Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Only because... [Interrogation of Zenichi]


Mar 19, 2014
... Senka was the superior in the case, she had to initiate things. It was one of the rare occasions that she actually entered the Underprison, while she normally only guarded its perimeter, if ever. With Zenichi in tow, the stitched up girl proceeded through the front gate, past the security check, in which she also explained the circumstances and asked for the ANBU Sennin's presence, and guided their prisoner to one of the many interrogation rooms on the first floor.

"So, here we are, make yourself comfortable. And no, you may not call your lawyer."

With that remark, Senka shut the door behind her as she left the captured mercenary in the room with the reinforced walls. Aligning herself on the right side of the door, she waited for Hebi to do the same on the other side. The stitched up girl was well aware of how strange she looked, standing guard in front of an interrogation room with her appearance, but the dark rings under her eyes and her present expression left no question as to the danger she posed to anybody daring to point that out to her.

She only hoped the ANBU Sennin would arrive soon, she did not want to spend the whole day inside this rotten prison.

[Zenichi put into the interrogation/detention room ; Calling Ayumu]

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Zenichi was lead to the prison and started to survey the outside. Size, Floors, Gates around, Windows. Everything was committed to memory in the even he had to escape from here. If they tried to put him here for a decade, he would find a way out of there before his sentence ended. A startling thing happened. He expected to be lead to a processing area to be given something either orange or pinstriped but instead, he was lead to a solitary room. He was a fool for not realizing that the people of Kumo might want more answers than what he had already given. At what cost was the real question. They may try it with truth serum or they may take it by force. While Zenichi didn't have anything to hide, he also wasn't going to give away secrets of Konoha nor Suna.

He took a seat at the proper place and closed his eyes. His head was bent downwards as if he was praying. What he was actually doing was digging under his fingernails. One of the plus sides of clay is that it gets stuck everywhere. Decent chunks were always sitting under his nails. It may not be enough to blow a hole through the wall here but it would be enough to break these handcuffs if need be. Slowly his handmouth started to nibble that clay, priming it for detonation. He would hold off from making his microscopic bombs until he saw fit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Itsuki followed quietly, her Byakugan still active.

The prison was an interesting place at best. Filled with the scum of lightning country and the like. She had never been to the under prison before. No need to be after all, being just an AiT.

But the Zenichi man was being brought to what appeared to be an interrogation room, and was sat down. Itsuki followed, wondering how far being Ayumu-san might be. She kept her trained eyes on Zenichi until she noticed his chakra at work in his hands. Peculiar...

[Permission for Itsuki to see what he is preparing with Byakugan? Also sorry for the short posts, this weekend is not the best for me when it comes to NC.]

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Ayumu was at his desk in the Sileo as usual when a call came in requesting his presence. The situation was explained to him as best the gate guard who had witnessed the event could. Apparently an unaffiliated shinobi was caught attempting to enter the village unlawfully, seeking to evade the watch of the gate guard. He would have been successful if it were not for two ANBU members, a Jounin, and a person who matched the description of Isaki Hoshikata. 'That man certainly is sticking his nose into a lot of Cloud's business lately,' Ayumu thought. At the same time, his presence might have encouraged the mercenary to give himself up peacefully. He didn't know what exactly the politician was hoping to gain by getting on Cloud's good side, but he had to give it to him, the man was trying. Ayumu walked through the Tarterian Specus, though he didn't have to go too far. The prison was vast and went underground, but for now the mercenary was being held in a room for questioning.

Ayumu reached the questioning rooms in time to hear muffled shouting coming through a door of a currently occupied room. This wasn't where he had been called, fortunately. The room in which he was required was relatively silent, though that could have been cause for concern if you thought about it. Ayumu looked at the two ANBU members standing guard at the door and nodded at them. "Good work. Come in with me," Ayumu said to them. Ayumu grasped the handle and turned it pulling the door open before stepping inside. Here was the man of the hour himself. The ANBU and the trainee would be right behind Ayumu. If the man decided to try anything, Ayumu would keep the advantage in their favor with numbers. He wasn't so stupidly proud to be above doing such. It would only increase more when the Raikage himself arrived. Ayumu had specifically requested him to come, him being the one that would ultimately have the final say on what happened to Zenichi.

OoC: Sorry for the late post, I was out of the town this weekend and didn't have a whole lot of time for posting. Will do better from here on.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Shin's received the call as quick as Ayumu had received it. Shin was seen walking through the dark corridors of the Underprison welcomed by the glowing eyes that twinkled as passed several several prison gates. It still pained to see that this was the best alternative to maintain the order of the village. At least Shin had made ever attempt to make it as humane as possible by rather than a forsaken dungeon.

Eventually, Shin had reached the last hall where he discovered the foreigner sitting behind a small desk and two individuals waiting for something to happen or perhaps waiting for Shin.

"Senka-san, continue on with your questioning. If you don't mind I will observe until I feel ready to intervene." Shin said as he sat beside Ayumu.

[Apologies for the poor post I just want to get this moving.]



Mar 19, 2014
Not long after Senka and Hebi had taken up positions outside the door, the ANBU Sennin, Kogami Ayumu arrived and ordered them to follow him into the room. Just as they did so, another person, one Senka had not specifically called, but whom she assumed the Sennin had given notice to, arrived at the scene. It was the Raikage himself, who graced everybody with his presence. He proceeded to tell the stitched up girl to proceed with her interrogation, which she had not even conducted in the first place. She raised an eyebrow at the request but followed suit.

"Now, please tell us your exact reason for coming to this village. If you wanted money, civilian villages or nations with no Ninja would be much better places to look for employment."

She stopped for a second and continued to speak frankly.

"Simply put, I don't believe that you came here to look for work, rather than for work you already have. Your reasoning for how you tried to enter the village contradicted itself. The fact that you tried to illegally enter remains as welll, so I would like to know any reason for why you shouldn't be locked up in the depths of this prison with Chakra suppressing seals plastered over your whole body... if they still make these that is."

Senka was not sure that was the case, considering she had found no information on such things in the procedures of subjugating prisoners during transport, interrogation and confinement. In the end, the most basic method of cuffing a person had been used, even if she would have wanted a word in the more than lacking design of those shackles.

For now, her restraints still remained on, as the surgical mask hid the lower half of her face, revealing nothing of the gruesome scars to her mouth. Even if the stitches on her neck and her shoulders, as well as her hands and fingers could be seen, they were nothing compared to her mouth once she decided to show the full range of her expressions. It either meant a form of trust or a means of expressing herself properly; in either case, the other person would be disturbed.

[Marked for Training]

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
[OOC, Permission to use Bakyugan to see chakra flowing around hands granted but unless your character has had interaction with a Touji, the exact actions should be odd and somewhat unknown.]

Zenichi was starting to feel like he was a VIP. Two of the ninjas from the gates had escorted him to the prison and they were soon joined by two more. The body language and attitude towards the newcomers made it highly probable they were high in the food chain. Probably at least captain level, maybe even Sennin. But Zenichi wasn't too terrible concerned about them. He was trapped and knew that fighting his way out of the prison would be a losing battle. He may get one last breath of fresh air before his demise but he couldn't hope for much more without a lot of luck.

Soon, the questions started to flow. He giggled a bit inside at the angle she took.

I've told you my reasons and you chose to not accept them as truth. There's nothing more I can really do at this point to prove any truths or lies but let me ask you this. If I was lying, do you really think that simply asking me a second time will provoke me to betray any morals or loyalties I'm protecting? Where's the torture? Where's the good cop/bad cop shtick? The only carrot you are dangling is fear of jail time but it's already been established I'm going to be imprisoned and you have no say in how long that will be.

So if you have nothing else, I'll just as well be seen to my cell.

Zenichi wasn't trying to be difficult. The truth was, he didn't have anything else to provide. If they were still suspicious, they would scrutinize anything else he said so it was in his best interest to control the interrogation as best he can.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
There wasn't much for Itsuki to say aside from voicing her concerns about the chakra he seemed to be managing. "I don't mean to interrupt, but our guest's chakra seems to be fluctuating in his hands, as if preparing a jutsu. Zenichi, would you please cooperate and keep your hands out in front of you where we can see them?" she asked with a sympathetic expression behind a blank mask.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012

Deta ~ ???​

The man clearly was not making any sense. What was he boasting for and to what end? If he really came here to find work would it not have been more appropriate to follow protocol. All Shin could see was a man who was seeking to prune his skills by entering a highly fortified village.
"It is not about you lying merely why you would attempt to infiltrate a village that is highly populated with mercenaries as yourself. A man as skillful as you claim to be would not be so easily caught without a reason.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but our guest's chakra seems to be fluctuating in his hands, as if preparing a jutsu. Zenichi, would you please cooperate and keep your hands out in front of you where we can see them?" Itsuki said briefly interrupting Shin.

Without warning, Zenichi's body began to contort as if he was frozen in place. He would noticed that Shin's pupils underneath his tinted glasses had changed shaped into the swirly red kaleidoscope known to be seen in the eyes of an Uchiha. Shin lifted Zenichi from his seat and slammed his body against the wall.

"I refuse to play this game, Zenichi. If you value your pride you will tell us your true purpose." Shin said with his incensed eyes.

"Μην αφήνετε το σκοτεινό τσάκρα σας προσπεράσει, πατέρας. Θα κάνουν ακριβώς ό, τι θέλουν. Σας προειδοποιήσει γι 'αυτό. Μπορώ να καταστείλει μόνο αρκετό, αν κάνετε το μέρος σας." A conglomerate of voice echoed into within the shadows of the room. A hooded figure arose from the darkness. The figure had the physique of a man but everything else was nondeterministic. His body and countenance were covered with black robes except the intricate silverly neckless attached to a deep red garnet.

Shin sighed as he let the man go as the color of his eyes returned back to the normal gray hue.

"The man is not lying. I sense no deceit. He is just arrogant. Perhaps, your reputation has reached the ears of Konohagakure." The hooded man said as he laid his back against the opposite wall.

"I am sorry. We still need to know why you did not seek proper passage into the village knowing very well the alternative would not be succeed." Shin asked as he turned toward the man.

trans said:
Do not let the dark chakra overtake you, Father. You are doing exactly what they want. I warned you about this. I can only suppress it if you do your part.

notes said:
Only those who understand classical kumo should know what Deta is talking about, but Itsuke and Zenichi might be able to discover small traces of dark chakra within Shin's chakra coils, Also, I hope you dont mind what Shin has done to Zenichi. Let me know if you want me to change it.


Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Just as the microscopic bombs were primed, it would seem that someone had seen his actions. He spent a millisecond thinking of how to respond. The truth wasn't working for him so far and this was more damning than his failed attempt to enter the village. Before he had a chance to respond, the lone male figure in the mix seemed to go off the deep end. He was slammed against the wall, seeing stars almost instantly. Reacting on impulse to a violent action, Zenichi detonated the bombs surrounding his cuffs with a single word, shattering them at the chains. A dull numbness instantly touched his wrist and he briefly wondered if that would effect his ability to fight.

There's bad cop, I was wondering who was the highest rank here.

He was about to start flooding the area with microbombs in preparation for the eminent attacks. This was suicide and he knew it but by reacting to Shin's aggression with aggression, he had set a ball in motion that he would have little control over. God, in the form of a black robbed figure found his way into the room. And while he couldn't understand such a foreign tongue, the change in Shin's demeanor and the fact that he was not pinned against a wall proved that God had asked for mercy. Zenichi took a deep breathe to get his mind together. He actually had a knot in his stomach from fear and felt like vomiting for a brief second.

As I stated before, being invisible makes me more valuable. The Raikage and Sennin may control the army and politics in this village but they aren't the only game in town. As you said, there are already Mercenaries here. There are people here from Leaf probably. And I'm sure each of them are fighting for any scraps left over from the Sennin's work list. I'm not going to compete when others smaller factions are willing to pay so much more for protection or any number of darker jobs. Crime is in every town if you know where to look and what to offer them.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
The man's response was more detail than previously but the content was the same -- he came for work. The rest of the group was silent analyzing the situation within themeselves or rather waiting for what the raikage had to say.

"As I stated before, being invisible makes me more valuable. The Raikage and Sennin may control the army and politics in this village but they aren't the only game in town. As you said, there are already Mercenaries here. There are people here from Leaf probably. And I'm sure each of them are fighting for any scraps left over from the Sennin's work list. I'm not going to compete when others smaller factions are willing to pay so much more for protection or any number of darker jobs. Crime is in every town if you know where to look and what to offer them." The man said.

"So you believe by contacting the small factions within our village you would produce a better profit and the only reason why you attempted to force yourself in was merely to prove your abilitie? Now that you have been discovered your clandestinity is moot. What else can you say makes you valuable, Zenichi? Perhaps you could provide us information?" Shin said.



Mar 19, 2014
[OOC: I hope you're not waiting on me... there is really nothing for me to add. The higher ranking persons have the floor.]

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Ayumu listened quietly as Senka began to question Zenichi, asking why he was entering the village. He had claimed that it was to sell his services to the village, but there was some truth in what Senka said. The village had its own shinobi to send out on missions. It even had a subsect of shinobi that could be sent on missions that were best kept out of the light. Still, the one thing that made Zenichi valuable was probably the ability of a client to disavow him in the case that he were caught doing something a client didn't want to be made public. There would be no evidence of him having anything to do with the client. Even if he was tortured and admitted to working for the client, it couldn't be proven that the client had hired him. It couldn't be traced back.

There was some logic to his reason for attempting to sneak in without detection, but there was a problem. He had been detected. There was no way to tell for certain whether or not he was truly coming into the village looking for work or if he had come in already on an assignment. What reason could he give that would put them all at ease? From his response, he seemed to understand the predicament he was in. There was no way for him to prove without a doubt that he was telling the truth. They could torture him, as he said, but Shin would likely not condone that. Jail was the most likely outcome, unless Shin decided to be merciful. He seemed convinced that jail was the only outcome, however, and asked to be taken away rather than be questioned further.

Fortunately for the Kumo shinobi, they had a Byakugan user in their midst. Itsuki noticed something up and announced to the room that Zenichi was up to something by asking him to keep his hands out in the open. Ayumu moved away from the wall where he was leaning to do something to ensure Zenichi's cooperation, but little had he taken a step than someone else intervened. Zenichi was lifted from his seat and slammed into a wall by the supposedly peaceful Raikage who was apparently in no mood to play games. Well, it was about damned time. A moment later Deta entered the scene speaking to Shin in classical Kumogakurian. Ayumu could understand bits and pieces from his knowledge of Vulgar Kumogakurian, but couldn't be certain as to what Deta was saying beyond that it seemed he was trying to calm Shin. It appeared to work as Shin released Zenichi while Deta told them that the man wasn't being deceptive.

Shin questioned once more why Zenichi tried to sneak in and Zenichi repeated himself. Shin appeared to understand why Zenichi had done what he had now, but now appeared to be trying to get something out of Zenichi. He asked if Zenichi might have any information to share that would make him valuable. Information in exchange for his freedom, perhaps? Ayumu was more than happy to just throw him in jail. He was fine with using the shinobi they had to take on missions. The village was supposed to make money that way, not hire out people to do the jobs for them. He'd see what the man had to say, however.

[OoC: Feel free to skip me in the future. If I'm going to post I'll do it quickly. As you can see I don't have much to add. I think you should go ahead and post now, this is mainly yours and Shin's show.]
[MFT: 561]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Itsuki stood there like a good little girl in a situation that was far above pay grade. She was simply a trainee, but now she was in an interrogation room with both the sennin and the Raikage. And while, she felt like this was no place for her. It was going to look good on her record; perhaps a possible reason for a promotion one day. So she remained silent, her eyes trained on the man unless he planned on doing something else chakra related. If spoken to, she would respond, but until then silence.

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
It would seem that the interrogation had become a negotiation. This was a first for sure.

Information is more valuable than a blade. I'm not sure what kind you are looking for but I may be able to help. At a cost of course. I'll answer each question after one of my questions is answered. All of my questions will be concentrated on one topic, Moon. Do you have any info on the village near your borders?

[OOC, Sorry for the blah post. Waiting for everyone to post is taking the steam out of my enthusiasm. Unless someone objects, I'll finish the topic with Shin and assume everyone is just being surly]


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Shin folded his arms in amazement as to how this man could still have the audacity to ask questions despite his current position. Deta remained silent waiting for Shin to make his response. They both knew that Zenichi was trying to take control of his predicament by manipulating the conversation in his favor, but he forgets that Shin was not obligated to reveal everything to him. In fact, every question that the man asked gave Shin more insight on his motive. It would have been better if Zenichi simply answered the raikage's questions.

"Yes there are several villages around our borders. What exactly are you asking?" Shin responded.

[That is fine with me]


Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Zenichi saw that the senior man of the room was willing to wheel and deal for information. Though, his response seemed to be vague and not really full of useful information. Zenichi decided to walk on the same side of the street.

I am simply asking if you know who is running Moon, friend or foe?

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
