Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

One never learns a lesson easily....

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
Sheltered from the outside world from the safe confines of his own room, he found his crimson eyes wandering, no doubt scanning the room for wannabe threats before resting their vision up towards the ceiling. A relieved breath of air escaped him as the sliding door to his bed room slid closed. His tendering fiancé, his great love was finally gone yet, despite his new found freedom, at least for the moment, he found it It increasingly difficult to pull himself up. His mind told his body one thing but his body told his mind another. No matter the countless attempts made, his body did not budge, not while he felt the warmth of his bedding around him. He would have none of it though. His body might have wanted one thing but his mind wanted another, and no matter what or how long it took, he would get what he wanted in the end. Atlas, even with that bravado stuck in his mind, It would take a further several minutes of pure torture before his conviction would finally prevail, granting him the freedom he so desired. In doing so however, with a excited glee on his slender, flawless frame that was the container for his face, he found himself no less lucky when the lithe, little man had gained the attraction of two devilish, amber colored eyes from amongst the other side of the room. In the spite of the fact that they were glaring him down, as If implying a grand error had been made on his part, he was met with only peace. Only the flickering waves erupting from his fireplace had any say on the matter. Amongst the silence however, came excitement, although It came at a great price, as for when he rose his clenched fists into the air, no doubt in victory, alongside his arms, a sudden crack of bone and flesh could be heard. A strong whimper would follow but that would not deter the young man from pressing on, to pushing his covers aside and take his rightful place at the center of the bed. The monstrous, murderous eyes from the opposing side would continue it's observation but nothing would be followed as they watched the young master bend his legs together, folding one underneath the other before his hands would come for the joining, uniting as one being as a new form would shape, with half of his fingers rising high while the left remaining found themselves laying their long bodies underneath one another, forming something akin to a box roof while those in the back, formed the tall roof what looked to be a trigon. From amongst the welcoming silence, soon came a powerful veil that began to emit from the boy's unified hands. A very subtle, whirling breeze began to take form. This on itself would catch the gaze of a concerned mother, whom along with the child who broke their silence, she too would breaks her, only to reveal a sudden truth the child would not be prepared for, no matter the words that would arise from their lips.


"You do realize, If she catches you out of bed, doing TRAINING no less, she's going you murder you. You know that right?"

With enough sass for a tongue to snap, this did nothing but cause a trigger to go off within the confines of the young man's mind, whom had only began their meditation training, but this prevent him from snapping his upper frame in her direction. His gleaming smile and the excitement that emerged from his lips, were met with the concern of an amazonian goddess that towered over him. While her eyebrows song a different story, one of great disappointment and disbelief, her one visible hand rested on her rear hills, no doubt blessed like the soft, monstrous mountains that arose from the front.

Tamashi Seto
"What she doesn't know won't hurt her."

Boasting that great confidence, the young man had made the assumption that he was no longer affected by his grievous injuries, that the bandages wrapped around his body served no purpose, or that the devastating pain that was constantly rupturing throughout his body was nothing but a farce. Such a blatant lie was the turning point for the seven feet tall amazonian that was his eternal bodyguard, but putting aside her concern, a veil of indifference would instead take form as her words came into creation, as her well built arms folded overneath one another.


"Huh uh.....whatever you say my Lord. Just don't come crying to me when she ends up whaling you to death."

The young, injured Genin ignored her words, words that one might take as offensive but not him. He had been injured yes, grievously no less and there was no lying on the fact that his near shattered body had been in the tender care of the young woman that would eventually become his wife and be the bearer of his children, but that didn't mean training was no less important. It was clear his and their ideologies differ but such a difference had no meaning to him. If she was gone, this near killed child would train, regardless of the time when his precious "savior" would return to tend to his wounds.​


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Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
With his lover's continued absence, he kept his focus on his training as he continued to channel his chakra into a single point, that being his hands that had been joined together. It was pretty basic training by his standards, that being training for academy students but It was the only training he could do at the moment, especially as he sat in his room with his seven feet tall bodyguard. While she stood guard at the entrance of his room with her arms folded, ever watching him with her feline, amber colored eyes, he continued without consideration for his body. Due to his previous injuries, even conjuring chakra at this level proved difficult. The blame of course was the screeching pain he felt throughout his body, but like last time, in the very same scenario when he had received these injuries, he was determined to push through the pain and reach new levels, so he tried all the harder. As a consequence, he instinctively gritted his teeth. He could even feel a drop of blood fleeing from one of his nostrils as he pushed more chakra to the surface. His aura engulfed hands became thicker than he hadn't expected, and despite the inch he felt where the drop of blood remained, he ignored it, as well as the ever pressuring pain he felt. He pushed on, focusing all his Concertation into this one act. He wanted to searing flame engulf his hand, not simply a thick veil of chakra. That meant not giving up, even If Shizu walked through that door. The prospect of getting murdered by his fiancé, because he refused to lay in bed, was not something he exactly wanted to experience but dam it all If he couldn't at least get a little amount of training in. If he was lucky, he be able to get a few minutes of training in before he have to actually rest this time. Even he knew there was a certain threshold he couldn't pass..​

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
With a crimson pupil, he eyed the door. Just long was she going to be away for? He wasn't going to complain but It had been over a half an hour since Shizu had left his room. What exactly could she be doing that she willingly give up her time with him? To say that was unusual was a understatement since Shizu was usually glued to his hip almost constantly. Maybe she got dragged away to do a official duty or perhaps she had to go deeper into the keep to get something special? He didn't know but he wouldn't question it, so he simply shrugged his shoulders as he returned to his chakra building training. A few minutes in however, he found himself surprisingly exhausted when he broke his hands apart and fell back on his bed. Breathing hard, barely able to catch his fire, It was clear he had reached his limit for the time being. Consequently, an annoyed groan escaped him before he tried to pull himself up, only to fall back shortly later. Seriously? This couldn't be his limit, not when he had to get stronger, not only for himself but everyone, but It was. Upon this realization that he wasn't moving again for a bit, he sighed before his right eye picked on his bodyguard from the edges of his eyes. He could see Sunako was enjoying the show, as clearly demonstrated by the smirk she made while staring him down with a raised eyebrow. Sometimes he wondered If she was a sadist, someone who enjoyed watching other suffer, or maybe she thought It was just amusing to watch him act like a fool, which....he did alot of infront of her. Eventually he lamented and surrendered to what his body wanted. Closing his eyes while his head rested on one of his pillows, his mind immediately drew to eldest sister, who was not only strong and brave, but compassionate and generous as well. The image of her soling a entire unit of Shinobi was a reoccurring one in his mind but was It really only that? A image that could only be found within his mind? It was no secret that his eldest sister was undoubtedly the strongest Tamashi Siren to ever exist in the history of his clan. It wouldn't surprised him one bit If she was even stronger than father, not that she cross blades with him, though If she ever went rogue, nothing would stop her from being able to slaughter most of the clan...but he didn't want to really think about that. He held his eldest sister in far too much of a positive light to think of her like that...

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
After laying in bed in for so long and staring up at the ceiling, he could finally feel his strength returning back to him. His muscles still ached of course, having pushed them too far before but It seemed with the pain finally gone, he could continue his chakra building training. Sunako noticed the sparkle in his eyes, telling her all what she needed to know but as per usual, she said nothing. She didn't even budge from her spot. All in all, all she did was eye him from her position at the door before she eventually sighed. He ignored her however, as he pulled himself off his bed and got back into position again. Closing his eyes, he slammed his hands together in a tiger like hand seal and began once more. Searching deep within himself, he pulled his chakra from the depth's of his body and again, sent his reserves of chakra to his hands, causing them to be engulfed in a faint blue aura. Even with his eyes closed, he could sense the lack of chakra within his hands. This caused a great displeasure, as he was expecting better results. It seemed his body didn't recover as fast as he liked but he didn't care. If It wasn't clear by now, Seto was the farthest from being a medical professor. He was showing little care for his body and It was showing. As he continued to press himself forward, the pain began to come back, and before he knew it, more blood was starting to appear, triggering Sunako to roll her eyes in disappointment. Although It was quickly beginning harder than even before, he kept going and through determination like he showed when he sparred with Sunako, he gathered everything he could and threw it into his hand. In that moment and that moment alone, the veil he produced transformed into that of a raging fire, causing the seven feet tall Kishi to raise a eyebrow before It inevitably dissipated. With his body giving up from the lack of rest, his pain swelled like he couldn't imagined, thus in the moment afterward, a series of loud groans escaped him before forcibly falling on his back with a long nose bleed. After his "collapse", he tried again to pull himself but by just trying to move a inch hurt in ways he couldn't describe, so after a few futile attempts, Seto sighed before surrendering again. It seemed he have to rest some more....

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
He stared up at the wooden ceiling. He sighed at the scene. After pushing his body so hard with little rest, he could feel nearly nothing from any of his limbs. Was this what death felt like? Being unable to move? To be so helpless there wasn't even a point to trying? He didn't know but the thought alone was depressing at the least. Maybe now he understood why some of his kin took the lives of those who couldn't be saved. He suppose that was peace on it's own, for who want to bleed out slowly on a battlefield? Certainly not him If he could help it. That wasn't any way to think however, so he shook his head a few times, trying as hard as he could to change the subject within his own mind. Eventually his mind granted his wish when he remembered what his father had told him, a "special" type of training that revolved around using only the mind. He didn't quite understand how it worked but apparently from what he could remember, his father told him It was training of the mind where you ran constant simulations within your mind, simulations that focused on sparring with another. To him however, It just sounded like one was dreaming, but what else could he do? He couldn't move, let alone spar with Sunako who was keeping guard over his broken body. Shizu would do that as well but he had no idea where she could have gone. It had been well over a hour since she left. For a moment, he wondered If she had been called away for something important before he returned to the subject at hand. Clearing his mind of all thoughts Irrelevant to his training, he soon found himself in a empty plane of existing, however amongst the nothingness aside from a white colored ground, It only took a few moments before his seven feet tall bodyguard whom was suddenly standing before him. He batted a eyebrow before spewing out words like a idiot.
Tamashi Seto
"EHHH? How you get here Sunako? I mean....I'm in"

Ignoring his outburst, she walked several feet away from him until she was a good distance away. Turning around with a one eighty degree spin using the heel of her black colored boot, she stared him with her arms crossed. She waited for a few seconds for him to speak but when she didn't her expression turned before she spoke up.


"I'll explain later.....Now pull yourself together and get ready. If you want "training", I'll get it to you. Just don't go crying to poor o"Shizu or your mother when I wreck your ass into submission."

He felt shivers down his spine. He could tell she was serious, more so than usual, but at the same time, he found himself excited, especially since he felt no pain in his body. Infact, he felt as normal as he usually did. So this was image training? But how was he talking to Sunako right now? She could be a figment of his imagination but....she felt so rare, so much so than she ever had before. Maybe they were truly linked but If that was the case, he didn't care at the moment. The only thing on his mind at the moment was training. Smirking, he pulled himself up off the near invisible ground before he punched the palm of his hand with the other, now clutched together as a fist.

Tamashi Seto
"Bring it!"

Being the idiot he was, he knew he was going to regret those words or rather, he'll be eating them soon enough with Sunako but that was for future him to worry about. Drawing his Wakizashi from it's saya that hanged from his side, he rose It to eye level before taking a starting position. His pupils meeting hers, the two stared each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move, all the while keeping to their grins. This looked to be the training of the century, he just hoped, or at least a small portion of himself hoped he would survive this.....


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
