Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Quite the Smashing Cat If I say so myself....

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
Sitting from the confines of his room, he could feel his chakra rising to the surface, as If It was almost overflowing. He wasn't sure long It had been since he had been in meditation but he was sure some time must have passed. Even so, with the exception of his breathing through his nose, the only sound he could make out was the humming & flickering of his own energy. He could hear the occasional footsteps but he was sure those were just his family's servants, technically serf's but that wasn't a term he like using. They were bound to his household, yes, but that didn't mean they didn't have feelings or dreams. Along with Shizu, he would change things compared to how his father ran things but that have to wait until he becomes Daimyo himself. Regardless of his thoughts on the situation, he quickly returned his mind back to the topic at hand, training...again. Although he was still struggling, as expected of someone of his rank, since the last time he trained however, when he ended up falling unconscious on the road leading upto the clan's main shrine, with the assistance of his second eldest sister, he had been able to better control his chakra much more efficiently. Due to that, despite his father's disapproval, he had decided to favor much of his training towards the basic's of ninjutsu, as to better prepare himself when the day would come he would be sent on a mission. Regrettably however, without a teacher or a team to train with, It would be much harder, not to mention, take far more time than unusual. That was fine. With the exception of his love, he was used to training by himself anyway. Of course, even as he reminded himself of that, unknowing to him, his life would take a turn starting today. For better or for worse? Time would tell with that one.

As he sat in his room on the floor with his legs crossed and his hands meshed together in a tiger hand seal, he first began hearing encroaching footsteps before they suddenly stopped. Moments later, he would hear a knock on his door, causing him to look up, but as he did so, he began hearing the soft voice of a woman, no doubt no older than his second eldest sister.


"Forgive me Lord Seto for intruding upon your training but Lord Taichi wishes to see you in the grand hall at once. He said It was urgent so please, don't dawdle."

From the moment she had made her intentions clear, all he could feel inside was dread. It was the moment he had been dreading since he had returned home, since he knew his father had found out about his little incident that had happened the other day, and now he was going to pay the price for being reckless. What he did as a "heir" was irresponsible and for that, there was no doubt in his mind that his parents would stick him with bodyguard, and unlike the first time, he knew he wouldn't have a choice in the selection, let alone the matter itself. Sighing at himself over the situation, he gave himself a nod, as If the servant girl could even see what he was doing.

Tamashi Seto
"Yes I understand. I'll make my way to the great hall right away."

Even as he said that however, he bit his tongue. This was something he really didn't want to do, but he had little choice over the matter. Refusing his father's wishes would lead to...rather severe consequences, something he didn't want to pertain in. Nonetheless, after grabbing what bravery he could muster, he pulled himself off the aground and made his way to the sliding door that was only a short distance away. By the time he had slid it open however and stepped into the hallway, the servant girl that had spoken to him was already gone. In response, he shrugged. He was sure he see her around. He wasn't no time however in reaching the grand hall, after traversing down numerous hallways and descending a few cases of stairs but when he reached the entrance, he found himself unable to slid the door open. To face down his father for his bad behavior was like facing down death itself, not exactly a prospect he was looking towards. As he stood there, unable to move behind one of the grand hall's side entrances, he could hear the deep, stoic voice of his father.


Tamashi Tachi
"Yes, It is what you have heard Sunako. From this moment forward, I want you to serve as my son's Kishi.
He has the potential but reckless he is to prove himself, and I certainly can't afford to have him get killed over his stupidity."

It was as he had feared but Sunako? Who was that? He didn't recognize that name, and that bit made him curious. He was pretty sure he knew all the Kishi under his household so who was she? Was she a elite Destroyer? Or perhaps she was like his eldest sister whom was a village shinobi? He didn't know but her powerful voice suggested she was nothing to scuff at. If anything, he could tell she was a intense individual, maybe even one that was fierce? He didn't know, but that didn't stop him from placing his ear against the sliding door in an attempt to hear their conversation better.


"Is this really wise my Lord? Wouldn't my abilities
better serve the clan elsewhere? Sirens are better at killing, not defending."

It was clear she was gonna say more as evident by the fact she was cut off but something had forced her stop. Before he could fathom why, he suddenly heard his father's voice, and this time, he could tints of anger within them.


Tamashi Taichi
"Seto.....Stop eavesdropping like some pitiful child and get in here already!"

He nearly jumped at his father's suddenly request but had managed to stop himself at the last moment. How did his father know? He was so....Why was he even asking that? Of course he already knew the answer. His father was a renown warrior so of course he be able to sense someone as weak & unskilled as him. That didn't stop him however from gulping down some saliva before finally sliding the door open, revealing both the grand hall in all it's glory, his father and mother at their throne, both clearly annoyed and/or angered by his action and woman in the middle of the grand hall? Between seeing her cat like ears and her tail wrapped around her waist, he found himself suddenly dumb founding, causing him to tilt his head in confusion, much to his parent's distain......But than he couldn't look away as he studied her. Standing at over 6'5 at least? She was clearly the tallest person she had ever seen but that was the least on his mind. She was beautiful with her long, silvery like hair, her flawless skin and that lithe like build. If that wasn't bad enough, his eyes nearly fell out of their socket when they laid upon the mountains that were her breasts. He didn't know such things were possible but he was sure they had the power to knock people out on their own......Talk about a natural weapon. Perhaps the worst culprit of all however, was the skin tight, ebony black bodysuit that was covering her entire body. Sure she was wearing martial gloves and thigh high, heeled boots and even a bell collar on her neck, which brought up it's own questions but nothing compared to what ran in his mind upon seeing such a woman in such attire. His cheeks were even growing red. Was he...falling for her? Or what would you call it? Be attracted to her appearance. He wasn't sure since he had only ever had eyes for Shizu but this?....It felt like cheating just by staring at her.....and she was going to be his Kishi?.....Oh boy, he was certainly in for it now.....​

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
Frozen in shock or perhaps forever captivated by her beauty, the young Genin found himself unable to move, unable to remove his eyes from gazing upon her body, up until he suddenly heard a loud, serious like sigh escape from his father's lips.


Tamashi Seto
"I trust your done gawking now? Yes? If so, may I SUGGEST you focus now? This is hardly the time for one of your games my future heir. Now, let us begin."

Hearing the serious, stoic voice of his father, he immediately snapped out of whatever trance he found himself and turned in his direction, revealing both of his parent's gaze upon him. It was clear they weren't amused by the behavior he had just shown. This only caused him to turn slightly depressed as his cheeks turned a very faint pink. Clearly ashamed of his weakness over his weakness over the female form, he immediately walked to the center of the great hall and fell on his knee's and kept his head down as a matter of respect. Not sure what to say however, he momentarily paused before mumbling.

Tamashi Seto

Much to his shock, before he could say anymore, he found himself unable to continue before his father suddenly interrupted him with his famous deadly cold, serious like demeanor, a tone of voice that utterly terrified him and much of the clan that heard it. It had a certain "Darkness" to it he couldn't explain. The only one who was seemingly immune to it however.....was his mother of all people.


Tamashi Seto
"I do not care what your excuse is Son. Fool around on your own time. I have no time...NOR desire to entertain a weak, immature son whom's distracted by a woman's flesh....Now, let us begin."

Shifting his attention away from his disappointing son, the Daiymo of Clan Tamashi without warning, shifted his attention to Sunako, whom of which had kept to herself as her Lord spoke & scolded their son. Once he was finished however, the Daiymo eyed the massive, Amazonian like woman with his left eye before nodding his head. Taking this as a signal to approach, Sunako followed Seto's lead and kneeled besides him but unlike him, she kept her head up high, as If to remain defiant or something like that. Regardless, once the two were staring each down, Tachi continued.


Tamashi Seto
" reckless son and heir, I have...after consulting with your mother, have came to the same conclusion. As such, due your reckless behavior to become stronger, as well as your previous refusal to take a Kishi under your own cognitive, I have decided that from this moment forward, you, Tamashi Seto, my first born son, the future leader of the Tamashi Clan, shall have Tamashi Sunako, a Siren of the Tamashi Clan, serve as your very own Kishi, the first of many that will be in your service. Her life is your to command, with all the rights and privilege's It provides, as well as any consequences that may come from it.

Hearing this news, his eyes widened, like they never had before. This woman, this Amazonian was going to his protector? His life long servant that would do as he said? Surely his father was jesting? He thought that but he knew better. He knew his father & mother were being completely serious. Their order was absolute, there was nothing he could say or do to dissuade them of this decision, not that he considered It a bad decision, though he did consider himself worthy of such a thing. Why would his father choose such a beautiful woman to protect him besides for the obvious? Unless he already knew of his weakness...but how? It wasn't as If he had ever done such....lewd behavior before while being in the keep, let alone in his presence. Perhaps It was his sisters? He didn't know and that bothered him. Regardless, as his father's words had seeped into his mind and he continued to process them, without thinking, he tilted his head in Sunako's direction as If both he and his father were waiting for her response. When he shifted his head over his shoulder however, he found Sunako's attention being drawn to the ground and her eye's closed. Not only that, he could also see her clenching her fist that was positively vibrating with anger as It sat connected to the ground. For a few moments, she remained this way than as If she knew had to break her silence, she suddenly sighed heavily before she reluctantly spoke in a soft yet serious tone.


"Yes, I understand my Lord. From this moment forward...until my dying breath, I shall serve as the young Master's protector...or what he deems necessary."

Even though he knew Sunako only surrendered to his father's wishes because she must have had no choice, he still found himself surprised on how quickly she agreed to be his protector and servant. He knew being the heir was important for the clan, but for a person to go so far as essentially selling themselves into servitude for the future prosperity of the clan, It was only now, that after Sunako's sacrifice, did he truly understand the importance of his position and what was expected of him. He would make sure her sacrifice wouldn't be in vain, and that he would do everything in his power to make sure she was comfortable in her new position, no matter how small It was. Nonetheless, after Sunako had given her response, both his parents smiled as he peeked through his dark blue bangs, but his father in particular seemed pleased when a sigh of relief escaped him.


Tamashi Tachi
"Good, than I shall leave you in my son's hands. As such, I will leave your well being & responsibilities up to him, including your accommodations."

Once he heard his father words again, It immediately drew his attention in. He again found himself surprised as he hadn't expected his father to give him that much autonomy but what his father said was seemingly true. Still, that didn't deter him from making sure Sunako would be comfortable while in his service. It was the least he could for someone who essentially became his servant, so with this in mind, he turned completely serious. Without hesitation, he immediately rose his head and stared at his father before speaking up in a similar tone he shared with his father. If his father expected him to be serious than he would show he would be serious.

Tamashi Seto
"Father, If I may be so bold, may I request a far larger room within the Keep? One that will accommodate both me and my Kishi comfortably?

As If his father was caught off by his son's sudden change in demeanor, the man stared him down with a raised eyebrow for a few seconds before he seemingly returned to normal. As he spoke in a calm tone, his father began caressing his clean shaved chin.


Tamashi Tachi
"Hmm....very well, I shall allow this. Speak to your mother later to make the necessary arrangements. Now, as this matter has been resolved, you two are dismissed."

Despite being given what he requested, he contained his excitement for the moment, as to not disappoint his father. He wasn't looking forward to discussing the matter with his mother since she would dictate and surely decline most of his choice but he had little choice in the matter. Right now however, he didn't care. The only thing that mattered now was that he had his freedom and a beautiful, powerful companion who aid him in training......or well, at least carry him to safety If he ever pushed himself past his limits like last time. Regardless, now with the option to leave, he made sure to make a quick bow towards his mother and father before he turned to Sunako, whom was now towering over at nearly seven feet tall. Her amber like feline eyes staring him down, It was clear she wasn't going to enjoy this but he didn't care. He was going to make this work one way or another, whether she liked it or not. Nudging her hand with his own and giving her a nod towards the main gates of the keep, he spoke up, this time in a more calmer demeanor.

Tamashi Seto
"Let's go Sunako, I have training to attend to. With you there however, It should go much more smoothly."

Upon giving his first order, Sunako reluctantly acknowledged his order with a nod but said nothing as he led her away from his parents and instead, towards the keep's main entrance. He didn't check to see his parents response but he didn't care in that moment. The only thing that did matter was going to the main dojo to continue his training.​

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
Staring down Sunako with his Odachi in hand, her ember eyes gleaming thought the sunlight, countless strategies and tactic's ran through his mind, but when his mind drew a blank after staring down the seven feet tall Amazonian, he knew nothing on his level would work. Rather than give in however, he gripped his tsuka even harder before stepping off, charging head first into the fray that was his bodyguard. It only took seconds for him to get in range, but once he was, he threw every ounce of his strength into his next assault. The results that were represented were less than stellar however, because as he slammed his Odachi down, up and in all ways diagonal, Sunako wasted no time in simply weaving out of danger, and If she could not? She would duck, sidestep and even give him a push in the other direction to throw him off his rhythm. By the time It was over and he was on the other side of the dojo's sparring arena all tuckered out, It was crystal clear to him and anyone near by that this level of combat was less than trivial for someone like her.


"You fight like a girl my Lord. Put more effort onto it, as If your life depends on it."

Hearing his bodyguard's rather rude & blunt words, he bite his tongue out of frustration but he wouldn't give up, despite the heavy panting he was going through. He couldn't give up, now that he had a sparring partner, even If she only dodged his pathetic attacks and didn't attack herself. He was supposed It was better to have a "living" dummy than one didn't. Regardless, remembering what Sunako said, he reflected on her words, and despite the obvious insult in there, he eventually took it as a piece of advice where he needed to focus more. With this in mind, he closed his eyes and took a few moments to clear his subconscious of any lingering thoughts they might have. Once that was done, he began to control his breathing until he was perfectly calm. It probably took longer than what Sunako was wishing but as soon he flashed his crimson eyes open, he immediately recovered his Odachi from it's resting place and gripped It's tsuka once again with the palm of his hands before staring down Sunako. She did the same with her feline like, amber colored eyes but said nothing, instead she simply stood there watching, waiting for him to attack. If she wanted him to attack her? He wouldn't decline the pleasure. Rather than a barrage like last time however, he would attempt to finish this with a singular slash, a signature attack of his clan's warriors of sorts where the warrior would either draw his blade or attack at the last second. It didn't mean much but It was the only viable choice he had since he still wasn't proficient yet to perform ninjutsu. Sighing slightly over that fact, he reconfirmed his focus before charging again. As he did so, he caught Sunako's attention, whom simply raised a eyebrow, showing a clear indication she was not impressed with his next action. It didn't deter him from continuing, and as he drew within range again, he waited until he was nearly on top on Sunako before pushing his Odachi upwards in a powerful, vertical slash. He snickered, he had her now...or so he thought. When Sunako realized what he was trying to do, a very faint smile could be see on her face before she simply dropped It in favor of a raised eyebrow, which she kept as she effortlessly side stepped his attack before she proceeded to to give a kick to his backside, no doubt with her massive boots, sending him flying across the dojo's sparring arena and his blade spinning out in the other direction. By the time Seto recovered a few minutes later, having picked up his sorry excuse of a warrior off the ground, he found Sunako staring him down with contempt.


"Better.....but still pitiful my Lord. You have to try harder than that If you ever wish to hit with an attack like that. I did kill powerful individuals for a living before entering your service after all my Lord."

Dammit! How long was this woman going to keep insulting him? He knew he wasn't worth much but that didn't mean she had to treat him like a idiot. Despite her staring, he ignored It for the time being and instead focused on retrieving his blade. After a few seconds of looking, he saw It on the opposite side of the sparring arena but when he decided It was time to move, he immediately fell back to one knee when he suddenly felt a overwhelming amount of pain coming from the back of his right leg. When did that happen? He thought that but then he quickly realized just how many times Sunako had hit his back leg after he had attacked. He immediately gritted his teeth. It looked the pain was finally catching up to him., and of course, It didn't take much for Sunako to catch on what was happening.


"Since your clearly injured, perhaps you ought to take a break so you can recover.....What? Do I need to tell you the importance of rest too my Lord? Or are you just a bad listener by chance?"

Could she see the determination in his eyes? Well no matter. He wasn't giving up now, no matter how much he was in pain. Disregarding his favored weapon, he drew his wakizashi from it's saya on his side and rose it above his chest until he was holding it at neck level. Just as she continued to do so, he returned a stare of his own back towards his bodyguard.

Tamashi Seto
"Not yet......I can still fight!"

Despite his serious words, Sunako only nodded her head in disapproval & disappointment with her eyes closed before she rose her glove protected hands in annoyance.


"Your funeral my Lord."

Training Progress

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
Hearing what Sunako said made him his grit his teeth. He wasn't going to stand for that, even If his attacks upto until now weren't going as well as he thought that they would. Well this was training after all, there wasn't any use in complaining now. Working through the pulsing pain he felt in his leg, he slowly pulled himself until he found himself standing with his wakizashi still being held at neck level.

Tamashi Seto
"I'm....gonna get you back for that Sunako!."

Boasting some confidence in his words, Sunako quickly picked up on this, and as such, her body language changed. Swinging her hips from one motion to another, she placed her left hand on her hip before smirking at him with a smile.


"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try."

Was that a challenge or a invitation? He didn't know but that didn't stop him from staring her with a grin. Who knew she be the perfect person for him to help him train and push himself further behind his limits? Well If she was willing, he wouldn't say no, but that brought his next question. How would he attack? A barrage wouldn't work on someone like her and while a quick slash could, he doubt he had the skill or the weapon necessary to pull it off, after all he was only using training weapons. He supposed that left him with only one option left, the shinobi way, the dishonorable method of combat. Not his forte of course, being raised to be a honorable samurai for all his life and all but now, he guess that no longer mattered as much since he was "technically", now a Genin of the village hidden in the cloud. If that was the case. He caressed his chin softly. If a normal, frontal assault wouldn't work, he have to do it the shinobi way instead. That meant despairing his opponent's field of vision, which in his case, meant smoke bombs. A direct, one slash assault backed up by smoke bombs seems like his only viable option at the moment. Having made his mind up, while he kept his attention on Sunako, who did the same, he kept his wakizashi in place with one hand while his other slowly reached for the pouch on his back near his waist. He would try his best to hide his intentions or rather, what he was going to do but seeing as Sunako was a elite amongst elites, he was sure she would quickly pick on what he was going to do, all the while he carefully pulled a few smoke bombs from his pouch into his free hand. Still calm despite the potential, upcoming danger, he took one last moment to inhale some air before returning to his laser like focus. As soon as a leaf touched the floor of the dojo, he took off charging with his wakizashi out in front while he held the few smoke in the other, holding them behind his back, as If to hide his intentions. Still, Sunako remained still, as If she was unfazed by his sudden movement. If anything, she remained as she always did, unimpressed and bored. Nonetheless, as he drew within range for his attack, he immediately pulled the pin from his smoke bombs and let them loose, causing the entire dojo to become engulfed in a thick cloud of white smoke. Though he couldn't see Sunako anymore due to his own attack, his laser focused eyes still remembered precisely where she was standing, so with no hesitation, as he came into range with his blade in hand, he mustered all the strength he could from his body and threw It all into his attack as he lunged forward like a madman. Within seconds, he could feel his blade tear into flesh, If the resistance was indication, than came a moan, subtle one but still a moan regardless. Another grin came over him as he land on his feet on the other side before yet again falling to one leg after the pain in the other leg began to swell up again. Before he could celebrate however, he could suddenly hear a "POOF" like sound going off behind him, where Sunako was presumable standing, before he heard a log hit the floor? Curious but wide eyed at the same time, he immediately put a one eighty, despite the overwhelming pain in his one leg and waited for the smoke to finally dissipate. Once It did, he found himself completely wide eyed as instead of Sunako on the floor bleeding, he instead found a large, thick log in her place.

Tamashi Seto

Yelling out of frustration, he threw one arm up, seemingly to show his defeat. In hindsight though, he guessed he should have seen that coming, considering Sunako was a elite Siren and all. After a few moments, he pouted a little after sighing in defeat. That was when Sunako suddenly appeared, standing over the wooden log she had used. Seeing her "Lord" in disarray, she smirked at him while speaking to him like a sarcastic individual whom enjoyed messing with people.


"Hmph! Nice try my Lord, but your still gonna have to do better If you ever wanna hit me. At least your using that brains of yours.....So that's a improvement at least."

Hearing her words only fueled his determination to get her, to bring her down and prove he was worthy of being a warrior and a shinobi. He gritted hard on his teeth as he pointed his left index finger at her.

Tamashi Seto
"I don't care how long it takes! One of these days Sunako, I'm gonna get you!"

He said that but in usual Sunako fashion, she simply stared him unfazed by her words.


"Keep dreaming my Lord....but feel free to try. I can do this all day.....unfortunately."

While he couldn't make out that last part, he just found himself more fired up by her cocky words, though that didn't make It any easier for him. He was really out of options now. He have to REALLY think on what he do next. This may take a awhile. He sighed to himself within his mind. Come on brain! Think! How would he land an attack on her? Even If It was only his hands....

Training Progress

Tamashi Seto

New Member
Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
After what felt like several hours of intense training, Seto found himself laying unconscious on the cold ground of the battered dojo's sparring grounds. It seemed that he had done himself this time, having launched numerous assaults on his Kishi without much, If any luck. If that didn't help, he didn't even stop his training during his breaks, using the intervals wisely or perhaps recklessly on who you ask, to train himself in his usage of his own chakra. For anyone watching, It would be no surprise that the young boy would pass out after having pushed himself far behind his limits. With the sun setting, Sunako sighed as she stood at the center of the dojo's sparring grounds. Her eyes ventured in all directions. Much like her young lord, whom not only fatigued but bruised up as well, It seemed the dojo didn't fare much better. With countless tiles torn out of the dojo's stone floor, small craters imbued into the walls to even the dojo doors themselves destroyed, after she had sent him flying through a powerful kick from her boot, It was apparent the dojo had seen better days. Shrugging her shoulders, she momentarily sighed before she placed her right hand on her hip.


"Hmph...the kid got spunk, I'll give them that at least."

Saying that with a hint of surprise in her voice, the Amazonian remained where she was standing. As she spent the next few moments contemplating her next move, as to do with regarding her young master, a shadowy like figure suddenly made their appearance from behind, as If they had teleported there in complete silence. Crossing their arms, the shadowy like figure than broke their silence, replacing said silence with a feminine voice that surprisingly, carried a caring demeanor.


"Is that so? I'm glad you think so."

Hearing the voice, Sunako's amber colored pupils tilted to the edge of her eyes. She made a sarcastic grin with her lips, giving the impression she already knew shadowy figure or had been anticipating their arrival. Regardless, that didn't stop the seven feet tall women from responding with a equally playful tone.


"Heh....I was beginning to wonder when you show up."

Hearing her response, the shadowy like figure made a lite sigh before tilting her head ever so slightly towards the partially destroyed ground. For a moment, there was silence between the two before the shadowy like figure spoke up, tilting her head up once again. She stared at the back of Sunako's head as she spoke.


"I apologize for well as this."

Sunako nodded her head as her long grey colored bangs swept over her shoulders. As If following her companion, Sunako made a lite chuckle, clearly amused by her companion's words.


"For what?"

Taken back by Sunako's words, the shadowy figure hesitated before finally speaking a few seconds later. Pity and remorse could be heard within her voice as she spoke.


"For putting this on you. I know you"

Cut off from speaking further, Sunako finally turned to face the masked woman. With her right hand still resting on her hip and retaining her smirk, she kept her playful, almost cocky like demeanor as she spoke.


"Don't be. It wasn't as If anyone else could do it. That's why you had me chosen to become his Kishi didn't you?"

Clearly guilt ridden by what she had done, the masked woman tilted her head again towards the ground. She remained silent before she momentarily spoke up with the same tone of voice from before.


"Forgive me....If there had been another way, I'd"

Cut off yet again by her companion, Sunako ended up raising and waving her left hand to show her disapproval. As she spoke in an almost dismissive like tone, Sunako closed her eyes.


"Bleh! Someone has to watch over this idiot....Besides...Sage forbid the Raikage could actually do her job and assign him to a Genin team with a Jonin mentor. Guess I'll have to supervise his training myself."

Again, the masked remained silent for a second or two before finally responding. As she did so however, she turned her attention to Seto whom was still laying on the ground, whom appeared lifeless.


"I suppose so...but If it's you who's watching over him, I can rest easy, knowing his life will never truly be in danger.....It is a blessing to know that, from one kin to another."

Despite the change of tone and seemingly the conversation itself, Sunako was left unaffected by the masked woman's more caring demeanor, though when she spoke a few moments later, Sunako's own demeanor turned slightly more serious.


"You say that...but at the rate he's going, If he doesn't end up getting himself killed, he be strong enough on his own to protect himself...and that's assuming he'll be out on his own, which I doubt with Lady Shizu around. That girl positivity attached to him by the hip at the worst of times. Despite how she may act however, It doesn't take a genius why Lord Tachi arranged for his son to eventually wed her. She has a rare hidden strength within her as well as the intelligence needed to harness it.....It's a shame her future will be wasted on baring his children and little else. She had the potential to become a strong Siren too."

Finishing her statement with a sigh, Sunako ended up raising a eyebrow in surprise, as after a few seconds had gone by, she found herself on the receiving end of her own medicine. Instead of meeting faced with a demeanor filled with petty or sorrow, Sunako instead found herself facing down a a woman with a playful, cocky tone of her own. In the end however, she ended up with a smirk.


"You do make a good point. Little Shizu is quite fond of him, to the point she's usually the one protecting him, and even when she isn't, she's usually acting as a over protective mother that's either scolding or attending to his wounds....or in some cases, both. There's no doubt she will become a excellent companion and spouse to him in the future. "

Hearing her companion, Sunako simply laughed outload, showing little care If anyone would hear her or not.


"Heh....Ain't that the truth......."

Training Progress


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