Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open One bored jinchu.

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The crackling of the fire, the smell of smoke... all while the fire inside the igloo was quietly burning. It wasn't a big fire but one inside the middle of the igloo. You could easily see if from a distance, but as you would get closer around it... It first would show with one snowman, small in potion to eventually human-sized ones and a whole lot more. As soon as you could set your eyes on the igloo, a lot of snowmen would be 'standing guard' all that had been done by one single redhaired that had been bored to death.

The male inside the igloo was a little bit blind and for that reason, a big canine was sleeping outside in the snow. At least... it would be showing as if he was sleeping but all in all, he was standing guard for his master. a faint smell in the sky would be one of chocolate... Because Shion had been making hot chocolate and slowly roasting marshmallows beside the fire.

Inside the igloo, it was nice and warm, due to the fire and by how he had been building it... But even he was wise enough to keep his regular clothing and shoes on. Only his jacket would be on the ground for him to sit on. As soon as someone got close, Nyr would communicate with Shion though telepathy. ' understand, just let them come but leave your guard up... in these colds, it can and could be anyone and everyone.'




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Shinrya Sachiko

New Member
Nov 8, 2023
OOC Rank
Snowlight, snowbright. Where do little paws take tonight?

Utsumi Nanamiya was scampering along through the winterscape with a shiver to her bones and a skip to her step - a blissfully unaware day, as ones often were with a girl so ... burlish. It was a simple existence, to a point; things became too complicated if you thought too many thoughts at once, so she preferred to curate her interests to singlemindedness. She liked her friends, she liked her card games, and she really wanted to be a good - revered - Shinobi. Often, all three had a way of blending together. When you were a young kunoichi of Konohagakure, 99% of your friends were going to be fellow striving ninja, not to mention her betters. She constantly had something, or someone, to look up to. She constantly had something to strive towards, and it required no thought at all. Hold forward. Smile wide. Greet each moment with bright eyes and ready fists.

Today, however, was more alike an odd hobby. Contracted with the wolves about the outskirts of the village, Utsumi would find herself repeatedly heading back out to the forest fringes and checking on her four-legged friends. Keiyaku had thought well - Utsumi was as much canine as girl, and it was a miracle she wasn't actually born Inuzuka like her senpai. She got along very well with animals, in a way harder with people for her; see, language barrier mattered less. Intent was much clearer between man and beast. She enjoyed the silence, and the solace.

She was caught off her usual route today: but not by something unfamiliar. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She saw first a wolf - what a pretty dog!! - and lost herself in the warm scent of fire and chocolate, wriggling her little nose with a two-step fully off course. Where the pause came was the ... legion? of snowmen that lined around an igloo, both simultaneously startling and amusing sights. Especially for a little girl. She tongued the inside of her cheek in thought, stopping clear of the wolf - friendly, she was sure, but she was in no position to agitate it - and then scribbled out on a piece of paper to hold up to all in front of her. Each snowcitizen and the lord wolf would all be addressed!


[ My name is Utsumi : )
I come in peace! :0
Take me to your leader! >:3c
p.s. hi puppy <3 <3 <3
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Since the destruction of the Inuzuka clan's main branch domicile, Keiyaku and Morutobu, the Inuzuka and his Shina Inu little brother had effectively reverted to the lifestyle most often presented by, not just their ancestors, but most of their kinsmen. It wasn't exactly unusual for members of the clan and their partners to sleep out in the wild, in fact, for the majority of the outlying clans, it was the norm. For Keiyaku, essentially, the prince of the main clan, while it was a common happenstance to live in such a fashion, it was now much more immediate. It was a lesson Kiiromaru had insisted upon; the old dog had taught his human son the necessities of surviving in the wild, and, after losing their brick-and-mortar home, this lesson was paramount. But in the winter, the rules of the wild change somewhat; the scents of the landscape changed and it became steadily more important to keep stock of your surroundings. As snow fell upon the outlying Fire Country, the igloos and other wintry domiciles became objects of interest to the surviving clansmen who kept watch over Konoha's surrounding forests.

There were two scents, one young, one older, both familiar.... but one of them spoke to him a little deeper... the igloo.... something inside it made his heart stir....

"Sentīre possum solitam praesentiam..."
"I sense a familiar presence..."
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Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The small army was greeting everything and everyone. Even the small girl that was greeted by them. Inside the Igloo Shion was playing a little with the visual of the fire crackling. Slowly he would sit a bit straight up. His guard kept up and just slowly try to sense more, which was difficult to do through the iglo. Nyr, who had been laying. Slowly lifted his head and looked towards the female. His mouth opened a bit to let his tongue hang and tail slowly started to flop up and down on the snow.

The big dog would tilt his head as if he was supposed to read it, obvious he could, but he was acting as if he couldn't. A small whine would come from him and a voice from inside the Igloo would sound. " i swear if this is because a clump of snow in on your nose again I will drag you inside myself!" It was a played and practice dialogue for Shion to see the exit / entrance before he would pop out his head. " A-.." Because Nyr kept creating sound waves Shion could see them all. "Morning... It ain't much, maybe too muhc at an extend, but feel free to come in" he would question them before looking over the horizon, as if he was just looking to the sky. While in fact he could already notice the other.

Back inside he would rub his hands together before blowing in it. Even that moment outside was cold enough when it was nice and warm inside. " I would suggest removing your jacket, it gets quite warm inside here." From no visible point of vieuw you would be able to spot any weapons on him, making him almost seem harmless and he did not display any type of chakra yet as he was supressing it all.

Shinrya Sachiko

New Member
Nov 8, 2023
OOC Rank
She couldn't help but giggle along with the dog as he peered over her picture - her only forays with animals in her shinobi life thus far proved her trust in them all, and she figured he'd be able to gleam the meaning even if he couldn't piece it perfectly. He was a smart boy, yes he was! He reminded her a lot initially of Morutobu-senpai, but less so of her own Tategami - her tongue almost sticking out at the thought. She shuffled her feet in the snow, waiting patiently with grateful nods and an awed expressed to each the lord wolf and every snowman in employ; she wasn't going to overstep her bounds, or reach out to touch something that otherwise didn't indicate that was okay. She was polite, for such a rambunctious creature.

She heard a voice and turned her head up to see a man with his head outside of the igloo: the leader of this band? The general of this army? The guard dog seemed to be bonded with him, and that was enough for Utsumi's own guard to all but disappear while she hops up enthusiastically. She follows instructions with a gleeful scamper, not yet noticing the additional presence - far too preoccupied with her own joy and wonder, out here in this fantasy snowscape.

She would bow, silent and firm, before slipping inside the igloo with the man; curiosity abounds in soft crimson, but ridding her shoulders of their burden and sniffling back a dribble up her reddened nose. Hi! She waved her arms in a universal greeting, handing off the drawing/greeting she had already made to present, giving her name, and pulling out another note that simply read: I'm Utsumi and I go to Konohagakure Academy! I'm a Shinobi-in-Training and I'm mute, but I don't need any help, thank you! How are you? : )

Something routine, it seemed. He seemed nice enough. The place was lovely - most of all for a child. Fantastical, even.
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Morutobu gave a quiet little grumble at Keiyaku's side as they looked over at the igloo, surrounded by a battalion of strange little snowmen and what the Inuzuka brothers could clearly smell to be a wolf.

"Utsumi," he said in an annoyed whisper, more to himself than anyone else. She was a kid wandering into the lair of a complete stranger, without any idea what she may or may not be getting into. Had he taught her nothing after all these months? Moru seemed to have the right idea, sauntering up to the wolf with a bit of swagger in his step as if he was about to put on the charm and talk his way past an armed guard. It was completely redundant, much to Moru's disappointment. A complete stranger with an open-door policy on his igloo was probably the last thing he was expecting today. Keiyaku crouched down and entered the frosty dwelling, giving the wolf a suspicious side-eye as he went by.

The Inuzuka's immediate thought was surprise that the whole place wasn't melting down when a roaring fire was burning in the corner. It was quite stifling, actually. Two different scents were strong in the air.

"Utsumi, the hell is wrong with you?" Keiyaku said with a bite of irritation, "you don't know who this guy is, and you just go wandering into his lai-"

It was that guy from Coffee City, years ago... when Mitsuha had gone insane and tried to stab Keni to death. The guy had leaped to the rooftops, as though the force of gravity had been carrying him, and he had spoken that strange tongue... the one that seemed to call to the parasite with whom the Inuzuka shared his soul. The strain of controlling the thing this close to the Full Moon was showing on his face, which Utsumi would perhaps notice; his eyes were sunken and his face much more pale than before. He looked very tired. The man who appeared to be blind, might instead, use Keiyaku's voice to conclude that he might be sick. Moru, meanwhile, seemed to be ready to contentedly curl up by the fire, laying his head in Utsumi's lap.

"Tū... Quomodo hīc potes esse?"
"You... How can you be here?"

Keiyaku did not seem to realise he had just spoken in another language, and the words seemed slightly forced from him, as though the Inuzuka wasn't the only thing asking the question.
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The guardian dog Nyr nodded to the female as she walked past, not only. He would look towards the other couple that was coming closer.

Hearing how someone was getting a scolding... Shion could not help but smile a little at that. He would stay inside while waiting for their actions and reactions. "Isn't it amazing how an Igloo works..? They stay quite comfy and warm as soon as the temperature is nice inside... The reason why the ice doesn't melt has something to do with science and math. You see, the chimney makes it so that the hot air can escape quickly enough before melting the ice. Due to the open entrance, there is a draft to keep it circulating... This way you always have new oxygen replacing the old. Just don't sit in the doorway, that will get cold..." He would comment and as the soundwaves were bouncing around he would notice the other writing something... He... could not read it. But how to exactly say that without giving it away? "You sure are a quiet type..." He would think and a moment later try something. He hummed soft enough to see just enough to see her and Keiyaku.

He would move his hands in sign language as he had seen her do something likewise before. Not knowing if his version of sign language from the past when he was mute was still the same. His sign language would read the following, good morning, unsure what the note says I cannot see it. He had no choice into spilling those beans to them...

" Cubile huh... Coniecto quis alius intus reptans? "
[blur]A lair huh... Guess who else came crawling inside? [/blur]

A slight voice change happened by Shion too... and you could notice it was something unusual for him... It made him raise his guard a little more. "Guess puppy found a home, that is good to know... I am afraid I did not bring dog snacks for your small buddy... Maybe some dried fried jerky if he is allowed to have them. Before you get more hostile... I am not out for blood or bodies today.." he would sigh as he took a relaxing position while eying the both of them, what were they going to do.
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
It was all fun and games... But it seemed that this was not going anywhere. Knowing how one of them had their guard up high, and one of them seemed... a bit special. He would stand up and grab his coat. As he put his coat on the canine outside would stand up too. Almost in perfect sync with Shion. Shion would button up his coat and put a scarf around his neck and before he grabbed his fedora.. He would turn to the female and sign.
'It was quite an interesting display, I hope to see you grow in the future.' he too said it so that in case it was heard by the other party. As he started to walk out... He would smile at the boy with the dog. I hope he is allowed to have, it's some dried beef jerky.." Shion spoke as he handed off a piece, that was when he would grab his fedora and crawl out of the igloo. As he got outside he would dust off the little bit of snow that had gotten on it.

' Nothing much..?' Nyr asked through telepathy and Shion shook his head. He would pet the wolf as he started to get on top of him too. "Not really... BUt doesn't matter, I hope they are nice and warm now. It was fun... Let's see where the future is going to bring us shall we?" He asked the canine who started to walk in the direction of Crater City.

[mft; 254]

[Topic left due to inactivity.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
