Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Paramedic: Civilian Rescue [C-Rank Medical Mission/Req. Toyoko]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin was at the Omni Prime Medical Facility going over standard medical paperwork when one of the Hosa Homunculus entered his office. ”There was an attack on the Trade Route to Kumogakure, two confirmed dead, requesting Paramedics. The Chief Paramedic cannot be found, so you are next to respond to their call. Thank you sir.“ She would hand over the file with the information. Shin would quickly look over it before stepping to his calendar to see which MiT were working that day. A soft grin came across his face.

’Toyoko-chan, I am requesting your aid as a Paramedic and potentially Field Medic if there are still threats present. Are you able to comply? I’m heading to the front lobby, if you can make it you have five minutes before we depart to the Trade Routes in the Desert Expanse.‘

Shin would snap his fingers and his shining silver armor would appear on his body, resting a top of his blue Medical Chief uniform. Grabbing a few of his tools and sliding his sword onto his back he was ready to head down to the front lobby.

Standing in the front foyer he would check the time before looking to find Toyoko with a smile on his face.

”Are you ready for your first field mission?“


Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko was on a break from working. So she decided to spend some time in the Arboretum, admiring all the plants that grew there and enjoying the solitude that came along with it. It wasn't often that she had a moment to herself and her thoughts, so she cherished every second that she could. While she enjoyed helping the citizens of Suna, it could be very tiring to keep a smile on her face when she felt like her world was falling away from underneath her. So many things had changed recently, that she was struggling just to stay on her feet. Having a routine certainly helped, working at the Omni Prime Medical Facility and spending her spare time either in her room or the Arboretum. She had just settled onto a bench when she heard Shin's voice in her mind.

Standing up, she quickly rushed to her room and grabbed a few supplies and stuffed them into a small bag that she strapped to her back. Then she headed to the lobby, where she found Shin waiting for her with a smile on his face. Toyoko returned the smile and ducked her head a little, nerves kicking in at the thought of taking on her first field mission. "Yes, Father. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Let us go and save our people."

WC: 224

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would nod at his daughter before darting out of the Omni Prime Medical Facility. Placing his hand to his mouth he would bite his thumb. "Ninja Art: Summoning Jutsu" As he slid the blood across the back of his silver bracer a puff of smoke would appear as he summoned Tetsuya, his Phoenix familiar. Tossing his arm up into the air the red feathered falcon would let out a caw before catching ablaze and soaring into the sky. "Are you ready?" Shin would extend his hand back to Toyoko as two massive angelic wings would appear fluttering out from his back.

If she grabbed his hand, he would pull her tight into an embrace before launching into the sky soaring through the desert sky. This was his Sage Mode, and while his Sage Mode was as strong as some of the Arch Sages in this world, his chakra was radiant and true, the strongest Holy Energy you could find outside of the Kami themselves. "If you would like, I could teach you how to become one with the skies as well." He would casually mention as they soared over the Bulwark Gates.

As they began to fly over the Desert Expanse, Shin's falcon like eyes would look wide to try and fight the rubble of the attack. Slowly dropping back towards the ground as his wings would begin to fade he would begin to dart along the sand. "We have at least two confirmed dead, by the time we arrive we can estimate more casualties. We have to act quick to make sure we find them in time. Keep your eyes out for the scene!"


Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko would take a step back as Shin's wings appeared from his back, giving him an angelic look. Why had she ever doubted his intentions? He had to be the most pure human being that she had ever met, and she was now proud to call him her father. She stepped forward and took his hand, hugging him tightly as he took to the skies and soared across the desert. "I think that I would like that. It would prove very beneficial, especially for missions such as this, where time is of the essence."

Casting her gaze over the Desert Expanse, she would also attempt to locate the remains of the attack on their forces. Once they landed, she would reach into her backpack and pull out a scroll, keeping it in her hand as they darted forward. She didn't know what to expect, but Shin said it was possible that they would have to fight when they arrived on the scene. She was no stranger to battle, having had to fight her whole life against all sorts of enemies. But fighting while trying to keep members of her village alive? This was going to prove to be one of the hardest challenges yet. She just hoped that she would be able to prove herself useful in the field. "Do we have an estimate on how many threats are present? Are they rogue shinobi, or are we facing off against typical desert threats?"

WC: 466/1200

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
”We have no additional information, the Homunculus that reported the information to me shared minimal details, we will be the first to arrive on the scene. Do you feel more comfortable securing the perimeter or assessing the victims first? I will take whichever you feel less comfortable with.”

As the two would push on it wouldn’t be long before the sounds of distant screams and cries could be heard. Shin would nod at Toyoko as brilliant wings would once again burst from his back as he entered his Sage Mode. A scattering of feathers remained where the angelic man once stood as he rocketed into the sky like a falcon himself. His eyes would pick up what was impossible to see.

’I can see the caravan. I can spot at least four unmoving bodies, and there seems to be a cart being loaded with cages. There’s multiple fires and I can smell burnt flesh from here. I would assume that the attackers are training in some Ninjutsu, though the level of their skill is not known.’

Shin would speak telepathically to Toyoko, and as the connection would be made the girl would be able to see Kohana running alongside her with her armor donned and her sword in hand.

”You ready kid? Let’s bash in some faces, and save the mother fucking day!“

Toyoko’s aunt was overzealous and excited. It’s not very often she gets to go out without fear of consequences.


Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
"Well, I feel like it would be wise to secure the perimeter first. There's no use in assessing and treating the victims if we are ambushed during treatment. Allow me to handle any threats that present themselves while you begin triage. I will make quick work of anything that comes our way so that I can join you."

When the screams began washing over the two, Toyoko would turn to Shin with a hard look in her eyes. She returned his nod as he launched himself into the sky, once again admiring her father's glistening wings. She would reach out a hand and let one of the feathers slowly drift down into her outstretched fingers, marveling at the softness. What would it be like to do that herself one day?

Shaking the thoughts out of her mind and refocusing on the task before her, Toyoko tightly grips her scroll and takes off running again. She didn't have a second to waste, since it was her job to assess the incoming threats and neutralize them as Shin began taking care of the victims. She didn't know what, exactly, she was getting herself into. So she needed to keep her wits about her as she ran headlong into danger. Shin called out to her mind again, informing her that there were four unmoving bodies, and apparently a cart being loaded iwth cages. Could they be slavers, trying to kidnap the villagers? She gritted her teeth and unraveled the scroll while she was running. Slapping her hand onto it, she would summon one of her Hito Puppets and feel it flying behind her.

Okiboru quickly fell into pieces that Toyoko attached her chakra strings to, jerking them towards her. The various pieces opened up and surrounded her body, clasping around her limbs and torso like a suit of armor. She had decided to use her Santaru puppet, because it allowed her both offensive and healing capabilities. This way she could support any that were well enough to stand and fight. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a shadow run up alongside her. A feral grin crossed her face as Kohana shouted over to her. Toyoko suddenly pitied whoever or whatever was attacking the caravan, because her aunt was now on the field. She would show no mercy to their enemies, slashing them into pieces with no hesitation. While being a medic mostly meant taking care of the villagers of Suna, the knowledge could also be applied in battle to dissect their enemies. With Kohana being released, she knew that Shin was letting loose the reins, and she would be free to tear into their enemies without remorse.

WC: 911

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The angelic form of Shin would silently drop to the scene, a burst of radiant light would be emitted from him as a barrier was formed around the injured and deceased victims. His hands would emit a green haze as his Medical Ninjutsu would begin to do it’s job. Opening is arms and gesturing like a musical conductor various bodies would begin to glow with the soft green hue as well.







Six bodies, and as Shin continues to push his Angelic Blessing Jutsu towards those around him he discovered that three of the bodies weren’t responding to his jutsu at all. He would close his eyes and let out a sigh.

’Toyoko, we have three survivors and 3 confirmed dead here, I will stay with them to prevent any other casualties, but as I am sure you’re aware… we aren’t alone.‘

This was true, the cart with cages hosted four various cloaked individuals, and in the large cages were three children. The cages were being loaded into the cart without being touched, showing signs of Magnetic release, a Chūnin level jutsu.

”You ready kid? We only need one of them to ask questions.“

Kohana would grin as she would dart forward with her niece. Pulling her blade out, her illusory form would slice through the closest bandit, causing him to let out a cough as Kohana’s strikes were equally as illusionary as her body. The pains they would feel would be phantom pains, without causing true injury, which was beneficial on their behalf since Kohana’s assault was relentless.

Jumping back she would slam her hands in the ground casting a Ninjutsu technique, that was technically channeled through Shin. Grass and small flowers would fill the desert landscape for hundreds of feet around them.

Toyoko, having been a in the clan for a while, would recognize these flowers as the Ninja Wolfsbane, a core ingredient to the Nightshade Extract utilized by Shin. In this form, the flowers would not be able to be used as a injury poison,, but rather the pollen they were emitting were a well known toxic fume by all those who worked the Omni Prime Medical Facility’s Aboretum as these flowers of Shin’s were stored separately from the masses of flowers available to the general population.

The spray of pollen into the air would burn the culprit’s lungs, but would fall harmlessly upon the children.

”Toyoko-chan, if you need me let me know, this is more than what you’re expected to be able to accomplish at your rank, be safe!“

[WC: 1200+]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
