Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Ryuu Otami -> Uzu [Retire / Un-Retire from Main Account]


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Ryuu Otami
Old Village/Missing: Konohagakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Konoha; in a Coma
Old IC Rank: B-Rank

New Character Name: Uzumoreru Toushin
Preferred Username: Uzu
New Village/Missing: Sunagakure
New BL/CA: Chigokai
New Kinjutsu: Chimeiarashi
Custom Class:

John Ninpocho
HP: (50+LvL) x Stamina =
CP: (50+LvL) x Chakra Control =
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu | +10% chance to inflict Bleeding
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge/Gen Save/Melee Accuracy
Low: Gen DC/Ranged Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU
IC Rank: ANBU Captain

Character Age: 48 (actually 78)
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Long grey hair that dips just past the shoulders is generally kept tied up tightly into a bun on the crown of his head. Round and rather reflective glasses adorn his face above a large grey mustache. He’s hefty and clearly out of shape for a shinobi, but, for a man of his advanced age just recently removed of immortality, Toushin holds it nightmarishly well. True to his ancient training the assassin tends to wear street clothing and is never seen with his ANBU gear - his mask famously hanging once more in his office behind a glass box. Also despite his age, position, and lack of secretive living to further spite the first two things - Uzu never carries any weapons either. Closest thing to one that anyone ever sees is a pen in a pocket on his shirt.

Character's Mental Description: Toushin is a stalwart minded individual who rarely breaks form for anything. Once it’s set in stone, he will follow it to the letter. That said a long life has given him enough wisdom to know when to adjust his expectations and follow through; living life this way has lead to a lot of pleasant surprises. Ever a man of pride, Toushin rarely backs down from any task given to him - even if it means death. Underneath the calm exterior of pride is a quiet rage that has been bottled up for far longer than most humans would be capable of handling. It can be felt when the assassin expresses disappointment, and it has been described like wading in a river of raw hate.

Character History:
In the records kept closely guarded by the Oracles lies information that has been meticulously kept secret about a specific clan. It is information that is privy only to the eyes of the Kazekage and the wizened elder leading the record keepers. The clan in question was an assassin clan that dates all the way back to the days of Primus and the war against the Ancients. Specializing in stealth combat and a number of forbidden Blood Magic justu that can do everything from freezing an opponent in their tracks, to physically enhancing their own combat prowess via complete adrenal control. After the war, the clan had little left to do with the deadly techniques they had sacrificed so much for except continue employing them against the unjust. Always a shadow in the background keeping the status quo outside of Sunagakure’s eyes, the Uzumoreru gently kept the frayed parts of society from ever overtaking the early decades of the new human kingdom. It wasn’t until the Maelstrom pushed everyone into the carcass of a worm did everything finally flip for the Uzumoreru clan.

Trapped beneath the dunes they had only their fellow man to judge - and man was sorely lacking. By the time Toushin was born as the heir to this clan it had already fallen into decadence and dishonor. Born with blood so heavy in iron it was tinted black, the child was hailed as the “savior” of the clan as was prophesied by elders shortly after being forced underground. However, the entire “prophecy” was little more the hearsay among the noble blooded to keep their position. In reality the babe’s blood was a sign of a rare chakra cancer that they barely kept in check with a lead ball that had special runes scratched onto them. The assassin wouldn’t have a chakra coil for the majority of nearly 70 years of his life - instead, he was trained to gently pull in the nature chakra of the world around him into that ball in his stomach and use it in bursts. Between this and the brutal training that invoked their kin to kill off all emotions, Uzu, as he was honored, became the perfect killing machine.

And it was all a bad joke.

The chakra cancer was there for life. Eventually, it would kill him and most likely sooner than later. Kick in the nuts was that the upper echelon of the Uzumoreru had known this for decades too. There had been two other “Uzu’s” before Toushin, that both died in their early twenties with clear signs of when the cancer would kill them. Heretics, they had been called. False Saviors who’s names were stricken from the records. Who’s family were culled to prevent such false hope again. The difference between Toushin and the “Uzu’s” that came before him, was that he never showed those signs. It became more than apparent that this child was “the one”. The irony, however, was that Toushin failed in his role of being the one capable of lifting the clan back to the surface and saving them from the shadows; nay, he single-handedly destroyed them instead. How could one man destroy an ancient generational clan of assassins?

Fall in love.

Pride, was the first emotion that Toushin re-learned to feel. His ability to assassinate literally any target by the time he was thirteen lifted his self-esteem to believe in himself being something other than a tool. Pride lead to Hubris. Hubris lead to Greed. Greed lead to Lust. By the time the Prince of Assassins had crossed paths with the femme fatale that changed his life, he was already well on the path of self destruction.

There was once a time when that, if you spoke of Ryuu Tama, it could not be mentioned without also speaking of the shadow of the Uzumoreru’s prince that stalked the scientist. Their first meeting involved a well placed blade across Tama’s throat. Their second was nearly the same until a female assassin named Kitanai, stepped between the two and offered Toushin a taste of her flesh in exchange for the scientist’s life. The mission he had taken to do in the serial killer behind the woman was personal, a side-hustle for money that his clan couldn’t track. He had already tried to kill Tama once and failed - the first ever wound to his pride. Yet something about her eyes drew his attention far more than a need to assuage his ego.

Together the duo came up with a scheme to extort the mad scientist once it came to their knowledge that he was directly funded by the current Kazekage of the time; Sousuke. He would pretend to try and kill Tama every now and again, she would pretend to protect him, and charge a high-fee to do it; they’d split the winnings evenly. It was a steady, and fun, side job for Toushin that became more and more serious with every meet to get his cut of the money. He couldn’t get her out of his head. It was more than her talents in bed that enticed him to be in her presence and he couldn’t explain what exactly made him feel this way.

What was the downfall for both of them, was that she reciprocated those same feelings.

Kitanai was married. To a rather powerful and influential shinobi within the military of Suna’s underground guard-dogs. For some time he tried to hide her within his clan’s palace built deep within the catacombs of the worm’s stomach, but she couldn’t abide to staying and hiding there with him for the rest of her life. Though the love they felt for each other was strong, it was a relationship that couldn’t be without literally starting a war with Sunagakure. So, they broke it off, and Toushin was afflicted with heartbreak for the first time. His woes had only just begun.

His younger brother, Iziang, whom had been born with blood pure as snow, staged a coup to take the reigns from their parents. Toushin’s depression following his heartache did nothing to stand in his brother’s way and accepted the exile to Sunagakure where he was to likely be killed by Kitanai’s husband. Upon reaching the surface and slowly mingling into society from afar it was a short time before he did indeed run across the woman’s husband. The man had no way of knowing who Uzu was as Kitanai had been very strict in not giving up the name of the man who had kidnapped her; but he did slip that she was pregnant.

The assassin kept his distance from the couple, but always had an eye on her while she came to term. He was certain the child was his, and if so he would need to whisk it and potentially the other assassin out of Suna and into the Maelstrom. Long ago he had learned of a path that he could take that would lead them away into Soon where the people hadn’t been effected by the desert’s rage. During the last month of Kitanai’s pregancy, the assassin’s life was turned upside down, again.

In the first week of his exile, Toushin had taken on a young apprentice named Ame, that had a talent for blades so rare he felt it his duty to pass down a technique for her to master. The Uzumoreru clan that his brother had transformed felt it was a great idea to kidnap this apprentice to entice the Uzu back to the clan so they could kill him personally in a ritual to empower Iziang; the new king. Instead, the exiled prince tapped a resource he never thought he would ever use - Ryuu Tama himself. The scientist was not only a close friend of Ame, whom had known her since she was in the Academy, but more than happy to erase Toushin’s clan from their universe.

The entire battle took thirty minutes from start to finish. Uzu rescued his apprentice, killed his younger brother without really trying to, and Tama erased the rest of the assassins by dropping their castle into the gorge they had built it over via a powerful wind ninjutsu. A day later Kitanai gave birth to twins - one with his bloodline, the other belonging to her partner. The assassin quickly stole his child away and took to the dunes, his apprentice following behind as the Uzumoreru had taken everything away from her in their attempt to kill the Uzu.

Together they raised the child, eventually became a couple, and lived happily for five years until a note came in for Ame describing an ancient weapon belonging to her clan that needed to be collected by her hands only. In need of a fresh adventure, the swords-woman bid her husband farewell as he trained their daughter and came back two weeks later as a head in a box. The symbol of Tama’s clan was burned onto her forehead, invoking a direct rage at the mad scientist he hadn’t felt since their second meet. The entire death, head included, was a ruse from Tengokai - Tama’s father. He felt that his son was truly unkillable in many areas, but that if there was one human in the entire world who could do it, it would be the self-titled Prince of Assassins. Toushin left his child, Chiyo, in the care of Sunagakure and left to hunt down a method to kill the Solar Hybrid.

Sixteen years of searching finally brought the assassin back home to do his deed only to find himself at the mercy of his suddenly twenty-year old daughter. To say she was a brat would be taking it lightly, and the stoic assassin didn’t take well to her attitude. His anger lashed out more than once against her, the woman who had raised her, and the shinobi village itself for many years after, especially when he learned she had joined and quit their military once already. The bottled anger he had meant to unleash against the mad scientist was also forced in deeper as Tama had the direct protection of Sousuke and the current Kazekage - Katsuo. He had gone through some sort of redemption arc while the Uzu was traveling the world learning ancient killing techniques.

The scientist, in the form of an old man due to a weening from human souls, told Toushin that the person who likely killed his wife was the Hybrid’s father and not him; he had no reason to lie. Teng had also made a mess of the Toraono clan while Toushin was away, and fathered a second child, Michino. Likely the death of his wife was a reason to get Uzu to kill Tama but, the Curse of the Ryuu Clan had grown impatient and moved on to a different strategy instead. The feeling of having been played so handedly burned the assassin’s pride hard once more.

Toushin quickly took back to the Underground, filled the vacuum Tama left, and became the “King”, down there for a solid decade before dismantling the entire organized crime syndicate himself and joining ANBU as an adviser and a redactor of sensitive materials. It was what allowed him to keep a vice-grip of Diamond’s nobles that also nearly ruined the Black Market. Only thing that saved it inadvertently was a deadly interloper known as Yong; and at the hands of that far stronger opponent, Uzu nearly tasted the sweet release of death. Instead he survived, barely, and found the disease that should of killed him in his youth in full swing once more. The battle had been so intense that he broke the lead ball inside of his stomach that had kept the cancer at bay. Without the ability to channel any sort of nature chakra into his body, the disease at him alive. During this time, he briefly took on another apprentice to pass his techniques onto to aid Sunagakure, but before her training was finished his illness overtook him, and he was quickly hospitalized.

Within that hospital room the scientist Ryuu Tama appeared and injected Toushin with “something,” that caused the old man to enter cataract arrest. Michino threw Tama out the fourth story window of the Omni-Prime and the final Uzu of the Uzumoreru clan died right after Tama. Except, it was all according to the mad scientist’s plan. His corpse was never found, and Toushin’s corpse was exhumed by an unknown person shortly after his burial.

Tama did what any friend would do when the meaning behind his life for the last thirty years would do - he cloned them. Ever since that first death, Toushin and Tama played a game of cat-n-mouse, and this continued on and off for most of their lives; especially during the ten years following Uzu’s return to “royalty”. The scientist would also gift his “friend” immortality by splicing Toushin’s genteics with both his own, and his late wife’s. The fusion of the three would create a body of “the perfect assassin”, and all Tama had to do was inject it with his friend’s soul.

When Toushin woke back up, all he could feel was fury. Fury at having his chance at eternal peace after seventy years of assassination stolen by this blond bastard once again. He broke free of Tama’s lab and escaped to parts of the desert the madman couldn’t reach. There the killer laid low with his new body and began to live a second life as a simple mercenary for a single year. Then the second year, after saving up all his money, he bought a boat and became a fisherman. Another eight years would pass before the two would cross paths again.

The old assassin was overweight, wore glasses, and clearly had stopped training long ago. Tama wailed at the sight of the perfect body, perfectly gone to waste. The only reason the two managed to cross paths again was due to Shin’s recent ascent to the title of Kazekage and a need to fill important positions. Tama, contracted once again to the village leader, had a list of people he could tap to help fill in gaps but, there was one person at the top of that list that would require Suna’s best “blood-hounds” to sniff out. Toushin found the ANBU before they found him, and only agreed to meet Tama because he was curious as to why the scientist was working with the military again.

His curiosity sated, Toushin said no at first. Tama then reminded him that his daughter was still very much alive and engaged now; still to Michino. Playing at the old assassin’s heartstrings he finally agreed to follow Tama back into Suna to meet with the Kazekage himself - but, under a single condition from the blond asshole. He had to remove Toushin’s immortality. When asked why the hell would any human would refuse it, the assassin simply glared at the giant who had taken away his death once before until he relented.

The ritual involved chakra-carving a sigil into the man’s back, and shaving off the extra “soul layer” that kept the assassin from feeling death’s breath on the back of his neck. It should have been overly painful, but ever true to his legacy, Uzu urged Tama to “hurry it up, I don’t got all day.” Upon removing that layer of soul the assassin aged instantly to about his late forties; which was still a good thirty years off his actual age, but he took it in stride

Within moments of slipping into Sunagakure, the assassin, still dressed as a simple fish monger, was in Shin’s office, sitting on the windowsill and staring in at the disappointing lack of security since his time away. After a short introduction, Uzu swore his alliance to the desert military on the grounds that he be allowed to exclusively teach new ANBU recruits - he didn’t care what title was required to preform that deed but, it was what he had to offer. Over a thousand years of Uzumoreru training secrets. It came to a surprise that he was offered Captain so simply, but Toushin didn’t turn it down; the extra power would help restore key cornerstones to the ANBU’s defense.

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Level: 5

Agility: 235/300
Stamina: 300/300
Taijutsu: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 150/300
Genjutsu: 155/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
Current Powerlevel: 1340

Old OOC Rank: B-Rank
Stat Cut: N/A
New Stats:

Agility: 235/300
Stamina: 300/300
Taijutsu: 150/300
Ninjutsu: 300/300
Genjutsu: 155/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
Current Powerlevel: 1340
New OOC Rank: B-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:


Body Switch (M)
Transformation (M)
Arcing Slash
Dynamic Slash
Overhead Strike

Combination Transformation
Crystal Eye
Spirit Latern
Contract Summoning
Full Circle
Cross Rip
Crimson Flash
Heavy Tow
Mystic Hand

Vanishing Slash
Lunar Steps
Sword Juggle
Zero Slash
Top Spin
Blade Trail


Janken (M) -> Hot Weapon (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Uncalled For Shot (M) -> 1000 YoP (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Low-Sweep (M) -> Pressurized Mist (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
The One-Two (M) -> Water Gun (M) [Water Ninjutsu]

4-Hit Combo (M) -> Water Whip (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Spinning Wheel (M) -> Aqua Fang (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dynamic Entry (M) -> Rinse Off (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dynamic Finish (M) -> Mask Summon (M) [ANBU]
Nut Buster (M) -> Critical Exposure (M) [ANBU]

Roaring Combo (M) -> Elemental Clone (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjustu]
Grapple (M) -> Chakra Jumping (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjutsu]
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (M) -> Grand Waterfall (M) [Water Ninjustu]
Shoryuken (M) -> Impaling Hydro Jet (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Step-In Flash (M) -> Water Prison (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dragon Assault (M) ->Rain Dance (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Tiger Hook (M) -> Blood Blade (M) [Blood Ninjutsu]
Inner Earth Reflection Lure (M) -> Crimson Whip (M) [Blood Ninjustu]
Earth Wave Flow (M) -> Red Tide (M) [Blood Ninjustu]
Earthen Coating (M) -> Stunt Double (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjutsu]

Other Refunds: Includes things like augments, storage items, puppet add-ons, and anything else you have to spend yen on. List those you have here, and indicate whether you are keeping or refunding them. All refunds are at 100%. You may purchase anything for your new character in your new training thread.

Gravel Shift
Stone Bullet
Wind Slash
Pressure Burst

Earth Flow River
Sinkhole Fist
Mud Clone
Whirlwind Spin
Air Bullet
Shredding Touch
Shadow Play
Eagle Vision
Muscle Control
Basic Safeguard

Wind Scythe
Gale Force
Wind Release
Sand Stars
Sandstorm Veil
Cluster Attack
Desert Deflection
Rock Golem

Name of any Contract you currently own:
Monkey||No Swaps
Uzu had the Bat Contract - Here

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Ryuu Otami
Old Village/Missing: Konohagakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Konoha; in a Coma
Old IC Rank: B-Rank

New Character Name: Uzumoreru Toushin
Preferred Username: Uzu
New Village/Missing: Sunagakure
New BL/CA: Chigokai
New Kinjutsu: Chimeiarashi
Custom Class:

John Ninpocho
HP: (50+LvL) x Stamina =
CP: (50+LvL) x Chakra Control =
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu | +10% chance to inflict Bleeding
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge/Gen Save/Melee Accuracy
Low: Gen DC/Ranged Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU
IC Rank: ANBU Captain

Character Age: 48 (actually 78)
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Long grey hair that dips just past the shoulders is generally kept tied up tightly into a bun on the crown of his head. Round and rather reflective glasses adorn his face above a large grey mustache. He’s hefty and clearly out of shape for a shinobi, but, for a man of his advanced age just recently removed of immortality, Toushin holds it nightmarishly well. True to his ancient training the assassin tends to wear street clothing and is never seen with his ANBU gear - his mask famously hanging once more in his office behind a glass box. Also despite his age, position, and lack of secretive living to further spite the first two things - Uzu never carries any weapons either. Closest thing to one that anyone ever sees is a pen in a pocket on his shirt.

Character's Mental Description: Toushin is a stalwart minded individual who rarely breaks form for anything. Once it’s set in stone, he will follow it to the letter. That said a long life has given him enough wisdom to know when to adjust his expectations and follow through; living life this way has lead to a lot of pleasant surprises. Ever a man of pride, Toushin rarely backs down from any task given to him - even if it means death. Underneath the calm exterior of pride is a quiet rage that has been bottled up for far longer than most humans would be capable of handling. It can be felt when the assassin expresses disappointment, and it has been described like wading in a river of raw hate.

Character History:
In the records kept closely guarded by the Oracles lies information that has been meticulously kept secret about a specific clan. It is information that is privy only to the eyes of the Kazekage and the wizened elder leading the record keepers. The clan in question was an assassin clan that dates all the way back to the days of Primus and the war against the Ancients. Specializing in stealth combat and a number of forbidden Blood Magic justu that can do everything from freezing an opponent in their tracks, to physically enhancing their own combat prowess via complete adrenal control. After the war, the clan had little left to do with the deadly techniques they had sacrificed so much for except continue employing them against the unjust. Always a shadow in the background keeping the status quo outside of Sunagakure’s eyes, the Uzumoreru gently kept the frayed parts of society from ever overtaking the early decades of the new human kingdom. It wasn’t until the Maelstrom pushed everyone into the carcass of a worm did everything finally flip for the Uzumoreru clan.

Trapped beneath the dunes they had only their fellow man to judge - and man was sorely lacking. By the time Toushin was born as the heir to this clan it had already fallen into decadence and dishonor. Born with blood so heavy in iron it was tinted black, the child was hailed as the “savior” of the clan as was prophesied by elders shortly after being forced underground. However, the entire “prophecy” was little more the hearsay among the noble blooded to keep their position. In reality the babe’s blood was a sign of a rare chakra cancer that they barely kept in check with a lead ball that had special runes scratched onto them. The assassin wouldn’t have a chakra coil for the majority of nearly 70 years of his life - instead, he was trained to gently pull in the nature chakra of the world around him into that ball in his stomach and use it in bursts. Between this and the brutal training that invoked their kin to kill off all emotions, Uzu, as he was honored, became the perfect killing machine.

And it was all a bad joke.

The chakra cancer was there for life. Eventually, it would kill him and most likely sooner than later. Kick in the nuts was that the upper echelon of the Uzumoreru had known this for decades too. There had been two other “Uzu’s” before Toushin, that both died in their early twenties with clear signs of when the cancer would kill them. Heretics, they had been called. False Saviors who’s names were stricken from the records. Who’s family were culled to prevent such false hope again. The difference between Toushin and the “Uzu’s” that came before him, was that he never showed those signs. It became more than apparent that this child was “the one”. The irony, however, was that Toushin failed in his role of being the one capable of lifting the clan back to the surface and saving them from the shadows; nay, he single-handedly destroyed them instead. How could one man destroy an ancient generational clan of assassins?

Fall in love.

Pride, was the first emotion that Toushin re-learned to feel. His ability to assassinate literally any target by the time he was thirteen lifted his self-esteem to believe in himself being something other than a tool. Pride lead to Hubris. Hubris lead to Greed. Greed lead to Lust. By the time the Prince of Assassins had crossed paths with the femme fatale that changed his life, he was already well on the path of self destruction.

There was once a time when that, if you spoke of Ryuu Tama, it could not be mentioned without also speaking of the shadow of the Uzumoreru’s prince that stalked the scientist. Their first meeting involved a well placed blade across Tama’s throat. Their second was nearly the same until a female assassin named Kitanai, stepped between the two and offered Toushin a taste of her flesh in exchange for the scientist’s life. The mission he had taken to do in the serial killer behind the woman was personal, a side-hustle for money that his clan couldn’t track. He had already tried to kill Tama once and failed - the first ever wound to his pride. Yet something about her eyes drew his attention far more than a need to assuage his ego.

Together the duo came up with a scheme to extort the mad scientist once it came to their knowledge that he was directly funded by the current Kazekage of the time; Sousuke. He would pretend to try and kill Tama every now and again, she would pretend to protect him, and charge a high-fee to do it; they’d split the winnings evenly. It was a steady, and fun, side job for Toushin that became more and more serious with every meet to get his cut of the money. He couldn’t get her out of his head. It was more than her talents in bed that enticed him to be in her presence and he couldn’t explain what exactly made him feel this way.

What was the downfall for both of them, was that she reciprocated those same feelings.

Kitanai was married. To a rather powerful and influential shinobi within the military of Suna’s underground guard-dogs. For some time he tried to hide her within his clan’s palace built deep within the catacombs of the worm’s stomach, but she couldn’t abide to staying and hiding there with him for the rest of her life. Though the love they felt for each other was strong, it was a relationship that couldn’t be without literally starting a war with Sunagakure. So, they broke it off, and Toushin was afflicted with heartbreak for the first time. His woes had only just begun.

His younger brother, Iziang, whom had been born with blood pure as snow, staged a coup to take the reigns from their parents. Toushin’s depression following his heartache did nothing to stand in his brother’s way and accepted the exile to Sunagakure where he was to likely be killed by Kitanai’s husband. Upon reaching the surface and slowly mingling into society from afar it was a short time before he did indeed run across the woman’s husband. The man had no way of knowing who Uzu was as Kitanai had been very strict in not giving up the name of the man who had kidnapped her; but he did slip that she was pregnant.

The assassin kept his distance from the couple, but always had an eye on her while she came to term. He was certain the child was his, and if so he would need to whisk it and potentially the other assassin out of Suna and into the Maelstrom. Long ago he had learned of a path that he could take that would lead them away into Soon where the people hadn’t been effected by the desert’s rage. During the last month of Kitanai’s pregancy, the assassin’s life was turned upside down, again.

In the first week of his exile, Toushin had taken on a young apprentice named Ame, that had a talent for blades so rare he felt it his duty to pass down a technique for her to master. The Uzumoreru clan that his brother had transformed felt it was a great idea to kidnap this apprentice to entice the Uzu back to the clan so they could kill him personally in a ritual to empower Iziang; the new king. Instead, the exiled prince tapped a resource he never thought he would ever use - Ryuu Tama himself. The scientist was not only a close friend of Ame, whom had known her since she was in the Academy, but more than happy to erase Toushin’s clan from their universe.

The entire battle took thirty minutes from start to finish. Uzu rescued his apprentice, killed his younger brother without really trying to, and Tama erased the rest of the assassins by dropping their castle into the gorge they had built it over via a powerful wind ninjutsu. A day later Kitanai gave birth to twins - one with his bloodline, the other belonging to her partner. The assassin quickly stole his child away and took to the dunes, his apprentice following behind as the Uzumoreru had taken everything away from her in their attempt to kill the Uzu.

Together they raised the child, eventually became a couple, and lived happily for five years until a note came in for Ame describing an ancient weapon belonging to her clan that needed to be collected by her hands only. In need of a fresh adventure, the swords-woman bid her husband farewell as he trained their daughter and came back two weeks later as a head in a box. The symbol of Tama’s clan was burned onto her forehead, invoking a direct rage at the mad scientist he hadn’t felt since their second meet. The entire death, head included, was a ruse from Tengokai - Tama’s father. He felt that his son was truly unkillable in many areas, but that if there was one human in the entire world who could do it, it would be the self-titled Prince of Assassins. Toushin left his child, Chiyo, in the care of Sunagakure and left to hunt down a method to kill the Solar Hybrid.

Sixteen years of searching finally brought the assassin back home to do his deed only to find himself at the mercy of his suddenly twenty-year old daughter. To say she was a brat would be taking it lightly, and the stoic assassin didn’t take well to her attitude. His anger lashed out more than once against her, the woman who had raised her, and the shinobi village itself for many years after, especially when he learned she had joined and quit their military once already. The bottled anger he had meant to unleash against the mad scientist was also forced in deeper as Tama had the direct protection of Sousuke and the current Kazekage - Katsuo. He had gone through some sort of redemption arc while the Uzu was traveling the world learning ancient killing techniques.

The scientist, in the form of an old man due to a weening from human souls, told Toushin that the person who likely killed his wife was the Hybrid’s father and not him; he had no reason to lie. Teng had also made a mess of the Toraono clan while Toushin was away, and fathered a second child, Michino. Likely the death of his wife was a reason to get Uzu to kill Tama but, the Curse of the Ryuu Clan had grown impatient and moved on to a different strategy instead. The feeling of having been played so handedly burned the assassin’s pride hard once more.

Toushin quickly took back to the Underground, filled the vacuum Tama left, and became the “King”, down there for a solid decade before dismantling the entire organized crime syndicate himself and joining ANBU as an adviser and a redactor of sensitive materials. It was what allowed him to keep a vice-grip of Diamond’s nobles that also nearly ruined the Black Market. Only thing that saved it inadvertently was a deadly interloper known as Yong; and at the hands of that far stronger opponent, Uzu nearly tasted the sweet release of death. Instead he survived, barely, and found the disease that should of killed him in his youth in full swing once more. The battle had been so intense that he broke the lead ball inside of his stomach that had kept the cancer at bay. Without the ability to channel any sort of nature chakra into his body, the disease at him alive. During this time, he briefly took on another apprentice to pass his techniques onto to aid Sunagakure, but before her training was finished his illness overtook him, and he was quickly hospitalized.

Within that hospital room the scientist Ryuu Tama appeared and injected Toushin with “something,” that caused the old man to enter cataract arrest. Michino threw Tama out the fourth story window of the Omni-Prime and the final Uzu of the Uzumoreru clan died right after Tama. Except, it was all according to the mad scientist’s plan. His corpse was never found, and Toushin’s corpse was exhumed by an unknown person shortly after his burial.

Tama did what any friend would do when the meaning behind his life for the last thirty years would do - he cloned them. Ever since that first death, Toushin and Tama played a game of cat-n-mouse, and this continued on and off for most of their lives; especially during the ten years following Uzu’s return to “royalty”. The scientist would also gift his “friend” immortality by splicing Toushin’s genteics with both his own, and his late wife’s. The fusion of the three would create a body of “the perfect assassin”, and all Tama had to do was inject it with his friend’s soul.

When Toushin woke back up, all he could feel was fury. Fury at having his chance at eternal peace after seventy years of assassination stolen by this blond bastard once again. He broke free of Tama’s lab and escaped to parts of the desert the madman couldn’t reach. There the killer laid low with his new body and began to live a second life as a simple mercenary for a single year. Then the second year, after saving up all his money, he bought a boat and became a fisherman. Another eight years would pass before the two would cross paths again.

The old assassin was overweight, wore glasses, and clearly had stopped training long ago. Tama wailed at the sight of the perfect body, perfectly gone to waste. The only reason the two managed to cross paths again was due to Shin’s recent ascent to the title of Kazekage and a need to fill important positions. Tama, contracted once again to the village leader, had a list of people he could tap to help fill in gaps but, there was one person at the top of that list that would require Suna’s best “blood-hounds” to sniff out. Toushin found the ANBU before they found him, and only agreed to meet Tama because he was curious as to why the scientist was working with the military again.

His curiosity sated, Toushin said no at first. Tama then reminded him that his daughter was still very much alive and engaged now; still to Michino. Playing at the old assassin’s heartstrings he finally agreed to follow Tama back into Suna to meet with the Kazekage himself - but, under a single condition from the blond asshole. He had to remove Toushin’s immortality. When asked why the hell would any human would refuse it, the assassin simply glared at the giant who had taken away his death once before until he relented.

The ritual involved chakra-carving a sigil into the man’s back, and shaving off the extra “soul layer” that kept the assassin from feeling death’s breath on the back of his neck. It should have been overly painful, but ever true to his legacy, Uzu urged Tama to “hurry it up, I don’t got all day.” Upon removing that layer of soul the assassin aged instantly to about his late forties; which was still a good thirty years off his actual age, but he took it in stride

Within moments of slipping into Sunagakure, the assassin, still dressed as a simple fish monger, was in Shin’s office, sitting on the windowsill and staring in at the disappointing lack of security since his time away. After a short introduction, Uzu swore his alliance to the desert military on the grounds that he be allowed to exclusively teach new ANBU recruits - he didn’t care what title was required to preform that deed but, it was what he had to offer. Over a thousand years of Uzumoreru training secrets. It came to a surprise that he was offered Captain so simply, but Toushin didn’t turn it down; the extra power would help restore key cornerstones to the ANBU’s defense.

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Level: 5

Agility: 235/300
Stamina: 300/300
Taijutsu: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 150/300
Genjutsu: 155/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
Current Powerlevel: 1340

Old OOC Rank: B-Rank
Stat Cut: N/A
New Stats:

Agility: 235/300
Stamina: 300/300
Taijutsu: 150/300
Ninjutsu: 300/300
Genjutsu: 155/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
Current Powerlevel: 1340
New OOC Rank: B-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:


Body Switch (M)
Transformation (M)
Arcing Slash
Dynamic Slash
Overhead Strike

Combination Transformation
Crystal Eye
Spirit Latern
Contract Summoning
Full Circle
Cross Rip
Crimson Flash
Heavy Tow
Mystic Hand

Vanishing Slash
Lunar Steps
Sword Juggle
Zero Slash
Top Spin
Blade Trail


Janken (M) -> Hot Weapon (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Uncalled For Shot (M) -> 1000 YoP (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Low-Sweep (M) -> Pressurized Mist (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
The One-Two (M) -> Water Gun (M) [Water Ninjutsu]

4-Hit Combo (M) -> Water Whip (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Spinning Wheel (M) -> Aqua Fang (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dynamic Entry (M) -> Rinse Off (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dynamic Finish (M) -> Mask Summon (M) [ANBU]
Nut Buster (M) -> Critical Exposure (M) [ANBU]

Roaring Combo (M) -> Elemental Clone (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjustu]
Grapple (M) -> Chakra Jumping (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjutsu]
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (M) -> Grand Waterfall (M) [Water Ninjustu]
Shoryuken (M) -> Impaling Hydro Jet (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Step-In Flash (M) -> Water Prison (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dragon Assault (M) ->Rain Dance (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Tiger Hook (M) -> Blood Blade (M) [Blood Ninjutsu]
Inner Earth Reflection Lure (M) -> Crimson Whip (M) [Blood Ninjustu]
Earth Wave Flow (M) -> Red Tide (M) [Blood Ninjustu]
Earthen Coating (M) -> Stunt Double (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjutsu]

Other Refunds: Includes things like augments, storage items, puppet add-ons, and anything else you have to spend yen on. List those you have here, and indicate whether you are keeping or refunding them. All refunds are at 100%. You may purchase anything for your new character in your new training thread.

Gravel Shift
Stone Bullet
Wind Slash
Pressure Burst

Earth Flow River
Sinkhole Fist
Mud Clone
Whirlwind Spin
Air Bullet
Shredding Touch
Shadow Play
Eagle Vision
Muscle Control
Basic Safeguard

Wind Scythe
Gale Force
Wind Release
Sand Stars
Sandstorm Veil
Cluster Attack
Desert Deflection
Rock Golem

Name of any Contract you currently own:
Monkey||No Swaps
Uzu had the Bat Contract - Here

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?

Taken to council land!

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Ryuu Otami
Old Village/Missing: Konohagakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Konoha; in a Coma
Old IC Rank: B-Rank

New Character Name: Uzumoreru Toushin
Preferred Username: Uzu
New Village/Missing: Sunagakure
New BL/CA: Chigokai
New Kinjutsu: Chimeiarashi
Custom Class:

John Ninpocho
HP: (50+LvL) x Stamina =
CP: (50+LvL) x Chakra Control =
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu | +10% chance to inflict Bleeding
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge/Gen Save/Melee Accuracy
Low: Gen DC/Ranged Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU
IC Rank: ANBU Captain

Character Age: 48 (actually 78)
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Long grey hair that dips just past the shoulders is generally kept tied up tightly into a bun on the crown of his head. Round and rather reflective glasses adorn his face above a large grey mustache. He’s hefty and clearly out of shape for a shinobi, but, for a man of his advanced age just recently removed of immortality, Toushin holds it nightmarishly well. True to his ancient training the assassin tends to wear street clothing and is never seen with his ANBU gear - his mask famously hanging once more in his office behind a glass box. Also despite his age, position, and lack of secretive living to further spite the first two things - Uzu never carries any weapons either. Closest thing to one that anyone ever sees is a pen in a pocket on his shirt.

Character's Mental Description: Toushin is a stalwart minded individual who rarely breaks form for anything. Once it’s set in stone, he will follow it to the letter. That said a long life has given him enough wisdom to know when to adjust his expectations and follow through; living life this way has lead to a lot of pleasant surprises. Ever a man of pride, Toushin rarely backs down from any task given to him - even if it means death. Underneath the calm exterior of pride is a quiet rage that has been bottled up for far longer than most humans would be capable of handling. It can be felt when the assassin expresses disappointment, and it has been described like wading in a river of raw hate.

Character History:
In the records kept closely guarded by the Oracles lies information that has been meticulously kept secret about a specific clan. It is information that is privy only to the eyes of the Kazekage and the wizened elder leading the record keepers. The clan in question was an assassin clan that dates all the way back to the days of Primus and the war against the Ancients. Specializing in stealth combat and a number of forbidden Blood Magic justu that can do everything from freezing an opponent in their tracks, to physically enhancing their own combat prowess via complete adrenal control. After the war, the clan had little left to do with the deadly techniques they had sacrificed so much for except continue employing them against the unjust. Always a shadow in the background keeping the status quo outside of Sunagakure’s eyes, the Uzumoreru gently kept the frayed parts of society from ever overtaking the early decades of the new human kingdom. It wasn’t until the Maelstrom pushed everyone into the carcass of a worm did everything finally flip for the Uzumoreru clan.

Trapped beneath the dunes they had only their fellow man to judge - and man was sorely lacking. By the time Toushin was born as the heir to this clan it had already fallen into decadence and dishonor. Born with blood so heavy in iron it was tinted black, the child was hailed as the “savior” of the clan as was prophesied by elders shortly after being forced underground. However, the entire “prophecy” was little more the hearsay among the noble blooded to keep their position. In reality the babe’s blood was a sign of a rare chakra cancer that they barely kept in check with a lead ball that had special runes scratched onto them. The assassin wouldn’t have a chakra coil for the majority of nearly 70 years of his life - instead, he was trained to gently pull in the nature chakra of the world around him into that ball in his stomach and use it in bursts. Between this and the brutal training that invoked their kin to kill off all emotions, Uzu, as he was honored, became the perfect killing machine.

And it was all a bad joke.

The chakra cancer was there for life. Eventually, it would kill him and most likely sooner than later. Kick in the nuts was that the upper echelon of the Uzumoreru had known this for decades too. There had been two other “Uzu’s” before Toushin, that both died in their early twenties with clear signs of when the cancer would kill them. Heretics, they had been called. False Saviors who’s names were stricken from the records. Who’s family were culled to prevent such false hope again. The difference between Toushin and the “Uzu’s” that came before him, was that he never showed those signs. It became more than apparent that this child was “the one”. The irony, however, was that Toushin failed in his role of being the one capable of lifting the clan back to the surface and saving them from the shadows; nay, he single-handedly destroyed them instead. How could one man destroy an ancient generational clan of assassins?

Fall in love.

Pride, was the first emotion that Toushin re-learned to feel. His ability to assassinate literally any target by the time he was thirteen lifted his self-esteem to believe in himself being something other than a tool. Pride lead to Hubris. Hubris lead to Greed. Greed lead to Lust. By the time the Prince of Assassins had crossed paths with the femme fatale that changed his life, he was already well on the path of self destruction.

There was once a time when that, if you spoke of Ryuu Tama, it could not be mentioned without also speaking of the shadow of the Uzumoreru’s prince that stalked the scientist. Their first meeting involved a well placed blade across Tama’s throat. Their second was nearly the same until a female assassin named Kitanai, stepped between the two and offered Toushin a taste of her flesh in exchange for the scientist’s life. The mission he had taken to do in the serial killer behind the woman was personal, a side-hustle for money that his clan couldn’t track. He had already tried to kill Tama once and failed - the first ever wound to his pride. Yet something about her eyes drew his attention far more than a need to assuage his ego.

Together the duo came up with a scheme to extort the mad scientist once it came to their knowledge that he was directly funded by the current Kazekage of the time; Sousuke. He would pretend to try and kill Tama every now and again, she would pretend to protect him, and charge a high-fee to do it; they’d split the winnings evenly. It was a steady, and fun, side job for Toushin that became more and more serious with every meet to get his cut of the money. He couldn’t get her out of his head. It was more than her talents in bed that enticed him to be in her presence and he couldn’t explain what exactly made him feel this way.

What was the downfall for both of them, was that she reciprocated those same feelings.

Kitanai was married. To a rather powerful and influential shinobi within the military of Suna’s underground guard-dogs. For some time he tried to hide her within his clan’s palace built deep within the catacombs of the worm’s stomach, but she couldn’t abide to staying and hiding there with him for the rest of her life. Though the love they felt for each other was strong, it was a relationship that couldn’t be without literally starting a war with Sunagakure. So, they broke it off, and Toushin was afflicted with heartbreak for the first time. His woes had only just begun.

His younger brother, Iziang, whom had been born with blood pure as snow, staged a coup to take the reigns from their parents. Toushin’s depression following his heartache did nothing to stand in his brother’s way and accepted the exile to Sunagakure where he was to likely be killed by Kitanai’s husband. Upon reaching the surface and slowly mingling into society from afar it was a short time before he did indeed run across the woman’s husband. The man had no way of knowing who Uzu was as Kitanai had been very strict in not giving up the name of the man who had kidnapped her; but he did slip that she was pregnant.

The assassin kept his distance from the couple, but always had an eye on her while she came to term. He was certain the child was his, and if so he would need to whisk it and potentially the other assassin out of Suna and into the Maelstrom. Long ago he had learned of a path that he could take that would lead them away into Soon where the people hadn’t been effected by the desert’s rage. During the last month of Kitanai’s pregancy, the assassin’s life was turned upside down, again.

In the first week of his exile, Toushin had taken on a young apprentice named Ame, that had a talent for blades so rare he felt it his duty to pass down a technique for her to master. The Uzumoreru clan that his brother had transformed felt it was a great idea to kidnap this apprentice to entice the Uzu back to the clan so they could kill him personally in a ritual to empower Iziang; the new king. Instead, the exiled prince tapped a resource he never thought he would ever use - Ryuu Tama himself. The scientist was not only a close friend of Ame, whom had known her since she was in the Academy, but more than happy to erase Toushin’s clan from their universe.

The entire battle took thirty minutes from start to finish. Uzu rescued his apprentice, killed his younger brother without really trying to, and Tama erased the rest of the assassins by dropping their castle into the gorge they had built it over via a powerful wind ninjutsu. A day later Kitanai gave birth to twins - one with his bloodline, the other belonging to her partner. The assassin quickly stole his child away and took to the dunes, his apprentice following behind as the Uzumoreru had taken everything away from her in their attempt to kill the Uzu.

Together they raised the child, eventually became a couple, and lived happily for five years until a note came in for Ame describing an ancient weapon belonging to her clan that needed to be collected by her hands only. In need of a fresh adventure, the swords-woman bid her husband farewell as he trained their daughter and came back two weeks later as a head in a box. The symbol of Tama’s clan was burned onto her forehead, invoking a direct rage at the mad scientist he hadn’t felt since their second meet. The entire death, head included, was a ruse from Tengokai - Tama’s father. He felt that his son was truly unkillable in many areas, but that if there was one human in the entire world who could do it, it would be the self-titled Prince of Assassins. Toushin left his child, Chiyo, in the care of Sunagakure and left to hunt down a method to kill the Solar Hybrid.

Sixteen years of searching finally brought the assassin back home to do his deed only to find himself at the mercy of his suddenly twenty-year old daughter. To say she was a brat would be taking it lightly, and the stoic assassin didn’t take well to her attitude. His anger lashed out more than once against her, the woman who had raised her, and the shinobi village itself for many years after, especially when he learned she had joined and quit their military once already. The bottled anger he had meant to unleash against the mad scientist was also forced in deeper as Tama had the direct protection of Sousuke and the current Kazekage - Katsuo. He had gone through some sort of redemption arc while the Uzu was traveling the world learning ancient killing techniques.

The scientist, in the form of an old man due to a weening from human souls, told Toushin that the person who likely killed his wife was the Hybrid’s father and not him; he had no reason to lie. Teng had also made a mess of the Toraono clan while Toushin was away, and fathered a second child, Michino. Likely the death of his wife was a reason to get Uzu to kill Tama but, the Curse of the Ryuu Clan had grown impatient and moved on to a different strategy instead. The feeling of having been played so handedly burned the assassin’s pride hard once more.

Toushin quickly took back to the Underground, filled the vacuum Tama left, and became the “King”, down there for a solid decade before dismantling the entire organized crime syndicate himself and joining ANBU as an adviser and a redactor of sensitive materials. It was what allowed him to keep a vice-grip of Diamond’s nobles that also nearly ruined the Black Market. Only thing that saved it inadvertently was a deadly interloper known as Yong; and at the hands of that far stronger opponent, Uzu nearly tasted the sweet release of death. Instead he survived, barely, and found the disease that should of killed him in his youth in full swing once more. The battle had been so intense that he broke the lead ball inside of his stomach that had kept the cancer at bay. Without the ability to channel any sort of nature chakra into his body, the disease at him alive. During this time, he briefly took on another apprentice to pass his techniques onto to aid Sunagakure, but before her training was finished his illness overtook him, and he was quickly hospitalized.

Within that hospital room the scientist Ryuu Tama appeared and injected Toushin with “something,” that caused the old man to enter cataract arrest. Michino threw Tama out the fourth story window of the Omni-Prime and the final Uzu of the Uzumoreru clan died right after Tama. Except, it was all according to the mad scientist’s plan. His corpse was never found, and Toushin’s corpse was exhumed by an unknown person shortly after his burial.

Tama did what any friend would do when the meaning behind his life for the last thirty years would do - he cloned them. Ever since that first death, Toushin and Tama played a game of cat-n-mouse, and this continued on and off for most of their lives; especially during the ten years following Uzu’s return to “royalty”. The scientist would also gift his “friend” immortality by splicing Toushin’s genteics with both his own, and his late wife’s. The fusion of the three would create a body of “the perfect assassin”, and all Tama had to do was inject it with his friend’s soul.

When Toushin woke back up, all he could feel was fury. Fury at having his chance at eternal peace after seventy years of assassination stolen by this blond bastard once again. He broke free of Tama’s lab and escaped to parts of the desert the madman couldn’t reach. There the killer laid low with his new body and began to live a second life as a simple mercenary for a single year. Then the second year, after saving up all his money, he bought a boat and became a fisherman. Another eight years would pass before the two would cross paths again.

The old assassin was overweight, wore glasses, and clearly had stopped training long ago. Tama wailed at the sight of the perfect body, perfectly gone to waste. The only reason the two managed to cross paths again was due to Shin’s recent ascent to the title of Kazekage and a need to fill important positions. Tama, contracted once again to the village leader, had a list of people he could tap to help fill in gaps but, there was one person at the top of that list that would require Suna’s best “blood-hounds” to sniff out. Toushin found the ANBU before they found him, and only agreed to meet Tama because he was curious as to why the scientist was working with the military again.

His curiosity sated, Toushin said no at first. Tama then reminded him that his daughter was still very much alive and engaged now; still to Michino. Playing at the old assassin’s heartstrings he finally agreed to follow Tama back into Suna to meet with the Kazekage himself - but, under a single condition from the blond asshole. He had to remove Toushin’s immortality. When asked why the hell would any human would refuse it, the assassin simply glared at the giant who had taken away his death once before until he relented.

The ritual involved chakra-carving a sigil into the man’s back, and shaving off the extra “soul layer” that kept the assassin from feeling death’s breath on the back of his neck. It should have been overly painful, but ever true to his legacy, Uzu urged Tama to “hurry it up, I don’t got all day.” Upon removing that layer of soul the assassin aged instantly to about his late forties; which was still a good thirty years off his actual age, but he took it in stride

Within moments of slipping into Sunagakure, the assassin, still dressed as a simple fish monger, was in Shin’s office, sitting on the windowsill and staring in at the disappointing lack of security since his time away. After a short introduction, Uzu swore his alliance to the desert military on the grounds that he be allowed to exclusively teach new ANBU recruits - he didn’t care what title was required to preform that deed but, it was what he had to offer. Over a thousand years of Uzumoreru training secrets. It came to a surprise that he was offered Captain so simply, but Toushin didn’t turn it down; the extra power would help restore key cornerstones to the ANBU’s defense.

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Level: 5

Agility: 235/300
Stamina: 300/300
Taijutsu: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 150/300
Genjutsu: 155/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
Current Powerlevel: 1340

Old OOC Rank: B-Rank
Stat Cut: N/A
New Stats:

Agility: 235/300
Stamina: 300/300
Taijutsu: 150/300
Ninjutsu: 300/300
Genjutsu: 155/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
Current Powerlevel: 1340
New OOC Rank: B-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:


Body Switch (M)
Transformation (M)
Arcing Slash
Dynamic Slash
Overhead Strike

Combination Transformation
Crystal Eye
Spirit Latern
Contract Summoning
Full Circle
Cross Rip
Crimson Flash
Heavy Tow
Mystic Hand

Vanishing Slash
Lunar Steps
Sword Juggle
Zero Slash
Top Spin
Blade Trail


Janken (M) -> Hot Weapon (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Uncalled For Shot (M) -> 1000 YoP (M) [Kinetic Genjustu]
Low-Sweep (M) -> Pressurized Mist (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
The One-Two (M) -> Water Gun (M) [Water Ninjutsu]

4-Hit Combo (M) -> Water Whip (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Spinning Wheel (M) -> Aqua Fang (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dynamic Entry (M) -> Rinse Off (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dynamic Finish (M) -> Mask Summon (M) [ANBU]
Nut Buster (M) -> Critical Exposure (M) [ANBU]

Roaring Combo (M) -> Elemental Clone (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjustu]
Grapple (M) -> Chakra Jumping (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjutsu]
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (M) -> Grand Waterfall (M) [Water Ninjustu]
Shoryuken (M) -> Impaling Hydro Jet (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Step-In Flash (M) -> Water Prison (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Dragon Assault (M) ->Rain Dance (M) [Water Ninjutsu]
Tiger Hook (M) -> Blood Blade (M) [Blood Ninjutsu]
Inner Earth Reflection Lure (M) -> Crimson Whip (M) [Blood Ninjustu]
Earth Wave Flow (M) -> Red Tide (M) [Blood Ninjustu]
Earthen Coating (M) -> Stunt Double (M) [Non-Elemental Ninjutsu]

Other Refunds: Includes things like augments, storage items, puppet add-ons, and anything else you have to spend yen on. List those you have here, and indicate whether you are keeping or refunding them. All refunds are at 100%. You may purchase anything for your new character in your new training thread.

Gravel Shift
Stone Bullet
Wind Slash
Pressure Burst

Earth Flow River
Sinkhole Fist
Mud Clone
Whirlwind Spin
Air Bullet
Shredding Touch
Shadow Play
Eagle Vision
Muscle Control
Basic Safeguard

Wind Scythe
Gale Force
Wind Release
Sand Stars
Sandstorm Veil
Cluster Attack
Desert Deflection
Rock Golem

Name of any Contract you currently own:
Monkey||No Swaps
Uzu had the Bat Contract - Here

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
Okay approved, I have not done the refunds for the changes bit as I'm also working on bed time. The character can be played but I will calculate how much I owe you as soon as I can. Unless someone else beats me to it!

Otherwise welcome to Suna!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
