Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Making a Break [Run Topic]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Last Seen


The dangers of immobility are too numerous to list, but basically it could be whittled down to a single term: deterioration. He must have been seen as an asset to the community to be kept alive, or the product of a man who did not want to live the rest of his life on the couch. This was 'living,' well as close to living as this sanitarium could afford. Complete physical restraint would have led to his death rather quickly be it from embolism or other malady induced by an increasingly precarious and resistant metabolic state. Urufuu, the man knew little of human physiology but the book whispered sweet nothings when there was nobody else to hear. The persistent rattle and hum of information carefully selected by the book, the book that still very much wanted to see the dog make it out of this alive.

"They would save you~" The book reminded him. It had went over what to do several times before, the continual reminders about what would have to be risked but how the benefits outweighed his fate otherwise.

"It is too great a risk," Urufuu argued.

"They would save you~" The book repeated.

"I will find another way, I have no quarrel with these women," Urufuu debated. There was no honor in what he was asked to do.

"How droll, you think you have a choice~" The book seemed to laugh, while incapable the tone was eerie. "Either you can do this or I can do it for you~" The book warned. The threat appeared sufficient but who other than Urufuu could know the power of the book that was tethered to his side. With that final threat Urufuu's fang-like teeth bit into his own tongue, almost splitting it in half. His mouth quickly filled with blood that ran down the corners of his lips before he started to choke as it ran down the back of his throat. They were not watching him close enough to notice or even care about a few hacking coughs, he would have to die. As the blood filled his airway he started to drown, his wavering life energies enough to alert the medical staff that rushed down the hall in response to the alarm an unseen nurse must have pulled. He faded into the darkness as a pair of women broke through the door, one with a yankauer in hand.

"Do you have a pulse!"</B><i></i>

"I-I dunno," Clumsy fingers felt about Urufuu's thick, meaty neck. Beyond the scruff she could not locate a carotid. "I can't find it!" She exclaimed in a panic. She pulled a stethoscope from her pocket and planted it in the center of the madman's chest. "I got something -- weak... thready."

The suction device planted firmly in the back of Urufuu's throat. "Good, we need to get him on his side so the blood does not pour down his throat," she advised.

"Right!"<i></i> With a few simple motions the young medic pulled the leather strap through the buckle and left the former Cabal member's left arm free. The same with his leg. "G-got it Kara!"<i></i> She announced triumphantly as she attempted to push Urufuu onto his side. She grunted with effort, he was a large man. He tipped to the side, the bed groaned beneath his weight. His hand free but his consciousness fleeting, he reached for his would-be savior with his meaty hand and wrapped his sausage-like fingers around the woman's slender throat. His grip was unyielding as it blocked her airway but the Cabal member's eyes appeared apologetic. Blood dripped from his mouth freely, painting the floor. He tossed the oxygen-deprived woman side with a single arm, the back of her head struck the far tiled wall. He gripped the leather restraint that held his left wrist and broke the buckle with a single powerful motion. The heavy brass clattered on the floor.

The inexperienced medic had already reached the threshold of the room at this time, her jittery hands barely able to grasp the handle of the door. With a resounding roar, Urufuu broke free his right leg with both hands. The bed toppled over, leaving a crack on the ceiling and floor. "Sorry," Urufuu apologized as he struck the young woman in the head. She screamed but fell to the floor all the same. Was she dead? Unfortunately Urufuu would not be given the time to check.

"The card~" The book instructed, referring to the identification card laced around the women's neck. Identification cards used to enter locked rooms such as the one that housed. "Take and transform~"

A transformation jutsu was a basic jutsu that even the youth understood in concept, Urufuu was no exception. He took the tag from the nearest of the woman, or rather the clumsier or the pair. Likely her first day or at least first emergency, poor thing. His unruly hair transformed into long, snowy locks and his feral golden eyes became pools of grey. So much smaller was she in comparison to him. He was larger in this transformed form in comparison to the original , but alas this is one of the many limits of the transformation jutsu. "All set," (s)he called out, "he tried to break out but thankfully we had the foresight to leave him fully restrained. The other nurse is sedating him now,"<i></i> (s)he explained to the late-comers arriving moments too tardy. "I just need fresh bandages,"<i></i> (s)he added, seeking a random excuse to depart from the curious crowd. It would not be long before one of them caught something amiss. Minutes at best.

With a hasty gait (s)he rounded the corner of the hall to enter yet another corridor. (S)he did not know the way out but the book did.




"Down the stairs~"

"Follow the corridor to your right~"

An alarm went off, different from the RRT alarm that summoned the Medics to his room. "CODE 10" an unknown speaker announced. "CODE 10"

"Do not run, WALK~"

Ahead was a pair of doors, beyond that freedom. (S)he willed his pace to slow, despite the pounding beneath his breastbone. Through the doors they departed.
<B>[S Rank - 30 min]


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
ANBU were slow to respond to the scene and deliberately so. He had been missing from his post for some time but the sovereign of the ANBU of Sunagakure still carried in his word the threat of violent retribution against those that chose insubordination rather than to simply follow orders. So it was that before any other had right to access the scene of Urufu's escape the dreadful persona of "Mikaboshi" bore down upon the room. But Mikaboshi was only here in part for the one that had been incarcerated here. Finding Urufu was only tangentially related to his goal even if it was the most important step of success. Clad in his black hooded robes, Mikaboshi moved without the practiced grace that he typically did for reasons unclear to any who might be looking upon him. His time in hiding had been eventful in it's own way and had wrought great changes upon the body of the ancient creature.

Changes that he had not yet fully mastered.

Craning his neck about like a horrendous bird, Mikaboshi's hooded visage turned to and fro as he took in the scene of the escape-- his mind painting a mental picture as his eyes darted from detail to detail. Moving from the door and into the room, he noted a handful of bloody spatters both on the floor and upon the cot to which Urufu had been strapped. Telling what had happened would have been easy enough -- there were two eye witnesses still alive to tell the tale. It struck Mikaboshi as odd that Urufu would have left both nurses still breathing following his escape if only because it was not how he would have handled the situation. By allowing both to live he allowed for a consistent account of his escape to exist and be reported and in a case such as this information was extremely important. The girls had long since been relocated to another place in the hospital to have their own wounds seen to -- an unfortunate fact that Mikaboshi could not help but lament on account of the hunger growing in his core -- but the room told enough of a story in combination with the nurses account of the details.

Ultimately however, he'd come for one thing. Reaching down and running his fingers through the blood on the cot which Urufu had been strapped to, Mikaboshi felt the Inuzuka rebel's life energy coursing through it as he brought his bloodied fingertips up to his face to examine. A less skilled individual would have unlikely been able to do much with what remained but Mikaboshi was an entity of uncommon skill when it came to the soul arts. Resonating a portion of his own life energy with the dregs of chakra that remained in the pool of Urufu's blood, Mikaboshi felt a connection to the renegade form not unlike a wolf taking the scent of his prey and after only a few moments Mikaboshi knew as surely as if he had been standing in the room watching which path Urufu had taken. Flicking the drying gore from his fingertips, Mikaboshi turned and walked directly into the shadows on the wall and disappeared entirely.

[Topic Entered/Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
