Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Shinobi= The life with unexpected Peaches! (Tutor)

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka had heard a few students wanted to have a tutor with the previous Kage even though she was somewhat retired. But anyway, she couldn’t turn down lost pipsqueaks who wanted to learn more about the life of a Shinobi. You know, that’s what her lesson was going to be about. What the life of a Shinobi entailed. What they should expect. She had sent the announcement to the academy, letting whoever was interested know that she would be having a tutor session in her bar about Shinobi life in general. Some advice on how to achieve their potential. Of course, to those with a good eye they would realize the subtext meaning.

None of them could be considered Shinobi.

With that she simply waited at her bar, behind the counter slowly heating up a tea kettle with one of her special, custom-made blends of tea. Quite delicious if she said so herself. Placing cups at each of the bar stools in front of her she simply waited for those who wanted to join her.

(Welcome to Shinobi= The life with unexpected peaches!

This class has two conditions for passing.

  • 1,500 words over 5 posts.
  • Successfully show the infamous firecracker (Me!) that you have what it takes to be a Shinobi.
  • ?
There’ll be a 48 hour (unless asked for extension) wait time for first posts and 72 hours time limit (unless asked for extension) for posts. If you don’t post in that time frame you will be skipped. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns.)


New Member
May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
Oddly, Jinzo was far more interested in why a shinobi class was happening at a bar instead of an actual classroom or somewhere else normal. To his inner chef, this was just another great excuse to figure out what paired well with certain dishes and what definitely needed to be left alone. Not one to turn down a great learning opportunity, he failed to pay attention to just who was teaching the class and instead, hurried to sign up before going home to get a good nights rest before. Waking early to leave before his siblings had gotten up, he wrote down a series of instructions for his sister about what she should get from the store in order to help prepare for dinner. With his career as a shinobi beginning to gain some traction, the more that he worked away from the home, the more that he found that he was away from his siblings. Pretty soon, they would be old enough to join him on his adventures and if by some miracle, they would be something greater than he was. He took his responsibilities quite importantly and he always made sure that he didn't leave home without first telling his siblings that he loved them.

Many a time they were still sleeping but in the life that he had signed up for, coming home wasn't exactly promised, so he never took things for granted and instead rushed to get ready for the day and to get dressed with the idea that he would probably be put through a lot grunt work task to try and prove himself. That's how the exam to become a Genin had turned out, and he would probably never stop rolling his eyes at the sort of shenanigans that he had been made to endure. Dressed in his simple Konoha supplied Genin gear, he was prepared for nearly anything, or so his estimation went. As he neared the location, nothing seemed oddly out of place, and so he entered and was greeted with the sight of somebody that he certainly never expected to see, the Godaime Hokage herself! Begining to stammer, he looked around confused, as if some boogie man was going to jump out and grab him, and despite not even remotely having a clear sight line to the faces on the mountain, he looked in their general direction as if to confirm what he already knew. "L-La-Lady Asuka! You're the teacher?!?"

Admittedly, he recognized that he probably missed an honorific or two, but his next inclination was to bow as a sign of respect, although he was halfway through bending over when he wondered if that was the sort of thing done in the Konoha military or if that was reserved for more formal occasions. Was a class a formal occasion? Did a Kage, even a retired one, still get the same honorifics? Was he simply overthinking the whole ordeal? Was this a test or was he under a genjutsu and making a fool of himself? All of the questions went through his mind and then some, but as he was coming up from his bow, he still didn't see much a change of a change. Frozen like a deer caught in the wee hours of the morning, he stood just barely in the bar shop and barely out. If he was really going to be taught by a Hokage, then was probably well under prepared for such a top tier talent.

WC: 580


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Aria's day started like any other day.... Up a tree. The dawning cracks of first light slowly pried open the eyes of the white haired child currently laying on her back draped over a tree branch like a towel left out to left out to dry for the night. Her matted now thigh length hair hung as a messy bush into the air and with a jaw cracking yawn Aria finally awakened and sat up. Cracking her back in particular satisfying manner Aria allowed herself to fall back only saving herself from the fall by kicking off the trunk and landing safely with a roll in a motion so practiced it seemed almost second nature. Groggily walking from the edge of the leaf to the academy Aria used the facilities there to wash herself and steal/beg for some food from a passing teacher. Once her morning routine was completed Aria stepped out of the bathroom to welcome the day only to get grabbed roughly by a teacher. Apparently she had been signed into a class and hadn't been told due to the fact she had no address for the message to be sent too and was yelled out to double time it to a bar in the Oak District for fear of the former Hokage taking a pound of hide out of the girl for being late, not that Aria knew that.

Sprinting across the village while at the same time trying to wrap the bandages that hid the weird marks her arms were covered in wasn't easy and caused her to crash into a garden or two but she still managed to get to the Oak District relatively easy with only a few leaves in her hair and it wasn't long before the bar came in to view.

"L-La-Lady Asuka! You're the teacher?!?"

Standing within the doorway of a recently renovated bar seemed to be a young boy, dressed in some pretty nice gear if Aria did say so herself but she didn't want to be late and getting delayed by some kid stammering and gawking at whoever was in the bar wasn't going to stop her, nor was not having a watch. Using her momentum Aria leaped at the dark skinned boy and used some ridiculous acrobatic ability to latch on to the top of the open door. Using her small stature and the empty space above the boy Aria flipped herself through the door frame, Inadvertently flinging herself across the bar but thanks to a subtle roll on the floor to bleed off momentum and a small flip Aria managed to Shakely land on the bar in a crouch thankfully not disturbing much but also landing essentially nose to nose with her teacher. Aria stared dumbly at the young women currently brewing tea in front of her , taking in all her details. The fiery red hair draped over a delicate set of features, a scar ran over her cheek giving off a bad ass vibe to Aria and coupled with the corded but thin muscles she could catch glimpses of from her position on the bar, the young Senju could easily say that the eye patched women was probably the coolest adult she had ever met. Not to mention Aria's primal instinct kicked in as soon as she looked into Asuka's eyes and could tell that this person dwarfed her in strength to the point that Aria didn't want to even fight her.....well yet. Instead a blush filled the normally sun kissed girls face turning a blazing red as she said.

"You are literally the coolest person I have ever met and will you adopt me!"

Aria said fiercely with a dead serious face as the first traces of possible hero worship began to bleed in her orange eyes.

[WC: 631]

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Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka gave a nod towards Jinzo. She didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse that the new students knew who she was. Maybe her reputation had gone to greater heights while she was gone. In the end, the result in here would be the same. "Indeed I am." She waved the kid away with a smuged look on her face. "But call me Asuka. Never really liked the Lady title, makes me feel like an old woman." She gave a small laugh as she turned her head towards the monkey coming through the door in... quite un-lady like fashion.

All the uneccesary and very over the top movements made her skin crawl. But at least it looked like she was having fun. Staring at Aria's eyes Asuka gave a slight smile. Whether it was good or not she couldn't deny the fact that it was entertaining. Asuka gave out a giggle as the kid landed on her counter. Basically staring down at her. The proposition made her laugh. Not even an introduction and already wanting to be adopted. She had to admit, the kid had guts. "I'm glad you recognize my awesomness." She spoke quickly flicking Aria's forehead. "But such unnecesary movements leave you open for attack." In the past she would've jumped at the opportunity of having an adopted child. Being an Oprhan herself she could sympathize with the cause but at this moment in time she didn't really think it would be a good idea. Especially how it ended last time. "Show me you have what it takes to become a one in a million and we'll see," Was her response. She wasn't going to risk it again.

"Allright!" She tapped the counter a couple of times trying to get their attenton. Placing a full warm cup of tea in the two of the stools. With the intention for them sitting down. "Don't think of this as a class." She took a sip from her tea as she started to explain. "Think of this as a filter. Here and now is when I'll decide whether you are suited to the life you chose or not. It isn't for everyone and leaf isn't in need of deadbeats you would just get in the way." She gave a nasty long smile as she giggled, flicking her wirst. The door to the bar slammed shut. Windows closed and locked. "You either pass my test, or I'll make sure you won't be able to even water walk." She took another sip. "Rules are my own. Whether you pass or fail depends on my own criteria." Moving her hand into her sleeve she slowly took out her long sword, slowly placing it on the counter. "I am not your friend. I am not your teacher. Right now? I'm judge, jury and executioner." Clapping her hands together she gave a warm smile. "So! Tell me. What is a Shinobi?"

(WC=662/1500 2/5)


New Member
May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
"You are literally the coolest person I have ever met and will you adopt me!" least Jinzo wasn't as star struck as the girl who had also joined them. Thankfully he managed to keep his composure to a respectable fervor, one in which would allow him to keep his dignity. However, if the former Hokage was in the neighborhood of adopting kids, perhaps she could adopt Jinzo and his siblings. Wait, was she truly a former Hokage? Wasn't it typically a for-life position? Jinzo was pretty sure that she was still a Hokage through and through but he would respect the fact that she clearly wanted to remain low-key. "I'm glad you recognize my awesomness." She spoke quickly flicking Aria's forehead. "But such unnecessary movements leave you open for attack." Just like Jinzo figured, the Hokage was definitely one for realistic life lessons. "Think of this as a filter. Here and now is when I'll decide whether you are suited to the life you chose or not. It isn't for everyone and leaf isn't in need of deadbeats you would just get in the way."

Yep, just as Jinzo figured. "You either pass my test, or I'll make sure you won't be able to even water walk." Was this the reason why she was no longer the acting Hokage because if so, it suddenly made a lot of sense. "I am not your friend. I am not your teacher. Right now? I'm judge, jury and executioner." Yep, she was fully certified in his mind as crazy. "So! Tell me. What is a Shinobi?" Huh? The question was so absurd that it truly did stump the boy. Was it that she didn't know or...right, this was a test, he was expected to give an answer. The question now was concerning what sort of answer he would give. He could give the typical answer, but he had a sneaking suspicion that that was the sort of answer that would cost him a few passing marks. Heck, with her it might cost him an arm. With no other type of answer to give other than one that was surely correct in a true sense, he spoke openly. "A shinobi is a tool of the state, a weapon to be wielded as necessary to achieve what's necessary for the preservation of the wielders ideals and wants." A bit dark, the simple fact is that they all had a master, whether it was the Hokage or a very rich Daimyo with more money than sense.

OOC: Since I won't be able to take rewards from this, this will now be considered a basic RP topic for me.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Aria's head titled back slightly from the force of the flick but she just broke out into a goofy grin at the contact as she rolled backwards and crashed down onto the floor of the bar while Asuka spoke. Climbing to her feet and sitting down onto a stool that had a cup of tea placed in front of it Aria just stared down into the steaming beverage that while smelling very nice did not entice Aria to drink as she didn't understand why people were so obsessed with hot leaves in water so she settled for just enjoying the smell as she listened to Asuka. Only looking up when a her teacher got cooler by pulling out a pretty big sword which almost distracted her from Asuka's question on what a ninja was. The kid that had been staring at the Hokage went first talking about being a weapon and having a wielder which didn't make much sense to Aria as her family was a little different in their philosophy.

-Flashback No Jutsu-

A six year old Aria stayed as silent as she could crouched in a bush deep in forest's of the land of fire. Infront of her was a camp of rough looking men moving back and forward shifting chests, people and other goods for storage. Crouched next to her was a white haired women wearing a black yukata with a pair of bladed bracers attached to her arms and a featureless wooden mark painted with the symbol of a wisteria flower. "Aria this will be an important lesson for you." The women's voice was husky and low seeming to contain a barely restrained ferocity. "Ninjas are nothing more than beasts set loose to destroy and so you must learn to revel in the kill and destroy all that you come across. Now watch." With that the women vanished in a burst of speed, appearing in the camp and soon the screaming came. Limbs severed in a manner that would keep the victim alive while he bled out, Burying people alive, The trees reached out to grab throats allowing the men to suffocate slowly. Begging and screaming for help echoed in the night air and soon all that was left was a burning camp which silhouetted the figure of her trainer as she moved to the captives who had been killed in the ensuing panic but all the figure did was begin to laugh. That was the moment Aria began to shun the way of the ninja.

-Flashback no Jutsu Kai-

Back in the present Aria's face became tense as if she was remembering something she found distasteful. You see Aria didn't really identify with being a Shinobi instead she considered herself a warrior first and foremost of the old art the Senju would talk about not that she could remember what it was called. So while she was a ninja in career she was not one in philosophy but that wasn't what her teacher had asked so instead she looked up at Asuka and thought of her trainer from the clan as she spoke. "A Shinobi is a destroyer, a feral beast that tears though it's enemies even at the cost of it own body before devouring the battlefield whole. Nothings matters but death. " Aria spoke earnestly of her clans teachings not even thinking that the people here would identify as ninja because in her eyes they were warriors worthy of respect and not the cold blooded monsters she had left behind.

[WC: 584 2/5]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Listening to their answers made her a bit concerned. She gave a warm smile a bot of them. Not really wanting her true emotions to slip through the cracks. She already had a safeguard in place so it didn't matter what happened as long as she kept up her facade. But well. At this point in time it wouldn't need to be used anyway. Maybe there would be another way to test their resolve. Listening to their answers she took a few moments. The difference was uncanny. Jinzo thought of Shinobi as tools. People that completed objectives with an overarching goal. Aria on the other hand thought of them as nothing but killers. Well this was interesting.

As her eyes changed into her Sharingan she gave a wicked smile. Grabbing her sword. Looking over at Aria she giggled. "By your definition." With a quick movement she pointed her sowrd at Arias throat. Giving it a little bit of pressure for it to be fealt but not enough to scratch. "I should just kill you here and now. Just a feral beast that tears through my enemies. Which in this case is you of course. Considering you disrespected me by not drinking the, quite rare might I add, tea. So tell me." Gving it a little bit more pressure she laughed. "Do you feel like dying today?... But..." She lowered her sword without lowering her wicked gaze upon her. "I've always liked to do things a bit more chaotically. more fun."

She looked over at Jinzo. rummaging through her sleeves as she gave spoke. "In your case, we are all emotionless tools that shouldn't question oRders." She gave a slight chuckle "Murder, no problem." She threw a knife in front of him. "Assasinations, without question." A Shruiken. "Massacre of an orphanage, whatever you say." A Kunai "Basically, whoever is in power can order anyone whatever he wishes. Like the first Hokage who basically was a tyranical ruler who sold Leaf to a criminal organization." SHe shrugged "Individuality out the window. Actually, why don't we get rid of the dead weights. If by the age of 30 you aren't Chunnin. Execution." Asuka clapped her hands together. "Very inituitive. See, by the definition you just told me I could order you to kill yourself and you would have to do it." She smiled "Or am I wrong?" Clapping her hands together she giggled like a little girl. "Oh this is fun!" She snapped her fingers, as if a lighbulb had just gone in her head. "Oh I know!" The smile she gave could send chills down the spine of the bravest man. As if her smile stretched to in-human porpotions. "Using your own definition I am your weilder. I order you to kill Aria here. Seeing her move in such a wasteful fashion has made me sure that she won't be able to survive. So, better get rid of her here." She gave a slithg look to the knifes in front of him. "Oh don't worry. You won't get in trouble."

(WC= 1,166/1,500 3/5)
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New Member
May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
"In your case, we are all emotionless tools that shouldn't question orders." As the woman known as the Fifth Hokage spoke, Jinzo got the uncanny feeling that she was one prone to wild outburst. "Murder, no problem." With her swagger and the controlled lackadaisical way in which her movements seemed to drift, he began to wonder in the back of his mind if he'd messed up by actually showing up. Perhaps he should have taken a more 'normal' class on the like, but try as he might, nothing could have prepared him for when the woman quite literally threw a knife at him. "Assassination's, without question." Then she threw a shuriken at him. "Massacre of an orphanage, whatever you say." Followed by a kunai, at which point he yelped like a puppy who'd had their tail stepped on. "Basically, whoever is in power can order anyone whatever he wishes. Like the first Hokage who basically was a tyrannical ruler who sold Leaf to a criminal organization." Stunned, Jinzo looked from the weapons that had been thrown his way to the Hokage, back to the weapons and then back to the Hokage. " can't really mean for me to..." Jinzo wanted to question her sanity but that was a point of contention that was far under the bridge and floating somewhere down the river.

It was clear that she was attempting to teach him a lesson, but having seen more than a few similar minded Jounin and the like spewing the same sort of rhetoric, he wondered why so many constantly came back to the simple, 'scared straight' example. If Jinzo even fractionally attempted to comply, he'd be apprehended before he could think to complete the task. On the other hand, if he attempted to disregard the command and stayed his blade, then he'd be no doubt equally accosted and taught a lesson about knowing when to turn his back on bad orders. Jinzo hadn't seen much of the world but he was pretty sure that life rarely came in such black and white scenarios and yet, the rules of the world were clearly written in indelible ink. To serve was to obey, and to obey was to serve. Kicking at the shuriken and looking between the knife and the kunai, he bent down and reached to grab the kunai. "Using your own definition I am your wielder. I order you to kill Aria here. Seeing her move in such a wasteful fashion has made me sure that she won't be able to survive. So, better get rid of her here."

The Hokage's words rang in his ears like a maddening clashing of symbols. Jinzo didn't want to obey the Hokage, even though she was that, but she'd left him with no moral choice. "I..." he started to mumbled something as he turned to look at Aria as he took in her childlike innocence. She was but a little girl, cute in a way that he could admit without being weird, but nevertheless, a child who was being taught the ways of war before she even fully understood who she was as a person. Tightening his grip on the kunai, Jinzo swallowed hard and looked once more between Asuka and Aria and he blinked back some rising emotion that he didn't want to focus on. He didn't, no, he couldn't...he would comply, just in his own way. "You're the most awesome person that I've ever met!" he started as he turned turned the girl. "You're cool, you're brave, you're smart and you're kind. Everyone loves you and anybody who doesn't, is a fool!" His hand shaking, he turned the kunai, blunt end up, towards the girl and smiled. "Aria, the Hokage would be passing up the opportunity of a lifetime if she didn't take you in! You're a star, and one day, you just might be running this place!" Letting out a nervous laugh, Jinzo cheekily turned towards the apparent bloodthirsty Lady Asuka. "There, I killed her with kindness. Next assignment, please." Perhaps it was by accident or perhaps by design, but the elder shinobi's command had left just enough verbal wiggle room that Jinzo had played with the meaning of the words. He was going to lose something, he knew it, and then he gave the woman the biggest, toothiest smile that he could muster, welcoming, yes, practically begging for whatever came next.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
The next few moments kind of went raging by for Aria as she held at sword point one moment only to be released after a threat of death as it seems that Asuka didn't take too kindly to her thoughts on the Shinobi way, which just left Aria completely confused and mystified as she tried to figure out her what her teacher was now so upset by. She quickly moved on to her classmate for her tirade which wrapped back around at another threat to the young Senju's life which had little effect on the person themselves. Aria had long had the fear of death beaten out of her as a child by her family during her clans so called conditioning period during her formative years of her life. This had led the young girl into viewing death as something more akin to the possible climax of a glorious fight that could happen. The razors edge making the battle even more exciting but it had never occurred to her that it was something people actively ran from so she just sat and watched events unfold as she turned in her seat towards Jinzo and just waited for him to take action that would result in her needing to defend herself.

"You're the most awesome person that I've ever met!"

That reaction however had not been what Aria had been expecting. The following spew of compliments and kind words hit the young girl like a truck as her bushy hip length hair almost seemed to raise up like an upset cat as her face darkened in a deep embarrassed blush while every cringe inducing word passed by her ears. Eventually it was too much as Aria used her bangs to hide away until Jinzo had finished, letting the room fall into a very awkward pregnant silence which hung heavily over the group waiting for someone to break it. That someone would be Aria herself as she stood suddenly, knocking her stool over in the process before she stormed up to Jinzo with her face shadowed by her hair. Aria body was visibly trembling as she looked up to Jinzo to show a glowing red face with tears just starting to form in the corner of her eyes before she took a step forward as a hand clench into a fist.


Aria words were let out like a battle cry as a fist filled with a mix of feminine indignation and pure mortification headed for Jinzo's stomach like a cannon shell with the intention of venting these weird feelings Jinzo's words had inspired.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka gave a hearty smile as she saw the gears turning in their head. At least one of their heads. It was always nice having this type of moral qualms this early. Better to get their answers now rather than later. The face Jinzo gave while looking at the knifes made her feel a bit guilty but she knew this was necessary for them to learn. Although, she certainly did not expect Jinzo's answer. For the first time in a long time she not only was surprised, but her usual evil characters expression was affected by it. Her creepy smile vanished, replaced with a sense of wonder. "Well. Isn't that something." There was no need for more words. Her expression said it all.

Although she did find Arias reaction concerning to say the least. Didn't even flinch, as if death didn't matter to her. That was weird for a girl her age. She could only assume what had transpired in her life for her to turn like that. Question was whether it would be a blessing in the form of bravery, or a curse turning her actions suicidal. She would definitely need to keep an e-... no... not again. Taking a deep breath she saw the sudden rage coming from the girl. Not only was she weirdly okay with dying but gave quite the outburst with compliments. She would've let it go through if she got embarrassed but this was more confusion than anything. Her blade suddenly started re-forming. Changing into a scythe. she positioned it between the two with a swift movement, making sure it wouldn't actually cut but rather with the intention of re-directing the punch. "No need for that firecracker." Asuka smiled, holding the scythe to her side. "No fighting in my bar."

Taking a deep breath, looking at the both of them she sighed loudly. "There's no point in keeping up the façade." She giggled "Although I do have to say, I have not been impressed like that in a very long time. Both of you have some very interesting ideals." Turning her head to Jinzo, back at Aria. She snapped her fingers. The weapons disappearing in front of him in a poof of smoke. Illusions. "Although you're definition is correct by any account you might find they conveniently always miss the important part about being a shinobi." Dramatic pause. "Individuality." She gave a chuckle, the answer seeming simple. "Individuality for a Shinobi is thought like being a cog that overall creates this unbreakable shield that protects the village. Hence why the life is simple. Follow orders, don't question and complete the mission." She used the tea cups as an example, stacking them all together. "Breaking one cup is simple. All three? That's a little more tricky. Cogs make the system stronger. One cog falls." She dropped one of the cups in the bottom. Making the whole thing shatter. "Everything falls apart. When in actuality." She summoned three more cups, all different sizes and colors. "We are all different. Grow up with different values, strengths, weaknesses that have decided to come together and help each other out to grow and prosper. We're not emotionless machines. Never lose that individuality, never compromise your values over an order." Taking a sip from the tea she smiled. "Those who break the rules are trash. Those who abandon their loved ones are worse than trash." Placing the cup back down she gave a giggle. "I have regrets because for a while I lost who I was by blindly following. I suggest you don't. Otherwise you might lose what makes you special in the first place."

She sighed, giving a glance to Aria. "You also have to know when your emotions need to be thrown out the window to accomplish a task you set for yourself. If it's what you believe in then do it. Feeling guilty is one thing. Regret is a lot worse. Learn the difference. Learn when to back off. There's no shame in running if the situation calls for it. We only have one life. It's better to live another day than have a pointless death." She took out a storage scroll from her Kimono sleeve. "About your adoption question." She slid it over to Aria. "When you're able to open that, come back here. Then we'll talk." Rummaging in her sleeves again she took out what looked like a necklace. A bright white stone in it. "This represents who you are." She said sliding it over to Jinzo. "When you feel in doubt. Hold it and remember who you are."

[WC=1,930/1,500 4/5]
[Jinzo given an White Opal Necklace]
[Aria given a storage scroll containing a blue Opal necklace. Needs chakra control of 100 to open]


New Member
May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
While he had expected to wake up in a hospital, or certainly somewhere on the ground, the moment had passed and the tongue lashing came, not from the Hokage, but from his peer, Aria. "Would you... SHUT UP WITH ALL THE CRINGY TOUCHY FEELY SHIT!!!!" His smile fading to a face more series and keen to learn, Jinzo nodded in appreciation as Asuka spoke. Perhaps he had had her pegged wrong? Maybe she wasn't another sick and twisted sort. Only time would tell but Jinzo now he her in a higher regard than he had before. As she made a very clear illustration about tea cups and individuality, Jinzo found himself far more invested in the conversation than he had probably originally expected to be. As the oldest sibling, it had been such a long time since he had been able to view himself as an individual. The situation with his parents passing had only made things worse for him in that regard, but here, Asuka was making it clear that being an individual was just as important in many respects, as being a part of a whole. The questioned began to simmer in Jinzo's mind, had he lost something concerning his individuality? Day in and day out, everything in his life revolved around others. Even as a shinobi, this was a profession that he had gone into because he had to...or so he told himself. Accepting the gift that the Hokage had presented to him, he at first eyed it with a cautious curiosity. It was, but wasn't his style, and he wondered if it had some strings attached. Speaking up, he jokingly laughed about a famous manga character he'd read about. "This isn't some sort of tracking beacon that'll allow you to pop up out of nowhere on me, is it?" Most people knew about the famous Hokage of fame from the children's stories but some legends were based on actual facts. "Thank you." Reflecting on it, Jinzo was truly just appreciative to be given something of some value for the first time in a long time.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Aria's fist impacted Asuka's scythe with a dull thud not even shaking the Hokages arm which just caused Aria to stand their with stars in her eyes as she stared at how cool her teacher had been in that one nonchalant moment. Asuka then went on a pretty long spiel that kind of of lost Aria at points but got the rough gist on helping the people close to you but that was kind of hard for Aria. Apart from the couple of interactions with the Inuzuka duo and the Senju boy that made her feel weird, Aria didn't have anyone close to her. However before she could think too deeply on that Asuka cut through her thoughts by handing her a scroll before telling her that they would talk again when she could open the scroll.

Aria features went blank as she looked down at the scroll and wondered what was in it but knew she couldn't open it for the moment as the last scroll she had tried to open had promptly burst into flames when she had accidently injected it with natural chakra which meant she needed better control. Looking up at Asuka she simply nodded.

"Ha I'll figure this out in no time sensei."

Looking over at Jinzo whom had also received a gift Aria gave him a small glare for his embarrassing words and promised herself she would get even with him for all that embarrassment later.

[WC: 1869 4/5]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka gave a giggle at Jinzos joke. At least it seemed as though he understood the lesson and hopefully it would be of some impact to him in his career. She had missed giving lessons to the future generation. Simply giving knowledge to others. Seeing them grow and prosper. Maybe she should do that full time. But that all depends on how the next few weeks went, Takeshi probably got word that she had come back to the village by now and he would want to have some words. "It doesn't have a seal in it if that's what you're worried about. But I can put it in if you want. Give you backup in case you need it." GIving Jinzo a warm smile she continued. "Anytime. Just keep my words in your mind and don't forget that you can come back here if you get lost. We can figure stuff out."

Giving a wink towards Aria she laughed. Finishing her tea. "I'm looking forward to it. But in any case I gotta do inventory so you can either leave or help me cause this place is a mess."

[Class finished, you all pass!]
[Turning into normal RP Thread]


New Member
May 7, 2023
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"It doesn't have a seal in it if that's what you're worried about. But I can put it in if you want. Give you backup in case you need it." Making a show of wiping his brow, Jinzo laughed and let out a sigh of relief. "Anytime. Just keep my words in your mind and don't forget that you can come back here if you get lost. We can figure stuff out." For some reason that Jinzo couldn't quite put his finger on, the Hokage's words resonated with him in a motherly way. Perhaps he had her pegged as something that she wasn't. Perhaps she could be warm and fuzzy if she needed to be. If nothing else, Jinzo had certainly learned a lesson in not judging a book by its cover. "I might take you up on that sometime..." As for Aria, she certainly had a mouth on her, one that Jinzo wasn't going to so soon allow his sister around. However, there was a certain strength about her that Jinzo could appreciate. In the world that they lived in, being soft and dainty certainly was a luxury that only the rich and those born into the right families, could afford. Jinzo was no such person, but he recognized that there was definitely more than met the eye with the girl. From the sound of it, she too was carrying a heavy burden and for that, he could appreciate her grit, even if it was a bit abrasive. With nothing else left to do for the day, he decided that helping the Hokage at least for a little while longer, wasn't outside of his ability to do. "I'll help clean up!"

OOC: Post WC = 274 / Total WC = 2365
Due to the new class rules, I've been granted the ability to count this as a class for rewards.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
"I'm looking forward to it. But in any case I gotta do inventory so you can either leave or help me cause this place is a mess."

Aria smiled at Asuka's encouragement but got shifty at the words cleaning as she was a child of nature and had never cleaned anything in her life and knew she would probably be more of a hindrance than help not to mention she had somewhere else to be but she didn't want to be an ingrate. Coming to a decision Aria focused carefully for her moment and brought up her hands into a seal. With a small flash of chakra the wooden floors shifted slightly creating a new layer of wood that repaired any damage done to the floor either due to fighting or age but due to her lack of control a few bluebells did pop up in places around the floor of bar.

"Sorry sensei gotta go but I hoped that helped. "

Aria shouted as she quickly ran out after completing her good deed while completely oblivious to the blooms she had created by accident.

[Topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
