Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Water is the essence of life [Closed Event]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kushin watched the Searchlight jutsu head down the large hole in the ground. He noted the walls of the hole, it was black all the way down. Almost as though a tremendous fire had created it, burning the earth itself. Yet the light disappeared down further and further till it found the bottom, and then a tunnel.

Looking at the other two he wondered what was next. A caw came from above, and Kushin looked skywards, the sun was getting low but the bird was high in the sky, and it was massive.

We've been spotted. You two go down and find the scroll if it's down there. I'll hold back anything else which comes. The Youkai might be on its way too, that would mean many enemies.

Kushin took off his white robe and placed it to the side nicely on a rock, his shinobi garb underneath designed for combat and allowing its user to move with freedom.

If you do find the scroll send up your searchlight to notify me. I'll do what I can to stop anything which comes.

After the two left down the hole Kushin formed the seals to summon Mizu a Blue Whale from the Marine Mammal contract over the hole.

The giant eye of the creature looked down at Kushin who was tiny in comparison Mmmmmmm. Kushin, why have you summoned me? There seems to be no enemy to combat? Perhaps you want conversation for the first time?

No. You are sitting atop a hole which I am stopping any who come from entering. That is all.

Mmmmmmm. And what is the reason for that?

You don't need to know.

Mmmmmmm. Very well. So who are you expecting?


The eye of the whale opened wider MMMMMMM. You will have my aid then.


Down the hole the light would be suddenly shut off, the light of the Searchlight now the only source of light. The tunnel was black like the walls of the hole. A creepy feeling would be around them, and the sensation that they weren't alone.

YoU hAvE eNtErEd ThIs PlAcE... sTaTe YoUr PuRpOsE...

The voice seemed to come from everywhere and no-where.

[OOC: When entering this thread it'll be after Ayumu and Tomo have entered the hole.]


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
No longer were they sitting in the comfortable cafe in Raiden's Eye now rushing through the green terrain of Solum de Asphdelus, the rural heartland lightning country. Shin could see the ethereal figure of the youkai shifted through the luscious green grass. Eventually, the cat and shadow brush by a large whale spanning several feet in length and standing beside it was Isaki Kushin.

"What is this?" Shin thought to himself.

"This must be serious if the all contracts are organizing all of Kumogakure's resources." Shin said as he stopped

"What have you learned so far Kushin." Shin asked.


Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tomo watched as the light fell down the hole. It soon disappeared from view, and Tomo frowned. Tomo liked the dark, but not when it completely engulfed him. Tomo turned his attention to Kushin, who's gaze was upon the sky. Tomo followed it to see the large bird circling, and Tomo gulped lightly. Great, first a giant hole with nearly no end, and now a giant bird who could easily eat either of us in one bite. Kushin told the others to go into the hole while he fought off anyone who tried to intervene. Tomo opened his mouth to interject. Kushin had the shark seal while both Tomo and Ayumu had the toad seal. Therefore, it would be better for Ayumu to stay behind. However, Tomo's mouth closed as soon as Kushin summoned a giant whale. Okay...maybe Isaki-san is the better choice to stay behind. Tomo gave Kushin a good luck salute before placing a hand on his hat and jumping into the hole.


As Tomo neared the bottom, he saw the searchlight Ayumu had made. The genin ran some quick calculations and used a gust of wind jutsu to soften his descent right before reaching the ground. As soon as his feet touched the ground, the light from above disappeared and all that was left was Ayumu's little ball of light. Tomo laughed nervously. "So...uh...any way you could make that light bigger?" After his question, a shiver ran through Tomo's spine. Following the chill, a creepy voice resonated through the tunnel. The voice questioned their purpose, and Tomo looked to Ayumu. These were always the hardest decisions. Tell the voice what they were doing and chance it either helping them or killing them. Or refuse to tell it and it tries to kill them anyway. Perhaps the middle ground would be best. If Ayumu wanted to give more details, it was up to him. "We're looking for something."

WC: 320

Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
It had been a rushed, harried journey from the center of metropolitan Raiden no Me to this grassy field. Or at least it had been for the equally harried Main Branch Sennin Takaki, who had (unbeknownst to his Raikage) been forced to make sudden travel arrangements involving holding up a carriage (and nearly getting blasted to pieces by a shotbolter) and dressing in drag (for work-related reasons), all so that his boss could experience a seamless but incredibly fast journey to the middle of nowhere.

Still, the party had made it. It was easy to determine a final destination - after all, the mousy, masochistic ANBU trainee with them had gone off ahead to scout, and when she reported back that there was a big frikken' whale (with big frikken' lazers on its head) sitting out there in the middle of a sea of green, he had a pretty good idea of where they all might end up. As he let Shin down to the ground, the Raikage immediately started to pepper Isaki Kushin with questions.

Jesus Saito, that guy again, groaned Masao internally upon seeing his redheaded peer standing nonchalantly near the gigantic cetacean. This could only mean one thing: it was time for some high impact sexual violence. that the creatures were right, and that their competition was to be found from other Cloud shinobi.

"Isaki-sensei...I assume you know why we're here? It might be best if we all worked together."

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune would never let Masao live down that he had to wear drag just to get a seamless journey for the Raikage. "Oh Masao-kun, you looked fabulous~" she had told him on the journey while being nearly unable to contain her laughter. "You should do that more often. Or you could've just let me handle the travel arrangements, being nobility does give me certain advantages in thar department. And others." she added after having teased Masao about his looks in drag. But, they did indeed make it to their destination and who was there? Kitsune's sadistic boss Isaki Kushin. Just friggin' perfect.

As if having to help contract beasts wasn't bad enough, now they had to deal with Kushin too? Well. Kushin and his pet whale. Or at least Kitsune assumed it was Kushin's. What other living creature would willingly spend time with Kushin if it could be avoided? Ah well. She followed Masao and Shin as they went up to Kushin, and of course Shin began asking questions right away. Kitsune decided to use her eyes to check the chakra flow of the area, to see if she could detect something unnatural.

In case she did detect something unnatural, she'd tell Masao about it, and they'd figure out what to do about it. Though, it was highly likely she'd detect the evil energies from the item the Youkai talked about earlier. Hmm... Hopefully, Kushin won't stand in our way. If he does... We'll have one hell of a time trying to stop him or take him down. The guy is an abomination against nature...

[MFT; WC: 281]

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The light went down the hole and didn't do a lot of good save for showing just how dark the hole was. Ayumu was almost concerned that the hole was bottomless, but fortunately his searchlight located the bottom and Ayumu breathed a sigh of relief. "Looks like we can reach-" he started to say, but his words were cut off as Kushin indicated that they were found. Of course, they weren't the only ones looking for this. It seemed another party was just fortunate enough to happen upon the right spot at the right time. Ayumu reached for his sword, but Kushin insisted that the two of them go down the hole and let him deal with whoever had found them. Ayumu partially wanted to protest, but on the other hand he couldn't leave Tomo to go into that hole alone not knowing what was down there. Kushin, Ayumu was sure, could handle himself. There was no time to give it further thought.

"...Shit. Alright, be careful," Ayumu said quickly before taking a leap and descending into the hole. As he neared the light at the bottom, he fortified his legs with chakra to absorb the impact before landing. It was even darker than it seemed when they looked in, but Ayumu quickly realized that was because they had been sealed in. He looked up to see nothing but darkness, same as all around them, save for the searchlight. The pitch black surroundings were admittedly a bit unnerving, and Ayumu couldn't blame Tomo for hoping Ayumu could create more like. "Afraid not, it doesn't really work that way," Ayumu responded. As he started to take a step, an eerie voice echoed in the underground accompanied by a crawling feeling of uneasiness. There was definitely something here.

Tomo was the one to answer the voice's question with a bit of vagueness. Meanwhile, Ayumu touched his fingers silently to the seal upon the back of his hand and channeled a bit of chakra into it to activate it. Now seemed as good a time as any to summon their amphibian friend. Perhaps he would know what to do in this situation better than the two shinobi whom knew next to nothing about the scroll as it was. Assuming the frog was summoned as planned, he would greet it. "Sorry to summon you to a place like this... but we seem to have found something. Being as abnormal as it is, I can only hope it's related to your quest," Ayumu said to the frog, hoping he might have some clue of what was going on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
----- Ayumu & Tomo -----

They made their way down the hole, reaching the bottom and travelled along the tunnel. The light of the searchlight guided their path, yet the tunnel didn't seem to have any jutting out rock or areas where ones foot might trip. When the voice questioned them Tomo answered with a very vague answer, and Ayumu summoned a Toad. Then the voice spoke again.

sO tHaT iS yOuR pUrPoSe. The voice said, a knowing tone coming through from everywhere as though the answer had been described in a way which it could understand.

Sandantobi listened to the voice and looked at Ayumu Ah, possibly. I've never dealt with it before either so I don't know what to expect.

They walked further down the black tunnel until the searchlight before them came out to a cavernous room. There was a ledge but then a hole which dropped into nothingness. Across the other side was a giant statue. The statue looked like it was made up of about twenty different creatures, each head staring at what was in the outstretched hand which remained in the center of the room. The hand also seemed to be made of layers, clawed hand of a bird over the paw of a cat, over what might have been a flipper and so on, the number of which equaled the number of heads further back.

----- Everyone Else -----

Kushin watched as they moved towards him. Perhaps they were working with the birds and insects that had spied them from overhead. The number of birds were growing as well, and Kushin had watched them circling him like he was nearly dead.

The Raikage was the first to arrive, Kushin stared at him as he said something regarding the contracts organizing all of Kumogakure's resources. Indeed Kushin had not expected both the Raikage and the Main Branch Sennin to have been gathered by another contract. Also Kitsune and some girl he didn't think he'd ever seen before.

Shin asked Kushin what he'd learned so far, and Kushin was hesitant to answer. To do so would mean informing big blue behind him of what was going on and he didn't want to have to deal with that thing also deciding it wanted a piece of the action. Masao picked up on the hesitation, though perhaps thought it was to do with something else and suggested they should work together.

Mizu, it seems we wont be needing your services. He said instead, Mizu looked silently at Kushin, a thousand years of knowledge in his head as he calculated all the possibilities slowly. Perhaps Mizu knew what they were up to, perhaps he'd been through it in the past a dozen times. But a small smile at the corner of the blue whales mouth might have simply been because he was now able to get away from Kushin's company. In an eruption of smoke he disappeared. What Kushin hadn't planned on was the birds taking advantage of it. Only too late did he realize that they had started to dive as he'd released Mizu, and now a dozen or more birds seemed to fall at lightning speed into the hole.

Taking a couple of steps Kushin jumped in after them. He'd failed in his job because he'd not wanted Mizu to find out what this was about.

Above Kushin the old lady had re-manifested and was moving down the side of the wall after him. Kushin could sense its evil, it was the Youkai.

So everything was here and Kushin called out down the tunnel The eagles are coming! it seemed to be something worth saying.

Yet at the bottom Kushin formed seals and created a barrier once more.

As Masao, Shin, Kitsune and other person with cat landed they would note that the Youkai had been blasted into the opposite wall which it was only now making its way out of the small crater. Kushin noted the non-suprised look on their faces at seeing the Youkai and could easily put two and two together. They weren't with the birds, they were with the Youkai.

Kushin decided now to answer Shin, seeing as he had time. He trusted Ayumu would be able to handle a few birds coming his way We searched the countryside for the scroll and found this place. He summoned the shark who had placed his stamp on Kushin's hand.

Ayumu, Tomo and myself were brought in to help the Sharks and Toads. Kushin kept his eye on the Youkai who seemed to be searching for a way through, a time where he might manage to sneak by Kushin when he wasn't aware.

The Sharks and Toads have some kind of prophecy to do with it, saying that should the ones with wings gain it then the balance will be thrown out.

That is why you need to give it to us. The Youkai suddenly spoke out Look at these walls, do they make you think that this think is anything but evil? They are covered in darkness, a darkness which ate away at the land so that it could escape once more. Only we can control it. Kushin frowned at it and then the Shark replied.

Granting evil yet more power doesn't sound like a good idea. We sharks, or even the toads, have the tools required to control it and we don't desire any kind of power.

The Youkai laughed Of course you desire power, otherwise you would not be here. The balance which your lore speaks of is a balance of power if you don't gain that power and the birds do then your endless war will turn against you. Do not act the fool with me, I am aware of the truth.

We seek it only to deny its power to our enemies, that is not the same as seeking it for power.

Kushin stood and looked at Masao, then to Shin. Shin was the only one here whose orders he technically needed to obey, Masao was his equal on this stage and both of them had lived and fought during the demon wars. Kushin hadn't even been born at that time. The Youkai noticed Kushin's view changing, the slight dilation of pupils the smallest of changes spoke volumes to the creature which had existed since time began.

Raikage, should we allow for the Sharks or Toads to gain it they will gain a rot like this hole. It will eat away at them, even if they think they're doing the right thing and not doing this for power it will give them power. It will give them an access to a strength which could be used against their enemies and it could result in them becoming yet another force of what humans define as 'evil'. You think they will not use the scroll to aid them in their war? Of course they will, it's a war. You use what you can to win. But once it's unleashed, once the war is one, what happens then? Do they simply stop. Can you imagine the power of the shark which would be created, it would hunt whales, it would destroy the oceans and tame them under Shark rule. If it were a toad then the poison from its skin would seep through the rivers, its hunger would destroy forests, they would have no choice but to continue to war against anything that is around them simply to survive. But should we take it it becomes simply another shadow.

Kushin scowled at the demon... yet his words made sense, and perhaps that was the scariest thing about it. Yet there was another solution in Kushin's mind... one he would keep to himself for now.

Tsuirakuya Shashu

Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
Not a second after the party had come to a consensus the Youkai suddenly jerked upright, it's attention drawn to something in the distance. It demanded that they hurry, as their friends were in danger, and the ensuing storm of activity sent a nearby typhoon home with tears of envy. It was some distance between the capital and their destination, but they persevered through the power of friendship and Sennin Takaki's willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty to fulfill his Raikage's (somewhat entirely unrealistic) expectations.

Inspired by Masao's devotion to duty, Shashu herself somehow managed to exceed the group's breakneck pace to scout ahead in order to provide some intel before they barged in. She used the tall grass for cover, taking care not to disturb the tall stalks as she did a quick survey of the area, remaining hidden as only a future ANBU covert agent could. Fortunately, there wasn't much to uncover, per se. That, Shashu thought as she stared at Mizu. Is a big ass whale. Shaking her head slightly in awe, she continued her sweep, noting Kushin and the birds overhead as the only other objects of interest in the area before withdrawing.

As she sped back to her group, she contemplated what she saw. Why a whale? It would be mostly immobile and highly impractical here, requiring large amounts of chakra in order to create water for it to be able to do anything. Hmm...perhaps immobility is exactly what he wanted? There must be a passage of some sort under it that it's protecting, probably from those birds, if I had to venture a guess. Shashu nodded inwardly to herself. That would make sense. Just what is Kushin thinking? I hope we don't have to fight him, he's got a scary aura about him..though, he didn't look like he was waiting to pick a fight. In fact, if anything Kushin had had the contemplative look of one who was trying to decide whether or not eating the kiwi without peeling it was such a good idea after all.

The moment she rejoined the group she reported her findings to Masao, and they moved on to confront Kushin. However, no sooner had they set foot on the ground than the Raikage threw all semblance of caution to the wind and set about firing off a salvo of questions at the blank-faced Medical Sennin. Shashu took a moment to share Masao's resigned groan before stepping forward as well. By the Fayth, I get the feeling that the ANBU have their work cut out for them protecting the Raikage. Something tells me that I'd have a lot less stress if I stay away from the Raikage's guard...

Fortunately, Shin had managed to catch Kushin off guard, and he hesitantly released Mizu. Unfortunately, the birds that had been circling took the opportunity to dive into the hole, flashing past in a blur of color that was reminiscent of nothing so much as a reverse firework display. Kushin abandoned the conversation and jumped into the hole as well, shouting "The eagles are coming!" at the top of his lungs. Everyone else rapidly followed suit (minus the yelling), and once they landed at the bottom Kushin took the opportunity to respond to Shin's questions while the Youkai picked itself up from a crater in the wall, no doubt caused by the rushing birds or some such, and joined in the conversation as well. Shashu took the moment to speak to the cat that had been riding on her shoulder for some time without saying a word.

"You've been awfully quiet this whole time. Now that we're here, what's your take on the Youkai's plan? Even I can feel the darkness in this place..
[MFT: WC-628]​


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Instead of responding to Shin's questions, Kushin exhorted the large whale that it was no longer needed. Kushin returned his gaze at his raikage explaining his iteration with the shark and toad contracts which unsurprising similar to the story with the youkai.

"I see." Shin said. The youkai interjected attempting to convince the shinobi that the mysterious relic belonged to it with the shark and toad berating the demon's callousness. Shin's gray eyes glanced at the humorous contracts who continued to remain contentions. It was easy to assume that these were not the contract leaders considering how vociferous they were.

Kushin continued to question on what their next task was either they should trust the shark and toad or the youkai. It was clear that all of this was a power play and they were simply using the shinobi as tool which ironically was a fact. Shin could not divulge all of his plan out in the open despite how distracted the contracts had become.

Shin's pupils twirled into crimson red underneath his tinnted lenses. The immediate surrounded melted like hot wax covered by a jet black veil that masked their surroundings except for Shin and Kushin.

"My apologies for putting you into a genjutsu but I can not afford to let the contracts know my plans." Shin said as his voiced echoed in the deep darkness. "You are right that the Toad and the Shark can not be trusted but neither can the Youkai. I do not know they are planing and why they require us. Regardless, our objective is simple. We destroy this artifact." Shin paused for a moment to allow his sennin to contemplate on his words.

"Unfortunately, we can not destroy what we don't know and here is where we use our cooperation as an advantage. The youkai has a greater desire for this item but his passion will be its downfall, whereas the Toad and Shark may have reasonable motives but are filled with naivete. We must split up and join both sides to obtain intelligence and determine the proper course of action."

[[Conversation with Kushin is through Tsukuyomi. What feels like minutes to Shin and Kushin is really seconds]]


Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
"The Eagles are coming!" bellowed Kushin in warning as he leaped into the hole created by the disappearance of his whale.

And that is why we have the Second Amendment! thought Masao as he whirled around and drew the twin pistol-bolters taken from Makoro and gifted to him by Shin. Above, a mass of swirling, razor-sharp talons and beaks circled and dove down onto the party. "GET TO THE CHOPPA!" he bellowed at the rest of his team as he let loose a maelstrom of .40 caliber projectiles at the oncoming threat. Unable to tell whether he was having an effect, and satisfied that his team had skedaddled as directed, he threw himself into the abyss and continued to blaze away and chop at the creatures amidst a shower of ejected brass.
* * *

The Sennin grunted in pain as he picked himself up from a bad landing at the bottom of what seemed to be a natural cavern that the group found themselves in. Kushin was already talking, and it seemed that Masao's suspicions were true - they were all after the same thing, and that the old woman and cat that had started their adventure were most definitely creatures of the underworld. Cursing to himself that the leadership of Cloud had been again drawn into supernatural affairs, Masao trudged to where his Raikage was - only in death did duty end, and his duty was above all else to protect his Kage. He knew better than to trust anything that these creatures - the shark, the demon-woman, the cat - said. These were entities with thousands of years of experience doing only one thing, and that was hoodwinking foolish mortals into their designs. The really important thing here was that they all seemed to pursue the same goal, and that was the same scroll as had been mentioned earlier.

A subtle distortion of the air between Kushin and Shin let Masao know that something was going on that he was not privy to. Strangely, it did not bother him much. After all, he trusted his Kage above all else. Quickly, he turned to Shashu and Kitsune, who seemed to have emerged relatively unscathed from the recent adventures.

"How are you, Kitsune-chan? Are you hurt?" he asked his friend.

Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
As Ayumu, Tomo, and their toad companion entered the cavernous room, Tomo whistled in amazement. It was hard to imagine something so large had been so hard for the animals to find, despite the fact it was buried. Tomo inched towards the edge of the large chasm. "That...does not look like something we want to fall in." Tomo's eyes lifted and he quickly surveyed the other side. The statue was interesting to say the least, with so many heads, Tomo guessed in the twenties or so. Then there was the odd hand coming up from the ground. Tomo lightly nodded. "I'm guessing what we seek in on that hand. That section just screams 'I'm holding an important object'. But the question to get to it..." The gap was pretty large and Tomo worried that his wind wouldn't be able to give him enough 'oomph' to get him all the way across. However, before long, an echo reached Tomo's ears, along with the flapping of many wings. The genin could only make out parts of the words, but it was enough. The birds must have gotten in somehow, and Kushin was kind enough to give a warning.

Tomo turned to Ayumu. "Kogami-san, you go get the scroll, I'll hold off the birds." With that, Tomo rushed to the entrance, taking out his well of ink as he ran. When he came to the section where the tunnel was funneled to its smallest, Tomo put his ink down and made some hand signs. The ink bubbled up for a moment before splashing forth, creating a black wall that completely closed off the entrance to the room. After the ink hardened, Tomo made a few more hand signs and put his hand on his ink barrier, electrifying it. Tomo wouldn't be able to keep it up for long, especially if there were a large number of birds trying to smash it down, but hopefully it would buy Ayumu time, as well as weaken the birds, if not pick them off.

WC: 338

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It seemed the vagueness of Tomo's answer had done nothing to deter the mysterious voice from understanding why they were there. Of course, if this place was meant to hold the scroll, why else would they be there? The frog couldn't be any more sure than Ayumu whether this was the place or not, so it seemed only further investigation would benefit them. They walked forward carefully, the searchlight hovering a few feet in front of them, until the light no longer lit the surrounding walls but instead failed to fully illuminate an enormous cavern. Furthermore, there was a deep ravine in their path, which Tomo seemed keen not to fall into. "But it worked so well for us last time," Ayumu teased before sending the searchlight over the ravine. As the searchlight continued further it revealed a large statue of numerous animal heads gazing intently at their stacked hands which were no doubt holding something important. Tomo also believed that the scroll might be in that hand, but it was difficult to tell from a distance.

"The imagery seems to suggest that the contract animals all vie to obtain whatever is there... which mirrors our current task. I think we might be in the right place," Ayumu said as he looked around the room and thought carefully, wondering if he could make the jump. There wasn't much time to think before a shout echoed from behind them, belonging to Kushin. It was a warning that eagles had come and were coming for them now. 'I suppose that would be the "winged ones" the sharks' and toads' prophecy warned about,' he thought, taking a moment to glance back in the direction of the birds. This time, it was Tomo who told him to keep going and leave the enemies to him. At least, Ayumu guessed, the boy would be right here where he could see him in case he needed help.

"Alright, I'll be right back here if you get overwhelmed," Ayumu said before turning back to the statue. If it was as simple as taking a running leap to reach the hand, he would certainly do that. If it required some more ingenuity, his other idea would be to use the walls to climb up to the ceiling using chakra in his feet. Upon reaching the ceiling he would position himself over the hand and then drop to land on it. Of course it would be much easier if he could jump to the hand.

[OoC: Jumping to the hand if possible. If it's too far, perhaps using the walls/ceiling to position himself over it and drop to it?]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune shook her head at Masao’s question. She was quite fine. But she did wonder what Shin and Kushin were doing, though she ended up shrugging it off. Whatever it was, it was between the two of them, and if the rest of the group needed to be involved, surely the Raikage would bring them into it as well. She just wanted all of this to be over with, so she could get back to her province and sort out a few political issues there, before returning to Kumogakure, and her research. Well, and her work as well. Supernatural events seem to have become commonplace in Kaminari no Kuni… But why is it always something evil that we have to save the country from? Couldn’t it have been an invasion of fluffy kittens that wanted to be loved? she thought and sighed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
----- Ayumu & Tomo -----

Tomo moved and created a wall of ink and electrified it as a means of stopping the bird contract's attack. Ayumu pushing chakra to his feet ran and jumped at the hand. Yet it was further than he had originally thought it might be, the wind brush passed his face and the cold sweat of fear, that perhaps maybe he had misjudged this jump, that he might miss the hand and fall to his death in such a dark lonely place. No stories would be sung of a man who simply lept to his death.

As he nearly missed the outstretched fist he took one last desperate swipe at it, chakra formed in his hand and three fingertips made contact. Swinging from the statue his heart pounded, and he looked back to where he'd jumped from and suddenly it seemed a hundred meters away. There must have been some kind of chakra barrier there, something which made things seem closer than they were on that side, and further than they are from this side. Taking deep breaths he reached up and began climbing the finger which he had luckily latched onto.

Suddenly Tomo's eyes widened as he could feel his barrier bend inwards as if some massive pressure were building on the other side. In what felt like minutes but was actually closer to a second the Ink barrier bended and flexed before exploding. A huge flock of birds flew past him towards where Ayumu was hanging from the fist. A single large bird remained before Tomo Shinobi learned their arts from the contract beasts, how could a wall manage to stop us? It said.

Yet as it spoke Tomo realized there was more to this than simply the Birds. Bees, wasps and other flying insects were with them. Ayumu would realize this too as he began to be swarmed by the insects, the repeated buzzing sound of their words clearly intended for the birds Get the scroll, quickly, quickly.

----- Kushin & Shin -----

The world around Kushin swirled and suddenly he was in a vast landscape of emptiness. He'd only barely had time to notice the red of Shin's eyes to understand where he was and what this was. If Shin wanted to start combat with this jutsu he was vastly mistaken of it being a good idea. Yet as he spoke Kushin realized that that was not the Raikage's desire.

It seemed that Shin had a keen sense of perception, he'd decided to use this as a means of having a private conversation. That Kushin was suspiscious of the Toad and Shark contracts was an accurate observation, and that he wasn't ever going to trust the Youkai was obvious, as it was that neither Shin nor Masao would either. Kushin's eyes widened slightly in surprise as it seemed Shin had reached the same conclusion he had, they needed to destroy the scroll.

I trust that Ayumu will be able to counter any number of bird contract creatures in a fair fight. Little did he realize that he was hanging from a fist over a great drop while having to do battle with the creatures. My main concern right now is how to deal with the birds while keeping that Youkai out as well. I don't want to even give it the remotest opportunity to receive that scroll before we can destroy it.

They seemed to be on the same wavelength, for that Kushin was pleased. Needing to destroy a Raikage and a Sennin in one go would have weakened the village in the short term, indeed by doing so he himself would need to leave. Yet he couldn't allow the Youkai to receive that scroll, for surely that would cause worse damage in the long run than he could in this moment.

----- Kushin, Shashu, Shin, Masao, Kitsune, -----

They had assembled in a manner of speaking at the bottom of the pit. Kushin's barrier remained in place behind him, and the Youkai moved beside the wall. A hand resting on its stomach where Kushin had hit it with a ninjutsu. A few bodies and feathers littered the ground where Masao's bolter fire had done its damage and Kitsune held her silence when asked if she were okay.

The Cat on Shashu's shoulder seemed troubled. There were so many contracts going after this scroll, it was questioning whether getting it for the Youkai was the best plan or whether it should bring it back to its own clan. Yet it held its silence in that regard, as it instead said I'm unsure what to make of it. So many contracts are after the scroll, perhaps the Youkai is only using us after all.

The dark didn't matter to the Cat's vision as it searched the darkness for a sign, something to give it a sign on the best course of action.

Suddenly Kushin started forming a complex set of seals. The symbols relating to fire were heavily involved and everyone in the room seemed to tense up. What was he doing, when he looked at the Youkai.

You need to vanish. He said, the creature suddenly realizing what the jutsu was about to be shook its head and only a small no... before Kushin's entire arm morphed into a cannon like shape which then unleashed a maelstrom of fire in the form of his Amplifier jutsu, the Advanced Element Scorch reduced the area where the Youkai stood, the walls and ground around it also utterly devastated by Kushin's attack as his arm reformed, his hand singed the after effects of an attack that powerful being dangerous to the user.

Quickly, lets see if we can do what we need to do before it returns.

Kushin knew that the Youkai had in part been in Shin's plan. Yet for Kushin it was a part which led to too many unknown paths.

HaHaHaHaHaH... a voice suddenly filled their ears from everywhere and no-where iT sEeMs As ThOuGh ThE YoUkAi HaVe FaIlEd OnCe MoRe.

Kushin looked to the others unsure on what to make of that. For certain it was the first time they had heard it, yet if it was the scroll itself then that meant that it had a consciousness.

Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tomo stood shocked as his barrier shattered so quickly. However, once the mass of birds flew in, Tomo no longer was surprised. How did Isaki-san let so many in?! Tomo guessed the Sennin must have been distracted, probably by a Youkai. Tomo's attention fell on a bird who stopped to taunt him. Tomo lightly scoffed. "Yeah? Well I doubt you birds taught us this trick." Pulling out his halbowd in bow form, Tomo quickly notched an arrow while jumping away from the entrance, and therefore, the bird who spoke to him. He released the shot, aiming for the swirling birds above. There wasn't much Tomo could do but try to cover Ayumu as best he could. Tomo planned his shots and kept them a distance away from Ayumu so he could have room to maneuver without worrying about getting skewered. Tomo focused on curved shots, trying to catch the birds off guard. If any birds came to confront him, he would dodge them and continue to try and support Ayumu as best he could. As Tomo fired continuous arrows, he yelled to the toad. "Can't you call some back-up?!" The two shinobi were greatly outnumbered, and nothing seemed more welcome to Tomo right now than an army of toads.

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Taking a deep breath, Ayumu also took several steps back before dashing forward at his full speed and leaping a split second before reaching the edge of the cliff. He soared through the air, but as he did so the stone hand for which he was leaping barely seemed to come closer. It was enough that for a moment he didn't think he would make it. Stretching for every inch his long limbs could reach, he pumped chakra into the tips of his fingers which barely grazed the stone finger. He slid down several inches before the chakra stuck fully and he was able to make more solid contact with the surface. Looking over his shoulder, the platform he had jumped from now seemed impossibly far from where he was now hanging.

"Holy shit," he gasped under his breath before beginning his chakra-aided climb much lower than he had anticipated. An ominous sound was building behind him all the while, the shrieking of birds and an odd buzzing sound. The sound was growing louder more quickly than should have been possible. Ayumu dared to look back once more and found a swarm of birds and insects headed his way. Further back Tomo was facing a particularly large bird and trying to fend off as many as he could. The number was too great for he or Kushin to hold back. Tama yelled for the toad to bring in reinforcements, though Ayumu didn't know how they could get the number they would need here in time. 'I'm sure they'd enjoy the feast of bugs, though,' he thought, wishing it were possible.

As the swarm of insects set upon Ayumu, he would utilize another ANBU technique- Flock of Shadows</U><i></i>. His body would dissipate into, ironically enough, shadowy crows which would soar to the top of the fist seeking to reassemble Ayumu atop it so he could locate the scroll. As soon as he was reformed, he would unsheathe his sword and begin his counterattack against whatever drew too close. If any but he were to happen upon the scroll, he would attempt to <U>Body Bind them to halt them in their tracks.

Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Reassured by Kitsune's reply, Masao turned his attention to their surroundings. They were stuck at the bottom of a natural cavern, with a wounded demon, a bunch of dead birds, and probably more on the way. He inspected one of the corpses nearby - its head had been blown straight off of its body like one would have done to a turkey, and if not for the fact that it was a carrion-eating eagle, he might have been tempted to stash it away in a sack for plucking and cooking later (it was at least as big as its more delicious cousin). For all intents and purposes, it was a normal bird, however. He grunted as he let the bloody mess drop to the ground with a squishing sound, and reloaded. Not a second too soon, however, because just as he let the charging handles slam forward, he saw Kushin chargin' up his lazers. Fortunately, the target was the demon-hag who had dragged them here in the first place, and it was with no small measure of glee that he witnessed his colleague vaporize the bitch where she stood.

"Payback time," he grunted in satisfaction.

"Quickly, lets see if we can do what we need to do before it returns," said Kushin, to which he nodded and turned his head toward the darkness beyond where they stood.

"Based on what that thing told us earlier, there was a nondescript younger man in glasses with you, Isaki. I'm willing to bet it's Kogami. Should we go after him? Some woman of loose morals might try to deflower him, you know," Masao snorted in derision.

"HaHaHaHaHaH...iT sEeMs As ThOuGh ThE YoUkAi HaVe FaIlEd OnCe MoRe," echoed the voice. Masao raised his bolters, sweeping the chamber and its ceilings in an attempt to locate the source. He was half-tempted to shoot the cat off of Shashu's shoulders, but thought better of it.

"What the fuck..." he muttered. "Kushin, we have to get that scroll. Raikage-sama, please stay here and avoid danger. If this is a trap, we're expendables. You're not."
And yes, liberal stealing of quotes from Jesse Ventura in The Predator.

Tsuirakuya Shashu

Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
Yevon...these contracts are going nuts over this thing. The only one who hasn't seemed desperate is kitty-san here, and I still can't be sure about him. Maybe it would be better if we just burned the damn thing. Shashu thought as she considered the strange behavior of the contract beasts. She had heard of them before of course, but only in stories, and never in as great a number as this. Usually they would aid a lone Shinobi or perhaps a village, sometimes against another contract, but never more than that. This...this was simply beyond belief, and the more Shashu thought about it the more destruction seemed a better bet. She pet the cat absently, hoping that her feline friend agreed when it came time to do so.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to say something to the ginger feline on her shoulder, Kushin formed a rapid series of seals before blasting the Youkai to kingdom come, leaving little time for it to react save for a near silent whisper. Well then, that certainly narrows things down a bit doesn't it? With that turn of events, Shashu decided that now might be the best time to have that little talk.

"Alright, Neko-san, before we go any further we need to come to a decision. With the Youkai gone, it seems to me that my comrades intend to destroy the scroll, and I'm inclined to side with them on this." She would say in as respectful a tone as possible. "Now, hear me out before you jump to conlusions, we haven't much time."

As she spoke she nodded in the direction that the mass of birds and insects had disappeared. "I've read alot of stuff about contracts before, but never anything about this. If all of the contract beasts are this concerned about one another getting that scroll, then they will all band together to destroy whoever obtains it. And that would mean a war that would continue until there was but one pact left, which would destroy itself through the scroll's corruption."

After that she would turn her head to look the beast in the eye. At this distance, it could- no, probably would claw her eyes out if it disagreed with their course of action. But this was a matter of trust, and she needed to show that she would be willing to put her hand in the proverbial fire first before she could expect others to.

"So, what do you think Neko-san? Should we destroy the scroll before it can cause more harm than it already has?"


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Kushin responded. "I trust that Ayumu will be able to counter any number of bird contract creatures in a fair fight. My main concern right now is how to deal with the birds while keeping that Youkai out as well. I don't want to even give it the remotest opportunity to receive that scroll before we can destroy it"

Shin was in complete agreement but the fact remained that if they make any sudden actions against the contracts it could very well backfire. Shin and the rest of the Kumogakure shinobi knewbanything about this scroll. Will all of their resources, they needed to know for certain what they are dealing with.

Moments after the conversation had ended. Kushin made a decision that Shin was hoping he would not do. The capricious sennin fired an attack on the oblivious youkai making it dissappear fron their presence. One the evil force had left a scene a bigger threat began to emerge.

Shashu-chan made her assessment which Shin agreed. "You are right Shashu-chan. This is more than just about the contract."

They were all disconcerted at what they were dealing with it.

"Again Kushin has not throughly analyzed his actions. " Shin thought to himself. He sighed. "It cannot be helped. It may be a positive that this thing is sentient

"Kushin, we have to get that scroll. Raikage-sama, please stay here and avoid danger. If this is a trap, we're expendables. You're not." Masao exclaimed.

"No one is expendable. We need a better plan" Shin said.

"Deta, if you are there, scout the chakra realm and determine thr location of that voice. " Shin whisper saying a code words only discernable to his chakra companion.

"Speak your purpose spirit. " Shin exhorted.



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
----- Tomo & Ayumu -----

Tomo did battle with the birds, firing shot after shot into their number. Feathers and birds fell, and yet they still ignored him. The large birds squawking laughter silenced only when its wings began to move with a slow methodical beat.

Calling at the Toad Tomo asked if there could be any backup, but the Toad shook his head as he jumped around the room in the midst of battle himself. He had hoped they would have found the scroll on their own, without this kind of problem. As it was they had no idea who was going to end up with the scroll, indeed he wondered where the one the Sharks had picked had gone.

Inside the chamber Ayumu erupted into a flock of shadows, reforming multiple versions of himself atop the fist. Once there he could see the scroll easily, it was in the closed fist. A massive scroll the size of a full grown man being held in there. Birds were pushing from one side and pulling from another to get it out, and inch by inch they were managing it. Ayumu's blade flickered around the room as he cut down those he could, body binding the ones which came close and then cutting them down. But then behind him there was a dull beat, and then the scraping sound of sharp claws on stone.

----- Everyone Else -----

Shashu had reached the same conclusion as everyone else in the room. Though her thoughts on why it would be best were perhaps slightly different, it didn't matter, the conclusion was the same, and thus Kushin wouldn't argue. The Cat which had witnessed Kushin's destruction of the Youkai had made itself as small as possible on Shashu's shoulder. Surely the man wouldn't fire on a member of his own village just to remove the only other threat towards gaining the scroll.

Still when posed the question there were very few answers the Cat could give. A very stuttered, and clearly scared, S-s-s-sure came from it. Though by this time Kushin had already taken off down the passageway. He had decided that the discussion really wasn't required. He'd received the Raikage's blessing on its destruction, and that was all he needed.

Shin also wanted to stand around and figure things out. Yet as he asked for the spirit to speak its purpose he would realize that he was standing at the bottom of the pit with Shashu and Kitsune as his guards. Masao too had left following Kushin down the path where Ayumu and Tomo did battle.

----- Masao & Kushin -----

They moved quickly down the passage, a glow from the other end all the light they needed to see where they stepped. Yet after a very short time they found themselves face to face with a dozen large creatures. They looked birdlike but they were also humanoid in shape. Clearly a group left behind to stop or slow the pursuants. Yet Kushin sped up and took the front position as Masao's hands suddenly held his bolters once more. The bolts fired at their enemy who reacted as a group and flapped their wings, creating a gale force of wind, scattering the bolts and stopping Kushin in his tracks with the sheer force.

Yet Masao had been behind Kushin and as Kushin was halted leapt over the other Sennin diving into the remnants of the wind. As he did so he fired another salvo at the twelve yet once more they flapped their wings and scattered the attack, this time halting Masao and forcing the two Sennin skidding backwards.

Kushin's hand was placed on Masao's shoulder, a silent Follow me. As once more he ran forward.

Masao didn't waste any more shots, knowing what the result would be, instead he waited. As they closed on the twelve the wings folded out and again they performed the same attack, the wind came closer yet suddenly Kushin's hand shot up and he simply continued to run forward. When the twelve seemed to be being blown backwards instead Masao realized that Kushin must have reversed the technique somehow and the bolts fired like rain, guided towards their targets by their own wind.

Six fell to the bolts, the bolters placed away as Masao drew a long blade, Kushin's hand too pulling out his knives in a way which might have seemed like fumbling compared to the adept hands of the Main Branch Sennin. Yet the remaining six spread their wings, turning in an attempt to flee, and so Masao danced amongst them. His blade picking up the small amount of light, in short brilliant and lethal strikes cutting down another four. The other two's throats slit and bleeding out on the floor, surgical blades finding no resistance in their cut.

Ahead stood Tomo firing at smaller birds and a toad jumping around attempting to help. And yet further still stood Ayumu on an outstretched fist his blade meeting the talons and beek of the largest of the birds as it made air strike after air strike on the ANBU Sennin, yet smaller birds and insects attacked him to distract from the larger birds attacks.

The scroll was now visible as it was being pulled from the fist by several birds.

----- Shin, Kitsune & Shashu -----

They stood there as Shin asked the spirit for its purpose. Silence reigned for a time, raising a question as to whether it was going to answer at all.

PuRpOsE? i ExIsT wItHoUt ShApE. i ExIsT wItHoUt PuRpOsE. wHeN i Am GiVeN oNe I sHaLl ReCeIvE tHe OtHeR.

Deta would inform Shin that the origins seemed to be the black ichor that covered the walls of the hole and the cavern ahead and that the origins of it seem to be in that direction as the density and quantity of it are more the further down the tunnel. Though he couldn't pin point the exact origin of it from this distance.

[OOC: Kitsune's first warning]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
