Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

The Ryu were an ancient clan of humans that was the first to have ever partnered with the legendary dragons of eld. Through use of a forbidden ritual that bonds beast to man, they used the power of the Dragons to create a massive human kingdom that is, by legend, said to produce the first of all kings. Masters of the elements through the use of powerful Dragon Chakra, it was said that any member of the royal family, or their personal knights, were nigh unkillable. The greatest treasure given to them by the dragons they were bonded to was the Ryuugan; a literal dragon eye implanted in the First King that has been genetically inherited by those who share his blood. Through the power it gave, the ability to naturally devour latent chakra in the air and return it to the user, the Ryu Clan expanded throughout the entire world as a mighty empire that fell into its own hubris. Though dragons had long been sealed away, their reunited presence in the world has awoken the Ryu Clan, as members scattered across the world awaken with their own Eyes and a surplus of power they never knew could exist.
084 PL - Ryuugan (Rank 1), Arcane Weapon (Rank 1)
168 PL - God Slayer (Rank 1)
252 PL - Sekkei (Rank 1)
336 PL - God Slayer (Rank 2)
420 PL - Ryuugan (Rank 2), Ryuutanou (Rank 1)
504 PL - Explosivo (Rank 2)
588 PL - God Slayer (Rank 3), Sekkei (Rank 2)
672 PL - Ryuugan (Rank 3), Ryuutanou (Rank 2)
756 PL - Sekkei (Rank 3)
840 PL - Arcane Weapon (Rank 3), Ryuutanou (Rank 3)


Ryuugan - Passive
A trait that is generally inherited by the first child of any family that shared with the royal bloodline of old, Heterochromia grants the user an eye with a wildly different color. At first the eye appears to be little more than that, but as the shinobi's life goes on they begin to notice how much chakra is being stored within that eye and the hunger it has for more.

Rank 1/2/3: The user gains +1/2/3 Dodge, and converts 5/10/15% of their Damage dealt into Temporary Chakra Points.

  • Ryuugan costs no AP to activate (it only needs to be declared), but takes the timing of 1 AP to come into effect.
  • Temporary CP is spent before the user's normal CP, but only when casting a Technique (it does not apply toward any Maintenance Costs). Temporary CP can bypass your maximum Chakra Points, but cannot stack (a higher amount overwrites the lower amount). Temporary CP is lost at the end of the round.

Arcane Weapon - [Non-Elemental Ninjutsu]
A legendary technique that was long lost to time has been resurrected in the hands of its original creators. The Ryu were widely known for their ability to wield the Elements seemingly at whim, but they also had a control over their own chakra so fine it could extend out of their bodies and be held as any kind of weapon. These weapons appear usually as solids forms as opposed to energy, with dragon scales covering the hilts, handles, and shafts of their chosen weapon.

Rank 1/2/3: The User creates a weapon with 1/2/3 Augments. This weapon automatically has the Special Composition: Arcane Augment that doesn't count against the Augment Count.

Cost: 0.5 AP and 100 CP per round

  • This is a Weapon Creation Technique
  • Weapons created by this technique cannot be affected by the Trick Weapon Augment.
  • The user must choose a Ninjutsu Sub-type upon creation.
  • The Arcane Augment allows any offensive Ninjutsu technique of the chosen sub-type to be cast through the weapon, gaining the Taijutsu Subtype Buffs, as well as being affected by the weapon’s augments.
  • Ninjutsu techniques cast using the Arcane Augment use Weapon Accuracy instead of Ninjutsu Accuracy. As with Shinobi 101 this also replaces any Ninjutsu Checks required of the user as a result of the channeled technique with Taijutsu Checks.
  • Ninjutsu Techniques cast this way only gain Ninjutsu buffs from the Ryu Bloodline
  • Ninjutsu Techniques cast this way cannot use affinities.


God Slayer - Variable Style
Legends tell of a war between the gods that very nearly destroyed the entire world. It was only when the dragons of eld stood up against the very beings that created them was peace finally able to be realized in their land. To prevent the gods from warring with each other ever again, the dragons passed down the ability to bring divine beings to heel down to the human kings they chose to rule over mankind. This power inevitably shows up in anyone with the Ryuugan, ensuring the gods remain placid.

Rank 1/2/3: The User gains 5%/10%/15% Damage Reduction against Ninjutsu. Ninjutsu the User casts through their Arcane Weapon following a Taijutsu increases its accuracy by +2.

Cost: 0.5ap and 450cp to initiate/225cp to maintain

  • This may be a Physical or Chakra Style. Must be declared upon entering.


Sekkei - [Buffing Jutsu]
With overwhelming chakra pouring from their own eyes the Ryu can seemingly be the masters of whatever they wish. The influenced power of a dragon enhances chakra in ways that baffle most Chakra Theorist, as unlike most, a Ryu can continuously grow stronger with each technique used as they refine the energy used to create it.

Rank 1/2/3: While maintaining this technique any Offensive Taijutsu or Offensive Ninjutsu cast by the user that is paid for using Temp CP, the user gains +5/10/15% damage buff for the next 10 seconds, matching the Offensive Technique’s subtype.

Cost: 1.5 AP, 360 CP. 180 CP/rnd.

  • This is a Chakra Armor Technique
  • This technique may be maintained for up to 30 seconds
  • If the Temp CP pays for even part of the Offensive Technique, this buff will apply.
  • This may stack up to +30%, but the duration of the buff does not increase.

Ryuutanou - [Variable Taijutsu]
As they begin to master the control of their Ryuugan, a Ryu quickly learns that their eye does more than just offer an overabundant resource; they also learn the precise control Dragon Chakra allows them. Eventually it becomes common for those of the Ryu Clan to be able to combine their physical attacks with their elemental prowess into an explosive attack.

Rank 1/2/3: Deal 960/1200/1440 damage at -1/0/+1 Accuracy to a single target. The user must then select a special action:
  • Arcane Fire : Damage is also considered the Fire Element and upon a full hit inflicts Sear.
  • Arcane Wind: Damage is also considered the Wind Element and upon a full hit inflicts Windslice
  • Arcane Water: Damage is also considered the Water Element and upon a full hit inflicts Suffocation
  • Arcane Earth: Damage is also considered the Earth Element and upon a full hit inflicts Crush
  • Arcane Lightning: Damage is also considered the Lightning Element and upon a full hit inflicts Disruption

Cost: 1.75 AP; 500 CP

  • The Taijutsu subtype of this technique matches the one chosen for the user’s Arcane Weapon.
  • Sear Effect: When Seared the target has a +1 Crit chance against them for the next 10 Seconds. This does not Stack.
  • Windslice Effect: When Windsliced, causes the attack to deal +5% base damage and raise bleeding one level.
  • Suffocation Effect: When Suffocated, increases the victim's next technique’s CP cost by +20%, lowers their accuracy by -2, and causes the victim to take 1% Max Hp damage.
  • Crush Effect: When Crushed, causes suppression and attempts to raise the called shot level of a single limb chosen at random
  • Disruption Effect: When Disrupted, randomly dispel a single randomly maintained Technique active on the victim, and prevent it from being recast for a full round. If a Clone/Creation activates this effect, it is dispersed.



Will of the King: Ryu-no-Kami
Within the original line of Dragon Kings was a powerful Dojutsu that effected the Right Eye of any currently sitting king. Said to give them the ability to consume and give out all forms of chakra, no one could stand before those who had the Tengentsu without being completely overwhelmed. Despite being broken through years of separation from the dragons as the First Royal Bloodline faded into history, the Tengentsu still appears in the Ryuugan of some clansmen. Considered to be the Will of the Dragon God, those who are marked with this special eye have far more control over their ancient blood than other Ryu, marking them as ancient royalty among their peers.
924 PL - Tengentsu (Rank 1), Heavenly Judgment (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Heavenly Design (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Heavenly Judgment (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Tengentsu (Rank 2), Heavenly Design (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Nine-Eyed Dragon Burst (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Tengentsu (Rank 3), Heavenly Judgment (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Nine-Eyed Dragon Burst (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Dragonforce (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Heavenly Design (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Nine-Eyed Dragon Burst (Rank 3), Dragonforce (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Dragonforce (Rank 3)


Tengentsu - Passive
There is a unique eye trait of the Dragon King's Eye that stores twice as much power for those of direct descent of the First King, giving them the ability to empower their Dojutsu to a new level that allows them to consume the latent chakra in the air to greater depths. It is notable that the biggest change to their eye is the gaining of tomoe; akin to another line of Doujutsu users. However, it numbers up to 9 instead of 3.

Rank 1/2/3: Ryuugan now converts an additional +10/15/20% of their Damage dealt into Temporary Chakra Points, and now stacks instead of replacing the existing Temp CP.


Heavenly Design - Bloodline Style
Those of noble blood share an attunement with their dragon blood that goes far beyond most of their cousins. When summoning their weapon, those of the royal blood are able to craft them in such a way that empowers the weapon with the elements of the world. These weapons come out with filigree of gold embedded into the weapon with a raw power that radiates chakra so strong it forces the weak to bend knee.

Rank 1/2/3: The User may imbue their Arcane Weapon with any Base Element they have a Major Affinity in. This weapon gains +5%/10%/15% increased damage to any Ninjutsu Technique cast through it sharing the same element. Additionally, the next Ninjutsu used by the user after entering the style gains +1/+2/+3 Accuracy.

Cost: 0.5 AP

  • This is a Chakra Style
  • The User may change Elements for their Arcane Weapon by Exiting and then Re-Entering this Style.


Heavenly Judgment - [Variable Taijutsu]
Of the many monarchs of the Ryu Bloodline it is said that no ruler had ever managed to surpass the martial prowess of the 3rd King. This aristocrat developed a weapon technique so devastating that it’s use became limited to executions; of entire cities. As the lineage and Eye passed on to their successor, it was discovered that the technique could be naturally inherited by anyone with the Tengentsu without training.

Rank 1/2/3: The User deals 1500/1875/2250 to a single Target. On a Full Hit, the User then attempts to deal 50% of the end damage to every target on the battlefield at +0 Acc.

Special Action - The User may spend half their Temp CP on a Full Hit to instead increase the damage of the second attack by 25%.

Cost: 2.25 AP; 545 CP

  • This technique’s subtype matches the weapon used to cast it with.


Nine-Eyed Dragon Burst - [Non-Elemental Ninjutsu]
The voracious new powers of the Tengentsu isn’t the only strength granted to them. By pouring chakra into their Eye, they can cast beams of light from the tomoe surrounding their iris without the need to weave seals. Though to preform this feat consumes all of their stored power, despite how much energy the Tengentsu eats, their is always more chakra in the air to consume.

Rank 1/2/3:The User Selects up to 1/2/3 Targets and deals 1600/2000/2400 damage to each target. Temporary Chakra that would've been gained from Tengetsu is added to the damage of this technique instead of the Temp CP Pool. The User must select a Secondary Effect::
  • Madness Hero: Expends all Temp CP. The User may Combo this jutsu with a Taijutsu.
  • Blazing Dynamo: Expends all Temp CP. For every 100 CP burned this way, increase the DR of God Slayer by 5% for the next 10 seconds.
  • Echo of the First Age: Expends all Temp CP. The User may select a Base Element for this Ninjutsu and increases damage with the chosen element by 10% for the next 10 Seconds.

Cost: 2.5 AP and 730/910/1135 CP

  • Madness Hero requires a weapon to be equipped. If a weapon is not equipped when this special action is chosen, then the User equips a weapon and preforms the Taijutsu at normal timing.
  • This technique doesn’t require the use of Handseals.
  • If no Temp CP is available, the Secondary Effect is halved.


Dragonforce - [Variable Ninjutsu]
A fabled Ninjutsu that was said to grant the human kings the destructive power of a dragon’s breath. Dragonforce grants those who possess the Tengentsu the ability to summon ghostly dragon claws that force a mass of Dragon and Natural Chakra into a dense orbs of energy that between each set of claws. These glowing elemental bombs of death are then tuned against their enemy, being unleashed all at once; each with the strength to eradicate entire towns. As legends speak of a monarch using this power to end an entire nation, one can only begin to imagine how they could be used in combat against shinobi.

Rank 1/2/3: The User performs 3/4/5 Elemental Strikes at +0/+1/+2 Accuracy dealing 1300/1240/1200 Damage each. The User must select a Special Action:

Special Actions:
  • Dragon Fire: Damage is considered the Fire Element and upon a full hit inflicts Final Burst.
  • Dragon Wind: Damage is considered the Wind Element and upon a full hit inflicts Blossom Storm.
  • Dragon Water: Damage is considered the Water Element and upon a full hit inflicts Freezing Ring.
  • Dragon Earth: Damage is considered the Earth Element and upon a full hit inflicts Bone Crush.
  • Dragon Lightning: Damage is considered the Lightning Element and upon a full hit inflicts Atomic Mind.

Cost: 3 AP; 3300 CP

  • Final Burst Effect: When triggered, the User may follow up with any Offensive Fire Ninjutsu B-Rank or Below technique as a Combo.
  • Blossom Storm Effect: When triggered, the User’s DR also applies to Illusionary Damage. If the user has no Active DR they gain 10% DR. Lasts 10 Seconds.
  • Freezing Ring Effect: When triggered, the User may create a Barrier that reduces the damage of the next incoming attack by half of this Technique’s total damage. Damage blocked this way is then reflected back at the Opponent.
  • Bone Crush Effect: When triggered, the user may raise the level of any Random Called Shot Location by 2. If the Called Shot Location is already Sprained or above, it will be considered Broken for the next 10 seconds instead.
  • Atomic Mind Effect: When triggered, the User’s next Offensive Taijutsu technique will be cast at 0 AP timing.



Will of the Kinslayer: Dragoon
The Ryu clan created many knights using the power of a Dragon Bond to maintain the order created by the king's strength in the first human kingdom called ‘Dragoons’. 12 of these knights directly dealt with disputes against the king; often never living more than twenty years. In the final line of succession came a king of unheard of cruelty who made the mistake of banishing a Dragoon’s father from the kingdom to certain death. This knight, Tokoyo, drew upon the dragon's strength given to her by the kings to fell the tyrant, and his entire army in revenge. Those who are descendant of Tokoyo carry on the tradition of bucking unjust rulers naturally, with the only sign of lineage being that their Ryuugan glows an extremely vivid color in combat.
924 PL - Owarimiru (Rank 1), Dragon Slayer (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Arcane Mastery (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Dragon Slayer (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Owarimiru (Rank 2), Arcane Mastery (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Grand Stream (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Owarimiru (Rank 3), Dragon Slayer(Rank 3)
1428 PL - Grand Stream (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Tokoyo’s Fury (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Arcane Mastery (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Grand Stream (Rank 3), Tokoyo’s Fury(Rank 2)
1764 PL - Tokoyo’s Fury (Rank 3)


Owarimiru - Passive
While the Ryuugan is a natural trait inherited by the Royal Bloodline, the Twelve Knights of Yashimoto were all gifted this power by their respective ruling kings. Rarely do these knights live long enough to be part of more than one table, but Tokoyo had the unfortunate vocation of 3 different seats. Seeing the corruption of the royal family over three generations stored more than just chakra into her Ryuugan; it stored righteous fury.

Rank 1/2/3: The Dodge bonus gained from Ryuugan is replaced by an Accuracy bonus instead. In addition, weapons created with Arcane Weapon gain 5%/10%/15% primary effects.


Arcane Mastery - Passive
Descendants of the Kinslayer are blessed with a chakra coil that can fine tune the creation of a weapon down to the very atom. Whips made of water are able to start fires. Blades made of lightning able to create pillars of ice wherever they strike. Dragoons’ coils are naturally tuned into melding the chakra of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu into one, fueling their entire being with elemental power. The Dragoons of Yashimoto and those that came after were no different, some even training their powers to go beyond what the nobility were capable of.

Rank 1/2/3: Taijutsu Techniques used with Weapon Creation Techniques gain 5/10/15% damage, and ignore 15/20/25% of the target's DR.


Dragon Slayer - [Variable Taijutsu]
Dragon’s hide is said to be made of the hardest stone imaginable. Their scales were like diamond shields on top of that. Seemingly invincible the Ryu Kings of eld grew in greed, sloth, and tyranny until Tokoyo’s revenge fueled the need to create a weapon capable of destroying that impregnable armor.

Rank 1/2/3: The User deals 1600/2000/2400 damage to a single target at -2 Accuracy. If the Target has any DR, the User may increase the damage of this attack equal to half of an opponent’s DR.

Special Action - If the User spent Temp CP when this Technique was used, they may instead have the attack ignore an opponent’s DR instead of buffing their damage.

Costs: 2.25AP; 545CP

- Damage Buffs gained this way cannot break caps.
- This technique’s subtype matches the weapon used to cast it with.


Grand Stream - [Variable Ninjutsu]
Ryu who have awakened to the power of the Slayer quickly understand why the only true way to kill a dragon is with their own power. When facing down the beasts, one has to be wary of their elemental prowess and innate control over their territories. To counter this, Tokoyo learned to refract the elemental power held in her blade until it tuned the echoing chakra lingering in the air to reflect the same.

Rank 1/2/3: Takes control of the battlefield's natural elements to change to any Base Element. While this Technique is active, Ninjutsu techniques that share the same element gain 5%/10%/15% damage and gain another 10% damage if anyone casts a Technique that used an element weak to the chosen element in the last 10 seconds. Terrain Modifiers are considered 1 Step in the User's Favor for checks.

Cost: 2.5 AP and 750 CP

  • This is a Terrain technique.
  • This technique may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
  • Opposing Elements follow the Ninjutsu Chart (Fire>Wind>Lightning>Earth>Water>Fire)
  • Extra 10% Bonus lasts for 10 Seconds after an Opponent uses the opposing Ninjutsu
  • After deactivation, regardless of how, requires 10 seconds before it may be activated again.


Tokoyo’s Fury - Variable Taijutsu
The legends claim that in the Final King’s last moments of resistance, he transformed into a mighty dragon that broke through the roof of his own castle to escape his own Dragoon's wrath. Tokoyo, unfaltering in her quest for revenge, leaped into the sky to close the gap instantly. Towards her spear’s tip did she pour her entire being into before using it to rend the sky, and the king, in twain. While most would believe this was a single attack, the truth was far more frightening as Tokyo was able to land three entire attacks in a single moment to insure she eradicated the tyrant's heart.

Rank 1/2/3: Deals 3400/4250/5100 Damage to a single target. If the Target is Airborne, this attack gains +10% Auto-Hit.

Special Action: The User may Combo this attack into any Ninjutsu B-Rank or Below without paying AP costs, but at twice the CP cost for the Ninjutsu.

Cost: 2.75 AP and 1650 CP

  • This technique’s subtype matches the weapon used to cast it with.
  • If the user casts this with Arcane Weapon, their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu buffs will apply to this technique, to a cap of 25% each.
  • Ninjutsu used for the Combo cannot be a Multi-Hit Technique or use multi-hit special actions.
  • The User may only use the Special Action once every 20 seconds.
  • If used with Combo Master, the user may choose to combo either a Ninjutsu or a Taijutsu, as their 3rd technique.

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
[I]The Ryu were an ancient clan of humans that was the first to have ever partnered with the legendary dragons of eld. Through use of a forbidden ritual that bonds beast to man, they used the power of the Dragons to create a massive human kingdom that is, by legend, said to produce the first of all kings. Masters of the elements through the use of powerful Dragon Chakra, it was said that any member of the royal family, or their personal knights, were nigh unkillable. The greatest treasure given to them by the dragons they were bonded to was the Ryuugan; a literal dragon eye implanted in the First King that has been genetically inherited by those who share his blood. Through the power it gave, the ability to naturally devour latent chakra in the air and return it to the user, the Ryu Clan expanded throughout the entire world as a mighty empire that fell into its own hubris. Though dragons had long been sealed away, their reunited presence in the world has awoken the Ryu Clan, as members scattered across the world awaken with their own Eyes and a surplus of power they never knew could exist.[/I]

084 PL - Ryuugan (Rank 1), Arcane Weapon (Rank 1)
168 PL - God Slayer (Rank 1)
252 PL - Sekkei (Rank 1)
336 PL - God Slayer (Rank 2)
420 PL - Ryuugan (Rank 2), Ryuutanou (Rank 1)
504 PL - Explosivo (Rank 2)
588 PL - God Slayer (Rank 3), Sekkei (Rank 2)
672 PL - Ryuugan (Rank 3), Ryuutanou (Rank 2)
756 PL - Sekkei (Rank 3)
840 PL - Arcane Weapon (Rank 3), Ryuutanou (Rank 3)


[U][B]Ryuugan - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
A trait that is generally inherited by the first child of any family that shared with the royal bloodline of old, Heterochromia grants the user an eye with a wildly different color. At first the eye appears to be little more than that, but as the shinobi's life goes on they begin to notice how much chakra is being stored within that eye and the hunger it has for more.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user gains +1/2/3 Dodge, and converts 5/10/15% of their Damage dealt into Temporary Chakra Points.

[*]Ryuugan costs no AP to activate (it only needs to be declared), but takes the timing of 1 AP to come into effect.
[*]Temporary CP is spent before the user's normal CP, but only when casting a Technique (it does not apply toward any Maintenance Costs). Temporary CP can bypass your maximum Chakra Points, but cannot stack (a higher amount overwrites the lower amount). Temporary CP is lost at the end of the round.

[U][B]Arcane Weapon - [I][Non-Elemental Ninjutsu][/I][/B][/U]
A legendary technique that was long lost to time has been resurrected in the hands of its original creators. The Ryu were widely known for their ability to wield the Elements seemingly at whim, but they also had a control over their own chakra so fine it could extend out of their bodies and be held as any kind of weapon. These weapons appear usually as solids forms as opposed to energy, with dragon scales covering the hilts, handles, and shafts of their chosen weapon.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The User creates a weapon with 1/2/3 Augments. This weapon automatically has the Special Composition: Arcane Augment that doesn't count against the Augment Count.

[B]Cost:[/B] 0.5 AP and 100 CP per round

[*]This is a Weapon Creation Technique
[*]Weapons created by this technique cannot be affected by the Trick Weapon Augment.
[*]The user must choose a Ninjutsu Sub-type upon creation.
[*]The Arcane Augment allows any offensive Ninjutsu technique of the chosen sub-type to be cast through the weapon, gaining the Taijutsu Subtype Buffs, as well as being affected by the weapon’s augments.
[*]Ninjutsu techniques cast using the Arcane Augment use Weapon Accuracy instead of Ninjutsu Accuracy. As with Shinobi 101 this also replaces any Ninjutsu Checks required of the user as a result of the channeled technique with Taijutsu Checks.
[*]Ninjutsu Techniques cast this way only gain Ninjutsu buffs from the Ryu Bloodline
[*]Ninjutsu Techniques cast this way cannot use affinities.


[U][B]God Slayer - [I]Variable Style[/I][/B][/U]
Legends tell of a war between the gods that very nearly destroyed the entire world. It was only when the dragons of eld stood up against the very beings that created them was peace finally able to be realized in their land. To prevent the gods from warring with each other ever again, the dragons passed down the ability to bring divine beings to heel down to the human kings they chose to rule over mankind. This power inevitably shows up in anyone with the Ryuugan, ensuring the gods remain placid.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The User gains 5%/10%/15% Damage Reduction against Ninjutsu. Ninjutsu the User casts through their Arcane Weapon following a Taijutsu increases its accuracy by +2.

[B]Cost:[/B] 0.5ap and 450cp to initiate/225cp to maintain

[*]This may be a Physical or Chakra Style. Must be declared upon entering.


[U][B]Sekkei - [I][Buffing Jutsu][/I][/B][/U]
With overwhelming chakra pouring from their own eyes the Ryu can seemingly be the masters of whatever they wish. The influenced power of a dragon enhances chakra in ways that baffle most Chakra Theorist, as unlike most, a Ryu can continuously grow stronger with each technique used as they refine the energy used to create it.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] While maintaining this technique any Offensive Taijutsu or Offensive Ninjutsu cast by the user that is paid for using Temp CP, the user gains +5/10/15% damage buff for the next 10 seconds, matching the Offensive Technique’s subtype.

[B]Cost:[/B] 1.5 AP, 360 CP. 180 CP/rnd.

[*]This is a Chakra Armor Technique
[*]This technique may be maintained for up to 30 seconds
[*]If the Temp CP pays for even part of the Offensive Technique, this buff will apply.
[*]This may stack up to +30%, but the duration of the buff does not increase.

[U][B]Ryuutanou - [I][Variable Taijutsu][/I][/B][/U]
As they begin to master the control of their Ryuugan, a Ryu quickly learns that their eye does more than just offer an overabundant resource; they also learn the precise control Dragon Chakra allows them. Eventually it becomes common for those of the Ryu Clan to be able to combine their physical attacks with their elemental prowess into an explosive attack.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Deal 960/1200/1440 damage at -1/0/+1 Accuracy to a single target. The user must then select a special action:
[*]Arcane Fire : Damage is also considered the Fire Element and upon a full hit inflicts Sear.
[*]Arcane Wind: Damage is also considered the Wind Element and upon a full hit inflicts Windslice
[*]Arcane Water: Damage is also considered the Water Element and upon a full hit inflicts Suffocation
[*]Arcane Earth: Damage is also considered the Earth Element and upon a full hit inflicts Crush
[*]Arcane Lightning: Damage is also considered the Lightning Element and upon a full hit inflicts Disruption

[B]Cost:[/B] 1.75 AP; 500 CP

[*]The Taijutsu subtype of this technique matches the one chosen for the user’s Arcane Weapon.
[*]Sear Effect: When Seared the target has a +1 Crit chance against them for the next 10 Seconds. This does not Stack.
[*]Windslice Effect: When Windsliced, causes the attack to deal +5% base damage and raise bleeding one level.
[*]Suffocation Effect: When Suffocated, increases the victim's next technique’s CP cost by +20%, lowers their accuracy by -2, and causes the victim to take 1% Max Hp damage.
[*]Crush Effect: When Crushed, causes suppression and attempts to raise the called shot level of a single limb chosen at random
[*]Disruption Effect: When Disrupted, randomly dispel a single randomly maintained Technique active on the victim, and prevent it from being recast for a full round. If a Clone/Creation activates this effect, it is dispersed.


[U][B]Will of the King: Ryu-no-Kami[/B][/U]
[I]Within the original line of Dragon Kings was a powerful Dojutsu that effected the Right Eye of any currently sitting king. Said to give them the ability to consume and give out all forms of chakra, no one could stand before those who had the Tengentsu without being completely overwhelmed. Despite being broken through years of separation from the dragons as the First Royal Bloodline faded into history, the Tengentsu still appears in the Ryuugan of some clansmen. Considered to be the Will of the Dragon God, those who are marked with this special eye have far more control over their ancient blood than other Ryu, marking them as ancient royalty among their peers.[/I]

924 PL - Tengentsu (Rank 1), Heavenly Judgment (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Heavenly Design (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Heavenly Judgment (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Tengentsu (Rank 2), Heavenly Design (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Nine-Eyed Dragon Burst (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Tengentsu (Rank 3), Heavenly Judgment (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Nine-Eyed Dragon Burst (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Dragonforce (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Heavenly Design (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Nine-Eyed Dragon Burst (Rank 3), Dragonforce (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Dragonforce (Rank 3)


[U][B]Tengentsu - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
There is a unique eye trait of the Dragon King's Eye that stores twice as much power for those of direct descent of the First King, giving them the ability to empower their Dojutsu to a new level that allows them to consume the latent chakra in the air to greater depths. It is notable that the biggest change to their eye is the gaining of tomoe; akin to another line of Doujutsu users. However, it numbers up to 9 instead of 3.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Ryuugan now converts an additional +10/15/20% of their Damage dealt into Temporary Chakra Points, and now stacks instead of replacing the existing Temp CP.


[U][B]Heavenly Design - [I]Bloodline Style[/I][/B][/U]
Those of noble blood share an attunement with their dragon blood that goes far beyond most of their cousins. When summoning their weapon, those of the royal blood are able to craft them in such a way that empowers the weapon with the elements of the world. These weapons come out with filigree of gold embedded into the weapon with a raw power that radiates chakra so strong it forces the weak to bend knee.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The User may imbue their Arcane Weapon with any Base Element they have a Major Affinity in. This weapon gains +5%/10%/15% increased damage to any Ninjutsu Technique cast through it sharing the same element. Additionally, the next Ninjutsu used by the user after entering the style gains +1/+2/+3 Accuracy.

[B]Cost:[/B] 0.5 AP

[*]This is a Chakra Style
[*]The User may change Elements for their Arcane Weapon by Exiting and then Re-Entering this Style.


[U][B]Heavenly Judgment - [I][Variable Taijutsu][/I][/B][/U]
Of the many monarchs of the Ryu Bloodline it is said that no ruler had ever managed to surpass the martial prowess of the 3rd King. This aristocrat developed a weapon technique so devastating that it’s use became limited to executions; of entire cities. As the lineage and Eye passed on to their successor, it was discovered that the technique could be naturally inherited by anyone with the Tengentsu without training.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The User deals 1500/1875/2250 to a single Target. On a Full Hit, the User then attempts to deal 50% of the end damage to every target on the battlefield at +0 Acc.

Special Action - The User may spend half their Temp CP on a Full Hit to instead increase the damage of the second attack by 25%.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.25 AP; 545 CP

[*]This technique’s subtype matches the weapon used to cast it with.


[U][B]Nine-Eyed Dragon Burst - [I][Non-Elemental Ninjutsu][/I][/B][/U]
The voracious new powers of the Tengentsu isn’t the only strength granted to them. By pouring chakra into their Eye, they can cast beams of light from the tomoe surrounding their iris without the need to weave seals. Though to preform this feat consumes all of their stored power, despite how much energy the Tengentsu eats, their is always more chakra in the air to consume.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B]The User Selects up to 1/2/3 Targets and deals 1600/2000/2400 damage to each target. Temporary Chakra that would've been gained from Tengetsu is added to the damage of this technique instead of the Temp CP Pool. The User must select a Secondary Effect::
[*]Madness Hero: Expends all Temp CP. The User may Combo this jutsu with a Taijutsu.
[*]Blazing Dynamo: Expends all Temp CP. For every 100 CP burned this way, increase the DR of God Slayer by 5% for the next 10 seconds.
[*]Echo of the First Age: Expends all Temp CP. The User may select a Base Element for this Ninjutsu and increases damage with the chosen element by 10% for the next 10 Seconds.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.5 AP and 730/910/1135 CP

[*]Madness Hero requires a weapon to be equipped. If a weapon is not equipped when this special action is chosen, then the User equips a weapon and preforms the Taijutsu at normal timing.
[*]This technique doesn’t require the use of Handseals.
[*]If no Temp CP is available, the Secondary Effect is halved.


[U][B]Dragonforce - [I][Variable Ninjutsu][/I][/B][/U]
A fabled Ninjutsu that was said to grant the human kings the destructive power of a dragon’s breath. Dragonforce grants those who possess the Tengentsu the ability to summon ghostly dragon claws that force a mass of Dragon and Natural Chakra into a dense orbs of energy that between each set of claws. These glowing elemental bombs of death are  then tuned against their enemy, being unleashed all at once; each with the strength to eradicate entire towns. As legends speak of a monarch using this power to end an entire nation, one can only begin to imagine how they could be used in combat against shinobi.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The User performs 3/4/5 Elemental Strikes at +0/+1/+2 Accuracy dealing 1300/1240/1200 Damage each. The User must select a Special Action:

Special Actions:
[*][B]Dragon Fire:[/B] Damage is considered the Fire Element and upon a full hit inflicts Final Burst.
[*][B]Dragon Wind:[/B] Damage is considered the Wind Element and upon a full hit inflicts Blossom Storm.
[*][B]Dragon Water:[/B] Damage is considered the Water Element and upon a full hit inflicts Freezing Ring.
[*][B]Dragon Earth:[/B] Damage is considered the Earth Element and upon a full hit inflicts Bone Crush.
[*][B]Dragon Lightning:[/B] Damage is considered the Lightning Element and upon a full hit inflicts Atomic Mind.

[B]Cost:[/B] 3 AP; 3300 CP

[*]Final Burst Effect: When triggered, the User may follow up with any Offensive Fire Ninjutsu B-Rank or Below technique as a Combo.
[*]Blossom Storm Effect: When triggered, the User’s DR also applies to Illusionary Damage. If the user has no Active DR they gain 10% DR. Lasts 10 Seconds.
[*]Freezing Ring Effect: When triggered, the User may create a Barrier that reduces the damage of the next incoming attack by half of this Technique’s total damage. Damage blocked this way is then reflected back at the Opponent.
[*]Bone Crush Effect: When triggered, the user may raise the level of any Random Called Shot Location by 2. If the Called Shot Location is already Sprained or above, it will be considered Broken for the next 10 seconds instead.
[*]Atomic Mind Effect: When triggered, the User’s next Offensive Taijutsu technique will be cast at 0 AP timing.


[U][B]Will of the Kinslayer: Dragoon[/B][/U]
[I]The Ryu clan created many knights using the power of a Dragon Bond to maintain the order created by the king's strength in the first human kingdom called ‘Dragoons’. 12 of these knights directly dealt with disputes against the king; often never living more than twenty years. In the final line of succession came a king of unheard of cruelty who made the mistake of banishing a Dragoon’s father from the kingdom to certain death. This knight, Tokoyo, drew upon the dragon's strength given to her by the kings to fell the tyrant, and his entire army in revenge. Those who are descendant of Tokoyo carry on the tradition of bucking unjust rulers naturally, with the only sign of lineage being that their Ryuugan glows an extremely vivid color in combat.[/I]

924 PL - Owarimiru (Rank 1), Dragon Slayer (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Arcane Mastery (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Dragon Slayer (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Owarimiru (Rank 2), Arcane Mastery (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Grand Stream (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Owarimiru (Rank 3), Dragon Slayer(Rank 3)
1428 PL - Grand Stream (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Tokoyo’s Fury (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Arcane Mastery (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Grand Stream (Rank 3), Tokoyo’s Fury(Rank 2)
1764 PL - Tokoyo’s Fury (Rank 3)


[U][B]Owarimiru - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
While the Ryuugan is a natural trait inherited by the Royal Bloodline, the Twelve Knights of Yashimoto were all gifted this power by their respective ruling kings. Rarely do these knights live long enough to be part of more than one table, but Tokoyo had the unfortunate vocation of 3 different seats. Seeing the corruption of the royal family over three generations stored more than just chakra into her Ryuugan; it stored righteous fury.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The Dodge bonus gained from Ryuugan is replaced by an Accuracy bonus instead. In addition, weapons created with Arcane Weapon gain 5%/10%/15% primary effects.


[U][B]Arcane Mastery - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
Descendants of the Kinslayer are blessed with a chakra coil that can fine tune the creation of a weapon down to the very atom. Whips made of water are able to start fires. Blades made of lightning able to create pillars of ice wherever they strike. Dragoons’ coils are naturally tuned into melding the chakra of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu into one, fueling their entire being with elemental power. The Dragoons of Yashimoto and those that came after were no different, some even training their powers to go beyond what the nobility were capable of.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Taijutsu Techniques used with Weapon Creation Techniques gain 5/10/15% damage, and ignore 15/20/25% of the target's DR.


[U][B]Dragon Slayer - [I][Variable Taijutsu][/I][/B][/U]
Dragon’s hide is said to be made of the hardest stone imaginable. Their scales were like diamond shields on top of that. Seemingly invincible the Ryu Kings of eld grew in greed, sloth, and tyranny until Tokoyo’s revenge fueled the need to create a weapon capable of destroying that impregnable armor.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The User deals 1600/2000/2400 damage to a single target at -2 Accuracy. If the Target has any DR, the User may increase the damage of this attack equal to half of an opponent’s DR.

Special Action - If the User spent Temp CP when this Technique was used, they may instead have the attack ignore an opponent’s DR instead of buffing their damage.

[B]Costs:[/B] 2.25AP; 545CP

- Damage Buffs gained this way cannot break caps.
- This technique’s subtype matches the weapon used to cast it with.


[U][B]Grand Stream - [I][Variable Ninjutsu][/I][/B][/U]
Ryu who have awakened to the power of the Slayer quickly understand why the only true way to kill a dragon is with their own power. When facing down the beasts, one has to be wary of their elemental prowess and innate control over their territories. To counter this, Tokoyo learned to refract the elemental power held in her blade until it tuned the echoing chakra lingering in the air to reflect the same.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Takes control of the battlefield's natural elements to change to any Base Element. While this Technique is active, Ninjutsu techniques that share the same element gain 5%/10%/15% damage and gain another 10% damage if anyone casts a Technique that used an element weak to the chosen element in the last 10 seconds. Terrain Modifiers are considered 1 Step in the User's Favor for checks.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.5 AP and 750 CP

[*]This is a Terrain technique.
[*]This technique may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
[*]Opposing Elements follow the Ninjutsu Chart (Fire>Wind>Lightning>Earth>Water>Fire)
[*]Extra 10% Bonus lasts for 10 Seconds after an Opponent uses the opposing Ninjutsu
[*]After deactivation, regardless of how, requires 10 seconds before it may be activated again.


[U][B]Tokoyo’s Fury - [I]Variable Taijutsu[/I][/B][/U]
The legends claim that in the Final King’s last moments of resistance, he transformed into a mighty dragon that broke through the roof of his own castle to escape his own Dragoon's wrath. Tokoyo, unfaltering in her quest for revenge, leaped into the sky to close the gap instantly. Towards her spear’s tip did she pour her entire being into before using it to rend the sky, and the king, in twain. While most would believe this was a single attack, the truth was far more frightening as Tokyo was able to land three entire attacks in a single moment to insure she eradicated the tyrant's heart.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Deals 3400/4250/5100 Damage to a single target. If the Target is Airborne, this attack gains +10% Auto-Hit.

[B]Special Action:[/B] The User may Combo this attack into any Ninjutsu B-Rank or Below without paying AP costs, but at twice the CP cost for the Ninjutsu.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.75 AP and 1650 CP

[*]This technique’s subtype matches the weapon used to cast it with.
[*]If the user casts this with Arcane Weapon, their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu buffs will apply to this technique, to a cap of 25% each.
[*]Ninjutsu used for the Combo cannot be a Multi-Hit Technique or use multi-hit special actions.
[*]The User may only use the Special Action once every 20 seconds.
[*]If used with [URL='']Combo Master[/URL], the user may choose to combo either a Ninjutsu or a Taijutsu, as their 3rd technique.

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