Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Mission Report: Intelligence Network under repair


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
It's been awhile since he had been told the three young Anbus had made their exit to find out information on the missing informant. However he already knew at this stage that they had returned, their informant returned, and briefly sat down with Keiji's assistant and gave a written report on what happened. The paper rested in his hand as he sat leaned back in his chair. The warm beverage he had in his cup sat in his other hand, resting it on his arm rest like a tired father reading his morning newspaper, his eyes skimmed over the text and read further on if something intrigued him. It was only a matter of time before the kids would return, so he tried to read throug as much as he could before they would knock on the door.

Once the door would receive a knock, he'd remain in his pose and slowly lower the paper as he shouted for them to come in. His mask would sit resting on his face, his clothes that of a the darkened robes, his full attire ready to make sure they knew they were taken serious. He'd assess them, their wounds, their knicks, and scratches across their faces and bodies, more than likely unless they had managed to actually wash up they'd be sweaty and smelly. Although it's not like they would be able to see his nose or facial muscles contorting, only thing they would see is the hollow eye holes of his bird-like maks staring at them.

"So.. How'd it go?" He'd ask the kids after they had all gotten inside and he'd have a minute or two looking them over.
Behind them, Hitomi, his Youkai contract, the tiny girl, would be moving in and close the door behind them wearing her Kitsune mask and black robes resembling that of an AiT. She'd stand by the door until Keiji dismissed them, but before that, he'd let them finish their report and his response to it first.

[Inviting Keiyaku & Toshi]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
It was all about impressions for Keiyaku. Despite being a mud-loving, forest-dwelling Inuzuka, he had been taught to understand the kind of decorum the office of ANBU expected of him, and he was determined to maintain what little reputation he had already managed to build up. Arriving back at the village with Shusuke and Toshi, he bid both boys farewell, promising that he would follow behind them back to the ANBU Complex shortly. He made a bee-line for his own clan's complex.

"Ey, you're still alive, then? How'd it go, boy?" The gravelly-voiced, elderly wolf-dog asked Keiyaku as he flew through the doors, but the boy side-stepped him.

"Sorry, dad, kinda late for something, we'll talk later okay?"

Running for the bathroom, he stripped off his grimy uniform and got showered before heading back into his bedroom and pulling on a fresh uniform. Great. Now he felt a lot more presentable. With the speed of a whirlwind, he hurtled down the street, Morutobu at his heels, jumping aboard the cart that would transport them inside Hokage Rock. With a sigh of relief, the Inuzuka brothers arrived at Corvus-sensei's office shortly after Toshi had, his mask securely over his face as the Sennin looked up at them. Standing with partial bearing, Keiyaku saluted his teacher respectfully. In terms of wounds; he'd had nothing more than a few scratches and scrapes, but quite honestly, it would be more strange for an Inuzuka not to bear these marks.

"Corvus-sensei, sir. We were successful; we infiltrated the village and rescued the informant who had been taken hostage inside the General Store; Dove, Tanuki, and I managed to find her, and she herself proved pretty wild where fighting's concerned. Reaper headed on up to the temple at the top of the hill, freed several other hostages and... well... He blew it up, I think, sir."

Maybe a bit of a strange note to end on, but he thought that was a good enough conclusion to the report as any. It was only now that his eyes slowly drifted to the uniformed Youkai standing in the corner. The Inuzuka respectfully inclined his head.


Mar 11, 2021
Making it back to the cookware, Toshi made sure everything was in order before going his own separate way. He decided to meditate near a pound of water, keeping his calm and regaining what composure he has lost. Doing this in the spirit kept his worries and anxieties down, and actually gave him a great happiness to chase. He thought of what he'd seen while out on his mission, and began to understand his duties as a shinobi a bit better. He continued to think on his role as a diplomat. Making trades with foreign countries, aiding them in their tasks There was nothing to exchange while out in the mission. The two sides wouldn't come into agreement, but he looked forward to opportunities that dwell in the future.

Finding himself back at the Hokage Rock and entering the office, Toshi grinned as Kei arrived just after him. The few cuts and slight fire damage to his clothing were apparent, but other than that, he was fine. Kei gave the Sennin a run down on how the mission went. "A complete success!" Toshi chimed in, giving a thumbs up to their Sennin. He didn't notice the contract summon that was behind them as of yet.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
He took a little notepad and started taking notes absent-mindedly as Keiyaku went through everything. It was like his scribing wasn't a focus point, but instead a second priority, so the notes might seem like scribbles they still have a connection to the words said in Keiji's own mind, which made it more like a "This sketch was this report and in that report was said xxx" way of thinking. Perhaps it made it harder for others to decipher, or it was just Keiji's weird way of doing certain things. "I see, I think our dear friend 'Reaper' has taken a liking to his job and went straight off on another mission, he went straight to my office stained in dust and scratchs to request another mission. You probably won't see him for awhile. He made the right call in trying to help others. But leaving you behind to do his own thing was risky. We managed to pick up the people he rescued too. A woman and her young child, apparently the woman was abused by the bandits and the daughter had to just stay silent listening to it all happening. They'll probably be in our care for the foreseeable future. I did hear the young girl might have Chakra affinity, but future will tell what happens there.." He went off on a bit of a tangent. But the information might still hold value to them.

He sat back a bit and continued. "You did good though, overall. The reports I received from our Informant told us that they were Samurai exiles, people that survived our counter attack to take back the village from past invaders. They were bound to pop up eventually. Apparently they had taken unwilling recruits from local settlements via coercian, and kidnapping. Which explains their lack of skill. You were lucky, if they were all full fledged Samurai you wouldn't have been able to get close at all. Their traps alone have Chakra sensitive people in mind right at the getgo."

His hollowed eyes scanned them and they'd see the mask change direction from one to the other like he was awknowledging them individually. "I'm proud of all three of you. And I'm glad you all got back safe." He paused and his eye shifted slightly, and then back to them. Hitomi shifted her position and walked behind the two boys to open the door. "I'll have more missions for you, but I feel you both might need some more training, work on what you feel you might be lacking. Come to me if you need to ask specifics, and I'll give you assignments to help improve yourselves."

He lifted and waved a hand to dismiss them. "Once you feel like you're ready, I'll judge you, and give you an individual assignment. Until then, I'll be seeing you on patrols here and there."

[Thread left unless further questions is asked?]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
"Yes, sir," said Keiyaku, offering his superior a bow, glad to have gotten the praise, and even more glad the three of them had managed to pull of the task without a hitch. Turning to Toshi, he cuffed the guy playfully, albeit roughly, on the shoulder and shot him a warm smile.

"Come on, Dove. We should go and celebrate."

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
