Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission The Lady in the Lake

Orochi Sakura

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May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Eichi would find hand written instructions in his quarters. The instructions were from yours truly as per the signature line (O.S). Never mind how the letter made its way inside his room. Breaking and entry was trivial in collation to any of my other escapades. The instructions were to prepare for a trip to a small village near Solum de Asphodelus in 3 days time along with pertinent details of the mission. I took it upon myself to sign us up for a mission that might just be our thing. Members of Edo machi-bugyō were on a simple tax collection run however something went wrong. They missed their rendezvous with the others. It’s been over a week with no communications and no sign of their convoy. Most would figure that the convoy was ambushed by bandits or that the team took the prize and ran. However, these were Edo machi-bugyō members. Prestigious Samurai and true believers to their Daimyo and Shogun. As such, they were well trained and highly skilled. It would normally take a platoon of S class shinobi to take on such skilled warriors. But the score was too small for the amount of effort required. The logic just did not add up. Something supernatural was afoot. Our job was to travel to their last known whereabouts and to investigate and retrieve the taxes by any means necessary.


Upon Arrival…

Amidst the twisted labyrinth of a dense, eerie swamp, there lies their destination shrouded in mystery and sorrow. As the murky waters lap at its borders, the village seems frozen in time, its decaying structures sinking into the muck.

The village's main path, now overgrown with gnarled roots and tangled vines, leads towards a central square where a dilapidated well stands, its once-clear waters now a stagnant pool covered in green algae. Surrounding the square are the remnants of once-charming cottages, their thatched roofs caved in, and their wooden walls consumed by rot and mold. Faded, peeling shutters hang askew, and empty window frames stare like hollow eye sockets.

A sense of desolation hangs heavy in the air, punctuated by the mournful croak of frogs and the distant hum of insects. The village's old chapel, now a skeletal shell, stands as a stark reminder of the faith that once united the villagers. Its weathered spire still reaches towards the sky, though the bell that once called worshippers now rests at the bottom of the marsh, swallowed by time.

Nature has woven itself into every corner of the forsaken village. Trees sprout from the roofs of cottages, their roots intertwining with the remnants of furniture and personal belongings left behind. Moss blankets the cobblestone paths, turning them into soft, treacherous carpets. A dilapidated bridge, creaking under its own weight, crosses a narrow stream that snakes through the village, hinting at its once-thriving connection to the outside world.

Perhaps the most haunting aspect is the unsettling feeling that one is not alone. Swirling mist and shifting shadows play tricks on the eye. They would glimpse the flicker of candlelight in one of the windows and their trained ears would catch faint whispers carried by the wind.

Her arms now folded across her chest, Sakura would shift her gaze to Eichi, “This place is like someone’s memory of a village… and the memory is fading.” Her eye would catch a wagon with supplies and goods seemingly untouched by the environment. It had to be the Edo machi-bugyō’s wagon. It was abandoned. No horses and no guards. Strangely, it was parked not too far from a… scarecrow.

What tragic event led to the village's abandonment—a curse, a plague, or a fateful decision lost to time? Now, the swamp started to embrace this forgotten place, making it a haunting testament to lives once lived, and a testament to the ephemeral nature of human endeavors against the backdrop of an ancient, unforgiving landscape.

[Eichi, choose from the options below for us to do. The direction of each are contrasting. Let’s have fun!]

Option 1Option 2
Investigate the flicker of candlelight in one of the homes.Investigate Edo machi wagon.

[wc 677]


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New Member
May 23, 2023
It wasn't until he woke up the next morning that he noticed the letter Sakura left him. He read it over twice, wondering if this was serious or not. "If we have the okay, everything is good to go." He decided to move with his ANBU gear, a dark, jet black shroud. A skull mask on his face. The mask to him was not only to conceal one's identity, but also to conceal one's emotion. He wouldn't allow them to lead his mission, instead, his heart and stone courage is what it took when dealing with such matters. He looked forward to the many missions that lay ahead of him. Instead of looking at this as a mission, he looked at this as a test of his after Academy skills. There was also Sakura's handle on the mission as well. She seemed to have her attitude down, but how would she handle herself when it came down to this mission? Only time would tell, but he'd prepare himself and head out.

Observing the village's scenery, Eichi was impressed with what he saw. A running river, tree houses, wooden bridges. Sakura mentioned the scene, "Of course, to the natives this place has been trashed, but outsiders would still see the life in this village."

The wagon seemed to hold a presence, but before claiming the way, Eichi would notice a flickering light in one of the homes. 'Hmm, maybe someone is still in there.' Looking over to Sakura to see if she noticed the flames, the boy would capture he attention, by sparking a conversation.

"But all is not lost for this place. There's still a flame kindled over in that house." He pointed over to the flicker of candle light.

[ MFT | WC: +250 ]
[ I hope my brain waves send us to the a interesting ending. ]

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Amidst the tendrils of the evening haze, a faint glimmer of light seized my companion's attention. His finger rose with purpose, pointing towards an aged cabin that emerged, shrouded in the looming shadows. Through the glass of a cabin window, an enigmatic sliver of light pirouetted into view, like a whispered secret beckoning our curiosity. Swift was our decision: bypassing the abandoned wagon's mysteries, we hastened our steps toward the village, propelled by the undertow of uncertainty. Forging through the shroud of obscurity, we pressed onward, unrelenting until our journey's culmination at the cabin's doorstep.

The cabin, standing as a relic of forgotten times, bore the weight of its age upon its weathered countenance. Its timeworn facade stood as a testament to its long-standing vigil within the embrace of the swamp's embrace. My gaze shifted towards my companion, a silent exchange passing between us, conveying my readiness to brave what lay within. The door, its surface etched with a history of use, displayed its resilience as it yielded to our intrusion, granting us passage into the dwelling's secrets.

Taking the lead, I ventured into the cabin, my steps measured and cautious, attuned to the delicate unfolding of the situation within. Rather than shattering the silence with a customary announcement of my presence, I elected to navigate the room with a quiet, almost ghostly grace. The other rooms, shrouded in darkness and forsaken by time, held no allure; my focus lay fixed upon the beckoning light that emanated from the room's rear.

With a heart laden with unease, I advanced, each step fraught with trepidation. The room's entrance enveloped me, and before me lay an unsettling scene of poignant nature. A lantern, radiating a piercing yet beguiling luminance, crowned a dresser like a guardian of shadows. Its eerie glow wove a tapestry of light and darkness that seemed to dance upon the surfaces, revealing a tableau that left my senses astir.

Upon the bed, a woman lay, supine and vulnerable, the evidence of recent childbirth a testament to the passage of life. However, her arms, instead of cradling an infant, embraced a journal clutched tightly to her breast. Her words, a symphony of disjointed murmurings, reached my ears as I drew near, a phantom observer in the room. Amidst the jumbled fragments of her speech, a single plea echoed like a mournful refrain: "Save my baby… save my baby…" Her breaths, a fragile symphony, grew fainter with each exhalation, a whispered lament that echoed within the chamber.

In a solemn moment, I closed her eyes with two gentle fingers, a touch laden with reverence, granting her a fleeting tranquility in the face of the unknown. Time stretched, a suspended interlude where I absorbed the weight of her final utterances. Gradually, my gaze shifted from her still form to the journal clutched within her grasp, a cryptic repository of thoughts bound in leather and ink.

Extracting the book from her embrace, I felt its worn surface beneath my fingertips, its pages whispering secrets and stories only hinted at. Symbols adorned the pages, intricate and enigmatic, a familiar echo from the hours I'd spent cloaked in solitude within the grand library. As I delved into its labyrinthine contents, my senses resonated with anticipation, mingling with a subtle disquiet that hung in the air.

Then, amidst the stillness, a distant cry pierced the silence—an infant's wail, eerie and undeniable, threading through the fabric of my awareness. An urgency surged within, igniting a fire to action. Swiftly, I moved to the window, my heart heavy with apprehension, revealing a cloaked figure amidst a cluster of rafts on the murky waters of the swamp. A lantern's glow cut through the obscurity, casting an ethereal glow upon the scene. The figure's purpose was evident as they propelled a raft forward, a cradle nestled upon the wooden vessel, its occupant issuing forth plaintive cries that pierced the veil of the night.

My gaze shifted to my companion, my voice laden with urgency, "Time is against us; swift action is imperative." The descent of dusk was veiled by the mist, obscuring the village's boundaries. Moving with determination, I claimed a lantern from the dresser, its glow a beacon in the enveloping darkness, and I embarked towards the vacant rafts with the journal tightly clutched. "We must hasten, for answers may lie ahead, shrouded in the fog of the unknown."

[wc 723]

[ooc it’s up to you as to what you do. I have a general idea of key elements of this mission but I’m improvising based off of your actions. No wrong or right choices but it’ll influence how this ends.]


New Member
May 23, 2023
As the two looked to one another before walking into the cabin, they seemed to be imagining the same thing. What lay ahead, and would there be any dangers within this place. He made sure his ANBU mask was snug over his face as he followed his companion into the cabin. All he saw was darkness as his eyes went from item to item, or at least the figures he could see. The light at the end of the room was interesting to see to say the least. He wondered if it was just left behind, or if it just lay here silently after being abandoned.

As Sakura continued on, the boy began to have his doubts. "Uhh, you know that wagon might have something important in it." Of course it was an excuse to flee the cabin, but only a half hearted excuse. His words were soft, and probably didn't reach Sakura at all, but his gaze lay on what seemed to interest her. As he slowly made his way over to her, he noticed the sleeping woman. Her words ring in his ears, making him think of the tragedy this place faced. As Sakura closed the laying woman's eyes, Eichi gave his own words. "May her soul find peace." Taking in a moment of silence, the boy lifted his mask, his eyes closed. He then pulled the mask back down over his face.

As Sakura began through the book that was left behind, Eichi gave his own piece. "Ahh, the poetic imagery here. A lone lantern, flickering in a window of a lone home. It endured the hardships, but to one's dismay, it could only hold on for so long. The tales left behind are grasped by the team from Kumo." Eichi looked to the ceiling of the home. "We will bring to light what-" The sound of an infant stopped the boy's words.

Catching the scene outside of the window, the boy moved to the floor. With his palms on the floor of the worn home, he looked over to Sakura. She urged the pair to move on. He wondered who was there, it seemed they were headed for the room. He armed his way over to Sakura, whispering to her, keeping his voice low. "Let's stay behind them and see what they are doing here."

(( Sorry for the wait. My postings may take a while, but they'll be up. No rush on your end either. ))
[ MFT | WC: +300 ]

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Eichi's request halted my steps, and I watched in silence as the hooded figure sailed away with the crib, oblivious to our presence. "Very well. Prepare the raft. I shall inspect this book for clues to unravel this enigma." As I turned my attention to the aged tome, a shiver coursed through me, guiding my fingers to its final pages. The woman's cryptic words reverberated in my thoughts—my baby, save my baby. An ominous warning from a desperate mother, a heartfelt plea urging them to refrain from the unspeakable acts they had conceived.

"If you find yourself mired in pain and despair, weep no more, for they shall vanish by the morrow. Heed the whispers of the abyss, and join the wolves that encircle the sheep. A fleeting sacrifice you must commit, for your powers to awaken and submit. Place trust in the transcendent, surrender your will, embrace arms of magnificence, and behold the alchemical transmutation into gold. Witness the emergence of a deity from your earthly mold, shedding humanity, fragile and lone, reborn as a goddess upon her gleaming throne."

My gaze shifted from the cryptic passages to Eichi. A mere paragraph from this tome laid bare the sinister nature of our predicament. My Deduction skills remained as keen as ever. "This is the tome of Shikara, one of the divergent sects beneath the umbrella of the Jashin religion. Jashinists venerate suffering and torment as offerings to their deity, seeking to prolong their existence through acts of brutal violence and self-mutilation. However, the disciples of Saint Shikara hold a different belief—they sacrifice infants to garner favor from Shikara, who, in return for their devotion, promises prosperity."

The wails of the infant grew fainter as the figure ventured deeper into the swamp. "Eichi, I fear for the child's safety. Though my anxiety may color my judgment, we shall abide by your counsel and observe their actions."

As night descended, so did the stark reality of our surroundings. With a heavy heart, I suppressed my innate impulses and remained composed, a deviation from my usual disposition. Yet, the disquieting sensation of being watched persisted. As we sailed, the hairs on my nape stood on end, and an eerie feeling settled upon us. We continued to pursue the cloaked figure, keeping his lantern within our sight.

Then, from the darkness at an unexpected angle, the lamentations of infants reverberated. Struggling to adapt to the dimness, a spectral cradle drifted into view, heading straight for our raft. I urgently implored Eichi to reduce our speed to avert a collision. In moments, the concealed cradle brushed against our raft, and the harrowing cries from within assaulted our ears. I exchanged a glance with Eichi before my gaze returned to the retreating figure, his lantern gradually fading into obscurity.

[ooc: Things you notice at the time Sakura is reading from the book: The scarecrow that lingered over Edo machi’s wagon is now facing our direction opposite the wagon. It became dark almost immediately after sailing.]

[Your call, investigate the spectral cradle and unveil it or ignore it and continue pursuit of the cloaked figure?]


New Member
May 23, 2023
While preparing the raft, something caught the boy's eye. Watching the scarecrow watch him back was unnerving, yet, comforting. "That passage is just as cold as that scarecrow's glare." The passage read from Sakura kept his mind focused. Catching a break could lead to reasons on becoming unfocused. That and this scarecrow definitely had his thoughts sailing.

"The lost of infants for self promotion, and tourturing people in exchange for a prolonged life." He shook his head, knowing he wouldn't conform to such ways. He viewed their surroundings once more. Next time he would bring his recorder to note what went on during each mission. This would suit the detectives well.

Eichi made sure they sail at a steady pace, keeping in stealth. "We shouldn't fear for the infants' trials. Instead, let's make sure we aren't the ones giving them trouble." He was sure they would find clues that would lead them in the right direction. The light of the latern was the only guide that the duo had on their chase.

Noticing the object coming toward them, Eichi began to change their sail's condition. Sakura seemed concerned as well, but he kept his status on brave, as he continued to handle whatever came their way. Watching as their prey began to vanish, Eichi knew that path was cold, and only a flicker of light of hope remained on continuing in pursuit.

"Let's see what this object is." Eichi said as he now moved over to wrestle with the unknown item.

[ MFT | WC: +250 ]
[ We will stop pursuit and begin with the unveil. ]

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
In the dim, spectral glow of the swamp, my fascination with the unfolding scene intensified. Eichi's daring act of unveiling the spectral cradle, shrouded in an atmosphere of haunting cries, drew me deeper into the macabre mystery. The revelation of an empty vessel beneath the lifted sheet contradicted the persistent cries, creating an eerie dissonance that heightened my sense of unease. A palpable confusion settled upon me, a veil of uncertainty amidst the surreal backdrop.

As the haunting cries continued their spectral lament, an ominous disturbance disrupted the still waters, signaling the emergence of an unseen adversary. From the shadows, the ghastly scarecrow, a nightmarish encore from our previous encounter, materialized with a malevolence that chilled the air. Its grotesque figure leaped from the watery abyss, a spectral dance of malice unfolding before our eyes. Reacting on instinct, I positioned the arcane tome as a barrier between us and the approaching terror.

To my astonishment, the scarecrow recoiled in agony, its pained screams reverberating through the swamp like a twisted serenade. The arcane power of the tome, a serendipitous discovery, held the spectral assailant at bay. The water's surface betrayed the scarecrow's submerged movements, a disturbed trail foreshadowing its inevitable return. With each ominous ripple, my anticipation grew.


As the scarecrow lunged once more from the murky depths, the protective aura of the tome manifested again. Its otherworldly energy formed an ethereal shield, repelling the spectral menace with an uncanny force. "Eichi," I implored, urgency tainting my voice, "we must make haste for solid ground!” This peculiar book wards off our supernatural adversary, but lingering on this desolate raft exposes us to the whims of the foreboding swamp, where unseen dangers lurk beneath the surface, waiting to manifest their sinister intentions.

[What do you want to do? Throw out your actions/plan and I’ll rp how it turns out]


New Member
May 23, 2023
"Hmm... I guess it was... nothing?" Taking a second to take in the scene, he contemplated why an empty vessel would be floating on the waters. 'Maybe we should have continued to give chase.' He was ok with his call. You win some, you lose some. But to say the least, the adventure wasn't over. A familiar figure crept from the sea of fog. "The scarecrow!" Eichi announced in disbelief, he began to try to shift the boat's sway, moving away from the scarecrow. It didn't look as though they'd dodge it's presence in time, though Sakura's quick thinking caught Eichi's attention. He looked to see the scarecrow beginning to back off, it's screech ringing through the boy's ears. Catching his sanity, he began to sail the raft away from the area of trouble.

The scarecrow came back for yet a second attack, but couldn't pass the tome. Eichi wondered what type of power the object had to keep the scarecrow at bay. Was it some kind of restraining device? And did it have any connection with the cries to the baby? Many questions arose, but Eichi came to an agreement with Sakura to get out of there. "Sure, we'll return to land." Continuing to explore the swamp had his interest, but keeping the duo in danger wasn't the brightest idea.

[ Back to Land it is! Sorry for the wait, and Happy Holidays!!! ]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
