Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission [Modded mission] Doing the rounds.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The hospital was as per usual busy and a lot of people were walking around. A pile of files were on the desk of patients that still had to be seen, they were all relative easy ones... Except a case where the female didn't want to swallow pills. One was redressing a wound and the last patient was of a burned victim.. One still from the gate incident.

The lady behind the desk saw Akira and mentioned him closer. "You are in training... but I have 3 easy cases, could you help us out with those?" The lady asked the raven haired male before picking up the phone again, " I am sorry ma'me, but a snotty nose is not an emergency. Try a steam bath with salts along with paracetamols." And with that she kindly hang up. "Sorry sweety," She spoke warm before handing the actual cases. "First hall left, second to last door right, is the first one. If you have troubles, please poke one of the nurses in the hallway."

[Modded mission for Akira]
May 7, 2023
Akira entered the hospital, and it seemed that he was going to have a busy day today as the woman instantly spoke to him, stopping him in his tracks as he looked towards her. It seemed that they had three cases they wanted him to look at. As he walked over to her before she picked up the fon instantly he allowed his hand to come out gently and took the case files from the woman, it seemed that he would need to help out today, but that was okay with him, after all it was what he signed up for in reality.

"Sure I will give them a look over and see what I can do, of course I will head up straight now and come back to you when the patients have been dealt with and pass the case files back to you."

With that he walked off flipping open the first notes as he studied them, it seemed one was just refusing to take medication, as he allowed himself to sigh and considered the options that he could go into this with, after all, he knew that each situation could cause an issue but medication was required, walking into the woman's room first, he took a smile and a pleasant approach to her.

"Good morning, my name is Yamamoto Akira. Its noted that you are refusing to take the medication given to you, I can understand the worry, however we do need to treat you and this would be the way to do that, we can have three options for you, its your choice which one you take, however refusing treatment would mean that you are discharging yourself from our care to make you aware"

As he grabbed something and placed it down, it was an IV bag that would drip fluid into the woman, the pills a glass of water, and an injection as he allowed the smile to keep contact with her, there was no need to be nasty about the situation and he would help her to take the medication.

"Which option would suit you better?"

[Topic Entered]
[TWC: 350/650]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The lady at the desk looked quite pleased with how he took them. She knew there were a few around the place that could probably kick it very far.theoufh the hallway you could see nurses collecting ideas on cases, speak them through with a doctor... and one thing would be the major difference in every single one of them. On the uniform of those that were chakra gifted there were small embroidery on of the leaf symbol in red.

The female in the room was sitting peacefully in bed while looking outside till someone came in. It seemed like he was eager and friendly... but she was taken aback by how he spoke to her. A visual displeased was on her face...but she knew this child was right... gritting her teeth she would eventually lay out her arm she did want to get rid what was ailing her and it seemed that if she further denied she would be released. "Fine... but make it quick."
After it was set she would look to the side again, seemed like she was very afraid of needles.
May 7, 2023
Akira nodded to the woman as he looked at her, he decided that sometimes though it came across as cold the truth flat out always seemed to win people over, and with this lady, it seemed that this was no exception. As he grabbed the needle before she could even think about it, the injection was carried out and done, he removed the items from her sight and allowed her to take a moment to relax before getting down on the file that it had been completed. He nodded to himself quickly and looked over back at her on his way out.

"Thank you, have a great day, rest up, and let us know if we can be of any further assistance at all"

With that he was gone, as he flicked open the second folder, it seemed that this one would be a simple case of redressing a wound, noting that he had not dealt with it before, and the textbooks seemed to make this out to be easier than it would be. As he entered the room, placing the notes down beside himself he walked over and began to task, taking his time to gently remove the bandages and reapply the anti-infection cream before reapplying the bandages onto the wound, making sure the dressing was completed to the best of his abilities.

"Thank you for your patience and have a great day, if you do need anything remember the nurses are only a shout away"

Leaving the room he went to the last patient, honestly, he wasn't sure what would be in store for him at that point.

[TWC: 620/650]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Inside the room, you could hear a radio playing softly. Just enough to drown the noises from outside the room, but not hard enough that you couldn't get a conversation going. A male lay in the bed covered in bandages. In his files, you could notice that he had one 4th-degree burn, a few third ones, which the skin grafts were already removed, and the rest were first or second ones. He had been covered by them. A couple of surgeries had already happened on the 4th and 3rd-degree burns... But the worst fact was that they had to amputate the lower leg of the man... preparations were already made for the man to get a prostatic, which was covered by Nao at all costs.

The man eventually noticed someone was in the room and a hoarse 'lo' came out of his mouth as if he had to say Hello. Movements were little, but as much as the bandages allowed it. He tilted his head a little and looked at the child. Something that could present a smile came from him, but it would probably look half tried. The eyes, however, were empty... As if he couldn't anymore. The file were consistent with what they did. Check the arm burnwound, as that was the 4th. Redress if needed otherwise leave as much untouched, the graft patches needed a double check and re-bandaged, the stump was their second main attention spot... But it seemed like this man also had mentally something, something that the kid was going to get great in as they spoke.

What would the child do in the 20 minutes they had here with a patient on such case file. It was a royal time...
May 7, 2023
Akira walked over to the last man, as he reached the door handle and walked in he put that smile back on his face, honestly though it was harder to maintain it he tried to always come across as being pleasant if anything else. As he walked into the room he looked at the man it seemed they had come out seriously damaged, and he was there to make sure that he helped, reading the notes a lot he studied each one as he nodded and grabbed a seat for a little bit deciding to actually speak with him.

"I think what we need is talk and let's see what is going on here. After all, I know this can be hard to speak, but we will try and push through this for you, and I have time to kill while I sort some of the bandages out"

Akira spent the full 20 minutes in that room, the conversation went deep and into the wounds, the changes, and the effect, touching nerves and coming to accept the changes the man was now going through it was a long and drawn process, but after it was done he had redressed anything that needed redressing and checked all the skin grafts that had taken place, making sure he was still stable he went to leave the room before stopping to the man.

"If you want to talk more, please drop me a message, I will always talk about anything no matter how hard it is I will try my best"

With that he was gone, the three case files in his hand with full notes completed, as he walked to the nurse from before and gently placed them on his desk, it had been a long day and his body showed that much as he turned to speak for a few moments to her.

"All done, and updated the patient information, I will be gone for the night, send a runner if you need me."

With that he left the Hospital for the day, he honestly would say he was exhausted.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
