Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Lost Woods


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Oct 7, 2012
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Tasked with doing his part to make sure that the current and probable next generation of Kumo was ready for whatever threats would come their way, Musashi found himself in the Ancient Forest in the middle of a rainstorm that was steadily picking up in intensity. While it was true that normally storms of such weren't all that powerful compared to the islands or coast, every so often there was a storm that seemed to test the fitness of the large and ancient forest in ways that it hadn't been tested before. This was looking to be one such storm, and as he continued to make his way towards the the place that he would spend the next few days, he went over the whereabouts of the hidden away place in his mind.

Known for being a true recluse, an ancient forger of all sorts of wares had once made his home deep within the Ancient Forest in order to not only elude the authorities but to also find a measure of peace in order to perfect his craft. In the hustle and bustle of much larger villages and cities, one could always look forward to being distracted when they were trying to intricately copy a blueprint or the like, whereas here, one could only ever blame the natural sounds of the forest which proved to be far better neighbors than any human could be. Tucking his rain coat tight about his body as the wind picked up, Musashi grimaced and stopped to look around to see if he'd passed the marker for making sure that he was on the right path and sure enough he found the oddly banded tree stump just a few paces away. Looking beyond it, he could see a clearing in the distance and so on ward he moved.


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Jan 18, 2021
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The Furtive Sage
The Ancient forest. What a fitting site it was to house all things mystic, sacred, and or forbidden. The beautiful woodland beckoned such things. This included things such as herself. Despite the current downpour, her journey remained unimpeded. The furtive Kunochi brushed her deep supernatural blue curls from her brow and took note of the misty surround of the forest. Shielded by her enormous white hat, Momo traveled without need of an umbrella. But what brought her to the forest? What was she in search of? A question for Fate perhaps though there was something ominous about the journey. The forest was lush with life and life flourished about the forest. However, it would seem as though death had come to collect in full. The path in which Momo traveled would leave a trail of lifeless plants, bugs and animals. Death was but a natural cycle of life but this was perhaps unnatural and separated from the natural cycle of life and death.

What truly brought the Big Hat traveler to these parts was nothing more than rumors. Rumors that the home of a Sage resides within the ancient forest. This wasn’t just any Sage of ninjutsu arts but a Sage of mystic, sacred, and forbidden artifacts and rare items. Rumors coupled with tall tales of a man that presumably was all knowing in such matters. Such rumors would naturally fall on the ear of the deaf however, Momo was desperate for answers. The thing on her head was draining the life out of everything and everyone who drew near… to include herself. The existence of a man with mastery level knowledge of strange and cursed items like this one was to good to be true… but to insane not to seek him out all the same.
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Oct 7, 2012
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Onward he walked, careful to stick to the path that had been laid out for an untold amount of time. Many thought of Musashi as being ancient but there were indeed things that were far more ancient than even he could imagine them to be. Of what was notable about the ancient maker of weapons, was that he was simply one of the best to ever have done it. In a world surrounded by master bladesmiths, there were those that were simply different than the rest and he was one such. Even now, his works were considered legendary in nature and once obtained, were treated as more precious than the most highly adorned family heirloom. Musashi himself wasn't a holder of such works but if he could get his hands on them then he was sure that he could probably figure out a way to if not mimic the style than to at least understand what made them so special. As it stood, he was partially journeying to this mythic keep in order to actually learn from this great teacher in his own quest to gain enlightenment where he could find it. As he journeyed through the forest, it seemed that he picked up a stray, one who was either following him directly or following too closely on the path that he was on. In any event, the very nature of the forest gave away their secrets and like soft careless whispers the forest spoke one whom Musashi should be aware of. His senses heightened, he recognized that he was heading towards a pivotal fork in the road and so he bided his time to confront the would be stalker there.


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Jan 18, 2021
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The Furtive Sage
Like a story book riddle, her path inevitably reached a fork of two divergent paths. Such a strange occurrence so deep within the forest. Though the paths bore no such signs as to their intended destination, each presumably led somewhere and both were made by someone. Now who would go through the trouble if not the Sage she sought or some other reclusive individual looking to horde their knowledge in obscurity. Both the twin paths were begging for exploration however, the furtive ex musician could only oblige one for the moment. Drawing closer, Momo would tilt her Big Hat upward to spot a male figure standing at the crossroads. Perhaps he was faced with the same dilemma as to which road was best though he faced outward their position. It was as if he was waiting for something or someone.
Momo drew near with little resistance or hesitation. She had no intentions of disguising or cloaking her presence. Appearing through and from the imaginative fog gate, Momo would tip her Big Hat to him, “Greetings fellow traveler. I don’t suppose you were waiting for me? Or perhaps you are lost? In either case, I believe we have much to gain from fraternization. What say you? Care to solve the riddle of the two paths together? My name is Momo, more formally and nationally know as the musician and superstar Big Hat Momo” At this time, Momo hardly looked like herself. She looked to be severely afflicted by cursed chakra. Her skin cracked and was a teal shade of blue; her hair a deep and unnatural blue; her irises glowed a hue of chakra; and every so often, a spectral image of her could be seen just offset her face as if her soul was being pushed from her body. Yet, physically Momo did not seem in destress. She otherwise carried a natural and charismatic smile..


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Oct 7, 2012
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Stopping and then turning around, Musashi was greeted by a most unusual but oddly appropriate sight. Usually a person that overshared was the sort of person that was either especially naive, gullible or hiding their deeper nature behind a freshly laid trap. Musashi himself had often used the tactic to varying degrees of effectiveness but on this day of days, he was willing to at least give honesty a chance to try to work something out. Noting the especially strange way that the girls entire aura seemed to radiate, he noted the especially blue nature, both literally and figuratively, of the woman and shrugged his shoulders as he dared not to approach but did leave some room to socially close the distance. Raising his eyebrows he shouted over the sound of the rain falling on the forest around them and gave caution to the wind. "Aye, you gave a mouthful but...say that we could help each other, why would you trust me and why should I trust you? These are perilous times that we're living in and the only truly honest man is a dead one." For all Musashi knew, the woman, or what appeared to be a woman, could have been just the distraction to make him let down his guard before a band of murderers ambushed him from the cover of the trees. Eyeing her once more, in his mind he wondered if she was a maiden or a maven, a witch or a wanderer lost in the woods. The world was a cruel and unforgiving place and certainly the aged sage wasn't quite so ready to call his tale's end. If she was looking to make an easy mark then he was completely and totally ready to make her work for her next meal. It was simply kill or be killed.

OOC: Apologies for the wait. Work has been beyond hectic!


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Jan 18, 2021
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The Furtive Sage
Despite Momo’s best efforts to lay all of her cards on the table, the stranger in the cloak found her behavior and social eagerness to be suspicious. Perhaps he was the suspicious one and this cynical words would always escape him. Or perhaps it was Momo’s cursed appearance. It was but a survival instinct of all living things to prejudge by a bias… and thus every book is judged by its cover. Momo smiled softly before tilting her big Hat above her bangs to reveal her cursed face. “We don’t have to trust each other good sir. You make it seem as if we were to be wedded. I think it’s quite simple. If all the honest ones are dead then that would make us the dishonest ones right?” Momo would use her charisma to confidently continue to approach, her charm and odd explanation would serve as the main distraction. She’d wink once close enough to be seen before continuing her rambling, “Honestly, it’s the honest ones you can’t trust. But it’s safe to say, you can always trust the dishonest ones to be dishonest.” Once she was close enough, Momo would stretch out her hand to be met by his own. It’s what fair maidens would do in books or epic tales and so the custom wasn’t so ordinary as it was to bow to one another. “I’ve given you my name dishonest one. It’s only fair that you oblige to give your own, though if we are being dishonest, I suppose I wouldn’t believe you anyways. Still, there is two paths before us. It stands to reason that we solve one problem before committing to another.” She was referring to his insinuation that she could not be trusted. “Let’s say we did trust each other even though we don’t. And let’s say that my intentions behind this fateful interaction, was because I’m in search of a man who is said to have knowledge of rare and ancient artifacts like the cursed object upon my crown. I haven’t the faintest clue as to his location but I’m told he resides in this very forest or at least this is where he can be found. I’m being completely dishonest with you of course and I can only expect the same in return. So have you heard of this Sage of items, this reclusive dweller of this beautiful and yet profane forest of kept secrets? Tell me your lies please… come on, it could be fun.” Momo was quite the talker. She rambled on carelessly as if this were a game.


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Oct 7, 2012
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Scoffing to himself, Musashi had to admit that the young maiden had indeed made a bit of sense with her assertation about the honest ones among them. To that end, her riddle about the honest and dishonest one's also made him pause and nod his head in appreciation. "You drive a hard bargain you know." he said as lightning crackled somewhere in the distance. "The name's Musashi, pleasure to meet you on this fine day." he said with a wave and as if embellishing his point, lightning once again crackled in the sky just beyond them. Musashi was more or less prepared to completely just help the woman on her way when she mentioned what she was actually looking for. His brows expression instantly growing furrowed, he turned his chin upwards and gave her an inquisitive look.

"You know, I believe that that might have been the most honest thing that you've said yet." Turning to look back at the two forking paths, the man turned back to the maiden, careful not to keep his back to her too long. "Let's say that I know of what you speak. What's preventing you from using my knowledge and then whetting an equally cursed but also well forged blade's appetite with my life? Like I said before, these are strange times that we live in." As he spoke, it was becoming ever more clear that the storm was quickly moving closer to where their general area was. Musashi could continue to play hardball with the woman but as much as he liked the rain, he wasn't exactly looking forward to being drenched unnecessarily. Whatever words the woman produced next would tell the tale of how the day's affairs would continue to go. For now, Musashi eyed her movements just as carefully as he would soon listen to her words.

OOC: Next posting round we'll get to the meat and potatoes.


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Jan 18, 2021
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The Furtive Sage
Momo seem to have gained some degree of favor or trust, as such, she was upon the man without barrier. He had questioned her motives, her intentions, and character but strangely had not displayed any skepticism toward her strange claims of a cursed hat or even more peculiar, he didn’t seem to phased or worried about her offsetting appearance. His skepticism seemed to be a genuinely distrust toward man kind and had no bearing on the fact that Momo looked like a monster. Who was this man? And why was he waiting at the road? Though these questions plagued Momo, she didn’t give clue to her own rising skepticism. Instead she would analyze his eyes in search of what was there. This would help her gauge who he was and the kind of soul he had. With an intense stare, Momo would smile to the man’s question but would let the amount of silence between linger to awkwardness. She was to busy figuring this man out though that part wasn’t obvious. He had a look about him and something could be seen from within but what could it be; was it fear, was hurt, was it love? Eventually Momo would break the silence between them. She had to, lingering to long was dangerous for the man as she could hear the Big Hat whispering to commit all the evil acts Musashi was concerned about. “Strange times indeed. And in the spirit of that strangeness, allow me to easy your heart and mind on this matter by laying all of the cards, my cards, on the table. If you, theoretically, had the information I seek… then I could find this Sage, remove this cursed Hat from my crown, and be rid of all the little voices telling me to eat your insides! But miss Momo, if you planned to do me harm then why tell me? That couldn’t possibly be true. Correct! Unless… unless Momo knew that you wouldn’t believe the truth even though she told you. Ah, now that’s the dilemma isn’t it Musashi? It doesn’t matter what I say because trust isn’t inherently received, it is an earned wage through trust worthy deeds throughout the journey together. Such currency is like wise used to pay your good deeds in return and thus a circle of wealth culminates! But first there must be a journey together, yes? And as such, a down payment is needed to be paid by both parties…” Momo would stretch her pale cracked hands to Musashi once more. “Please, take my hand… and together let’s solve the riddle of the two paths. Trust maybe a gamble, but it’s only our lives on the line.” With a feint smile, Momo would not break eye contact and await his response.
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Oct 7, 2012
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"If you, theoretically, had the information I seek… then I could find this Sage, remove this cursed Hat from my crown, and be rid of all the little voices telling me to eat your insides!" Eye's lighting up with apparent shock, Musashi couldn't hide the fact that the woman's words were like nails on a chalkboard, slow, methodical and pain inducing. Cocking his head to the side and shaking his head as if he was trying to shake something loose from his ear, Musashi made a showy display of trying to unhear what he had heard. It didn't work however and while he couldn't unhear her words, he did in fact eventually stop his antics and instead kindly decline the offer to shake hands.

"You'll have to forgive me for being wary. Perhaps it's best that we keep a measure of social distance between us though I'll journey with you for now." Taking a moment to bend down, Musashi touched an uncovered hand to the ground and closed his eyes to concentrate. Taking a breath in and then exhaling, he allowed his mind to drift towards where the chakra took him. Opening his mind to sense the ebb and flow of the life giving energy source, the path the two needed to take was easily set before him in a way that he could completely understand. Finding what he needed he brushed his hand off on his garments and then he stood up to speak to Momo. "I know which route she should take, follow me." Motioning towards the right path, Musashi went towards the old sage's home. From what Musashi could surmise, they would be alone but if there was anything to be expected, it was the unexpected itself. "Be on alert, there's no telling what we'll find. It could be nothing or it could be everything."


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Jan 18, 2021
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The Furtive Sage
Momo blinked as her hand was left unattended and unwanted as the declination to ceremony was obvious. Momo would retract her pale cracked hand though feeling a bit disappointed. She’d listen to the man as he spoke and even at agreed to escort her though with the stipulation of keeping one’s distance. Did her current appearance frighten him so? It would be understandable at least. She did look like something you wouldn’t want to run into while transversing a desolate forest alone so he couldn’t be blamed. There’s no doubt in her mind that if she looked like herself before the curse rooted into her, his mouth would be dangling from his head in utter awe. Such a thought brought a smile to the vein musician’s lips. “I suppose you are forgiven. I believe this journey will be fun don’t you? Oh the suspense, some thriller, maybe even a little action, and if you’re lucky… maybe a little romance.” Momo would chuckle at her attempt to tease. Allowing the man to lead the way, Momo would do what she did best. “You know what will make this journey just the absolute best? A ballet! As I stated before, I am nationally known for my musical talent which makes me somewhat of a bard don’t you think?” Without giving the man any opportunity to respond or protest, Momo would just begin singing the tale of Musashi and Momo,
“We met in a forest”
“We skip through the grass”
“To discover it’s secrets”
“And uproot the past”
“The memories~ made and the fun that we had”
“Two jolly ol souls though one was quite mad”
“Two paths laid before them so what could I say”
“It was stormy and pouring but that was ok”
“Because Musashi was here~ to lead the way~”


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Oct 7, 2012
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A bit unnerved about the woman's singing, Musashi decided to pay more attention to the fact that he was walking down an unfamiliar path with a person that he didn't know. The singing was just as much likely to be something to throw him off as was the journey itself. As they walked on, there soon appeared a clearing in the forest within a throwing distance. While it wasn't yet discernable what was there, even despite the pitter patter of the rain there was a distinctive clanging sound akin to the sounds that one might hear at a weapons forge. Surprised at the sound that he was hearing, Musashi recalled that when he was feeling for which path was which that he distinctly felt a lack of life in the clearing, yet the closer they walked, the more that the sound became surely unmistakable. While it wasn't impossible that there was a being able to mask themselves from even his ability to sense, it was an odd thing to find this far from civilization.

Not too many would be found traveling this far from civilization and if a person felt the need to hide even here then it was clear that they definitely didn't want company. Holding a hand up to slow and quiet Momo, Musashi indicated that they ought to be cautious and he slipped off the beaten path and into the forest itself. Not slowed overly much, they soon would come upon an open enclave in the forest and as sure as they heard, there was indeed an open and clearly in use forge as well as a small home and an assortment of weapon testing dummies. What was peculiar though was that no sooner had they laid eyes on the small shop then the sounds of the forge stopped despite the fire burning on. Had they been seen and the smith ran, or were they walking into a trap. Stopping his movement and turning to Momo, Musashi indicated for her to keep her eyes open for danger. Something was amiss and it was best that they figure out what before they found themselves keeping bad company.

OOC: I'm leaving the discovery of what or who we find up to you for this next part. I'll throw in the twist after.


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Jan 18, 2021
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The Furtive Sage
Momo paused at the hand of hush placed in front of her. The skeptic and overly cautious traveling companion of hers abruptly slowed their advance in favor of caution. Momo obliged in the moment and as a result began to hear a clanging sound up ahead. It was feint but prevalent despite the racing splash of down pour. Though they had no idea what was up ahead, Momo took this as a good sign. Perhaps they were close and their journey nearing its inevitable conclusion though it was hard to gauge the distance of sound. Continuing, the two happened upon a sort of reclusive settlement. There was a single home training dummies and a forge that look to be in use. Bizarrely enough, the sound of labor had ceased and there was no sign of life. Momo did not hesitate to investigate nor did she exercise caution. She made her way to the forge and began to inspect. The working area was protected from the rain. Partly under a makeshift canopy made of pine and other varieties of vegetation while the rest was within a man made hut structured from like materia. Immediately she noticed the smoldering fire. Someone clearly was just here working, could they have run off? Her eyes would rest on a strange smithing hammer located on a work bench. It had a strange aura spilling from it that she could feel spewing from it. It was a familiar feeling of dread. Still, Momo’s fingers would drift toward it but then…

Momo was struck with a feeling of murderous intent. For a brief second, she could have sworn that she had seen death. Momo leaped back as a hand grabbed the hammer right from in front of her.
A man, seemingly with an affliction mirroring her own stood with his hand clutched around the hammer’s bridge. His skin was cracked far worse than her own and his appearance was bearly human. He would raise the hammer over head before uttering, “Flame… dear flame.” It was obvious that whoever he was, his mind had gone and only instinct remained, “You… give it to me… your dark soul…” Suddenly his hammer burst into flames with the sound of a thousand screams. In this fire, a slither of darkness could be seen. Momo ready herself in preparation to what’s to come. Whoever this was, he had subcum to the darkness of a cursed object. Was this her fate as well?​


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Oct 7, 2012
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Appearing as mere spectral versions of themselves at first, Gin and Kin appeared beside Musashi and seemed to be just as shocked as he was when they realized that they had been summoned without wanting to be or actually being summoned by one who held their contract. Look at first to themselves and then to Musashi, he was too busy momentarily lost in the burning of the flame of the forge. For him, it seemed like only seconds had passed but coming too despite the strange mental fog, he realized that Momo was no longer beside him and that instead, his Tsukumogami companions were and Momo was nowhere to be seen. "Where did you come from?" he asked, though the question was as much rhetorical as it was pointed. "Where's the girl?" Looking around confused, he found that Gin and Kin were just as stumped as he was and as he turned around, one way and then the next, he found no sign of Momo near him, until he heard the sound of the forge start up again, and then he turned back towards the workspace to find that Momo was there, among the forged works, with a hammer in hand and beating away at something that he couldn't see. How she'd managed to sneak past him like that was a mystery to him considering that she was just at his side.

Cautiously aware of the fact that he was totally unaware of what was going on, he looked to Gin and Kin for guidance. "What's happening here? I heard that this place was peculiar but this... this is far from what I was expecting." Shaking their heads and shrugging, it was Kin who spoke up first before Gin chimed in as well. "No idea but whatever is going on, this place is showing the unseen as seen and animating things that should be dormant." "Tread carefully, we've got your back but this work isn't of our doing." Nodding in understanding, Musashi realized that despite wanting to turn around and get far away from this place, that he owed it to Momo to attempt to pull her back from the flame before it was too late. If this place was strange enough to summon contract creatures against their will then there was nothing that mere mortals could do to stop it. Waving to Momo, Musashi tried to get the woman's attention but found that she seemed to be deep in a trance like work. Despite his best efforts whatever power held her, was stronger than her ability to work against and despite having only just met the woman, he decided to stick his neck out for her and he stepped into the clearance towards her in an attempt to loosen her from the grasp of the unknown.

OOC: Momo is under the influence of a power that unexplainably not only controlling what she's doing but what she sees. Currently she's forging something...


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Jan 18, 2021
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The being would slowly pace toward Momo uttering the same words before suddenly appearing inches from her in a flash. It’s hammer would slam down in an attempt to bludgeon the poor rock star but then Momo would react. She would grab the flaming hammer with both hands. With grit teeth, her fingers would start to sizzle though pain was not felt. No, the sensation was not that of searing iron but of painful memories and something nostalgic. Momo would begin to force the hammer back in a battle of pure will. That’s when she noticed something about the being. At this distance she could almost make out a face. A face of who he once was. Her beloved Hatsu! Was this her fate as well? Destined to lose her mind and go mad as the corruption took hold or alternatively given to the darkness, the voices gnawing at her sanity to commit unspeakable acts, to deliver souls to Big Hat. “Momo… it is time” the voice was ominous as the hammer grew heavier in her clutch. Momo began to sink and crumble. Her skin grew more pale and the cracks deepened. She could feel her sanity slipping, her mind fading as everything turned to black… but suddenly, a faint sound could be heard. A familiar tune or perhaps a chord of some kind. It was enough. Enough to shack her fog and strengthen her wavering heart. It was a song, a song in her heart that kept her going. A song that reminded her of who she is and what it was that she sought out to do. With full bravado, Momo sunk her fingers into the hammer and let out a howl as she pulled something from within the hammer out! It was something fantastic. Something rad! It was a guitar like no other. Suddenly the cracks on her skin began to fad, the color returned and the music began, “I know who I am! I’m the badass super star of Iwa! Big Hat Momo, can you dig it!” Momo began to strum her guitar letting out sounds of pure height and rhythmic vibrations. She would play and play and play to the song in her heart. The sound waves would chip away at the being like a hurricane to a barn. Forcing it back and shredding it until nothing but a cold hammer remained… Momo would approach this hammer before faded to ashes. In her hands remained a shining reminder of who she is and who she will always be.

[ooc: sry for the wait]


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Oct 7, 2012
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"Momo..." he called once but received no reply. "Momo!" he he said again, only this time he spoke up loudly over the rain. "MOMO!!!" he said a third time, only this time he was yelling and there was no mistaking the sound of alarm and concern in his voice. Despite the storm seeming to pick up, between Musashi's yelling and the sounds of the storm, there should have been no way that Momo would have been lost in a trance. Whatever had her now, was something surely beyond even his current ability to sense, but like the faint wafting of a fragrance, he could sense something, he just wasn't totally sure what he was sensing. Struggling to keep his bearings, he came to the realization that the closer that he got to Momo, that the stronger that that the storm became and by the time that he was mere paces away from her, he could barely see what should have been in front of him or what was behind him.

Even Gin and Kin seemed to disappear and all that he could hear or see was the downpouring of water form the sky above. That was, until the distinct pinging sound of a hammer hitting metal could be heard. Over and over again he drove on and though he tried to use chakra to do something to harness the storm, nothing seemed to work. It was then that he realized that he too was in whatever state that Momo was in. Affected by something that he couldn't see. Continuing to walk closer to where he approximated Momo to be, he was relieved when he finally found her and just as he had remembered, she simply stood transfixed, going through the motions of actions that shouldn't have yielded results. Feeling as if nothing else would work, Musashi went against conventional wisdom and grabbed Momo by the hand, at once stopping her motion and strangely enough, stopping the storm and everything else along with it. Her hand beginning to glow, Musashi at once let it go and took a step back as she stood before him with something new in store.

OOC: Teaching Momo the Tsukumogami contract OOCly [Contract Mastery] which ICly is being RP'd as her awakening a Tsukumogami from slumber.
OOC#2: Momo, please RP awakening this creature. Whatever has woken up, has caused even the storm to subside to nothing.


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Jan 18, 2021
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Rrrrrrrrunnnnng!” The booming was like thunder as it echoed across the forest. The electrifying sound of a radiant guitar blasted from the dual speakers hovering over Momo’s shoulders, sending a frightful sound wave on par with a sonic boom. Momo finally snapped to this reality to find herself wielding an unfamiliar guitar and a pair of speakers with heavenly wings floating just above her shoulders. She could feel the corruption in her veins begin to retract and the cracks on her skin begin to heal. Had she finally found it? No, the Big Hat’s teeth were firmly sunk into her scalp however, somehow, the byproduct was leveled. She could feel it somehow as she could feel her own chakra. A second pool of energy had always been there since she wore the Big Hat. Her lack of skill, knowledge and awareness was the cause of the corrupted chakra bleeding into her own. It’s only a miracle that she had survived this long. But now, she had full awareness and understanding of this second pool of energy. And now she could contain and master it. Momo would tung at her rob before snatching it off and tossing it to the sky. Dressed in her vibrant red rock star attire, Momo’s Big Hat began to morph before Musashi’s very eyes. “I’m back baby!” Momo would slam her fingers down her new guitar. The wings on the floating speakers would flare and another sonic boom would ignite the sky, clearing a large hole in the clouds to reveal the sun’s rays. “You see that!? Woah!! That’s what I’m talking about!” Momo would wink at Musashi, “And you thought I was going to eat you or something, ha ha ha! Man! We came here looking for the artifact sage and instead we found these beauties. I feel like a zillion yen! And what’s better, I think I’ve just came up with a new song. This one is for you Musashi! I call it…”


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Oct 7, 2012
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In no uncertain terms, Musashi was quite literally blown away. Figuratively and totally, his eyes opened with shock as he was only able to mutter a "Woah!" before the unleashing of chakra from Momo forced him back with a blinding musical ensemble. Unable to make heads or tails of exactly what was going on in detail, what was clear to Musashi was the fact that Momo had completely unlocked whatever power had been hidden there all along. Holding his hands up to shield shield his eyes, he began to feel his grip on the ground below going as the sound that emanated from Momo was somehow loud enough to physically move his body away from her. The power seemingly affecting him on a spiritual level, while it wasn't benevolent, it certainly wasn't malicious either, it was exactly in the middle. Managing to keep himself from fully being blown away by Momo's performance, he managed to get far enough away from the cacophony of sounds to the point where he felt safe enough to open his eyes. No sooner had he done so though, he saw clearly enough that the music was illustrated in fantastic ways, one of which was his ability to see the sounds as they were being created. A phenomena like few others that he had experienced, he wanted to walk closer to see if he could but suddenly and without warning, the sound created a wall that quickly shut him out ending his ability to hear the concert as it were. Like many times before, Musashi had led yet another person to a power that he himself wasn't able to fully appreciate but this time, he didn't consider the whole experience a loss. Not willing to stand and wait, Musashi smirked and continued on his way, hoping that that he'd one day cross paths with Momo again.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped.
OOC#2: I'm going to send this to the contract team for approval.


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Jan 18, 2021
OOC Rank
Momo continued to play her new song completely unaware that her traveling companion had took his leave. The Big Hat was pleased by this new tune and also hungry. Though regulated, it would still drain the life out of anything within 50yards of them. The surrounding plant life, the bugs, the birds, the rodents, everything. Anything that could hear the music clearly would also feel their life energy sucked from their core. Playing the last chord, Momo would do a stylish slide across the dirt on her knees with a pose striking finish. “Whoot! How was that Mush…” that’s when she finally took notice to her absent new friend and the necropolis setting in. She’d take a look at her hands and arms before sighing in relief. Was it selfish that she was just glade it hadn’t affected her? Without even batting an eye at the mayhem and destruction she had caused, Momo would looked down at her new guitar and smile. Then a voice would emit from both the speakers and the guitar she held, “You are a bad person.” Suddenly the three items would vanish in a flash of light leaving our Dark Musician flabbergasted. “Hey hey! What the hell!?” She was alone now… sort of. She could always count on the Big Hat to keep her company. She could still feel the secondary chakra pool of corrupt energy swirling within. She’d nod to herself now fully aware of it and now fully in control of it. To think this whole time she had access to a greater power that went unchecked and thus caused her condition. It was time to make her way back home and get ready to once again step back into the spotlight.

[ooc: thank you again]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
