Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Meditative practices to calm the mind

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ancient Forest. Filled with monsters and ninja alike. I decided to make such an area of chaotics where I'll meditate to calm my mind and be in tune with nature. It was to strengthen my mind and to make me more aware of everything around me. Back before my great change, I had depended very heavily on my Chigokai properties of hearing all of the blood flows around me, but now I don't have that, something I have to live without now.

But because of that, I have to learn to be more aware of the things around me as I meditate. The hardest thing about meditating is being aware of the things around me while also having to clear my mind of all worries, or other things that would considered distracting in the human, or in my case, kitsune mind. Sitting down in a clearing, cross legged, I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing, picking up sounds around me, being aware, but not opening my eyes. I relaxed my body as I clear my mind and feel the slight wind that was around me. Birds chirping somewhere to my right, a medium sized animal, probably a deer to my left. Something big moving around in the forest behind me, but far away.

Taking slow breaths to keep calm, I felt the slight warmth from sunlight that has poked through the trees. I don't know how long I have been there, but I had gotten used to the rhythmic sounds that nature had to offer. Everything seemed to have their own beat, and would feel as if wouldn't go well with other sounds, but surprisingly altogether it feels calming. Crickets with their own chirping, sound of water rushing from a nearby stream, even the sound of curious animals sniffing me and huffing before leaving me alone to go about their own business.


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
It was a fine day for a walk through nature and Kosuke had been tasked with doing just that. His sister had been complaining of pains and whilst his mother was taking care of her best she could she had tasked the young heir to head into the Ancient Forrest and pick up a few herbs and some lemongrass? He was quite unsure what most of the stuff he needed was but did have a note with details on it so he didn't just grab regular grass. He had been in the woods before, visiting one of the clans that call the place home with his father and uncle, something about introducing him to the first daughter of another clan? He'd had a fun time though and made a friend in the process though now that he thought back to it, that was a pretty embarrassing situation.

He shook such thoughts from his head and started to pay attention to his surroundings, sufficiently deep into the forest now and able to search for things. He was making as little noise as possible as he moved through the brush, not wishing to attract the attention of anything big, as confident as he was in his abilities he knew that running was the only intelligent option when a predator appeared, and even then it wasn't a sure thing. He soon came across his first item on the list, a strange blue moss that only grew on parts of rocks that didn't get any sunlight but did get basked in moonlight, strange. This continued for a short while, gathering things here and there, stopping periodically to just listen and make sure he was safe.

He just happened to be taking a moment to check out a sprout of skinny mushrooms growing from a tree when he noticed the weird shape of something or someone sat amongst the flora. He became quite distracted by the shape and started to slowly, stepping very deliberately around anything that could make a sound as he approached. At first, he was almost convinced that it was a statue of a meditating creature of some sort but the closer he got the more realistic it looked till he was pretty sure that it was a real person. The ears and tail, however, he couldn't even begin to explain that as he'd never encountered anyone with such features before and the fact that they hadn't moved an inch as he approached was giving him eerie feelings up his spine.

"What if it's some kind of forest spirit that'll kill me once I'm close enough? But they could also be in danger..." He thought to himself, still approaching.

Another thing that crossed his mind was what if they were dead? Maybe some sort of natural burial or an accident had left this person to come to peace with their mortality? These were the thoughts that egged him on, along with his natural empathy for others which was thanks to taking care of his sister all these years, till he was in touching distance and he would do just that. His arm extended and he pressed two of his fingers to the feminine figure's neck and closed his eyes, waiting to feel a pulse and counting the beats. Once the first beat hit his fingertips he let out an audible sigh of relief and continued to count unaware of who this person was or what their reaction would be to the sudden invasion of their personal space.

[WC - 585]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I was aware of someone or something approaching me as I heard quiet cautious footsteps coming my way. I didn't pay any mind to it, might just be another small curious animal, but that was when I had felt two human like fingers move up onto my neck, I've had half the mind to grab whoever it was and twist their arm for not even saying hey like a normal person.

Instead, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes to look at a kid. I studied him up and down before saying, "It's a little bit rude to be poking people. And dangerous too, in this forest. If you had done that to someone who doesn't have self control, you'd be hurt. And it is a little bit creepy to be going up to a random chick you don't know and poking her." I gave the kid a small lecture just so he doesn't make the same mistake again but with someone that is unforgiving.

With a sigh, I got up and stretched my back. I walked over and leaned up against a tree, staring at the kid, arms crossed. "So what bring you here kid? Not a whole lot of people come this way, even less kids." Yes, I was questioning him, like I always have to question anyone, a habit I picked up when I was an ANBU in training at Leaf. But it was also for his safety, the last time I was here, a couple of monsters have been roaming around. Even though I can no longer hear blood flows, I've decided to keep my ears open for the slightest of noises that may be a warning for me.

But as of right now, the area around seems clear. Indicators of if things are amiss is if the entire area goes quiet, as if something unnatural or evil is afoot. That is not the case as of right now, as everything seems to be calm with the background noise of animals and the environment. As I studied the kid, I would surmise that he is either an academy student or genin, with how young he is. Though the ANBU Sennin is basically a teenager, this kid could very well be something I don't know. Nevertheless, I still guess who this kid may be. Considering how I've never really seen this kid before, I would have to guess that they must be of academy or genin level.

"So, what's your name?" I asked him.


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Now, this encounter could have gone many ways, he could have called out and even just tapped the woman on the shoulder but instead, he'd opted for, what he could now see, was quite a strange and potentially invasive course of action. Perhaps he was just too nice for his own good and wanting to check on her physical health was the only thing in his head and after effect of looking after his twin so much probably.

With that said, once the girl spoke Kosuke, who still had his eyes shut as he slowly counted the beats, was scared out of his wits, to say the least, and the stranger would almost be able to visually see his soul temporarily leave his body. His entire body simultaneously jolted back and stiffened up, sending the teen falling onto his butt, pale blue eyes wide as dinner plates as he tripped over his own tongue trying to reply to the females questioning and failing massively as his brain had yet to reboot. After the initial jump scare had passed he shot back up to his feet like a bolt and bowed to her.

"I'm sorry!" He said, almost shouting at her. "I just... you weren't moving and I just assumed the worst and wanted to make sure you were... alive..."

It sounded really stupid now that he said it out loud and his face flushed red in embarrassment which he tried to hide somewhat by placing his palms over his face as he rose from the bowing position. For the moment he would stay rooted in place as the woman rose and moved over to a tree, leaning against it as she continued to question him and he really had no reason to lie at this point.

"My mother sent me out to ermm, gather some things from the forest, I've done it before." He proceeded to open one of the pouches on his belt and show its contents. "Just mushrooms, grass, moss, berries... My sister is sick so, I help out where I can."

Her gaze on him hadn't gone unnoticed and he felt a little exposed, this is possibly worse than being confronted by one of the wild beasts that roam the forest though she seemed to not be looking to attack, just giving him a lecture for his strange and stupid actions which he could now fully see. He daren't even look the woman in the eyes at this point between embarrassment and nervousness and he started to just look around a little, eyes darting all over and clearly avoiding looking at her even as she spoke.

"My name is Kosuke. What's yours?" He asked softly. "And erm... how... if it isn't private or anything... how do you have..." He started to motion above his head, mimicking the girl's fox-like ears sat atop her head. "You're not a forest spirit or something, right?"

It may have sounded like a stupid question but until he was sure that she was human or some approximation at least, he would continue to feel a little threatened which in the grand scheme of things was probably a good state to be in given the circumstances.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I laughed a little bit as the boy explained himself. Thought I was dead? "Well I certainly wasn't dead, I was just meditating. Calming the mind and whatnot. It is also said to be good to release some of the pent up stress that sometimes out of life"

Back when I was young, that's all there was to me, stress, fighting my own demons, my brother, the problems I sometimes had with the leadership. And my parents' murderer. "A lesson about life. Nobody can hit you as hard as life can. But you don't win by proving you are better, or by beating the enemy up. You win by taking the hard hits in life, and somehow still managing to stand back up through it all. A lesson I've learned through my years as a Shinobi." With that little speech done, I listened more to what the kid had to say. "Ah, medicinal flora. Real good remedies, sometimes even better than Medical jutsu. Not really my forte, though. And you must be strong willed to be going out into the Ancient Forest to get medicine for your sister."

A small praise given to the child and then he introduced himself. Kosuke. Then the kid had asked me for my own. "Chigokai Ziren. Though only have the Chigokai part as just a name." If the boy was listening, the name 'Ziren' doesn't sound feminine at all. He then asked me how do I have a tail and fox ears. I thought through my words in order to not give away that I was on a mission to get Maru's tails. "I have a very unstable genetic code that allows me to undergo significant changes to alter not only my appearance but potentially make me have a different blood line or core ability." Even as I am this now, it still is a surprise for me everyday to wake up and be this chick with fox ears and a tail with the only real reasoning behind it being that I have an unstable genetic code. The next question to come from the child is what exactly am I. And here's the problem. I know that I am a Kitsune, but not really know much of the kitsune species, other than just 'fox people'. "I'm what they call a kitsune. Fox people or the such. I don't know much of the details myself since I only became a kitsune recently. But research would suffice, though not my expertise as I am a combat Mednin, but if I find other people more knowledgeable in terms of the kitsune species, I'd be sure to let you know."


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
That was quite the information dump and the young man's brain was having a small amount of trouble even processing half of it though it was trying real hard. He did think this was quite an odd place to meditate but perhaps this woman was confident enough in her strength to do as such, he wasn't anywhere close to being able to do something like that. Her little talk about life experience was something Kosuke had never really had to think about, he knew he was privileged compared to most but he would take the words to heart for sure, even if just to avoid situations like this again. She was quite impressed with his willingness to come into the forest however and seek out these medicinal florae and that made him crack a bit of a smile.

"Well, I've been helping to look after her since I was able to walk so, it's second nature and I guess my mother saw this as somewhat of a test of courage for me? They expect a lot of me and I try to live up to it and they seem happy thus far."

His innate talent at picking up the Hyuuga fighting style so quickly had a lot to do with how easy his family was on him, he was a natural and they knew it so they didn't have to push him to be his best. The fact that he had discovered that he was the reason for his sister's sickness was also a silent motivator as no one knew that he was aware of that. Following this the girl gave her name, an unusual one certainly but nothing he personally would question though the following talk about unstable genetics, constantly swapping bloodlines, and then the fact that fox-kin were an actual race of people just took all the wind out of his sails and the confusion with it was very evident on his face.

"I would have thought unstable genetic would have been... dangerous?" He thought, he had not but the very basic of basic medical knowledge but he knew that sounded dangerous. "But to be able to change bloodlines on a whim? Like you could be a Hyuuga like me one day? That's... insane." He couldn't think of a better way to word it.

Between all the talking and mind-bending he had lost a lot of his stiffness and was now pacing back and forth a little as he thought a million different things at once. He had so many questions and not enough time to ask them all and he was very sure his tongue would not be able to keep up with the speed his brain was going. Ziren went on to talk a little more about Fox-kin and though she didn't have too much information to give, it being new to her in a way, it seemed like there was documentation that he would need to seek out, probably in a library of some sort.

"This is... a lot to take in!" He said with a small chuckle. "A lot more interesting than the academy though, I know most of the stuff being taught and it gets a little boring." He explained. "I have to ask though, what is a combat medic? I get needing a med-nin on teams for strategies sake but, being in combat and losing a medic sounds counter-intuitive?"

The only Med-nin he'd had any interaction with was his mother and she has the farthest thing from a front-line soldier from the stories she'd told him and his sister so this was intriguing to the boy.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I nodded to what the kid had said about a lot of people that he cares about expect a lot out of him. A sad smile came up on my face. I too, had tried to live up to everyone's expectations, but after so much has happened, I only live by my own. My expectations? They are as follows; Can I help whoever is in need? Yes. That is the main one that I live by.

The kid then spoke up about my rare unstable genetics. "Well, I sure didn't plan to be in a blast radius of a scientific tool that could absorb blood line or core ability jutsus, but here I am." I said that in a half joking manner, before then saying, "But as for changing on a whim, I don't really know about all of that. This was my first real change, something I had neither anticipated nor was even thinking of happening to me."

Then the kid went on to talk about how the academy is boring and that being a combat mednin was useless. Letting out a sigh, the newer generation has a long way to go before even fathoming the thoughts and workings of each branch and their sub-branches. "You may be right, that these classes maybe boring, but those 'boring' lessons will keep you alive one day. Those people who take the time out of their day to teach you kids have seen and done a lot. You may be a prodigy, but what you lack is core experience to actively put your life on the line with little to no chances of winning and still come out victorious. The way they teach you at the academy, you should take to heart, prodigy or not. Their best interest is to teach you all and make sure that when the time rises, you can stand up and fight and live." I took a deep breath before I went on to speak again, "As for Combat Medic, they are Medical ninja who train and specialize in combat. Sure we can have some Shmoe medical ninja be part of a critical mission where combat is inevitable, but if Shmoe ninja doesn't have proper fighting skills, he would die, and without their healer, the team would be more easier to be picked off. The way I see it, combat medics are those who has to be just as strong, if not stronger than their teammates to ensure that everyone makes it home alive. Their job is to risk their own lives to bring everyone back, and still be able to fight on themselves to keep living." I had said this all with a serious tone. It is a thing that the newer generation will have to learn either the easy way, by listening to their elders, or the hard way, finding out the older generation was right after they have lost people.


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Everyone had their story, that's for sure but Kosuke was feeling a little let down by his own compared to Ziren, an explosion that turned her into a walking anomaly? Pretty badass for a backstory compared to a first son being taken care of all his life, even if her accident didn't cause as random an effect as he first thought. He moved a little closer to the woman as she spoke, realizing he really didn't need to be cautious anymore, and leaned himself up to a tree near hers.

He continued to listen to her, she didn't look it, at least to him anyway but she seemed to be quite a lot older and more experienced than he would have otherwise imagined. She went on to lecture him about the academy and his attitude toward it and honestly he did feel bad about it without her even needing to speak but he also had done a bad job of really explaining the situation himself, once she was finished he would attempt to explain himself a little bit and also ask a few more questions burning in his mind.

"I certainly respect those that teach us and the practical lesson are top-notch, those are the lessons I find fun, though they are few and far between. As I was growing up I learned most of the textbook stuff so a lot of the lessons are going over things I had drilled into me when I was like... five." He let out a little sigh of frustration. "Makes it hard to mingle with the other students, you know? I'm just the know-it-all and it's really grating just being there at times."

With that said, hopefully, she could see he wasn't just taking it all for granted, he wanted the experience but, maybe his family had over-prepared him to a point that they didn't realize the effect it would have on him. They had always planned to send him to the academy once he was of age but he'd have liked to be a little more clueless on things so he could actually learn there, at least he had the practical lessons because even the combat-based ones were fun since he simply enjoyed hand to hand combat.

"I do like the idea of learning medicine and being useful outside of just being able to fight or kill. Maybe that's what I should be focusing more of my time on?" He asked Ziren, momentarily unsure of himself. "I mean, I know it isn't easy and my mum still studies a bunch about new techniques and medicines but... maybe?"

Perhaps a combat medic was something he could really learn to be, it was something he knew only the absolute basics of and would give him more focus in school and maybe help him make some friends in the process? One step at a time maybe. Ziren had unintentionally pushed the boy down a new path that few would argue against, hopefully.

"I think I like that... being stronger than everyone so I can get them back home. It's a nice sentiment, right? I'd have to talk to some of the academy teachers about having more medical-focused lessons but that's not an issue... You've really helped me out here!" He laughed, he hadn't realized how much he needed something like this or just someone to offer an alternative and give it an honest explanation.

[WC - 569]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I nodded, understood where the kid was coming from, being different. Flash backs of me being a Chigokai, me being scared to hurt anyone with my blood powers, being the only Chigokai in the Leaf. Learning to use my powers all on my own. Different, yes, but I understand the loneliness. That's when a thought had crossed my mind. Something along the lines of maybe teaching this kid a thing or two. But for now, I decided to listen and wait until the kid was fully done talking.

When the kid had asked me what he should do, I shook my head, "I cannot decide what you want to do, but you yourself holds the answer. I can only help you on whatever path you want to walk." But it really seemed as if the kid was on board with the whole idea of becoming a Combat Medic. I nodded and then said, "Just know, there is a whole lot more to being a combat medic than just being a strong teammate. You have to have a strong will and be mentally prepared for the worst. Too many times I have seen people far off from being able to save, but you can't let their deaths go in vain. The hardest thing about being a combat medic isn't being adept at combat, but have the will to carry on even after devastating deaths. Because, sometimes, all it takes for a dying person to cling to hope and keep living, is someone who tries to calm them and heal their wounds as chaos is made around them. This is what I call, humanity. Nobody is perfect, to be able to save everyone. But to give up after they failed to save one person out of the three, twenty, or even a hundred people that they saved, if they quit, they are giving up the will to give those people a reason to keep living. I..." I paused, thinking my next words through, "I lost a very good friend of mine recently. It had hit me the hardest of one of the most painful deaths I have had to come in terms with. It was because, his life was out of my hands. There are some things, that can never heal. But still.... I told him that I would honor him by doing one last favor so that his soul may rest in peace." I had recalled that the boy had called himself a Hyuuga. Just like how Yukio was once a Hyuuga...

"I'll tell you what, if you want to become a combat medic, you will first have to pass the Genin Exam. After that, a medical ninja in training. and then chunin exam for medical ninja. It won't be easy, but I am willing to teach you a few things I know that may seem different than that of normal training, if you are interested."


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
The woman went on to explain more about being a combat medic, more precisely the importance of a strong will and essentially a good bedside manner. Kosuke believed himself to have at least one of those, always at the bedside of his sister, keeping her entertained whilst being confined to bed rest and such. Willpower was where he would need to dig deep in himself to discover if he possessed such a thing, it had never been brought into question or so he thought but the young man had demonstrated a strong mental capacity all his life but this would be a thing he could discover as he moved forward with his new life plan.

The idea of having to lose people you're trying to save was alien to him but of course, he could understand the gravity of it all, he believed that he could move forward, not crack and do what was absolutely necessary, after all, this was in a way similar to the fundamentals of the martial arts his father and uncle had been drilling into him all his life. If you are beaten, you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and learn from it, hard as that may be when your mind if filled with anger and frustration.

Upon hearing that Ziren was willing to teach him a few things he got immediately excited, nodding his head vigorously with a big smile on his face, still a child at heart.

"Absolutely! I'd planned to pass the Genin exam as soon as possible so I would love some help from a person like you. Someone who's been there and done it... It'll be fun to keep it secret too, so I can shock my family when I'm good enough the show them."

His mind raced a bunch with ideas of the kinds of things she would be able or willing to teach him, he was eager for it and his eyes shone brightly, seeing Ziren in a new light now? Like a puppy who's just been given its first treat and it is wanting for more and more.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I could tell that the kid was excited, not only that, he seemed really determined to want to have the opportunity to learn from people who has experience. Though the thought of keeping things from family just to make a sweet surprise didn't really sit too well for me. I shook my head, "If I'm to teach you, you will not think of these techniques as toys. While the medical jutsu very rarely cause harm, unless under certain conditions, should be treated very seriously. Anyone with enough chakra can heal a person, but not a lot knows the mindset and mentality it takes."

I sighed, looking at the kid. "My lessons will be different from others, though you will find that I am a strict person. I teach you by my own thoughts and experience. There are other medical ninja, both who are combat medics and those who are not who have different outlooks on the way a medical ninja should be. You should also learn from them and form your own thoughts of what it is meant to be a medical ninja, and if you want to take it even further, what it means to be a combat medic. There will always be different ways of thinking, nobody is right, but also nobody is wrong. It will be your choice of how you want to grow."

I turned to start to walk away, "If you are ready for a strict class, then come back in a weeks time, here. Then we will really test your at home training." I said it as a bit of I had something really planned to make an interesting tutor or class. "Until then." I walked away, giving a goodbye wave without looking behind me. "Yoru." I had muttered under my breath, "Watch the kid and make sure he gets out of the Forest safely."

A woman that looks exactly like me but more ethereal, appeared, she sighed, "Why is a kid even running around in the Ancient Forest anyways?"

"Herbal medicine." Was all I said, and just left it, Yoru rolled her eyes and followed the kid out.

(Topic left)
(Ghost npc Kitsune Yoru entered, then left)
(Ghost npc Yoru not visible unless with ability to see spirits.)


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
His excitement may have gotten the better of him but he wasn't the kind of kid who would ever think of medical techniques as toys, he'd grown up better than that thankfully. He was most excited about being able to take some of the burdens off of his mother, she spent most of her waking hours at his sister's bedside despite protests from her, she was self-sufficient enough given the situation she was in, but, he assumed his mum was just wracked with guilt over what had happened when the twins were born and he wanted to ease that.

"Rest assured, I will be taking these lessons very seriously. If I can do one thing in this life, it is learning." He chuckled, seemed that his whole life had been only that, kinda lonely now that he thinks about it.

As well as learning from Ziren, she had also suggested learning from others to garner a little more insight and perspective on the other aspects of being a med-nin, instead of a bull charging down a single path he was to find a route that worked for him. It made sense in his head and would nod along with her words when she was speaking, showing that he understood. It had felt like a long time had passed since the pair met but in reality, it had been only a couple of minutes and from that, he had managed to find himself a new purpose and a teacher to boot, all in all, today had gone quite well.

"I'll be here, no doubt, and thank you for this." He said, bowing to the older woman as she went about her way.

Once she was gone he let out a sigh, feeling a little bit of lifes stress just wash away. He would then open his pouch and look inside, cross-checking the contents with the list he had brought and there was only one item missing. He would begin making his way back toward the edge of the forest as he looked, finding the final ingredient growing on the side of an old tree, thin, whispy mushrooms the color of charcoal. He picked about a dozen of them carefully as the caps were quite delicate and contained whatever it was his mother needed and with that made his way home, a new spring in his step.

[Topic Left]

[WC - 395]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
