Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Ryuu Otami -> Atamagaokashii


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Ryuu Otami
Old Village/Missing: Konohagakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Konoha; in a coma
Old IC Rank: B-Rank

New Character Name: Atamagaokashii
Preferred Username: Atama
New Village/Missing: Mercenary
New BL/CA: Uchiha - Eyes of the Sun w/Dragonheart

Custom Class:

Of Cinders and Ash
HP: (45+15) x Stamina =
CP: (55+15) x Chakra Control =
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu | +5% Chance of Secondary Effects
High: Ninjutsu Acc
Average: Dodge/Gen Save/Gen DC
Low: Ranged Acc/Taijutsu Acc

Branch: ANBU
IC Rank: N/A

Character Age: Early 30s, but exact age isn’t known
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Long silver slicked back hair hangs past the middle of his back, with a furious widow’s peak that refuses to give into full on balding. With a large forehead and a dour face, most consider the man’s face as a good reason to avoid talking to him; which suits the pirate captain fine. His clothing consists of worn out chest armor over a simple poet’s shirt and baggy blue pants to match. His hands up to the elbow are covered in long leather gloves, as well his knees down are protected by long leather boots. Covering most of his clothing, and sometimes even his face, is a long red cloak he pulled off his first kill. While he is never seen with it casually, Atama is a pirate known for his unique skill at wielding a large scythe with terrifying ease. Only a handful of people know his weapon is a product of his chakra’s Black Flame, and thus can be hidden within it.

Character's Mental Description: While seemingly a serious and dour man, Atama is actually a very fanciful persona that has dreams and goals often out of his reach. Despite over twenty years of pirating he’s lost two full crews and has never made a name for himself; though some of that is on purpose. The pirate has a strong sense of leadership with a charming personality, once he opens up, that’s hard to not like; allowing him to gather crewmates rather quickly for a sea dweller. As of late, however, it’s clear he’s struggling with his recent failures and has taken to every pirate’s warm mother - the drink - and does seem to be as sour as he looks. Though anyone with a steady eye can see the spark is still there in his beady red eyes; one that yearns for adventure and good company.

Character History:

Born into the Moon Country to a family of fishermen, Atama, (known then as Hoshiten Ui), didn’t want for much or had any ambition for most of his life. Bred into the squaller of boat life and smelly food, the pirate-to-be simply worked day to day in his life. He lived a normal childhood, apprenticed under his uncle to be a merchant that specialized in sea food, and had a small network of connections from his family’s multi-generational sea ventures. By the time he was seventeen, Atama was ready to breech out into the sea on his own and begin selling wares to port towns when the country’s government came to shove a boot into his face.

The teenager was no slouch, and immediately went to defend his family from the raid on their hidden little village on the coast. A fisherman who had never known chakra, shinobi, ninjutsu, or what a “Bloodline Power” was, he was instantly overwhelmed by the first fireball thrown his direction. Blown through his house and well back into the marshlands behind the village, Atama struck the muddy sea water and smashed his head against a deeply buried stone statue. In any other timeline the youth would have simply died right there, but through either fate, or serendipity, the fish monger instead struck his head against the top of a special old statue. His blood mingled with swamp waters eventually touched the ancient carving, causing it to light up beneath the fetid waters and raise up to reveal a black stone serpentine dragon with arms stretched out to receive something; within them hung Atama’s bloated corpse.

It had been a week since the raid. A week for the swamp to shift his coagulated blood to touch the statue to activate the hidden power within. From behind the statue a dragon’s head rose from the mud, breaking the ground and trees as it rose above the canopy to look down upon the world that had changed since it had last been awakened. The great black serpent frowned at what had become of his glorious swamp before drifting back down to see what had been offered to him. All he found was the bloated body of a fisherman with no ambition who’s life had been cut short by happenstance.

With a simple wave of the beast’s hand, the salty swamp water exploded out of the youth’s mouth as his corpse was lifted into the air from the dragon’s innate control over the elements. The creature inhaled, and then exhaled a black flame that engulfed the human until his clothes, flesh, and muscles had been burned away leaving only a nervous system and brain. With a twist of his claws, the dragon manipulated the black flames to return that which was taken away but strengthen by the primal chakra of a dragon. His flesh had lost all color, pale as the moon - but blood pumped through the fisherman’s veins once again. When Atama awoke, he did so with a start, sitting waste deep in bloodied mud of his own recreation. Atama’s first sight was the black dragon’s face, and deep in his soul did he hear the beast’s words:

“Son of Man, Child of the Sea, for the offering of your own life I have bestowed upon you a body capable of doing the one thing man was created for; war. Take back the blood spilled of your clan with the heads of your enemy; then pour their souls to my father - Satasujin. Do this, and I will grant you all of my power.”

The dragon closed all four of its blood red eyes before sinking back into the swamp to await the next sacrifice. Atama looked down at his new form, his long pale hair stuck to his back and wondered for the first time in his life; should I? Fishing and taking to the sea had been part of his blood and never once had he questioned it, but did he deserve to take the lives of others? Walking back to the sea-side village the youth didn’t find anything that could ignite his rage. Everything was already gone. What little ruins remained of the village were so few that he could draw no anger from the life he had come from; it was a life he had already prepared to leave when Moon attacked.

For the next three years the boy moved about the land doing odd jobs and learning from various shinobi he encountered along the way that took an interest in him judged by nothing more than his looks. He had what was known as a Sharingan, but it was unlike any that had been seen before; instead of a tomoe, his pupil was encircled by three claw-marks. When activated, the lines split open to give him the appearance of having multiple dragon-like pupils. His black flame also appeared to be far hungrier than most, marking him as something akin to an Uchiha, but also something Primal - like a progenitor power. It wasn’t until meeting one of the Uchiha clan did he fully understand what they had meant.

The Uchiha’s Sharingan was a much, much, more refined technique.

That shinobi trained the fisherman properly beyond the tricks he had picked up over the last three years, and then gave him the name Atamagaokashii; it meant “to have funny thoughts.” A name befitting the odd pale-one, for the entire time that the duo roamed the land doing minor merc work, the ex-fisherman could only talk about going back to the sea. Even after establishing himself as a decent merc, for the first time in his life, the young shinobi wanted more. He wanted to take these newfound powers back to the water, use them for sailing, fishing, and wiping a scourge of pirates off Moon’s coast that had plagued his family’s past for generations.

After another three years of saving money, Atamagaokashii did exactly just that. He bought a simple boat and sailed off into the sea from the coast of his old home, and right into the island a few nautical miles off shore where a group of pirates never saw him coming. Just like the youth blown away by a fireball six years ago, the mercenary made quick work of the pirate’s leadership and took over the rest. He sunk all but one ship, culled the pirates down to only the most faithful and useful, and then just as he had been - began to train them to become shinobi. It was a major change for Atama, and one he simply embraced as he had embraced being a fisherman; never fully sure if his desires were his own, or the dragon chakra that gave him life.
For the next five years he ruled their part of the ocean. Moon avoided them, they avoided the major traffic lanes that supplied the shinobi villages just as he had been taught by his master, and flew just enough under the radar that not a single village had a single clue that a group of shinobi pirates were roaming the seas.

Eventually their captain got bored, but instead of tackle a major village like it was suggested that he do, (the crew had gotten rather cocky by this point), Atama decided instead to travel South. He had been catching wind of a country in the Southern Seas that held wonders that couldn’t be explained by words; and Atama needed some of that recognition. However, the place they invaded had weapons far more advanced than anything they could have ever hoped to prep for, and the ship was quickly sank into the depths. The good captain lost his entire crew that day, and almost his own life were it not for the waters themselves seemingly help him get to shore. After a week of recovery the pirate reverted back to his “land techniques”, and infiltrated a ship yard to steal a new ship and return home.

It was there that the pirate ninja would come face to face with his destiny. Being slowly lowered into the water was a prototype submarine, though Atama had no idea what kind of ship it was or how it worked, he simply knew that it could float and somehow didn’t capsize despite its shape. He easily made his way to the ship and took control of it before anyone knew it. With an innate sense for self-teaching, the pirate quickly got a grasp of the controls and made the ship dive before escaping beyond the range of the country’s cannons. Once he resurfaced the ex-fisherman quickly realized that the ship he had stolen was not meant to leave far from port; that had to change. After paddling for two days straight he reached a local island port and called in a favor with one of the many ship wrights his family had known.

The good thing about being part of a fishing family that had generations of status was that they had all kinds of connections when it came to people who could repair a boat - pretty chummy with a lot of merchants too. His father was often very vocal about a certain estranged ship wright that could repair anything. A few quick jobs and Atama gathered up enough money to visit this man and obtain the repairs needed for his weird new boat. The pair haggled the price for a week before settling on the man becoming part of the pirate’s new crew, thus becoming his new first mate, and sticking around until death; plus a few hundred thousand yen.

The ship repaired revealed new information to the thief that he had not been aware of when he originally stole it. For one, it was meant to go underwater, and that it was far faster that way. It also boasted a radar system that took the duo a good week and three hull breaches to figure out. Once they got the jist though, they began to build another crew and do something no other pirate had thought of before; steal from other pirates.

They still had the need to stay under the radar, so to speak, so they’d wait for other pirate crews to do their thing and then hit them right after. The advanced ship’s speed and all the extra weaponry put on that used chakra made them a force to be reckoned with; the only problem was that Atamagaokashii still had a heart. He refused to sink nearly any other ship with the sole exception of human slave ships - their crews met The Locker. This hubris of believing himself above not only other pirates, but the very Law of the Sea itself, finally lead to his down fall and his most recent boost in power.

The other pirate crews, finally tired of Atama’s crap, banded together to sink his submarine once and for all. They managed to run him into shallows and battered his hull with cannon fire until they could no longer move. Then they surrounded the ship further and went inside to attack, killing most of the captain’s freshly injured men with ease. It was when they finally reached the captain’s quarters did their mutual plan of three pirate crews begin to fall into shambles. The death of so many of his beloved crew, including his prized first mate, triggered the primal Sharingan to evolve. At the same time, the black dragon’s chakra within reacted with his dojutsu’s new form, and burned out a power so fierce he had no control over himself for the next few moments. For a scant few seconds the pirate transformed into the likeness of the serpent that granted him the power of the shinobi in the first place, and destroyed the three banded crews with a black flame that not even the sea could quench.

When he returned to his human form, both mind and body, he had no idea how he did it - only the bloody memory of destroying everything. This ship, now once again barely sea worthy, is ported openly in the Wind Country’s Soon Haven as her captain drowns his recent sorrows in alcohol. Knowing eventually he’ll need another engineer he mourns and waits for his heart to repair before finally traveling to the planned destination: Sunagakure, with all their marvelous steel.

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:

Level: 5
Agility: 235/300
Stamina: 300/300
Taijutsu: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 150/300
Genjutsu: 155/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
Current Powerlevel: 1340

Old OOC Rank: B-Rank
Stat Cut: N/A

New Stats:

Level: 5
Agility: 235/300
Stamina: 300/300
Taijutsu: 150/300
Ninjutsu: 300/300
Genjutsu: 155/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
Current Powerlevel: 1340
New OOC Rank: B-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:



Body Switch (M)
Transformation (M)
Arcing Slash
Dynamic Slash
Overhead Strike

Combination Transformation
Crystal Eye
Spirit Latern
Contract Summoning
Full Circle
Cross Rip
Crimson Flash
Heavy Tow
Mystic Hand

Vanishing Slash
Lunar Steps
Sword Juggle
Zero Slash
Top Spin
Blade Trail



Janken (M) -> Hot Weapon (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Uncalled For Shot (M) -> 1000 YoP (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Low-Sweep (M) -> Thermal Maw (M) [Fire Ninjutsu]
The One-Two (M) -> Infernal Ember (M) [Fire Ninjutsu]
Block (M) -> Stun (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Fleeted (M) -> Wasteful (M) [Audial Genjutsu]
Charge (M) -> Lethargy (M) [Will Genjutsu]

4-Hit Combo (M) -> Fireball (M) [Fire Ninjutsu]
Spinning Wheel (M) -> Immolation Armor (M) [Fire Ninjutsu]
Dynamic Entry (M) -> Combustive Seal (M) [Fire Ninjutsu]
Dynamic Finish (M) -> Drunken Stupor (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Nut Buster (M) -> Influenza (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]

Roaring Combo (M) -> Crippled [Kinetic Genjustu]
Grapple (M) -> Masochism (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (M) -> Silly Fingers (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Shoryuken (M) -> Heat Wave (M) [Fire Ninjutsu]
Step-In Flash (M) -> Scalding Ash Cloud (M) [Fire Ninjutsu]
Dragon Assault (M) -> Dragon Fire (M) [Fire Ninjutsu]
Tiger Hook (M) -> Searing Eruption [Fire Ninjutsu]
Inner Earth Reflection Lure (M) -> Mist of Deceit (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Earth Wave Flow (M) -> Crossed Wires (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Earthen Coating (M) -> Dark Displacement (M) [Shadow Ninjutsu]

Total Refund on Council’s Side:
Y - 10370

Other Refunds: Includes things like augments, storage items, puppet add-ons, and anything else you have to spend yen on. List those you have here, and indicate whether you are keeping or refunding them. All refunds are at 100%. You may purchase anything for your new character in your new training thread.

Gravel Shift
Stone Bullet
Wind Slash
Pressure Burst

Earth Flow River
Sinkhole Fist
Mud Clone
Whirlwind Spin
Air Bullet
Shredding Touch
Shadow Play
Eagle Vision
Muscle Control
Basic Safeguard

Wind Scythe
Gale Force
Wind Release
Sand Stars
Sandstorm Veil
Cluster Attack
Desert Deflection
Rock Golem

Total Refund from Council’s Side:
Y - 11030

Name of any Contract you currently own:
Monkey - Not Swapping (I don’t have the ASP T_T)

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
Last edited:


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Canceling this for now. Not a speed thing, just changed minds on who to OCR into. Gonna put this one in my back pocket for later!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
