Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Sandy Plains on the rise [Private]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
'Click Clack Click Clack'

The foot steps of Tamashii walking through the halls after he finished drafting up a theory and idea for a long winded trip to Sunagakure and Kumogakure. It would be something that would strengthen the alliances of the villages around the world. Their world. Which was now roaming into the realms of peace and tranquility. He found himself feeding into the ideals of the village lifestyle once again, becoming a shadow to the man in charge... someday he would live up to his expectations. He would become the man who would succeed the Yukata name. Bringing the name Yumoto praise and adoration. This was one way to get that from which he wanted... Hero's were born from the ideals of their makers, and Tamashii's Ideals were to bring the Shinobi world at large to come together against the evils that provoke the generations after them...

Tamashii saw himself as the light... a flicker of hope that evil can be transformed for good. He was an example that a man could change the stars of his destiny with work and effort and a want to change for the better of family, love, and understanding. To understand one another was the bridge in the gap of all that he could find holy in this world... so it would come as no surprise that this modern philosopher of the shinobi world would look for the next day to come, to be brought to the footsteps of the leaders of this place... and the people would flourish with those same ideals...

They would be safe as a result of them as well, though it didnt at all matter Tamashii was here to begin the steps to bring about this new world. To bring her to her full potential. Knocking on the door and walking through Tama would bow a head to each person sitting, as well as the leader of this village, "Aye... Hokage-sama... I have requested an audience with you..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Since the information presented had the chance of being classified, Umashi only had one other person in the room, an ANBU operative that sat typing up the notes of the meeting. Greeting Tamashii, Umashi motioned towards one of the available seats and opened a black folder sitting in front of him. Once again having little time to change out of his medical garb, he presented himself as one of the medics but only a fool wouldn't recognize the Hokage in person. "So, about this trip of your . . . trips really . . . what's the plan exactly?" Umashi asked despite knowing full well what the man planned on doing, he just had to hear it for his own ears and for the record. In the mission briefing room, the long table afforded a very business first feel, but Umashi was the same old Umashi as ever. He expected good things from having Tamashii as his second but the man surely had a great deal of pressure on him to produce results.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
As if noticing the ideals flooded by the mark on his back the Sennin would come into the room with the single ANBU to record and the Kage himself. Though, Tama would not sit down, he would stand infront of the man he respected with his entire heart. Though he'd want to cut this short. "Aye, Trips. I'm going to Suna and Kumogakure, as a sort of peace offering that we begin doing things intervillage wise instead of keeping to ourselves. The treaty of Knowledge, is something I drew up... A treaty that would allow the knowledge of the Students and Genin to mingle with other villages in open terrain exams ran by a respected official from each village in the known land. Even some lesser Villages such as Moon and Stone. Those which dont have prominence that want to be recognized in these... 'Games' So to speak.", nodding he would hand the Scroll from his gi to Umashi before continuing.

"This could be our official... 'We're Back' into the top spot of the Shinobi and Waring nations. However, being in the position we are... As a melting pot of the Shinobi world we can show the world the might of the hand that the Fire Nation has over the shinobi world at large. This will be a grand chance to take a grip on the world and show that Konoha is back, and even stronger than it has ever been... Like the Great fire of the Phoenix, we are reborn from the ashes of our forefathers...", nodding once again he would bow a head to the man, before awaiting his response. Tama didnt expect much, but he did expect... Something of a "Sure."


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto stepped out of the Kokuren with a burgundy blazer, a white sash, black undershirt and xream slacks. He had black boots on as he walked towards the village Kage's office. The Hokage's mansion was not relatively far but he took the scenic route. He wanted to enjoy the scenery before he made it there. Yuuto missed his Demonic Chakra things were so much more lively with it. He was back to brooding again and so overly intent on too many bleak things. However he had a plan, a master one to help fix the situation and create an opportunity for Umashi. He knew the ranks in Anbu were below favorable but at this point he decided it was time for a new direction. However he had to handle one thing first, Tamashii needed to know.

Yuuto reached the mansion, and made his way to the office. He lightly tapped on it three times before opening and entering the room. He closed the door behind him slowly, while simultaneously activating his molecules. He was in a hurry to slide to a corner in the room and apologize. "Hello, I'm here as requested." he awkwardly moved to the desk and slid a document onto Umashis desk. It was his formal resignation as the Anbu Sennin.
Dear Umashi,

While I appreciate your consideration and advice. I feel that my brand of Security is too much for Konoha. I know longer wish to battle for my position or destroy bridges over a title. While I did hope to inspire Anbu I don't want to do so with a chip on my shoulder because I'm an "Outsider". I'm going to focus on my business and duties as a diplomat for Kumogakure.

However I'm not one to leave people high and dry. I have trained a squadron of Anbu who can serve as a backbone unit under your direction. Do what you will with them, I'm no longer in that picture.


He would slide back to the corner looking at Tamashii before he spoke again. "Does he know?" just another situation needed out of the way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Stroking his chin, Umashi could definitely see where Tamashii was going with all of this. In fact, he could definitely say that he most welcomed it. Midway into signing a copy of orders for Tamashii, Umashi heard a knock at the door and then Yuuto rushed into the room as if it wasn't the Hokage that he was seeing. Flailing a bit and yelling out a profanity, Umashi was shocked to his core at the news that his eyes could help but read when it was placed before him. Thoughts raced through his mind quickly and before he could use crafty wording to get himself out of a bind he was faced with the one topic that he didn't want opened at the moment with Tamashii before him. "No . . . not yet." Before his eyes Umashi was watching the whole of the situation play out in slow motion and considering his perception of time, the event was truly happening in slow motion. Quickly raising a hand to try and stop Yuuto from speaking any further, Umashi knew that with Yuuto being just as fast as he was that this definitely wasn't going to end well.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Grinning from ear to ear Umashi seemed to like the idea, and Tamashii being the aid to this great man would take pride in the idea that one of his ideas had the blessing of his comrade and leader. Nodding he would look up to the door as the knocking could be heard and Yuuto the new ANBU sennin would appear, "Hello Yuuto-san... Nice to see you again." though something seemed quite off. Tamashii could feel the air of the room change from how it started. So he would nod politely and smile before watching Umashi read the letter before responding to Yuuto... it seemed that they were talking about Tama, but what couldnt Tamashii know... Or rather what didnt he know? There were alot of strange things going on. HIs book of scriptures ad vanished and it seemed that someone had broken into his house. Though it coudnt have been his sister. He was on the lookout for culprits. As well as the mysterious disappearance of Hakuren. He wanted to take her on the trip, so they could see the world together. Maybe he'd even take her to Stone where he'd once been from.

"Its rude to talk about someone whose standing right here... What are you two going on about?" he'd question before looking directly at Yuuto. Waiting for some answers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
"Sorry, if you don't know yet..." Yuuto spoke casually but quickly letting himself create a void of space. He was trying to just get this over with considering that everything was collapsing. He had no will to really argue or try to explain his case. He was a bit more dead on the inside these days. One could guess this was bound to turn out this way too, everything had a reason. He simply wanted Tamashii to know the truth before he left, considering Konoha sorely lacked that. How would the Advisor feel when he knew Hakuren was dead, her deity Kojoro constantly lied, Hakuren wasn't even her real name, and that the man who ended her suffering is the same executioner who slew Yo for Tama. He was sure it would hit him in the heart like a corkscrew punch but it was one that he needed.

"Hakuren is dead, I'm the one who pulled the trigger. I'm sorry, she was possessed by her reaper Kojoro. I discovered she wasn't even named Hakuren, the woman you grew to love was nothing more than a fable.</B><i></i> Yuuto tossed a Gem to Tamashii. It held the recording of Yuuto's encounter with Hakuren, it would allow Tamashii to see the confrontation and see her final moments. She wasnt killed painfully, quick and to the point, then Yuuto has healed her physical wounds so the body would be fresh for burial.

<B>"Her corpse is in the morgue. I'm sure you need to process this so I'll leave you to it. Goodbye." Yuuto made his exit quickly leaving just as fast as he entered.

[Topic Left]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
The idea that this was just the end of the conversation was something that Tamashii didnt think but... in a whisk Tamashii would think for the moment, looking to Umashi and then Yuuto who was making his exit after Tama caught the crystal... Taking it and tucking it into a pocket. Nodding he would look to Umashi... knowing that how Umashi also knew... this had to be true. He would have words with Yuuto... but for now he would have to end with this...

"...I'll... take this to be processed... I wont be going myself anymore... but... I'll gather those to go..." the life in his voice left... he was defeated but he would not show his hurt just yet. Choosing to take a look at the crystal before thinking himself. "...I also resign as a shinobi... I will merely serve as your advisor... I dont want to fight anymore...... I cant fight after this..." nodding he would leave... taking it in as he pulled the crystal out and began listening and watching as he left the room... tears falling to the floor.

[Topic Left]
[Tamashii Retires]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
And just like that, the whole of the situation played out before Umashi like a playwrights dreams left to wander. Feeling like a helpless husk of himself, Umashi felt as though the out of body experience was one that was happening to somebody else. Managing to get a few words out before Yuuto could leave, Umashi stammered an heartfelt request. "Yuuto, wait . . ." What he found was that even though Yuuto could have probably stopped to speak more, he was purposeful in his blunt denial of Umashi's request to wait and talk things through.

Assessing the situation, Umashi quickly turned to Tamashii and though he really had nothing meaningful to say in regards to why she had to die, he did feel for the man on the front of losing a close loved one.
"Tama, just let me explain . . ." Again, Umashi's request feel on deaf ears as Tama suddenly became a shell of his former self and resigned on the spot. In such a short time, another crushing blow hit Umashi as he found himself falling back into his seat. He wondered when he'd actually stood up. In a matter of minutes a once promising village was suddenly down very prominent people. Feeling his emotions swirling, the one that rose to the forefront was anger. Umashi was angry because he felt helpless to stop anyone from leaving, and he felt hopelessness because suddenly the treaty with Kumo was in jeopardy.

Whether he was unable or unwilling, Umashi didn't try to calm his anger and with his emotions rising, so did his chakra as it reacted to his emotional state. As the room began to become saturated with his chakra, a knock at the door stirred him from his mood just long enough for him to get up and straighten himself out a bit. Fixing his face as a mother might have called it, he walked to the door and put on his best smile though it was a surprise when the secretary who handed him a letter seemed to have tears in her eyes.
"Is everything alright?" Umashi started to comfort her but the girl shook her head and ran off crying. Thinking it odd, Umashi closed the door and opened the letter only to find that he was just as affected as the secretary was.

Though the letter was brief, Umashi could surmise all that he needed to with the words that were carefully written on the parchment. Yume was going on a sabbatical and relinquishing all Sennin duties. Without thinking about it, Umashi crumbled up the paper and his anger blazed. Though he wasn't made at all of the individuals, Umashi was definitely upset about the recant series of unfortunate events. The disappearance of Kenshin, the death of Hakuren, then the resignation of Yuuto, Tamashii and Yume all in one night.

Without giving it much thought, Umashi charged the crumbled paper in his hand with chakra, condensing all that he'd let fill the room into the smallest point within the paper and then threw the paper ball as hard as he could at the wastebasket. Though he was frustrated, what he didn't expect was for the paper ball to explode midway across the room. Sounding like a firecracker, the shock of the small explosion snapped Umashi back to reality for the moment. It was in that moment though that Umashi gave caution to the wind and walked over to his bookshelf. With a sly grin on his face, Umashi began to rip page after page from the book and quickly began to experiment with the newfound power that he possessed. It seemed that channeling his anger in such a way brought a small comfort to the pain that he felt in his heart.

OOC: Topic left.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
