Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Sunagakure no Sato Lore Guide

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013


The Desert Environment
A Review of Our Setting

Sunagakure is located in the heart of Wind Country. The surrounding desert served as both a blessing and a curse for the people of Sunagakure, separating them from both their enemies and their allies. The ever-shifting dunes made venturing into the badlands of Wind Country a dangerous prospect that only the most rugged and experienced dare face. Those that dare traverse the great untamed desert expanse risk becoming lost, consumed by the predatory creatures of the desert or fall victim to the dangerous elements. The arid vistas of Wind Country provide a significantly harsh landscape for inhabitants; water is scarce and, in some places, unattainable by all but the most specialized creatures, the ground and air temperatures vary wildly from noon to nightfall and even the basest nutrients for survival are a precious resource. However, life finds a way; resulting in a spectacular series of hardy creatures, whose ingenuity and strive for survival should give even us pause and provide a source of inspiration.

To learn more about the great beasts that roam Sunagakure, refer to Sunagakure's Bestiary


Most people in Wind Country speak a common language, however there is an old language known by some in Wind Country called Runic Terran. Runic Terran is the ancient language of the first men. Almost wholly forgotten over the centuries as humanity began to share a common tongue, this archaic script and spoken word has been recorded by Suna's great record keepers: The Oracles. The great tome known as The Annals of the Conqueror chronicled this ancient tongue. With their recent resurgence in Wind Country, with them they bring great knowledge that they are willing to share, the only prerequisite is a readied mind. While the edges of the great massive leather-bound masterpiece are worn, the text has endured war, famine and strife, one of the most closely guarded treasures of the Oracle Order. The Oracles do not jealously protect what they have learned, literature and knowledge is to be shared and as such a copy still under lock and key has been provided to the Sunagakure as an offering of hope that through knowledge their legacy will forever live on.

Runic Terran is considered to be a strategic resource to Sunagakure, the words housed in the great tome when learned offer a dialogue that can only be shared by those with common knowledge. As such, Sunagakure has limited learning these words to only a fraction of their population: the shinobis. Upon obtaining the Rank of GENIN or above, any interested shinobi can learn this language in The Oracle's Library, despite the recent destruction of the Scroll Locker remnants of this book remain. Additionally, those who are not shinobis or those too impatient as to wait until they have become of rank can seek out an Oracle and obtain this information from an Oracle.

As a new player you will need to learn this language, to learn more after you join our community please look in our Setting Information: Runic Terran

The Climate

Wind Country possesses the world’s largest hot desert and one of the harshest environments on the planet. Wind Country's south westerly winds can reach hurricane levels and can give rise to sand storms and dust devils that can consume a traveling party. The desert receives up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) per year, the coastline however receives abundant rainfall and the sandy earth is held in place with naturally-occurring vegetation. Here rainfall is more frequent but the moisture in the air makes the heat even more oppressive. The infrequent rain in the arid desert areas is usually torrential and can lead to sudden flooding and mudslides, making travel during a rainstorm even more dangerous than travel on a particularly hot day.

There are four seasons in Wind Country: Winter from January to February. Spring from March to May, Summer from June to August, and Fall from September to November. The hottest months are the summer months from June to August where the daytime temperatures are exceptionally hot and dry with temperatures ranging generally from 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32.2 Celsius) to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (48.89 Celsius). However, the nighttime temperatures are the actually considered to be quite comfortable during these months, akin to room temperature. For this reason many merchants prefer to travel at night during the summer months and find shelter during the day. The coldest months would be the winter months, where the daytime temperatures are comfortably warm but the night temperatures drop to sub-freezing temperatures of 10 degrees Fahrenheit (12.2 Celsius) to 23 degrees Fahrenheit (-5 Celsius). Travel during the day is deceptively pleasant but the nights due to the cold temperatures can be life threatening. Many merchants avoid traveling over large stretches of desert during the winter months for this reason. The fall, unpleasantly hot with risks of sunstroke and nights that are too cold to endure without a warm fire holds relatively little risk in terms of temperature but the fall winds boast an increased risk of windstorms. Finally, the spring, similar in climate to the fall, many Sunans call this the rainy season because 90% of the annual rainfall occurs between the months of March and May. Mudslides and floods threaten livestock and under-prepared villages and travelers. For this reason children are often taught to never play in dried riverbeds because of potential flash-floods and merchants often choose routes that maintain the high-ground to avoid being buried beneath yards of mud.


Wind Country is bordered by the Mizumi Sea on the western edge and mountains on the other three sides. To the north, the sandy terrain gives way to a rocky hamada, a type of desert landscape that has very little sand and is made up of primarily barren, hard, rocky plateaus. This expanse is known as the Black Salt Fields, despite the fact that there is little field and more rough, uneven terrain made of primarily hard stone, this region has earned it name for the dark stone for which this region has earned its name. There are several salt mines, mostly abandoned scattered throughout this northern area. To the west is a pair of mountain ranges, the northwest is a low-laying range of what are known as fault-block mountains. Fault-block mountains are formed by the movement of large crustal blocks when forces in the Earth’s crust pull it apart. Some parts of the Earth are pushed upward and others collapse down. This happens because this range is located over a tectonic plate and the region as a whole is subject to earthquakes that thankfully do not extend into the desert itself generally although there have been rare reports of this happening. Called the Utsusu Range, few travel to the northwest, often electing to follow marked paths through the better traversed Black Salt Fields. The southwest mountain ranges upon first glance appear no different from the Utsuru Range to its immediate north, however these mountains are volcanic. Dormant at this time, there are several accounts that this range known as Hell's Sanctuary was one home to the Flame Court. Finally, the southern border of Wind Country is fringed by a the "high peaks" a series of mountains that reach higher than any of the other mountains in the region. The peaks have snow year-round but they are rarely visited. Much like Hell's Sanctuary, this range dubbed the Jōgi Mountains was said to be the home of the Solar Court. It is believed that the highest peak was once the home of the Solar Court Lord Fuujin and for that reason it has been simply named Fuujin's Peak. There has been little exploration of these alleged ancient homesteads, not due to lack of curiosity but rather due to the inherent difficulties of reaching such areas. The desert itself boasts a myriad of threads and then the extremes in both climate and terrain in the Jōgi Mountains and the Utsuru Range add to the peril as well as the superstitious fear that there might be some Ancients that remain in these remote locations has kept the curious for the most part at bay.

Major cities located in Wind Country include: Sunagakure, Soons Haven and Sora.

Settlements of Wind Country

The three main settlements of Wind Country - Sunagakure, Soons Haven and Sora - each exist for a very specific purpose. Sunagakure provides the nation with much of its militaristic strength, specializing in a mixture of the enigmatic arts of chakra and a study of martial prowess that produces many of the dominion's most highly-celebrated mercenaries and soldiers. Soons Haven functions as a mercantile and manufacturing center, containing some of Wind's most cutting-edge engineers both mechanical and structural, as well as being the home of the lauded Merchant Lords who protect what is theirs through a private militia force. Both of these fiercely proud villages are defended by steel, determination and the very elements in which they have been founded, bear allegiance in some way or another to the third - Sora.

The nearest neighbor to Sunagakure would be Soons Haven, a merchant community found on the coastline of Wind Country, just outside the Diamond Maelstrom at the deepest point of the bay. Calm waters provide safe harbor for a great many merchant ships but their proximity to the maelstrom leaves them prone still to inclimate weather. Soon's Haven has high walls that protect them from the storms as well as roving bandits. Under the authority of the Wind Diamyo is the 7 Merchant Lords who oversee commerce, trade and policies in Soon's Haven. They are considered to be a neutral state, however since the mounting tensions between the Wind Country Diamyo and Soons Haven have climaxed, this city has grown cold to the shinobi state. There have been rumors of a bustling flesh trade in the hidden back alleys of Soons Haven, a mostly overlooked and somewhat poorly kept secret.

Sora functions as the home to many of Wind's powerful lords and nobles, and as such provides both reason and means for its own existence. A powerful trade capital in its own right but not nearly as much so as Soons Haven, Sora is the single largest society upon Wind's easternmost shores, Sora is also the oldest village, predating Sunagakure and and Soons Haven by quite some time. Sora was originally a small fishing society for the first agrarian tribe and in fact one of the oldest families of this tribe holds the mantle of power over this community. As such, Sora's roots grow deep and strong in Wind's dusty soil. Benefiting not only from this advantageous positioning in regards to business exporting and importing goods from around the known world, Sora also has what could be described as the most stable, temperate climate; with Wind Country's ever-present sun, cool winds blowing in from the sea and naturally deep harbors, as well as an exotic culture rising from the mixture of many different systems of belief, cuisine and craft, Sora is a popular vacation resort and an even more popular home for those with wealth and influence, bringing the village much of its funds through these two concerns alone.

As mentioned, many of Wind's oldest and most influential noble houses and clans can draw their roots back to Sora, making the village the center for Wind's high society as well as the beating heart of the country's government and bureaucracy. Many of Wind's most vital decisions are made here by the ruling Council of Elders, but even these men and women hold fealty to one individual. This is the nation's Daimyo. The position of Daimyo has been a consistent one throughout Wind's history, from Sora's earliest roots as a simple fishing village to its modern-day vision and scope. The Daimyo holds authority over all nobility in all of Wind, and exists as a position which is either inherited or bestowed upon individuals considered to be worthy by the passing Daimyo. As such, many families have rested upon the throne of Wind, and vying for the attentions of the Daimyo in the hopes that you or one of your relatives be granted the prestigious position is an ever-constant source of political intrigue in Sora.

However, until recent there was always more than one. Each Diamyo oversaw a great track of land, their domain centered around the great city that housed them. Yet after the maelstrom came and the villages of Wind Country fell one by one, the reign of these Dimayos also came to an end. Today there is one Dimayo that oversees all of Wind Country, less Sunagakure the last Sovereign state.

Desert Traders

The economy of Sunagakure is based primarily on the trade of Carmot, the waste product of sandworms that possesses within its hard shell an incredible elemental power as well as the human toil the Sunagakure shinobi forces could offer. Sunagakure being a hidden shinobi state makes a majority of their income from the contracts they fulfill with interested consumers internationally and abroad. This differs from Soons Haven which sells merchandise ranging from baubles to weapons to humans. Soons Haven does not have the moral limitations that some societies have to contend with. The sale of these items is divided evenly between Tea Country, Sora and Sunagakure as well as the varied needs of the nomadic tribes that both buy and trade with the crafters that have set-up shop around the fringe of the village. Finally Sora, the capital of Wind Country seems to consume more than they make, at least to the untrained eye. Sora differs from the other villages in that they have no real manufacturing, their source of funds largely a mystery.

The Ancient Courts and the Old World

In the beginning of recorded history, there existed beings comprised of prime elemental power and energy. Created by the hand of a now nameless but extremely powerful being, the Ancients were given the task of over-seeing and managing the natural world. Each of them possessed powerful dominion over their element and over the course of thousands of years gathered both denizens of the natural and spiritual worlds to them to form large feudal system-like courts. The most powerful of them were the Solar, Flame and Earth Courts as those were the elements in the Wind Country which were most present. The Solar Court was the greatest of them and led by the Ancient of Sun and Sky, Fuujin and given the role of ruler of the skies and the keeper of the surface world. Hailing from below all things within the streams of magma and fire existed the Flame Court and their ravenous leader Homura whom was the Ancient of Iron and Flame. Homura was the flame in which the other Ancients were to be tempered, created to constantly test and prune the others to ensure that no one court ever grew too powerful as to lord over all others. Suna, the Ancient of Desert and Earth, was queen of the Earth Court and given the task of governing the desert and it's all of it's flora and fauna. There also existed lesser courts as well and while the various courts never bent knee to any one leader nor were bound to any court in servitude, none could contest the size and affluence of the Prime Courts.

It was not until the First Coming of mankind that the Ancients found another being that was truly native to their world but also possessed the power of spirit and thought as they did. At the time, the Wind Country was home to many creatures both mundane and supernatural but none took the world into their hand as Man did. Carving out settlements and places for themselves in the world, the Ancients quickly became aware of Man... and almost as quickly shoved them beneath their heel. Feeling in their hearts the manifest destiny to rule the domains they had been given, the Ancients lorded over humanity for centuries before He was born. Born from a tribe in the south of Wind Country, His true name has since been lost to history. Known to Sunan historians as the One King or Primus, this king was the first of humans to throw off the shackles of slavery and give death unto an Ancient. It took little from there for Primus to begin liberating humans from the grip of lesser courts and slaughtering any Ancients which dared to oppose their ascent to sovereignty. Those that joined Primus shared in his spoils and bathed in his power becoming paragons of their kind which would eventually come to be called the First Men, even though they were generations beyond the literal definition of such a title.

Mankind had earned the ire of the Ancients, Homura and Fuujin cursed those defiant to them to become beasts of burden. Homura turned the contumacious rebels into stone men. It was said that some went mad after this transformation: violent, angry, their intellect stunted. Some even claimed that they devolved into primates. Despite this, those who could hone their mind found this curse to be a powerful asset as their strength and durability was enhanced. Fuujin turned man into wolves in a demonstration of his power. These accursed men only served to swell the ranks of discontented humanity. Primus did not turn away any who were wronged by the ancients, he welcomed them into his fold and gathered his forces.

Eventually the Great Rebellion would catch the eye of Fuujin and Homura, two of the great Ancient Lords, and against humanity they brought their strongest and fiercest soldiers. But Primus and his First Men would not be denied. As if they were protected by the unseen hand of a god, Primus hewed through champion after champion of the Ancient Courts and through his martial might ascended to near deific status among the humans. As their faith in him grew, so too did his power and through him grew the rebellion. Soon humans all over the Wind Country were rising up on their own and forcing the hand of the Ancient Lords to kill them for their defiance. Finally growing to the end of his patience with this upstart race, Fuujin summoned to him all the might of the remaining Ancient Courts. Demanding something that had never before been demanded, he sent emissaries to each of the remaining courts demanding that their Lord and their armies join him to crush the Rebellion once and for all. Most responded, some did not. Most notably, the Earth Court fought but their Ancient-- the Desert Queen Suna --was mysteriously absent from the battle. The last battle of the Rebellion was a blood bath the likes of which the Wind Country is never likely to see again. The blood of both Ancient and Man spilled and mingled in the sands that day, thousands of lives were lost and most of the Ancient Courts were wiped from existence by the blades of the First Men and their One King. Perhaps the massacre would have continued if not for Primus issuing a challenge to the greatest Ancients on the field; Fuujin and Homura. He boasted that their power combined could not defeat him with the strength of human faith behind him and as they chaffed against his arrogance Fuujin and Homura agreed to the slanted duel. Both armies ceased their battle temporarily as the titanic clashes of power between Primus and the two Great Ancients shook the desert itself. The legends do not say for sure how long they battled, all that is said of the outcome is that while Fuujin and Homura were victorious over Primus he had battled them so viciously and wounded them so greatly that forever a scar of fear towards humanity was carved into their hearts. With the duel done and their power spent, Fuujin and Homura retreated from the battle leaving their armies to fair against the furious First Men. The resulting resumed battle was nothing more than butchery.

With the Ancient Courts scattered and defeated by the might of Primus and the First Men, humanity turned at last to what they would do with themselves now that they were free. The desert was harsh to them still and they now lacked supernatural power without Primus to tame it. But curiously, to the leaders of the First Men came the missing Desert Queen. She spoke of her duty and role, to steward the desert's denizens and reflected that with the defeat of the Ancient Courts, the desert would require a new breed of caretakers. In the aftermath of Sunagakure's formation it is said a true goddess native to the desert came to the people to aid them. She came to be known as Mother Suna. She brought not war to the First Men, but blessings. She blessed the Sunahoshi with control of the desert sands and blessed the First Men with ingenuity. From this moment in time, the First Men and the Kazekage converted from nomadic living to stationary. With some aid from Mother Suna, Sunagakure was built. To that end, she offered the mantle of power that she possessed to the Sunahoshi-- the greatest of the First Men-- but not simply to their leader. She instilled her power within their very blood, their spiritual identity as a clan and family, and then disappeared into history to whereabouts unknown.

Playing an Ancient
  • Full-blooded Ancients are considered to be rare and near extinct.
  • Full-blooded Ancients are bound to certain natural rules, which creates an interesting RP challenge for those interested in playing these characters, however it is expected that users that chose to play a full-blooded Ancient do not find a work-around to bypass these certain RP traits.
  • Ancient Lords are Council controlled characters because this position is necessary to maintain our setting.
  • According to the mythos, Ancients cannot die. This cannot be statistically represented for player characters due to the limitations in our system, therefore if your character is somehow killed and does not posess any means to resurrect yourself, your character will remain dead.
  • Sunagakure will not grant users that are not a part of Sand's community a biological link to being an Ancient.
  • For more information regarding the Ancient Courts, please contact a Council Member.


Hyrbids are people that possess both human and Ancient DNA. Hybrids are not necessarily 'uncommon' but a true hybrid is. For the most part, Ancient DNA has mingled with that of the people of Wind Country. Not every family has Ancient DNA, in fact many can trace their heritage back to the first men and do so with pride. For some families, however, their link to Ancients through blood is a secret they have not even shared with their loved ones because for many this is seen as a shameful and dark legacy. Many families have forgotten their heritage because of this, not that it matter greatly so many generations after Godsfall. After the first generation, the influence of Ancient DNA weakens as it is diluted with human DNA. What most Sunagakure denizens have in their family line is so faint, it is hardly a whisper of Ancient legacy.

There are exceptions to this. Hybrids can be made one of four ways:
  • The 'curse' of an Ancient Lord. An Ancient Lord can create hybrids from humans. Their children will also be hybrids like their parent. Examples of this are the Sunahoshi Clan and the Kirishii.
  • The "old fashioned" creation of a hybrid between an Ancient and a hybrid (birds and the bees) where their child will become a hybrid upon birth. While not very common, it is so weak in their bloodline that it never becomes relevant for the most part.
  • Something that is being done by the Diamyo and his subordinate Nao with some of their soldiers. They have called these hybrids "Sovereign."
  • A forbidden technique called the 'Fatalist Method' during the time of the first men that has led to the exile/imprisonment of every practitioner during the time of the First Men.

Hybrids are considered to be an affront to nature by many. In addition, hybridization is considered to be dangerous. Most people do not survive the process. Even child hybrids naturally born often die in the womb but like with all things 'life finds a way' and for hybrids this is no exception.

Playing a Hybrid
  • Hybrids are considered to be fairly uncommon in Wind Country, the influence of the Ancient genetics is so distant and rare that the presence is entirely forgotten. This is sometimes seen as a family's "dirty little secret."
  • Unlike Ancients, Hybrids do not have RP limitations or special rules that they need to follow unless they have a great deal of Ancient genetics within them, making them nearly full-blooded.
  • According to the mythos, Hybrids are long-lived. They are not immortal but they can live to be almost a century and a half, maintaining their youth much longer than others.
  • Sunagakure will not grant users that are not a part of Sand's community a biological link to being an Ancient.
  • For more information regarding the Ancient Courts and how one can become a Hybrid, please contact a Council Member.

Curse of the Fang Mark

Much of Wind Country's ancient history focuses on the rise of humanity against their oppression at the hands of the ruling Ancient-kin and Primus, the man who lead that rebellion and went on to become the first king of a free human race in Wind Country, but what is less commonly known is that the uprising that eventually grew into a crusade for freedom that was led by Primus was the first time that humanity raised it's hands against their oppressors-- only that Primus was the first to achieve success. Small scale uprising and rebellions were not unheard of across Wind Country but as each were cast down by the Ancient-kin that ruled the land at the time they became cautionary tales against the folly that was fighting or fleeing the rule of the Ancient-kin. Perhaps the most commonly well known of these cautionary tales is the legend of the cursed wolf-creatures which are known as Fang Marked.

Once a clan who's name has been lost to time which served under the rule of Fuujin, the Ancient Lord of Sun and Sky and his Solar Court the Fang Marked were a rare breed of men that dutifully served their lord. They were enforcers of his will among humanity and eventually came to be granted power for their loyalty-- the ability to take the form of a colossal desert wolf. Durable beyond human ken with enhanced senses and reflexes, the Fang Marked were steadfast soldiers of the Ancient-kin which were rightfully feared by the armies that gathered behind Primus and his First Men.

Eventually Fuujin was undone by the power of Primus and the Ancient-kin forces which had rallied to the greatest of their kind withdrew in their defeat leaving the ancestral Fang Marked alone in the world and for the firsst time purposeless without the command of their master. Hunted by the men and women they had fought against during the war that saw them as kinslayers, the Fang Marked were scattered to the winds and into hiding and to make matters worse without the sustaining power of their master eventually the Fang Marked began to lose control of their ability to transform and indeed control of their very minds in their transformed state which cemented their reputation as nothing but monsters to be hunted.

In the modern age the curse of the Fang-marked is a recessive trait in the family lines that can draw their bloodline back to one of the ancestral members of the group which were originally given power by Fuujin. There are a handful of desert clans which have rallied around the rare transformation as a manifestation of providence and destiny but for the most part Fang Marked individuals are reviled by society at large as dangerous and unpredictable beasts. Even though most common folk in Wind Country no longer know the story of how Fang Marked individuals came to be the threat that a Fang Marked individual in the throes of an uncontrollable transformation can pose is widely known and as a result those that display it are generally shunned by common society.

While once upon a time Fang-marked individuals were hunted rigorously by the Ranger Order, the times have changed enough that those who are Fang Marked are not implicitly turned away from Sunagakure. Instead those that have the good fortune to be accepted into the Sunagakure Academy are taught how to cope with their urges and are fashioned into weapons for the state to be used for the good of Sunagakure.

Becoming Fang Marked

The only creature which fully understood the process by which the Curse of the Fang Mark was created with was Fuujin and he has long since passed into antiquity. As a result there are no "new" Fang Marked being created but the curse is passed on from generation to generation which results in there being individuals who possess the Fang Mark in every age. The curse has grown wild and unpredictable since it's earliest days when the ancestral Fang Marked could control their transformations at will and keep their minds keen during said transformation. It manifests chaotically through family trees which contain an individual who possessed the Fang Mark and much like a naturally occurring shinobi Bloodline Limit the Fang Mark has no cataloged criteria for what causes it to manifest. Men and women have sometimes gone their entire lives without knowing that they were distantly related to a Fang Marked individual until one day their life was turned upside down by an abominable transformation.

Any character may choose to "become" a Fang Marked. Because of the wild manner in which it manifests, age and gender are irrelevant. The only cavet to a Fang Marked individual is that they must be 100% human. The Fang Mark is suppressed by any ancestry which is not human whether it be demon, Ancient-kin, youkai or something else.

Fang-marked Player Characters
  • The Fang Mark enhances predatory thought patterns and behavior in humans because of it's association with dune wolves.
  • The characteristics of the Fang Marked are generally represented as either the Inuzuka or Demonic Ancestry BL/CAs. Possessing one of those two BL/CAs is not mandatory to play a Fang Marked character but in your BL/CA application you must explain how your BL/CA relates to your character's Fang Mark.
  • Your character cannot be a hybrid and a Fang Marked, this curse would not be passed down to someone that has hybrid genetics. Your character must be 100% human.
  • Sunagakure will not grant users that are not a part of Sand's community a biological link to being cursed by the Fang Mark.
  • For more information regarding the Ancient Courts and how one can become a Fang Marked, please contact a Council Member.


By far, considered to be the most mundane to the casual observer but humans are by far the most hearty. Most humans in Wind Country can trace their heritage back to the first men with pride. With a rich heritage and a tale of endurance and victory, children grow up listening to tales of their ancestor's exploits. Humans are also by far the most versatile, for generations others have tried to twist humanity to their ends. Despite humanity's enemies, people have endured in the face of insurmountable odds. Humans, at least in name as many do hide an Ancient heritage or a generational sin, make up a majority of the main settlements in Wind Country: Sunagakure, Sora and Soons Haven. In addition to being apart of these settlements, there are several nomadic tribes that also exist in the desert -- some hunters, others traders, still others crafters.

Human Player Characters
  • It is presumed that all characters are human unless they state otherwise.
  • If you wish to get more information regarding the main settlements or the varied nomadic tribes of Wind Country, please contact a Sand Council Member.

Clans & Tribes

Sunagakure has a number of ancient clans, some of them can be traced back to the first men. In addition, in this modern era Sunagakure also recognizes some demon-based clans that have been held in a high regard in Sunagakure. Each of these clans differ in their composition, leadership, practices and sometimes secrets. Tribes differ from clans in that clans are made of genetically (or legally through marriage or adoption) related members whereas a tribe is composed of a group of people that may or may not be related, such as the gypsy-like nomads that roam the desert. With strength in numbers, the clans often have a greater political foothold in Sunagakure's community. To learn more about Clans please refer to the our Clan Page.
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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Re: Sungakure Info


The Ancient Courts and the Old World
A Detailed Account of Our History

In the beginning of recorded history, there existed beings comprised of prime elemental power and energy. Created by the hand of a now nameless but extremely powerful being, the Ancients were given the task of over-seeing and managing the natural world. Each of them possessed powerful dominion over their element and over the course of thousands of years gathered both denizens of the natural and spiritual worlds to them to form large feudal system-like courts. The most powerful of them were the Solar, Flame and Earth Courts as those were the elements in the Wind Country which were most present. The Solar Court was the greatest of them and led by the Ancient of Sun and Sky, Fuujin and given the role of ruler of the skies and the keeper of the surface world. Hailing from below all things within the streams of magma and fire existed the Flame Court and their ravenous leader Homura whom was the Ancient of Iron and Flame. Homura was the flame in which the other Ancients were to be tempered, created to constantly test and prune the others to ensure that no one court ever grew too powerful as to lord over all others. Suna, the Ancient of Desert and Earth, was queen of the Earth Court and given the task of governing the desert and it's all of it's flora and fauna. There also existed lesser courts as well and while the various courts never bent knee to any one leader nor were bound to any court in servitude, none could contest the size and affluence of the Prime Courts.

It was not until the First Coming of mankind that the Ancients found another being that was truly native to their world but also possessed the power of spirit and thought as they did. At the time, the Wind Country was home to many creatures both mundane and supernatural but none took the world into their hand as Man did. Carving out settlements and places for themselves in the world, the Ancients quickly became aware of Man... and almost as quickly shoved them beneath their heel. Humanity served as little more than a source of entertainment as some were made into gladiators to sate Homura's bloodlust. Others served as meals, their souls being a source of concentrated power that filled their Ancient bellies. Others still simply enjoyed the exercise of power as they pulled the metaphorical strings of their marionette playthings.

The Rise of the Champion Primus
Feeling in their hearts the manifest destiny to rule the domains they had been given, the Ancients lorded over humanity for centuries before He was born. Born from a tribe in the south of Wind Country, he is known to Sunan historians as the One King or Primus. Primus was the first human to throw off the shackles of slavery and give death unto an Ancient. Ancients were immortal, or so even Ancients believed. It took little from there for Primus to begin liberating humans from the grip of lesser courts and slaughtering any Ancients which dared to oppose their ascent to sovereignty. Those that joined Primus shared in his spoils and bathed in his power becoming paragons of their kind which would eventually come to be called the First Men, even though they were generations beyond the literal definition of such a title.

Mankind had earned the ire of the Ancients, Homura and Fuujin cursed those defiant to them to become beasts of burden. Homura turned the contumacious rebels and those that failed to prove their mettle in gladiatorial displays into stone men called Kirishii. It was said that some Kirishii went mad after this transformation: violent, angry, their intellect stunted. Some even claimed that they devolved into primates. Despite this, those who could hone their mind found this curse to be a powerful asset as their strength and durability was enhanced. Fuujin turned man into wolves in a demonstration of his power. These accursed men only served to swell the ranks of discontented humanity.

Primus did not turn away any who were wronged by the ancients, he welcomed them into his fold and gathered his forces. Credited with consolidating the great nomadic tribes of man, unifying the slaves and the cursed creatures under a unified banner. Eventually the Great Rebellion would catch the eye of Fuujin and Homura, two of the great Ancient Lords, and against humanity they brought their strongest and fiercest soldiers. But Primus and his First Men would not be denied. As if they were protected by the unseen hand of a god, Primus hewed through champion after champion of the Ancient Courts and through his martial might ascended to near deific status among the humans. As their faith in him grew, so too did his power and through him grew the rebellion. Soon humans all over the Wind Country were rising up on their own and forcing the hand of the Ancient Lords to kill them for their defiance. Finally growing to the end of his patience with this upstart race, Fuujin summoned to him all the might of the remaining Ancient Courts. Demanding something that had never before been demanded, he sent emissaries to each of the remaining courts demanding that their Lord and their armies join him to crush the Rebellion once and for all. Most responded, some did not. Most notably, the Earth Court fought but their Ancient-- the Desert Queen Suna --was mysteriously absent from the battle. The last battle of the Rebellion was a blood bath the likes of which the Wind Country is never likely to see again. The blood of both Ancient and Man spilled and mingled in the sands that day, thousands of lives were lost and most of the Ancient Courts were wiped from existence by the blades of the First Men and their One King. Perhaps the massacre would have continued if not for Primus issuing a challenge to the greatest Ancients on the field; Fuujin and Homura. He boasted that their power combined could not defeat him with the strength of human faith behind him and as they chaffed against his arrogance Fuujin and Homura agreed to the slanted duel. Both armies ceased their battle temporarily as the titanic clashes of power between Primus and the two Great Ancients shook the desert itself. The legends do not say for sure how long they battled, all that is said of the outcome is that while Fuujin and Homura were victorious over Primus he had battled them so viciously and wounded them so greatly that forever a scar of fear towards humanity was carved into their hearts. With the duel done and their power spent, Fuujin and Homura retreated from the battle leaving their armies to fare against the furious First Men. The resulting resumed battle was nothing more than butchery.

Primus died on that bloodied field. Homura and Primus fell victim to their wounds, they withered and died. As if they were never there at all. The secret behind Primus' power was in part his uncanny might but also his legendary blade Shoki. Shoki was a weapon capable of negating its victim from reality, effectively erasing what remained of the wounded Lords. Ancient-kind as well as humanity were both unaware of this boon or from where this precious gift came from, what they saw was a mere mortal with his sharpened blade take down the gods of this realm.

The Fall of the Ancient Courts
With the Ancient Courts scattered and defeated by the might of Primus and the First Men, humanity turned at last to what they would do with themselves now that they were free. The desert was harsh to them still and they now lacked supernatural power without Primus to tame it. But curiously, to the leaders of the First Men came the missing Desert Queen. She spoke of her duty and role, to steward the desert's denizens and reflected that with the defeat of the Ancient Courts, the desert would require a new breed of caretakers. In the aftermath of Sunagakure's formation it is said a true goddess native to the desert came to the people to aid them. She came to be known as Mother Suna. She brought not war to the First Men, but blessings. She blessed the Sunahoshi with control of the desert sands and blessed the First Men with ingenuity. From this moment in time, the First Men and the Kazekage converted from nomadic living to stationary. With some aid from Mother Suna, Sunagakure was built. To that end, she offered the mantle of power that she possessed to the Sunahoshi-- the greatest of the First Men-- but not simply to their leader. She instilled her power within their very blood, their spiritual identity as a clan and family, and then disappeared into history to whereabouts unknown. Council Resource

The Rise of The Sunan Empire

The generation that followed the destruction of the Ancient Courts were hard, many brave men and women perished before their time, a consequence of the harsh habitat they sustained themselves within. With the power over the storms in the hands of the Sunahoshi, the Diamond Maelstrom remained at bay. Sunagakure was built by the hands of humanity, a consolidation of the many fragmented tribes that united under one banner to battle the ancients. Together they created proud great structures of mortar and stone pierced the heavens and they made barren lands bountiful with the fruits of their labors.

Despite their progress and the gifts of the Sunahoshi line, the desert remained a constant threat. The ancient Dune Wars were a series of battles fought against sandworms. Eventually humanity decimated the Sandworm population by destroying the egglair of Barynx, a great and mighty sandworm. The legendary sandworm Barynx fought with early Sunan forces but was pushed back, she retreated into the desert where she further diminished her own population by devouring other Sandworms which earned her the moniker “The Devourer.” The threat of human extinction persisted despite the worm’s alleged madness as it returned to Sunagakure stronger than ever. Barynx took the lives of many before she was finally put down and was ultimately consumed by the Diamond Sands wielded by Sunahoshi Noh.

Barynx the Devourer

Sandworms, commonly misspelled "Sandwyrms" are very large creatures that live for an unspecified period of time, but it was hypothesized that they live for as long as 5 centuries. Barynx was believed to be in excess of 4 centuries when her egglair was decimated. While not believed to be intelligent by human standards, Sandworms are known to have a sense of self-preservation and will attack if provoked. Prior to Barnyx, Sandworms are not known to attack villages, travelers or livestock but the incidental death of a person or community had been attributed to Sandworms in the past. Barynx is one of the few exceptions but scholars argue that it was because Sunagakure encroached on her nesting grounds and that she was only attempting to protect her brood which makes her a tragic figure in the eyes of some. For the most part, Sandworms are unaware of the presence of humans; humans and animals are not considered to be a food source for the worms as Sandworms consume the earth and sand, it is assumed that they consume the microorganisms that exist within the sands. It has become a modern debate among scholars regarding the microorganism theory, some feel that if that was the case then sandworms would exist in regions external to Wind Country but there has been no reports of Sandworms outside of Wind Country. Some researchers argue that there is an energy contained within the desert that the worms consume. While the energy is intangible, it is believed to be mystical and the source of the Sandworm's strength.

Some further debate that is why Barynx the Devourer attacked her own kind, that she would take with their death their strength and the properties of the desert that they had consumed to increase her own vitality for her final battle. Historians familiar with Ancient lore draw a number of parallels between the sin of consumption and its effect on the Lord of the Wild Hunt and his decent into madness and the unfortunate fate of the great annelid. Barnyx was encased in the diamond sands manipulated by one of the last Sunahoshi leaders and the Sandworm was ultimately destroyed.

Sanctuary War

After Barynx’s demise in 21 PP, the people of Sunagakure got to enjoy peace for many years. Despite political backstabbing and greed among the leaders of the village, the righteous ancient Toraono and Takahashi family maintained an illusion of peace before the public. Trouble did not reach the public level until the efforts of San Fang, a criminal organization that came from a coastal village in Wind Country called Soon’s Haven and opened up black markets in the Grand Palais in 160PP. Their nefarious efforts did not go unnoticed and Sunan forces purged the Grand Palais of many of these seedy figures but they were never able to completely eliminate these shadowy figures. Remnants of this criminal organization attacked their former homestead Soon’s Haven in 167, starting the Sanctuary War which lasted 6 years. Sunagakure sided with Soon’s Haven against these terrorist forces. The war ended with the death of the San Fang clan leader Yamura Yuuto, the rebel forces were absorbed by Soon's Haven but the group was never entirely extinguished according to many scholars. It is believed that interference by the San Fang persists to even this day, perhaps under another name.

Today an underground organization known as the Fang and Claw, a den of gamblers according to ANBU forces however they hold a darker secret. The Fang and Claw actually trade in the flesh and blood of certain clansmen. Yes, the Fang and Claw, formerly known as the San Fang was a part of the flesh trade. It was an underground market for Uchiha eyes, the bones of a Kaguya, the blood and flesh of honored houses, the means of acquisition questionable at best.

The Sanctuary Wars marked the end of growth and prosperity for Sunagakure. A disease known as The Red Death started to take the lives of the poor and affluent alike. Initially Sunagakure made efforts to render aid to the ailing but as the virulent plague continued to spread and take the lives of even the strongest of shinobi, Sunagakure was forced into isolating themselves. It was later discovered that Sunagakure was the source of the condition, walling themselves inside the village with the expectation of safety backfired. The diamond sands that consumed Barynx had tainted the earth, the corruption of the desert was the source of the disease. Attempts to destroy the black heart of Barynx with the use of Hellfires and Blackflames was only met with failure. Out of desperation, Kazekage Sunahoshi Keikou and Steward Takahashi Hana sealed the heart within themselves and allowed themselves to be consumed by the corruption. The corruption took the lives of both the Kazekage and Steward.
The Red Death said:
Source: The contamination of Barynx's heart corrupted the earth beneath Sunagakure and caused illness.
Transmission: Contact
Incubation: 1 week
Symptoms: Early symptoms start after approximately 1 week and consist of mild flu-like symptoms including a low-grade fever 100-101, dry non-productive cough, malaise and muscle aches. Intermediate Symptoms usually occur in the 2nd week, a petechiae rash develops, their phlegm is blood streaked as is their stool and sometimes their urine has a strawberry tint. Symptoms often persists for another 2 weeks [week 4 total] where they bleed from every orifice, usually blood loss or secondary infection is the cause of death.
Mortality Rate: With treatment, mortality hovers around 75%, without treatment it is approximately 95%.
Known Cures: Treatment is only palliative; there has been some success with blood transfusions but blood supplies tend to be limited because many shinobi clans erroneously believe that their bloodline trait can be transmitted to another via blood exchange but it is believed that the blood of a Kagyua would be immensely helpful in curing this condition.
Prevalence: There has been no reported cases of the Red Death for several years now, it is believed that through proactive quarantine and perhaps some inherent immunities that no active cases of the red Death have been established recently.

The death of Kazekage Sunahoshi Keikou and Steward Takahashi Hana did not end the threat of the Red Death, while the source of the corruption was gone people tried to mimic the effects of the plague and the clever ones found success. As a source of enlightenment for only a few, most coveted this plague as a weapon and wielded it as such. Known as the Plague Preservers, men and women of ill intent would go to war for this kind of power and several did. Scholars called this conflict for the raw materials necessary to recreate the Red Death as The Plague Wars. While the product was similar to the original plague, some would argue the outcome was exceedingly more gruesome at the expense of speed and mortality.

Plague Preserves said:
Source: A synthetic recreation of the Red Death using remnants of Barynx's heart and/or the remains of Sunahoshi Keikou/Takahashi Hana as a main ingredient.
Transmission: Contact
Incubation: 1.5 weeks
Symptoms: Early symptoms start after approximately 1.5 week and consist of mild flu-like symptoms including a fever in excess of 101 but never over 103, a harsh rattling productive cough productive of red-streaked sputum, severe lethargy and muscle pain. Intermittent symptoms include boils over one's face and arms, even if this disease proves not to be fatal, these boils often leave deep pock-like scars. These boils have in 95% of all cases led to a secondary infection, most commonly cellulitis. The fever and lethargy persist, often leaving the victim dehydrated and malnourished unless someone cares for them during this state of illness. Due to fear of contamination, most victims die before reaching the final stage. In the final stage, organs begin to putrefy one at a time. Treatment for this is supportive, meaning if a victim's organs can be supported long enough to recover, the victim will survive but be severely weakened as a result of the disease processes.
Mortality Rate: With treatment, mortality is 10% but due to fears of contamination many people go untreated. Untreated, mortality rates for the second stage are 60% and the final stage are 95%.
Known Cures: Hydration and nutrition as well as secondary infection prevention during the second stages and during the final stage organ support by a trained medical professional.
Prevalence: most of the preserves have been destroyed or it is so believed, it remains a constant fear of Sunan officials that this disease in another form will one day return.

The Diamond Maelstrom

It was the plagues that ultimately destroyed the Sunahoshi line. The last Sunahoshi, Sunahoshi Hiro perished in 204PP as a consequence of the Red Death. His brother Daisuke wandered into the desert to never return not much earlier. Without the Sunahoshi to safeguard Sunagakure as they had for centuries against the storms, the desert became restless and fierce. The mantle of leadership fell to the Takahashi Clan, loyal partners of the Sunahoshi throughout the centuries and the survivors were led underground where they rebuilt their civilization. The storms continue to this day, those that dare traverse the desert are unlikely to survive the perilous journey which has forced Sunagakure into a state of geographic isolationism. Attempts have been made to overcome the storm with the assistance of the Sunahoshi cousins: The Sunaku, but their efforts have only been met with failure.

Known as The Diamond Maelstrom, the sky over Wind Country was eclipsed by a terrible storm that darkened the sky. The wild winds alone would rip and tear the flesh off those foolish enough to traverse the desert unprotected. Entire villages were buried beneath these rushing sands. The countless losses of life forced great walls to be erected around some of the more capable civilizations and some even descended to the depths. That was exactly what happened to Sunagakure, the village descended into the very depths of the desert. The cavernous spaces beneath the dunes was carved by the comings and goings of Sandworms great and small that ate through the hard-packed earth and solid stone. These caverns a perfect place to subsist, safe from the storms and the oppressive heat of the Sunan sun.

The Diamond Maelstrom said:
A sandstorm that covered for most of the desert for approximately 30 years. The sand itself had a glass-like quality. It was later discovered that the glass-like shards were due to a lightning storm in the eye of the storm itself that surrounded a once assumed dead Sunahoshi. Sunahoshi Daisuke was indeed dead, however his corpse was reanimated and his body was under the control of a terrible unseen force. The electrical storm created a fulgurite and the dangerous winds pushed these glass-like shards and sand throughout the countryside. These dangerous sands were capable of drawing the flesh off a man in a matter of minutes. Until Sunahoshi's ultimate destruction years later, this maelstrom persisted. Upon the destruction of the source of the storm, the skies immediately cleared and the desert has been free of a storm ever since.

The Subterranean Empire

The year of 227PP was a bad year for Sunagakure, malevolent and ancient forces alike sought the destruction of Sunagakure. It started with the escape of the Djinn, an antediluvian creature of unimaginable power that was trapped by ancient forces. When unleashed the Djinn wrecked havoc on the subterranean village of Sunagakure. The Medical Center was destroyed but Sunagakure fought back, hero's such as Hiku, Toraono Kuro, Sunaku Harupia, Mikaboshi, Takahashi Sousuke, Roku, and Kumiko worked together and through their efforts together they sealed the Djinn away forever.

For a short time, there was peace again in Sunagakure. They began to rebuild and some perhaps took greater pride in a city that was built with their very own hands. The Omni Prime Medical Center, replaced the former, grander and more durable than ever before some would like to say. This was a time of rejuvenation and growth for Sand, but this time would be fleeting. A new enemy emerged in the absence of the Djinn threat: Magnetica. Magnetica, a bandit leader with an uncanny ability to control gravity and magnetism, she proved herself a worthy threat of a collective unit of Sand shinobi. The trials and tribulations these Suna shinobis faced eventually came to an end and Sunagakure was victorious against Magnetica[/url], she was subsequently imprisoned and it can only be hoped that she would never return again.

The village moved on, day-day life resumed when their peace was shattered once again. A group of Anarchists known as The Cabal took Sunagakure by surprise. A series of explosions collapsed the tunnels to the surface, all less one. This incursion was brief, these madmen (and women) slaughtered hundreds, destroyed residences and plunged the village into turmoil. Escape was not an option, the one main entrance to the village was armed to explode and guarded by a Cabal member known as Shouki. Eventually Sunagakure's Main Branch Sennin Toraono Kuro called the Cabal's bluff and ran through the gates only to set off a chain reaction of explosions that nearly leveled the city. Set on a delay, part of the village were saved by fast-thinking shinobis such as the Sunaku family. The village set to explode, the Cabal started to make their exit through a single hidden tunnel that they had maintained after the Djinn attack on the Toraono Dojo. An area covered in refuse and debris that masked an intact path to the surface, something that a double agent among Sunagakure's own forces ensured. His identity has never been revealed. The Cabal was stopped at this hidden exit identified by a small group of shinobi but some members remained at large.

The Fate of the Cabal said:
  • Magnetica was mortally wounded, armed with an explosive device in her chest that threatened to go off and destroy what little remained. They attempted to remove the bomb, which was successful, however Magnetica never survived the attack.
  • Kaito, the 'leader' of this group was captured and made a deal with Sunagakure to ally himself with them. While closely observed he is still 'free' to roam in Sunagakure. He is presently battling lung cancer, an attempt to save his life through hybridization was declined.
  • Naganisa was placed in an Asylum upon her capture but was released by Sunahoshi Katsuo, the would be king. Naganisa has become enamored with this young man and has not caused any issues as of yet but is considered to be mentally unstable. Oddly enough she is in a physical relatioinship with the Kazekage.
  • Homura, Naganisa's former lover betrayed Naganisa at the final battle. He tried to kill her but was unsuccessful. Businessman Aburabuta Hirotomi has utilized his substantial resources to procure Hirotomi's assistance as an employee but he has not been seen in some time. It is assumed that the swordsman is dead, possibly an act of revenge by a jilted lover.
  • Fuu, an Oracle from the Original Orders and allegedly the former lover of the Diamyo she has been considered a neutral force during the Cabal's incursion and has been able to avoid capture during the Cabal incursion, however due to an altercation some time later she was captured. While incarcerated Ancient Lord and former Sennin Mikaboshi found her and hybridized her, making her a Deep Court hybrid. Mikaboshi helped her escape, taking a new identity as "Michi". Since her escape/release she has served as an occasional resource for Sunagakure.
  • Shouki, a sociopath who once guarded the gates from assistance. He killed several Jounin level units independently, kidnapped the Kazekage Steward's cousin as well as a mercenary that he tortured over the course of a few days. He was eventually defeated, more than once but he is immortal. It seems to take awhile, a few years, but he comes back every time. Shouki is the bastard son of Fuu/Michi and Diamyo Iishii Shiro and half-brother of the Diamyo's children: Sango and Susumu. He is considered to be the general of the Sovereign army when he is alive. He has been dead for a few years, he should return any time now...
  • Saiga, a man of honor he was also the second in command during this incursion. He has a profound hatred of demons but has not been found guilty of killing anyone during the attack. There is documentation of an attack by Saiga against a half-demon youth as well as the attempted kidnapping of an academy student but in both cases there were no casualties. He was eventually captured by Toraono Kuro but escaped/was let free by the Senin. He was last seen in the desert wilds. It has been said that his family was kidnapped by the Diamyo and their safety was used to leverage his cooperation.
  • Akio, little is known of this mysterious and shrouded man. The true leader of the Cabal group. His intentions are unknown as well as his identity or present whereabouts.
  • Urufuu, an exiled Inuzuka clansman that is said to be enlightened due to a mysterious book he caries. He has a relationship with Yume (the significant other of the present Kazekage), while assumed to be based on familial ties the details of their relationship are not well-known. Yume assisted the Inuzuka during the gates battle and nearly turned the tides of the battle in the Cabal's favor. Urufuu was eventually captured and restrained in the Omni Prime Asylum, however he had escaped and was put down by Mikaboshi. Dead, the spoils of his tome came into the possession of Mikaboshi.
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The Rise of a New Villain

Sunagakure garnered a great deal of information with the defeat of the Cabal. The most important piece of information was the fact that the storm had a physical cause. The Diamond Maelstrom that surrounded Sunagakure and forced the denizens underground decades earlier could be stopped. Armed with this new information the Steward Takahashi Sousuke and the newly rediscovered true Kazekage, Sunahoshi Katsuo along with a band of Mercenaries traversed the storm and came upon a strange man who commanded a storm-like force that caused the maelstrom. At the heart of the chaos was Sunahoshi Daisuke, the man was not under his own control. A great necromancer had brought the unfortunate man back to life and for the past few decades he had suffered the fate of being the epicenter of the storm. Daisuke was killed a second time and once he died the storms ceased and Sunagakure would see the sun for the first time in over 3 decades.

They have their theories on what happened to Daisuke but they have never been able to prove anything as a people. An Oracle offered a potential explanation, the Diamyo has a powerful necromancer that has sided with his cause. It is conceivable that this necromancer is the one who brought the Sunahoshi back to life all those years ago. The reason being simple, to isolate Sunagakure while the Diamyo consolidated his power throughout Wind Country. This plan proved effective. The Diamyo is near eighty but he appears to be about forty. in the past three decades much has changed in the rest of Wind Country. The Diamyo is an immortal Jashinist, as are his children Sango, Susumu and Shouki. The regions controlled by other Diamyo's were lost over these past few decades as the Diamyo overtook the other Diamyo's regions one by one. While Diamyo Ishi Shiro might be the last Diamyo, he has not called himself an emperor. Words have a terrible power, one that can sway opinion and allegiance. A mere Diamyo seems a lot less threatening than a man who calls himself "king." Sunagakure represents the final free-state within Wiind Country.

The Diamyo has also gained in power, his children adults. His oldest, a bastard named Shouki whom he had with an Oracle named Fuu was named general of the Sovereign, the Diamyo's private army. The second, Susumu whom is the Diamyo's Heir apparent as he is the Diamyo's first born legitimate, was also a scholar spent his adolescence in Tea Country where he has made connections. His youngest and only daughter, Sango was to wed the Otokage, but her wedding was interrupted. Susumu has reached out to Sunagakure, considered to be nothing like his father he has garnered the trust of some high-ranking officials. The daughter Sango was kidnapped several years ago, beaten and taken to Sunagakure. She has not been seen in years, but she is locked away in a mental institution at this time.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Re: Sungakure Info


Wind Country Timeline
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The time before Primus is recorded by many scholars as 'Titan's Reign' [TR]

22 Titan's Reign - The Ranger Order was formed among the rebellious Wind Country denizens as unrest propels humanity to action.
• The Ranger Order is the oldest Order, they were prior to this hunters from nomadic tribes that hunted the great and dangerous beasts of Wind Country. With their formation, Rangers started to hone their skills for battle against their oppressive overlords: Ancients.
18TR - The Journeyman Order was formed among the slave humans in Wind Country.
• The Journeymen first sprung up in Homura's Court, the human workforce in the Flame Court at the time had unparalleled skill in forging metal.
• Gypsy-like crafters among the freemen of Wind Country also assisted in the creation of the Journeyman Order as the Order was created organically, both brought something to the creation of armor and blades and they mastered the skill of serving the early rebellion as blacksmiths.
15TR - Primus starts gathering the nomadic tribes of man and tales start to stir among the enslaved people of Wind Country.
14TR - The Ranger Order and the Journeyman Order join the rebellion.
13TR - Humanity declares war against Ancient-kind.
• The battle of The Dunes resulted in a slaughter, human rebels suffered great losses this year.
• The battle of Desert Storm resulted in humanity retreating into the Sandworm-carved caverns to avoid ultimate destruction.
• The battle of the Blood Moon ended in humanity's defeat.
10TR - Primus kills an Ancient, the Ancient does not appear to be in limbo awaiting his resurrection.
• Ancients have a cyclical existence where if they are destroyed, they would reform in a matter of years.
• This would be the first recorded death of an Ancient.
8TR - Humanity continues to suffer losses against the Ancients in this seemingly unending war.
• More rebels answer the call to action and start to fight against Ancients.
• Primus is responsible for the death of several Ancients by this point, but no other human has successfully killed an Ancient.
• The battle of 100 days of Darkness demoralized humanity but ended in a draw. Defeated Ancients would rise once again, however their defeat temporarily slowed their process.
4TR - The Fatalist Method was created.
• A promising young nomad developed a technique called the Fatalist Method. The Fatalist Method was a technique where a human was able to steal life and power from the environment around them, taking in their life force and essence. This included the life-force and essence of Ancients which increased his power exponentially.
• The rebellious first men saw this as an abomination, this nomad was exiled from Wind Country never to be heard from again.
• This was the first man-made form of hybridization.
• This nomad is called by some "the first Oracle" despite the fact that the oracle Order did not emerge until decades later.
3TR - The rebel human forces continued to suffer losses, their number dwindled from the thousands to the hundreds.
2TR - Curious humans found the notes left behind regarding the Fatalist Method.
• These notes were incomplete, the result imperfect but readers learned how to take from the world around them life essence to prolong their life and enhance their power.
• The result was addictive as those that underwent the Fatalist Method coveted more power, hungered for life and became destructive.
• A civil war began between those that felt that this was the means to victory and those that wished to remain wholly human.
• Practitioners of this flawed fatalist method were deubbed the "unbent".
• This was the second man-made form of hybridization.
1TR - The battle of Godsfall serves as a turning point in the war.
• Primus fights Homura and Fuujin, defeating them.
• Homura and Fuujin are killed completely and do not show any evidence of reforming.
• The defeat of two ancients at the hands of a mere mortal man resulted in a demoralization of the Ancients and humanity was able to rally.
• This was the first battle than humanity won.
• Primus was mortally wounded in that fray and died weeks later to his wounds, his son Sunahoshi Nori attempts to lead the human war machine.
• Scattered battles throughout the remainder of the year ended in human victory, diminishing the numbers of Ancients capable of fighting. They would reform months later, resulting in a cyclical system of rebirth, slaughter and death.

The Time between Primus' defeat and the formation of Sunagakure is known as the "Chaos Era"
1Chaos Era - Victory was assigned to humanity, however Ancient-kind continued to fight against humanity but their numbers dwindled.
2CA - The Unbent were exiled from Wind Country, however some refused to leave and they were imprisoned.
4CA - Some of the Unbent renounced the means by which they achieved power and pleaded for forgiveness. They were never released, however their execution was held. Those that did not denounce the means by which an Unbent was formed were killed.
• All notes concerning the creation of the Unbent were burned.
• Several notes were preserved, those hungry for knowledge jealously hid away what notes they could find. These scholars thirsted for knowledge but at the time met in secret, knowledge was a source of fear at this time and therefore something that needed to be hidden away.
5CA - The desert itself became unruly. The beasts of the land were no longer kept at bay humanity faced a new threat: the environment itself.
• Despite the many failings between Ancients and humans, it was by the will and power of the Ancients and the balance they maintained that kept the peace in the desert. With the losses among the Ancient populous, the world itself became a dangerous place.
7CA - Due to difficulties humanity faced, a concentrated seat of power became a source of conflict. Primus was dead and while some felt that leadership should be hereditary. Some of the freedmen were chakra capable and felt that "might was right" and therefore they had the right to rule. Some of them scholars who were building their inventory of knowledge, their ideal was a society of intellectuals and that the wisest should lead. There were traders, workers, those whom simply had large families, the 'greatest' of these seeking the metaphorical throne.
• This was a leaderless time that lacked order.
• Humanity became a threat onto itself.
12 CA - Some of the nomadic tribes that joined the liberation efforts returned to the desert and their roots.
13CA - The Oracle Order is developed, but at this time the Oracles are limited to a small settlement where they attempt to create a government ruled by the clever rather than the strong, the right or the one born to the right family.
16CA - Mother Suna, the Earth Court Queen "blesses" the Sunahoshi heir and claims he has the right to rule.
17CA - The Journeymen build a forge in the southwest called HammerFall, around which they settle.

The Modern Era is known as Post Primus [PP]

0 Post Primus [PP] - The modern era begins.
• Sunahoshi dynasty begins with Sunahoshi Nori who ascends to the rank of Kazekage based on the will of the One King and receives blessing from Mother Suna. Takahashi Ino becomes the first Steward.
• The Sunahoshi are a line of assumed Sunakus that have been imbued with the powers of Mother Suna to control their terrain.
• The Takahashi family are a line of craftsmen who were rewarded for their loyalty to the Sunahoshi Clan during the war of Godsfall and the turmoilous years that followed.
• The Ancient Courts are actively hunted post war by the Rangers, bringing the Ancient Courts to near extinction.
• Several Ancient Courts have a non-aggression agreement with humanity and the agreement between these Courts and humanity is respected.
• Merchants consolidate and create a tent village that centers around oasis' but this community is roughly formed and has no name.
• This will one day become Soons Haven.
• The Oracles start to build the city of Babylos, the heart of intellectual society.
1PP - General construction of Sungakure began as the tribes of Wind Country sheathed their swords and picked up building tools. The first Kazekage Tower is built.
• The tribes of Wind Country is an archaic expression of the various clans, bloodlines and families in Wind Country. They had united under the late Sunahoshi Primus and maintained a tense alliance for the sake of progress.
3PP - Sungakure expands and fortifies their settlements.
5PP - The Ancient Courts are for the most part destroyed, occasional attacks occur in the wilderness but for the most part Ancients have dwindled to a mere handful.
• Hunts persist with the Ranger Order specializing in the tracking and destruction of Ancients.
• The slain Ancients begin to rise, the humanity discovers the cyclical nature of Ancients. Depending on the relative strength of the Ancient, some Ancients were reforming after about a decade.
• The Journeymen forge weapons made of feathersteel that the Oracles suspect might be capable of sealing an Ancient. The Oracles begin a near decade-long research project where they attempt to develop a means of sealing Ancients within weapons.
7PP - Sungakure continues expansion and inadvertently ventures into Sandworm territory. The Dune Wars begin.
• The Dune Wars are a series of battles the settlers of Sunagakure fought against a legendary Sandworm named Barnyx after Sunagakure inadvertently encroached on the egglair of this Sandworm.
13PP - Sunahoshi Nori is devoured by Barnyx as the great Sandworm continued to ravage the land, Sunahoshi Noh his sister takes up the mantle and continues to wage war against the Sandworms.
14PP - The Oracles develop a means of sealing Ancients within feather-steel forged blades.
• Rather than killing Ancients, knowing that the Ancients will rise again in a matter of years Rangers armed with these feather-steel forged blades start sealing defeated Ancients within their weapons.
• Sealing an Ancient in a weapon does not enhance the weapon in any way and only one Ancient could be sealed within a weapon, however through this process of sealing the Ancient would be trapped in a perpetual limbo that prevents them from reforming when enough time has elapsed for them to be reborn.
15PP - Sunahoshi Noh and Takahashi Ino lead a team of shinobis into the egglair of Barnyx. Sungakure destroys all spawns of Barynx. Takahashi Ino loses her legs and is forced to retire from active service. Her son Takahashi Eisuke becomes the next Steward.
• It was unknown at this time that the Sandworm would soon lay another clutch of Sandworm eggs in a few years time had it not been for her death.
17PP - Sunahoshi Noh and Takahashi Eisuke expel Barnyx from the immediate vicinity of Sungakure. The beast ravages the lands and begins to devour its own kind. Barynx becomes known as Barnyx the Devourer.
• This is what made Barnyx different from other sandworms. Sandworms are dangerous enough in their own right, however the consumption of its own kind resulted in a madness. There was a taboo, a curse that came with the sin of consumption where one ate their own kind. A terrible madness that came as a consequence for the strength they also enjoyed.
18PP - Sungakure fortifies and consolidates its expanded territories
19PP - Barnyx returns to strikes at the core of Sungakure. The Kazekage Tower is shattered but is used as a weapon by Sunahoshi Noh and Takahashi Eisuke. Barnyx is impaled by the tower and immobilized. The Dune War becomes stationary. Barynx still battles fiercely despite immobilization.
21PP - Barnyx survived for three years, pinned in the heart of Sunagakure but Barnyx is finally slain, Takahashi Eisuke perishes. Sunahoshi Noh forces the diamond sands to consume Barnyx. Takahashi Eisuke's first cousin Takahashi Shiro becomes the next Steward. Sunahoshi Noh begins to show heavy fatigue from using the diamond sands to obliterate Barynx and is never the same.
•Little did they know then that Barnyx was pregnant and about to lay another clutch of eggs at this time.
•The diamond sands were a trademark move by the Sunahoshi clan where they commanded the sands to consume a target and the sands would then crystallize, forever encasing a target in a diamond-like shell.
25PP - Inner Sungakure is fully rebuilt. Sunahoshi Noh puts down her weapons and retreats into a life of scholarly knowledge.
• She dedicated her life to facilitating the Oracle Order. The Oracle Order was a group of men and women who pursued scholarly knowledge throughout their lives for the purpose of recording and ultimately disseminating this information.
26PP - The Rangers, unable to seal more Ancients in their weapons but also no longer capable of carrying every sealed blade they erect several secret bunkers throughout the Badlands.
27PP - The first medical tower [Caucus Tower] is built under Sunahoshi Noh's supervision. Sunahoshi Noh begins to heavily invest in medical innovations.
31PP - Sunahoshi Noh dies in childbirth, Sunahoshi Kai is born. Sunahoshi Noh's successor Sunahoshi Kai was unable to ascend to the Diamond Throne due to her age. Takahashi Shiro begins a long regency.
• In the absence of the Sunahoshi Clan, or a viable heir, the head of the Takahahsi Clan would rule in the Sunahoshi's stead until a practical leader came of age or became available to rule.
36PP - Sunahoshi Koi, cousin to Sunahoshi Noh attempts to wrestle power from Sunahoshi Kai. Takahashi Shiro intervenes and maintains the status quo. Sunahoshi Koi and her followers are put under house arrest.
• The role of Kazekage would be passed on to the the eldest child of the main Sunahoshi family. When there is more than one child in a family, the role of Kazekage would be go to the eldest child. If that child rejects the position, then the role would be passed onto the second eldest. If the Sunahoshi is not of age, rather than passing the role onto another Sunahoshi from a branch house or line, the role s temporarily bestowed to a member of the Takahashi line until the Sunahoshi child comes of age.
39PP - The Orders: Journeyman, Oracle and Ranger become a part of Sunagakure.
40PP - Sunahoshi Koi again tries to stage another revolt, once again she is stopped. Takahashi Shiro with much regret puts Sunahoshi Koi to the blade [to death] with an eight out of ten vote from Sunahoshi councilors.
42PP - Takahashi Shiro begins to train Sunahoshi Kai for ascension. House Toraono aids in this undertaking.
• This is the first mention of the Toraono family in the village's lengthy timeline, however the Toraono family had been relevant to Sunagakure much earlier than this point. The Toraono family is a family of demons that have lived in the desert since the time of the first men. Demons have always been the mortal enemy of Ancients and as such they were instrumental in the earlier wars between mankind and Ancients. Humanity owes a very old debt to the Toraono family and for that reason humanity has cohabited with this demon clan ever since.
49PP - Takahashi Shiro's long regency ends and Sunahoshi Kai becomes Kazekage. Takahashi Shiro with much satisfaction is relieved of his regency and becomes a trusted adviser to the young Kazekage Sunahoshi Kai.
53PP - Sunahoshi Kai becomes betrothed to Merchant Lord Quan from Qannn-mount. Takahashi Shiro doubts Sunahoshi Kai's choice, and is relieved of his duty as Adviser and Steward, and Takahashi Jeikotsu briefly takes on the role of Adviser and Steward.
• This predates the creation of Soons Haven, community run by Merchant Lords. During this time Merchant Lords represented the leader of several small crafter communities and trader caravans.
54PP - Merchant Lord Quan attempts to control Kai with dark sorcery and is successful. Takahashi Shiro rides to her aid and removes Merchant Lord Quan from power to restore Sunahoshi Kai. Takahashi Shiro is offered to take Kai's hand in marriage, being a dutiful and order bound man he refuses this offer. Takahashi Shiro is returned to his previous station as Steward and Adviser to the young Kazekage Sunahoshi Kai.
55PP - Takahashi Shiro and Sunan forces come upon Qannn-mount, a successful island off the southern border of Wind Country. Mostly ports and shops, the island dealt in trade with a great deal of the known world. The island was razed and then sunk into the sea.
• The are no further accounts of Qannn-mount, the residents of this community were unceremoniously slaughtered.
60PP - Takahashi Shiro dies of old age, Sunahoshi Kai becomes heartbroken and refuses future marriages. A long period of mourning begins. Takahashi Jeikotsu with great hesitancy becomes the next Steward.
64PP - Sunahoshi Kai commits suicide, having no living cousin, aunt or uncle, Kai's cousin Sunahoshi Akina ascends to the Diamond Throne.
65PP - Sunahoshi Akina gives a grant to House Toraono to fortify and form their own grand dojo.
• This brings rise to the Toraono Dojo.
68PP - The first Grand Gladiatorial Tournament is held. Merchant Lords from all around gather, at this time they discover the potential power that can be garnered from their unified resources.
• The winner of this tournament was a Fang Marked Inuzuka named Yamato. While he received acclaim for his successes and he hid his heritage, he fled the community in disgrace once his heritage came to light.
• The Fang Marked represent a line of men and women (mostly forgotten) that sided with Fuujin during the great wars.
70PP - Merchant clans form around an oasis near the shoreline of Wind Country and begin to construct a paradise that would one day be known as Soon's Haven.
• Soons Haven is a merchant-run plutocracy that exists to this day. They are presently Sunagakure's closest neighbor.
77PP - Soon's Haven begins to build high walls and opens trade with Sungakure.
• Soon's Haven is a separate state within Wind Country that is run by the seven Merchant Lords of the era who also became politicians in this fledgling independent state. Throughout the years some of the merchant lord families have remained consistent but some seats have found new occupants over the years.
83PP - There has not been an Ancient hunted in a near generation, the Rangers start to crumble as an organization.
• Through oral history rare families maintain the old ways of the Ranger.
92PP - Some merchants break away to form San Fang due to arguments within Soon's Haven.
• Many of the merchants who joined the San Fang were disenfranchised merchants that felt that they were deserving of the title of Merchant Lord.
• San Fang is a criminal organization that came from Soon's Haven.
94PP - San Fang begins investing in the infrastructure of Sungakure to spite Soon's Haven in an attempt to create a competitive market as well as to create alliances with the shinobi hidden village. Sunagaskure expands further, the Grand Palias is put on paper but is not approved. Takahashi Jeikotsu is mysteriously killed. Sunahoshi Akina forms the ANBU to investigate, no results become immediate. Takahashi Sousuke II becomes Steward at an early age.
• The first Takahashi Sousuke was never a Steward, but the name was a family name.
95PP - Sunahoshi Akina retires from Kazekageship and dies 5 months after, her son Sunahoshi Kenshin becomes Kazekage.
96PP - Sunagakure begins construction of an ANBU Headquarters, construction is completed within the year.
97PP - The culprits who put Takahashi Jeikotsu to the sword are found, they were members of San Fang. Those responsible for Jeikotsu's death were put to the sword [executed]. Sunahoshi Kenshin monitors the San Fang for further trespasses.
98PP - The next Grand Gladiatorial Tournament at House Toraono is held.
• The winner of this tournament was a young Pyromaniac named Souta. The boy achieved victory when he spontaneously combusted, nearly killing himself in the process from the backlash that ensured his victory.
100PP - Sunahoshi Kenshin is put to the sword as another Sunahoshi rebellion starts. His son Sunahoshi Nobu begins his long reign and defends his throne. The vigil over San Fang ends.
103PP - Sunahoshi Nobu and Takahashi Sousuke II with ANBU forces put an end to the second Sunahoshi rebellion. Sunahoshi Nobu without hesitation puts several Sunahoshi to the blade [death] as a consequence of their betrayal.
105PP - Babylos closes off to traders, claiming self-sufficiency.
108PP - Sunahoshi Nobu takes an orphan bride from a broken Hyuuga house.
114PP - Sunahoshi Nobu declares a year of celebration as his first born daughter Sunahoshi Keiku arrives.
115PP - Due to the limited need for specialty weapons beyond Sunagakure the Journeymen Order starts to fade but oral tradition and the desire to maintain a trade keeps the principles of the Journeyman Order alive in limited families.
• Most common in Nanjirou families.
117PP - Sunagakure begins to build the Grand Hall of Learning.
• This was Sunagakure's first library, however there were several other libraries scattered throughout Wind Country that were maintained by Oracles. This would be the first reservoir of knowledge that was maintained by the common man.
119PP - Soon merchants gift Takahashi Sousuke II with a chronicle of their histories and funds him to further expand.
124PP - Takahashi Sousuke II finished the Grand Halls of Learning.
128PP - The third Grand Gladiatorial Tournament at House Toraono is held.
131PP - Sunahoshi Nobu's Hyuuga bride dies in childbirth, giving birth to a son, Sunahoshi Shoumetsu. Sunahoshi Nobu goes into a long period of mourning.
136PP - Sunahoshi Nobu's mourning enters its fifth year. Takahashi Sousuke II is presented with the plans for the Grand Palasis, but holds off construction due not being able to contact Sunahoshi Nobu.
145PP - Sunahoshi Nobu becomes the longest living Sunahoshi, a grand celebration marks this occasion.
150PP - Sunahoshi Keiku ascends to the Diamond Throne after the passing of Sunahoshi Nobu dies of old age.
151PP - Takahashi Hana becomes the next Steward as Takahashi Sousuke II dies due to illness.
153PP - Construction of the Grand Palais is granted under the rule of Sunahoshi Keiku. Construction begins on the surface.
• The Grand Palais was at one point a bustling suburban area that fell into ruin during Sunagakure's isolationism period during the maelstrom.
153PP - Construction on the Grand Palais continues, but Sunahoshi Kiku seeks financial aid from the Soons Haven's Merchant Lords. Soons granted the requested funding, but in exchange they demanded an Ambassador seat in Sunagakure. The Ambassador would have a say in trade, supplies, tariffs, etc. and represent Soon's interests.
156PP - Construction continues, but Soon's ambassador is assassinated by San Fang members who input their own replacement ambassador.
158PP - The fourth Grand Gladiatorial Tournament at House Toraono is held.
160PP - With a San Fang Amabassador representing the interests of Soons Haven, Sunagakure completes construction of the Grand Palais. However through the influence of the San Fang, dirty markets within the Grand Palais started to open up. They were a shadowy contrast to what was on the surface appeared to be a placid suburbia.
161PP - San Fang's dirty markets are revealed and the purge of San Fang begins. The treachery of the San Fang's influence on the Merchant Councilor Ambassador position resulted in the imprisonment of the ambassador and her ultimate death as well as the elimination of the ambassador position in Sunagakure.
162PP - Majority of San Fang's dirty markets were disbursed, but not completely eradicated. Some pockets remained.
164PP - Trade routes reopen with Soon's Merchant groupings. Soon's Merchant Council declares themselves nobility, and Sungakure accepts their new self-appointed position.
167PP - Soon's Haven is attacked by remnants of San Fang and their paid mercenaries, several of the Merchant Lords were victimized. Four of the seven Merchant Lords were killed and the family of another was killed brutally leaving only the better guarded Lord herself. Sungakure attempts to aid the Merchant Lords and improve their strained relations with Soon's Haven, however they are too late. The Sanctuary War began and the last two Merchant Lords Trade Lord Solomus and Trade Lord Aburabuta resided in Sungakure for a time.
170PP - Takahashi Hana dies in the defense of Trade Lord Solomus and Sunahoshi Keiku. Takahashi Shiro III abstains from becoming the next Steward, his younger sister Takahashi Kin rises to become Steward.
173PP - The Sanctuary War ends with the death of San Fang's clan head, Mushi Hayate. Mushi Hayate's daughter was forcibly married to Trade Lord Aburabuta and was held in custody/hostage situation. San Fang's leadership went to Mushi Hayate's younger daughter Mushi Izumi. In exchange for her sister's freedom she agreed to a total surrender of the San Fang. However the Merchant Lords did not keep their side of the deal and they slaughtered the revealed members of the San Fang with the assistance of Sunagakure forces.
• It is believed that remnants of this group [San Fang] exist even today.
180PP - A Plague arises in the desert, known as the Red Death. Soon's Haven provides Sungakure with medical aid before closing its own gates to control their own ailments. An age of sickness begins.
• The Red Death was a terrible disease that killed thousands. The disease stemmed from the corpse of Barnyx that festered below Sunagakure encases within those diamond sands. The corruption leeched into the ground and plagued the people of Sunagakure. As Sunagakure tried to wall themselves in, they only worsened the state of affairs.
186PP - The Red Death begin to evolve ravaging the lands. Sungakure begins to contemplate a future in the depths as the earth would make a sound barrier from this virulent foe.
188PP - The fifth Grand Gladiatorial Tournament at House Toraono was canceled due to the terrible, contagious sickness that plagued the lands.
190PP - Excavation begins. The source of the plague is revealed unexpectedly during to excavation. The skeletal structure of Barynx was found and in particular the heart of Barynx was discovered to be causing corruption to the land. Sungakure takes measures to obliterate the heart. Their attempts are ultimately unsuccessful without great sacrifice. Sunahoshi Keikou and Takahashi Hana decide to seal the heart within themselves and submit themselves to the corruption. Both the Steward and the Kazekage died. The plague was sealed, however interested groups arose to find other ways to create the plague for purposes of war and future medical usages unbeknownst to the public at large. A one year of mourning is given to grieve for the losses of the Kazekage family and their Steward.
191PP - A year of mourning ends and Sunahoshi Keiku's son Sunahoshi Hiro came to power as Kazekage. Takahashi Hana's younger brother Takahashi Judori comes to power as the next Steward. Sunahoshi Hiro begins a crusade to end research on the plague for good and for ill. Most medical researchers cry out but comply with the order of the Kazekage.
192PP - The Toraono dojo hosts the fifth Grand Gladiatorial Tournament. There one of the five Dimayos was found dead in their hotelroom, his son Ishii Shiro, the "boy king" as he was only 15 at the time took over as the Dimayo of this small stretch of land in the Southern portion of Wind Country. The death was ruled as suspicious but no culprit was ever apprehended. Viewers from as far away as Tea Country came to view the display.
194PP - Despite the fact that the plague threat has ended, Takahashi Judori resumed excavations, fearing future returns of the plague and future wars.
195PP - Ishii Shiro enters a political arrangement, marrying Tonaka Kaede at the age of 18. Their domain was consolidated with the advent of their union. She died sixth months later, they never had children.
196PP - The Sovereign Academy was founded in Sora.
198PP - Total evacuation is completed, they reached the worm-carved caverns that lace beneath the desert.
• The worm-carved caverns are a network of naturally occurring caverns created by roaming sandworms. These caverns crisscross beneath the desert, many of the passageways remain unmapped to this day.
199PP - Outside forces try to invade the surface of Sunagakure, the people evacuate to the underground. Sunahoshi Hiro deploys ANBU to discover the identity of these outside forces. They are revealed to be individuals who tried to obtain the heart of Barynx for future plagues. They are successful, not with getting the actual heart of Barnyx as that was destroyed within the former Kazekage and Steward but the remains of the former Kazekage and Steward were not guarded well enough and the Plague War begins.
201PP - Babylos shows no sign of life. No scholar enters and none leave. Due to the isolationism this goes uncontested. The tower goes dark.
202PP - Plague Preserves unleash a new plague. Sungakure forces best the Preservers in the war, Sunahoshi Hiro deploys his brother Sunahoshi Daisuke to hunt down remaining Plague Preservers. Sunahoshi Daisuke disappears.
• The Plague Preserves area synthetic compound intended to mimic the original plague caused by the corrupted heart of Barnyx. The Plague Preserves were derived from the remains of Sunahoshi Keikou and Takahashi Hana and they proved even more virulent than the original.
• Little did they know at the time but the Plague Preserves were manufactured by a mad scientist known only as Kenta, however the plague itself was sold to degenerates in Sora who never knew Kenta's name only that they were given this product by a brilliant, tanned skin man that spoke in only a whisper.
• Sunahoshi was murdered in the desert, however his corpse was reanimated by a necromancer named Nao.
203PP - The Great Oracle Libraries in Baylos, Korm and Tante were razed, this event unnoticed by the country at large because of the plagues being suffered still by the people of Wind Country at large.
204PP - Sunahoshi Hiro falls ill due to a new plague consisting of elements old and new as do other members of the Sunahoshi family. Sunahoshi Hiro perishes and the Diamond Sands begin to become unruly. Takahashi Judori calls for a council of Sunaku cousins to attempt to control the storm but fail. Takahashi Judori deploys a full set of ANBU to hunt and return Sunahoshi Daisuke. They return with no one.
• The plague was also credited with the already dying lines of Rangers and Journeymen as the old ways utilized by these Orders had fallen to the wayside. The massive amount of death caused by this disease caused many to forget their past.
205PP - Sungakure structures were being destroyed by the Diamond Storms. Takahashi Judori begins an exodus to the underground. Judori stages for structures to fall beneath the desert grounds. Another search party is deployed in search of Sunahoshi Daisuke, he is never found and many searchers died as a result of the storm itself.
• This became known as the Diamond Maelstrom.
206PP - A secret war between Diamyo Ishii Shiro and the other Dimayo's began. Each community isolated from the others, their fates largely unknown.
• Only 4 Dimayos existed at the start of the year, but by the end of the year only three remained.
207PP - All structures descend to the underground safely. Although many were damaged or mostly destroyed by the diamond sands, as if in an attempt to maintain a piece of their heritage the people of Sunagakure went to pain-staking efforts to preserve the remains of their structures and to rebuild those destroyed in the image of the originals they replaced. The skeleton of Barynx is checked for corruption, the skeletal structure is found to be clean.
• Only 2 Dimayos existed by the end of the year.
209PP - The last Dimayo was removed from his station. Only Ishii Shiro remained and his attention turned to Soons Haven.
210PP - Diamyo Ishii Shiro has his first born son, a bastard. The mother unknown. He was named Shouki and given the Ishii name.
215PP - Council urges Takahashi Judori to become Kazekage. Takahashi Judori refuses, and continues to deploy searches yearly.
218PP - Takahashi Judori again summons the Sunaku Council, many believed to be distant cousins of the Sunahoshis to attempt to control the storms. Failure is met again. Future actions are taken by council to seat Takahashi Judori on the Diamond throne, he refuses.
225PP - Takahashi Judori retires from council from old age, his son Takahashi Sousuke III comes to power. Council offers him the Diamond Throne, and refuses. Council takes future measures and inputs a ruling that Stewards become Kazekage-Stewards despite Takahashi's non-desire for power.Source
227PP - Kazekage Takahashi Sousuke III faced his first defeat at the hand of the Djinn, the medical center, Caucus Tower was destroyed. A short time later Sunan forces rallied and the Djinn was sealed away forever.
228PP - The Omni Prime Medical Center replaces the destroyed former medical center.
229PP - The Cabal infiltrate Sunagakure.
• Explosive charges were set throughout the village. One of the men that helped rebuild Sunagakure had laced them throughout the community after the Djinn attack.
• The Hall of Learning was destroyed, as were major residential areas, the main entryway into the village was collapsed, several places of science also destroyed.
• The incursion only lasted 3 days but the extreme loss of life was profound. Eventually Sunagakure rallied, defeated the Cabal and took back control of the village.
• Upon interrogation and the acquisition of new allies as some of the Cabal members joined Sunagakure, they learned that there was a heart to the storm.
• Late this same year an adventuring group found the heart of the diamond maelstrom and its source, the reanimated corpse of Sunahoshi Daisuke. A perpetual storm was being created around the felled Sunahoshi.
• Daisuke was destroyed and the storm ended.
• When the storms cleared, the Diamyo and his allies knew that Sunagakure was free and that it was now go-time.
• The last Sunahoshi is rediscovered, Sunahoshi Katsuo. He is uninterested in the role of Kazekage and refuses the Diamond Throne.
230PP - The Sovereign reveal themselves as a dangerous force against Sunagakure. They attack several citizens and kidnap the Steward Kazekage's adopted cousin.
238PP - An intervillage examination is hosted in Soons Haven.
239PP - Sunahoshi Katsuo becomes Kazekage.
243PP - Tea country offers a World Martial Arts Tournament.
244PP - An alleged battle between the forces of Suna (Kazekage Sunahoshi Katsuo, his Sennin, and select ANBU members) and The Sovereign (Daimyo Ishii Shiro and his soldiers) occurs at Godsfall. Several key members of this event are still MIA, including both Daimyo Ishii Shiro and Kazekage Sunahoshi Katsuo.
• Coinciding with this, a terrible earthquake ravages the land as seemingly all the deposits and storages of carmot are destroyed. This event is later named "The Shattering"
• Creatures known as Unbent begin to actively terrorize the country, they are referred to as The Swarm.
245PP - After a year missing, Sunahoshi Katsuo is removed from the position of Kazekage and Ryuzaki Raizo is named the 11th Kazekage.
• In one of the most organized shows of force from the creatures, The Swarm seems to conduct a coordinated attack on the walls of Suna. Their efforts are repelled, and the name "Dominus" begins to spread through the country.
246PP - Lady Ishii Mako is named Daimyo, usurping her husband Shiro who was still MIA. The Merchant Lords officially have his status deemed "deceased".
• A new Merchant Lord is announced, thanks to the backing of Daimyo Mako; Zennyo Ryūō of the Golden Sanctuary Merchants Guild (GSMG)
247PP - Mass migration to the protective walls of Sunagakure no Sato, as infighting from the lack of carmot and the ravaging of The Swarm becomes to much for many nomadic tribes and smaller villages.
248PP - Oil becomes a resource of utility, nomadic tribes begin to use it to make new avenues for themselves and partnerships with the Golden Sanctuary Merchants Guild
• A rash of disappearances and deaths occur relating to those believed to be "chakra attuned".
249PP - The GSMG declares oil as a means of breaking free from not only the over-reliance on carmot but also those who manipulate chakra.
• Sunagakure no Sato declares itself a safe haven to those with chakra sensitivity; this move is viewed poorly by those of Soons Haven and Sora.
252PP - The trains, T5UM3 and K1B4, are now up and running while tracks connecting various regions and locations in Wind Country are progressing rapidly.
---Additional points TBA between 252 and current---
Our Current Year: 259PP
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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Re: Sungakure Info


Wind Country Timeline
<FONTFACE fontface="georgia">

The time before Primus is recorded by many scholars as 'Titan's Reign' [TR]

22 Titan's Reign - The Ranger Order was formed among the rebellious Wind Country denizens as unrest propels humanity to action.
• The Ranger Order is the oldest Order, they were prior to this hunters from nomadic tribes that hunted the great and dangerous beasts of Wind Country. With their formation, Rangers started to hone their skills for battle against their oppressive overlords: Ancients.
18TR - The Journeyman Order was formed among the slave humans in Wind Country.
• The Journeymen first sprung up in Homura's Court, the human workforce in the Flame Court at the time had unparalleled skill in forging metal.
• Gypsy-like crafters among the freemen of Wind Country also assisted in the creation of the Journeyman Order as the Order was created organically, both brought something to the creation of armor and blades and they mastered the skill of serving the early rebellion as blacksmiths.
15TR - Primus starts gathering the nomadic tribes of man and tales start to stir among the enslaved people of Wind Country.
14TR - The Ranger Order and the Journeyman Order join the rebellion.
13TR - Humanity declares war against Ancient-kind.
• The battle of The Dunes resulted in a slaughter, human rebels suffered great losses this year.
• The battle of Desert Storm resulted in humanity retreating into the Sandworm-carved caverns to avoid ultimate destruction.
• The battle of the Blood Moon ended in humanity's defeat.
10TR - Primus kills an Ancient, the Ancient does not appear to be in limbo awaiting his resurrection.
• Ancients have a cyclical existence where if they are destroyed, they would reform in a matter of years.
• This would be the first recorded death of an Ancient.
8TR - Humanity continues to suffer losses against the Ancients in this seemingly unending war.
• More rebels answer the call to action and start to fight against Ancients.
• Primus is responsible for the death of several Ancients by this point, but no other human has successfully killed an Ancient.
• The battle of 100 days of Darkness demoralized humanity but ended in a draw. Defeated Ancients would rise once again, however their defeat temporarily slowed their process.
4TR - The Fatalist Method was created.
• A promising young nomad developed a technique called the Fatalist Method. The Fatalist Method was a technique where a human was able to steal life and power from the environment around them, taking in their life force and essence. This included the life-force and essence of Ancients which increased his power exponentially.
• The rebellious first men saw this as an abomination, this nomad was exiled from Wind Country never to be heard from again.
• This was the first man-made form of hybridization.
• This nomad is called by some "the first Oracle" despite the fact that the oracle Order did not emerge until decades later.
3TR - The rebel human forces continued to suffer losses, their number dwindled from the thousands to the hundreds.
2TR - Curious humans found the notes left behind regarding the Fatalist Method.
• These notes were incomplete, the result imperfect but readers learned how to take from the world around them life essence to prolong their life and enhance their power.
• The result was addictive as those that underwent the Fatalist Method coveted more power, hungered for life and became destructive.
• A civil war began between those that felt that this was the means to victory and those that wished to remain wholly human.
• Practitioners of this flawed fatalist method were deubbed the "unbent".
• This was the second man-made form of hybridization.
1TR - The battle of Godsfall serves as a turning point in the war.
• Primus fights Homura and Fuujin, defeating them.
• Homura and Fuujin are killed completely and do not show any evidence of reforming.
• The defeat of two ancients at the hands of a mere mortal man resulted in a demoralization of the Ancients and humanity was able to rally.
• This was the first battle than humanity won.
• Primus was mortally wounded in that fray and died weeks later to his wounds, his son Sunahoshi Nori attempts to lead the human war machine.
• Scattered battles throughout the remainder of the year ended in human victory, diminishing the numbers of Ancients capable of fighting. They would reform months later, resulting in a cyclical system of rebirth, slaughter and death.

The Time between Primus' defeat and the formation of Sunagakure is known as the "Chaos Era"
1Chaos Era - Victory was assigned to humanity, however Ancient-kind continued to fight against humanity but their numbers dwindled.
2CA - The Unbent were exiled from Wind Country, however some refused to leave and they were imprisoned.
4CA - Some of the Unbent renounced the means by which they achieved power and pleaded for forgiveness. They were never released, however their execution was held. Those that did not denounce the means by which an Unbent was formed were killed.
• All notes concerning the creation of the Unbent were burned.
• Several notes were preserved, those hungry for knowledge jealously hid away what notes they could find. These scholars thirsted for knowledge but at the time met in secret, knowledge was a source of fear at this time and therefore something that needed to be hidden away.
5CA - The desert itself became unruly. The beasts of the land were no longer kept at bay humanity faced a new threat: the environment itself.
• Despite the many failings between Ancients and humans, it was by the will and power of the Ancients and the balance they maintained that kept the peace in the desert. With the losses among the Ancient populous, the world itself became a dangerous place.
7CA - Due to difficulties humanity faced, a concentrated seat of power became a source of conflict. Primus was dead and while some felt that leadership should be hereditary. Some of the freedmen were chakra capable and felt that "might was right" and therefore they had the right to rule. Some of them scholars who were building their inventory of knowledge, their ideal was a society of intellectuals and that the wisest should lead. There were traders, workers, those whom simply had large families, the 'greatest' of these seeking the metaphorical throne.
• This was a leaderless time that lacked order.
• Humanity became a threat onto itself.
12 CA - Some of the nomadic tribes that joined the liberation efforts returned to the desert and their roots.
13CA - The Oracle Order is developed, but at this time the Oracles are limited to a small settlement where they attempt to create a government ruled by the clever rather than the strong, the right or the one born to the right family.
16CA - Mother Suna, the Earth Court Queen "blesses" the Sunahoshi heir and claims he has the right to rule.
17CA - The Journeymen build a forge in the southwest called HammerFall, around which they settle.

The Modern Era is known as Post Primus [PP]

0 Post Primus [PP] - The modern era begins.
• Sunahoshi dynasty begins with Sunahoshi Nori who ascends to the rank of Kazekage based on the will of the One King and receives blessing from Mother Suna. Takahashi Ino becomes the first Steward.
• The Sunahoshi are a line of assumed Sunakus that have been imbued with the powers of Mother Suna to control their terrain.
• The Takahashi family are a line of craftsmen who were rewarded for their loyalty to the Sunahoshi Clan during the war of Godsfall and the turmoilous years that followed.
• The Ancient Courts are actively hunted post war by the Rangers, bringing the Ancient Courts to near extinction.
• Several Ancient Courts have a non-aggression agreement with humanity and the agreement between these Courts and humanity is respected.
• Merchants consolidate and create a tent village that centers around oasis' but this community is roughly formed and has no name.
• This will one day become Soons Haven.
• The Oracles start to build the city of Babylos, the heart of intellectual society.
1PP - General construction of Sungakure began as the tribes of Wind Country sheathed their swords and picked up building tools. The first Kazekage Tower is built.
• The tribes of Wind Country is an archaic expression of the various clans, bloodlines and families in Wind Country. They had united under the late Sunahoshi Primus and maintained a tense alliance for the sake of progress.
3PP - Sungakure expands and fortifies their settlements.
5PP - The Ancient Courts are for the most part destroyed, occasional attacks occur in the wilderness but for the most part Ancients have dwindled to a mere handful.
• Hunts persist with the Ranger Order specializing in the tracking and destruction of Ancients.
• The slain Ancients begin to rise, the humanity discovers the cyclical nature of Ancients. Depending on the relative strength of the Ancient, some Ancients were reforming after about a decade.
• The Journeymen forge weapons made of feathersteel that the Oracles suspect might be capable of sealing an Ancient. The Oracles begin a near decade-long research project where they attempt to develop a means of sealing Ancients within weapons.
7PP - Sungakure continues expansion and inadvertently ventures into Sandworm territory. The Dune Wars begin.
• The Dune Wars are a series of battles the settlers of Sunagakure fought against a legendary Sandworm named Barnyx after Sunagakure inadvertently encroached on the egglair of this Sandworm.
13PP - Sunahoshi Nori is devoured by Barnyx as the great Sandworm continued to ravage the land, Sunahoshi Noh his sister takes up the mantle and continues to wage war against the Sandworms.
14PP - The Oracles develop a means of sealing Ancients within feather-steel forged blades.
• Rather than killing Ancients, knowing that the Ancients will rise again in a matter of years Rangers armed with these feather-steel forged blades start sealing defeated Ancients within their weapons.
• Sealing an Ancient in a weapon does not enhance the weapon in any way and only one Ancient could be sealed within a weapon, however through this process of sealing the Ancient would be trapped in a perpetual limbo that prevents them from reforming when enough time has elapsed for them to be reborn.
15PP - Sunahoshi Noh and Takahashi Ino lead a team of shinobis into the egglair of Barnyx. Sungakure destroys all spawns of Barynx. Takahashi Ino loses her legs and is forced to retire from active service. Her son Takahashi Eisuke becomes the next Steward.
• It was unknown at this time that the Sandworm would soon lay another clutch of Sandworm eggs in a few years time had it not been for her death.
17PP - Sunahoshi Noh and Takahashi Eisuke expel Barnyx from the immediate vicinity of Sungakure. The beast ravages the lands and begins to devour its own kind. Barynx becomes known as Barnyx the Devourer.
• This is what made Barnyx different from other sandworms. Sandworms are dangerous enough in their own right, however the consumption of its own kind resulted in a madness. There was a taboo, a curse that came with the sin of consumption where one ate their own kind. A terrible madness that came as a consequence for the strength they also enjoyed.
18PP - Sungakure fortifies and consolidates its expanded territories
19PP - Barnyx returns to strikes at the core of Sungakure. The Kazekage Tower is shattered but is used as a weapon by Sunahoshi Noh and Takahashi Eisuke. Barnyx is impaled by the tower and immobilized. The Dune War becomes stationary. Barynx still battles fiercely despite immobilization.
21PP - Barnyx survived for three years, pinned in the heart of Sunagakure but Barnyx is finally slain, Takahashi Eisuke perishes. Sunahoshi Noh forces the diamond sands to consume Barnyx. Takahashi Eisuke's first cousin Takahashi Shiro becomes the next Steward. Sunahoshi Noh begins to show heavy fatigue from using the diamond sands to obliterate Barynx and is never the same.
•Little did they know then that Barnyx was pregnant and about to lay another clutch of eggs at this time.
•The diamond sands were a trademark move by the Sunahoshi clan where they commanded the sands to consume a target and the sands would then crystallize, forever encasing a target in a diamond-like shell.
25PP - Inner Sungakure is fully rebuilt. Sunahoshi Noh puts down her weapons and retreats into a life of scholarly knowledge.
• She dedicated her life to facilitating the Oracle Order. The Oracle Order was a group of men and women who pursued scholarly knowledge throughout their lives for the purpose of recording and ultimately disseminating this information.
26PP - The Rangers, unable to seal more Ancients in their weapons but also no longer capable of carrying every sealed blade they erect several secret bunkers throughout the Badlands.
27PP - The first medical tower [Caucus Tower] is built under Sunahoshi Noh's supervision. Sunahoshi Noh begins to heavily invest in medical innovations.
31PP - Sunahoshi Noh dies in childbirth, Sunahoshi Kai is born. Sunahoshi Noh's successor Sunahoshi Kai was unable to ascend to the Diamond Throne due to her age. Takahashi Shiro begins a long regency.
• In the absence of the Sunahoshi Clan, or a viable heir, the head of the Takahahsi Clan would rule in the Sunahoshi's stead until a practical leader came of age or became available to rule.
36PP - Sunahoshi Koi, cousin to Sunahoshi Noh attempts to wrestle power from Sunahoshi Kai. Takahashi Shiro intervenes and maintains the status quo. Sunahoshi Koi and her followers are put under house arrest.
• The role of Kazekage would be passed on to the the eldest child of the main Sunahoshi family. When there is more than one child in a family, the role of Kazekage would be go to the eldest child. If that child rejects the position, then the role would be passed onto the second eldest. If the Sunahoshi is not of age, rather than passing the role onto another Sunahoshi from a branch house or line, the role s temporarily bestowed to a member of the Takahashi line until the Sunahoshi child comes of age.
39PP - The Orders: Journeyman, Oracle and Ranger become a part of Sunagakure.
40PP - Sunahoshi Koi again tries to stage another revolt, once again she is stopped. Takahashi Shiro with much regret puts Sunahoshi Koi to the blade [to death] with an eight out of ten vote from Sunahoshi councilors.
42PP - Takahashi Shiro begins to train Sunahoshi Kai for ascension. House Toraono aids in this undertaking.
• This is the first mention of the Toraono family in the village's lengthy timeline, however the Toraono family had been relevant to Sunagakure much earlier than this point. The Toraono family is a family of demons that have lived in the desert since the time of the first men. Demons have always been the mortal enemy of Ancients and as such they were instrumental in the earlier wars between mankind and Ancients. Humanity owes a very old debt to the Toraono family and for that reason humanity has cohabited with this demon clan ever since.
49PP - Takahashi Shiro's long regency ends and Sunahoshi Kai becomes Kazekage. Takahashi Shiro with much satisfaction is relieved of his regency and becomes a trusted adviser to the young Kazekage Sunahoshi Kai.
53PP - Sunahoshi Kai becomes betrothed to Merchant Lord Quan from Qannn-mount. Takahashi Shiro doubts Sunahoshi Kai's choice, and is relieved of his duty as Adviser and Steward, and Takahashi Jeikotsu briefly takes on the role of Adviser and Steward.
• This predates the creation of Soons Haven, community run by Merchant Lords. During this time Merchant Lords represented the leader of several small crafter communities and trader caravans.
54PP - Merchant Lord Quan attempts to control Kai with dark sorcery and is successful. Takahashi Shiro rides to her aid and removes Merchant Lord Quan from power to restore Sunahoshi Kai. Takahashi Shiro is offered to take Kai's hand in marriage, being a dutiful and order bound man he refuses this offer. Takahashi Shiro is returned to his previous station as Steward and Adviser to the young Kazekage Sunahoshi Kai.
55PP - Takahashi Shiro and Sunan forces come upon Qannn-mount, a successful island off the southern border of Wind Country. Mostly ports and shops, the island dealt in trade with a great deal of the known world. The island was razed and then sunk into the sea.
• The are no further accounts of Qannn-mount, the residents of this community were unceremoniously slaughtered.
60PP - Takahashi Shiro dies of old age, Sunahoshi Kai becomes heartbroken and refuses future marriages. A long period of mourning begins. Takahashi Jeikotsu with great hesitancy becomes the next Steward.
64PP - Sunahoshi Kai commits suicide, having no living cousin, aunt or uncle, Kai's cousin Sunahoshi Akina ascends to the Diamond Throne.
65PP - Sunahoshi Akina gives a grant to House Toraono to fortify and form their own grand dojo.
• This brings rise to the Toraono Dojo.
68PP - The first Grand Gladiatorial Tournament is held. Merchant Lords from all around gather, at this time they discover the potential power that can be garnered from their unified resources.
• The winner of this tournament was a Fang-touched Inuzuka named Yamato. While he received acclaim for his successes and he hid his heritage, he fled the community in disgrace once his heritage came to light.
• The Fang-touched represent a line of men and women (mostly forgotten) that sided with Fuujin during the great wars.
70PP - Merchant clans form around an oasis near the shoreline of Wind Country and begin to construct a paradise that would one day be known as Soon's Haven.
• Soons Haven is a merchant-run plutocracy that exists to this day. They are presently Sunagakure's closest neighbor.
77PP - Soon's Haven begins to build high walls and opens trade with Sungakure.
• Soon's Haven is a separate state within Wind Country that is run by the seven Merchant Lords of the era who also became politicians in this fledgling independent state. Throughout the years some of the merchant lord families have remained consistent but some seats have found new occupants over the years.
83PP - There has not been an Ancient hunted in a near generation, the Rangers start to crumble as an organization.
• Through oral history rare families maintain the old ways of the Ranger.
92PP - Some merchants break away to form San Fang due to arguments within Soon's Haven.
• Many of the merchants who joined the San Fang were disenfranchised merchants that felt that they were deserving of the title of Merchant Lord.
• San Fang is a criminal organization that came from Soon's Haven.
94PP - San Fang begins investing in the infrastructure of Sungakure to spite Soon's Haven in an attempt to create a competitive market as well as to create alliances with the shinobi hidden village. Sunagaskure expands further, the Grand Palias is put on paper but is not approved. Takahashi Jeikotsu is mysteriously killed. Sunahoshi Akina forms the ANBU to investigate, no results become immediate. Takahashi Sousuke II becomes Steward at an early age.
• The first Takahashi Sousuke was never a Steward, but the name was a family name.
95PP - Sunahoshi Akina retires from Kazekageship and dies 5 months after, her son Sunahoshi Kenshin becomes Kazekage.
96PP - Sunagakure begins construction of an ANBU Headquarters, construction is completed within the year.
97PP - The culprits who put Takahashi Jeikotsu to the sword are found, they were members of San Fang. Those responsible for Jeikotsu's death were put to the sword [executed]. Sunahoshi Kenshin monitors the San Fang for further trespasses.
98PP - The next Grand Gladiatorial Tournament at House Toraono is held.
• The winner of this tournament was a young Pyromaniac named Souta. The boy achieved victory when he spontaneously combusted, nearly killing himself in the process from the backlash that ensured his victory.
100PP - Sunahoshi Kenshin is put to the sword as another Sunahoshi rebellion starts. His son Sunahoshi Nobu begins his long reign and defends his throne. The vigil over San Fang ends.
103PP - Sunahoshi Nobu and Takahashi Sousuke II with ANBU forces put an end to the second Sunahoshi rebellion. Sunahoshi Nobu without hesitation puts several Sunahoshi to the blade [death] as a consequence of their betrayal.
105PP - Babylos closes off to traders, claiming self-sufficiency.
108PP - Sunahoshi Nobu takes an orphan bride from a broken Hyuuga house.
114PP - Sunahoshi Nobu declares a year of celebration as his first born daughter Sunahoshi Keiku arrives.
115PP - Due to the limited need for specialty weapons beyond Sunagakure the Journeymen Order starts to fade but oral tradition and the desire to maintain a trade keeps the principles of the Journeyman Order alive in limited families.
• Most common in Nanjirou families.
117PP - Sunagakure begins to build the Grand Hall of Learning.
• This was Sunagakure's first library, however there were several other libraries scattered throughout Wind Country that were maintained by Oracles. This would be the first reservoir of knowledge that was maintained by the common man.
119PP - Soon merchants gift Takahashi Sousuke II with a chronicle of their histories and funds him to further expand.
124PP - Takahashi Sousuke II finished the Grand Halls of Learning.
128PP - The third Grand Gladiatorial Tournament at House Toraono is held.
131PP - Sunahoshi Nobu's Hyuuga bride dies in childbirth, giving birth to a son, Sunahoshi Shoumetsu. Sunahoshi Nobu goes into a long period of mourning.
136PP - Sunahoshi Nobu's mourning enters its fifth year. Takahashi Sousuke II is presented with the plans for the Grand Palasis, but holds off construction due not being able to contact Sunahoshi Nobu.
145PP - Sunahoshi Nobu becomes the longest living Sunahoshi, a grand celebration marks this occasion.
150PP - Sunahoshi Keiku ascends to the Diamond Throne after the passing of Sunahoshi Nobu dies of old age.
151PP - Takahashi Hana becomes the next Steward as Takahashi Sousuke II dies due to illness.
153PP - Construction of the Grand Palais is granted under the rule of Sunahoshi Keiku. Construction begins on the surface.
• The Grand Palais was at one point a bustling suburban area that fell into ruin during Sunagakure's isolationism period during the maelstrom.
153PP - Construction on the Grand Palais continues, but Sunahoshi Kiku seeks financial aid from the Soons Haven's Merchant Lords. Soons granted the requested funding, but in exchange they demanded an Ambassador seat in Sunagakure. The Ambassador would have a say in trade, supplies, tariffs, etc. and represent Soon's interests.
156PP - Construction continues, but Soon's ambassador is assassinated by San Fang members who input their own replacement ambassador.
158PP - The fourth Grand Gladiatorial Tournament at House Toraono is held.
160PP - With a San Fang Amabassador representing the interests of Soons Haven, Sunagakure completes construction of the Grand Palais. However through the influence of the San Fang, dirty markets within the Grand Palais started to open up. They were a shadowy contrast to what was on the surface appeared to be a placid suburbia.
161PP - San Fang's dirty markets are revealed and the purge of San Fang begins. The treachery of the San Fang's influence on the Merchant Councilor Ambassador position resulted in the imprisonment of the ambassador and her ultimate death as well as the elimination of the ambassador position in Sunagakure.
162PP - Majority of San Fang's dirty markets were disbursed, but not completely eradicated. Some pockets remained.
164PP - Trade routes reopen with Soon's Merchant groupings. Soon's Merchant Council declares themselves nobility, and Sungakure accepts their new self-appointed position.
167PP - Soon's Haven is attacked by remnants of San Fang and their paid mercenaries, several of the Merchant Lords were victimized. Four of the seven Merchant Lords were killed and the family of another was killed brutally leaving only the better guarded Lord herself. Sungakure attempts to aid the Merchant Lords and improve their strained relations with Soon's Haven, however they are too late. The Sanctuary War began and the last two Merchant Lords Trade Lord Solomus and Trade Lord Aburabuta resided in Sungakure for a time.
170PP - Takahashi Hana dies in the defense of Trade Lord Solomus and Sunahoshi Keiku. Takahashi Shiro III abstains from becoming the next Steward, his younger sister Takahashi Kin rises to become Steward.
173PP - The Sanctuary War ends with the death of San Fang's clan head, Mushi Hayate. Mushi Hayate's daughter was forcibly married to Trade Lord Aburabuta and was held in custody/hostage situation. San Fang's leadership went to Mushi Hayate's younger daughter Mushi Izumi. In exchange for her sister's freedom she agreed to a total surrender of the San Fang. However the Merchant Lords did not keep their side of the deal and they slaughtered the revealed members of the San Fang with the assistance of Sunagakure forces.
• It is believed that remnants of this group [San Fang] exist even today.
180PP - A Plague arises in the desert, known as the Red Death. Soon's Haven provides Sungakure with medical aid before closing its own gates to control their own ailments. An age of sickness begins.
• The Red Death was a terrible disease that killed thousands. The disease stemmed from the corpse of Barnyx that festered below Sunagakure encases within those diamond sands. The corruption leeched into the ground and plagued the people of Sunagakure. As Sunagakure tried to wall themselves in, they only worsened the state of affairs.
186PP - The Red Death begin to evolve ravaging the lands. Sungakure begins to contemplate a future in the depths as the earth would make a sound barrier from this virulent foe.
188PP - The fifth Grand Gladiatorial Tournament at House Toraono was canceled due to the terrible, contagious sickness that plagued the lands.
190PP - Excavation begins. The source of the plague is revealed unexpectedly during to excavation. The skeletal structure of Barynx was found and in particular the heart of Barynx was discovered to be causing corruption to the land. Sungakure takes measures to obliterate the heart. Their attempts are ultimately unsuccessful without great sacrifice. Sunahoshi Keikou and Takahashi Hana decide to seal the heart within themselves and submit themselves to the corruption. Both the Steward and the Kazekage died. The plague was sealed, however interested groups arose to find other ways to create the plague for purposes of war and future medical usages unbeknownst to the public at large. A one year of mourning is given to grieve for the losses of the Kazekage family and their Steward.
191PP - A year of mourning ends and Sunahoshi Keiku's son Sunahoshi Hiro came to power as Kazekage. Takahashi Hana's younger brother Takahashi Judori comes to power as the next Steward. Sunahoshi Hiro begins a crusade to end research on the plague for good and for ill. Most medical researchers cry out but comply with the order of the Kazekage.
192PP - The Toraono dojo hosts the fifth Grand Gladiatorial Tournament. There one of the five Dimayos was found dead in their hotelroom, his son Ishii Shiro, the "boy king" as he was only 15 at the time took over as the Dimayo of this small stretch of land in the Southern portion of Wind Country. The death was ruled as suspicious but no culprit was ever apprehended. Viewers from as far away as Tea Country came to view the display.
194PP - Despite the fact that the plague threat has ended, Takahashi Judori resumed excavations, fearing future returns of the plague and future wars.
195PP - Ishii Shiro enters a political arrangement, marrying Tonaka Kaede at the age of 18. Their domain was consolidated with the advent of their union. She died sixth months later, they never had children.
196PP - The Sovereign Academy was founded in Sora.
198PP - Total evacuation is completed, they reached the worm-carved caverns that lace beneath the desert.
• The worm-carved caverns are a network of naturally occurring caverns created by roaming sandworms. These caverns crisscross beneath the desert, many of the passageways remain unmapped to this day.
199PP - Outside forces try to invade the surface of Sunagakure, the people evacuate to the underground. Sunahoshi Hiro deploys ANBU to discover the identity of these outside forces. They are revealed to be individuals who tried to obtain the heart of Barynx for future plagues. They are successful, not with getting the actual heart of Barnyx as that was destroyed within the former Kazekage and Steward but the remains of the former Kazekage and Steward were not guarded well enough and the Plague War begins.
201PP - Babylos shows no sign of life. No scholar enters and none leave. Due to the isolationism this goes uncontested. The tower goes dark.
202PP - Plague Preserves unleash a new plague. Sungakure forces best the Preservers in the war, Sunahoshi Hiro deploys his brother Sunahoshi Daisuke to hunt down remaining Plague Preservers. Sunahoshi Daisuke disappears.
• The Plague Preserves area synthetic compound intended to mimic the original plague caused by the corrupted heart of Barnyx. The Plague Preserves were derived from the remains of Sunahoshi Keikou and Takahashi Hana and they proved even more virulent than the original.
• Little did they know at the time but the Plague Preserves were manufactured by a mad scientist known only as Kenta, however the plague itself was sold to degenerates in Sora who never knew Kenta's name only that they were given this product by a brilliant, tanned skin man that spoke in only a whisper.
• Sunahoshi was murdered in the desert, however his corpse was reanimated by a necromancer named Nao.
203PP - The Great Oracle Libraries in Baylos, Korm and Tante were razed, this event unnoticed by the country at large because of the plagues being suffered still by the people of Wind Country at large.
204PP - Sunahoshi Hiro falls ill due to a new plague consisting of elements old and new as do other members of the Sunahoshi family. Sunahoshi Hiro perishes and the Diamond Sands begin to become unruly. Takahashi Judori calls for a council of Sunaku cousins to attempt to control the storm but fail. Takahashi Judori deploys a full set of ANBU to hunt and return Sunahoshi Daisuke. They return with no one.
• The plague was also credited with the already dying lines of Rangers and Journeymen as the old ways utilized by these Orders had fallen to the wayside. The massive amount of death caused by this disease caused many to forget their past.
205PP - Sungakure structures were being destroyed by the Diamond Storms. Takahashi Judori begins an exodus to the underground. Judori stages for structures to fall beneath the desert grounds. Another search party is deployed in search of Sunahoshi Daisuke, he is never found and many searchers died as a result of the storm itself.
• This became known as the Diamond Maelstrom.
206PP - A secret war between Diamyo Ishii Shiro and the other Dimayo's began. Each community isolated from the others, their fates largely unknown.
• Only 4 Dimayos existed at the start of the year, but by the end of the year only three remained.
207PP - All structures descend to the underground safely. Although many were damaged or mostly destroyed by the diamond sands, as if in an attempt to maintain a piece of their heritage the people of Sunagakure went to pain-staking efforts to preserve the remains of their structures and to rebuild those destroyed in the image of the originals they replaced. The skeleton of Barynx is checked for corruption, the skeletal structure is found to be clean.
• Only 2 Dimayos existed by the end of the year.
209PP - The last Dimayo was removed from his station. Only Ishii Shiro remained and his attention turned to Soons Haven.
210PP - Diamyo Ishii Shiro has his first born son, a bastard. The mother unknown. He was named Shouki and given the Ishii name.
215PP - Council urges Takahashi Judori to become Kazekage. Takahashi Judori refuses, and continues to deploy searches yearly.
218PP - Takahashi Judori again summons the Sunaku Council, many believed to be distant cousins of the Sunahoshis to attempt to control the storms. Failure is met again. Future actions are taken by council to seat Takahashi Judori on the Diamond throne, he refuses.
225PP - Takahashi Judori retires from council from old age, his son Takahashi Sousuke III comes to power. Council offers him the Diamond Throne, and refuses. Council takes future measures and inputs a ruling that Stewards become Kazekage-Stewards despite Takahashi's non-desire for power.Source
227PP - Kazekage Takahashi Sousuke III faced his first defeat at the hand of the Djinn, the medical center, Caucus Tower was destroyed. A short time later Sunan forces rallied and the Djinn was sealed away forever.
228PP - The Omni Prime Medical Center replaces the destroyed former medical center.
229PP - The Cabal infiltrate Sunagakure.
• Explosive charges were set throughout the village. One of the men that helped rebuild Sunagakure had laced them throughout the community after the Djinn attack.
• The Hall of Learning was destroyed, as were major residential areas, the main entryway into the village was collapsed, several places of science also destroyed.
• The incursion only lasted 3 days but the extreme loss of life was profound. Eventually Sunagakure rallied, defeated the Cabal and took back control of the village.
• Upon interrogation and the acquisition of new allies as some of the Cabal members joined Sunagakure, they learned that there was a heart to the storm.
• Late this same year an adventuring group found the heart of the diamond maelstrom and its source, the reanimated corpse of Sunahoshi Daisuke. A perpetual storm was being created around the felled Sunahoshi.
• Daisuke was destroyed and the storm ended.
• When the storms cleared, the Diamyo and his allies knew that Sunagakure was free and that it was now go-time.
• The last Sunahoshi is rediscovered, Sunahoshi Katsuo. He is uninterested in the role of Kazekage and refuses the Diamond Throne.
230PP - The Sovereign reveal themselves as a dangerous force against Sunagakure. They attack several citizens and kidnap the Steward Kazekage's adopted cousin.
238PP - An intervillage examination is hosted in Soons Haven.
239PP - Sunahoshi Katsuo becomes Kazekage.
243PP - Tea country offers a World Martial Arts Tournament.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Re: Sungakure Info

A primordial beast of unknown origin, this reptilian creature is likely one of the most ancient beasts in Wind Country. While there are similarly named, smaller creatures in other parts of the world, once believed relations to this creature, that theory as been debunked. Most notable is the relative size of this creature, standing over 500 feet in height, it is one the Wind's greatest mysteries how this creature remains hidden. There have been few reported sightings of this creature, many believed to be sensationalized stories of drunkards, but some of their reports have also had supporting evidence.

The following are excepts from manuscripts written by "survivors" of Carnasaur encounters:
Nishimuraya Tobei said:
The year was 65 of our Leader, my wife and three hands were herding Dune Bugs with linens across the badlands in hopes of reaching Sora before the night's end. It was dark, my wife was with child and I thought hysterical from feminine imbalance when she screamed "Monster!" I was about to tell her to rest in the wagon but earth did quiver beneath my feet. I feared that exhaustion may have gotten to me as our trek was 3 days in the wilderness and sun, but over the horizon I saw what the missus saw: an ancient-class Sandwyrm and a massive bipedal lizard were wrestling in the distance. We were too far to even hear their roar, we could only see a hazy image of the two monsters biting and clawing at each other and feel the ground shiver with the force of their impact miles away. The battle did not last long, we saw the lizard beast bite into the side of the wyrm, we saw it thrash at first and then fall still. The monster did not eat the downed worm, it retreated into the far wilderness. Me and the missus were far too shaken to leave the site where we witnessed this battle, we made camp and the next morning the sky was dark with Giant Crows eating the carcass of the downed worm. We never finished our travel and with haste returned to Sunagakure to share our findings and seek compensation for our troubles.

While this merchant was a known scam artist, often claiming his wares were made of more valuable materials than they in fact were, upon investigation Sunan officials found a large, partially devoured ancient-class Sandworm near the site reported by Nishimuraya Tobei. It is unknown what could have killed an ancient class Sandworm besides another ancient-class Sandworm, but Sandworms are known to devour their kills.
Hosokaya Chiyo said:
I was tasked with the study of the natural flora in Wind Country by Kazakage Sunahoshi Noh, specifically researching potential uses for the root of a rare plant, the Sessile Summerberry. I had found a small oasis with a variety of plant and animal life as well as this coveted plant when I came upon a great Sandworm devouring its own. It was an odd site as animal cannibalism is often relative to certain species of animals and prior to this I have read no reports of Sandworms eating their own kind. The carnage was interrupted by a large lizard that stood around the height of the worm but did not have nearly the same length. I thought that the worms would devour the lone lizard but sparks came from the maw of the lizard and what appeared to be a bolt of lightning shot out and struck the large worm broad-side. The worms scattered, including the largest one appearing singed by the attack. The lizard made no attempt to pursue the worms and left the way it came.

I found this to be an oddity as we have no historical, ethological or zoological records depicting such a beast and it is my fear that with a new potential predator of this caliber introduced to our ecosystem, disaster may result.

While there were no remains to study, a Sunan official identified a possible footprint in the earth. The footprint was over ten feet long and belonged to no known animal in Wind Country. Her report was the first report to actually provide Sunan officials tangible proof that there was a second apex predator in Wind Country. A cast of the pictured footprint has been made and it has been on display in the Archives for over a century.

Hosokaya Chiyo dedicated the remainder of her life to attempting to find this mystery creature that she named Carnasaur due to the similarity it had with the much smaller Carnasaurs she encountered abroad that possessed a gland in their chest that was capable of producing an electrical charge that could be dispensed at will. She died thirty years later, unable to again cross paths with this creature.

Over the last quarter century, sightings of Carnasaurs [Sunan] have increased dramatically and even a few photographs have been taken of the beast including the photograph included in this essay. The Sunan Carnasaur differs from the foreign Carnasaur in size and the only appearance aspect they share is the fact that they share reptilian features. They both possess a gland or an organ capable of producing massive amounts of electricity, in the interest of speed only the Sunan Carnasaur will be discussed here. The source of their electrical change is unknown but assumed to by physiologically similar to other creatures with similar abilities. The electrical discharge is released through the maw of the Carnasaur and it is capable of melting sand upon impact. Remnants of believed electrical discharges, termed an Arc Release leave behind patches of a metallic mineraloid lechatelierite similar in ways to fulgurite from when actual lightning impacts sand leaving behind hunks of glass. Were petrified lightning or fulgurite is a often used in jewelry-making or as a point of interest in a collection, the resultant mineraloid lechatelierite produced by an Arc Release forces a change at the cellular level. The resultant substance has metallic properties and while glass-like in appearance it can be used to make weapons. This unusual phenomena has given this substance the name: Feathersteel Glass.
Feathersteel Glass said:
This is a metal-like mineraloid lechatelierite that is produced by the Arc Release of a Carnasaur. Considered exceedingly rare as the Carnasaur itself is very rare, this is a valued substance due to the fact that it can be made into items such as armor and swords by a trained smith. Due to the rarity of this substance, some of the richest families in Wind Country do not even have a weapon made from this, the few Feathersteel Glass weapon artifacts in Wind Country are heirlooms jealously guarded by those family heads.

The desire for this substance is not based entirely on its relative rarity, Feathersteel Glass is extremely light-weight and durable. It is rare to find a smith capable of forging such weapons and armors today because of how durable this weapon is, this too is a family secret passed down within families.

It is assumed that the Carnasaur is a carnivore due to the rows of jagged and sharp teeth that are better at ripping away flesh than grinding roots and plants. In addition, they are believed to be solitary animals as there has never been a reported sighting that involved multiple Carnasaurs in a single place. Their methods of reproduction and their life expectancy are also a mystery. Carnasaurs are known to remain far from settled areas areas such as Soons Haven and Sunagakure and they have only ever been witnessed fighting Sandworms, for this reason it is believed that Sandworms are a natural food-source for Carnasaurs despite never witnessing a Carnasaur actually consume a felled Sandworm.

Note: There is also a historical account of a Sunan native known by many as "The Shield" or "The Demon-Warrior Toraono Reizo" who was killed while attempting to destroy a suspected egglair of Barynx, an ancient Sandworm. The cell was attacked by a large scaled creature that breathed lightning. At the time the term 'Carnasaur' was unknown but modern scholars believe that he was killed by a Carnasaur.

Thanks to Mikaboshi for the basis of this creature.
General Threat Level – Highly Dangerous: S Rank

Sand Worms

These gargantuan annelids are simultaneously one of the most potentially destructive forces in Wind Country (besides man) and also one of its greatest treasures. Conventional thought believes Sand Worms to vary in size quite significantly and though this is due somewhat to age, it is also apparent that this is not always the case. It is presumed that Sand Worms are further divided up into subclasses, depending on location and/or elemental affinity and that this is responsible for size variation. Needless to say, no matter the subclass, Sand Worms are vast; between a 'miniscule' three feet tall, by fifteen feet long, to an impressive fifty feet tall and seven times that in length. Few of these larger individuals have been encountered in modern day, though ancient records state these conquerors of the sand were the cause of much destruction and woe to neophyte colonies and civilizations. The largest reported Sandworm in history was Barynx the Ancient, the sandworm was almost 100 meters in length and just under 34 meters in diameter. While the weight can only be estimated, all that remains of the ancient terror is the exoskeleton.

Sandworms are very large creatures that live an unspecified period of time, but it is hypothesized that they live for as long as 5 centuries. While not intelligent by human standards, Sandworms have a sense of self-preservation and will attack if provoked or if their spawn are threatened. Sandworms are not known to attack villages, travelers or livestock outright but the incidental death of a person or community has been attributed to roaming Sandworms in the past. For the most part, Sandworms are unaware of the present of humans and animals are not considered to be a desired food source for the worm. Sandworms are omnivores, largely subsisting upon microorganisms and nutrients gleaned from the rocks below the surface of the dunes, in a similar fashion to earthworms. They are extremophiles, able to exist for long periods of time on very little sustenance considering their mass. No reports of Sandworms can be found outside of Wind Country, for this reason some researchers hypothesize that there is an energy contained within the desert that the worms consume for vitality. While the energy is intangible and entirely unproven, it is believed to be mystical and the source of the Sandworm's enormous strength.

As mentioned previously, besides the size disparity, Sand Worms have also been known to vary in coloration (from earthen brown to bone white, occasionally with a mottled flesh thought to a result of aforementioned parasitic infection) and also in 'facial' features. Records show individual Sand Worms with large, triangular-shaped mouths and others with a more blunted visage. The Sandworm digestive system consists of 3 parts: Their maw is filled with several circular rows of They possess rows of grinding 'teeth' to wear away the earth, stone and anything of substantial form until it becomes a fine dust. Once the ground-up earth is taken into the worm, their stomach digests the sand and whatever residual nutrients they derive. Their digestive system is unlike that of most biological organisms, they do not use caustic substances such as hydrochloric acid to break down minerals but rather they use a powerful internal sources of heat that crystallizes the earth. The food-source is likely turned into a gaseous form in response to the heat that is then absorbed by the worm. Finally, the remaining crystals are excreted in the wake of the worm. These crystals are known as Carmot, a very valuable natural Sunan resource.
Carmot said:
Carmot is a naturally occurring element found in the deep caverns of Wind Country's massive underground networks. Theoretically generated as a by-product of the legendary Wind Country sandworm's digestive process, Carmot is almost pure energy in crystallized form and is highly sought after for a large variety of usages though a high-yield fuel source is its most common application.

The sustaining theory regarding Carmot's creation is that it is a natural by-product of a sandworm's digestive tract. While information regarding the biology of a sandworm's body is extremely limited at best, biologists have witnessed sandworms unleashing gooey torrents of excrement in some of their uncommon sightings at the surface of the desert. This slurry of excrement has been discerned as a mixture of earth elements from broken down stone and sand, natural elements likely from unfortunate creatures caught in the sandworm's path and-- strangely enough --a pure form of non-elemental chakra. In lab observation samples of the energy-charged substance harden quickly when exposed to the oxygen in the air, forming crystals at a rapid pace which resemble the natural deposits of Carmot found in the wilderness.

Qualities and Application:
One of the first things discovered about Carmot deposits is that they are extremely unstable-- including ones created under lab conditions. The chakra in the crystals has a unique facet to it in that it can take on different traits depending on its surrounding environments. Carmont crystals introduced to heat sources become infused with fire chakra and become capable of violent explosions if not handled with care. Very little is actually understood about this process or why it occurs but is the reason that Carmot is so sought after as a resource. Fire Carmot and Lightning Carmot are extremely potent as fuel sources and even as weapons if used correctly making them a unique cornerstone of Wind Country's economy. Large factories of chakra-sensitive men and women who weren't born with enough talent to become shinobi but are chakra-sensitive enough to be able to protect their energy in some fashion exist in larger cities such as Soon's Haven where they work lines of powdered Carmot to infuse it with certain types of chakra.

Finding/Farming Carmot
Carmot, being the excrement of Sandworms, has made farming the resource almost impossible. Most commonly it is simply "found" making treasure-hunting a common vocation for the adventurous. Sandworms are known to frequent areas far from civilization and known paths and mating grounds are dangerous to enter and knowledge of their location is limited. A common search technique utilized by successful Carmot surveyors is to follow the Sand Tribbles found in the desert. These tiny animals are drawn to water but they are also drawn to Carmot and will search it out as it is believed to be a food source for these tiny critters. It is said that if a Carmot hunter follows a Tribble long enough he will likely come upon a boulder of Carmot within a few days time.
The Various Elementally-Infused Carmot Types:


Lightning-Infused Carmot__Fire-Infused Carmot_____Water-Infused Carmot


.Non-Elemental Carmot____Earth-Infused Carmot____.Wind-Infused Carmot

Thanks to Mikaboshi for the basis of this substance.

They are also a veritable ecosystem in and of themselves; their vast bulk is home to many smaller parasites and microbial colonies. It is somewhat ironic that much of the dry bulk of life within Wind Country is concentrated upon these singular beasts.

Sandworms when assaulted tend to attack their assailants even if they pose no mortal threat to the Sandworm. While it is a source of scholarly contention regarding the ability to feel pain, most researchers claim that sandworms are capable of feeling pain despite their armored exterior. Sandworms have large segmented plates that cover their body. These plates vary in size and do not fully encircle the worm. Rather, each plate is a leaf-shaped plate. Each plate attaches to its neighbor in a lateral fashion until it entirely encircles the worm. Each ring of leaf-shaped natural armor is considered to be a "segment." The size and thickness of these plates varies in accordance to the size and age of the worm.

In addition to an incredibly long lifespan, they produce offspring hermaphroditically every few decades and they thought to be highly defensive of until said larvae are strong enough to survive on their own; an unusual facet of such an annelid. Baby Sandworms are approximately 3 meters in length and 0.5 meters in diameter and weight approximately 400 kg. They are hatched from eggs. The actual gestation of a baby Sandworm is unknown but considering the relative rarity of this apex predator it is assumed to be 1-2 years. While not considered to be especially dangerous at this age despite their size their mother is often close by.

Growth is rapid for baby Sandworms, they almost double in size every year for the next 3 years. At a length of 24 meters a diameter of 4.8 meters and a weight of 3840 kg the worm is considered to be a young Sandworm and usually separates from its mother at this age. As baby Sandworms are usually hatched in small groups 1-4, these now young Sandworms often travel in a group for the next several years. While young Sandworms are often neutral, they are sometimes drawn to human activity and may attack travelers unprovoked. Young Sandworms are protective of their peers and will come to the aid of their fellow worm if they are attacked or if their Sandworm kin attacks and fails to successfully devour a group of travelers.

Growth is stagnated but continued during this youth period, it is estimated that the Sandworm increases by approximately 10% each year for the next decade. After an additional 10 years, the Sandworm often separate from their burrow (the collective term for Sandworms in a group much like a flock of geese or a murder of crows). At a staggering 62 meters in length, 15.5 meters in diameter and approximately 12,450 kg these solitary beasts roam the desert and are often called adolescent worms. Adolescent worms are rarely seen because they move to the most remote regions of Wind Country. It is assumed that it is where they start laying their own eggs.

Little is known about the reproductive organs of a Sandworm. While several excursions have been attempted in hopes of understanding this phenomena, the earthquakes from the worms movements have proven fatal to all those in close enough proximity and in cases where a Sandworm was a combatant of a group of shinobi, the reproductive system and cycle of the worm was considered to be a low-priority according to the surviving cell members.

At the end of this adolescent period there is the adult and ancient period. Little is known about these periods. Sand worms continue to grow indefinitely but their growth is limited to their food source. The diameter to length ratio varies with age as well. Infant sandworms have a 1:6 Width to length ratio, where young have a 1:5, adolescent 1:4 and ancient worms a 1:3. Adult worms usually remain between 1:4 and 1:3.

Potentially providing an entire lifetime's worth of meat, Sandworms have few known predators beyond parasites and the Carnasaur. This is largely due to their sheer bulk and tough skin, though even the smaller species are quite tenacious survivors. They burrow deep beneath even Sunagakure some believe. Some have even suggested that the entirety of Wind Country rests upon a multitude of Sand Worm burrows, though this is pure conjecture.

A special thanks to Akuma Tenma for the initial creation of Barynx, the Ancient

A special thanks to Takahashi Sousuke for the recreation of Barynx as Barynx the Devourer as well as the updated history of Barynx.

A special thanks to many sand members for the creation and formation of this creature over the years that is inspired heavily from the book series Dune.

General Threat Level – Highly Dangerous: S Rank

Ridgeback Sphinx

A giant, legendary creature fabled to spend most of their lives slumbering under the sands of the desert, their great rock like backs peer over the dunes, disguised as small ridges. It was an old farmer's tale about how men would become lost wandering the desert. They would spy a landmark over the horizon and then use this landmark to navigate the storms. Upon returning through the storm from their destination, they would again spy the same land mark but upon reaching it they would discover that they are in a completely different area, miles from their intended destination. They claimed that the mountains would walk while they slept.

For the most part the existence of the Ridgeback Sphynx was ensconced in myth and superstition, but approximately 50 years ago a massive canyon was discovered 30 miles from Sunagakure, previously at this very site there was a massive rock formation that records have shown to have been in that exact location for at least 300 years. This prompted not only interest but potential legitimacy of such a creature previously confined to the studies of cryptozoologists. A handful of other specimens were identified of variable size and weight, most un-moving and with vegetation growing on their back. While unresponsive to the presence of researchers, when digging the earth adjacent to these massive rock structures they discovered what resembled a carved feline-like face on one side. Three reported witnessing its eyes opening as if it was blinking or temporarily aroused from a deep slumber.

It was discovered that water arouses these massive beasts, which has led many researchers to speculate that these creatures are in a hybrination-like state due to the limited water-resource in the area and some have even suggested that their existence provides evidence that Wind Country was not always a desert.

While these creatures have demonstrated no aggressive tenancies, their sheer size: in excess of 2 tons in the smallest cases identified, an awakened creature could provide disastrous.

The official report for the Ridgeback Sphynx is as follows:
Ridgeback Sphynx said:
Class: Mammal?
Size Range: On average 20-25 feet high
Weight Range: 15-18 tons (30,000-36,000 lbs); the smallest ever reported was in excess of 2 tons.
Diet: Omnivore?
Life Span: Unknown
Top Speed: 35 mph. ?
Habitat: Desert, but only becomes responsive in the presence of water.
Main Prey: Slow moving mammals and large plants? Possible Venus Flytrap-like qualities.
Predators: Sandworms? Due to their ingestion of sand and earth matter.
lmost human emotions.
Litter/Clutch Size: 1? Assumed due to the relative rarity of these creatures.
Gestation: 2 years? Possibly longer, again due to the rarity of these creatures.

A special thanks to Okibi for information regarding this creature.
General Threat Level – Highly Dangerous: S Rank

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Wind Country Flora

Few plants survive in the desert, but underground there is an abundance of plant-life that has been able to adapt to Sunagakure's highly diverse terrain.

Rose Cactus: A small cactus that never gets taller than 2 feet in height. It is most noted for its very long needles that have a irritating enzyme in the shaft that if pricked would cause severe pain and limited muscle control of the effected muscle group if pierced. It has large buds that open after a rainfall to reveal one of the most stunning and large roses in the world, they vary in hue from coral to deep red in color and are a common wooing favor for those adventurous enough to obtain the flower. These plants are rare and although they bloom shortly after a rainfall, they usually die within a few weeks thereafter.
The Spines: The needles have limited medical use as a muscle relaxer, while discomfort is an obvious side effect, in very small doses administered with an analgesic the side-effects are unnoticeable.
The Flower: Utterly inedible, but quiet pretty. The bloom lasts for about a week once it is picked but many women press these flowers and keep them indefinitely as a keepsake.
The Root: No known uses as of yet.
The Meat: The meat of this cactus is in theory edible but the fluid and the sinewy meat from this cactus are quite bitter. It is only consumed by most in dire circumstance but it is harmless.

Rabbit Ear Cactus: Basically this is a large cactus with fine pale yellow needles that can grow to be thirty feet in height. They store a great deal of water but their needles are very fine and itchy. In addition, the cactus tends to branch out in pairs making one set of "rabbit ears" after another. This plant is non-flowering and really has no actual uses. These plants reproduce only during the rainy season, their high-fluid needs coupled with broken-off 'ears' taking root is how these plants spread.
The Spines: Utterly useless.
The Meat: While it does save water, the meat itself is inedible. The cactus is also far too thin to tap for fluid effectively but when in a pinch small amounts of fluid can be expressed but the effort is rarely worth the gains.
The Root: Useless but it burrows deep into the ground. This cactus requires more water than most other cacti and therefore its roots often lead to an underground water source. You can follow the root to this water source if you have the time to carefully dig. Be careful, rabbit ear cacti do not like to be displaced and when you expose the root the plant will likely die. Transplanting these plants is impossible, these plants die in the process.

Pink Thimble-Berry: A verdant, pleasant-appearing plant that remains in a twisted mass along the ground. While not readily visible, thorns are hidden between the berries. These thorns are harmless and no more than an annoyance. These bushes are often picked clean by rodents and animals in the wild but they are cultivated commonly because the berries are both high value and high yield. Large farms can be found on the outskirts of Sora and Soons Haven, this hardy plant can also be grown in one's home and tolerate a variety of climates.
The Leaves: The leaves have a mild, savory flavor but no actual nutritional value. They can be dried and used as a spice.
The Branches: When dried, these branches work as excellent kindling and considered flexible enough to make baskets.
The Root: Inedible and useless.
The Berries: Edible and extremely tasty. These berries can be eaten raw, made into a jam or dehydrated to make a tasty snack. Quite fragrant, the essence has also been distilled into a common, cheap perfume common among young women.

Kali Melon: A low-growing, leafless plant that can be found throughout Wind Country. Slow-growing, it fares poorly in areas rich in moisture as other more aggressive plant-life often chokes this plant out. The melons are fist-sized and covered by a thick fibrous shell that often requires a knife to break open.
The Melon: The Melon is savory and sweet. The meat is tender and juicy, some make a juice or a wine from this fluid. It is believed that the melon also has healing properties, while this allegation has never been proven it is a common component to homeopathic remedies to treat minor colds and fevers. Many old women swear that it decreases the duration of most illnesses.
The Seeds: The melon and its seeds are edible and in fact they are an important part of Wind Country's ecosystem. The serve as a consistent food source for many small animals and the seeds make a common gain used to make flour. The bread and baked goods have a sweet, almost honey-like taste.
The Wood: Feeble and insubstantial, it makes excellent kindling.
The Root: It is useless.

Midnight Bloom: A small, poisonous blossom that grows underground in the deeper caverns. The flower itself is quite pretty, a deep violet mass of petals, despite the dangers associated with its consumption many enjoy having his flower in their home because of how attractive it is.
The Seeds: Toxic, the poison is most concentrated here. The seeds cause severe GI upset, symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea and cramping. The poison is not deadly but it can be considered incapacitating. These symptoms can last anywhere from an hour to three days depending on how much was consumed in relation to total body weight.
The Flower: Pleasant to gaze upon, the bloom itself is toxic like the seeds but not nearly as much. A single bloom, however, is still sufficient enough to keep an unfortunate victim barricaded in the bathroom for a full hour. Many enjoy looking at these flowers and have the sense enough to not eat them and to wash their hands after handling. The flower also gives off a pleasant scent, this aroma is not used in making perfume due to the toxic nature of the plant.
The Root: Useless.
The Stem: Useless.
The Leaves: Useless.

Wax Fruit: This evergreen shrub can grow anywhere from 2 to 4 m (6 ft 7 in to 13 ft 1 in) in height under favorable conditions. The leaves of the plant are small and leathery, reaching 12 cm × 4 cm (4.7 in × 1.6 in). The Wax fruit plant produces fruits, clustered in small bunches, in the form of yellow spherical berries, up to 1.5 cm (0.59 in) in diameter. These fruits contain 1–4 seeds, which are a greenish hue when mature. Components of the plant (bark, twigs, leaves, fruits) can be added to a bucket of murky water, and the natural coagulants will cause clay and other particulates to compact and sink the bottom, allowing clear water to be obtained from the top.
The Fruit:The fruit can be consumed raw and cooked. Raw fruits initially contain a sweet pulp that then dries out to a sugary solid, difficult to separate from seed. Fruits are often cooked prior to consumption. Juice can also be extracted and boiled down into a butter-like consistency that can be mixed with millet and milk to make cakes. In Soons Haven, the fruit is fermented into a beer. The seeds are toxic, but there is a process known as debittering where the bitter and toxic compounds are removed from the seeds. The seeds are dried in the sun, the outer coat is removed and the remaining meat of the seed is soaked in water for several days, each day the water being replaced before the seed is finally boiled. The cooked seed has a texture similar to a chickpea and is used in cereals, stews, soups and porridge as well as making flour. This flour, however is rather bland but high in protein.
The Leaves: The leaves due to their proven biocidal activities, leaves are also added to granaries to protect cereals against pathogens. Leaves have many medicinal properties, notably anti-parasitic, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Leaves, although not pleasant to taste, can be used as emergency forage for animals.
The Root: Young roots can be ground and boiled down into a thick, sweet porridge.
The Wood: When dried, this can serve as fuel for a fire. It is too thin for housing in most cases but there have been rare instances where a massive plant was discovered and the wood was utilized.
Sugar Reeds: Found along the rocky shores of underground oasis', these reeds actually appear as small hard bulbs due to lack of sunlight which has stunted their growth. A common sweetener, they can be found on the surface as well where they can tower up to ten feet in height as long narrow tubes but their presence due to the maelstrom has made them rare.
Stalks: The inner pulp can be used to make a sweetener. The reeds are so thick and wood-like, they are sometimes used to build small structures and pieces of furniture.
Root: Useless.|
Willow Paw: A small plant that can be found both above ground as well as underground, it enjoys the dry climate of wind country so it is almost never found near a water source. The small bush is only about the size of a human head and has no leaves, rather it has small clusters of fuzz. This soft silky fuzz can be spun to make garments, but it requires a large amount of willow paw to do so making such articles of clothing very pricey.
Flower: The white fuzzy cluster, sometimes as large as a cabbage can be used to make clothes and yarn.

Zen: A plant that is anything but its name would make one imagine, this plant is for the most part entirely useless. It is a moss that can be found near bodies of water, but the moss is considered poisonous but only mildly so. The moss causes redness and itching that can last up to several days and in severe cases require hospitalization for sedation so that someone does not injure themselves attempting to scratch that itch that will not go away. It is often used as a school-boy's prank, but otherwise there is no known use.|

Succulent Gerbera: A flower found underwater. While strange that such a plant is mentioned here, this plan can only be found in wind country. It is found in the rare oasis' throughout the desert and even then it is considered to be an epic find since this flower is often a "lover's quest" used by many men as a symbol of their love and adoration for a woman. Many brave the desert in search of a blossom so they can display it to their paramour with an engagement ring.

Strangle Vine: An invasive plant that grows in the underbrush. It is a black, twisting knot of a plant with red leaves and no blooms but plentiful with thorns. If pierced by this plant, the affected may suffer minor paralysis that could last as long as a day in the affected extremity. Sometimes used as a cruel prank, this plant is usually avoided or burned whenever possible because it also chokes out other forms of plant life that wish to grow there.

Knocksroot: A rather useful herb, it is a popular savory spice that is used on various meats and in soups. It has a rich, but not overpowering flavor. The plant itself is actually rather hard to find because it is found on the surface and is very low-lying so it is continually covered by the shifting sands. When exposed, it is a dinner-plate sized pale green plant that has been likened to a flattened cabbage. The "cabbage-flower" as it has been called is edible but has a bitter flavor but is dietetic. The root is bulbous with long branches. The root, when dried and granulated makes the spice.

Ivory Pareidolia
It is the saying among the nomadic farmers of our region that “the land is it's most fertile wherever a pareidolia prospers.” This saying is due to the fickle nature of the Irovy Pareidolia, which requires incredibly rich soil, a relatively constantly warm climate, and ample tending to grow efficiently. These trees are exceptionally rare due to the difficulties of growing them and prized for their even rarer fruit, which we’ll get to later in this article. They appear in an oasis’ where other flora is abundant, and span roughly thirty feet tall, always growing alone in any occurrence. The flesh of healthy pareidolia is starch white, with bright pink leaves that deepen to red in autumn. Thus far in recorded history, no Ivory Pareidolia has died as a natural occurrence that could not have been prevented by better farming, so their lifespan is considered unknown. However, between their presumed immortality and rarity, only about a dozen of these trees have been discovered and cataloged by the oracles. There may be more, but their keepers have declined to allow their locations to go on record.

Faced Bark: a distinct quality of the Ivory Pareidolia and a large contributor to its reputation and appeal is the tree’s bark. Smooth white bark with fine ridges line the trees’ trunk and as it widens with age these grooves overlap like wrinkles until distinct shapes are notable from the knots. It doesn’t make a Rorschach Test with how easily human faces can be found in the pareidolia. They say that the older the tree, the more faces you can count. More anecdotal findings suggest that each face resembles a caretaker who devoted their lifetimes to caring for it.

Resilient Wood: because of how difficult it is to care for this tree, many of the surviving pareidolia have been maintained using special ninjutsu. As a result, the wood from pareidolia tends to be especially resilient and strong. Healthy pareidolia do not shed branches, and when the branches are pruned by their gardeners, the clippings can be used to create fine wooden instruments.

Rare Fruit: despite how much care one or several gardeners can put into a single Ivory Pareidolia, it is incredibly difficult to produce fruit from them. The use of wood ninjutsu will not aid or expedite this process, as the trees are particularly resistant to that kind of prodding. But when a single fruit emerges, it becomes a cause for celebration. This fruit resembles luscious white peaches when inert, but can emerge with odd mutations if tended to by advanced gardeners and sages. Several years of growth general pass between single fruit bearings, with entire generations of gardeners passing hands between the emergence of rare fruit. It is said that a keeper must become a face for a fruit to grow, as in die. It is also said that this rare fruit also has special qualities when eaten, and can supposedly produce gifts to an individual that consumed them. That is simply folklore and is to be disregarded. Do not be so foolish as to pay a Daimyo’s ransom for magical fruit, and report any found attempts at selling these fruit to the Acquisition and Extraction Department for further investigation.
Contribution Credit: Jintou/Okada Kaji
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