Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Reaching New Heights [Requesting Hokage]

Uchiha Hinata

New Member
Jul 26, 2020
OOC Rank
S Rank
Hinata stood outside the Hokage's office building, Looking up abit nervous, Having been told to go to the hokage's office.
He was quite nervous as is. realizing his Kimono is a mess, he proceeds to Fix it, Taking out a sewing needle he always carries with him, fixing the hold in his old kimono overcoat. Loking at the state it is in, covered in stitching and ragged, not wanting to get rid of it as it is the last thing he has from his family, but thinking of getting a new one and storing it away.

Once it was all fixed up he streightened it out, Taking a good look at it as he says to himself.

"It is about time I get a new outfit, I am sorry mom, but it is about time"
He says holding it, feeling the fabric as he nodded as he headed into the building, stepping up the stairs as his geta shoes hit the hard floor, And echoing sound hearing through the halls as he kept on heading to the hokage's office,. Approaching the door as he knocked on the door, he peered inside, cracking the door ever so slightly as he looked around, waiting for permission to enter.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi sat behind the desk in the office, the birds chirping through the open window as a nice gentle breeze blew into the Hokage’s office. He had been working on papers the whole time and assigning missions for this morning, though nothing was scheduled in his day it seemed like his life was just going to be full of paperwork from here on out, though he knew to himself that he would rather take the peace and quiet that he had now days to anything worse that landed on his lap. After all he had seen a lot during his time inside of the village and knew there was far worse out there than just sitting behind a desk. The knock on the door snapped him out of his trail of thought as he leaned back into the chair looking at the oak door that was in front of him.


[Topic Entered]

Uchiha Hinata

New Member
Jul 26, 2020
OOC Rank
S Rank
Hinata, opened the door upon being given permission, He was quite nervous as the past two days his eyes have been bothering him. He rubbed his eyes for a moment before speaking up.
"Yes...I was instructed to come and see you Lord Hokage"
He said as he gave a small bow before entering his office, Doing things of a more traditional way, rather the how most kids would do it, acting more Like an Adult that knew of the old ways rather then an Academy student, Fiddling with his kimono abit as he gulped, rubbing his eyes again as they felt itching and anyone can see are irritated somehow.
He stood before the Hokage, showing signs of awakening his Mangekyo Sharingan soon, He himself is unaware of it, nor aware of what is triggering it, having nightmares as of late, blurred out as if trying to remember something. He gulped as he wasn't told much other info and didn't know how to go upon asking about it, knowing to show respect to those above him, and all adults. He stood with his feet together and his hands overlapping infront of him as he started to rub his eyes again His vision blurring for just a moment.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking at the young boy that had wandered into the office, he glanced towards the boy for a few minutes before nodding slowly. He had indeed requested to see Hinata after all the boy had been passing through his documents as he had climbed the ranks, and right now he stood at the rank of a B-Rank yet still held the rank of Academy Student.

“Grab a seat, after all no point just standing around all day is there?”

He gestured with his hand forward towards one of the two empty chairs that sat opposite his desk, as he waited for Hinata to take a seat he opened the drawer that was in his desk, allowing a file to come out of it he placed it in front of him before opening it. The image and profile of it showed it as a Shinobi documentation sheet of the Village. Only holding the rank of Student, but these were the lifeblood of anyone working inside of the village, it's the record of their accomplishments from the moment they step inside of the village. Hinata wasn’t an exception in that this folder held all that information in it.

“So I can see from your Academy records, you have been attending lessons regularly, your training seems to be going well, and your abilities are improving. So is there any reason that you have yet to request an examination to move to the rank of Gennin inside of the Village?”

Uchiha Hinata

New Member
Jul 26, 2020
OOC Rank
S Rank
Hinata stood for abit, before taking a seat in one of the two chairs before the Hokage's desk. Looking at the file he had in hand, opening it as he was abit nervous as it would clearly state how he arrived at the village, Detailing what happened to his village, how he arrived to the village with his limbs covered in dried blood. Being an Uchiha he was prone to Revenge, Letting his rage get the better of him.

He was nervous as he looked at the hokage, not breaking eye contact as he resisted wanting to rub his eyes.

"I am not strong enough, I don't want to be weak, I need to get stronger fast To be able to accomplish my goal, to avenge my parents death by tracking down their murderer.....and I dont know if I am able to get stronger I was hoping to stay at the academy to learn under the teachers......."

He says as he seemed determined to get stronger, doing whatever it takes to get there but unsure if he would be good as a Genin himself

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to the words of the boy it seemed clear that he was either doubting himself or his own abilities, either of which could be considered a flaw inside of the Shinobi world. He sighed to himself as he leaned back in the office chair, it enveloped him as he brought his fingers to the bridge of his nose and rubbed it slightly seeing the answer wasn’t going to be helpful in this situation. He clicked the intercom link on his desk to the secretary that was waiting outside, he had a plate full today and still had more work to do.

“Hey, can you summon the following people to my office Nao, Manzo and Asuka to the office please. Make sure the request is put as urgent, I do need them all to get here as quickly as possible thanks.”

With that he removed his finger from the button cutting the link short. Focusing his eyes back on the Academy student he tried to wrap his brain around what to do with them after a while. The response was not what he expected from someone that wanted to progress inside of the Shinobi world. After all he needed more information than that, he needed to see the drive the passion to the student he didn’t see that right now.

“So being frank, do you want to be more than a student?”

[Summoned Manzo]
[Summoned Nao]
[Summoned Asuka]

Uchiha Hinata

New Member
Jul 26, 2020
OOC Rank
S Rank
Hinata saw his clear frustration, unsure as to why he was like that. Was it cause of him, or was the cause of it lying elsewhere. Seeing as he paged for some others, two of which he recognized, one being a jounin and the other Asuka.....someone he rather despised due to the joking nature they have, Getting nervous as his somewhat girlish appearence was easy mark for pranking. He calmed himself down abit as he was clearly needing strenght as he soon spoke up.
"Lord Hokage Sir, I would really like to be more then just a student, No I have to be more then a student. My goal is to track down the bandits that caused all of my sorrow and took away my family, and to do so I need to be stronger, More then just a student. So yes, I do want to be more then a student. I wanna reach the highest peak, and be the strongest"

He proclaimed as his eyes were full of a strong determination, while hard to tell, another uchiha could easy. His eyes were telling the hokage that he was ready to jump into the unknown. Ready to become a Genin and clearly declared in a way to take the position of Hokage himself. Showing the determination that he might be able to.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Once more... Once more he went through the plants in the herbal garden to make sure that they were re-arranged right with the water flows. It was a tiresome job and somewhat never-ending... But he was happy with that. Yet he did wonder why no other medical chief or sennin ever came to visit around... The hospital had gotten so busy that overtime was a regular thing. At this very moment, he was going through the plans once more. "Pfuwaaah" And with that, he lay down and started to see a person in the doorway. "Huh... wait... there is someone..." He got up and started to bow slightly, but was quickly excused on that. "Wait... Repeat for me pleas..." "You are summoned to Hokage office.." "W-what did I do this time... Pretty sure I didn't do anything bad... or did he find the poisoned rats I failed to make an antidote for..." The person who told him... was softly said disgusted but Nao did take the summon seriously. He placed everything where it belonged and got on his way to the Hokage office.

Once he was near the staircase... He started to have a little moment of doubt creeping up... He never had been called towards anything, not by Sennins, not by his branch... No nothing. How did this person even know he existed anyway? "Breathe in... Breathe out..." He felt like a kid again in this situation. As he knocked on the door, he waited to hear if he was allowed in or not. If he was, he would start to move in. His silver-blue colored hair was messy as always and still were stuck half held in a bun. "You called for me Hokage-sama?" He addressed the other with the utmost respect as getting to a certain position... was something he would never dare for. Yet his eyes started to scan the room, a kid here? Why would a child be here too... Yet he had overheard something a little... and he had his thoughts with that, but being smart this time he kept it for himself.

[Topic Entered]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
"It's not about WHY you did it, it's about WHAT you did." Asuka yelled a the students in front of her, apparently there had been a little experiment on the maple district which caused a small explosion that ended up being a small fire, thankfully no one was hurt and minimal damage occurred making it easy to repair. That being said. "I'm not mad you tried experimenting on the limits of your abilities. I am pissed you decided to bloody do it in the middle of a highly populated district!" The students didn't respond as Asuka continued. "There are systems in place for you to be granted time in the park and experiment to your hearts delight. We got funds to repair damages for that and even better you didn't have to place innocent civilans in harms way."

There was a knock on the door and Asuka sighed. "Come in." The door quickly opened, her assistant moving his head in simply to deliver a message. "The Hokage requires your immediate assistance."

Asuka froze up. Already? Sheebus news indeed travelled VERY fast and now she was in trouble for not having control over the students. Pinchin the bridge of her nose. She thought for a few moments. "Clear the rest of my schedule if you wouldn't mind."

"Right away ma'am."

"For the 100th time... it's Asuka!" Asuka yelled as the door closed and she turned back to the students in front of her. "Going to think of a very tedious and long punishment for both of you idiots." She spoke with a firm voice as she stood up, grabbing her hot cup of tea and walking out of her office. Thankfully she didn't have to go far since her office was in the Hokage's mansion.

Asuka simply walked through the doors and started speaking. "Takeshi, before you say anything let me explain. It was a small accident that has been dealt with, no one is hurt and, surprisingly for once, it's actually not as bad as it soun-..." Asuka finally looked around and smiled, giggling. "Oh, it wasn't cause... of... that..." Asuka took a sip of her tea and nodded towards hinata in greeting. Looking towards the new guy she tilted her head a bit as she took another sip. "And who might you be my blue haired friend?"

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
Manzo sat overlooking the village on Hokage rock siping sake next to a three foot tall slug, what was drinking sake as well.

”How are the little ones doing?“ Manzo asked the slug

”they are doing good but you should stop by more. You spend to much time with that abomination.”

”Hey I know you two don’t get along but no need to call her names. “

Before Sluggy could respond a young shinobi came running up to them. The shinobi hastley bowed and spoke ”You have been summoned to the Hokage’s office.”

Manzo sighed and looked down at his bottle of sake. ”well back to work.“ He handed the bottle to the messenger before moving quickly to the Hokage’s mansion.

Before long he walked into the Hokage’s office with Sluggy walking behind him. The secretary simply waved him. Seeing the crowd he bowed before the Hoakge. ”You wished to see me Takashi-samma?“

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Hearing the Boy speaking and answered the questions he had seemed to only cause more concern for the Hokage and caused a sigh to escape his lips, that was saved by the door opening watching as the man walked in he nodded and smiled to the newcomer. It seemed like there was a lot of changes about to happen in this room, as he leaned back in his chair the chain of people begun to enter, Nao was followed by Asuka and then finally followed by Manzo, all the pieces were in place it seemed. He waited for silence to fall and his eyes focused on Asuka, narrowing down on the Sennin as he disregarded her previous comments.

“Thank you for all turning up, so let me get straight to the point, and this information is going to come out sooner or later. We are now down a Medical Sennin who returned to us and stepped away from the duties that were previously being performed. The next bit of information never leaves this room, this information is a need to know basis and right now these people only need to know are standing around me.”

Takeshi took out Leaf documentation, like the normal ones that he was sure all of them had been able to see during there time in Leaf. This one was unlike the normal folders, it was pitch black instead. Opening it up the top right showed the image of Yukio on it, as he got out a stamp that no-one had seen before. Allowing the ink to be pressed into it, the red letters came up clear across the image as he pressed it across. Turning the document around he let them see the letters that had come across the picture. Simple as could be and with the letters that might shock some in the room. K.I.A

“I have the bad news about the ANBU Sennin as well, as of this moment due to all records from the information we have, and the mission he was sent on Yukio has been classified as Killed in Action. As this moment his name is being etched onto the memory stone, and his home cleared out. With no body we cannot hold a state funeral for a Sennin, but this is the line of the ANBU. He served leaf till the end and would have gone down fighting. As such he is respected for that. But with the time given, and no information we do not expect a body to be recovered. Even in death he still served Leaf. Asuka.....I am sorry.”

He leaned back in his chair and stared to the Main Branch Sennin, waiting to see a reaction, waiting to see how she would react, he wanted to reach out and hug her, support her with the news he had just given. But he also knew his position and rank and to put that to the side for now knowing he had to move forward with the meeting.

“As such Leaf is missing branch heads, this cannot happen, replacements are required. For those of you that do not know Nao is someone who has been causing scenes inside the Medical branch for his developments. As such Nao these are yours to keep, you are being promoted to the position of responsibility that your hard research has brought us to this, you are now being promoted to the rank of Medical Sennin effective immediately.”

Reaching down into a draw he brought out a white lab coat with silver trim on it, the official duties of the Medical Sennin, as well as a key placing them on the desk facing Nao, both would give her access to everything for Leaf and announcing his role as one of the Sennin once put on there would be no going back for Nao. This would be his life moving forward, as well as all the responsibility that came with that.

From the draw, he took out a newly made black robe with silver trim as well and slid them towards Manzo. Though the information that had been given a few minutes earlier weighed on all of them he still let a smile come across his lips towards Manzo, it was finally a day that he was waiting to see when it would arrive. Takeshi just wished that he could be doing this on better terms but sometimes that wasn’t always something that was available to them.

“Manzo, you are being removed from your position as Head Jounin, instead you are going back to the branch you served in with me as your Sennin, this time you will be filling those shoes that I was once in. The branch needs some love, it is a thankless Job, we both know that most of the time in your duties your role will mean you are not thanked sometimes for the work you do, but the branch is yours to make sure you do what you want with. I expect to see results, your mask is up to you to create”

He had given Asuka time to digest the information all of it, he waited for a few minutes letting both Nao and Manzo realise that both of them where now the new Sennin in Leaf and all the duty that comes with those responsibilities. His attention turned back to Asuka, though the words would ring out to all of them.

“Asuka, I know this timing is bad, but right now you have proven yourself to the village so much recently. As such I am promoting you to the office of Hokage Advisor, you are the second person in the village, your duties pretty much double, same with responsibility. You will only have to answer to me, and the other Sennin can be instructed by you, but as always their branches are their branches. With all the recent changes, you need to begin learning what it’s like to run the village. You will continue to do the duties of Main Branch Sennin as well.”

Reaching into the door, he grabbed a crystal glass and the whiskey decanter. Pouring a glass he let it swish into the crystal glass, as he looked at the three, his eyes then caught glimpse of the student, with all the changes he should have kicked himself for not thinking about it sooner.

“Hinata, frankly your answers concerned me about wanting to move up into the Shinobi world. Your answered are hit and miss, there is no conscience in your voice. Simply put you don’t know what you stand for yet, so I will give you a chance instead. Your Genin exam, you will go onto the mission that Asuka is taking the other two on. Same as before the requirements match with there own ones. You will either be passed or failed depending on the mission outcome, that goes for the three of you who are aspiring to hold the rank of Genin.”

Now it would be waiting and see what came of this. Sipping from his glass he had just poured he smiled for a few minutes.

[Asuka promoted to Hokage Advisor]
[Nao promoted to Medical Sennin]
[Manzo promoted to Anbu Sennin]
[Hinata given a Genin Exam]

Uchiha Hinata

New Member
Jul 26, 2020
OOC Rank
S Rank
Hinata was unsure if he was supposed to hear all prior to the information he just heard, knowing best not to tell anyone else of what he heard here. He was rather excited to hear he will be given a chance, givving a firm nod.

"yes Lord Hokage, I will do my best not to disappoint you."

He said with such determination and conviction. Scared of going into the unknown as such, but not letting that stop him. He wanted to show he has what it takes to be a genin, A Good shinobi that can protect the village. He didnt know if he was allowed to stay as he was frim but still abit nervous, not showing any signs of it tho.
He was ready to do what it takes to reach the rank of genin. Looking right at the Hokage, not wanting to break away from the discussion and show disrespect by breaking eye contact.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
It was a rather odd summoning, standing there now with what seemed a kid of 9? Yet moments later he saw Asuka and then another stranger. He knew Asuka only by name and status, not by what kind of person she was. He was quite taken back when the female of the company started to address the Hokage by the first name. This only showed that they knew each other better... The same happened with the male on which he muttered he really needed to get more outside.

What he heard didn't come much of a surprise... this just meant that they were a sennin short... Not that she had been around a lot. And with that, he felt almost like a headache could be struck him at any point. In his mind, he was already going over how he was going to tell the others the bad news. Yet with the motions of the other, he saw a folder which was pitch black. "That... never is good news." He muttered as he started to frown, fold his arms as he kept his eyes towards the folder. "K-killed... in action..?" He stumbled over his words for a moment, it wasn't really uncommon that people died, but that this person was a sennin and everything. His gaze went from the paper, back to everyone in the room. Since the Hokage mentioned Asuka only with this, his eyes rested at the other for a moment. As there was a short moment of silence, he did mention even though he was lower in rank than her... This could be a blow. "I am unsure what this person was to you, Asuka-san... If I may call you that, but my condolences to you and the Hokage... and leaf." He mentioned and would let his eyes rest towards the ground, keeping just a moment silent as Takeshi started to talk once more.

As he heard his name he looked up towards the man... But the words followed... "E-eh... h-hold up.." He muttered and his facial expression was a little baffled. "Me-, really? Uh- ah... I heard you correctly, I am being promoted towards a medical Sennin?" Baffled by the quickness this took place, he did take the lab coat and pulled it on. Oddly enough, it felt so light that he barely noticed he had it on a moment later, but he was still not answering. something he reminded himself on moments later. "T-thank you for this opportunity Hokage-sama! I will gladly accept this offer." His eyes were still a bit wide as he started to look over the lab coat once more. Slowly turning back to the reality of his promotion. As his promotion went by, the male in the room was the announcement. 'Ahh- so he was already that high in rank, keep equals I see...' As there was now a small moment of time. He went towards Manzo and gave a small bow towards him. "Congratulations on this opportunity as well." He would then look towards both of them. "Let us all work together to make Leaf blossom further." Unknown what the situation was, he made mental note to check the Sennins room later...

It was a rather mixed feeling that was going on, and it still wasn't done. Asuka gained also a promotion, which made all 3 of them now being the highest-ranking ones in the village. Still, the small female standing on top of them. He smiled towards them, but soon that smile turned a bit bitter. Two Sennins were gone, one died and one resigned for unknown reasons for him. He never really met her, but from the stories she was amazing. He took a moment to exhale before looking back up towards the Hokage. It seemed he had forgotten something, he did himself too. The student was still in this room. "T-that must have been awkward..." He said softly as he looked towards the small child that was now in the middle, being in the middle of and a death mention ánd promotions. As the kid got a chance on the genin-exam. Nao smiled. "Congratulations on that kiddo." He would look towards the small raven-haired who seemed to blossom with encouragement. It reminded him somewhat of the past self too. A big grin got to him as he looked towards the key, placing it in his pocket and looking towards the Hokage. "Let's do this then."

[Accepted Sennin position.]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
"Yo Manzo!" Asuka waved at her Head Jounin as he walked in. But the guy didn't even look at her general direction so she simply gave him a bright smile with a slight sense of anger behind it. "Still your boss!"

Nagisa had stepped down? Man that was a bummer. She had never formally met the girl but always wanted to have a conversation with her about just stuff, to get to know her fellow Sennin. Unfortunately she had retired, well... at least she wasn't dead. Maybe a visit for old times sake would be in order. So this was what the meeting was about, appointing a new medic Sennin. Was it the blue haired dude?

"So I'm guessing that position is about to be-" Asuka got interrupted as she saw the file. Bad news? A first she didn't understand. Less so when Yukio's picture appeared. Did the idiot go missing? That bastard may have been a stoic one of a kind asshole but at the he was loyal to his village and tender when you got to meet him. She swears if it is indeed his case, she would drag his ass back into the village.

Then the words she was not expecting came. Yukio has been made KIA thanks to a classified mission. Her heart sank as soon as she heard those words. "Well." Asuka giggled as she scratched the back of her head. "I have been running the guy's bar since he has gone so I'm keeping it. If he wants it, he can come back from the dead and take it." To most it would seem as a joke on the sake of the dead. Rude and VERY unempathetic. To those that have known Asuka for years would know that wasn't a joke, but a wish.

Under that charismatic, cheerful and childish persona there was a small child being pulled from a poison cloud, a student being taught about ninjutsu, a Gennin being taught how to fight, a Chunnin being saved from her own broken mind, a Sennin cracking jokes at a bar with one of her best friends. An advisor who will surely miss her friend.

With a smiling face she kept listening, well... half listening. Although she had been taught that there was no point in lingering where there was naught to be done it still hurt. "Oh! So your name is Nao!" Asuka smiled holding her hands behind her back "It is nice to meet you! Hope we can be friends as well as colleagues."

"Manzo? Taking Yukio's position?
" Her hands clenched a bit, for only a few moments before relaxing. No, this was the right move. The ANBU branch was needed a leader and who better than the one who has had experience in the branch itself. Making some sort of clicking noise with her mouth Asuka pouted. "Man, he was a good Head Jounin though. Gonna miss you buddy!" Asuka giggled giving the man a big congratulations hug. "Let's continue working together!"

Asuka blinked a few times once her name was called. Well, this was certainly unexpected. Not only did she receive the news her dear friend had been, most probably, killed but that Maki retired as well. Although they have had their differences it was fun having the skeleton around and she would inherit his position. Quite the big shoes to fill. Bowing respectfully she bowed, taking a sip from her tea. "You honor me Takeshi and like always. To hell and back, no matter what." She gave him a sad smile, basically telling Takeshi that even though things were dire she would always stand next to him no matter what happened. He has earned her Loyalty.

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
Upon hearing the announcements Manzo realized that this wasn’t an emergency and as such started to relax. He gave Asuka a greeting smile, then was hit with the news. Yukio, his former student was KIA and they were forced to leave the body. He understood the reasoning but it never sit well with him. As much as he wanted to go on a rampage for vengeance and bring Yukio home he knew that this was not the time. The loss of a Sennin would toss the village into upheaval and they needed stability. That was what Manzo was there for after all.

Hearing about his promotion, gave Manzo mixed feelings though. He liked being the mask behind the scenes. He liked to provide support without being in the light, but now he was being forced to come into the light. In more than one way after all. Doing this promotion in front of a newly minted Gennin meant he couldn’t just put the mask on and lead the corps he had to be a face now. He was sure that Takashi-samma had done that on purpose.

”Thank you for the honor Lord Hokage. I will do my best with it though I am sad to hear the circumstances behind it.“

It was funny how even after becoming a Sennin he was still answerable to Asuka though. The village was losing two powerful shinobi with the loss of Maki, one fo the few people that acutally could scare Manzo. Takashi’s words were interesting though. It sounded like she was being groomed to become the Hokage. Was he thinking about his own retirement? That was a thought for another day.

With the ceremony done Manzo turned to his fellow Sennin.
”Hello Asuka, sorry for not greeting you earlier but with how I was summoned i thought there was a serious problem. Sounds like you are going to have to find a new Head Jouin to torture the students, any ideas?“ He then turned to the medical Sennin, someone he didn’t know but that wasn't surprising since there were plenty of people he didn’t know in the village. Something he was going to have to rectify.

”It is good to meet you” He responded to Nao. ”I intend to make sure that the village keeps blooming”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
He listened to the four people in the office talking, as he allowed a sigh to escape his lips, though all the information hadn’t been given he smiled to the new elected Sennin. It was clear that Leaf was in a time of changing, and things would change slowly. As he leaned back in the chair for a few minutes he knew this conversation was done and it was clear that he would have to make the changes around here.

Takeshi allowed the draw to open as he took out a small box and placed it neatly on the desk, reaching around his neck he took a chain off his person and allowed the key to gently fall into his open hand. Brining the key to the lock and with a quick twist the clicking noise followed by the thud on the desk showed that the padlock had been unlocked. Opening the chest there was a letter inside, wrapped around with rope, papers and seals.

“Asuka, this letter is for you, and your eyes only. No-one else is to know this, and no-one else is to find out what this letter contains bar yourself. I hope I make myself very clear on these instructions.”

With that he handed the letter across to Asuka, unlike most of his letters stamped with the seal of the Hokage, this was simply stamped with the words ‘Lord Forth’ as well as the seals of the village council if anything it would have been comical how many seals had been given to this document. He held it up for Asuka to take.

“For the rest of you, I am sure that there is lots of work that you need to be doing, so I wouldn’t hold you up any longer, but for Asuka, please wait for the rest ot leave then open this letter.”

With that he looked to the other three dismissing them from the office without a second glance.

[Dismissed Nao, Manzo and Hinata]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao was still a bit baffled as he was given the title, the robe, and the key. He would nod towards the Hokage as he was being dismissed too. He knew something was going on, as it seemed to be like they had to go now. Towards Manzo and Asuka he would say once more thanks and a greeting before Nao would excuse himself too, thank the Hokage once more for the position, and went on his way.

[With the rulement of 5 days, I now post also to keep the topic going.]
[Topic left]

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
Manzo took the dismissal for what it was. He placed his new black robes and tucked them under his arm. There was no point in hiding the robes of his new office but to many years of secrecy prevented him from openly wearing them. Perhaps he would be able to get over that in time but for now he would wear them only for the ANBU. His mind already going through things that needed to be done for them.

He gave a bow to the Hokage and a knowing smile to Asuka. He might be wrong with his assumptions but only time would tell. ”Congratulations on your promotion. Let me know if there is anything you need of me.“

With those words he left the office.

[Topic Left]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka sighed patting Manzo in the head "Not someone who will be able to replace you my small pipsqueak." His question was a good one, who would replace him? In reality there wasn't many who could fit the bill. But well, there would be time to figure it out.

Asuka took the letter with a comedic salute as she opened it, giving his fellow Sennin a wave as he left. She was sipping her teeth as she started to read, once she got to one specific part Asuka spit out her tea and looked up at takeshi with a confused look on her face. Afterwards she started laughing, oh man the attempt was funny.
"Takeshi, I can give you pointers on how to prank someone cause giving them this kind of heart attack ain't exactly the way to do it." She laughed nervously for a few moments as she thought about it which made her remember a crucial detail. In all her years of knowing the man she has never seen him make a single joke. "You have to be joking." She repeated but this time with a more serious expression.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to the shock that came from Asuka's voice as she read the paper, it seemed that she wasn’t prepared for the information that was coming her way, after all it would have been the general expectation that at some point this news would have been given to Asuka. Maybe she would feel it was slightly early that was true but right now the vote has been cast, the robes being made there was no going back from this moment for either of them and even Takeshi knew and understood the task that stood before the main branch sennin.

“No prank, no joke Asuka it has been decided by the Village Council and those that hold the office, you will be the Fifth Hokage.”

He let the last few words sink into her skull, making sure that she understood just how much weight had been put onto her shoulders, and that she understood what was expected of her. Asuka had a lot to learn and little time to do it, that task would fall on her to follow the expectation set by everyone that had been in this office, and he knew that she would rise up to the challenge that was placed in her hands.

“I will be staying on as your Hokage Advisor during these times that you are learning and to make sure that everything goes smoothly, it will happen on the new year, I feel a new year needs a new start. Besides, I have been around for all the war, all the hardship and bloodshed, wars, and conflicts that I have seen. I have had some hard times, and I am for sure a Hokage of War time. The times have changed, peace and prosperity all nations unified its the future and that is the Hokage we need right now. It is you that the Village needs Asuka, your duty is clear before you, the task to step up and accept it is yours to take alone.”

He paused and waited to see what response he would get from the Main Branch Sennin, he remembered her back in the Academy and now the time had come for her to finally take up the mantle of Hokage.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
