Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Training Day #182 [Pvt][Open to Spectators]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Her one eye, it's sclera black which was different from the natural white of most eyes had been focused on the lighting. The room was spacious, with a large enough open space that a training match between trainees would be comfortably contained within. Even with the simulated scenery within the room, her eye was distracted and focused on the various observation decks lining the upper portion of the room. It was clearly designed so that those wishing to observe a training session could do so without being in harm from the fighting below. It had been one hundred and eighty two days since she had become apart of the training program and yet this place still put a chill to her nerves. She used to wonder why she felt so adamant yet equally hesitant here, but had since came to the understanding that she would have to embrace those feelings. A far better option than wasting time trying to define them after all.

The concentration on what may have been transpiring above her was fleeting as she instead shifted focus. Afterall this was a training match and her focus would have been well spent preparing for what that may entail. Being a trainee, she did not have a full mask, instead opting for a mask like covering over her face which completely covered her left eye. Opposite of what she would have covered had she not been in her anbu gear, her right discolored eye was what had been exposed. Even the hair on her head had become a different hue than normal, all to secure the identity she had when anbu duties were not being tended to. Her true self which she would strive to keep unsoiled by the work within the branch.

Staring at her opponent, standing yards away her hands would remove two daggers. The blades were sharp and the handles slightly curved to flow with the palm of her hands. Squatting slightly she would await the beginning of their training day...

[Topic Entered]
[Requesting Izumi]
[This topic is Private except for Spectators]


Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He had agreed on something that would seem like joy... Yet under the mask, he held a bit of a grimace under the mask... This... wasn't that much fun right now... But Izumi took a soft breath and started to do his usual routine. He had not a single clue who this was neither what he was actually to be expecting. His own mask was an owl-like facial structure yet had this beautiful white coating all over, it was smooth and had only a place to show the eyes.

He stood there, looking around, instantly memorizing every part that was here, look how all the places look like... In case something funny might have been happening. This was after all his first time in this room, so everything he saw was strange for him. He was new to this all.

Yet he heard the faint sounds of a weapon seething out of their hold... Which made him instantly focus and hold the bow battle ready in his hands.

[Topic entered]
[Next post will be longer.]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
Welcome to your Modded Fight! <i></i>

I will be your moderator for this fight! Send, in a PM, your actions and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.

When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.

If you feel that I may miss something, please feel free to add in a list of passives or effects that you wish to be given special attention, or just a list of all of your passives works as well, whichever.

Lets have a nice fun fight on this one, remember both of you will be under a 48 Hour time limit since the B-Mod goes up. Right now lets get ready to rumble!​
<I><COLOR color="#BF00BF">

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
HP: 20,001 – 130 – 130 = 19,741
CP:16,023 – 660 – 423 – 2,090 = 12,850
AP: 8 – 2.25 – 1.75 – 2.75 = 0.25 = 8.25 Next Round
Status: Entangled, Not Feeling Well, Marked, Wired (Neck)

HP: 23,400 – 2,062 – 1512 – 4,743 = 15,083
CP: 12,900 = 630 – 420 = 12,120
AP: 8
Status: Fine just took a beating

0.00 Seconds – Izumi declares Hanako as his opponent.
0.00 Seconds – Hanako equips her weapon.
0.00 Seconds – Izumi equips his bow and enters Wind Style – Easy Breezy
0.00 Seconds – Hanako uses Hidden Action Misses!
0.00 Seconds – Izumi uses Hidden Action and Hits! Hanako is now Bleeding!
0.00 Seconds – Hanako uses Spread Counter. Misses!
0.00 Seconds – Hanako uses Hidden Action. Hits!
0.00 Seconds – Izumi uses Hidden Action. Misses!
0.00 Seconds – Hanako uses Counter against Izumi but misses!
0.00 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike at Izumi. Hits!
0.00 Seconds – Hanako activates Wired at Izumi. Izumi is Entangled!
1.25 Seconds – Hanako uses Lullaby Power on Izumi. Misses!

2.81 Seconds – Izumi uses Homing Shoot at Hanako. Hits!
4.99 Seconds – Izumi use Critical Shot at Hanako. Hits!

6.25 Seconds – Hanako uses Inner Earth Reflection Lure.
8.42 Seconds – Izumi uses See the Wind at Hanako. Hit! Hanako is out of the ground!
8.43 Seconds – Hanako uses Shadow Dance at Izumi. Hit!

If you have any questions please PM or DM me. Thanks!​


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Time had moved quickly as she pushed herself up, her body having been pressed in a slight backwards slump against one of the natural barriers that dotted the training arena. She winced slightly while at the same time quickly moving to snap two arrows which were stuck in her body along the shaft. Tossing aside the fragments of wood, she tried not to think about what just transpired, knowing that at the least she wasn't bleeding from her wounds just yet. Understanding simple medical procedure she at least knew not to remove the arrows as to not promote uncontrolled bleeding. Gritting her teeth, she'd recover her composure and extend out her hands as puffs of smoke appeared. With a summoning seal etched along her wrists, she'd have two new daggers ready in her grasp.

"I can't let him fire those arrows off like that...else my body will give out..."

She'd refocus her attention towards Izumi, a recording of the prior moments replaying within her mind. He was wound up in wires but unfortunately he was still agile enough to notch arrows and make some reaction attempts from her counters. She'd eye'd two daggers stuck into his legs, understanding that she had missed the bone and knew all to well two of her other hidden ailments had taken effect. Flipping her daggers over in her palm, she prepared for the next confrontation knowing what had to be done if this fight was going to have any chance of swinging in her favor.

[Actions being sent]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The time was ticking away, each second that they were to let pass was a wasted time right now... Time moved rather quickly as they had started and he knew there wasn't much time left. They both did their actions but his actions were the ones that were the most annoying. He felt how two of those daggers were piercing his leg, gladly they had missed a muscle there as it didn't hurt that much all together... But he started to feel a little wheezy and his mind was wondering towards if she had been using poison or anything like that... As the bind started to happen he started to breathe in a more shallow movement and as he wanted to move he noticed his legs didn't want to anymore...
He had to think rather careful of what had to be done in this kind of situation. He went over his limited set of things he was able to use... he started to nod towards himself and took a deep breath... Showtime.

[actions send]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
HP: 19,741 +600 – 143 – 260 – 130- 130 – 130 – 130- 130 -130 -130= 19,028
CP: 12,850 – 750 – 90 – 385 – 680 = 10,945
AP: 8
Status: Entangled, Not Feeling Well, Marked, Wired (Neck), Sprained Weapon, Sprained Hands and Sleeping Soundly.
Note: With Izumi being asleep he has lost all maintains.

HP: 15,083-130 –1,210 – 1,875= 12,189
CP: 12,120 – 225 = 11,895
AP: 9
Status: Little bruised

0.00 Seconds – Izumi Activates his Byakugan
0.00 Seconds – Hanako uses Hidden Action Hit!
0.00 Seconds – Izumi uses Hidden Action Missed!
0.00 Seconds – Hanako uses Hidden Action Crit! Izumi drops his weapon and it is now Sprained!
1.25 Seconds – Izumi picks up his weapon.
1.25 Seconds - Izumi uses Hidden Action Hits!

1.25 Seconds – Hanako uses a Hidden Action on Izumi.
2.18 Seconds – Izumi uses Piercing Shot at Hanako. Missed!
2.50 Seconds – Hanako attempts to enter stealth. Izumi is aware of her!
4.06 Seconds – Hanako uses Eagle Vision.
4.36 Seconds – Izumi uses Critical Shot at Hanako. Hits!
4.68 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Hit!
5.30 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Hit!
5.92 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Hits! Izumi’s Hands are Sprained!

6.54 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Hit!
7.16 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike. Dodged!

7.17 Seconds – Izumi uses Pierce Shot at Hanako. Hits!
7.78 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Hit!
8.40 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Hit!

If you have any questions please PM or DM me. Thanks!​


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Those eyes, eyes she had seen before and eyes she had known about through the annuals of history with the village. It was strange though, this feeling as she stared at those off-white pupils and running veins. She questioned why such eyes were being used with a weapon that was opposite of the bloodline's known techniques, "Is he trying to throw me off?...". Not taking much time to ponder this notion as it was clear that she would have to fight without thinking to much on this less it mess up her concentration. Their bodies seemed to move at the same time with Izumi notching another arrow and herself crossing her arms as her two daggers were gripped tighter. in unison with each other the arrow would be set loose and as would both of her knives with the exception that the arrow would miss. Fortunately missing was not the case when it came to her daggers as one struck the male squarely in the shoulder, which truthfully wasn't it's original target. The second however was true to aim and struck the bow itself with enough force to make him drop it from the recoil. Watching him begin to reach for it a single thought crossed her mind..."Shit.."

Both hands became enveloped in a small puff of smoke and with it quickly fading away four new daggers were held within each palm. It was apparent that Hanako had at the least a summoning seal somewhere along both hands to be able to do such a thing, making sense of why she had chosen throwing daggers as a weapon of choice. While she did see him grasp his weapon, she didn't however see him notch and fire with the action having happened in the timing it took her to blink. What she did know was that another arrow had struck her, the force behind it letting that fact be known before her eyes even caught on. Determined however not to take her eyes off, she exhaled while an uncanny smirk along her lips was hidden by the mask she wore. "You feel it now...shocked you didn't notice it earlier.."<i></i>. For Izumi it would suddenly make sense, as those eyes of his would notice that something was filtering into the air with each breath Hanako took. What exactly it was he more than likely was unaware of but what was true was that his eyes would start feeling heavy.

Avoiding the next shot was easy enough, Izumi's body movement being just a tab bit more sluggish than before. Without a doubt it had something to do with his body feeling the effects of whatever plagued it. Attempting to take advantage of this, Hanako with some agility drifted back into the various boulders and rocks that dotted the arena. She however could not hide from those eyes effectively, evident by how they still seemed to follow her. "A waste of time trying to hide....", something that crossed her mind before her eye would suddenly glow a dark purple. The iris narrowed her field of vision as the chakra being focused through it sharpened her perception. Taking another hit from an arrow, a tinge of crimson dripped from the side of her lip. She tasted the iron, bleeding somewhere in her body on a minor scale. It wasn't enough to truly effect her but it would be something she would have to get medically treated.

Pressing her feet against the nearby stone, her body would lunge upwards and with both arms pulled back behind her body. The air whistled, shimmers of light refracting off the daggers which were flung from her hands as each one struck Izumi's various body after one after one after one, before the fifth finally missing. She would land along the top of a pillar, noticing at that one of the daggers had managed to pierce Izumi's right hand in a vital area. Without much time to soak in the mild accomplishment another arrow tore into her, with her body quickly firing the last two daggers in retaliation. Gritting her teeth she would, like before, break each arrow off while leaving the arrowhead and some of the shaft remaining.

"Those eyes are trouble...but...", she would pause her speech as she watched Izumi finally understand what was happening to his body. She watched him involuntarily succumb to a deep need to sleep, something he would want to fight but couldn't. She would watch as his eyes closed and his body laid upon the ground, deep in slumber while the veins of the byakugan disappeared with it's deactivation..."Sleep well." He was an open target now and Hanako for a time would have free reign, something she would take advantage of as once again puffs of smoke covered her hands........

"You will wake up soon enough.."

[Sending Actions]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He activated his Byakugan sight and soon saw the colorful world of chakra and grey scaling all around him. It was still a sight to get used to.
The actions of them both in this battle were going quick... Really quick, he shot off an arrow and she threw a set of daggers. A moment later a sharp pain was to be felt on his shoulder and all he was able to say that he was lucky it was the shoulder he only held the bow with and not pull back. But what he didn't saw coming was the hit that smacked the bow out of his hands. If he wasn't mistaken he could hear his bow whine under the hit and knew it wasn't in the same shape as before... None the less he should get a new one sooner or later...
Within a second he had picked it up and shot a new arrow towards her, he was glad it was a hit but the next arrow he had more hopes on a hit... None the less, as a Hawkeye archer he blamed himself that he had actually missed right now... But as he saw her try to hide a small smirk got to him... Yet the words she had spoken earlier were still in his head... What was the other suggesting really... He knew something was up as his eyes were feeling heavier and heavier...

He was starting to see blurry and suppressing a yawn that was bound to come... Tears filled his eyes as he had been suppressing it and started to shift around, but his body wasn't reacting as best as it was before... making him sluggish in the movement and feeling how 4 projectiles were coming, one in his hand that was the one hurting the most. Removing it would make it only worse... Yet using it would place more strain on it which wouldn't be the best case either. A grunt was to be heard as he hid the wounded hand behind his back. He couldn't remove them or else he had a bleed going on... right now that dagger was blocking the path that would let the blood go out... The more he tried to focus... the more he was losing it... till at one moment he couldn't and fell towards his side/front on the ground. He had been fast asleep and as that happened he was soon in dreamland.

[Sending actions]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
HP: 19,028 + 600 – 143– 65- 130 = 19,290
CP: 10,945 – 360 – 75 = 10,510
AP: 8
Status: Entangled, Marked, Wired (Neck), Sprained Weapon, Sprained Hands, Wired (Feet).
Note: With Izumi being asleep he has lost all maintains.

HP: 12,189 – 373 - 93 = 11,723
CP: 11,895 – 225 – 560 -420 = 10,690
AP: 9
Status: Little bruised and Bleeding

0 Seconds – Izumi does a hidden action against Hanako, Crits!
0 Seconds – Izumi uses Unforeseen Strike against Hanako, Misses!

1.11 Seconds – Hanako tries to enter stealth but Fails!
2.49 Seconds – Hanako uses Eagle Vision
3.60 Seconds – Hanako uses Shadow Dance
5.82 Seconds – Hanako does a hidden action against Izumi and misses!
- Izumi is not feeling well
- Izumi wakes up!
5.82 Seconds – Hanako activates Ninja Wire Trap and Hits!
5.82 Seconds – Hanako does a hidden action on Izumi, Hits!

6.34 Seconds – Izumi enters Defensive Stance!
6.37 Seconds – Hanako does a Basic Strike towards Izumi and Missed!
6.37 Seconds – Hanako does a Basic Strike towards Izumi and Hits (Partial 50%)
6.92 Seconds – Hanako does a Basic Strike towards Izumi and Hits!

7.59 Seconds – Izumi activates Byakugan!
8.21 Seconds – Izumi entered Wind Style!

10 Seconds – Hanako is hit from behind!

If you have any questions please PM or DM me. Thanks!​

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
HP: 19,290 - 117 – 117 – 117 – 234 = 18,705
CP: 10,510 - 385 – 1,900 = 8,225
AP: 8
Status: Entangled, Marked, Wired (Neck), Broken Weapon, Sprained Hands, Wired (Feet).

HP: 11,723 – 2,610 – 3,795 - 546 = 4,772
CP: 10,690
AP: 9
Status: Little bruised and Bleeding Rank 2.

0.62 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi – Hit! Weapon Cracked, Izumi drops his Weapon!
1.24 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!

1.25 Seconds – Izumi picks up his Weapon.
1.86 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!
2.48 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed! Izumi uses Body Switch.
3.10 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!

3.43 Seconds – Izumi uses Snipe at Hanako. Crit! Hanako is now Bleeding
3.72 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!
4.34 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!
4.96 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!
5.58 Seconds - Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!
6.20 Seconds - Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Hit!
6.82 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!

6.86 Seconds – Izumi uses See the Wind at Hanako - Hits!
7.44 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!
8.06 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Hits! Izumi’s Weapon Broken!
8.68 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!
9.30 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Missed!
9.92 Seconds – Hanako uses Basic Strike Called Shot at Izumi - Crit!

If you have any questions please PM or DM me. Thanks!​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
