though the energy spent on the last few moments before this became ever more clear, as her efforts were certainly less than her normal.

"Oh come on! This isn't fair! I was in the lead! PUT ME DOWWWWWWWNNNNN!"

She screamed and threw a fit like a child being put in time out, but in reality the protest was now less about the actual course but instead about the promise of food. She was about to lose the ability to get a free meal if this kept up, but that's when it hit her. Everything in her power became focused on one thing, not being last. She reached up and held the creatures whiskers and pulled as hard as she could in an attempt to steer the massive beast, if it worked she'd have an assitant to her plan. However if it didn't at least it would prompt the dragon to maybe let go of the girl. Either way this was her chance to take control of the situation she now found herself in, so she'd take it.

[wc 320]
[twc 851/1000]


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
OOC Rank
The whole world was sharp as a pin, almost moving in slow motion as his keen eyes scanned every twig and branch as he flew through the forest canopy, ready to face any obstacle that might be thrown his way. Something felt off though, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. A foreboding feeling in the pit of his stomach. Then he saw it. Something vast and shiny bolted through the trees not too far from his position, something long, massive, and powerful.

"Kani!" Setsu called worriedly as he looked around, eyes widening as he watched the girl struggle and scream, for a huge, serptentine.... something, had grabbed her collar and was impeding her progress.

"FUCK. THAT!" Screamed the boy uncharacteristically, slamming on the accelerator had hopping for his life from branch to branch, ready to do anything to put as much distance as possible between him and the scaly behemoth behind him. Looking up, he kept tabs on the direction of the sun, checking he was still heading west. He surely must've been getting close by now, right? No doubt Sumika would've shrugged off the Genjutsu and be gaining on him by now; he was pretty sure she wasn't going to take his retaliation lying down like that. That wasn't a huge concern to him right now; what mattered was scoring top grades in this class and hopefully getting a good recommendation from the sensei.... all assuming he wasn't eaten whole by a literal dragon that had seemingly popped out of nowhere.


Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
A simple enough course for someone of Ichika's physical capabilities with just minor debris to try to throw him off balance. He would keep his eyes trained and move accordingly, angling his body to evade any obstacle. In a pure test of strength and agility, Ichika felt confident enough to trounce the rest of the class, but a part of him wanted to fall behind if only for the opportunity to be the one to treat them all to a meal. It was a good experience regardless of the result and he was content with that, taking it easy to just overlook the rest of his classmates in case they stumble. He couldn't help but giggle, warmly beaming a fiery smile as he trailed along with his classmates.

A stir in the forest. The shaking of trees. Something was coming. Something far more dangerous than the paltry debris that the sensei was throwing at the group. Ichika peeks behind his shoulder and sees it. The scaly, serpentine beast in hot pursuit of prey. He could only assume it was another test from their sensei, but what if it wasn't? He was afraid. He would pick up the pace, trying desperately to avoid the dragon's clutches, when he hears the pleas of Kani, frightened and almost petulant at the idea of being scruffed by her collar and hindered during the race. Ichika had to do something! Even if it would cost him the race. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he abandoned the girl to the whims of some primal dragon.

Ichika pushes forward, trying desperately to catch up and cut off the behemoth. His blood sizzles, anxious and terrified, trying to deter the boy trying desperately to bloom into a sparkling firework. Kani was doing well to hang on, pulling on the creature's whiskers, steering it to the best of her ability from her treacherous position. Finally, he gets into a position to attack, jumping from a similar elevation, twisting his body to strengthen his leg as he releases the coil and slams his leg into the dragon's temple. "Let her go!" The force of the impact bounces off its scales, knocking Ichika back, unsteady hands scrambling to find purchase to hang off of the dragon as well.

Post: 3/5
WC: 379
TWC: 887/1000


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Kokurenga caught its prey, huffing in jubilation. Kani’s screams were those of panic, not pain, so it also served its other duty – not to hurt the students too badly. However, it wasn’t going to let go of Kani just yet – she was the poor victim, after all.

… Panic, panic, pain, confusion, panic. Having its whiskers pulled like that was a shock, and not many had the guts to try that on a hostile dragon. The result was that Kokurenga jerked downwards, then upwards again, side to side, then got his serpentine body tied around some trees with Kani hanging by, flung forward like a damn yoyo.

And just as it was recovering from that shock, it felt a leg smash onto its temple by another one of the students – at this point, Kokurenga’s pride was already injured enough for today, so it raised its head in retaliation, pushing back the leg and sending Ichika away and proceeding to fling Kani to another treetop, finally letting go of her. Strange, little kids… always found a way to cause trouble, even to a mighty dragon. It went after Ichika next, its serpentine tail flicking after Kani at the same time. Almost as if it had two heads, one going after each student.

Shin had gotten the lead now, but there was a detriment waiting to affect him – keeping an eye on the direction of the sun meant that he wouldn’t easily go astray from the path to the finish line, but a tough net spanning over 10 meters across the space further ahead was about to grab him. Should that happen, metal orbs would tie the net shut, forming a bag with the poor catch trapped inside, falling into a bed of leaves that could’ve easily been solid ground or spikes in a hostile situation.

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani slammed into the treetop, her air leaving her body immediately upon impact. She thumped down several branches and landed with a massive thud onto the ground, it was not only embarrassing but she was certainly not in the best shape after that experience. She was supposed to steer the ship, but instead was shot from its cannon. She was trying to show off and now she was the damsel in distress banged up and slammed on the ground. Tears formed in her eyes as the pain pulsed up her body, she slowly lifted herself up to face the others and offered a smile. "th.. Thanks guys I.. I owe you. Forget the race.. We can get there and regardless I'm paying for a meal for you all okay? I.. Just thank you." She gave a deep bow in response to the others who jumped to her aid. She couldn't compete in this wager any more, her will was zapped, but she would finish the course. She'd hobbile the rest of the way regretting her choice in grabbing the whiskers of the dragon.

[wc 183]
[twc 1034/1000]


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
OOC Rank
Shinsetsu was determinately not paying nay made as to the fates of his fellow classmates behind him; his whole being was focused on getting to that valley, and putting as many trees between himself, and that damn dragon, as possible. Using his Sharingan to carefully scan the path in front of him, he pressed forward, mindful of the fact there may be traps ahead to catch him out. And then it happened. The very thing he had been expecting. He saw, as if in slow-motion, the mass of ropes flying at him, ready to confine him to failure.

"Not today," he gasped, his hands coming together and making a series of signs before pushing outward. There was a sudden burst of wind which put paid to the trap's momentum and prevented from ensnaring the boy completely, but, nonetheless, he still had one of the metal orbs wrap itself around his leg. It took a good half-minute to free himself of it and return to the race, at which point, he did not doubt, many of his classmates might be catching him up. Still determined to keep his lead, he put his full stamina into flying through the trees at break-neck pace.


Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Ichika had successfully played the hero, freeing Kani from the dragon's grasp and now he had become a target. He knew there was no chance of winning the race, but he could be proud of doing the right thing. He zips through the trees, gathering chakra in his feet to maintain his balance as the draconic beast flails about to snap the terrified boy in its jaws. "K-Kani, that's great and don't worry I'll still help pay... because I think I'm coming in last."

His fight or flight was definitely dialed in on flight, hopping through snapping branches that slam into his lithe frame. Still, he almost reflexively started to wring chakra through his body, sizzling beneath to skin to channel a fireball, the usual solution to his problems. Too many thoughts for the stupid dog leave him paralyzed and continue to simply evade close call after close call. The finish line had to be approaching, passing by the debris of already triggered trap and signs of other students that have blazed their own trail.

TWC: 1062
Post: 4/5

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