Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private We need some.... Reassembly?

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
There would be an emergency rush to Aesculapium. A medical shinobi had caught word of a genin carelessly going out on a mission that involved lycans by herself and had decided to try and catch up to her. He would hear the gun shot. And after a short while later, another. He had hoped that the girl would walk out completely unharmed, but knew in his gut that wouldn't be the case. He would make his way into the Manor, seeing the quick destruction that was made to suggest that the fight took down into the basement, and followed suit. Upon entering the basement, he found a gruesome sight. A mutated Lycan, and the girl... Her left arm was completely torn off, and both of her legs look like they have been torn to pieces enough to see bone. He radioed Cloud, letting other medical ninja know of an emergency rush, to get a room ready. He looked over at the dead lycan and made sure more backup was coming to transport the body as he would focus on using mainly chakra healing to stabilize the girl. Eventually, the transport team would make their way into Aesculapium and get the girl into the room that was ready for her.

.... Where....? Izanami feels like she is dreaming. She stood on the battlefield that the Tenouzans had razed, killing her family. She felt so helpless then. All she had was her gifted ability to catch on quick to weapons making. Flash forward, she was sitting at a steak restaurant, talking to another girl, going only a small bit into her life. How small she feels, thinking that even with chakra now, all she can do is make her weapons and armor better than before, an upgraded version, and even that won't be enough for people who can casually throw meteors around like it's nothing. Her own disdain at the fact that she can't do much, her own affinities to Lightning, Earth, and Gravity are mediocre at best.

And then... Her eyes widened as she looked around, the scenery changing to be that of the basement of the Manor. Looking down at herself in horror, she had seen that her left arm was gone, and her legs are beyond use. What's this feeling that she has? Hopelessness... Even as she told herself that she would focus on taijutsu and making her weapons be the best that they can be, her own skill and speed pales in comparison to that of monsters that the people of her own revolution had created.

(continued from here)

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune was, by chance, at the hospital when the emergency call came in. Apparently one of her Genin had been badly injured in a battle with a lycan. She rushed to get scrubbed up for operation, telling her secretary to put the rest of her schedule on hold, because this was frankly much more important. She was a doctor first, and the Raikage second, and she would not let one of her own die on her watch.

Once in the operating theater, an almost inaudible gasp escaped her lips. The poor kid. Left arm: Gone. Legs: Shredded. Lacerations all over. She had to act fast, and immediately. She called for a nurse to get her a set of tools, so she could begin cleaning up the wounds. It didn't appear that remains of the limbs had been saved, so there was no chance of reattachment. Kitsune sighed. She'd have to make do with mechanics instead.

Fortunately for Izanami, Kitsune was not just a master of medicine, but also the founder of the field of Kumogakurean Prosthetics. There were several high-ranking shinobi in the village using limbs she'd made. Heck, even her own left eyeball had that had been damaged by an assassin had been replaced with a mechanical eye she designed, complete with the power to replicate the doujutsu of her bloodline.

She began the procedure by cleaning up Izanami's wounds before using a few medical ninjutsu to heal up the lacerations. The arm, or lack thereof, and legs both needed to be clean before she could attach the mounting hardware for the prosthetics. It'd have to be a shoulder mount for the left arm, and from the looks of it, she'd have to amputate the knees, as there wouldn't be enough left below the knees to attach the mounting plates to.

Fortunately for Izanami, the hardware Kitsune was working with was top of the line, and after a bit of rehabilitation, would allow her to move as if she'd never lost her limbs. Better, even. She'd even have the ability to feel touch through the prosthetics due to the artificial nerve system Kitsune had developed. It was the secret sauce that made the prosthetics designed by her so much better than those designed by the competition.

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
All the while, Izanami is still unresponsive, though it does seem that her heart rate is at a steady pace. Deep in her subconscious thoughts, her mind drifted back to when she went on a mission with a group of people.

Whilst she didn't really care at the time of two kids, academy students dying, part of her wishes that she was faster to react and move. Those undead wolves live in her nightmares from time to time after that mission. It really made her wonder what other horrible monsters exist. The young genin would always think of those undead wolves as part of her Revolution. The lycans were the main blemish upon the revolution and she sees anything that could be connected as part of it too.

She only wished that she can move faster to eliminate the stain upon her history. Because maybe she isn't trying to help all of Lightning Country. Maybe she is trying to atone for being part of a group that had done exactly what Cloud has done in the past. Except this time, it's effecting everyone...

Izanami would slightly stir from her unconsciousness "I need to get faster... Stronger... To kill all lycans..." Was all that she would say. One look at the girl would tell Kitsune that while she did speak, she was still in fact unresponsive to being talked to. It would seem that Izanami is having some inner thoughts whilst sh is being operated on. After that, the girl would fall quiet, presumably still stuck in a coma like state for right now.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune's heart ached as she listened to Izanami's whispered words. The determination in the girl's voice, even while teetering on the edge of consciousness, was unmistakable. Kitsune knew that drive, that fierce resolve. She had seen it in countless shinobi who had faced the worst and come out stronger. Izanami had the potential to be one of the greatest, but first, she had to survive this ordeal.

"Get me the neural interface kit," Kitsune ordered a nurse. "We need to ensure full functionality for the prosthetics. I don't want her waking up feeling less than she was."

The nurse nodded and hurried to comply. Kitsune's mind raced as she continued her meticulous work. Cleaning the wounds was only the first step, but it was also the easiest. The real challenge lay ahead: ensuring that Izanami's new limbs would integrate seamlessly with her body and chakra system. Kitsune's prosthetics were more than just replacements; they were enhancements, designed to work in harmony with the wearer's natural abilities.

She took a deep breath, calming her thoughts. Each incision, each application of medical ninjutsu had to be perfect. Kitsune was a master surgeon, her hands steady and precise. She focused on the task at hand, shutting out everything else. The room was filled with the soft hum of machinery, the beeping of monitors, and the quiet murmurs of the medical team.

Finally, the wounds were clean, and Kitsune began the process of attaching the mounting hardware for the prosthetics. The shoulder mount for the arm was the first. She worked quickly but carefully, ensuring that the interface would allow for full range of motion and sensory feedback. The legs were more complicated. She had to amputate above the knees, a necessary step to ensure that the prosthetics would function properly. Each cut was precise, each suture perfectly placed.

"Prepare the prosthetics," she instructed another nurse. "We'll attach them once the mounting hardware is secure."

As the team moved to comply, Kitsune took a moment to step back and assess her work. Izanami's body was battered, but she was strong. Stronger than she probably realized. Kitsune knew that with the right support and rehabilitation, the girl would walk out of here stronger and faster than before. But more importantly, she hoped Izanami would find a renewed sense of purpose, one that wasn't solely driven by revenge.

Returning to the operating table, Kitsune began the delicate process of securing the mounting hardware. The technology she had developed was years ahead of anything else in the world. The artificial nerves would connect with Izanami's own nervous system, allowing her to control the prosthetics with the same precision and feeling as her natural limbs. It was painstaking work, but Kitsune was relentless, her focus unwavering.

Hours passed, and the mounting hardware was finally in place. Kitsune stepped back, wiping the sweat from her brow. Izanami lay on the table, her vital signs stable. The next phase would involve attaching the actual prosthetic limbs, but for now, the most critical part of the operation was complete.

"You did well, Izanami," Kitsune whispered softly, knowing the girl couldn't hear her. "You're stronger than you know. And we'll make sure you're ready for whatever comes next."

With that, she turned to her team, ready to oversee the next phase of Izanami's care. The battle was far from over, but Kitsune was determined to see her through it, every step of the way.

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
As hours would pass, the girl was still out of it. And even in her dreams, she would go in and out. Sometimes it would be all black. Other times, it would go to all of her failures that she just wished that she can just be better at fighting. At the end of the day, the girl just had to accept the fact. Even though she has an affinity to having chakra, she isn't even on par with people of her rank. The only good thing she has going for her, again is taijutsu. And that is only good because of her ability to enhance her weapons.

But without that? She can't even do anything worthwhile. She wondered. What if she ever was able to do more with her weapons than what she can do with conventional methods including powering it up with chakra. She had heard of one such method. But that is something way out of her league. To even master the basics of it she would need speed that is unparalleled to most other people. But if she were to gain such inhuman speeds, then she just might be able to do it.

A grim thought crept into her mind, a reminder of the mess that she is before she blacked out from blood loss. Her left arm was gone, and her legs are basically unusable now. She'd need a miracle to happen right about now. Heck, maybe that miracle can be in the form of turning her into some sort of cyborg that she has read some manga about. But she decided that would be way too convenient to happen.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune nodded to the nurses, indicating that they could proceed with clean up now. Once that was done, they carefully wheeled Izanami into a private room, where they hooked her new hardware up to various computer terminals. These systems were essential to update the prosthetics with the appropriate parameters required for a kunoichi of her caliber.

-- Some six hours later --

The machines around Izanami hummed and whirred as they ran through their final diagnostics. Kitsune stood back, watching the screens as they displayed the results of the tests. Izanami was still unconscious, but that was to be expected, given the extent of the surgery. The nurses had done an excellent job of cleaning her up, and she looked almost as good as new, save for the fact that she was now a cyborg.

Various beeps echoed softly in the room, ensuring everything from heart monitoring to brain activity was working as it should. The artificial chakra system installed in Izanami was seamlessly connected to her natural chakra network, allowing her to perform as a kunoichi—perhaps even at a higher level than most. Kitsune had designed this system to enhance her natural abilities, providing speed and strength that were previously unattainable.

Kitsune reviewed the diagnostics data, ensuring that the neural interfaces were responding correctly and that the artificial limbs were calibrated to match Izanami's physical and chakra capabilities. She had no doubt that once the girl woke up and underwent rehabilitation, she would surpass her previous limits.

As the final tests concluded, Kitsune felt a mixture of relief and anticipation. Izanami's vitals were stable, and the integration of the prosthetics was successful. Now, it was a matter of time and training. Kitsune leaned over and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Izanami's forehead.

“You're going to be incredible, Izanami. This is just the beginning,” she whispered softly. Izanami was scheduled to awake soon, and Kitsune was eager to see the results of her work in action. The only other person that had undergone cybernetic modification by Kitsune was a certain Hyuuga named Honnou. The results had been nothing short of spectacular, and Kitsune had no doubt that Izanami would follow in his footsteps.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
