Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Palace of the Glorious Immortal

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The Palace of the Glorious Immortal<i></i>

Home to the Daimyō and his family, the Palace is a grand structure with great statures erected in the Daimyō's honor. Heavily guarded by the Daimyō's private military force known as the Sovereign, guests are often allowed to visit or stay however there is a wing that is excluded from all tours and visitor's rights known as The Fire Wing. This would be the personal resting area of the Daimyō and his children, no outside guests are permitted.

Daimyō Ishii Shirō

Born into this position of power once held by his father, Daimyō Ishii Shirō is the third of his family's direct line to fill this seat. The position of Daimyō being a station of ultimate power and authority, it is often given to the eldest son of the former Daimyō except in a case where there is no heir apparent and the Daimyō is then determined by the previous Daimyō when his health begins to fail. Daimyō Ishii Shirō's grandfather Ishii Rao took over position of Daimyō fifty five years ago, the Soka family had held onto this position for nearly ten generations prior. He was willed the position much to the surprise and chagrin of his heir apparent, a woman named Soka Ai. Soka Ai was a well-loved darling of Sora, betrothed to Ishii Rao before she backed out the last minute. Some believe that the late Daimyō Soka Gon hoped that passing the mantle of power over to her former fiance would bring her back into his arms. Ai, however believed that her former husband to be falsified the will and was directly responsible for her father's death. There was never any proof of this matter, but considering all things it was a likely truth.

The present Daimyō Ishii Shirō is known to be a stern yet brilliant man. He has two sons, Ishii Shouki - a bastard he reared as a young man with a woman named Fuu who has been documented as a whore in history books and a legitimate son Ishii Susumu, heir apparent. His wife died during childbirth of their daughter Sango. Shouki, their oldest has always demonstrated great fighting skill as well as a reverence for the God that they all share and has spent his youth training his body and honing his skills to be the perfect killer. He is quite mad, but most men with his skill-set share this trait. His younger brother and heir apparent is considered to be the gentlest among them, a scholar more than a warrior he has spent his days locked away in the various libraries of the world learning all he can. He is presently located in Tea Country. The daughter, rather unloved for her part in the death of her mother has had a rather unfortunate life. Locked from public sight for the most part, some believe her to be deformed while others whisper the possibility of abuse. All that is known for certain is that the Daimyō plans to marry her off in the near future to solidify an alliance with possibly Otogakure.

Over the past few decades the Diamyo has been building a personal army capable of strange and terrible things. Little is truly known about the Sovereign just yet but it is said that his eldest son will be acting as the general.|

Ishii Shouki
Cabal Member
Sovereign General

Bastard son of the Diamyo and an Oracle named Fuu, he would never rule Wind Country despite his successes in battle. Favored in many ways by the Diamyo, Shouki had a noticeable blood-lust from early childhood that his father fostered over the years. He was raised primarily by his father, his mother was an academic and her part in the creation of this future monster was not her choice. A devout Jashinist, Shouki only grew in power as he brought glory to his god. He is the general of the Sovereign army but he is also a member of a treasure-seeking group called The Cabal. Their part in the incursion of Sunagakure might have been Akio's idea, but he was the one that ensured his father would 'support' their efforts. Many of the Cabal's activities over the past few years might have been the cabal's personal choice to be involved in, however many of those choices were strongly influenced by Shouki's father.

It is said that Shouki got his brilliant mind from his mother and his cruelty from his father.

Shouki has no known people that he particularly cares about besides a woman he rescued several years ago from a brothel. The relationship was purely physical between him and her of course, but there was a fleeting sense of sentiment. He would miss her scratches. How she pulled his hair. How she... Well, some things cannot be said in front of polite company. But he would miss all those things. His mother is simply a genetic donor as far as he is concerned, he has no respect for her but he also holds no disdain for the fact that she did not raise him. Her lifestyle and choices did not suit his very peculiar needs. His father has gained Shouki's begrudged respect, his half-brother and sister are actually a point of contention for Shouki as he considers himself the rightful heir to the Diamyo position.[/col]


Ishii Sango

Youngest child of Ishii Shirō, she killed her mother during childbirth making her a murderer the day she was born. Beautiful like her Hyuuga mother, she is often left locked away in the palace. A painful reminder of the one thing that made the Diamyo human. Engaged to a powerful shaman in Otogakure that she has not yet met, she awaits her fate with anticipation and fear. Her father and brother are both cruel, heartless men and the atrocities she has seen and suffered over the years plague her dreams. While she fears sharing a life with a man she has never met, she looks forward to escaping this hell.|

Ishii Susumu
Heir Apparent

First born legitimate son of the Diamyo. He is considered quiet and bookish in comparison to his better known, older sibling. Susumu has a distaste for battle and prefers the life of a scholar, complicit in the dealings of his father he has never intervened nor expressed any interest either way. Educated in the best schools, taught to fight by the greatest of masters; he is presently in Tea Country studying in their libraries. His ambitions are not yet known.[/col]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
After the disappearance and presumed fall of Daimyo Ishii Shiro, his most recent wife, with the support of the Merchant Lords of Soon's Haven, Mako has ascended the mantle of Daimyo of Wind Country.


Hisamura Mako the Leafed Emerald *Current Daimyo of Wind Country

Bloodline/Core Ability: Reckless
Age: 30

Physical Description: Blonde and beautiful, Mako could have easily been a model if she would only smile. She often has a serious or even a stern look on her porcelain-like face. Despite being involved in many battles directly over the years, miraculously she never seems to permanently scar. She often dons military-like regalia designating her as a keen supporter of the Daimyō. Despite her position as a jewelcrafting Merchant Lord, she does not tend to wear jewelry less an engagement ring made of pure Hisamura, flanked with two pieces of a rare advanced-element Carmot given to her my the Daimyō as an engagement gift that she wears proudly.

Mental Description: Serious and cold, Mako is not very feminine as she has taken on many masculine mannerisms. She is blunt, direct and to the point. She can be extremely aggressive and she does not tend to have a high regard for others, be it their happiness, health, time or even lives. She is a critical thinker that often looks to the end game and determines a cost to benefit ratio before she makes any rash decisions. while wild, often unprovoked aggression tends to be her most common strategy, it is not done without thought but to many spectators it would appear as such.

History: Like Sakura and Shigemi of the Silk Dynasty, Hisamura Mako was born into her role as a Merchant Lord but the title does not fit this woman well. Her parents and their parents before them were jewelers, many of their fine wares came from distant countries such as Rice and Tea Country as well as the far reaches of Wind Country. Crafters by trade, they gained their wealth as artists making beautiful works of art from the finest gems in the world for the wealthy. A wondrous lavender stone discovered in Wind Country was even named after this family: the Hisamura. Popular among the ladies as an alternative to diamonds as an engagement ring because of its relative rarity being even harder to come by than actual diamonds or even carmot.

Hisamura was never interested in gems, crafting or mining. Her ambitions some could say are greater. She was educated in the finest schools in Wind Country and she traveled abroad to Rice Country in her distant youth. It was her parents hope that she would take to the family business when she came of age but she never shown any interest. Her brother, on the other had, had but he was weak in body and died at the age of twenty seven. Mako, two years her brother's senior was then granted the title of Merchant Lord but she had already made a name for herself elsewhere. In service, directly to Daimyō Ishii Shirō, she served as the general of the Daimyō's private army. A tactician at heart, Mako loves war games and has a brilliant mind for aggressive combat strategy.

Mako never gave up her station as general, in fact she solidified her relations with the Daimyō even further when she accepted Daimyō Ishii Shirō's proposal to her which would make her Shirō's eighth wife. The leads her family business in name only, mot of the day to day decisions are taken care of by her trusted employees and advisers.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
